The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 29, 1898, Image 7

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    Not long ago the Dublin Independent
published the follcwins obituary no
tice : "Smit on the 28th inst. , Amy
Jane Mary Smlt , eldest daughter of
John and Wilhclmlna Smith , aged 1
day and 2J/6 hours. The bereaved and
heart broken parents beg to tender
their hearty thanks to Dr. Jones for his
unremitting attention during the Ill
ness of the deceased , and for the moderate -
orate brevity of his bill. Also to Mr.
Wilson for running for the doctor , and
to Mr. Roblnnon for recommending
mustard planter. "
The "mineral wealth" of newly
found mining regions largely run by
syndicates Is In too many instances a
fable. The products nearer home are
surer and promise more rewards. No
one will go unrewarded in the matter
of Improved health who use regularly
Ilostettcr's Stomach Bitters for ma
laria and dyspepsia.
Don't presume ; but if you've got to
do it always presume for the best.
Don' think because a man has a big
head that It Is necessarily long.
Don't Tobacco Spit ana Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , ntrvo , and vigor. takeNo-To-
Bac , the wondcr-wc rlccr. that makes weak men
strong. All Uruffglets , 50oor8J. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. . Chic-oso or New York.
Don't bellev all a man says about his
neighbor or half he says about him
self. *
* i--iv.
XVhcn Dr. Aver announced his Sarsapa-
rillato' the world , he at once found the
physicia&t his friends. Such a remedy
was what they hnd looked for , and they
were prompt to appreciate its merits nud
\ prescribe it. Perhaps no medicine known
as a patent medicine is so generally ad
ministered and prescribed by physicians as
Dr Ayer's Sarsaparilla for blood diseases ,
and dis-ascs of the skin that indicate a
tainted condition of the blood. Experience
has proved it to be a spcciSc in such
diseases , and sores of long standing , old
ulcers , chronic rheumatism , and many
other like forms of disease have yielded to
thepcrscveringuseof Dr. AVer's barsapar-
illa after other medicines had utterly failed.
flic testimonials received from physicians
to the value of this remedy would fill a
volume. Here is one leaf signed by Rich'd
II. Lawrence , M. D. , Baltimore , Md.
"It affords me pleasure to bear testimony
to the success which your preparation of
Sarsaparilla has had in the treatment of
cutaneous and other diseases arising from
a vitiated condition of the blood. Were it
necessary , I might give you the names of
at least fifty individuals who have been
cured of long-standing complaints simply
by the administration of Dr. Ayer's Sarsa-
pa-rilla. One very remarkable instance
was that of a quite old woman who hod lived
at Catonsville. near this city. She had been
A wild son of ex-Qovernor Besha of
"Kentuckyvas , years ago , convicted of
murder , pardoned Ly hia father and
disappeared. He is now one of the
most eloquent preachers in the Ha
waiian islands.
Massachusetts Is the third state to
substitute electrocution for the sal
lows. Isiew York and Ohio are the oth
er two states that have adopted it.
No woman ever has such perfect con
fidence in her husband that she never
tries to catch him in a trap.
Why is it that all the rogues manage
to get into the other political party ?
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaramjd tobacco habit cure , maltcs weak
men strong , olood pure. 603.81. All druggists.
Don't commit suicide : its a crime
punishable with imprisonment.
Bmoke Sledge Cigarettes. CO for 5 eta
"A Perfect Type of ihe Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture. ' '
® h
Absolutely Pure ,
Delicious ,
X l.-SoslslessTlianOliECESTaeiiii. .
Be sure that you get the Genuine Article ,
made at DORCHESTER , MASS , by
* 4A ttxpovorni elsJstecn foci Ions * 4
least came on the scene after ray taking ttvo
CASCAKETS. This I am sure has caused iny
bad health for the past , three years. I EHI still
tailing Cascarcts , the rnly cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people. "
EO. W. BOWLES , Eaird , Macs.
PlCftsant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Gootf. Bo
Good. IleverSicUcn. Weaken.or Gripe. 13c , a > 2. 0c.
. . . CURE COHSTSPATtOW. . . .
