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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
SSff * 5 ? * SEVENTEENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 24,1898. NUMBER 6 The Children's Day. ! "Lust Sunday was Children's Day wit ; the Congregational Sunday-school am the evening service was given up entirely to the children and the rendering of th special program prepared by the little ones of the school. "The Little Builders" was the title o the simple but pretty cantata renderet by the children , and the service was en joyed as much by the older ones who were present in large numbers as it was by the children. The singing , recita tions and action of the children were such as to interest and cause all.present joy and pleasure. ' The church wasentrancingly decoratec : with flowers and national flags , and the efiect'was simply charming in the lavish . and lovely display of cut flowers of main kinds , palms , etc. At the close of the service two little girls gathered a collection in flower baskets for the benefit of the Congrega tional' Publishing House , the proceeds being devoted to the purchasing of Sun- day-schodl supplies for schools that are not able to bear the expense of buying 'the same themselves. A liberal collec tion iv'as ' raised for this laudable purpose. A McCook Boy First. At the commencement exercises of the Northwestern university at Chicago , last -week , a McCook boy , JolnrF. Cordeal , teed 'first in his class in the law depart ment , numbering over one hundred graduates. He was one of the three who secured prizes for theses read. The sub ject of his thesis was "The Status of the Indian Tribes of the United States , " and the prize received is an edition of the ' American and English Encyclopedia of ; iLaw , " 'a very valuable and latest edition of that standard series of law books. THE TRIHUNE feels proud to learn that a McCook boy should achieve so much distinction , knowing the recipi ent to be in every way worthy of the honors bestowed. The New War Loan" . ' _ * HM ' " ' The war loan which is now being of fered sold to subscribers at par during the period of subscription , which ends July I4th , 1898. Blank forms may be secured at the McCook postoffice , and on these forms is clearly indicated all that is necessary for the subscriber to fill out. Remittances may be made by postoffice orders. Any further informa tion may be secured at the McCook postoffice. There is a big demand for these 3 per cent bonds , and if you expect to get in on the ground floor you should be prompt in your applications. Their Third Annual. Last Sunday was the third anniversary of the South Side Endeavor society and the occasion was celebrated by special exercises held in the Fitch school-house , in which neighboring societies were in vited to participate. There was a large turnout and the program rendered was most enjoyable and excellent. The South Side Endeavor society has been an excellent influence in that entire neighborhood since its organization and we hope its future may be characterized bv good works and substantial results , as it has been in the past. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice , June igth , 1898 : Harry Baugh , Lizzie Barnell , Geo. A. Brooks , Miss Bridget , Harry Fiske , Mrs. May Handy , Frank Hammond , J. W. Hyers , O. E. VouOven , J. T. Mc- Intosh. Improves the Streets. "N Several of our citizens have graded in front of their properties out to the twen ty-foot limit , and the effect is a decided improvement. We hope the move may become more general and that uniform results may be secured. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Furnished rooms to rent. Inquire of Mrs. Laura Hammond , two blocks west of the court house. McConnell's Colicure Cures Colic , Cholera Morbusand Diar- | rhoea. Money refunded if not as repre sented. FOR SAT.E CHEAP A second-hand bicycle in good shape. Inquire at this oSce'for particulars. . 'Machine Oils at McConnell's. VUNCLE SAM'S NAVY. " This coupon and ten cents get a * "Uncle Sam's ' copy of the peerless - Navy" Portfolios , at THE TRIBUNE > j office. The supply Is limited , so ' call early before the assortment is ' broken. . . UNClE SAM'S NAVY COUPON ' ' I/K NUMBER 5. , / ' . MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. A. BARNETT has been absent in Oma ha all week on business. MRS. T. B. CAMPBELL went down to Lincoln , Wednesday , on a short visit. MRS. E. H. WATERS arrived home , close of last week , from her visit in the east. CLIFFORD VREDENBURG , a represen tative of the Chicago Record , is in the city. MRS. J. G. STOKES is down from Hayes Center , the guest of Mrs. W. M. Lewis. Miss MABEL WILCOX returned home , Tuesday evening , from Grand Island , Nebraska. MRS. J. W. McKENNA is down from Denver , the guest of her brother , Rev. J. W. Hickey. Miss MAGGIE GIBBONS will remain in the city a week or two , the guest