The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 17, 1898, Image 2

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F. AI. KIAXMKU * Publisher.
There Is no part of Nebraska at this
writing suffering for rain.
A division of the Salvation army
has been , established at North Platte.
The Plainview Normal school is
giving a ten weeks' instruction to
It is claimed that Osceola haa
moro secret societies than any other
townof its size in the state.
Fourteen students of the Nebraska
Normal college have enlisted in the
new company at Wakefield.
There is but one saloon in Dakota
City , and even that , many people be
lieve , could easily be dispensed with.
A chunk of coal weighing 10,500
pounds was recently shipped to the
Omaha exposition from Rock
Springs , Wyo.
The Lyons Mirror says one or its
townsmen put fifteen eggs unaer a
setting hen and when they hatched
there were sixteen chickens.
The little son of W. C. Collins of
Curtis was chewing a pine stick when
a splinter dodged in his windpipe. The
doctors fear the result will prove fa
Burglars entered the 'home ' of F. Y.
Robertson , at Kearney and took sev
eral articles , valued at over $350 , from
the bedroom in which Mr. Robertson
was sleeping. No clue.
The Harding Creamery company's
skimming station at Osmond has just
closed the first full month's business ,
and Manager Banish says that he re
ceived over 30,000 pounds of milk dur-
in the month. This he considers a
very satisfactory month's business.
The record of Polk county for the
month of May shows that there were
four farm mortgages filed amounting
to $5,350 ; released , fifteen , amounting
to $22,700. City mortgages filed , two ,
amounting to $440 ; released , eleven ,
amounting to $6,787.46. Chattel mort
gages filed , 102 , amounting to $25-
257.12 ; released , fortyeight , amount
ing to $38,564.55 ; so that the decreased
indebtedness amounts to $36,094.89.
The case of the state against the Buf
falo County National bank and its
five bondsmen was tried last week
and judgment rendered in favor of the
state for $5,700. The bank was a state'
depository at the time it failed in 1895
and had something like $5.000 on de
posit. George Corcoran of the attor
ney general's office , appeared for the
state and F. G. Hamer represented trie
The Christian Endeavor convention
of the third district of Nebraska was
held in Tekamah with nineteen dele
gates present , representing thirteen
societies. The third district com
prises the counties of Burt , "Washmg-
tton , Sarpy , Cumlng , Stanton , Dodge ,
Colfax and Douglas , outside of the
city of Omaha , and contains twenty-
se-rcn' societies.
The O&aha World-Herald thinks
that if e state seal of Nebraska is
ever clianged more prominence should
be given thereon to the sod house.
The'sod house made Nebraska of to
day ssible. Beneath a sod roof and
inside the sod wsrHs the men and wo
men who have made Nebraska bloom
and blossom as the rose livedi out the
early days of theft lives as pioneers.
A dispatch says the appointment of
Gen. L. W. Colby to a brigadier-gen
eralship was not much of a surprise
to Beatrice people , despite the many
protests , which were said to have been
filed against the appointment. It is
true , also , that Mr. Colby's military
genius , ability and courage are per
haps nowhere better understood and
appreciated ; that at home , and his ap
pointment gives general satisfaction.
The mortgage indebtedness of York
county was decreased to the extent of
$46,022.15 during the month of May.
Fourteen farm mortgages were filed
and forty released , the aggregate
amounts being $10,710.73 and $33-
998.61 , respectively. Of town and city
mortgages , four were filed , aggregat
ing $4,497.90 , and seventeen satisfied ,
amounting to $12,837.90. Chattel
mortgages released exceed the amount
of those filed by $14,404.27.