Ctcrlirs IlKsicCy Conpjaj. CMtafro. Mcntrra ! . Kw TerS. S13
"i Tfi Rfif * Sold and nnarantced br nil drng-
JattJ" 5Hu clsta to CJJirSTo'JSCCO Habit.
our .Minnesota Kur-
DftlEH . 3 plans. .
G oed pay.cvery-.veek.
StartnovrnndbQ first in thellcidfurall summer
Kursoiy Co.f JLuke Cityilinu. .
Padcredski' ' , the famous pianist , was
given an ovation at a recent concart
in London. It had been announced
that it would be his only appearance
this season in that city and the hall
was crowded.
Dciuily Irs Itlood Deep.
( Hoar i blnod mcan.s uclcnn skin. No botvnty
without It. O.'ihCiircts , Candy Cathartic
cleans your blood mid keens St clean , by .stlr-
ilutf tin tlio lusty liver nnil driving nil tmpu-
j rltlus from tlio body. Begin today to banish
pimples. liolN , blotches , b ucklicads , mid Unit
sickly bilious complexion by taking Casca-
i ctg bounty for ten cent- * . All druggists ,
ballsf action Runrnniport. 10 ? . 23e. &Gc.
Peter wan probably a married man or
he wouldn't have learned to ba BO quick
at denying things.
IVIrn. WliwIow'B Hootljlng1 8'rap
For children teetlilng. oftcnf. tlio RUii , ivuac ( < - mSnm-
( nation , allay 8 jialn , cures wind colic. 25 wisa bottle.
Nearly 40 per cent of the population
of Siberia are Russian exiles.
Jlialcc Into Tour Slices.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and Instantly takes the sting
out of coma and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tights-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , nervous , aching feet. Try it to
day. Sold by all diuggists and shoe
stores. By mall for 25c In stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address , Allen
S. Olmstcd , Le Roy , N. Y.
The frank testimony of a
famous physician.
afflicted with the rheumatism for three
years , and had taken as she hod informed
me , more than one hundred dollars' worth
of medicine to obtain relief , yet without
ur.v beneficial result. I advised her to try
a bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sursapanlla aad told
her that if it failed to do her goad , I would
refund the money. A short time after
ward , I learned that it had cured her , and
a neighbor of hers similarly afEictcd was
also entirely relieved of his ccmplaint by
its use. This is the universal result of the
administration of vour Saisaparilla. It
is without exception , the best blood puri
fier with which I am acquainted. "
There is no other similar medicine can
show a similar record. Others have imi
tated the remedy. They can't imitate the
record. Dr. Aver's Sarsapanlla has the
friendship of the physician and the favor
of the family , because it cures. It fulfills
all promises made for it. It has healed
thousands of people of the most malignant
diseases that can mutilate mankind.
Nothing has ever superccded it ana noiji-
inp ever will until a medicine is made
that can show a record of cures greater in
number and equal in wonder to thee
wrought by Dr. Ayer's Sarsapanlla. Dr.
Ayer's Curebook , a story of cures told by
the cured , is sent free on request by the
. . C. Ayer Company , Lowell , Mass.v rite
For it.
The warlike conditions of the time
give poignant and impressive interest
to Secretary Olney's statesmanlike pa
per in the May Atlantic on "The Inter
national Isolation of the United
States. " and his wel1 weighed sug
gestion that the time is coming when
this policy should be abandoned , and
we should no longer hold ourselves
aloof and stand nlune in the family of
RtJmnlatitifr Invention.
That the Trans-Mississippi exposi
tion at Omaha will stimulate invention
in Nebraska and surrounding states
cannot be doubted. That there is need
of it as a means of promoting inven
tion and manufacturing in the west is
evidenced by the fact tbat only one
patent was issued to Nebraska last
week and only six to Iowa , while at
the same time Massachusetts received
25 , Ohio 29 , and Pennsylvania 54.
