The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1898, Image 7

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    A horrible scandal Is brewing In
Topefca. It Is charged that the wife
of ' & Presbyterian elder used the
pitcher belonging to the communion
Ecrvlce to serve some sherbert In at
her 4 o'clock tea/ However , this Is
no worse than the act of that Epis
copalian clergyman who loaned his
gown to a man who wjinted to play
Cardinal Richilicu in Homo amateur
Shake Xnte Tonr Shoeg.
'Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's .the
greatest comfo'rt discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tlght-flttlng
or new ehocs feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , nervous , aching feet. Try It to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. Ejr mall for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address , Allen
S. Olmst d , Le Roy , N. Y.
Nanscn made $220 for the Liverpool
Seaman's Orphanage by lecturing on
board ship while homeward bound.
Beauty IN lllood Deep.
Clean Wood means uclean skin. No beauty
without It. Uii.tuarot.Ht Gundy Cathartic
cleans your blood and keens St clean , by stir
ring up the lazy liver nnd driving nil impu
rities from tlio body. Begin today to banish
pimples , bolls , blotches , b uclcFiuuus , and tlmt
sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnsca-
icls beauty for ten cents. All dru.-yists.
satlsfuctlou guarant cod. me. 2. > e. 50c.
Five ounces and a half of grapes are
required to make one glass of good
. Coe'a CoaRti Ualnnm
IB the oldest nnil bearIt 111 ln-eaktip a co'd quicker
tb&n anything eleo. It In always reliable. Try it.
In Japan every workman wears on
his cap , an inscription stating his busi
ness and his employer's name.
We am asserting In the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the v/ord "CASTORIA. " nnd
"PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " as our Trade Mark.
Vt I , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Hyannis , Massa
chusetts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA , " tLe same the t has borne and does
now bear the fac-slmlle signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This Is the
orl&inai "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
bcca used In the homes of the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
yt the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you
have always bought , " and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. 'No
one has authority from mo to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company , of which Chas H.
Fletcher is President.
March 8,1897. SAMUEL PITCHER , M. D.
One can tell what church a man be
longs to by the people who attend his
funeral. Ex.
To Cure constipation Foiever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25c.
u C. C. C. fall to cure , druggists refund money.
The latest method
of preserving eggs
is subjecting them to a process in
which electricity plays an important
The rapid growth of the finger nails
is supposed to indicate good health.
Yale's invested funds foot up , all
told , $3,921,699 , against ? 2,273,092 In
1887. The amount invested in real es
tate is $369,343 ; in bond and mortgage
$1,712,284 ; in railroad bonds , $1,243-
871 ; In other bonds , $280,000 , and in
stocks , § 223,373. The real estate In
vestment returned last year 3.29 per
cent , the bonds and mortgages , 5.51 ;
the rail road bonds , 5.07 ; the othe"
bonds , 2.25 , and the stocks , 5.80 per
cent ; the return on all the invest
ments being 4.81 per cent
Bad Pay and Hard Work.
The bad pay and hard work of
trained nurses has often been made
the subject of remonstrance by medi
cal men. It is well for an invalid ,
before he needs a nurse or doctor ,
to use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters if
he has chills and fever , constipation ,
rheumatism , dyspepsia or nervous
ness. Use it regularly.
The proportion of men and women in
France is more equal than in any other
country in the world , there being 1,007
women to every 1,000 men.
Don'f Tobacco Spit ana Smoke Tour Lile Away.
To quiv tobacco eisily and forever , be mag-
neiic , full of life , nerve , and vigor , takeNo-To-
Bac , the wonder-we rker. that makes weak men
strong. All druggists. nOc or SI. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , ChicnEO or New York.
Time is always fooled away , when
we try to build towers of our own from
which to get into heaven. Ex.
Blrs. Wlnslow'8 Soothing1 Syrup
For children teetlilng.softens the gunm.reduc esj
matlon , allays pain , curca wind colic. 25 centk x bottle.
Set no standard for others they may
live nearer to the light they have re
ceived than you do. Ram's Horn.