Mrs. Mary Veseley , who has been
living with her son on a homestead
a few miles southeast of Benkelman ,
ended her own life by suicide. She
has been suffering from hysteria for
some time which developed into in
sanity. She repeatedly tried to com
mit suicide , but by the constant and
careful watching of friends -her at
tempts were futile. Her son came to
town to summon aid. She being left
alone seized the opportunity to ter-
minatte her existence and when he
returned she was hanging in the well
The counsel for the sureties in the
Eugene Moore bond case have filed
their brief with the clerk of the su
preme court. After reciting the word
ing of the bond , the brief says : "It
is clear from the language quoted that
the sureties upon the bond bound
themselves only to make good the loss
of money received by their principal
by virtue of his office and by author
ity of law. They did not guarantee
the honesty of his conduct , nor un
dertake to indemnify persons dealing
with him outside his official capacity ,
for tfie consequences of his acts. They
did not extend or limit his .authority
as auditor. They bound themselves
solely to make good ; the loss of money
received officially. "
The civil serv7c * commission an
nounces that an examination will be
held at South Omaha on July 9 for the
positions of clerk and carrier in the
postoffice at that city.
A Camp Thomas ( Ga. ) dispatch
says * Colonel Bills received a New
York draft this afternoon for $5,952.32 ,
the amount due the members of the
refflment who served In the National
ruard of Nebraska. This sum Is what
the state owes them for service from
Anril 27 to May 4. Two thousand
dollars were retained by the governor
the men who serve * in the guard
the examina
but who failed to pass
An Official Report on the Sinking of
the Merrimac ,
Commander Miller 'Was Reluctant to
GIve Up the Command of Ills Vessel
Bear Admiral Sampson IVas the Au
thor of the Scheme.
WASHINGTON , June 13. The Navy
department posted the following bul
letin to-day , giving a detailed official
report from Admiral Sampson on the
exploit of Lieutenant ITobson and his
men in sinking the Merrimac in the
Santiago channel :
SANTIAGO , June3 , 1898. Permit me to call
your special attention to Assistant Naval Con
structor Hobson. As stated in a special tele
gram before coming here , I decided to make the
harbor entrance secure against the possibility
of egress by Spanish ships by obstructing the
narrow part of the entrance by sinking a col
lier at that point. Calling upon Mr. Hobson for
his professional opinion as to a secure method
of sinking the ship , he manifested the most
lively interest in the problem. After several
days' consideration he presented a solution
which he considered would insure the immedi
ate sinking of the ship when he.reached the de
sired point in the channel. This plan was pre
pared for execution when we reached Santiago.
The plan contemplated a crew of only seven
men and Mr. Hobson , who begged that it might
be entrusted to him. The anchor chains were
arranged on deck for both the anchors , forward
and aft , the plan Including the anchoring of the
ship almost automatically.
As soon as I reached Santiago and I hod the
collier to work upon , the details were completed
and diligently prosecuted , hoping to complete
them ia one day , as the moon and tide served
best the first night after our arrival. Notwith
standing the hour of 4 o'clock in the morning
arrived and preparation was scarcely com
pleted. After a careful explanation of the final
preparations I was forced to relinquish the
plan for that morning , as dawn was breaking.
Mr. Hobson begged us to try it at all hazards.
This morning proved more propitious , and a
prompt start was made. Nothing could have
been more gallantly executed. We waited im
patiently after the firing by the Spaniards had
ceased. When they did not reappear from the
harbor at 0 o'clock I feared that they had all
perished. A steam launch which had been sent
in charge of Naval Cadet Powell to rescue the
men appeared at this time coming out under a
persistent fire of the 'batteries ' , but brought
none of the crew. A careful inspection of the
harbor from the ship showed that the vessels
Merrimac had been sunk in the channel.
This afternoon the chief of staff of Admiral
Cervera came out under a flag of truce with a
letter from the admiral extolling the bravery
of the crew in an unusual manner.
I cannot myself too earnestly express my ap
preciation of the conduct of Mr. Hobson and
his gallant crew. I venture to say that a more
brave and daring thing has not been done since
Cushing blew up the Albemarle.
Referring to the inspiring letter which you
addressed to the officers at the beginning of the
war , I am sure you will offer a suitable pro
fessional reward to Mr. Hobson and his com
I must add that Commander J. N. Miller has
relinquished his command with the very great
est reluctance , believing he would retain his
command under all circumstances. He was ,
however , finally convinced that the attempt of
another person to carry out the multitude of
details which had been in preparation by Mr.