Among the most recant applications
for patents we have fiied com
plete at Washington for western
inventors are the following : An
attachment for steam engines to
increase the velocity of steam. A
straw stacker for threshers that nar
rows in its outward movement. A gov
ernor for automatic band cutters and
feeders. A stove pipe attachment for
utilizine : waste products of combus
tion to heat water and aid in warm ng
a roorc. A trough for purifying water
and watering stock. A hsater adapted
to be submerged in a tanlc to prevent
water from freezing. A guide for cur
tains on rollers to keep tbe curtains
straight as they are raised and low
ered. A lock and 5eal adapted ta pre
vent unauthorized unlocking.
Valuabzle infoimation about obtan-
ing , valuing and selling patents sent h
free to any address. ti
T. G. & J. R. ORWIG ,
Solicitors of Patests. "
Iowa Patent Office , 1bi
DCS Moines , April 20 , 1898.
- j
The men who believe It would benefit -
fit the country if mere money were put
in circulation should see that more oC 01di
it is given to women. Atchison Globe. diF
To Cure vonsttpntlon ITcr-ever.
Tale Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25c.
Ii C. C. C. fail to c"re. drucrjrists refund money. '
Don't think because a man is a po
lice man that he is always looking for L
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. Georze W. Lotz , Va- w
buchcr , La. , August 215. 16115.
Why isn't a graveyard the last meas
ure a man resorts to ? P >
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price. T pi
Why is it that we seldom see an au
burn-haired old maid ? it
Edccato Your SJowels "ZVHU Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic ourc coustioation forever
lOo , 25c. If a C. C.faildrugpibtsrcfundniocey.
Why aren't stenographers' notes fig m
ures of speech ?
Coe'n Conpcti Uniinm ;
Is the oldest anil best It will Inv.-.k up a co'il
than Biiytliins else. It is clwaj s reliable. Try it-
"Why isn't courting an heiress te
check suit ?
Star Tobacco is tne leasing brand of in
the world , because it is the best.
Don't mind a little thins iika slan he
der , it will rub off when dry. .
ATTIB , what are
\\i/M \ / you dolnS ? Drearn-
, ! ne I dcclare ! Did
you know , ciniu ,
E you have just fif
teen minutes to
dress in before the
dinner-bell rings ? "
She had donned
her prettiest cos-
tumc and brightest
smiles in honor of
the eew arrival , Guy Edgerton.
How my beautiful sister would have
wondered could she have known that
this same new arrival was the hero of
my dreams. I will tell you how he
came to perform so important a part
in them.
We at home home always made it a
practice to celebrate the birthdays with
a fete. Five years ago , when it lacked
but two weeks of my sister's eight
eenth birthday , my mother died.
We mourned her loss deeply ; but
Kate , for her oath's sake , given in the
ehape of enameled invitation cards ,
would not give up her usual party.
"Oh , Kate , " I pleaded , "please don't
have it ! "
"You don't know what you are say
ing , child. I can not change my plans
after the Invitations are issued , and
father thinks it is bet. "
And so it ended. The party came off ,
I protesting I would not appear in the
drawing-room ; and I did not. But , sit
ting alone on the balcony , watched.the
forms flit to and fro in the brilliant
I was crying bitterly , when a firm
step sounded beside me , and , looking
up , I met the gaze of Guy Edgerton ,
my sister Katie's ardent admirer.
"Why do you not join the company.
Miss Howard ? "
He bent forward and looked in my
face. "What , in tears , little one ! " At
this I cried harder than ever.
" ' what grieves
"Won't you tell me
you ? "
At this I told him all. How it seem
ed to me sacrilegious so to treat my
mother's memory.
He said nothing , only smoothed my
hair tenderly until I ceased weeping.
As I looked up he said :
"Little Mattie , I am going , away to
morrow going to Europe. Will you
kiss me good-bye ? "
I was only 15 , so I raised my head
and kissed him.
"Thank you , little one ; and when I
come back will you give me a kiss of
welcome ? I have no mother , no sister ,
Mattie. No one to welcome me back.
Will you ? "
"Yes , sir , " I sobbed.
He said "Thank you" again , and then
left me.
For five years I had heard nothing
from him , and now he had returned.
This is what I had been dreaming
about this pleasant morning.
