The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 29, 1898, Image 4

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TiiE president's formal declara
tion o war with Spain lets tli
the dogs of war loose for keeps.
IT only took a small American
fleet eighteen minutes by tin
watch to reduce the fortifications
of'the important city of Man tan-
' THE exports of agriculture pro
ducts in the eight months since
the Diugley law went into opera
tion are more than those of any
full year during the operations of
the Wilson law , despite the asser
tion of the free traders that the
' high tariff rates of the Dingley
law would destroy our foreign
markets for American products.
WITH gold flowing into the
United States at the rate of a mil
lion dollars a day ; with a total
gold circulation in the country of
1 T § 130,000,000 greater than it was
at the date of the Chicago conven
tion , with gold mines of the world
turning out more of the yellow
metal this year than ever before ,
the silver argument is not likely
to be a very impressive one , if of
fered in the coming campaign.
THE Republican leaders in Con
gress , under President McKinley's
administration , are preparing to
make the proposed new war loan ,
one to which every man who has
fifty dollars to invest , may sub
i scribe. The bonds are to ba issued
in sums of fifty dollars and upward ;
such facilities are to be given that
people who desire , may subscribe
through post offices , banks , sub-
treasuries , or by sending checks ,
post office orders , or registered let
ters , and if the subscriptions ex
ceed the amount of the bonds , as
is likely to be the case , the "scal
ing down" process will be applied
only to those whose bids are above
one thousand dollars in amount.
THE forty days which have
elapsed since the Spanish-Cuban
situation made war a probability ,
have been precious to the United
States Government in the matter
of preparation. The country has
has been for years notoriously un
prepared for war , and to have
rushed into war six weeks ago
without preparation would have
been criminal. President McKinley -
ley has shown great wisdom in
holding out against the demands
of politicians and sensationalists
for instant action , knowing , as he
did , how absolutely essential it waste
to have a reasonable amount of
time in which to prepare for war.
STEEL manufacturers of pro
tective America have just won a
big victory over those of free trade
England , and that , too , under the
British flag. The Australian Com
missioner of Railways , desiring to
relay portions of existing railway
lines with new steel rails , asked of
fers from manufacturers in various
parts of the world , and received
bids from Germany , England , and
the United States. When these
bids were opened , it was found
that those from the United States
were lower than those from Ger
many or England , and the con
tract , amounting to nearly half a
million dollars was awarded to one
of the American bidders , the Penn
sylvania Steel Company , its bid
being nearly $20,000 lower than
any other.
THE railroads have made re
duced rates for the Exposition.
For the opening ceremonies a rate
of one cent a mile will be made
from all points within 150 miles
of Omaha. From points beyond
the 150 mile limit the rate will be
one fare for the round trip. All
tickets of every character through
Omaha , in either direction will be
made good for stopover at Omaha
not to exceed five days. Summer
tourist tickets will be sold at 80
per cent of double locals to Omaha
from all sections of the country
with final return limit on Nov.
15th. From all association points
east of Colorado a rate of one fare
and a third of the round trip will
be made from June 1st until Oc
tober 1st , with a thirty days re
turn limit.
Royal mikes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
. .
B. J. Traphagan has already
planted some sod corn.
A number of Colemanites are
still breaking up the sod.
The farmers have not planted
much corn , but will begin soon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Epperly
were welcome callers , Sunday last.
Mrs. H. K. Bixler visited in the
Willow neighborhood , last Friday.
Our assessor gave us a business
call , last week. He is about
through with his house to house
M. L. Brown of Osburu sold a
bunch of cattle , recently , from
which he received a handsome sum
of money.
The accident to I. B. Stryker
laid him up a week or so , with a
lame arm and side. He is now
able to be around.
The small grain is looking quite
well , although it was damaged by
the wind somewhat , especially in
unprotected places.
Mrs. William Rider of Wyom
ing is visiting with her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Shepherd. She
wilt return home soon.
The singing-school at Coleman
and Zion Hill closed with a joint
entertainment , last Saturday even
ing , Prof. Nussbaum , teacher.
C. H. Boyle and Mrs. M. A.
Northrup of McCook were in this
part of the county , this week. Mr.
Boyle was looking after some land
interests in this vicinity.
Ed Lawthers is still sowing oats
and picking corn.
Will Tuttle has 20 acres of corn
planted on the Mrs. Harnm place.
Rev. Thrill preached at the
Bauksville school house , Sunday
Clint Kelley was in this neigh
borhood hunting for a sod corn
plantei. one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dodge and
son Cassius were visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Relph and family ,
Judging from the amount of
prairie that is being broken , con
fidence in this country has re
turned with the general prosperity.
