The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1898, Image 8

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' I3 DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts ,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same
that lias borne and does now / * , . * on every
bear thefac-simile signature of a&jff&&K wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought on the
and has the signature of &aS&s& & M wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
March S , 1897.
1897.Do Not Be Deceived.
Do , not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
. . .
Perfection is the w . of our long
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
Monarch ChainSess § 800,00 '
Send for 1893 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Haisted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches New York. London and Hamburg.
Send ten 2-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating
Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones.
The Altruism of Intervention.
In Italy's riots there is at once a. spec
ter , a ln\v and a probability. The spec
ter is that which fifty years ago stalked
-over Europe , rang the tocsins , raised the
barricades , stared kings out of counte
nance , shook their thrones and chased
them behind the ramparts of their bayo
nets. The law is that of progress. This
country is acquainted with the ad van t-
-ages of revolution. So is Latin America !
They are less manifest to others. As a
consequence the riots in Itah' , the mut-
terhigs in Austria , these things and more
besides , must give the monarchies on
the Continent food for thought. They
must feel that their fate is more or less
involved with that of Spain. Should
-the throne of Alfonso be turned topsy
turvy , the jostling of their own might
begin. In the circumstances it is only
natural for them to wish that the high
-stool on which the little boy sits should
be kept right side up and equilibrium
restored. That way intervention lies.
Collier's Weekly.
parades , Speeches , Music , Receptions ,
Fireworks , -
'Omaha , Wednesday , June ist , on the oc
casion of the opening of the Trans- Mis
sissippi Exposition. A red-letter day in
the history of the Trans-Mississippi re
gion. No western city has ever offered
a program of such surpassing interest.
"One Minute Cough cure is the best
preparation I have ever sold or used and
I can't say too much in its praise' " L.
M. Kennon , Merchant , Odell , Ga. A.
Late to bed and early to rise , prepares
a man for his home in the skies. Early
to bed and a Little Early Riser , the pill
that makes life longer and better and
wiser. ' A. McMillen. ,
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the better times , and higher
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to THE TRIBUNE
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
Spirited War Music.
Send us 25 cents in silver or postage
and we will in return , mail you our latest
Military Music entitled , "For Country
Dear"'Song , and "War Flash" Military
March. These two pieces retail for $ i.
Address Windsor Music Company , 266 &
268 Wabash Avenue , Chicago , 111.
Extraordinarily Low Rates to Omaha
Via the Burlington * Route , Juue ist.
Special trains from' points within 100
miles of Omaha , account opening of the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition.
United States Marine Band
Takes part in the opening exercises
of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at
Omaha , June ist. Low rates and special
trains via the Burlington Route.
Special Rate.
For train No.4s on May 3ist and all
trains on June ist , round-trip tickets to
Omaha , good to return June 2d , will be
sold for $5.70.
At Reduced Rates.
Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE
office for any publication at reduced
THE TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
"I highly reccommerjd Dr
Hartmau's Pe-ru-na as an excel
lent remedy for catarrh , a splen
did tonic , and a general famil ;
medicine. Yery truly , P. Kelley
Superintendent of Police. "
A man with poor blood canno
succeed. His nerves are weak , his
brain fogged , and his will para
lyzed. Good blood is simply wel
digested food. A stomach with
the slightest catarrhal impairment
cannot properly digest food. Pa
ru-ua quickly procures perfect di
gestion. Pe-m-na cures catarrh
whether of the stomach , head
throat , lungs or kidneys. A mai
perfetly free from catarrh is near
ly always a well man.
Send for a free copy of Ur
Hartmau's lectures on ' 'Wintei
Catarrh. " Address The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company
Columbus , Ohio.
Railroad Rates , Omaha Exposition
Opening day at the Exposition is like
ly to set a inaik for attendance whicl
will be hard to exceed. The railroads
entering the city have granted low rates
from all directions which cannot fail to
bring immense crowds of people.
A rate of one cent a mile is announcec
over a territory extending , in some in
stances , .over 200 miles from Omaha
All of the roads entering Omaha xvil !
run special trains for the opening da }
travel , 'and it is expected that a very
large number of passengers will avai
themselves of the opportunity to vis > it the
exposition and take in the elaborate
opening exercises.