Hobson might endanger its proper execution. I
therefore took the liberty to relieve him for
this reason only. There were hundreds of vol
unteers who were anxious to participate ; there
were 150 from the Iowa , nearly as many from
this ship and large numbers from all the other
ships , officers and men alike. "W. T. Sampson.
Both tbo Missouri and the Knw Are
Flooding the XXKT Lands.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , June 13. "Five
inches above danger line , and still
rising rapidly , " is what the weather
authorities report of the Missouri
river this morning. The Kaw river ,
too , stands higher than it has been at
any time this year. The high water
of the Missouri river has blocked the
Kaw's only outlet , and that stream is
now spreading itself over the low
lying fields along its shores.
This morning the weather authori
ties said the Missouri river would prob
ably rise steadily till Sunday morning ,
then come to a standstill for twenty-
four hours. After that a gradual fall
is predicted.
A Retiring Board Ordered to Examine
Three Colonels at Tampa.
WASHINGTON , June 13. The hard
ships of the war are already beginning
to tell upon army officers. It has been
necessary to detail an army retiring
board to Tampa , with General Cop-
pinger as president. Three colonels
of the regular regiments have been or
dered to examination. They are
Colonels M. A. Cochran , Sixth infan
try ; Alfred T. Smith , Thirteenth in
fantry , and William H. Powell. Ninth
Kansans Quick to Answer.
LAWRENCE , Kan. , June 13. Captain
A. D. G. Clark of Company H , Twen
tieth Kansas volunteers , arrived in
Lawrence this morning with three of
his men and at once opened a recruit
ing station to fill up companies in the
regiment to the maximum limit under
the second call for volunteers. A large
number of young men desirous of en
listing were on hand early and the
twenty-five men wanted from Law
rence were quickly secured. Captain
Clark will recruit the same number at
Leavenworth Monday , at Paola Tues
day and at Girard on Wednesday.
To Select a Sword for Dewey.
WASHINGTON , June 13. The secre
tary of the navy has appointed the
board to carry into effect the joint
resolution of Congress authorizing
him to present a sword , of'honor to Ad
miral George Dewey and to distribute
bronze medals commemorating tb.6
battle of Manila Bay to the officers and
men of the ships of the Asiatic squad
ron under command of Admiral Dewey
on May 1. The board consists of Mr.
Allen , assistant secretary of the navy ;
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts and
Professor Marshall Oliver.
Repeats That Both England and America
Would Profit by an Alliance.
LONDON , June 13. Sir Charles Dilke ,
in the house of commons , moving a re
duction in the foreign office vote , at
tacked the Marquis of Salisbury's for
eign policy of concession.
Mr. Chamberlain , on rising to reply ,
was received with government cheers
and Irish National hisses. He referred
to "the importance of a close under
standing with America , " adding :
"In my opinion on such a matter the
United States would not listen to the
Irish vote. " But whether England or
America were menaced , he said , he
hoped that it would be found that
blood was thicker than water , and ,
without desiring to force either nation
to enter into an alliance with which a
majority of both peoples did not thor
oughly sympathize , he would repeat
his conviction that the closer , the more
defined and the clearer the alliance be
tween the United States and England ,
the better it would be for both nations
and civilization. Mr. Chamberlain's
speech ended amid loud cheers from
the benches.
Mr. John Dillon , the Irish National
leader , protested against Mr. Chamber
lain's insults to the Irish in America
Sir Charles Dilke's motion for a re
duction in the foreign office vote as a
rebuke to the government's foreign
policy was rejected by the house by a
vote of 254 against 128.
It Is Said , However , That It Is Not the
Intention to Send It Out.
NEW YOKK , June 13. A special to
the Herald from Cadiz says : "The re
serve fleet , consisting of two iron
clads , one cruiser , twenty torpedo
boats , three torpedo boat destroyers ,
with seven auxiliary cruisers and 3,500
troops , is under steam.
"The order is that the fires are now
to be kept up continuously , so as to be
ready to depart at any moment. There
was , however , an accident on board
the Alfonso XIII , whose torpedo tubes
proved defective. She was compelled
to return to the arsenal. This , it is
said , causes the delay , but it is be
lieved that the accident is simply to
keep-the fleet at Cadiz.
