AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD - OASTORIA , " AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7 DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same that has borne and does nows3Z - TZaT on euer # bear thefac-simile signature of Cfe 3f73 > & 2f wrapper. This is the original - PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought / ff . . - - on the and has the signature of &t&jf/ c&c&Ms wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. / > * March 8 1897 Qd2 * * * + * * jt' t ( c - * * * * * * z > Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have .Always Bought" BEARS THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You , . . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STRICT. NEW YORK CITY. . . y3g.Tia.mun vuygia ffcurt : ROADS ARE ALIKE U A ft Perfection is the ? © i of our long exper sense. are the product of mechanical ingenuity. Send for 1898 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. ftiQf\3ARCH \ CYCLE ftftFG. CO. , Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago. Branches New Yorki London and Hamburg. Send ten 2-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating Lillian Rusaell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. , j i ' 'i ' m- t * -Gftase Co , Land and ive Stock HOTBOB branded on If ft lilp or left P. O.nddroPi- liHEc nnntiiy. isii' ! Heat Srico. Nebraska. Kimtre. Stiakinp Water and the Frenchman cio p , in Cbnsp county NfhrasUa. Brand a * > cut on cult of 1 pome animals oi ! hip Una _ Bides of some. f > r > ny- whore on the animal FRANCIS E. DIVINE. /CANCER DOCTOR , McCooK , NEBRASKA. guarantee a cure. No cure , no pay. Write me at above address , or call at my home in Coleman precinct. Once Tried. Always Used. If we sell one bottle of Chamberlain's 'Cough Remedy , we seldom fail to sell ' the same person more , when it is again , needed. Indeed , it has become the family - ' ily medicine of this town , for coughs and colds , and we recommend it because of its established merits. Jos. E. Harned , Prop. Oakland Pharmacy ' , Oakland , MdJ 4Sold by L.V. . McConne'll & Co. * " TO Cure a Cold "In One Day. _ V--1 - - Take Laxative Brome QuinineTablets. druggists refund the money if it fails cure. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , r . 'The famous .little pills.- ' AU-M/JUTti WAJNTJUJJ In Every County to Supply the Great Popular Demand for AMERICANS WAR FOR HUMANITY Told in Picture and Story. Compiled and Written by SENATOR JOHN J INGALL'S Of Kansas. The most brilliantly written , most profusly and artistically illustrated , and most intensely popular book on the subject of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations from Photographs taken specially for this great work. Agents are makingf § 50 to $100 a week selling it. A veritable bonan/a for live canvassers. Apply for description , terms and territory at once to N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. , St. Louis , Mo. or New York City. Tourists Pamphlets. Descriptive of Yellowstone National park and the summer resorts of Colora do and containing , besides maps and il lustrations , a great deal of information of interest to sight seers and tourists can be had by addressing J , Francis , General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. 6-17-512. Write to J. Francis General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , * for a handsome 32 page pamphlet descriptive of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Free. _ 6-iy-5ts. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advance. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns. [ OFFICIAL IIY AUTHORITY. 1 Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Neb. , June 14,1898. Board of county'commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , Jas.A. Robinsoh and Henry Crabtree , com missioners , and R. A. Gieen , county clerk , Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. Board commenced equalization ol assessment and continued same during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet June I5th. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , June 15,1898. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bglles , Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com- missiontr , Harlow W. Keyes , county attor ney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Board continued equalization of assessment during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet June lyth. Attest : R. A. GRF.F.N , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , June 17,1898. Boaid of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. Board continued equalization of'as sessment during the day. On motion board adjourned to meet June i8th. Attest : R. A. GREKN , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , June 18,1898. On further consideration of the equalization of assessment for the year 1898 , the board finds that to make a just and equitable as sessment it is necessaiy to add and deduct certain percentages