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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1898)
By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Late War Rumors. There is still no news from Commodore Dewey of ft definite character. It is thought he is in control of Manila , the chief city of the Phillipine islands. Admir al Sampson's fleet has gone to sea , leaving the mosquito fleet to main tain the blockade of Havana , but the .destination of the same is un known. Ptioting is reported from all over-Spain and the end of the dynasty seems to be quite proba ble ; martial law has been declared in Madrid and other cities of Spain. Instructions indicate an early in vasion of Cuba by the Arneritfan forces , which are now being mobi lized at Tampa , Florida. Wheat has taken a jump unprecedented since the days of "Old Hutch. " The nominal price for No. 2 red I wheat is $1.47 cash on the New : \ York market. It is thought Jthat Admiral Sampson's fleet is bound for Porto Rico. The first and second end regiments of Nebraska troops will be presented with handsome colors by the G. A. E. posts of Lincoln , tomorrow , which will be a gala day in the state capital. There is some concern felt for the torpeda boat Erricsou , which has been missing since Saturday's gale. Collier's Weekly. Begin ninK with the present week Col lier's its the Weekly changes make-up to extent of reserving a special and separate section of eight pages for its latest pict ures and descriptive articles from th Army and Navy. This section is entitled "From Front " and the the , current num ber has for frontispiece a spirited draw ing , by an artist who has spent much time In Cuba , of a dash of mounted in surgents. There is a page of character sketches made by Fred Morgan , in the Senate , while the debate on intervention was in progress ; a page b3T Klepper , of the start of the Third U. SCavalry for % the front ; a picture of the "Solace , " the first special hospital steamer of any navy to take the sea ; a picture of target prac tice at Key West by the first-class moni tor "Puritan" ; a group of sketches , by Nadeeny , illustrating New York's excite ment over war news ; a large picture of the ocean flier St. Paul , Captain Sigs- bee's new ship , and a full-page drawing , by Mr. Walter Russel , the Weekly's managing artist ( now with Admiral Sampson's fleet ) , of some of the Twenty- fifth Infantry , the first line troops to reach Key West. The main sheet of the paper opens with a strong military page by Thulstrup "Going to the Front" and a striking naval engagement scene by Sonntag covers two pages. Another page is occupied by "The Flying Squad ron , " and one is covered with reproduc tions of recent photographs from Key West. A BACKWARD SPRING BRINGS BLOOD DISEASES , NERVOUS DERANGEMENTS AND CHRONIC * CATARRH. Never was there a greater demand for spring medicines something to cleanse the blood.strengthen the nerves.or regu , late the digestion. Is there any medi cine so good for these purposes as Pe-ru- na ? Thousands of doctors , druggists and tens of thousands of people of all classes and vocations have Jong ago de cided this question that Pe-ru-na ha no equal in-these cases. Poor shrunken dyspeptics be come strong , vigorous and hearty after lew bottles of it. People who are blotched , pim pled and sallow .and sluggish never fail to find a course of Pe- ru-na to clear the skin , invigorate the system and enrich the blood. Chronic catarrh in all phases and stages , cases that have defied the best of treatment for mnny years , take a few bottles of Pe- ru-na to their entire relief. Nervousness , debility , weaknesses of both sexes , sleep lessness , irritability , despondency , hypo chondria , all these disappear when Pe- ru-na is used according to directions. One of the -mo'st instructivrebooks on chronic catarrh ever furnished 'free is be ing suiit by the Pe-ru-na Drug.Manufac- turi'ng ' Company , Columbus , Ohio. This book * is very instructively illustrated with expensive drawings , and 4 will be sent free to any address. * "AJ' ' . , % , Royftl Biket the food pure , wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. CEDAR BLUFFS. Mrs. 15. F. Jenkins is on the sick list. Small grain over this way is looking fine. Henry Morganste'm started for the war the other day. Farmers over this way are very busy putting in crops now. We are