The dinner bell roused me from my
reverie , and hastily donning my , pret
tiest blue muslin , I sought the dining-
As I entered my father presented mete
tc Mr. Edgerton.
"My little daughter , Mattie. "
"I think we are already acquainted , "
he said , and then passed on.
For two weeks every girl at the
muse < , save myself , tried their fascina-
ions upon him , but to no avail.
"What a pity ! " sighed Flo Archer ,
'that 1 his uptown mansion and huge
> ank stock have no mistress. "
But her sighs were in vain. The
ast of Mr. '
. morning Edgerton's stay y
he subject of conversation turned up-
m kissing. Mr. Edgerton , sitting by ,
lid not join in the conversation. Pretty
rio Archer saucily demanded Mr. Ed-
jerton's opinion.
"Now , really , Mr. Edgerton , don't
'ou like to attend forfeit parties ? "
"No , Miss Archer , I do not , I think
kiss obtained by compulsion no kiss
it all. "
"Fie ! We shall get up a party on
mrpose to test you. We believe you f
vould assist. "
"I certainly should not. "
"Why , Mr. Edgerton ! You shall do S1
enance < for that speech. "
"You are to tell what lady you kissed
ast. " u
"That would not do , as the lady is
iresent , and would be the sufferer , is
ather than myself. "
"Well , then , you may tell how long
is since you kissed her. "
"Will you promise not to doubt my
rord ? "
"Oh , certainly. "
"Then , Miss Layton , I have kissed
10 lady for the space of five years. "
"Oh , Guy is probably faithful to sonic
air lady who favored him then , " sug-
ested Ned Archer.
"Exactly so , Ned , " and he passed
meet his valet , who came with let-
My cheeks were burning , and I arose
nd fled to my room. Here Kate burst
upon me.
"Her you are , " she said , merrily , "I
lave been out bunting for you. We
.ave made-up a party to ride out to the
Shaker settlement and take dinner and
return by moonlight. Won't it be fun ,
and don't you want to go ? "
"No , I guess I had rather stay at
home and have a quiet day of it. "
"What a little old maid you !
Well , you needn't go unless you want
to ! " and she was off. I watched them
drive away. Then I took my sewing
and ensconcd myself in a baby window
In the quiet , cool parlor.
Scarcely had I seated myself when
some one entered the room , repeating
those lines of Leigh Hunt's little bal
lad :
"Say I'm weary say I'm sad ,
Say that health and wealth have
missed me ;
Say I'm growing old. but add
Jennie kissed me ! "
My heart gave a great bound , for I
recognized Guy Edgerton's voice.
Not knowing I was there , he came
to the very window where I waa sit
He drew back the curtain and looked
in upon me.
"Why , Mattie , you here ! I thought
you were out with the riding party.
How cozy you look here. May I sit
down beside you ? "
"Yes , sir , " I answered frankly.
His dark eyes searched my face for
a moment , then he said :
"I am going away tomorrow , little
one ; will you redeem your promise be
fore I go ? I have carried the kiss you
gave me last through all my travels ,
darling , and have brought it back to
you pure as you gave it. Will you kiss
jnep.nd be my wife ? "
I kissed him. Boston Herald.
Big Swedish Concern Orders Its Equip
ment In America.
From the Philadelphia Record :
American paper-making machinery has
scored another victory , the Stora Kop-
perberg Aktiebolag having ordered two
American-made Fourdrinier machines ,
107 and 127 inches wide , and weighing
respectively 450,000 and 600,009 pounds.
The Swedish company , which has for
400 years been engaged in mining cop
per , which also owns Eome of the larg
est saw mills in the world , decided re
cently to go into paper manuiacturiiil
and purchased the great macliinery
hall of the Stockholm exposition , which
is to be transferred to the grounds of
the company and filled with papermaking -
making machinery of the latest and im
proved patterns , the choice falling up
on American makers after a minute
personal inspection by the company's
experts of the machines and factories
of all countries.
Unconslous Sufferers.