On all tbe roads the r-cent rate applies
to points within 150 miles of Omaha
From Kansas City and intermediate
points he3'ond the 150-mile limit a spec
ial rate of $3 for the lound trip is made.
From all points beyond the iso-ni
limit in Nebraska , Kansas. Missouri ,
South Dakota , North Dakota , Wisconsin
Illinois , Minnesota. Iowa , Wyoming , Col
orado , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , the
Northern peninsula of Michigan and all
points on the line of tne Rio Grande
Western a rate of one fare for the round
trip will be made.
From all points west of Cheyenne on
the Union Pacific a round trip rate will
of one fare plus $2.
The territory within which the l-cent
rate will be in force is as follows , the
points named in each instance being the
outside point to which the rate applies ,
all intermediate points having , of course ,
the i-ame rate of I cent per mile viz :
B. & M. Outside points , Ericson , Bur-
well , Arcadin , Bioken Bow , Kearney , Ox
ford , Republican City , Orleans , Concor-
dia. In addition to this rate a rate of
$3 for the round trip is announced for
Leaven worth , Atchison , Kansas City ,
and St. Joseph.
F. E. & M. V. Neligh , Albion , Ver
digris , Hastings , Superior , Lincoln , Sioux
Union Pacific. Outside point , Kear
ney ; the rate also applies to the branch
north of Grand Island and south on
Omaha & Republican Valley railway to
Irving , Kan. , including Cedar Rapids ,
Norfolk and Albion. A maximum rate
of $3 for the round tiip is also made
from Kansas City and intermediate
Missouri Pacific. A rate of $3 for the
round trip is made from Kansas City ,
St. Joseph , Leavenworth and Atchison
and intermediate points until a point 150
miles from Omaha is reached , when the
i-cent rate will apply.
Rock Island. Outside point , Fairbury.
Kansas City , Pittsburg & Gulf. A
maximum rate of $3 for the round trip is
announced from Kansas City and inter
mediate points over 150 miles from Oma
ha , the i-cent rate to apply at all points
150 miles or less from Omaha.
Chicago , Builington & Quincy. The
i-ceut rate applies from all points in
Iowa west of and including Des Moines.
Chicago & Northwestern. The i-cent
rate applies to all points on the main
line or branches to and including Boone ,
Sioux City & Pacific. The i-cent rate
applies to all points in Iowa to and in
cluding Sioux City.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. The
i-cent rate applies to all points on the
main line and branches to-and including
Perry , Iowa.
Within the i-cent a mile territory the
rates will be effective May 31 and tickets
will be on sale on that date , good for re
turn passage June 2. Tickets from the
more distant points will have a return
limit of six days.
A Map of the United States.
Send me iscin stamps and I will mail
you a map of the United States , three
feet four inches wide and five feet three
inches long. Printed in six colors.
Mounted on rollers. Shows every state ,
county , important town , and railroad
in the United States. New edition , just
received ; contains ten handsome half-
; oue pictures of principal buildings of
: he Trans-Mississippi exposition. J.
Francis , Gener&l Passenger Agt , Omaha ,
Neb. 3ts
Be in the swim. Buy one of those
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P.
ROAD NO. 32 ? .
To Peter J.Byers , John H. Roberts , Hannah
Fearn , William. Fischer , Harry M. Wilson ,
John D. and \Vm. D. Catmelle , and Howard
M. Gardner , and to all whom 'it may concern :
The board of county commissioners has es
tablished and ordered opened a road com
mencing at the southwest corner of section 16 ,
township 4 , range 26 , in Noith Valley pre
cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running
thence south on section line and terminating
at the southeast corner of section 32. township
4 , range 26 , and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon of the
23d day of July , A. D. 1898 , or said road will
be established without reference thereto.
