The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 15, 1898, Image 8

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    iriiiitmii'iiiiiimmniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniimimiiimiim iiii
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough !
AVegetablePrcparationfor As
similating tkToodandRcgula-
lirig the Stomachs andJEJowels of Bears the
EromotesTKeslioiCkcrFul- }
'ness andBestCon tains neitlier
Opium'.Morphine norHneral.
PuntfJaa Seetl"
JffcAtUe Saftr -
slni'reSertl +
Jlmtmaat -
JhGariionaStSola/ *
Clarifud Sugar
IVinlfryrftai flarcr.
ApcrfecHtemcdy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diairhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness endLess OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Perfection is ilie reef our Song
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
Monarch Ohairsless SSOO.C
Send for 1898 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Kalsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches New York. London and Hamburg.
Send tan 2-oent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating
Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. =
guarantee a cure. No cure , no
pay. Write me ai above address , or call
at 1113- home in Coleinan precinct.
Once Tried , Always Used.
Ifve sti : oiu bottle of Clunnberlain's
Cough Remedy , we seldom fail to t-ell
the same person more , when it is again
needed. Indeed , it has become the fam
ily medicine of this town , for coughs and
colds , and we recommend it because of
its established merits. Jos. E. Harned ,
Prop. Oakland Pharmacy , Oakland , Md.
Sold by IV. . McConnell & Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 2Sc.
McConnell's Colicure
Cures Colic , Cholera Morbus and Diar
rhoea. Money refunded if iiot as repre
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures ec
zema and all skin diseases. It gives im
mediate relief. A. McMillen.
During the summer of 1891 , Mr. Chas.
P. Johnson , a well known attorney of
Louisville , Ky. , had a very severe attack
of summer complaint. Quite a uumber
of different remedies were tried , but
failed to afford any relief. A friend who
knew what was needed procured him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which quickly
cured him and he thinks , saved Ins life.
He says that there has not been a day
since that time that he has not had this
remedy in his household. He speaks of
and takes much
it iu the highest
pleasure in recommending it whenever
an opportunity is offered. For sale by
L. W. McConncll & Co.
In Every County to Supply the
Great Popular Demand for
Told in Picture and Story.
Compiled and Written by
Of Kansas.
The most brilliantly written , most profusly
and artistically illustrated , and most intensely
popular book on the subject of the war with
Spain. Nearly
200 Superb Illustrations from
taken specially for this great work. Agents
are making $50 to 100 a week selling it. A
veritable bonanza for live canvassers. Apply
for description , terms and territory at once to
St. Louis , Mo. or New York City.
Tourists Pamphlets.
Descriptive of Yellowstone National
park and the summer resorts of Colora
do and continuing , besides maps and il
lustrations , a great deal of information
of interest to sight seers and tourists can
be had by addressing J. Francis , General
Passenger Agent , Burlington Route ,
Omaha , Neb. 6-17-51 * .
Write to J. Francis , General Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , for a
handsome 32 page pamphlet descriptive
of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition.
Free. 6-17-513.
THK TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer fori.5oayear , strictly
in advance.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sai , *
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
in primitive thno.s .vna no
family or ponumul arraiiKumuut , hut nn
institution of the ctimimuiity. Ifvu
realize thin , many hitherto unuxphiinod
mistuniH uoimiH'ttMl with it liucotno nt
onuu of si uiilciiucu. The iinmiborn of
primitive ooimmuiith'.s bound to-
gothur by common inturoftH and dutlou ;
uvory mum bur of a ohm was bound to
uonsidiv tliu rights of his follow and to
assist him uvon to lux own hurt. Aid
nnd succor \vuro liiditipomuvhlo for com *
imuml nuuuNsitio.s , thoruforo the miir-
ringu of iv .son or a daughter in every
tmtall oommoinvoivlth was a niattor for
public consideration. The llrstntiip that ;
led to matrimony in thi > M > romotn tlimiH
\vns to capture uvifo or to pnrohatUi a
wifo. In this the \vholu triho assisted ,
and then joined as of right in the fon-
tivitics that radiiiilly row round the
marriage ceremony. In short , in those
day.s thu individual was ignored and
had no existence nave as ono of a group.
Surely wo may consider that HUH led
to the necessity for the lord of the man
ors sanction to his tenants' marriage iu
feudal times , the lords of the manor in
the middle ages having appropriated to
themselves many of the rights of the
tribal authorities of primitive times. In
feudal times no girl could be married to
any ono out of the manor without the
good will of the lord of the soil , and an
heiress could not bo married ut all without -
| out his consent. In some instances lines
' had to ho paid by the bride's father , or
| whoever stood to her iu the place of a
I father , for leave to give her in marriage
to a stranger. Philadelphia Lodger.