There are numerous cases on record
where men suffering from some form
of paralysis have been charged with
drunkenness , and have suffered in
consequence most severely in mind , if
not in body. It is far from being an
uncommon circumstance for a man to
receive in some street row , or , as the
result of some practical joke , an in
jury to the head or spine , not serious
enough , perhaps , at the moment to
disable him , but certainly dangerous
if not attended to at once. He may
leave the vicinity where he received
the hurt , may possibly walk for miles ,
go into a restaurant and take some
thing to strengthen the nerves ; then
go out and gradually sink into a state
of unconsciousness and be found in a
doorway or lying in the road , bearing
every indication of intoxication. The
breath may smell of the stimulant he
has taken , he is stupid and helpless ,
and at once the unpracticed eye
stamps him as drunk and incapable.
Locked up by himself , he speedily be
comes feverish and seriously ill , and
dies without assistance. This is no
highly colored picture cases cccur
over and over again , and we regret
to say that it appears to be the com
mon practice of the ordinary policeman
to arrest and take to the station house
any person who is acting strangely or
stupidly in the street , or who exhibits
signs that are generally accepted as
indicating the use of intoxicants. The
proper place for these unfortunate per
sons is not the police station , but the
There Is Rothin ; ; X
Apparently we have not learned so
much during the last few thousand
years or so as v/e fancy we have. Prof.
W. M. Flinders-Petrie , the eminent
Egyptologist , has been telling an inter
viewer of various odds and ends that
he has unearthed from time to time
in the buried cities of Egypt , where
men and women lived and loved , and
scheme and fought nearly four thou
sand years before the Christian era.
Among these items were rag dollies ,
no doubt hugged and rocked to sleep
by little Cleopatras every whit as af
fectionately as the waxen babies made
in Germany are today fondled by our
small Dorothys and Phyllises. There
were draught-boards , too , and fishing
rods , babies' rattles , whip-tops and
tip-cats , and many a domestic article
that we have nowadays in use. What
more , he and his learned compan
ions were able to discover from the
skeletons of men and women who had
lain for considerably more than four
thousand years "asleep within the .
tcinb , " that we moderns cannot even
lay claim to a monopoly of such dis
eases as rheumatism and spinal cur
vature , and rickets. The penny-in-the-
slot-machine , we now know , is nothing
new ; next we shall hear that the mo
tor car provoked the charioters to
mirth , as an ancient coraic papyrus of
the period shows , when Seneferu , first
king of the fourth dynasty , was on the !
throne considerably before Joseph wa ?
sold into bondage.
I.ensth of 'Whnlc's .Tavrbono.
The average length of a whale's jaw-
bchie is seven feet.
Women are Urged to Prepare for this Wonderful Revolution in the
Economy of Their Life Blood Mrs. Watson
Tolls Hovr She Was Helped.
At no time is wcinan more liable to
physical and mental dangers with
of .suffering1 than : ; tthc "Turn of Life. "
The great want in woman's system is
ability to properly ail just itself to the new
conditions. This outlet , monthly , of blood
is now being diminished and carried into
the body for the supply food of its later
Daughters , 3011 can now to some extent
repay your iEOther" : > oarlycarc. She must
be spared every possible ccrtion. You
must help her bear her burdens ami anxie
ties. This critical time safely over , she will
return to renewed health and happiness.
That so many women fail to anticipate
r T. this change thus happily , is owing not
i1 3 merely to lack of care , but to igno-
; 1' ranee. There is , however , no ocuso
for ignorance when experienced ad
vice can be yours free of all cost.
Write to Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn ,
Mass. , she has helped great numbers
of women successfully through the
Change of Life , and she will help you.
Lydia E. 1'inlcham'u Vegetable Com
pound is the best tonic for uterine
changes. It works harmoniously up
on all these overwrought organs , in
vigorates the body and drives off the
.Read this letter from Mrs. DEI.LA WATSON , 524 West 5th St. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
" DKA.K MRS. PINKHAM : I have been using Lydia E. PinldmnTs Vegetable
Compound for some time during the change of life , and it has been a savior of
life tinto me. 1 can cheerfully recommend your medicine to all women , and I
know it will give permanent relief. I would be glad to relate my experience
to any sufferer. "
Ask Mrs. Plnfcham's Advice-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills
< < T pfj nn ? * Is prepared on
< < Cje-ifi-a vaa scientific princi
< ples , by men who have had years of
4 experience in fancy laundering. It
restores old linen and summer dresses
to their natural whiteness and imparts
a beautiful and lasting finish. The
only starch that is perfectly harmless.