FITS lermanentIyCurod.Kontsernerfou8no snftet
first day 8 use of Dr Kline's Great Ncrvo Restorer.
Komi for FREE S3.OO trial bottle and treutue.
Da. K. 11. KX.ISK. Ltd. . 331 ArcU St. . Philadelphia. I'JL
It is impossible to run at an altitude
of 17,000 feet above the sea.
Educate Your Bowels "With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever ,
10c , 25c. If C. C. C. fail , druggists refund money.
Every man expects to be better off
some day. Ex.
Hall's Catarrh Cnro
Is a constitutional cure. Price , 7uc.
The average amount of sickness in
human life is ten days a year.
Two bott'es of Pise's Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lun ? trouble. Mrs.
J. Nichols , Princeton. Ind. larch 'J6 , 1SD3.
The production of copper in this
country last year reached 475,000,000
pounds , a substantial increase.
TJtcycIc Tires , rnlr. warranted. Rest , year's
warranty , 5.50 pair. Kxprcss prepaid. Ascnts ap
pointed. Mineralized Ktibbcr Co. , New York.
Esrthj has no brighter blossoms
than the little child smiling through
From Cold to Cure.
Tncre arc many medicines that palliate
asthma. There nre few that do more than
relieve for a time the oppressed breathing
of the sufferer. There are few diseases
more troublesome and more irritating
than asthma. It interferes alike with
business nnd with pleasure. It prevents
enjoyment of the day and makes the night
a terror. A remedy for asthma would be
hailed by thousands as the greatest possi
ble boon that could be offered them. There
is a remedy for asthma. Dr. J. C. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral has cured hundreds of
cases of this disease , and testimonials to
its efficacy from those who have tried the
remedy are multiplying with every year.
The cases presented in the testimonials
that follow , may be taken as exemplifying
the quick and radical action of this great
"About a year ago , I caught a bad cold
vrhich resulted in asthma so severe that I
was threatened with suffocation whenever
I attempted to lie down on my bed. A
friend recommending Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral , I began to take it , and soon obtained
relief , nnd finally , was completely cured.
Since then , I have used this medicine in
my family with great success for colds ,
coughs , and croup. " S. HOTTER , Editor
" Relink " ( Polish ) . Stevens Point , Wis.
-'While on the Gasconade River , Ga. , I
caught a severe cold which resulted ia
asthma. After taking doctors' prescrip
tions for a long time without benefit , I at
length made use of Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral , and was completely cured. " H. G.
KITCHELL. Greenwood , Miss.
"Some time since I had a severe attack
of asthma , accompanied with a bad cough
and a general soreness of the joints and
muscles. I consulted physicians , and tried
various remedies , but without getting any
relief. Finally I took Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral , and in a very short time was entirely
cured. " J. ROSCLLS , Victoria , Tex.
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is known
the world over as one of the most effective
medicines for the cure of coughs , colds ,
croup , whooping cough , asthma , bron
chitis , and all affections of the throat and
lungs. It is not , as are so many cough
medicines , a mere " teething syrup , " a
temporary relief and palliative , but it is
a radical remedy , dealing directly with
disease and promptly healing it. In
response to a wide" demand Dr. Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral is now put up in half size
bottles , sold at half price 50 cents. More
about Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in Ayer's
Curebook. "A story of cures told by the
cured. Sent free , on request , by the J. C.
Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass.
We inalce fine Surreys , Buggies , PhaetonsnndRoadTVaeons.i QNR PRICE.
Our goods have been favorably known to the trade for year.I I : :
"We now Bell dlr et to the ustr at Wl ol Ie Veltts , The Bhiewdl ONE nnnnn- .
buyer prefers to deal -with the factory. He gets of us fine'
work at less price than agents ak fit low grace vehicles. We ship anywhere ,
subject to examination. WE UKI.ITEK on board cars Kantas City , Mo. , orGoshen ,
Ind. . as may suit purchaser. Send for catalogue with prices plainly printed.
