The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 22, 1898, Image 5

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    BV F. M. K1MMEL.L.
R. P. HIGH of Red Willow couu
ty is suid to be a candidate fo
land commissioner , subject to th
approval o the republican stal
convention. He is regarded as i
dangerous competitor. Liu col i
AK THE time approaches the log
ic of events points more and mon
clearly to the nomination of'Hou
M. L. Hayward of Nebraska Cih
for the oflice of governor on tin
Republican ticket. In fact hii
nomination is by many conceded
With Judge Hayward as the uom
inee the Republicans will entei
the campaign with an able , clear
and aggressive candidate at the
head of the ticket , and with the
battle half won. The judge is f
"living epistle , known and read oi
all" Nebraskaus , and needs no in
troduction or defense. He is mag
nificently equipped for the honors
and duties of the governorship.
He will be supported by Republi
cans with enthusiasm and fidelity.
The rank and file of the party will
take pride in voting and working
for a man of high character , worth
and ability like the judge.
IT is with mingled satisfaction
and pleasure that THE TRIBUNE
learns that R. P. High of Leba
non is beiug urged by his friends
for the nomination of public lauds
and buildings , and that he has de
cided to allow his name to be used
in that connection. An acquaint
ance with Mr. High covering more
than a dozen years , a close obser
vation and careful remembrance of
his political career during that
time , enables us to bear willing
and reliable evidence to his stal
wart Republicanism , which has
been and is of the unswerving sort
that has helped mightily in Red
Willow county to hold the party in
line during the years of fusion as
cendancy. Mr. High is thorough
ly equipped for the office , for , al
though a farmer by occupation , he
is a business man par excellence
and has carried his business meth
ods into his farming with success.
He is an energetic , wide-awake ,
up-to-date , business-like farmer ; a
man of individual force and inde
pendence of thought and action.
He is not a patriot out of a job and
seeking to get a place at the public
trough because the party or coun
try owes it to him. However , if
he secures the nomination and is
elected , he will give the state of
Nebraska a fair , unbiased and businesslike
iness-like administration of the of
fice of commissioner of public lauds
and buildings. There are no frills
on Bob High , and by the same to
ken there are no Hies.
THE Anglo-Saxon character is
being mightily developed for good
by the present war for the inde
pendence of Cuba. The world is
discovering that in the commercia
American resides the latent mater
ial for the making of the most val
orous and chivalrous knights thai
the world has ever seen. And the
exhibition of the invincible effi
ciency of the American navy is a
revelation that is simply paralyz
ing the average European. J3ui
back of the efficiency of the ma
chine , be it army 01 naval , is the
personnel of the American , the
liberty-loving , God-serving , law-
abiding citizen of the great repub
lic , who loves to do justly and to
walk humbly. The present wai
will bring the American out into
the large , honorable and usefiv
place that the American charactei
and destiny have long deserved ,
and will give the Anglo-Saxon race
an immeasurable impetus toward
world-wide supremacycommercial ,
governmental and linguistic. The
America idea , its free schools , civ
il and religious liberty , the high
moral character of its citizenship ,
the integral power and alertness
of its people , its manifest destiny ,
all point to the fact that is but
dawning on the world , namely ,
that America has a great and im
mortal message and fessou to bring
to mankind , a message of better
and nobler things for the people
in all avenues of activity. Thus
revealed to the astonished
are wo being
ished world. It has never been
more glorious to be a true Ameri
can than just now.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
. .
R. P. HIGH of Red Willow coun
ty , lately ment'oLel as a candidat <
for commissioner of public laudf
and buildings , is a farmer who hat
succeeded at his calling. He be
gan life as a shoemaker and by hit
own exertions has made himseli
what he is. He is a good speaker ,
a man of fine appearance , and 1m
friends believe he would make n
. Jour
splendid campaign.-Lincoln
THE cowardly action of the. Cu
bans so far in the war for theii
own liberation and freedom proves
the unerring wisdom of President
McKinley in refusing to recog
nize them as belligerents. The
president has not so far made a
mistake or sounded a false note.