of Mrs. A. S. Campbell. ELMER SPRAGUE , a former McCook- ite , arrived from St. JoeMo. , Wednesday night , on a visit. MISSES MAUDE CORDEAL AND MAY STUBY went up to Denver , Monday night , on a short visit. J. C. GAMMILL , the well known stock man and politician of Frontier county , was in the city , Monday. REV. F. M. WILLIAMS of Lincoln has been spending a few da's in this city and section of the state. MRS. FRANK HARRIS is in Omaha , this week , attending the sessions of the Eastern Star convention. MRS. MAX ANTON departed on Tues day morning for Farnam , Nebraska , on a visit to Mrs. T. G. Rees. Miss JENNIE GIBBONS and Master Tom Gibbons left on Tuesday morning for their old home in Orleans. CALEB CLOTHIER was down from Hayes county , a few days early in the ; week , the guest of H. H. Troth. MISS FLORENCE PURVIS went up to Denver , Tuesday morning , and will take a course with pencil and crayon. Miss FRANCIS MONTAGUE came up from Hastings , Tuesday evening , and is the guest of J. S. LeHew's family. Miss MARIE HICKEY departed on Thursday morning , to be absent all summer visiting relatives in Boston. MR. AND MRS. H. H. MEYER and Mrs. Henry Meyer arrived home , Tues day night , from a long visit in St. Ans- gar , Iova. Miss MABEL BISHOP went down to Indianola , this morning , to spend a week with her aunt , Mrs. James Heth- erington. Miss ETHEL WAGY arrived from Illi nois , last Friday evening on No. 3 , and expects to pass the summer here with her sister , Mrs. R. A. Green. C. H. MEEKER was in Lincoln , Satur day , endeavoring to make arrangements to get permission to make a small lake n the bottom near the pump house. S. L. DONNELL of Red Oak , Iowa , ar rived in the city , Tuesday night , looking : fter his real estate interests in Red Villow precinct. He returned horne- vard today. FRANK RATHBUN , the new register of he land office , arrived in the city , Vednesday , from Frontier county , and s learning the ropes before formally aking charge of the office on the first ay of July. MRS. IMOGENE RowELLaud daughter Grace left for their home in Mt. Ayr , owa , this morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. } . Rowell gave Miss Grace and her oung friends an ice sream , strawbeny nd cake treat , last evening. A. L. CAVINESS , our new superinteud- nt of schools , was up from * Syracuse , Nebraska , Tuesday and Wednesda } ' , [ coking over the field and making ar- angements for moving his family to our Uy. We welcome them with greetings warm and hearty. D. C. HILTON of Lincoln , advance agent for the "Lotus Quartette" of that city , spent Sunday in McCook. Dates were made for July 7th , when all will enjoy the opportunity of hearing these young men , two of whom are well known to many of our people. Notice is given in another column. C. P. VILAND and family departe'd , yesterday , overland , for Sioux county , Iowa , where they expect to make their future home. The. Viland's have tbeen among our most desirable citizens for years , and many will regret their depart ure. We wish them all success and hap"- plness in their new home , and promise a warm welcome for them should that country not come up to their expecta tions. A Farewell Reception. The Misses Doan gave a farewell re ception , Monday evening , in honor o the Misses Gibbons , which was one o the most delightful social events of the. summer containing but one element o pain the knowledge that the affair cel ebrated the fact that the Misses Gibbons were about to leave the city and take up their home in Orleans , their former home. The txvo score of young people of the city who participated in the reception are a unit that the occasion was a very swell affair. The Misses Gibbons have been popu lar members of the young society of the city and they will be missed from those circles. Besides the felicity of social chat and association , refreshments of a choice and' ' dainty sort were served during the even ing , and added to the zest and success of the evening in appreciative measure. The guest list was composed as fol- ows : Misses Lotta Stover , Ona Simons , Ma bel Perry , Elizabeth Thomson , Maud Burgess , Carrie Frazier , Nellie Brown , Minnie Rowell , Maud Wood , Laura Mc- Millen , Nelle Gunn , Lulu Beardslee , Maud Cordeal , May Stuby , Lillian Wel- ) orn , Myrtle Meyer , Hattie Yarger. ' Messrs. A. F. Clark , Ed. Cann , A. H ; Snyder , Arthur Wood , Guy Murphy , Carl Dennis , E. O. Scott , O. B. Thorgrimson , T. H. McCarl , Fred Beardsjee , Russel McMilleu , Will O'Neil , Win. Bulger , no. Thomson. Will Beat the Record. Arrangements are now practically com pleted for the grandest Fourth of July celebration ever given by the people of McCook. Commencing at ten o'clock in the morning there will be trades and calithumpian parade , bringing up at the water-works park at eleven. Here Rev. ( W. J. Turner will deliver the oration of the day , the declaration of independence