having several showers in this part of the country , this spring. Our agent's wife has just returned from eastern Nebraska , where she has been on a visit. Small , sickly-looking men must be careful in Cedar Bluffs or they may get kicked o'ut of town , but if they are good-sized men they are perfectly safe. Those brave citizens of Cedar Bluffs , who were so anxious to pass the war measure over McKinley's head so they could go to war now have too much business to leave since hostili ties have been declared. PLEASANT RIDGE. J. W. Jones has over 100 acres planted to corn and intends planting 100 more. W. F. Esher has 140 acres of small grain and expects to put in 200 acres of corn. E. C. Goehring has a fine-looking prospect for small grain. We do not know the number of acres he has. The finest winter wheat we have seen is on W. F. Everist's place , and they have a large crop of small grain , all of which looks well. We do'not think many of the people in this vicinity will rush off to war from the way they talk. They are all willing to be home guards. Miss Mae Thompson visited with Mrs. E. C. Goehring , last week , and together they paid many pleasant visits in the neighbor hood. E. W. Harris has 25 acres of corn planted and will plant lee more. He has 80 acres in winter wheat , 30 acres in spring wheat and 25 acres of barley. The drouth crieis can now take a rest , We've had rain from the east and rain from the west ; Also from the north and the south , And don't say another woid about drouth. A gentleman in this vicinity has received a telegram from Frank James , bidding him to get ready for war. They served together in the rebel army during the civil war. Woe unto the Spaniards if Quantrell's brigade ar rays itself in full force against them. BARTLEY. Well , we have have lived five consecutive days in Nebraska without seeing the sun , any way. way.Francis Francis Sells came down from Box Elder to spend Sunday with his parents , returning Monday. Miss Kittie Ransom came up from Cam bridge , Friday night , to spend a couple of days here with her parents. Night Operator McMamgal spent a few : lays in Lincoln , this week , being relieved by Extra Agent Dills of McCook. Perhaps it has escaped your observation , DUt we feel called upon to remark that this las been a damp week in the immediate vic- nity of Bartley. Any one observing an exaggerated smile iurrounded by a man's features will be safe in issuming that the same is a farmer with a arge acreage of wheat. C. F. Heimbaugh , who has been working n the interests of the Star of Jupiter fraternal irder at this point for same time past , de- larted for McCook , Monday. J. C. Gammill arrived here , Wednesday tiorning , from "Hooper , Colorado , with nine ars of tine feeders which he took to his Med- sine creek ranch the same day. D. R. Fletcher returned home , Monday , rom Danbury , where he has been in charge f W. H. Harrison's elevator while the latter ras absent on a trip to St. Joe , Mo. Mrs. Flora Ohler arrived here , Thursday lorning , from Lincoln , where she h-js been ttending court in the suit against Charles hafer for the possession of her daughter taomi. Since that new girl arrived at the home of Ir. and Mrs. S. W. Clark , Monday , the ad ist. , Sam thinks he is the biggest man in nvn. And we are not prepared to state that e isn't , either. Neighbor Rodney Baker assevervates that ic fulfillment of that mail carrying contract is ound to make him web-footed unless there a decided and immediate change in the de- icanor of Jupiter Pluvius. W. M. Taylor of Blue Springs , formerly a : sident of this college town , spent a few days ere , this week , renewing acquaintances and loking up property interests. lie departed > r home , Wednesday evening. Some of the natives are becoming inclined > the notion of moving to Missouri or any ther old country where the sun shines and ic ground is dry , it they could only have fair eather while they pack their effects on a raft The Spanish-American war has aroused ic patriotic feeiing in this good old town , nd the merchants have decorated their win- ows and fronts of their stores with the stars nd stripes. The citizens have run Old Glory p as high as possible where she floats in the reeze night and day. Awarded lighesv. Honors World's Fair , CREAM BAKING POWDER , MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free un Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ORDINANCE NO. 75. An ordinance defining and providing for levying and regulating the collection of a licence tax ou occupations carried on and dona within the limits of the city of McCook , Ued Willow county , state of Nebraska , and repealing ordinance No. 41 , entitled , ' 'An ordinance provid ing for tbn levying and collection of a license tax on occupations and business , carried on and done in the city of McCook , and to provide a penalty for the violation of same , and to repeal ordinance numbered 21 , and all ordlnauces and parta of or dinances in conflict with this ordinance , " passed and approved May 10th , 1893 ; and all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook : SEC. 1. That there is hereby levied a license tax ou each and every occupation and business within this city , in this section hereinafter enumerated , to raise a revenue thereby , In the several sums of the dilferent businesses and occupations respect ively hereinafter mentioned ; and each and every person , tlrm , association or corporation , carrying on any business or occupation hereinafter men tioned , within the city of McCook , shall pay to the treasurer of this city , annually , on the second M.onday in the mouth of May , after the passage and approval of this ordinance , a special license taxes lollows , ou snch business or occupation : Dealer in Agricultural Implements $ 5 00 Dealer In Agriculture ! Implements , Wag ons , Buggies , and Sewing Machines 10 00 Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wag ons , Haggles , Machinery , Hardware , Tin ware and Sewinir Machines 2000 Attorney and Counselor at Law 5 00 Attorney and Counselor at Law doing acol- lection or real estate business , 7 50 Auctioneer s UO Banks with capital of S50.000.00 or more. . . 50 00 Banks with capital of less than 50,000.00. . 35 OU Blacksmith , wagon shop , and repairing wagons and buggies 2 50 Building Association , . 10 00 Barber , tiret chair 2 00 Barber , each additional chair 1 00 Bowling Alley 15 00 Bakery . , 500 Bakery and Coulcctionery BOO Bakery , ConectioneryCigan ! and Tobacco 7 00 Boot and Shoe Store 10 00 Boot and Shoe Store and Boot and Shoe Making and Kepairlng 12 50 Boot and Shoe Making and Kepalring 2 50 Book and Stationery Utore 3 00 Books , Stationery , News Stand , Confec tionery , Cigars and Tobacco 7 00 Billiard liall , for one table 1000 Billiard Hall , for each additional table 5 00 Dealer in Buggies and Wagons 5 00 Boarding Houses , with ten or more board ers 2 00 Boarding Houses , with from three to ten boarders l 00 Brick Manufactory 5 00 Dealer in Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs 2 bu Clothing Store , dealer In ready made cloth ing and gentlemen's furnishing goods. . . . 10 00 Clothing Dealer selling from samples 10 00 Clothing Store , dealer in ready made cloth ing and gentlemen's furnishing goods , taking orders for clothing 12 50 Table and Pocket Cutlery l 00 Commission Store 500 Confectionery l 00 Contractor or Builder 5 00 Cinar Manufactory 5 00 ' Co'al Dealer 1000 Collection Agents , collecting claims and accounts 250 Carpenter and BnllderShops a 51) ) Drays , ore two-horse dray 10 00 Each additional dray after the tirst 500 Each one horse dray 5 00 Each house mover 10 00 Wagons hauling by the load or job 5 00 DryGoods 5 00 Dry Goods and Groceries 1000 Dry Goods and Millinery 7 50 Dry Goods , Clothing , taking orders for clothiug , gentlemen's furnishing goods. . 15 00 Dry Goods , Groceries , Heady Made Cloth ing , taking orders for clothing , cutlery , cigars and tobacco , hats and caps , boots and shoes , stationery , tinware , and jew elry , carrying a stock of less than § 10,000. . 20 00 Dr > Goods , Groceries , Ready Made Cloth ing , taking orders for clothing , cutlery , cigars and tobacco , hats and cups , boots and bhoes , stationery , tinware and jew elry , carrying a stock of more than § 10- , 000 2500 Dress-makers , where help is employed 2 00 Drugs , with tioda Fountain and Mineral Water 7 50 Drugs , Soda Fountain and Mineral Water , Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Wall Paper. Cigars and Tobacco 12 00 Dentist 500 Electric Light Company , 2500 Furniture Dealer 500 Furniture Dealeraud Repairing Furniture , Undertaking , dealer in Sewing Machines , Pictures and Picture Frames. . . . , 12 50 Flour Mill 10 00 Feed Mill and felling Feed