His information has been uni
formly accurate and events have
but proven that his course has
been correct iu every detail. The
Cubans have not only proven them
selves to be cowards , but have
shown the utmost uucoucern and in
gratitude iu the face of the heroic
deeds of their liberators. The
The Cuban is evidently unfit for
full liberty and freedom or self-
government. Uncle Sam has a
greater task before him than many
have thought. No man can be
truly free who is unfit and unpre
pared for the , enjoyment of that
great boon , and the Cuban has not
shown his preparedness for the
blessing. His highest ambition
now is to work out his revenge
upon the captured Spaniards , and
iu this effort he will be effectually
checkmated by America.
THE TIUBUNE correspondent will
be pleased to receive and publish
any and all authentic crop reports.
George Godown had business iu
the county seat. Saturday. He is
one of the county's efficient teach-
E. L. Dennis and Jacob Wicks
ivent over to the county's metrop
olis , Sunday , to visit the former's
jrother Carl.
Reports from the small grain
mrvest indicate that the crop , this
frear , will be unprecedented for
quality and quantity.
There is a great demand for
lelp to harvest.
Harvest is in full blast and
nany are hurried to get to it as
t is matured.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Ep-
jerly , last Sunday.
I. B. Stryker has his fall wheat
md rye in the shock and is ready
or his spring wheat when it is
Rev. May field preached a very
nteresting discourse at Colemaii's
> n Sunday last. He .is suffering
vith a lame back but hopes he will
) e all right , soon.
THE Nebraska boys have arrived
it Manila all safe and sound and
) ewey feels better.
Honors World's Fair ,
DR ;
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
) m Ammonia , Alur , or any other adulterant.
Miss Clara Happersett visitei
McCook friends , Monday.
Deputy Revenue Collector R.J
Stewart had business in our towr
Wednesday of this week.
Dennis Fitzgerald wandered u ]
to the "valley's finest , " Tuesda ;
evening , between trains.
County Supt. Lillian "Welbon
had business of her office at coun
ty government headquarters , Sat
Fred Beardslee and Alden P
Ely were down from the county'i
metropolis , Sunday , visiting dea :
Miss Ora Smith visited he ]
cousins in the county's capital
from last Friday until Monday 01
this week.
Miss Maggie Gibbous and Free
Beardslee drove down from Mc
Cook , Wednesday , visiting friends
here over Thursday.
Mrs. Dennis Fitzgerald and
Miss Jennie McClung went up tc
hear the Brigade band concert on
last Saturday night.
Postmaster McCool attended the
Republican committee meeting in
McCook , Saturday last , ' as hie
handiwork clearly indicates.
Misses Lulu Beardslee and
Maud Doan and Messrs. Arthur
Wood and T. E. McCarl , all of
McCook , spent Sunday in the city.
C. H. Russell was in the com
mercial center , last Saturday , on
business. He is just home after
quite a long absence on McCormick -
mick business.
Will Brown , Burlington opera
tor at Holdrege , spent Sunday in
the city , showing a special inter
est in the fair ones of the "Pearl
of the Queenly Coon Creek. "
Wednesday of this week , Rev.
Cragfo united in marriage Chester
E. Williams of Bartley and Mrs.
Mary Ann Wheeler of this place.
The groom is past 60 and the
bride is over 40.
Jacob Lougnecker and Natalie
Elmer , two well known young
people of this section , were united
in marriage , last Saturday , by
Rev. Wiutjen. They have the
well-wishes of a host of friends.
Mrs. A. C. Teel and Miss Ger
trude spent Saturday in the coun
ty seat , the former takiug an ex-
imination under the county super
intendent. The latter enjoyed the
Brigade band concert in the even
At the meeting of the Republi-
; an county central committee in
: he metropolis , last Saturday , it
vas decided to hold the county
ionveution in McCook on Satur-
lay , August 6th. See call else-
vhere in this issue.
Colonel Phillips of the Reporter
vas an Omaha visitor , last Satur-
lay , to see the soldier boys and
ake iu the Midway on the side.