will be recited , orders will be read , etc. /i all interspersed by music b- the Brigade s band. Dinner will be eaten in the grove. Free roast ox , sandwiches and iced tea . will be served. Bring your baskets and " \ liave a feast in the shade. Ball game at the bicycle park at three , with bicycle races between the innings. Other amuse ments will be provided. In the evening fire-works will be set off. Considerable money is being spent to make the park at the water-works com fortable and many of the improvements ivill be permanent , and may be enjoyed by other gatherings , private and public. You can't afford to miss the McCook : elebration , this year. The Need is Felt. t As the Fourth of July approaches the 3eed of a suitable grove is felt , each pear , and remarked about. THE TRIE- LINE learns that there is a move on foot o secure this desideratum , and that an effort may be made to secure the fine ivooded tract surrounding the water works plant for grove or park purposes. Ibis would make a splendid place for . such gatherings as picnics and celebra tions , and we hope that the deal can and be made. It would not require a arge expenditure to provide excellent . jrove privileges and advantages. a ; Wedding Bells. On last Sunday morning at the home af the bride's mother in Danbury pre- : inct , Rev. White united in marriage Alexander Ellis and Lydia Cooley , two af our well known and most excellent young people of Red Willow county. Mr. Ellis is oue of the substantial young men of Gerver precinct. Miss Cooley , , . better known as Nettie Cooley , has been for a few years one of the county's suc- : essful school teachers. THE TRIBUNE jffers its congratulations. Return to the Old Home. The family of Receiver Gibbons de parted yesterday morning , for their old ionic in Orleans. During the four years af their residence in McCook they have . made many warm friends who will re gret their removal from our midst and : who part from them with many kind wishes for them one and all. 2O Acres Bottom Land Under the ditch. Will lease in small tracts to be planted to potatoes. In quire at U. S. Land Office. " f. MR. AND MRS. H. H.EASTERDAY are in Omaha , this week , taking in the great fair and attending a meeting of the Eastern Star , to which Mrs. Easterday and Mrs. Frank Harris are delegates from the local lodge. O. B. THORGRIMSON went down to. : Cambridge , this morning , to act as stenographer in a trial over a recent stabbing affray there. ; MRS. J. F. KENYON and Master Dare departed , the close1 of last week , for Iowa on a visit of some length. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CHRISTIAN Bible school each Lord' daj' at 10 a. m. Social and communiot services at n a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m , All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday-school at 11:00 a. ni. Evening service at 8:00 : p. m. Even song and instruction on Thursdays al 8:00 : p. in. REV. HOWARD STOY , Priest in Charge. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Morning subject , "A Deepening Ac quaintance with God. " Junior Endeav- orats. Endeavorat7. Evening subject , "King Lear-A Revelation of Judgment. " All are cordially invited. W. J. TURNER , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. in. Preaching service at n. Junior Union at 3 p.m. Senior Union at 7. Gospel service at 8. Morning subject , "The 3ones of Joseph. " Evening theme , 'Woman as a Reformer. " All are made velcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at n ; subject , "The Pilgrim's Place and Promise. " Junior League at 2:30. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8 ; subject , "Stormed and Taken. " 3rayer and Bible study , Wednesday eve ning at 8. All are welcome. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor. Remember Miss Tillotson in the Con gregational church , July I4th. The Meihodist ladies held a success ful and profitable social in the old Wil- : ox store room , last evening. The Junior League will hold an ice : ream social next Tuesday evening. and have a good social time with : he Juniors. COMMITTEE. The members of Mrs. G. A. Noren's : lass in the Congregational Sunday- ichool indulged in a happy picnic in .Valsh's grove on the Driftwood , Wednes- lay. i A McCook Boy. ' To the Editor of THE TRIBUNE : The lommencemeut exercises of The North- o restern University of Evanston held on he evening of June i6th , at the Audi- orium in Chicago were of more than > assing interest to McCook boys. One of their friends , John F. Cordeal , vas among the graduates of the law chool and achieved during his course here a remarkable record. Entering the university with no other ducational preparation than that of a horough home training seconded by his > atience and industry Mr. Cordeal found liuiself in class with men who had al- * eady graduated with honors at univer- ities like Yale and Harvard and Prince- on. Taking