5-20-415 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Estimate of expenses of Red Willow county -
ty for the year 1898 :
County General $12,000 oo
County Bridge 6,000 oo
County Road 3ooo oo
County Hond 3ooo oo
Soldiers' Relief 500 oo
North Valley Precinct looo co
Willow Grove Precinct 2,000 oo
Indianola Precinct 300 oo
Hartley Vijlage 500 co
McCook City 2,000 oo
School District Bonds 7,000 oo
5-27-415. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Teeming With Most Reliable and
Fresh News Attractively As
sociated With Cartoons ,
for Which It Is
The Rocky Mountain News , published
at Denver , Colorado , Is the oldest paper
in Colorado and the Rocky mountain
region. It has been identified with the
growth and progress ot th t region since
its inception-ill 1859 , and devotion to the
resources and interests of this portion of
the West has always been the chief aim
of the paper. Special attention has al
ways been paid to its state mining de
partment , to the end that the fullest and
freshest reports of operations in all min
ing districts shall appear in its columns
daily. At present it is devoting unex
ampled energies to the task of furnish
ing its patrons with the war news. The
News is the only paper in tbe West
which has the benefit of the splendid
special telegraphic service of the New
York Journal , and this insures the speedy
and the effectual transmission of every
detail of the operations at the seat of xvar.
The News prints more news daily , and
possesses a larger circulation and adver
tising patronage than any other paper in
the Rocky mountain region. The pub
lishers will mail sample copies upon ap
Tribune Clubbing List.
For the convenience of readers of THE
TRIBUNE , we have made arrangements
with the following newspapers and peri
odicals whereby we can supply them in
combination with THE TRIBUNE at the
following very low prices :
r K
Detroit Free Press $ i co 3i 50
Leslie's Weekly. 4 oo 3 oo
L'rairie Farmer I oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune i oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine i oo 175
Toledo Blade i oo i 25
Nebraska Farmer i oo i 65
towa Homestead i oo 175
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture i co 150
New- York World i oo i 65
Dmaha Bee ' . I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I So
We are prepared to fill orders for any
other papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
Burlington Route.
To Portland , Ore. , without change of
cars. Through tourist sleeping cars , in
charge of special excursion managers and
accompanied by uniformed Pullman porters
ters , leave Kansas City every Thursday
moruing for Portland , Ore.
Thej' run over the Burlington Route to
Denver , D. & R. G. Ry. ( Scenic Line ) to
Dgden , Oregon Short Line and O. R. &
N. Co. to destination. A lay-over of ten
lours is made at Salt Lake City , giving
passengers all opportunity to become ac-
] uainted with one of the most beautiful
and interesting cities in the world.
Travelers destined to Portland or any
other Pacific northwest point should join
hese weekly excursions. This they can
do at any point at which trains stop.
There is no cheaper or more comfortable
way to make the trip. The cars have all
: he conveniences of palace sleeping cars ,
acking only their elaborate finish. Second
end class tickets are accepted. Eerth-
rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5.
For tickets and full information call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office or
vrite to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
Mr. John Peterson , of Patoutville , La. ,
vas very agreeably surprised not long
Tgo. For eighteen months he had been
roubled with dysentery and had tried
hree of the best doctors in New Orleans ,
icsideshalf a dozen or more patent med-
cines , but received very little relief.
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy , having been recom-
nended to him , he gave it a trial and to
lis great surprise , three doses of that
etnedy effected a permanent cure. Mr.
Wui. McNamara , a well known mer
chant of that same place , is well ac-
[ tiainted with Mr. Peterson and attests
o the truth of this statement. This rem
edy is for sale by L. W. McConnell &Co.
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family
"Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brome QuinineTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
o cure. 2Sc.
S. C. P.Jones , Milesburg , Pa. , writes :
'I have used DeWitt's Little Early Ris-
rs ever since they were introduced here
nd must say I have never used any pills
n my family during forty 3'ears of house
keeping that gave such satisfactory re-
ults as a laxative or cathartic. " A. Mc-
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The famous little pills.
Every mother
feels an i n d e -
scribabie dread
of the pain and
danger "attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all , but the
suffering and
the ordeal make
danger o
. . .
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity ; this
hour v/hich is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless , but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy ; nervousness
hausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided , the system is
made ready for the coming event ,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use o Mother's
Friend. / / is a. blessing to woman.
at all Drucr Stores ,
or cent by exprtna on receipt of price.
Containing invaluable information of
interest TO all -women , will bo sent
t to any address , upon application , by
The BBADFIEI.D UEfiULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga.
3. S. ASHrOH , Prcs. 1. 3. MsBOlTAIu ) , Cast.
CL02B ITlSZST , Assi. Cah.