Lnd , coincidentally , Colonel Mitch-
ill of the McCook Comfort Avas
ilso present on hat occasion and
he scene was touchiugly pathetic
I'hen the two colonels fell on eacli
ither's neck , kissed and made up.
Sheriff and Mrs. J. E. Neel
vent in to Omaha , last Friday af-
ernoou on No. 6 , to see the expo-
ition and to witness the inspection
f the Third regiment before its
leparture to Jacksonville , Fla. ,
vhich took place on Monday.
Colonel Bryan and the regimental
> and were with the second battal-
on of which company "L" was a
> art , hence our boys will have all
orts of attention during their tripe
o the south.
THE invasion of Porto Eico has
lenun. General Miles is now on
iis way there with troops and
tiore are following.
THE number of good responsible
lubs out for JBeu Baker would dis-
ourage any other man than the
edoubtable Ben of judicial fame.
THE rumor is now in general
ircnlation that Captain Eulate of
ie late Yiscaya , the pride of the
panish navy , killed 40 men on
is vessel during the late endeavor
> run from Santiago harbor , for
? fusing to stand by their guns.
* r
Just 11 ow it is a good time Jt J t
to replenish your wardrobe. <
Spring * and Summer stock i
i -
must be reduced , and it is {
your opportunity to supply
your wants with a very lim
ited amount of money.
We are sellingMen's ,
Boys' and Children's Staple
and Fancy Wool Suits at
Special Prices.
t , *
Republican State Convention.
The republican eleclors of Ihe slale of Ne
braska are requesled lo send delegates frorr
Iheir respective counlies lo meel in conven-
lion in Ihe cily of Lincoln , on Wednesday
Augusl 10 , 1898 , al 10 o'clock a. m. , for Ihe
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for the following offices :
1. Governor.
2. Lieulenanl governor.
3. Secrelary of slale.
4. Audilor of public accounts.
5. Treasurer.
6. Superinlendenl of public instruction.
7. Attorney-general.
8. Commissioner of public lands and build
And to Iransacl such oilier business as may
properly come before Ihe convenlion.
Red Willow counly is enlilled lo 9. The
apporlionmenl being based upon Ihe vole casl
for Hon. Alberl J. Burnham , for presidenlial
eleclor in 1896 , giving each counly one dele
gate al large and one for each 125 voles and
major fraclion Ihereof.
Il is recommended lhal no proxies be ad-
milled lo Ihe convenlion and that the delega
tion present be authorized to cast the enlire
vote of Ihe delegalion of Ihe counly which
they represent.
/t is requesled that the county convenlions
select their commilleemen and perfecl Iheir
counly organizations at the first convention
in counties in which Iwo convenlions are held.
En. K. SI/.EK , Sec. Chairman.
Republican Congressional Convention.
The Republican eleclors of Ihe Fifth con
gressional ( iislricl are requested lo send dele-
gales from their respeclive counlies to meet in
convention in the city of Holdrege on Tues
day , August 30 , 1898 , at five o'clock , for the
purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
for representative and lo Iransact such other
business as may properly come before the
The several counties aie entitled to repre
sentation as follows :
Adams 15 Marian 8
Chase 3 Hayes 3
Clay 15 Hitchcock 4
Uundy 3 Kearney 9
franklin S Nuckolls 10
Pumas 10 Perkins 2
Frontier 7 Phelps. 9
josper 4 Red Willow 9
[ lall ib Webster leThe
The apportionment being based upon the
, -ote cast for lion. Albert J. Uurnham for
residential elector in 1896 , giving each coun-
; y one delegate at large and one for each 125
, -oles and major fraclion Ihereof.
Il is recommended lhal no proxies be ad-
nitted to Ihe convenlion and lhal Ihe delega-
ion presenl be aulhprized to cast the entire
rote of the county which tliev represent.
Secrelary. Chairman.
Republican County Convention.