his work with classmates rained at the best schools of this coun- ry the McCook boy not only held his tl wn , but , without thought of competi- ion or striving for place , actually passed o lis fellow workers and finished with the g ] loners of his class. Not only this ; but he did the regular hree years work in two years and was iven the highest markings on examina- ions for the final year in the whole chool. In the examination on "Trusts , " I le received the only "A , " in the class ; here was but one "A" given the pre- ious year. A thesis on "The Tribal Relations of he Cherokee Nation with the United States Government , " won for him the nest valuable prize awarded , The Eng- ish and American Encyclopaedia of vaw , in some thirty-eight volumes. This record is now of less importance o Mr. Cordeat than those ambitious toys of McCook who are apt naturally o repine at their lack of advantages. t is safe to say that none of them enjoy ewer than this McCook boy did , and the nstance only proves , after all , that the .nibitiou and the determination are the mly absolutely essential factors to sue- fi ess. I believe there are more boys in Red Villow county who will be heard from n their due time ; certainly this case , nay well inspire them to work unremit- ingly for success. FRANK. H. SPEARMAN. Chicago , June 20 , 1898. Those "Uncle Sam" portfolios are a hing of beauty and a joy forever. You ihould avail yourself of the opportunity o buy one. THE TRIBUNE offers theme o you for 10 cents each. Buy one and rou can't resist the temptation to pur- hase the whole series. The Athletic Club is preparing the rack for races which they intend to hold m the Fourth. > Guaranteed Mixed Paint atMcMillen's Drug Store. Confirmed a Largo Class. Last Sunday was a day of great mo ment and large interest to the members of St. Patrick's church , being the impress ive occasion of the confirmation of a class of fifty by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Bonacum of Lincoln. The scene was deeply touching and solemn , the church being crowded to witness the same. Confirmation was administered by the bishop and Rev. J. W. Ilickey was cele brant of the Mass. Special music was rendered for the memorable occasion. The altar decorations and in fact the entire interior of the church added to the attractiveness and impressiveness of the sacred scene and act. Shipments In the Year 1897. The shipments of stock , etc. , from Red Willow county for the year 1897 were as follows : Cattle , 93 cars , 2,232 headhogs ; , 448 cars , 30,464 head ; horses and mules , 4 cars. 80 head ; wheat , 468 cars , 312,000 Jtishels ; corn , 21 cars , 15,000 bushels , rhe shipments from McCook during 1897 vere : 489 cars in total , of which 48 cars vere cattle , 127 hogs , 183 wheat , 55 rye , 56 miscellaneous. Car receipts were 661 n all , of which 84 were lumber , 276 coal , 280 miscellaneous. By far the largest ingle shipment will be seen to be coal , vhich makes up almost half of the total eceipts at this station. I. O. O. F. Memorial Day. The Methodist church was crowded , ast Sunday morning , when Rev. J. A. Badcon delivered the I. O. O. F. Me- iiorial Day sermon before the members > f the local lodge. A strong sermon was elivered , special music sung and the hurch was appropriately decorated for he event. After the services at the church the jraves of the following deceased Odd ? ellows were decorated with flowers : C. T. Brewer , and F.V. . Jeffries. Also , he grave of the wife of Brother Badcon. The Imperial Brigade. The Nebraska Brigade band of our ity was complimented , this week , by in invitation from Musical Director \Vil- ard Kiuiball of the Omaha exposition o fill a two weeks' engagement at the lig fair. As the boys expect to make me visit to the exposition , later in the eason , and are making their arrange- nents to that effect , they were not able o accept the invitation. They appre- iate the compliment just the same. General Improvements. St. Patrick's church has been under- oing general improvements. The out- ide and interior have been reoainted , ew paper adorns the walls , a new cross nd other improvements have been made a the steeple and a new hard wood floor as been laid in the church , which now 5 one of the handsomest and best ap- ointed edifices of the kind in this part f the state. . W. T. Coleman Quite III. W. T. Coleman's many friends over lie city and county will learn with re- ret of his illness with his old complaint f the bowels. His condition has been uch as to cause some uneasiness. Making a Monkey of the Colonel. Colonel Mitchell has been "requested i o state that Miss Qrphie Hayden is now ii Denver , and J. A. Hammond is in lastings. " All of which is important , f true. For Sale Cheap. Good five room house and lot , part ash , balance in monthly payments -io-iots. Write C. E. MAGNER , Kearney , Nebr. McConnell's Colicure Cures Colic , Cholera