The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1898, Image 8
mm For Infants and Children. - ' ' - . = % arS Ht.tiimiitiMiHiiitimiiHflniiii ' . V , f. . i TYTi . _ .j7t _ . _ ! . . - . . _ _ . jii i'iilHt'tlllllllll'1'it'M' jST _ - - . - _ ' The , Kind You Have Always Bought JSyegetdblePieparationfor As similating theToodandRegula- ling theStomaEhsaniiBowels of Bears the Signature 2romotes1)iestionCiieeiful- % ness andIfest.GontaIns neither of OpiumiMorpliiiia nor Mineral. NOT : NARC OTIC. PumpJa jbustSefft * Jl'tyn'inont - fiSnaSeed- Ctanntd Sugar HMayrestt' fJamr : Apcrfecf Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour5tomachDiarrhoea , Worms.ConvulsionsJeverish- tiess andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Atb months i ff . 3X _ < XES _ _ - _ ' lif.'fif'- " ' ' : " 'Vj-vr- XXACT COPT OF WEAEPEB , , . THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. Pay Your Delinquency. $ > In view of the better times , and higher prices for grain etc. , the publisher expects - pects those indebted to THE TRIBUNE for subscription to make good their de linquencies at once. During the con tinued Jiard times and failures no effort was made to force the collection of sub scription accounts , but now that the con ditions have changed greatly for the bet ter it is expected that these delinquencies will be promptly paid up. Statements will be sent out to all in arrears and with the expectation that all will appreciate our past indulgence and respond at once. THE PUBLISHER. A torpid liver robs yon of ambition and ruins your health DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleans the liver , cure constipation - ; stipation ami all stomach and liver Iron- ' bles. Sold bv A .McMillen. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brotno QiiuiiiteTalilets All druggists refund ihe iimnex if it Jails to cure. 2 c Thousands of sufferers front la trippe have been restored to health l > y One Minute Cough Cure. It quick I v cures coughs , rolds , bronchitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma , and all throat and lung diseases. Sold by A. McMillen See McMillen's new stock of WALL PAPER. It is a great leap Ironi the old fash ioned doses of blue mass and nause ous physics to the pleasant little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Riers. They cure constipation , irk hca-lacl.e. and biliousness. A Mr\lillen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel S , . ' Cures Piles. Scalds. Burne Tribune Clubbing List. For the convenience of readers of THE TRIBUNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and peri odicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices r PUHLICATION. Detroit Free Press . $ i oo $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. . 400 300 Prairie Farmer . oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean . oo 135 Cincinnati Enquirer. . oo 150 New- York Tribune . oo I 25 Demorest's Magazine . oo 175 Toledo Blade . oo 125 Nebraska Farmer . oo 165 Iowa Homestead . oo I 75 Lincoln Journal . oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture. . . . . . . 00 150 NewYoik World . oo 165 Omaha Bee . oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo I 80 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer fori.5oayear , strictly in advance. He in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. Sutton. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 326. To Nellie L. Owen and to all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at section cor. of sees , i and 12 , Tp.3 , R. 26 , and sections 6 and 7 , Tp. 3 , R. 25 , running thence north along the range line between sections I and 6 and 36 and 31 , two miles , terminating at the corner of sec tions 25 and 36 of Tp. 4 , R. 26 , and 30 and 31 , Tp : 4 , R. 25 , has reported in favor of the loca tion thereof as follows : Commencing on north line of sections I and 6 at corner stone and running thence soutli on county line between sections I and 6 , to corner stone in main road , one mile , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the iSth day of June A. D. 1898 , or said road will he estab lished without reference thereto. 