and Grain ti 00 Flour and Feec Store , dealer in Seeds , Oils andTwmes 700 Grain Dealer 1000 [ ilai > 8 and Queensware 2 50 jroteries , exclusively , 5 00 jroceries , Queeusware , TinwareSeed8 and Fruits 7 00 Sroceries , Queensware , Cutlery , Tinware , Cigars and Tobacco , Boots and bhoes , Confectionery , Fruits 1500 groceries , Queenswure , Cutlery , Tinware , Cigars and Tobacco , Boots and Shoes , Confectionery , Seeds and Fruits , JMsh , and taking orders for Clothing 25 00 lardware 500 lurdware , Tinwttre and Harness 1250 lardware , Tinware , Agricultural Imple ments. Buggies and Wagon * , Machines and Implement * 20 00 lames * and Saddlery , Harness Repairing. 5 00 lotel charging $2 OU per day , or more 10 W lotel charging less than S2.00 per day 5 00 lalls used lor public entertainments" 5 00 lospital , medical 5 00 lats and Caps 2 60 lover ot Houses or Other Buildings iu 00 nsurance Agent , eacli Insurance Company represented 3 00 ce Dealer 1500 eweler 1000 eweler. Watches and Clocks , Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing 1250 eweler. Watches and Clocks , Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing , and Musical Instru ments , Organs , Pianos , Violins and Gui tars 17 50 iiimbfar Dealer and Building Material 15 00 oan and Trust Companybolding or leas ing real estate 10 00 auudry 5 00 athering in the City of McCook and ship ping out of the City , Goods to be Laun dered , and Receiving Goods that have been Laundered outside of the City , for Persons residing in this City 10 00 [ usical Instruments , Organs , Pianos , Violins lins , and Guitars 5 00 [ usical Instruments , taking Orders lor same 500 [ ercnantTailor 2 50 [ erchantTailor selling Clothingfrom Sam ple 12 50 ! eat Market 10 00 oney Lo > iner or Broker , loaning money forothers 10 00 [ arble Works 500 illlneryand Dressmaking 500 ews Stand 3 00 perallonse 1000 il Dealer Running Tank Wagon 10 00 mnibuses 500 rmting Office 5 00 rintiug Office. Stationery and Blanks 7 50 bysician and Surgeon 500 uotographer and Photograph Gallery 5 00 lumber 1000 ainter and Decorator 5 00 ealer iu Paints , Oils , Wall Paper and Window Glass 5 00 estauraut and Lunch Counter 500 lit-tanrant and Lunch Counter , Cigars and Tobacco , and Confectionery 7 50 eal state Agent 2 50 swing Machine Agent or Dealer 2 50 C ivery Stable 1000 ed and Sale Stable . . 500 iloons 100 00 ) da and Bottling Works 5 00 : cond Hand Store 5 00 .a tin ir Rink 2000 jlephone Company 2000 " ' Company 500 Biilerln Tobacco and Cigars 5 00 inware -00 inners 50 ndertaking 5 00 ater Works Company 50 00 holesole Dealer in Malt and Spirituous Liquorn 1000 agon and Bucgy Shop 2 50 degraph Companies , or agencies for tele graph companies , receiving messages in Lhia city from persons in this city , and ti transmitting the same by telegraph from tiS this city , within this state , to places and S ( persons within this state , and receiving ivithin this city messages by telegraph J transmitted within this state from per sons and places within this state , and de livering the same to persons within this : ity , and not including any business done ; o or from points without the state , and tiSi excepting the receipt , transmission and Si ielhery of any message to and from any Sip lepartmcntagencyor ageutof the United ir States and excepting the receipttransmi ( - ; Ion and delivery of any messages which la ire inter-state commerce , the sum of 25 00 li : press companies , or agencies for express lib lim : ompanlc3 taking or receiving any pack- m iges , goods or property from any person b < n this city , and transmitting snc > * pack- ' ice , goods or property by express from ? his city to persons.and places within this foni itate ; or receiving within this city , pack- ni ABOUT QUALITY , MAKE OR FIT , Whatever you want in the Clothing - ing , Furnishing Goods or Hat Line you are reasona bly sure to find here. We have the best and most reliable goods the market affords , and are always all right in prices. We want you to see our new Spring Suits. THE FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY | * * WkM * * * * 'V * > * > * * * & & * * > < WV < W * , % % * / * / % / % / * / % % ' % / % , ' % / m'V"i ages , goods or property transmitted by express within this state ( rom persons and places within this state to persons within this city , the sum of 2500 SEC. 2. On each and every