"Your correspondent has been told
that the fleet will not sail , as the au
thorities do not want it to leave. They
will wait and wait until a catastrophe
has happened to Admiral Cervera's
fleet , and then there will be an explo
sion of popular indignation with pos
sibly an uprising.
"There is nothing to prevent the
squadron from sailing at once , but Ad
miral Camara and his oificers and men
have quite lost their heads. "
Stops at San Diego for Supply of Coal
and Water.
SAN DIEGO , Cal. , June 13. The United
States Steamer Monterey and her coal
consort , the Brutus , supposed to be
speeding oh their way toward Honolulu
lulu and Manila , were sighted at noon
yesterday steaming south toward San
Diego at a good rate , of sfteed , the
Monterey leading. . They arrived off
the harbor month at 3 p. m. and sepa
rated , the Brutus going about five miles
south and anchoring near Coronada
island , while the Monterey came in
rapidly and dropped her anchor at 4
p , m. off the coal bunkers , a great
crowd being on the wharf to receive
them. Coal was ordered put on board
in a hurry and is now being taken on.
The officer stated that they met heavy
weather the second day out and lost
overboard 300 tons , which was secured
in netting on the Monterey's decks.
Plainly Declares Himself in Favor of
Holding to the Philippine Islands.
SAN FBANCISCO , June 13. At a ban
quet given by Mayor Phelan to Major
General Merritt at the Pacific Union
club a number of prominent citizens
were present. In responding to a toast
in his honor , General Merritt said the
success of the American troops in the
Philippines could not be doubted. The
territory acquired by the United States
by right of conquest should not be re
linquished. What the navy has won
the army will hold. He closed by say
ing : "I believe in the new national
policy of the United States , which
looks to the acquisition of additional
territory , represented in outlying
islands that are requisite for the de
velopment of national strength and
growth. " His sentiments were heart
ily applauded.
The Business Outlook Could Scarcely Bo
Better Than Now.
NEW YORK , June 13. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade says :
"The certainty that the Spanish Atlan
tic fleet is imprisoned and powerless to
do harm has helped to make the tone
of markets more confident. Every step
of progress during the week which
has looked toward an early term
ination of the struggle has been
reflected in the market and in
lower rates for money. All industries
have felt the uplifting influence. In
finances the growing anxiety to lend
on even long exchanges at low rates ,
in place of shipment of gold to this
country , begins to accumulate a stand
ing credit in favor of the United
States. A stronger situation it would
be difficult to describe. "
Torroy's Riders May Go to Manila.
DENVER , CoL , June 13. Orders have
been received at army headquarters
for the dispatch of the Nevada troop of
Colonel Torrey's rough riders , now at
Cheyenne , to San Francisco. This or
der is taken as indicating that the en
tire regiment is to be sent to the Phil
A Battle for Possession of the Town
Said to Be in Progress ,
Admiral Dcwey Has Promised to Keep
Insurgents in Check If They Capture
the City Three Attempts Made on the
Life of Aguinaldo to Get a Reward.
NEW YORK , June 13. A dispatcl
from Hong Kong to-day says that a
battle for the possession of Manila is
in progress to-day between the Spanish
forces and General Aguinaldo. Ad
miral Dewey has promised to proven
a masacre should the insurgents
capture the city.
The Spanish governor has been not -
ified that unless he withdraws the
price put on the head of the insurgem
leader Aguinaldo he will get no quar
ter. Otherwise the rules of civilizec
warfare will be strictly adhered to. As
a result of this price on his head , three
attempts have been made to take
Aguinaldo's life.
The National Chairman Says Dissension
May Cause the Party's Disruption.
BOSTON , June 13. George F. Wash-
burne , chairman of the national exec
utive committee of the Populist party ,
has sent a letter to other committeemen -
men calling attention to the "deter
mined contests between the 'fusion-
ists' and 'readers' " for ascendency.
"For either side to dominate will mean
the disruption of the party , " he says.