s FKEK. "Write today. AVe sell Sewing Machines and the ( JOSHES BICYCLE as
welli , j at AVhoIfmle Triton. ALL GOOD. No matter where you live , you are not
too far away to do liuslnes with us nnd save money. Address. _
By virtue of the unprecedented
purchase , in a single order , of '
one hundred thousand (10O- ( '
; " OOO ) copies of this acknow- i
: lodged mastorworlc of the Century , we ere now enabled to ofier it to the public at far !
i leos than the publishers' prices ! Thousands of persons , who heretofore have not felt < '
: able to purchase it , will eacerlv welcome this opportunity to secure at reduced price "The '
: Greatest Achievement of Modern Times. "
It is incomparably the greatest , as It is positively ( ho ( at. i
est. most complete , and most suthoritative. new dictionary !
in existence. It Is everywhere the standard. :
ENTIRELY NEW It Is not _ a reprint , rehash
FROM COVER TO COYER. or revision of any other
work , but is the result of
the steady labor for five years of overtwelvo icore of the =
most eminent and authoritative scholars and specialists in * Z
the world. Nearly 100 of the leading universities , colleges
and scientific institutions of the world were represented =
on the editorial stalST : 20 United States Governmentexperts
vrcrealso on the editorial Ftatf. Over $960,000 were actually -
ually expended in its production before a single complete -
plete copy was ready for the market. Never was any
dictionary welcomed with such great enthusiasm the
v/nrld over. As the St. James's Budget , London.declares
"It is the admiration of Literary England. . . . It should *
betheprideof Literary America. " The hichest praise
. has come from all the great American and British news- ? ?
r- i J . Wi * wv * jrv * Tk * * * * ' * papers , reviews , univen-lties , and colleges , as well as
E all classes of intelligent men aud women everywhere. The regular subscription price of * =
> SS the Standard Dictionary Is SlS.OO. We will now supply the complete work in one rich , masS - =
S sivo volume , elegantly bound in full leather , prepaid to any address at the astonishingly low =
Siprica of 512.00 on the following < flrt P N ty fj [ flrffpr andl per month on the" ! st =
= terms to responsible people : ? liUU UdOll Wllll UIUBI of each month until paid. =
= The Dictionary will be Kent express prepaid on receipt of the 51.00 cash payment , thereby
= giving purchasers nearly a full years use of this great work before final payment is made.
E Full particulars by mail. Address ,
gnnirainnirammnmmnniiiiiiiiniuniraiimiinminniiiiiiiimiiijj HHimiiiiiis
From the Evening News , Detroit. Mich.
The -women of to-day are not as strong as
their grandmothers. They are bearing a
burden in silence that grows heavier day by
day ; that is sapping their vitality and cloud
ing their happiness.
Mrs. Alexanders. Clark , of 417Michigan
Avenue , Detroit , is a typical woman of to
day. A wife with such ambition as only" a
loving wife can have. But the joys of her
life were marred by the existence of disease.
Buffering as thousands of her sisters have
suffered , she almost despaired ofjifo and
yet she was cured.
"For five years I
suffered with ovarian
trouble , " is Mrs. '
Clark's own version
of the story. "I was
not free one single
day from headache
and intense twitch
ing pains in my neck
and shoulders. For
months at a time I
would be confined to
my bed. At times
black spots would
appear before my _ ' " 1"
eyes and I wonld be- I became blind ,
come blind. My nerves wore in such state
that a step on the floor unsettled me.
"Eminent doctors , skillful nurses , the best
food and medicine all failed. Then I con
sented to an operation. That , too , failed
nnd they said another was necessary. After
the second I was worse than ever and the
world was darker than before.
"It was then I heard of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. I heard that
they had cured cases like mine and I tried
"They cured me ! They brought sun
shine to my life and filled my cup with hap
piness. The headache is gone ; the twitch
ing is gone ; the nervousness is gone ; the
trembling has ceased , aud I have gained
twenty-six pounds. Health and strength is
mine and I am thankful to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People for the blessing J'
These pills are a boon to womankind.
Acting directly on the blood and nerves ,
they restore the requisite vitality to all parts
of the body ; creating functional regularity
nnd perfect harmony throughout the ner
vous system. The pallor of the cheeks is
changed to the delicate blush of health ; the
eyes brighten ; the muscles grow elastic ,
ambition is created and good health re turns.