4-15-41 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. NOTICE is hereby given of the formation of a corporation under the laws of thestate of Nebraska as follows , towit : The name of this corporation sluill be The McCook Creamery Company. The principal place of business is in McCook , Ked Willow County , Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be conducted by this corporation is to manufact ure dairy products , build a lactory and oper ate and lease same , to hold real estate , and to transact any other business connected with or incidental to the manufacture of dairy prod ucts. ucts.The The amount of capital stock authorized is $1,575 , shares of which shall be of equal value and be equally entitled to share in the profits. The time ot the commencement of this or ganization shall lie the 2Qth day of April , 1898 , and shall continue until the 291(1 ( day of Aptil , 1918 , unless sooner terminated. This corporation shall not at any time sub ject itself to any indebtedness. The affairs of the corporation shall be con ducted by a board of five directors to be elected fiom the stockholders. 5-6-4ts McCixiK CREAMERY COMPANY. J. A. SNYDKK , President. T& YEARS OF UNINTERRUPTED SUCCESS , An l GW BIGGER , BETTER . IN EVERY WAY GRANDER THAN EVER. i The World's Most Brilliant Constellation of Arenic Sta FIRST AND FOREMOST , THE SENSATION OF THE AGE , INVINCIBLE I OF STRENGTH Most Powerful Man in the World. Iiifts Over 8 Tons. The Amazing Marvel of the Century. His lake Has ffever Existed Since the World Began. * * IHStNOfflOVS OFFERED WEKIYSALARY FORMS EQUAL Nor © 9te@ri ! iraakiBig isveliiss Tfiasi All Oilier All tfce "World's Most Famous Riders. All the "World's Greatest Acrobats , Aerialists and Gymnasts. All the Wide "World Tributary to Its "Wealth of New , Novel and Original Features. MOST COHPLETE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION ON THIS HEMISPHERE. Two Herds of Monster Elephants. Mammoth Hippopotamus. All Kinds of Rare Wild Beasts. . .TrTT TT T Tivin nnTV/TATVT TTTrmrvT\r > m\/TT ? 350 FINEST THOROUGHBRED HORSES. Exhibited in THRILLING ROMAN HIPPODROME. EVERY MORNING AT ! O O'CLOCK , RAIN OR SHINE , THE Resplendent Free Street Parade Ever Witnessed. lailHons Expended In this Dazzling Display , Gratuitously Offered to the Public. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY , AFTERNOON AT 2 , NIGHT AT 8. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARUBR. ONE 5O CKNT TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. ' CHILDREN , Under 12 Years , HALF PRICE. -WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT- McCOOK , on Monday , May 16th , 1898. Commissioners' Proceedings. [ OFFICIAL HY AUTHORITY. | McCook. Nebraska , April 30,1898 Hoard of County Commissioners met pur suant to adjournment. Present : Stephen Holies , Jas : A. Robinson , and Henry Crabtree commissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk , Minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion , G. W. Dillon was appointed overseer road district No. 8 , to fill vacancy. On motion , proposition of J. E. Baum , re lating to taxes on north 50 feet of lot I , block i , West McCook , was accepted. The following claims were audited and on motion allowed , and clerk directed to draw warrants on county general fund , levy of 1897 , as follows : . E. S. Hill , coffin and burying pauper. . $ 29 25 J. H. Rice , board of pauper. 12 oo VV. C. McTaggart , assessing Tyrone precinct 40 60 Jas. Me Adams , coal and mds'e 10 50 Pade & Son , coffin , etc 35 oo G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , certifying jury list 2 50 J. R. Neel , sheriff , court work. . . . . . . . . . 42 oo 1. M. Smith , deputy sheriff , court work 22.06 S. R. Smith , defending prisoner 200 00 W. H. Ackerman , livery I 50 J. J. Garrard 4 30 Alex. Ellis , court bailiff 22 oo M. O'Leary , board and lodging jury . . 126 oo JURORS. S. S. Havwood 4 So Samuel Premer. 24 20 Lyman Miller 2 40 W. T. Henton 4 DO J.H.O'Neill 2 oo A. Hammond 5 40 W.J.Porter 2 10 M. C. Maxwell 2 30 John Vandyke 3 20 Geo. W. Burt 23 70 A. G. Dole 2 oo George Harbor 4 oo John Calkins 7 10 Adolph Schmidt 6 20 John Goodenberger 5 60 VV. A. Minniear. 4 50 Phillip Blatt 4 oo J. M. Starr 2 oo Jacob Steinmetz 2 10 C. H. Harman 2 30 J. H. Warfield 22 90 C. M. Gobeu 5 70 W.Joslyn 22 oo Henry Richardson 22 90 J. A. McGuire 3 60 J.C.Lafierty 3 90 H. A. Graham 3 50 U. S. Leisure 4 50 G. F. Godown 3 So G.Wyneth 3 60 J. H. Uolph 4 50 E.T. Woods 3 90 G.T. Plumb 3 90 H. W. iNaden 4 oo M. M. Young 4 50 F. P. Eno ,24 50 J. H. Everist 4 50 Chas. F. Drake . ' 4 oo E.E.Hayes 4 50 P.J.Bastian 24 50 Q. R. Miles 22 50 S. C. Hover 22 oo E. M. Woods 5 So VV.M.Nixon 3 So VV. C. Shockley 4 50 Henrv S. Ough igi 50 fohn Turner. 