Cofico us n Mccliciuc.
i It is said that the first use of coffee
by man was made by the prior of a con
vent. Ho was told by a goatherd of the
exciting effects of the berries when eateu
by his goats , so ho thought ho would
try them and see if ho could uot keep
his monks awake during what should
have been their vigils. He succeeded
admirably and brought coffee into the
way of earning its worldwide reputa
tion. The most active principle of coffee
is caffeiu. It contains also certain oils ,
which no doubt have a share in its ac
tion. Many years ago a claim was made
that green , or uuroasted , berries had a
j great value iu liver and kidney trou-
i hies.
t One enthusiast prefers a mixture of
! two parts Mocha and ono part Alarti-
' uique and Isle do Bourbon coffee. Ho
: puts about three drams of this in a
1 tumbler of cold water and lets them
| strain and infuse overnight. The next
i inoruing , after straining , the infusion
i is talceu on au empty stomach the first
thiug after getting up. This medical
authority cites many cases of kidney
and liver colics , diabetes , nervous head
aches , etc. , which , though rebellious iu
all other treatment for years , soou yield
ed to the grecu coffee iufusion. The
remedy is a very simple oue and well
worthy of a trial. Another use of coffee
medicinally is iu uausea aud retching.
For that purpose a strong iufusiou is
made of the berries which have beeu
grouud and rousted , and it is sipped
while very hot. New York Ledger.
Ejrs That Don't Hatch ,
I have bceu esperimeutiug lately on
the eggs from certaiu heus to fiud out if
there is auy great difference iu the way
they hatch , their vitality , etc. , and
have beeu greatly interested iu the dis
coveries. The eggs from the abnormally
fat heus seldom hatch. The chicken
usually dies on or about the twelfth day
of incubation. Wlieu au egg hatches a
day or two iu advance of time , ouo usu
ally concludes that it was quite fresh
wheu put iu , but 1 uow fiud that it is
the eggs from the active and most
healthy hens that break the shell first.
Five eggs from a little game hen ,
which were all over 5 days old , were
the first to hatch. Invariably the egg
from the sleepy , lazy hen hatches late.
Out of 27 hens whose eggs I experi
mented with I fouud two quito sterile.
They both lay fine , large eggs of good
shape aud shell , but , though I must
have tried quite a dozen of their eggs ,
not oue has ever had a sign of a chick-
eu. I have oveu mated them with differ
ent roosters , but without avail , aud ,
utrauge to say , they are the worst tem
pered hens iu the yard , always quarrel
ling and beating the others. Fauciers'
Nothing Like Praise.
Jack I'll tell you what's the matter ,
Seorge ; you don't praise your wife
enough. Even if thiugs don't go right
there's no use growling. Praise her ef
forts to please whether they are success
ful or not. Women like praise , and lots
of it.
George All right. I'll remember it.
George ( at diuuer , same day ) My
dear , this steak pie is just lovely. It is
delicious over so much better than
those my mother used to make. She
couldu't equal that pie if she tried fora
George's Wife You made fun of
every pie I over made , and uow
George But this is lovely.
George's Wife That came from the
baker's. Strand Magaziue.
Miik Spoils the Taste.
If tea or coffee bo good , the additiou
of milk spoils the taste. Coffee aud
milk and tea aud milk are difficult to
digest. Pure cream is less objectionable ,
because pure cream is really butter or
grease aud contains very little of the
albuminous part of. the milk.
Hicks See that fool jump on the
traiu before it stops. It makes mo so
mad !
Wicks H'm , what d'ye think of me ?
I've watched that fellow do that for
nearly a year , and ho hasu't got killed'
yet. Boston Transcript.
Britain was kuown to the Phoenicians
as Barat-Auac , or "tho land of tin , " as
far back as the year 1037 B. C. Soiuo
500 years afterward the island was al
luded to by the Eomans under the name
of Britannia , which subsequently be
came shortened into Britain.
. , .
Tills coupon nnd ( en cents tfct a
copy of the peerless "Uncle Sam's
Navy" Portfolios , at TJII2 TKinUNB
office. The supply Is limited , so
call early before the assortment is
. / , .
) IV AUTllOKirv. |
McCook , Neb , July 51)1. ) 1898.