Rev. J. M. Bell preached at the
Pleasant Prairie school-house last
Sunday , but owing to the United
Brethren quarterly meeting at
Fowler's school-house the same
hour , the congregation was rather
AFTER a splendid and invaluable
public service covering a half cen
tury. Hon. John Sherman on Tues
day retired from the president's
cabinet andhas , been succeeded by
Assistant Secretary of State Day.
THE silencing of the Mantanzas
batteries proves the effectiveness
of American marksmanship and
the impoteiicy of Spanish gunnery.
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
I pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Mrs. N. A. Kite made a business
trip to Indianolu , Wednesday.
Will Downs hns been added to
the Burlington's force at this point.
Mrs. G. W. Jones returned , Sat
urday night , from her visit in Iowa
Miss Pickle , living north of this
place , left for Cambridge , Wednes
day morning.
Miss Irene Epperly has returnee
home and is enjoying life with the
the old folks.
Agent 3 nlow and wife spen
Sunday in Cambridge under the
parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stenner were
guests of McCook friends , Satur
day and Sunday.
Lee Jones went to Nebraska
City , Friday of last week , with a
car of hogs for Smith.
Mrs. Frank Enlow of Cambridge
visited here with her son , Agent
Enlow , Saturday of last week.
C. E. McManigal wheeled up to
McCook , Wednesday afternoon , re
turning on No. 4 in the evening.
Herman Sipe of Cambridge put
in and adjusted the new scales for
J. H. Rosenfelt , the last of the
J. B. Clover arrived from the
west , Wednesday morning , and
will visit with his parents here
for awhile.
C. A. Wymore departed , TUPS
day morning , for Liberty , this
state , where he expects to spend
the summer.
Kevs. Chi'3'oler of Wilsonville
and Beebe of Cambridge assisted
in the missionary services here ,
Sunday evening.
J. W. Wolf , one of the enter
prising and prosperous farmers
on Dry Creek , was doing business
in the county seat , Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. C. Lyon , who has been
visiting friends and relatives in
Stockville , took the train here for
Ogden , Utah , Wednesday evening.
Guy Murphy of Cambridge
stopped with Floyd Walsworth
for a few hours' breathing spell ,
Wednesday , while on his way to
McCook awheel.
"Tn response to a message , Sat
urday of last week , Frank Wals
worth took Dr. Logan from Indi-
anola to Cambridge to attend his
father , who is seriously ill.
Eufus Carl ton , George Leach
and Will McManigal biked down
from McCook , Sunday morning ,
and spent the day with Night
Operator McManigal , returning on
No. 5.
Horace Ivey , who has been < lo-
iu-4 the mechanical work on The
Inter-Ocean for a few weeks , has
returned to Stockville , Glenn Wil
liams of that place resuming the
position here.
The Junior league social in the
hall , Saturday evening , was a de-
sided success both financially aud
socially , a large crowd being pres-
mt. The affair netted the League
bhe neat figure of § 13.
Miss Emily Hopt concluded an
sight mouths' term of school in the
district just northeast of town , Fri
day of last week , a short program
by the children ending what has
been a most gratifying session to
both patrons and pupils.
On Friday evening of last week ,
i party of young people met at the
liome of Miss Olive Ogg and from
; here proceeded to the residence
jf S. Bentley where the doors were
thrown open to them and every
) iie enjoyed a royal good time.
Ehe event was in commemoration
) f Miss Irene's sixteenth birthday.
EXPOSITION commutation tickets
ire now on sale. Books contain-
ug 100 coupons , each good for
> ne admission , are selling at $20 a
3ook. This is at the rate of 20
; ents for each admission to the
jrounds. The regular price for
single admission is 50 cents. The
: ommutation tickets are non-trans
: erable and coupons are void if not
jresented with the book which must
jontain a photograph of the pur-
ihaser. Secretary John A. Wake-
ield , Omaha , is selling these corn-
nutation tickets to all comers.
Che demand is increasing and the
ale promises to be large.
THE 76th anniversary of the
> irthday of General Grant was
; elebrated on the 27th.
LTii/rmTjU / flF I
Whatever you
want in the Clothing -
ing , Furnishing
Goods or Hat Line
you are reasona
bly sure to find
We have the best
and most reliable
goods the market
affords , and are
always all right
in prices.
We want you
to see our new
Spring Suits.
Geo. Howell has been sowing
James Ryan is breaking up a
part of his sister's land.