"This is a crisis that calls for the best
judgment our leaders possess. Our
safest and ablest men should be at
Omaha June 15. "
lie also urges the forwarding oi
proxies by mail or telegraph if the
delegates are unable to attend. He
further says : "Our first duty is to the
party as a whole rather than to any
faction of it. We must reconcile , not
embitter , unite rather than divide. "
A call has also been issued to the
Populist Senators , Congressmen , gov
ernors and the state chairmen and sec
retaries to attend the meeting with the
privilege of the floor to express their
opinion and service , but they will have
no vote.
Secretary Long"Will Follow the Admiral's
Advice in Promoting Hobson.
WASHINGTON , June 13. Secretary
Long was at the navy department to
day for the first time since he was
overtaken by lameness about ten days
ago. When asked what the depart
ment proposed to do in reference to
Sampson's graceful suggestion that
Hobson and his men be professionally
rewarded for their brave exploit in
sinking the Merrimac , the secretary
said that he had already telegraphed
Admiral Sampson to recommend for
mally to the department just what
measures of advancement he deemed
Paraguay Offers No Refuge to the Rest
less Spanish Gunboat.
BUENOS AYRES , June 13. The gov
ernment of Paraguay , acting upon the
representations of the United States
consul at Montevideo , has notified the
commander of the Spanish" torpedo
gunboat Teinerario , now at Asunsion ,
that he must disarm thc.t vcE eLif he
desires to remain in port.
The Spanish commander refused to
do so and thereupon he was informed
that the Tcmerario must leave Asun
sion as soon as the repairs to her ma
chinery are completed , and that they
must be quickly done.
The British Consul Says the Merrlmac's
Men Are Given Good Treatment.
NEW YORK. June 13. The British
consul at Santiago de Cuba has sent
the following dispatch by way of Hali
fax to the New York World : "Reply
ing to your cablegram , Lieutenant
Hobson and his men are well. They
are also well cared for by the authori
ties. I have myself just seen him.
Ramsden , British consul. "
Reports of Inefficiency in the Commissary
Department Denied.
WASHINGTON , June 13. The reports
of friction between army headquarters
and the various supply bureaus of the
war department because of the con
gested condition of affairs at Tampa
are denied by officers of the depart
ments under whose direction these
matters come.
Snelng a King's Daughter.
LONDON , June 13. A dispatch from
Vienna says the creditors of Princess
Louise of Saxe-Coburg , wife of Prince
Philip , who is accused of forging the
signature of Crown Princess Stephanie
to the extent of § 2,000.000 , are bring
ing action against her to recover the
More Freight Than Packets.
SAN FRANCISCO , June 13. Owners of
sailing vessels are profiting by the
government's demand for transport
steamers. Every Hawaiian packet now
in port has more freight offered than
she can carry in three trips and the
trade promises to increase rather than
A Place for Senator Murphy's Son.
SAN FRANCISCO , June 13. It is semi
officially announced that Brigadier
General H. G. Otis has chosen for adju
tant general of the Fourth brigade
Captain Murphy , son of United States
Senator Murphy of New York.
Conferences Had Been IfrM ; tli Amor-
lean Representative * .
VANCOUVER , B. C. , June 13. Information
mation has been brought by the steam
er Empress of Japan from Hofig Kong1
regarding negotiations between jthc
Philippine rebel chief and the United
States representatives at Singapore.
It seems that just before the outbreak
of hostilities between Spain and the
United States Singapore was the scene
of a secret political arrangement by
which General Emilio Aguinaldo y
Femi , supreme head of the revolution
ary movement in the Philippines , en
tered into direct relations with Ad
miral Dcwey while that officer was
still at Hong Kong.
General Aguinaldo's policy , as a re
sult of these conferences , embraces the
independence of the Philippineswhose
internal affairs would be controlled
under European and American advis
ers. American protection -would be
desirable temporarily on the same
lines as that which might be instituted
hereafter in Cuba. The ports of the
Philippines would be free to the trade
of the world , safeguards being erected
against an influx of Chinese aliens.who
would compete with the industrious
population of the country. There
would be a complete reform of the
present corrupt judiciary of the coun
try under experienced European
law officers. The entire freedom
of the press would be established
as well as of thought and pub
lic meetings. There would be gen
eral religious toleration and steps
would be taken for the expulsion of
tyrannical religious fraternities , who
have such , a strong hand on every
branch of the civil administration.