Hoard of county coiniiiis&ioiiciK met purmi-
ant to adjournment , i'tcbunt , Stephen Hello ,
JuuiL-.t KoliiiiMin ntiit Henry Crabltcc , coin-
mishioncr.s tiiul U. A. Green , county uluiU.
Minutes ol picvjoitK meeting iciid ami ap
proved. Hoard I'oinntcnccd the examination
of the accounts of J. II. Ucryc , county trcn -
urer , nnd continued same during the tiny. On
motion boaul adjourned to meet July 6th.
Attest : lA. . Cur.i'.N , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. July 6th , iSoS
Hoaul of county comuti ; > Kioier ! met putkii-
ant to adjournment. 1'rebent , Stephen 1'olle * .
Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Cinhtiec , com-
mibMoncrs and R. A. ( ireeti , county cleik.
Mhmteh of last ineetinj , ' read nnd approved.
The board liavini ; completed the examination
of the accounts of J. 11. Herjje , county tieas-
nrer , from January 6th , iS'Qi ) , to June 30th ,
189 $ , inclusive , finil the following to be a cor
rect statement thereof :
Hoard commenced the examination of the
accounts of R. A. Green , county clerk , and con
tinued same during the day. On motion
board adjourned to meet July 7th , 1898.
Attest : R. A. GKIK.V , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , July 7th , 1898.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. 1'reseiit , Stephen Holies ,
James A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting lead and ap-
ptovcd. The board having made a careful
examination of the accounts of R. A. Green ,
county cleik , find that he has icceived in fees
from January 6th , 1898 , to June 30th , 1898 , both
inclusive as follows :
Total am't fees for month of Jan , iSoS , 5132 J$5 $
Feb , " 15 j 70
Mar. , 17530
April , " 187 50
" " " May. " 93 25
" " " June , " 11695
Total fees received from January 6th ,
1898 , to June 30th , 1898 . $ S6o 55
The board on motion examined the fee book
of G.S.l'ishop , county judge , and finds that he
has received in fees from January 6th , 1898 , to
June 30th , 1898 , both inclusive . 258 05
The board on motion examined the fee book
of J. II. Berge , county treasurer , and finds
that he has received in fees from January -6th
to June 30th , inclusive . ; 5i74 75
And from commissions . 9/8 14
Total . $ i 152 89
The board on motion examined the fee book
of J. R. Neel , sheriff , and finds that he has re
ceived in fees from January 6th , 1898 , to June
30111,1898 , inclusive . $747 63
The following official bond was examined
and on motion approved : Olive R. Ritten-
house , Deputy County Clerk.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy of 1898 ,
in payment thereof as follows :
A. II. Kidd , taking deposition . $5 00
J. C. Oakley , board paupers . 7 50
McCook Electric Light Co , light for
court house , four months . 7 98
A. McMillen , medicines . N 4 20
C. 1 1. Meeker , rent court house . 50 oo
State Journal Co. , supplies . 54 25
F. M. Kimmell , supplies . 19 25
E. J. Mitchell , supplies . 31 10
L. M. Welborn , Co. Supt , salary second
end quarter and expense . 215 60
R. A. Green , Co. Clerk , postage and
supplies for county officers . 41 54
Stephen Holies , services as commis'n'r 20 40
Jas. A. Robinson , same . 18 oo
Henry Crabtree , same . 24 30
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as
follows :
13arnett Lumber Co. , lumber. . $52 64
And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as
follows :
John G. Ervin , road commissioner road
No. 315 . S2370
Win. Murphy , chain carrier road No.3i5 4 50
J. L. Leisure , appraiser " " 3 40
\V.A. Minniearsame . 34 °
A.Reed.same . 3 9 °
James Brady , road tax refunded . [ 4
J. R. Neel , sheiiff , serving road papers
on land-owners . 35 3 °
The following claim was examined and on
motion rejected :
C. B. Iloag , livery hire in the Winters
case . 56 75
On motion board adjourned to meet July
23rd , 1898.
Attest : R. A. GREUX , County Clerk.
Machine Oils at McConnell's.
E. C. Blanks of Lewisville , Texas ,
writes that oue box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was worth $50 to him. It
cured his piles of ten years standing.
He advises others to trv it. It also cures
eczema , skin diseases and obstinate
sores. A. McMillen.
One Cent a Mile to Omaha.
Account review of Col. Bryan's regi
ment , on Grand Pla/.a , Trans-Mississippi
Exposition , Saturday , July 16. Tickets
Kood to return until Monday , July iSth.
See ticket agent for full particulars.
For Sale Cheap.