New Orleans street car conductors
have a champion in a Northern wom
an , who entered a car , and kicking off
her muddy goloshes placed them be
side her feet To her great surprise
the conductor produced a newspaper
and with the air of a gallant gentle
man asked that he be permitted to
wrap up the overshoes for her. He
made a neat package , and now she
says that New Orleans street car con
ductors are the most polite she has
ever met.
"Mr. Jabbles is a man of extensive
information. " "Yes , " replied Miss
Cayenne. " 'Extensive * expresses it
precisely. I never saw a man who
could take a fact and stretch it as he
can. " Washington Star.
JUnny People Cannot Drink
coffee at night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-0 when you please
and sleep like a top. For Grain-O does
not stimulate ; it nourishes , cheers and
feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the
best coffee. For nervous persons , young
people and children Grain-0 is the per
fect drink. Made from pure grains.
Get a package from your grocer to-day.
Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 25c.
The popping sound of bursting bottles
tles led to the discovery of a fire that
had started under the shelves of a clos
ed drug store in Amite City , La.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranr-jid tobacco habit cure , makes treak
men strong , olood pui e. 50o. $1. All druggists.
The assets of the life inusrance
companies of the tate of New York
on Dec. 31 , 1897were $1,334,051,344.
The Standard Dictionary.
The Philadelphia Inquirer , Philadel
phia : "The arrangement is admirable.
Especially to Le commended is the
giving of the definition imms'diately
after the word , leaving the etymology
to follow later , and the grouping of
the divisions and subdivisions of a
subject under a general term so that
the user is not compelled to engage in
long searches. Men of every occupa
tion express their gratification at the
satisfactory manner in which this par
ticular field has been covered. The
better it is known , the better it is
certain to be appreciated. "
See display advertisement of how to
obtain the Standard Dictionary by
making a small payment down , the re
mainder in installments.
"Here , how's this ? In this article
on poets you speak of the stepladder
of fame. ' " "I wrote that one day
when my wife was cleaning house. "
Chicago Record.
CUBEDBV Suffered
With Rheumatism.
[ imi1M ] HOW CURED.
Swanson nheumatlc Cure Co , , Chicago , 111. : I have
suffered forty-Jive years with rheumatism but could
Ret no incdiciiioto cure me until I cot your
" 5 DROPS. " I had suffered fora year with catarrh
Jn .my head before I used your medicine " 5 DROPS , "
and 1 could not hear out of ray ripht ear , but when
took the " 5 DROPS" I was cured of the catarrh
and my hearing was restored. It is a blessed
thing for me that ! ever heard of your medicine and
used It , fcr I am so Improved that I almost feel younc
again though I am eighty-two years old.
Water Valley , Miss. , Dec. 31 , ' 97. T.VT.
Swanson. Rheumatic CUre Co , Chicago : Enclosed
please find draft for -which send some more of the " 5
DROPS. " I have not used a bottle yet and my
rheumatism Is all gone , and all those that use it
speak highly of it. I know it is the best rheumatism
euro I have tried in the las * 18 years.
Ptotone , 111. , Dec. 23 , 'ST. TVii. Youxa.
" 5 DROPS" cures Rheumatism , Sciatica. Neu
ralgia , Dyspepsia , Backache , Asthma , Ca
tarrh , Sleeplessness , Nervousness. Nervous
nnd Neuralgic Headaches. Heart "Weakness ,
La Grippe , Creeping : Numbness. a
Many thousands of similar letters re
ceived * The merits of " 5DKOPS" Is undisputed
with those who have tiled It. We are certain that a
trial bottle will convince anyone , and for another SO
days wewill send a sample bottle , prepaid , for 5 cents.
Largo bottJes of " 5 DROPS" (300 doses , ) 81.03 ; 3 bottles ,
KJX ) . Acrents wanted In uew territory. Write
us to-day.
1G7-163 Dearborn St. . Chicago , 111
carried over from JE37 m us t
be tacrificed now. New
Hljth Grndc , all styles ,
best equipment , guaran
teed. S9.75 to SI7.OO.
lined wli c elm late model : ,
oil makes , S3 to SI2.