Will Bixler has turned over
many acres on the Dwire farm.
S. Johns has turned over fifty
acres and is planting it to corn.
Will Bixler will break up twenty
acres on the Chat Phillips farm.
Pap Prentice will break up a
part of the Ed VanHorn quarter.
Will Prentice is turning ovei
"orty acres on the H. H. Easterday
H. B. and Bert Wales have
plowed up about 100 acres on the
Ella Thrailkill land.
Auntie and Frank Coleman vis-
led the family of J. Beach in
Saves county , recently.
At a meeting in the Coleman
school-house , § 5.55 were raised
'or the Cuban sufferers.
Wm. Bymer and J. Divine have
slowed up eighty acres on Gertie
Coleman's quarter section.
H. Ulerich has two acres of
early potatoes planted. He ex
pects these to do him till the late
ones ripen.
J. W. Corner has broken up fif
teen acres on his own farm and in
tends breaking forty acres on the
A. Ogclen place.
Ellis Divine shoved his shoes
under the table at Uncle Billy's
Sunday , at meal time. His fam
ily was with him. Call again.
Sam McClain is turning over
that new farm in Box Elder pre-
sinct which he bought last fall.
Inhere are 1GO acres of it. He
bought another quarter just south
Df his home farm and now has 480
icres in a body. He will probably
buy two quarters more next fall.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan are
in deep affliction. A black cloud
hangs over their home. Their
three year old daughter Maggie
liad been ailing a few days and on
Wednesday Mr. Ryan went to
: own for some medicine. Little
Maggie grew worse and Fred Trap-
lagau was sent after him to tell
aim to send out a physician at
) nce. After getting a doctor Mr.
Ryan returned home and arrived
u time to bid his lictle girl a last
eng good by. She is now at
lome in the Great Father's house
ibove. Funeral services were held
n St. Patrick's church in McCook
m the following day and inter-
nent took place in Calvary ceme-
ery northwest of the city. The
riends and neighbors extend to
he bereaved ones their heartfelt
iympathy in their deep affliction.
THE death of the Grand Old
Jan Gladstone is expected at any
Our assortment
of Men's , Yoiing *
Men's and Chil
dren's Suits is un
usually large and
very attractive.
Our clothing * is
better fitting , bet
ter wearing * , bet
ter looking * than
most , and the pri
ces are so low that
everybody can af
ford a new suit
this season.
The people who
want tiie best for
the least amount
of money will al
ways buy of us.
JVtorsfi. &
At Brewer's Old Stand.
- *
j& Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles.
e keep everything usually to
< 3JJ
J | be found in a first-class city market ,
and respectfully solicit your patronage. 3
Schoot Business.
During the month of April 1 will be
in McCook as follows : Saturdays , the
2cl , 9th , i6th. and 301 ! ) . Regular exam
ination the i6th. I will hold a special
examination at the school-house in Danbury -
bury , Saturday'April 23d.
County Superintendent.
A little boy asked for a bottle of " get
up in the morning as fast as you can. "
The druggist recognized a household
name for DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
and gave him a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation , sick headache
and liver and stomach troubles. Sold bv
A. McMillen.
Of military bicycling Collier's Weekly
says : "During a recent exhibition at Paris
a lancer rode up at full tilt , drew in ,
blazed away , dismounted , folded his
machine , slung it on his back , scaled a
wall , dropped on the other side , fired
again and galloped off"
In ShirtSjthis sea-
soiijthereis a great
variety of styles
and colors. We
have a very choice
line in these for
Men and Boys , and r
a number of new
thing's in Boy's
White and Col
ored Waists and
Blonses at very
attractive and low
Examine these
"I feel it my duty to give you a truth
ful statement of what Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
did , " writes J. S. Collins , of Moore , S.
C. , "I had a child about two years old ,
that had the diarrhcea for two months.
I tried all the best known remedies , but
none gave the least relief. When this
remedy came to hand , I gave it as direct-
en , and in t\vo days the child was com
pletely cured. " Sold by McConnell.
Wanted-Stock to Pasture.
For the season. Good pasture , plenty
of water and shade. Terms reasonable.
2ts Address. FRANK FLEMING.
Culbertson , Xeb.
Thirty-five years makes a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher , of
Zanesville , O. , suffered from piles. He
\vas cured by using three boxes of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salves. Sold by A.
UNE office. Best in the market.
Perfection as the res - : of our long
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
10.00 $50.00 $60.00
fVionarch ChainSess $300.00
Send for 1898 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches New Yorki London and Hamburg.
Send ten 2-cont stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating
Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jonea.