on the real estate in the 'following precincts , to-wit : Danbury precinct , deduct 25 per cent ; Lebanon precinct , add 20 per cent ; Alliance precinct , add 25 per cent ; Beaver precinct , add S Per cent- The bbard having completed the equaliza tion of assessment finds the total value of real and peisonal property as returned by the as sessors and equalized by the board of equali zation to be $1,164,442.14. On motion the levy of taxes for the year 1898 was made as fol lows : County General , nine (9) ( ) mills. County Bridge , 3 S mills. County road , two (2) ( ) mills. Soldiers' Relief , two (2) ( ) mills. Indianola precinct bond , one ( i ) mill. Willow Grove precinct bond , six (6) ( ) mills. North Valley precinct bond , ten (10) ( ) mils ! > . Bartley Village bond , ten (10) ( ) mills. Red Willow County bond , two (2) ( mills. McCook City bond , eight ( S ) mills. School District No.29 , judgment fund , fifteen (15) ( ) mills. School distiict band levy for year 1898 as follows : In accordance with section 4,607 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1897 , a special tax for the payment of outstand ing indebtedness against various road districts was levied as follows , to-wit : FUST. LEVY HIST. LEVY NO. MILLS NO. MILLS McCook , Neb. , June 20,1897. Board of commissioners met in regular ses sion. Present , Stephen Belles , Jas. A. Kobin- ; on and Henry Crabtree , commissioners , llar- ow W. Keyes , county attorney , and R. A. jreen , county clerk. Minutes of previous neeting read approved. The resignation of Eli D. Akers , overseer > f road district No. 33 , read and on motion iccepted and James Burns appointed to fill vacancy caused thereby. In pursuance to law in such cases made and > rovided , the board on motion appropriated > 75 for teachers' institute for the year 1898 ind directed clerk to draw warrant on county ; eneral fund , levy of 1898 , as follows : Lillian \l. Welborn , county superintendent , institute und , $75. On motion board accepted 3550 as payment n full of all personal tax against Milling , Stock and Land Co. of Bartley and all real istate tax against the following real estate , o-wit : Lots 3,4 , 5 , block 4 ; all blocks 5 , B , J , C : lots i , 2 , 3,4 , 7 , S , 9 , 10 , Ii , 12 , block D ; lots , 2,3,7 , 8 , 9 , block E ; lots 10 , n , 12,13,15,16 , > lock G : lots i , 2 , 3,4 , 7,8 , ii , 12 , block H ; lots 1,4 , 5,6 , block I , and lots I , 2 , 3.4 , 5 , 6 , / , 8 , 9 , > lock L. All in Esther Park addition to 3artley. The following damages by reason of the lo- : ation of the several roadS'as hereinafter set orth , were examined by the board and on notion approved as stated below , and the > verseers of road districts in which said roads ire located are directed to pay same out of my funds belonging to their icspective dis- ricts as by law directed , as follows , to-wit : Road No. 323 as follows : , Vm. M. Nicholson , ne K"s 14,1'4 , R 26.$20 oo" Sveritt Oxley , e % nw X s 14 T 4 r 26. . 12 oo -IoraceOlmsteadw4nwsi4T4R26 14 oo lorace Olmsteadsw& s n T4 R 26. . . 24 oo Road No. 324 as follows : 3rey ! J. 1 ladley.swK seK s 8 T3 R27. . 25 oo lanTj. Hadley.seX swj < s 81'3R27. . 25 oo Riley J. Hadley.etf se X s 8 T 3 R 27. . 75 oc P. H. McCabe , lots 1.2,3 , s 17 T 3 R 27. . 75 oc John J. Lamborn , sw % s 9 T 3 R 27 25 oc Road No. 325 as follows : Alex. Brown , netf 531 Ta R 27 - . . 20 oc Thomas Bennett , nw # s 35 T 2 R 28. . . 20 oo James Williams , nej < s 35 T 2 RzS 20 oo The following official bond was examined and on motion approved : John Broomfield , overseer road district No II. The following claims were audited and on motion allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on county general fund , levy of 1897 , in payment thereof as follows , to-wit : J. C. Puckett , 5 loads of cobs for jail. . . $ 5 oo Dr. A. W. Hoyt , medical services 5 oo L. W. McConnell , mdse I 25 C. II. Meeker , rent court house 50 oo J. C.'Oakley.board paupers 10 36 W. C. Billiard & Co. , coal 11 65 State Journal 27 10 Joseph Menard , mdse for paupers 5 ° 75 ASSESSING I'RUCINCTS. Young Stothard , Alliance , claim S59 oo , allowed at 54 oo M. M. Young , Beaver , claim , $99 oo , al lowed at 80 oo F. W. Weaver , Bondville 51 40 T. M. Campbell , Hex Elder 62 So Jacob Betz , Coleman , claim § 52 60 , al lowed at 40 co II. L. Goodenberger , Uar.bury 52 20 J. M. Hammond , Driftwood 47 20 W. S. Hamilton , fcast Valley 71 40 Andy Barber , Fritsch 43 oo C. C. Smith , Gerver 48 40 E. B. Nelson , Grant ' . 51 60 Wm. F. Miller , Indianola v 80 So J. L. Horton , Lebanon : . ' 54 20 John Girens , Missouri Ridge . . * . . ' 52 oo II. II. Kuhlman , North Valley. . . . ' . ' . . . . 56 10 James Doyle , Perry , claim $63 20 , al lowed at 60 oo E. A. Sexson , Red Willow 72 oo Felix Wihlm , Valley Grange 54 90 James WoodworthVillow Grove 190 70 Stephen Belles , services as commis'n'r. 40 oo Jas. A. Robinson , same 32 oo Henry Crabtree , same 29 80 And on county bridge fund. levy of 1897 , as follows , to-wit : Geo. Younger , biidge work 5 9 oo C. W. Peters , same' 5 50 E. Price , same ' 2 co Newman Axtell , Same . . " 2 oo ' Ed. Envin , same . ' . . 