business and occu pation on which a tax is levied at a yearly rate by this ordinance , the year shall begin the second Monday in May of each year , and shall end on the second Monday in May in the following year , and the license taxes hereinbefore provided for , shall be payable iu advance. SEC. 3. Each and every person , firm , company or corporation carrying on any business or occu pation within this city , on which a license tax is imposed by this ordinance , shall pay said tax to the treasurer of said city on or before the second Monday in May of each year. SEC. 4. The taxes hereby levied shall be paid to the treasurer of this city , and upon the pay ment thereof by any person , the said treasurer shall give a receipt , properly dated , specifying the person paying the game , for what t-aid taxes were paid , the amount of taxes paid and when the license will expire. Said receipts shall be num bered consecutively and the treasurer of said city shall keep a duplicate of paid receipt , and eaid receipt when issued and delivered shall be anrhor- ity to do business under this ordinance. SEC. 5. The money paid into the city treasury under the provisions of this ordinance shall con stitute and be known ns the "special license tax : fund. " SEC. (5. ( The special license tax fund shall only be used for paying the expense of grading and renainng the streets' , constructing and repairing sidewalks , the lighting of the city , and the pay ing ot policemen : Provided , however , that the city council may at any time , by a majority vote of the council men elect , authorize the passage of an ordinance transferring money from the special license tax fund into the general fund of the city. SEC 7. Any person , firm , association or cor poration entering upon any of the businesses or occupations herenibelore mentioned , between the second Monday in May and the t-ocond Mon day in-November , shall hechnrged the lull amount hereinbefore mentioned , immediately due and payable , and after t.he second Monday in Novetn ber , shall be charged one-half the difierenl amounts hereinbefore bet forth , for the year end mg the second Monday in the May following. SEC. 8. If any person firm , company or corpo ration shall fail to pay the license tax by this or linance provided , for more than ten days after thi second Monday in May of the respective year o : ifter engaging in sneh business or occupation it shall be the duty of the city ; attorney to briiif suit iu any court of competent jurisdiction to re : over the amount of tax levied by thisordinancev ind the city treasurer shall report to the city at- : orney on the third Monday in May each year , : uch und exery person , firm , company or corpora- ion who htue not paid the tax assessed and levied inder the provisions ol this ordinance. SEC. 9. The license tax by this ordinance ley i'd is not levied upon anv business or occupation vhicli is inter-stiite , or which is done or conducted > v anv department of the go\ernment of tilt Jnifed States or of this state , or of any officer o he United States or of 1 his state , in theconri-eo : us official duties , or by any county or subdivision if this state , or its officers as snch. SEC. 10. The provisions of this ordinance shall lot be so construed as to impair or aflect the valid ty of any license tax on any occupation or busi less heretofore made or levied under the ordl lance by this ordinance repealed , but all such [ cense tax on occupations or businesses shall be nd remain as valid as if this ordinance had not een passed , and snch license tax : shall be collect d and enforced in the manner provided , or which ereafter may be provided by law for the collec ion and enforcement of the same. SEC. 11. Ordinance No. 41 , entitled "An ordi- ance providing for the levying and collection of license tax : on occupations and business carried n and done in the citv of McCook , and to provide penalty for the violation of the same , and to re- enl ordinance numbered 21 , and all ordinances nd parta of ordinances in conflict with this or- inance , " passed and approved May 10th , 1893 , and 11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict rith this ordinance , are hereby repealed. SEC. 12. This ordinance shall take eflect and be i force from and after its passage , approval and nhlication. according to law. Passed and approved April 30.1808. I. E. KELLEY , Mayor. Attest , C. I. Hall , City Clerk. iserted in THE McCooK TRIBUNE May o. The Sunday Journal Free. During this great war excitement peo- le cannot get enough papers to read on lie all-absorbing topic. The State Jour- al , as a special offer , will send free the rreat Sunday State Journal , three lonths to any person sending $ r.oo for year's subscription to The Semi-Weekly tate Journal. During these exciting nies The Semi-Weekly Journal beats icold weekly all to pieces , and with a ig sixteen-page paper thrown in , is the reatest bargain ever offered for $ i oo. jst think ! 