We ship on approval trttfc.
* sfffout ccentpayment. Write
_ , * s5 ? for'buriraln lint and art catalosrno
Sof nvelPilS model * . IllOTCLE FREE for
Prison tondvprti otbem. Send for one. Rider ocentc
ranted. Learn he vr to Earnnlilcycleandmoke money EI
French Statesman Foresees the Extlnc-l
tlon of Native Americans.
From the Washington Star : Sure
ly a Frenchman ought to be recog
nized as an authority on the question
of a declining birth rate. France is
the one nation where the birth rate , has
steadily decreased until at last the
deaths outnumber the births. Since
1890 there has been an annual loss of.
something like 20,000 population in
France. It is a Frenchman of science , !
Arsene Dumont , who predicts the de
struction of the American people. In'
the Journal of the Paris Statistical so
ciety he reports the result of his study
of the vital statistics of Massachusetts.
In spite of the efforts made in New
York and other states , It is an exas
perating fact that Massachusetts alone-
collects trustworthy and comprehens
ive vital statistics , and it is on these
that foreign statisticians rely for information )
formation as to the tendencies of
American life. Yet Massachusetts Is
hardly representative. She has an un
common proportion of foreign born
people , and they are more absorbed in
the manufactures than the people of
other states. The proportion of the
two sexes in that state is unlike the
proportion of the west and south , and
many important conditions are pecul
iar. Mr. Dumont's study of the birth
rate in Massachusetts is not encourag
ing as to the future of Americans. He
says that marriages among "American
born" reveal a steady diminution of
the birth rate. The cause of this he
finds in the principle of democracy.
This develops individualism the de
sire of each person to live his own life
for himself , to obtain all the pleasure
there is in life , whether intellectual or
material. He maintains that as they
do not propose to miss the chances of
personal development , Americans , or
any republican people , will not burden
themselves with children. He says
there is a poison in republican civiliza
tion , and the more intense republican
ism becomes the more acute individual
ism is. Eventually , he asserts , this
must destroy the race and Its culture.
He says republics might escape this
fate If they would submit to the rule
of science. Perhaps it is this determ
ination not to sacrifice any of the
pleasures of life for the pleasure of
children that is the cause of the de
cline of the birth rate in France. It
is more reasonable than the explana
tion commonly given that in the ab
sence of a law of entail French parents
are led to limit the number of their
children. The code Napoleon does not
allow a man to leave the bulk of his
fortune to his oldest child , as in Eng
land. It is hardly reasonable to think
that in order to bestow an estate on a
single child a man would deny himself
the pleasure of rearing a number of
children. But in order to find a larger
amount of liberty and pleasure for
himself he might be willing to go child
less. It is strange that a French sci
entist should dwell on the declining
birth rate of Massachusetts and make
no reference to that of his own country.
A . the beginning of the century there
\rere thirty-three births for each 1,000
of population in France. In 1850 it
had declined to twenty-seven , and in
1895 to twenty-two. At the same time
the birth rate of Germany and Austria
remained at thirty-c > sht , that of Eng
land at thirty-three , and that of Italy
had increased from thirty-seven to
thirty-eight. The decrease is general
throughout France , and Mr. Bertillon
says it means the disappearance of the
French people.
Sun Spots.
Sun spots occur in greater or less
numbers t , new ones forming and old
ones disappearing constantly. There ig
a maximum number of periods abouJ
eleven years apart according to obser
vations made continuously during th <
present century.
TVhcn War TVas Declared.
He "This pie is just like that m
mother used to bake. " She "I'm si >
glad to hear you say so. " He "Yes ;
that was what made me run away from
home when I was a boy. " Ne , y York
Evening Journal.
Millionaire One man in a million.
Coupon The veal cutlet of the gold
en calf.
Cynical Milk that becomes prema
turely sour.
Heat The tailor that makes the
pants of a dog.
Fable An open-faced lie with a
moral attachment.
Hermit A man who can get along
without the world.
Debt An easy thing to run into but
hard to walk out of.