Good five room house and lot , part
cash , balance in monthly payments
6-io-T.ots. Write C. E. MAGNKR ,
Kearney , Nebr.
"I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
is the finest preparation on the market
for piles. " So writes John C. Dunn , of
Wheeling , W. Va. Try it and you will
think the same. It ulso cures eczema
and all skin diseases. A. McMillen.
Machine Oils ut McConnell's.
' La Quaslna.
Somebody's Boys at .
Not into a ward of whitewashed hall *
Were the wounded borne today ;
Hut amid the roar of lich ! wml ball *
The deml nil I dying lay.
Somebody' * boy wat wounded ( here ,
So far away from home ;
And over a face that \VM youni ; am ) fair
The ftuntltinc brightly t one.
There wj DO one ihvr to ktM the boy
Or htk dDKUutwl | Bin to KXMhr.
Thoujjh he WHK all of fatlMtr'i Joy
The pride of H mother' * tov .
SomelMxly'k boy wai Uittal Unlay
A * he bravely faced the fifki ;
Not loni ; uyo he marched away
To buttle for the
II in father anil mother will a lly > v > ep
Kor the l > oy they loved x true ,
When they bear that he h * IHSCM tmd u >
rc l
In hit army uoatof blue.
Hit fiiemU the l oy he loved to well
With whom \\c \ \ utcd to play ,
Will speak in sorrow when they tell
Uow he wru killed thai day.
Hrothm ami Rioters will grieve for him ,
And a sweetheart , kind ami true ,
Will mourn when he thinks again of her boy
In hi * ftoldicr'k coat of blue.
Was it for this he left hit l > one
And all he held so dear ,
To find a jjrave in a foreign land
On a seashore , lone and drear.
Oh war ! Whatever be thy cau r.
However just thy plea ,
Thou art against kind nature's law *
And true humanity.
Oh , men of the Maine , are you au tr.l
I'.y the loss of other Hirrs ?
Would you be glad could you J.AOV. ; dt
the land
Is filled v.'ith groans and cries * ?
Tribune Clubbing List.
For the convenience of readers of THE
TKIISUXK , we have made arrangements
\\ith the following newspapers and peri
odicals whereby we can supply them iu
combination with Tim TRIBUNE at the
following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press $1 OO $ r 50
Leslie's Weekly 400 300
Piairie Farmer I 00 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Knquirer. I 03 150
Xew-York Tribune I OO I 25
Demorest's Magazine ICO 175
Toledo Blade I CO 125
Nebraska Fanner 100 165
lov.-a Homestead r oo 175
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo I 50
Ne\v-York World I oo I 65
Omaha Bee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magpzine. I oo r So
We are prepared to fill orders for any
other papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUXK , McCook , Neb.
Colonel Bryan's Regiment
the Third Nebraska Volunteers leaves
Omaha for Jacksonville , Florida , early
nexweek. . At 10:30 a. in , Saturday ,
July 16 , it will be reviewed by Governor
Holcomb and staff on the Grand Plaza
at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition.
To enable his fellow citizens to bid the
great silver leader farewell , the Burling
ton Route has made a rate of one cent a
uiilc to Omaha. All tickets \\ill be
good to return until Monday , July iS.
permitting ho'ders to spend Sunday
at the Exposition. For tickets and
full information about trains , rates ,
etc.apply to the local ticket agent of the
B. & M. R. R. R. - i
Sick headache , biliousness , constipa
tion aud all liver and stomach troubles '
can be quickly cured by using those fa- ' ,
uious little pills known as DeWitt's Lit-
tie Eirly Risers. They are pleasant to (
take and never gripe. A. McMillen.
There is no ,
I word so full
HSsiiSBB of meaning !
U hiff ID * * * * * ' - ' * * * * - '
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " MOTHER " she who watched
over our helpless infancy andguid- ;
sd our first tottering step. Yet ,
the life of every Expectant Mother - '
er is beset with danger and all cf- j
fort should be made to avoid it. I
so assists nature ,
inthechangelak- j
ing place that
. . the Expectant
1\I o t h c r is ena
bled to look forward - |
ward without
dread , suffering or gloomy fore
bodings , to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child , and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short , it "makes [
Childbirth natural and easy , " as j
so many have said. Don't be ,
persuaded to use anything butj
"jjyvife suffered more in ten min
utes-with either of her other t\vo chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last , having previously used four bottles
tles of ' other's Friend. ' It is a
blessing to any one expecfcinpr to be
come a MOTIlKIt , " says a customer.
KRSOX DAM : , Carnii , Illinois.