3'ou get two big weekly pa- ers each week for a whole year , and a ig sixteen-page Sunday paper three lonths all for $1.00. In order to be en- tied to this special premium you must : nd your Dollar direct to The State mrnal , Lincoln , Neb. L. F. Farley conducts a large mercan- le business at Liberty Hill , Ga. He .ys : "One application of Chamberlain's lin Balm relieved me of a severe pain my back. I think it O. K. " For me back , rheumatismneuralgia , swel- 3gs , sprains , bruises , burns and scalds j other liniment can approach Charn- : rlain's Pain Balm. It is intended es- icially for these diseases and is famous r its cures. For sale by L.V. . McCon- :11 & Co. . . , . . Our assortment of Men's , Young Men's and Chil dren's Suits is un usually large and very attractive. Our clothing- better fitting , bet ter wearing , bet ter looking than most , spid the pri ces are so low that everybody can af ford a new suit this season. e * The people who want the best for the least amount of money will al ways buy of us. * * At Brewer's old Stand. * FRESH AND SALT MEATS Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. * e keep everything usually to | be found in a first-class city market , Ww and respectfully solicit your patronage. # . - . . . * A little boy asked for a bottle of " get up in the morning as fast as you can. " The druggist recognized a household name for DeWitt's Little Early Risers , and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation , sick headache and liver and stomach troubles. Sold bv A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. M. L. Yocuni , Cameron. Pennsylva nia , says " I was a sufferer for ten years , trying most all kinds of pile remedies , but without success DeWitt's Witcn Hazel Salve was recommended to me. I used one box It has effected a perma nent cure. " As a permanent cure for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. Sold by A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The tamous little pills. " InShirtsthissea- sonthereis a great variety of styles and colors. We have a very choice line in these for Men and Boysand a number of new things in Boy's White and Col ored Waists and Blouses at very attractive and low prices. Examine these goods. Burlington Route. To Portland , Ore. , without change of cars. Through tourist sleeping cars , in charge of special excursion managers and accompanied by uniformed Pullman porters ters , leave Kansas City every Thursday morning for Portland , Ore. They run over the Burlington Route to Denver , D. & R. G. Ry. ( Scenic Line ) to Ogden , Oregon Short Line and O. R. & N. Co. to destination. A lay-over of ten hours is made at Salt Lake City , giving passengers all opportunity to become ac quainted with one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world. Travelers destined to Portland or any other Pacific northwest point should join these weekly excursions. This they can do at any point at which trains stop. There is no cheaper or more comfortable way to make the trip. The cars have all the conveniences of palace sleeping cars , lacking only their elaborate finish. Second end class tickets are accepted. Berth- rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5. For tickets and full information call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. ALL ROADS ARE ALIKE TC A MONARCH , f Perfection is the resua of our long experience. BICYCLES are the product of mechanical ingenuity. $60.00 Ohainless $100,00 Send for 1893 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. , Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago. Branches New York , Lend n and Hamburg. Send ten 2-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing ; Cards Illustrating Lillian Ruasell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. \ *