Morbusand Diar- hoea. Money refunded if not as repre- ented. On July I private postal cards will be dtnitted into the domestic mails. Un- er the new law by complying with cer- ain regulations any firm may issue its wn cards. A i-cent stamp must be uf- ixed. An advertisement may be print- d on the message side. They must not ie larger than three and one fourth aches by five and one half inches and -hite , cream , light gray in color. The series of twelve "Uncle Sam's" lortfolios is now complete. If you want very pretty and artistic thing illnstrat- ug all of our warships and many other cenes in connection with the navy don't icglect this opportunity. They are only en cents a copy. They are very artistic nd taken from photographs of the riginal. Hob' Smoke ! The Courier lost a mndred subscribers in one week. . But ie got the saloon applications to print in the fradulent showing aucj is ahead f the hounds a few leaps , perhaps. Guaranteed Mixed Paint atMcMillen's Drug Store. MINOR ITEMS OP NEWS. Machine Oils at McConnell's. See McMillen's new stock of WAI.I , PAPER. C. B. Gray is busily engaged in taking the school census , just now. The fact that the farmers are in the corn fields is making business quiet. GIRL WANTED To do general house work. MRS. C. H. MEEKER. Martin Yager has built a small addi tion to hisdwellingon Manchester street. A new sidewalk is Joseph Menard's- addition to the improvement columi- this week. Abstract books of Red Willow county for sale or trade. J. E. Barngrover , Creston , Iowa. A reduction is announced in the rates- for international money orders to go in to effect July ist. The departure of C. P. Viland make * ; a vacancy in the janitorship of the West ward school building. Rats have a choice tooth for youthful chickens and losses are reported by num erous fanciers of poultry. Some property is changing hands in the city , but at modest figures comparer. with former good times. There was no meeting of the board of education , last Saturday eveniag ; or account of the lack of a quorain. Fifteen cents will buy a bor of pa per at THE TRIBUNE office that will surprise and please you for quality. For hot summer weather nothiaij s- cool and fine as a crash suit. 2t I. T. B Cut out a coupon and bring itwith te : cents to THE TRIBUNE office sad tet H copy of "Uncle Sam's Navy PortJaSos. " George Leland is enlarging his busi ness quarters on the ground , recently occupied by the old Colvin oSce bid ing. You want one of our series of Sam's Naval Portfolios" . They an. handsome and cheap. . A cotipos.ned te- cents gets a copy. These fine , warm days-are beiajj foil ; . utilized by the farmers in. aghtiaff the weeds that stole such a long in&rck or them during the wet season. If you are advertising for resells , TH > TRIBUNE should be in your calculation ? If you are advertising for fun , "aay ol. " thing" will answer your purpose. You can enjoy a fine time , a dish of ijood ice cream and a piece of rare cskt it the Maccabee social at the lawn of A. Barnett , this evening , all for ten ceats. Some are alarmed over the grasshop pers , but so far little or no damage ha > been done , and it is not likely that much liarui will befall the splendid crops from Lhat source. _ Those "Uncle Sam" portfolio picture- ire going fast. They are splendid pict ures of Uncle Sam's ships , sailors etc. . ind are cheap at ten cents n piece. TH > IRIBUNE office. The Rider-Huber cemetery has r the "laid-out" stage. And it is stu'ev' Lhat one burial lot has been disposed of. The grounds are located at the foot of west Dennisou street. The Brigade baud indulged XK a re hearsal in the grove at the water-work- . last Sunday afternoon. It WHS also a picnic occasion for : i number of the young people of the city. These better times are overruttuim ; the land with fakes and fakers. The most of them ought to be herded within an enclosure and a dyiuunUc bomb exploded in the midst of them. The arrangements now about complet ed for a Fourth of July celebration in McCook promise to a certainty Uu most attractive celebration that wiU In- given by any town in this section ol Nebraska. Of the eighty delegates to the conwn lion of Women's Clubs that ) M&ttv. through McCook , Monday morning , for Denver , eighteen were the wive * of mi ! liouaires. They were ati aristocttUu- company , ami easeful , if bruiuy. The Lady Maccabees announce it iev cream ami cake social ou the lvtt t Mrs. A. Barnett's home tonight. The ladies extend a general invitation to the public , to come ami partake of a dish of ice cream reinforced with cnke , nil at the small price often cents. Dr. J. I' . Williams , associated with Dr. W. L. Dayton of Lincoln , Xeln\ , will again be in McCook , Wednesday ami Thursday , June ugth and 301 h , at the office of Dr. W. V. Gage , for the treat ment of diseases of the eye , ear , nose nud throat and the fitting of glasses. Machine Oils at McConueH's.