ONE FOUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO Contains no arsenic , alum or other injurious
CPANY OTHEEIZHARCH. jurious substance. Can he used even
for a baby powder.
v T wr"
We make fine Surreys , Bupples , Phaetons and Ki-adWoscnp.i QNE PRICE
Our goods have been murably tr.own to ihe trade Rr j car .l " ,
We HOW cell direct to the nr at lU.o ! ! e Pritf * . The fchicv/dl UNti FI.Ul'lI. -
buyer rrefere to deal with the factory. IlesctHof ustlne'
work at less price than agents auk for low ttratc vehicles. W c ship anywhere ,
eulJect to examination. TIE uF.LIVKK on board cars Knnsafi Cit y.Mo. , or Goshcn ,
Ind. , as may suit purchaser. Send for cat.iloKiie with p-kes plainly prlnteil.
ITS TREE. Write today. We sell i-vv.Ing Machine * and the cosu > nitYClK as
well. AllatNhoi ttl9rHv. . ALL coon. Uo matter vrbcic you live , } uu arc not
V too far Rtrp.y to do ImFlnefn-ivlthiisandpavc inorry. Aiidrc ? ! " .
Our responsibility has been established by
21 years of fair dealing. In buying a
You kaowyotJi' bicycle is all that is claimed
for it.
POPE MFG. COV Hartford , Conn.
Catalogue f c from cny Columbia ccakr , cr fey nidi for one 2-ccn ! rfamrj.
but have fold direct to the a-
Kicer Tor 23 jears at wh"lo-
ale prices , taring hlci the
dealer's profits. Stipcaj-
„ , , . where for cz sisaiion.
K Everylliis ; warranted.
lP * a 113 stjc3 of Vehicles ,
1VJ [ & stvlra of KTCUS.
IV.1 TopBa i5.533to570.
Scrre7-Vto' 12j. Carrii-
'gc , Phaetons , Trap ? , Wi cn-
ctt > . . Sprics-Uaul and 3Iit
rc.TT. SirriTHarwv Price , pe.OO. cs. Sc = d or i Ire ; . r.-.c . -oiihrert : cs.lsarJ.0' > -
- -
- - - - -
a t > curt : ttv'-pep-
in. constipation , liver and ki'ln.iliva . .Dii-
( jus-nos1 * , l.eaiUcho , ctj. At Urusi'isit , ixr i ; SI.
.liPIIlSSOilFSr ! { | '
UUriiiiUv ; = = " -
iA.OKri V * ' . MORRIS , 'MSHWGTON.D.S. ' ;
LMe Principal F-anlnfr 1' . S. ? ii.tlon Bsriaa.
. i-ucc.
I'trs'tft. . . ras t..i"laiis
iizV.tVr.IMI.L.V ixocmr co. , t'\3iDL > , s' . j.
' ' ' " * . cold" .
r , Kay's Lung Oalni ss
VM. . U. OMAHA. NO. IS. IS&3.
1 > liicca Aa : vric7 r. vcriisctjis Kiadly
ctjy' ? To st our < w Cat-
Li * . * ? alocue. UtimSro'Uor
ti " 3 § H-55 * i * 'lr ' < l > oido'Iars sc-
lectinsr I-'arnUurc. Hrarlas ; , etcfnm it.
Ser.d for it. It sive > prlfrs and pictures.
1113 Uou liis Ht. . Omahru Neb.
J 55 : V\"I > n .niM in - \ < -hT.Kf t 'ear
' ' ' S' ' ' ' - . ' .
'I'K r-r.iJ-rs to i'.i'i : .
i-nniri , , . ! rr > r.r.l
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARP.ELL. Pension Axent.
14 = 5 New York A\cnwe. WASHINGTON. D. C.
i < . .rccjeus' - )