Of UrugRlstaat S1.COoreoni UycsproM on receipt
of prtcc.Vrlto for book containing testimonials
and valuable Information for nil Mothers , frco.
The BraJIIclil IScgulaior Co. , Atlanta. ( < a.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That U what It was made tor.
It f
J i.
Per Infants and Children.
Tiie Kind You Haie Always Bought
Bears the \
Signature of
0. L EVER 1ST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
] y furniture van in the
city. Of lice oue block north of
JJnrni'lt Lumber Yard. Lear * or
ders for bus calls nt CozaJMroiftJ
hotel ; ordftis for drRjrjag i KT-
erist. Marsh < fc Co.'o m nt
( Sritiafnclkm
Ploinlierand \
Steam Filter
iron. _ e d ar a Ser ? ;
Goods , Pumps. ftd 3c v Tf nr.rr. f
/ gftn ; for Haittday , W u&ur. re s * *
Wiidm s
Pnps bu.
| Carpet Laying ,
| Carper Cleaniag.
am Mill Joiag carpet laying.
I cleaning lawn Letting and * work ,
or write aie before stv'K" > nca otit _ My
! charges are v-r > reasonable. Lxrivc ccaen at
i tr = r = r = = T rrT T T : r
McO K. N
: < . .f L.ncola Land Co. OSce
i Rear of Firs : National bank.
AH dental work dune a ! oir otace is
anleed to be rirst-class. We do all
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dri. S
& Bellamy , assistants.
- tMRS. E. E. UTTER.J _
Piano. Organ. Guitar and Baajo
ruio Over the Kee H\e
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and H"Vta , over I rs-t N'ar ' Bask.
Office . M..ra. . .
nour > at re > : aence. c ; > -a.
before Q .1. in. and after o p. m.
A General Banking Bus.ia ss
l-S\nv bu > ine > s voui nav wish to
transact \vUhTUK McC\v > s'tRIrXK
\ \ ill receive prompt and carrful atten
tion. Suh > cription > rcctneo. enders
taken for ndverti > .cnjenj. An ; > ob wvrk.
State of Nebraska. Re \VU ! c vmtv. :
At a countv court , held in ; ! c cxxmtv cv rt
room , in .v.ul for said cxnintv. jniv i. A.lXli s.
PrcM'nt. iJ. S. li .hop. eountv nui . In tW
ninttcr of the estate of .VlicKm'l fr Y TSs < le
cea > ed. On reading and film- ; the pctttwn t
\ \ ilhani I'ravcrs. praying th. t Admuu trMKNt
of s-nid estate may l > c granted t Jrac > Dovtr
as administrator.
Ordered , That July jd. A. liSoJ * t K <
o'clock : \ in. , i , i < signc l for hearing SAi i p i
tion. when all person : * in Mini waiter mv | >
pear at a county court to be hcM in and k r
said county , to : > ho\v cfttfechvthc prfterM
petitioner should not be giatttcd ; an l tht wo
tice of the pendency ot > .i d petitKHi t ) br
hearing theieof IH : given to all persons mtcr
cstcd in said matter bv pubhshiwe * VV > t
this order in THK MOL'OOK TKHWX * . a
weekly newspaper printed in s-aW cow lh > v
three successive \ \ ceks , pnor to $ kl il y > {
hearing. O. S. ttlSKO * .
75 > -t . CotiHty
bv Congressman lameRankm \OM C \
about War with Sp.\m. the N.uv.all dotonxcN.
l > .ittle Shipbctc. Portraits and uyraphiox
Uewey and all prominent olncct > . Nctirlvv
pages. ' . Massive volume. M.\r\clo sK chAi >
Hest authorship. Only authentic , officml sv > K
Lxperience not necessary. Anybodv c n > *
it. Ladies as successful as gentlemen.V
are the largest subscription book tirw in
America. Write .
us. Kitty persons arc em
ployed in our correspondence de | > artm nt
alone , to serve you. Our book i * | ust o t. O t
agency noxv ami be first in the tield. La w
SQC. War map m colors free with hookot
outlit. Other valuable premiums. Ttrwet *
dpus seller. Higgcbl moneymaker ever known.
Most liberal terms guaranteed. Agents m K
ing S ; to SS per day. Twcntv U\ys cretlrt
given. I-reight paid. Full book sent prcp W
to agents , Si.j5. Splendid bnmplc outfit awl
full instructions free for nine 2-eent stamp * h
pay postage. Mention this paper.
Monroe Book Co. , Dcp't. M , Chicago , III ,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
The famous little pill * .