1940 VV. S. Ackerman 2 00 Herbert Silvernail 19 40 Stephen Noxen 3 40 N. W.Baker 3 40 JURORS FEBRUARY TERM , 1897. T. K. Quigley 4 oo , M. H. Holmes 6 00 VVm. Enyeart 6 oo Frank Real 6 oo M. E. Horner 4 oo \ . D. Johnston 6 oo VV. P. Hums 2 oo B. F. Olcott 2 oo Maurice Reddy 6 oo D. D. Mosher 6 oo E. B. Lister 6 oo VV.O. Russell 2 oo foseph Spotts 6 oo V. J. Gathercole 4 oo K.C. Catiett 6 oo [ } . H. Arbogast 6 oo C. B. Hoag ' . 6 oo [ ohn Ervin 6 oo | oe Schwartz 6 oo I. W. McKenna 4 oo [ ames Boatman 6 oo Maurice Griffin 4 oo Edward Frice 6 oo . S. Brittain 6 oo TALESMEN , SAME. A7. A. Gold 2 oo I'hoinas Crabti ee 2 oo . P. Notley 4 oo \ndrew Carson 2 oo * . E. Hatcher 2 oo alayette Miller 2 oo ames Kinghorn 2 oo Iharles Masters 2 oo ra J. Miller 2 oo JURORS OCTOBER TERM , 1897. esse Smith 2 oo 3. R. Kimball 4 oo V. Reed 2 oo osiah Moore 2 oo ohn Williams 200 ioren Simonson 2 oo ieo. Cramer 2 oo Vugust Wesch 2 oo 1 , P. Viland 2 oo ohn Whittaker 2 oo ohn De Long 2 oo Jus Aubry 2 oo . M. Hell 2 oo ames Jones 2 eeL L C. Clark 2 oo Libert Wagy 2 oo ames Pinkerton 2 oo ; has. Wentz 4 oo Jeo. Elbert 4 oo . F. Bohnstedt 2 oo . Steinmetz 2 oo . . E. Gilcrest 2 oo : . F.Elliott 2 oo ames Wingate 2 oo TALESMEN , SAME. * . Cain 2 oo ) . II. McMurrin 2 oo \J. Pate 2 oo I. P. Weick 2 oo FEES , STATE V. LORENZ. J. C. Boatman , C. D. C 42 03 .R. Neel , sheriff 16 oo . M. Smith , deputy sheriff 9 40 . M. Crews , sheriff 3 oo WITNESS IN SAME. mdrew Barber 15 oo : . W. Lepper 13 40 lenry Lepper 4 70 M. Brown 26 oo jhn N. Smith 18 So lathiasDroll 14 oo ! . A. Leach 4 oo Id. Jordan S oo H. Hennett 4 oo jhn Real 13 40 rank Real 13 40 /.A.Stewart 17 So lichael Coyle 19 So icob Reyer 12 20 ert Huet 16 10 , izzie Halm 7 4 ° .nthony Droll S 90 llmer Smith 16 20 ) hn U. Smith 14 40 W. Smith 16 40 llmer Divine 16 40 /illiam Divine 16 20 1. II. Berry iS oo ' . F. Ryan 14 40 > seph Lichliter 9 30 lenry Corcoran 16 70 has. Lehn 6 oo .obert Moore 21 60 1. C. Boatman 2 oo \eo. \ G. Eisenhart 2 oo R.Neel 6 oo .F. Olcott 16 oo . O'Connor 19 20 ) hn Lorenz 4 90 . . H. Thomas n 40 k'.A.McCool n 40 auline Lorenz 2 90 ilius Kunert 2 10 . . M. Anderson 14 So hristopher Werner 12 co leorge Troendley I S So larion Plummer. S 60 Wesley Rozell 9 2 ° H.I.Peterson 13 3 ° JohnBuhler 1020 James A. Robinson , services as com missioner 12 40 Stephen Holies , services as commis sioner 10 ? o Henry Crabtree , services as commis sioner 4 4 ° And on county road fund , levy 1897 , as fol lows : A. M. Anderson , road tax refunded. . . $ 3 40 A. M. Anderson , road work 23 45 And on .county bridge fund , levy 1897 , as follows : Geo. C. Hill , lumber. $374 9 * R. H. Thomas , bridge work 1350 [ Stephen Belles , same 4 20 Henry Crabtree , same n oo O.L. Everist I 5 ° On motion , Board adjourned to meet May l6th , 1898. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. THElNFLUENC ! of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care , there fore , should the Expectant Moth er be guarded , and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. , allays all Nervous ness , re lieves the Headache Cramps , and Nau sea , and so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronge1' after than before confinement. " It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All Avho have used " Mother's Friend' : say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer < vhoso wife used 'Mother's Friend. ' says that if MIC had to through the again , and there ' \c.c Imi. four bottles to l > c obtained , and the cess tfluo.CO t > er bottle , lie would havctheia. ' ' Gco.LAVTO . 'Dayton.Ohiu i Sei.t bv express , on receipt of price. $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Uoolc to "EXPECTANT MOTH ERS" mulled free upon application , containing valuable information and voluntary testimonial ? . THEESRADFIiLD REGULATOR CO. . ATLANTA.GA- SOLO 3Y ALL DRUGGISTS. V -i-fV uglW & ! r tPhr- OF- Cuba The World West Indies Just what you need to locate KEY WEST , CANARY ISLANDS , CAPE VERDE ISLANDS , PORTO RICO , DRY TORTUGAS , Etc. The World Cuba ) On other West Indies \ side. Each map formerly sold at 25c. 75c. SEND 15c. for Sample Sheet and terms to Agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RANDMcNALLY&CO. , Chicago , III. has demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FDR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing , strengthen ing ; and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures "whites" and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves suppressed - pressed and painful menstruation. For Change of Life it is the best medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy , and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates , stimu lates , strengthens the whole sys tem.