Experience The strongest spoke In
the wheel of fortune.
Ignorant The man who knows less
than he thinks you do.
Epicure A masticator who appre
ciates a master-caterer.
Diamonds The gems of thought
most peculiar to women.
Twins Two things in life for which
no man is ever prepared.
Monopolist A man who tries to get
monopoly on monopolizing.
Egotist A man who can't disguise
the interest he feels in himself.
Success Something that often de
pends upon the box-office receipts.
Astronomer A man who always
looks on the bright side of things.
Energy The ability to work given to
otherwise perfectly harmless bodies.
Hypocrite A man who prays for
something he isn't willing to work for.
Mitten Something a girl gives the
fellow she doesn't care to go hand In
glove with.
Marriage Sometimes a success ,
sometimes a failure , but usually s
compromise. Chicago News.
{ Fullness of Health Makes Sweet Dispositions and Happy Homes.
Woman's greatest gift is the power to inspire admiration , respect and love.
There is abeauty in health which is mpre.attractive to men. than
mere regularity of feature.
To be a successful wife , to retain the love
and admiration of her husband , should be a
woman's constant study. At the firstindica-
tion of ill health , painful menses , pains in the
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and begin
its use. This truly wonderful
remedy is the safeguard of wo
men's health.
Mrs. MABEL SMITH , 345 Cen
tral Ave. , Jersey City Heights ,
N. J. , writes :
hardly find words with which
to thank you for what your
wonderful remedy lias done for
me. Without ii I would , by this
time have been dead or worse ,
insane ; for when I started to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound I was in a terri
ble state. I think it would be im
possible for me to tell all I suf
fered. Every part of my body
seemed to pain some way. The
pain in my back and head was
terrible. I was nervous , had hys
terics and fainting spells. My case was one
that was given np by two of the best doctors in
Brooklyn. I had given tip myself ; as I had tried &o
many things , I believed nothing would ever do me any good. But , thanks to your
medicine , I am now well and strong ; in fact , another person entirely. "
If you are puzzled about yourself , write freely and fully to Mrs. Pinkham , at
Lynn , Mass. , and secure the advice which she offers free of charge to all women.
This is the advice that has brought sunshine into many homes which nervous
ness and irritability had nearly wrecked.
lydiaE.PJikiam'sVegetalleCoinpoundaWomar.'sReniedyforWonia ; 'sIlIs !
W V BlWJtJ'll ' * j' & = S' * 5rfl VW * W
this starch Is prepared on scientific principles liy men wto have had years of practical experience In fancy
laundermz. It restores oW linen nnd summer dfe sp to their natural ivhltencf s and Imparts n lieautlful and
lasting finish. It Is the only starch manufactured that Is perfectly bonnle&s. containing neither arsenic ,
alum or any other suliBtanco Injurious to linen and can l > e u ccl e en for a baby p ra uer.
c- < 7- > hv AH Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
Our responsibility has been established by
2 \ years of fair dealing. In buying a
You know your bicycle is all that is claimed
for it.
POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn.
Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer , or by mail for one 2-cent stamp.
our Minnesota Nur-
/ scry Stock. 3 plans.
. . u . - . - u0 m Gooilpav.evervweelc.
startnowandbcUrstm the Held forall summer
L'he Jewell Nursery Co. , JUiku City ,
In t'.xcliarifie for clear
cltv. ScndK'Kil nuinliers to Box 3 ,
Franklin drove. 111. .
' ror cougis. colds.
1r ( fay' Ram !
Jfi I\d } { Ddim nnd throat disease
I W. N. U OMAHA. NO. 19. 1S93
| When Answsnarj fidverilscir.eats Kindly
Mention This rcrer.
Dfi Kav's RGnOVacrt ! Guaranteed
mitm nuj w lawaiw w mui |
lO ClITC llvspep
sia. constipation , liver and kUlnevdi.sras'e.s.bil-
, s , heaaach" , etc. At druggibts 25c < ! c Si.
2 qnlckrcllefunilcures worst
ray s. Scnil for tiook of testt.T.oitialsanit 1O lays'
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