Full provision would be given for the
exploitation of the natural resources
and wealth of the country by roads ,
railways , and by the removal of all
hindrances to enterprise and the in
vestment of capital. The Spanish of
ficials would be removed to a place o :
safety until an opportunity offered to
their return to Spain. The preserva
tion of public safety and the checking
of reprisals against the Spaniards
would naturally have been the first
care of the government in the new
state of things.
Foreign Powers Will Probably Give Their
Ships More Target Practice.
WASHINGTON , June 13. Naval ex
perts are watching with care the
records made by our gunners. Unlim
ited praise is heard of their work in
Washington and abroad. The super
iority of our fire over the Spanish is
due , naval officers believe , to the an *
pie opportunity given American sea
men to become familiar with the guns
and not to spare projectiles or powder
in target practice. Double the target
practice that foreign services have is
given the navy and the result is shown
in the wonderful accuracy with which
everything aimed at has been knocked
to pieces.
Beginning at a range of 7,000 yards
or about four miles , the vessels of Ad
miral Sampson's fleet at both Porto
Rico and Santiago got the range of
shore batteries and made every shell
perform its full function. At closer
range the fire of the ships seems to
have been even better. With very
chance of doing the American ships se
rious harm , not one has so far been
squarely hit by a big shell from Span
ish land defenses.
The chances are all favorable to the
shore guns over the ships" ordnance in
a fight between the two. While the
vessel is a smaller target and moves
along , the shore batteries have sta
tionary gun platforms , and should , if
the range is secured properly , hit every
time. Yet the reports show that at
close range within one mile at both
Santiago and Porto Rico not one pro
jectile struck a ship and few came dan
gerously near them. Other powers
probably will profit by this govern
ment's experience in providing liberal
ly for target practice at sea.
Soldiers Net Allowed to Testify Against
Negro Cavalrymen Accused of Murder.
TAMPA , Fla. , June 13. The trial of
John Young and James Johnson ,
negroes , members of the Tenth cav
airy , is now in progress at Barlow
before the circuit court. They have
both been indicted for the murder of
Joab Collins , who was killed in a melee
while the soldiers were encamped at
Great difficulty was experienced by
; he sheriff in obtaining witnesses. He
made application to General Shafter at
Port Tampa for two witnesses , but the
jeneral refused to give him the men.
SIsty-FIvo Taken to the Hospital at
Fort McFhorson.
ATLANTA , Ga. , June 13. Sixty-five
sick soldiers arrived here last night
rom Tampa and were taken to the
jeneral army hospital at Fort McPher-
son. Nearly all are regulars. Many
sick are said to be suffering from fever.
There are now about HO patients at
this hospital.
A 8200,000 Fire In Detroit.
DETROIT. Mich. , June 13. The Case
Power building on Congress street ,
west , burned early to-day with all its
contents , and some oi the finest busi
ness structures in this city'were dam
aged. The total damage will be up
wards of 5200,000.
Chaplain of Second Missouri Volnnte rs
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , June 13. Go -
ernor Stephens has appointed the Rev.
6. A. Ottman of St. Louis chaplain of
the Second regiment , Missouri volun
N _ _
Visit Omaha and
to Denver to
the Exposition. 5
.ZoS' KIIS I - i "
and In-
- Trans-Missippi
Exposition has set apart %
,5 , * :
on their way to the Denver
have arranged to stop over Into
' Club Congress
to attend the Woman's
June 18 and 19.
to be held in that city
Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin , president of . - *
of Women s
the General Federation
Clubs ; Mrs. Alice Ives Breed vice-
president , and Mrs. Philip N. Moore ,
corresponding secretary , will be in at
Among the speakers are Mrs. Ed
ward Longstreth , Mrs. Mary B. Mun-
ford , Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson of
Philadelphia , Mrs. Ellen M. Richard
son of Boston. Mrs. Kate Tarmatt
Woods of Salem ; Mrs. Eluta Tl-aUon
of Newton , Mass. ; Mrs. Win. Fischel
of St Louis ; Mrs. Celia Parker Wool- 4
ey and Mrs. Herman J. Hall of Chi
Besides the sessions of the congress
which will be unusually Interesting ,
two daily concerts by the Theodore
Thomas orchestra will be given m
the Auditorium.