The icpublican volers of Red Willow cnun-
y , Nebraska , are requested to send delegates
rom their several voting precincts to meet in
lonvcntion in the City of McCook on Satur-
lay , August 6 , 1898 , at I o'clock p. in. , central
imc , to transact the following business , to-
vit :
To place in nomination one candidate for
ach of the following offices :
County Attorney.
Commissioner 3d District.
To select nine delegates to attend the rc-
tublican state convention to be held at Lin-
oln , August to , 1898.
Also delegates to the congressional and
enatorial conventions , and to transacl such
ilher business as may come before the con
The several voting precincts are entitled to
epresentation as follows , being based on the
ote cast for W. A. McCool in 1897. giving one
lelegate for each fifteen votes or fraction
hereof and two delegates at large for each
irecinct :
Vlliance 5 Lebanon 6
Jeaver 5 Missouri Ridge 4
Jondville 4 North Valley 4
> ox Elder 4 Perry 4
loleman 3 Red Willow 6
Danbury 4 Tyrone 4
Driftwood } Valley Grange 4
Cast Valley 7 wiu.ow GROVK.
'ritsch 5 1st Precinct 8
Jerver 4 2d Precinct 5
Jrant 3 3d 1'recinct 5
ndianola 10 4th Precinct 0
Central committee recommends that pre-
incl caucuses be held on July 30 , 1898.
Secretary. Chairman.
McConnell's Colicure
Cures Colic , Cholera Morbusand Diar-
lioea. Money refunded if not as repre-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spoils were
ailed upon , Monday , to lay away the
miains of their infant child. Burial
as made in "Riverview" cemelerv.
Machine Oils at McMillen's drug store.
Ill Summer Wear such
as Underwear , Straw Hats ,
Colored Shirts , Collars and
Cuff's , Uiilined Coats and
f .
Vests , Pants , Alpacca Coats
and Hosiery , we have a fair
assortment from which to
Strictly seasonable g'Oods
are being * sold at Special
Prices to reduce-stock.
> Alarsft
At Brewer's Old Stand. | -
Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. 2
5 keep everything usually to
be found in a first-class city market ,
and respectfully solicit your patronage.
These Pictures are the most accurate , most authentic , the Best.
THE TRIBUNE , ever alert to secure for its readers
the best and most valuable offerings , points with pride to
its now famous distribution of Portfolios of "UNCLE SAM'S
NAVY/ ' which has in every way surpassed anything of the
kind cefore attempted.
is now ready , and contains the following photographic views ,
accompanied by full historical and descriptive matter :
No.l. Secretary of State and his Assistants.
No.2. Protected Cruiser New Orleans ,
No.3. Monitor Puritan at the Brooklyn Dock.
No.4. Torpedo-boat Dupont.
No.5. Military Mast and Searchlight of the Helena.
No.6. Captain's Cabin on the Helena.
No.r. Bombardment of Matanzas , original.
Nos.8-9. War Map of the World , double-page original.
No.10. Model Tank at Washington Navy Yard , empty. Model Tank at Washington Navy Yard , filled.
No.12. U. S. Marines at Camp Ordway , in tent.
No.l3. U. S. Marines at Camp Ordway , at drill.
No.14. Bird's-eye view Fortress Monroe , showing city.
No.15. Bird's-eye view Fortress Monroe , showing moat.
No.16. Interior views of the Fortress.
A superb portfolio series of photographic views , nxi-- . '
inches in size , of the battleships , cruisers , torpedo boats , "moni
tors , coast defense boats , gunboats and auxiliary vessels of the U
S. Navy , drill exercises , big guns and other interesting views"
each illustration being accompanied by text matter giving all
needful information of onr naval resources. Kach portfolio con
tains 16 pages of pictures and text matter , printed on heavy plate
paper , and bound in colored paper cover , and may be obtained
upon the following terms :
Each of these parts as issued ( weekly ) for one coupon and 10
cents. Cut out the "Naval Series" Coupon , which yon will find
on another page of this paper , and send it or bring it to us with
10 cents and obtain 1'ortfolio No. 9.
0 Portfolios Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 of Uncle Sam's Navy
can still be had.