3 00 John Real , Jr , hauling lumber. . 12 50 Wm. Hiersekorn , same 4 15 T. F. Welborn & Son. nai's 12 28 W. C. Billiard & Co.lumber 78 47 Geo. C. Hill , same 215 54 And on county road fund , levy of 1897 , as follows , to-v/it : Ilupp & Slutts , road tax refunded $ 90 J. C. Ball , road work 2 50 R. E. Hatcher , appraising damages road ' No. 322 . 3 co S. Bentley , same , road No. 323 3 oo R. C. Catlett , same 3 CO S. W. Clark , same 3 oo A. Hammond , same , road No. 324 2 30 J. W. Dutcher , same 2 So John Broomfield , same 2 70 S. G. Bastain , same , road No. 325 3 10 S.V. . Stilgebouer , same 3 10 \V. A. Minnfear , same 3 10 On motion board adjourned to meet July 5th Attest : R. A. GREKN , County Clerk. Thousands of persons have been ctirec of piles by using DeWitt's Witch HHZK ; Salve. It heals promptly ami cures ec zeuia and all skin diseases It uive.s im mediate relief. A. McMillen. THK TRIBUNE and The Prairie Fanner for 51.25 a year , strictly in advance. During the summer of iSgr , Mr. Chas. P. Johnson , a well known attorney ol Louisville , Ky. , had a very severe attack of summer complaint. Quite a number of different remedies were tried , but failed to afford any relief. A friend who knew what was needed procured him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which quicklv cured him and be thinks , saved his life. He says that there has not been a day since that time that he has not had this remedy in his household. He speaks of it in the highest praise and takes much pleasure in recommending it whenever in opportunity is offered. For sale bv L. W. McConnell & Co. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was maac for. ANNUAL ESTIMATE. Estimate of expenses of Red Willow coun- y for the year 1898 : bounty General 312,000 oo bounty Bridge 6,000 oo bounty Road . , 3,000 oo bounty Bond _ 3ooo oo Soldiers' Relief 500 oo ' Jqrth Valley Precinct 1,000 oo A'illow Grove Precinct 2,000 oo ndianola Precinct 300 oo Jartley Village 500 oo McCook City 2,600 oo School District Bonds 7.000 oo ; -2/-4ts. R. A. GREKN , County Clerk. riMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , * lay 14 , 1898. Notice is hereby given that Casper Ilakankamp has filed notice of his ntention to make final pi oof before register ir receiver at his office in McCook. Nebraska , m Saturday , the 25th day of June , iSoS , on imber culture application No. 6812 , for the outhwest quarter of section No. 33 , in Town- hip No. 5 north , r.inge No. 30 west. He lames as witnesses : Thomas Whitmer , George Jrown , Fred Buhr all of McCook. Nebraska , ) avid Osburn of Osburn , Nebraska. 5-20-61 A. S. CAMHJEU. , Re OFFICIAL iy Congressman James Rankin Young. Ml bout War with Spam , the Navyall defenses. 5attle Ships , etc. Portraits and biographies of Dewey and all prominent officers- . Nearly 600 ia < : es. Massi\e volume. Marvelouslv cheap. Jest authorship. Only authentic , othcial book , experience not necessary. Anybody can sell t. Ladies as successful ab gentlemen. We .re the largest subscription book firm m America. Write us. Fifty persons are em- doyed in our correspondence department .lone , to ser\e yon. Our book is just out. Get igency now and be first in the field. Large oc. War map in colors free with book or iiitfit. Other valuable premiums. Tremen- lousselfer. Biggest moneymaker ever known , .lost . liberal terms guaranteed. Agents mak- ng 87 to § 28 per day. Twenty days credit _ iven. Freight paid. Full book sent prepaid o agents , Si45Splendid sample outfit and nil instructions free for nine 2-cent stamps to iay postage. Mention this paper. lonroe Book Co. , Dep't. M , Chicago , 111. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results. Sale to take. THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her , ere she presses to her bosom her babe. 31 allays Nervousness , and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner , without such violent protest in the way of Nausea , Headache , Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties low devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend , " and the time of recoverv shortened. "I know one lady , the mother of three children , who suffered greatly in the birth of each , who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement , and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful. " Jonir Gr. PotTTitx , Macon , Ga. § 1.00EHBOTTIiB at all jDrugr Stores , or sent br express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of interest to r.U vromcn , trill be sent to roct : site any address unoa application , by UD REGULATOR CO. , ATLANTA , GA. 3 S. ASETOS. Pres. 7. 