A General Banking Business
3F"Any business you may wish to
transact with THE 'McCooic TRIBUNE
vyill receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
JWij/JU aEtiSioac attt aSc * 3fe aEk. aEejdEz j&ur
OFt -
I The World
West indies f !
Just what you need to locate
t e i
TKp Wftrldl On one side ,
i lltJ 83 Ul lU 2Sx2I inches-
Cuba I
On other
West Indies f side.
Ench map formerly
sold at 250. 75 .
SEND 15c. for Sample Sheet
and terms to Agents. Our men
earn $15 to $35 weekly.
It AND , McNALLY & CO. ,
Chicago , III.
* Jhousands of
women are
troubled at
monthly inter
vals with pains
in the head ,
back , breasts ,
hips and limbs.
But they need
not suffer.
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless ,
and regular. It puts the deli
cate menstrual organs in condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any -woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Carduivill relieve her ? It
costs r.oo at the drug store.
Why don't you get a bottle
to-day ?
For advice , in cases requiring
special directions , address , giv
ing symptoms , "The Ladies'
Advisory Department , " The
Chattanooga Medicine Co. ,
Chattanooga , Tenn.
of Oenavllle. Texas , says :
" I was troubled at monthly Intervals
vllh terrible pains In my head and back , >
but have been entirely relieved by Wlna
of Cardui. "
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You 'Have Always Bought-4
Bears the
Signature of
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska.
April 20th , iJxp-
Notice is hereby given that the follawing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
May 2Sth , 1898 , viz : John Lngstrom , H. fc.
No. 0827 for the southeast charter ( if'bee.30. )
Town. 6 N. , R. 29 W. 6th P. M. He names
the followinc witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation ot sairt
land , viz : Andrew P. Larson , Nels ; C. Due-
land ! Joseph E. Nelms , William B. Whittaker
all of Quick , Nebraska. .
4-22-6ts A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. ,
May 14,1898. Notice is hereby jjiven that
Kasper Hakankamp has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof before register
or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , the 25th day of June , 1898 , on
timber culture application No. 6812. for the
southwest quarter of section No. 33. in Town
ship No. 5 north , range No. 30 west ; He
names as witnesses : Thomas Whitmer , George
Brown , Fred Buhr all of McCook , Nebraska ,
David Osburn of Oslmrn , Nebraska.
5-20-61 .A. S CAMPBELL , Register.
NOTICE is hereby given of the formation
of a corporation under the laws of thestate
of Nebraska as follows , towit :
The name of this corporation shall be The
McCook Creamery Company. The principal
place of business is in McCook , Keel Willow
County , Nebraska.
The. general nature of the business to be
conducted by this corpoiation is to manufact
ure dairy products , build a factory and oper
ate and lease same , to hold real estate , and to
transact any other business connected with or
incidental to the manufacture of dairy prod
ucts. f i
The amount of capital stock authorized is
$1,575 , shares of which shall be of equal value
and be equally entitled to share in the profits.
The time or the commencement of this or
ganization shall be the 2gth day of April , 1898 ,
and shall continue until the 2Qth day of April ,
1918 , unless sooner terminated.
This corporation shall not at any time sub
ject itself to any indebtedness.
The affairs or the corporation shall be con
ducted by a board of five directors to be
elected from the stockholders.
J. A. SNYDER , President.
See McMillen's new stock of WALI.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sa
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
0. L. EVERIST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
32F Only furniture van in the
city. Office one block north of
Barnftt Lumber Yard. Leave orders - - *
ders for bus calls at Commercial
hotel ; ordeis for draying at Ev-
erist , Marsh & Co.3 meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
am Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimrnmgs.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning
m still doing carpet laying , carpet V
cleaning lawn tuttmg : and similar work. See
or write me before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of 1'irst National bank.
All dental work done at our office is
anteed to be first-class. guar
- We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs Smith
x Bellamy , assistants.
< _ MRS. E. E. UTTER.j
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
HTStudio Over the "Uee Hive. "
Dr. W. V. GAGE. * ,
McCook. Nebraska.
SceSKSdS 1
efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. iarsnau Ave-
One Minute Cough