- This great remedy is ottered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reach ? \Vino of Cardui only costs Sl.OOper bottle at your druj ; s > tore. JFor advtee , in eases requiring tptctal Airte- tions , address , giving symptoms , the "Ladies' Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Med icine Co. , Chattanooga , Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden. S. C. . says : "My wlfo used Wine ol Cardui at home for ( ailing of the womb and It entirely cured her. " CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kinf You Have Always BouglW Bears the Signature of TIMBER CULTURE FINAL , PROUF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFKICE , McCook , Neb. , April 6,1898- Notice is hereby given that Franklin W. Eskey has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the Ljth day of May , 1898 , on timber culture appli cation No. 6228 , for se # of section No. 13 , in township No. 5 north , range No. 29 west 6th He names as witnesses : Richard F. l.akin , Nathan Edwards , and Richard R. Holcomb , of Indianola , Nebraska , and Frank S. Schoon- over , of Box Elder , Nebraska. 4-8-6ts A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCooic , Neb. March 26th , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Nebraska , on May ? th , 1898 , viz : George Hanlein , H. E" . No. 10,664 , tor the \v'A netf and nlA e # sec tion 30 , town. 4 north , range 29 west of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said land , viz : Albert F. Reeves , Millard S. Modrell , Roy King , and Tony A. Steltzer , all of McCook , Nebraska. 4-i-6t A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. V April,20th , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook'Nebraska , on May 28th , 1898 , viz : John Engstrom , H. E. No. 9827 for the southeast quarter ( 0 Sec.30 , Town. 6 N. , R. 29 W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said laud , viz : Andrew P. Larson , Nels C. Due- land , Joseph E. Nelms , William B. Whittaker , all of Quick , Nebraska. 4-22-6ts A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. " 0. L EVERIST & CO. , PROPRIETORS OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. furniture van in the city. Office oue block north oE Barnett Lumber Yard. Leave or ders for bus calls at Commercial hotel ; ordei s for drayiug at E v- erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter ' McCOOK , HEBff. \ Iron , Lead , and Sewer" Pipe , Brass i Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. | Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. sa/vavjExgva > JULIUS KUTN'ERT , ) arpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. am still doing carpet laying , carpet leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See r write me before giving such work. My harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at .RIBUNE office. IULIUS KUNERT. , B. Z. ASSrOlT , Prs : . I. Z. 3ie33iTALD , Casi. CLH702D1USSN , As : * . Cash. ' BANK OF DANBURY ' DANBURY , NEB. | -General Banking Business 3T"Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCoOK FRIRUXE \yill receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. t of Lincoln Land Co. Office .ear of iirst National bank. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is ruar- titeed to be first-class. We do all kino's of rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith 3 i ii Bellamy , assistants. - jMRS. E. E. UTTER. j _ MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. 'iano ' , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. IS Studio Over the "Bee Hive. " McCOOZ SURGICAL HOSPITAI Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. ffice and Hospital over First National Bank ffice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave : fore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. " ne Minute Cough Cure , cures That 15 wh.t It WM .de far. *