2. KcDOlUlB , Cssi CLIF02D I lSlT , At. Cah. ANK OF BANBURY D ANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Easiness " 3T"Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCoOK FRIKUNI : will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for ad\ enticements and job-work. Cuba The World West Indies Just what you need to locate KEY WEST , CANARY ISLANDS , CAPE VERDE ISLANDS , PORTO RICO , DRY TORTUGAS , Etc. The World < f Cuba On other West Indies fs ide- Knch map formerly sold at 25c. 75c. SEND 15c. for Sample Sheet and terms to Agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RANDMcNALLY&CO. , Chicago. III. Mothers ! HE discom- I forts and * * dangers of child-birth can be almost entirely - , tirely avoided. WineofCardui- relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives tonetothegen- italorgansand puts them in condition to do their \vork perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful , shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps -woman bear strong healthy children. tySELREE ) has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long : for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases put of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. For advice in cases requiring special directions , address , giving symptoms. the "Ladies' Advisory Department. " The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta nooga , Tenn. Mrs. LOUISA HALE , of Jefferson , Ga. , says : "When I first took Wine of Cardui we had been married three years , but could not have any children. Nine months later I had a fine girl baby. " CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought x 'Bears the Signature of NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 329. Jones , M.C. Cummings , ogers , Smith Bros. ' Loan & Trust Co. , George Kudkin , and to all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section two in Leba non precinct , Ked Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on section" line to the northeast corner of the northwest qu.uter of the northwest quarter of said section two , thence south on a line parallel with the sec tion line running north and south , west of sec tions two and eleven of said town and range , to the northeast corner of the northwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section eleven , said town , and range and terminating thereat , has reported in favor of the location thereof as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of section I , township 2 north , range 26 , running thence west on section line to the northeast corner of section 3 , thence south on section line 156 rods to a stake , thence south east 108 rods to a stake , thence southwest 32 rods to a stake , thence west to a stake on sec tion line between sections 2 and 3 , 28 rods north of the southwest corner of section 2 , thence south on section line to. southwest corner ol northwest quarter of section II , town. I north , range 26 we t 6th P. M. , all in Red Willow county , Nebraska , and all objec tions thereto or claims fur damages must be filed in the county cleik's office on or before noon of the 271)1 ) < lay of August , A. D. iVjS , or said road \\iil be established without reference thereto. 6-i7-4ts R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. 0. L EVER 1ST & CO. , PROPRIETOR OK THE McCook Transfer Line . BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. furniture vaii in the uity. Office one block north o Burnett Lumber Yard. Leave or ders foi bus calls at Commercial lintel ; ordeis for draying at Ev- r erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and BoderTrimmmgs Agent for Halliday. Waupun , Eclipse Wmdm'lis. Basemer.tof the MeeVer- 9 Phillips building JULIUS KUNERT , Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. still Joing carpet laying , carpet leaning lawn cutting and similar work , bee ir write me before giving such work. My harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at [ RIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. ] JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. 2&Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Lear of First National bank. 37 B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. 0 All dental work done at our office is gaar nteed to be first-class. We do all kinds ct Town , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith : Bellamy , assistants. _ MRS. E. E. UTTER. _ > _ I MUSICAL IVSTRfCTOR. 'iano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. ' 'Bee Hive. " MCCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Ifficeand Hospital over First National Bank. Iffice hours at residence. 701 Marshall Ave. . efore 0 a. m. and after b p. in. KXKX > O < > OXXXXKXXX > O < > OO < > OO < KK ) "Webster's International ! Dictionary Successor of the " t nabri < lyeil. " The One Great Standard Authority , So writes lion. 1) . .1. lnver , .In ticu t . Supreme Court. Standard oftlier.S.Oov'trn ottlce.tlw f.S. M-.p Court , all the Mali preineCourts.anttot ro ly al "Warmly Commended by State Snpenntci.i < n Schools , Colloid I lent8 iuilntlierl < lu almost without mm- Xuvalual le In Hie honjelioM. ie teacher. sctu > : icssloiml man. am * _ educator. Siyeclmenjtatjes sent on. aj j.-.t 't > G.&C.aicrrlaiuCo.lPnbliMi . * rx Springfield ,