Special rates of one fare for the
round trip have been pranted by all
the roads leading to Omaha. These
rates are good from June 17 to June
20 within a radius of 150 miles of
The Woman's Board of Managers
of the exposition , the Exposition Bu
reau of Entertainment and the Omaha
Woman's Club are making active
preparations for the success of the
dav.In order to distinguish them from
other exposition visitors , each visit
ing club woman is requested to wear
on her shoulder a knot of pale blue
It is now conceded by all that the
Trans-Mississippi exposition Is second
end only to the world/s fair , far sur
passing in beauty the centennial ,
midwinter , Atlanta and Nashville ex
Send In a Protest.
Washington dispatch : 0 telegram
was received last night in Washing
ton from the colonel of the First Ne
braska regiment of volunteer infant
ry now at San Francisco awaiting
transportation to the Philippines ,
stating that the men of his company
are now thoroughly armed and
equipped and ready to move. They
have been anxious to be ordered off
ever since their arrival on the Pacific
coast , but have been made to stand by
and see other regiments pass them by
and board the troop ships to go to
Manila. The reason for the Nebras
ka soldiers' detention has been that
they were poorly equipped and the
secretary of war would not allow
their departure with inferior arms.
As this deficiency seems now to
have been remedied , the First Nebras
ka may be soon be sent out of tl-
country from the port of San Fran
Nebraska Hanks.
Washington dispatch : The ab
stract of reports made to the comptrol
ler of the currency showing the'con
dition of banks of Nebraska ,
exclusive of Lincoln and Om
aha , as of May 5 shows a
decided increase in business since last
report on February 18. Loans and
discounts are $12,5S2S50 ; due from
banks and bankers , $4,881,484 ; gold
coin on hand. $64S,36G ; total specie ,
$820,555. Total resources , $23.316-
02S. and Increase of over one million.
Individual deposits amounted en that
date to $12,999.894. &n increase of $1-
269,226 since February : The average
reserve held is 3S.S8 per cnt as
against 36.54 per cent of last report.
Decision In a Nebraska Case.
An important pension decision has
been handed down by the secretary
of the interior in the case of Joshua
C. Hart of NuckoIIs county. Nebras
ka , on appeal by Representative Suth
erland. The case involved the ad-
missabillty of evidence not in accord
ance with the evidence of the medical
officers of the pension bureau. The
claimant had many witnesses to test-
tify to his physical disability to a
greater extent than was manifested
by the report of the medical examin
ing board , but the case was rejected.
It was then appealed by Mr. Suther
land. The case has been ordered tea
a hearing.
Killed by a Train.
Dakota City dispatch : Gordon Al
exander of Blair , about 6 o'clocK this
evening , was run over by a work train
on the Chicago , SL Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway at South Sioux Citv
and almost instantly killed. He wak
one of the workmen on the tram and
was attempting to go from the ca
boose to a flat car after the caboose
had been cut from a train comin off
I approach of the bridge , when
he fell between the cars and twelve
cars passed over him. The companv
physlclans at Sioux-City and this place
were called , but the man expired II
fore they arrived. An inquest is now
being held. His brother was an eye
witness to the accident.
Burned by Llchtnlnc.
Edgar dispatch : Lightning struck
i barn belonging to Peter Bures , three
miles east of Edgar , during the rafa
yesterday afternoon. killing two
horses , knocking : down four more and
a young man Fred Zelgler , who was
at work in the stable attendin- the
horses. The barn was sot on fir ; fl
burned , with two harvesters. SOO bush
els of oats and some other minor
farm implements. Total value of
Pr ° Perdestr ° yea. 51.200. Insur
ance $300. The young man and the
four horses that were knocked down
n-ere it-scued.
Lowls A. Funk , a young man who
? 3ir.p here e , short time
ago nndc
: ured employment nt the Arso Jlan
Bfacturlns company , was taken into today ty nn officer from
Slarksville , Ind. , upon the charce of
seduction. Funk accompanied
jfflcer without