M'OOOK TRIBUNE. V. 61. KX.UaiKLL , , Publisher. McCOOK , - : - : - NEBRASKA NEBRASKA. Wymore has a home hiinstrcl troups that is giving creuiiauie entertain- ments. Mr. Chapman of Arlington , former treasurer of Washington county , and another man were at Washington to see about building and opsiat'.rg a separating branch cf the Arlington creamery. They met with considerable encouragement. Senator S. T. Caldwcll of Edgar has succeeded lin raising a company oC forty men , has offered his services to the secretary of war and received the assurance that he will be called en to report for duty in case of hostilities. The city council of Tecurnseh passed an ordinance at their regular meeting placing an occupation tax of $5 per an num on all fire insurance companies doing business in that city. The tax will be given to the Tekamah firs de partment. Wdlliam Church BIssell , the oldest man u Humboldt , died last week. H3 has been in poor health for * a long while. He was sitting in his chair and some one of the family went to him to wake him up , an they though he was asleep , but found that he was dead. The city council of Tecnmseh at its regular meeting passed an ordinance giving the salaries of city officials a sweeping reduction. It is said that some of the incomes officers will not qualify , as they do not care to assume the responsible } ' and labor their of fices will require for the mere pittance now offered in the salaries. As B. & M. passenger train No. 2 pulled into Minden the other morning from the west it collided with a man named Chris Anderson , whose team was running away , smashing the wag on into kindling wood and killing the man instantly , the team escaping un harmed. The coroner's jury returned a verdict cf unavoidable accident. The officers at Fairbury now have a clue to Miller , the cattle thief , who broke jail in that place , which may lead to his capture. Not being able to get the Beatrice blood-hounds the next day after 'his escape the sheriff got th.2 Lincoln dogs inthe evening , but they would not carry the trail more than two blocks , when they would become dazed and give it up. Max Sauer , a boy born and reared in Columbus , but who for the past thre3 years has been in charge of the elec tric light department in one of tha large lake passenger steamers plying between Duluth and Cleveland , has written his parents that he has enlisted - ed in the United States navy for two years. He enlisted at Chicago and will Ibe assigned for duty in the engineer ing service of the next boat named for tbe navy. Samuel Smith , an old resident of Auburn , committed suicide by hang ing. Despondency from continued ill health is supposed to be the cause. He went to the stable , telling his wife that he was going to hitch up the team , but instead of doing so took one of the horses out of the stall and hitched it to the fence outside. He then climbed npon the manger , tied a small rope around his neck , fastened it overhead and swung himself off. The Lincoln blood-hounds , says the Journal , returned yesterday from Fair- bury , where they went to track H. S. Miller , the cattle thief- who broke jail. The dogs had good success and traced him to a railroad crossing , where he must have taken a train. Since the ad vent of the dogs in Lincoln criminal business in which they can be used has been scarce. The animals are well trained and their work at Fairbuiy shows that they have not forgotten to smell. George Ritterbusn , wno was sen tenced a year ago to the penitentiary for three year for assaulc , pardoned and returned home to Valentine last week , committed suicide at Crookston by shooting himself. No cause is s- signed , but it is supposed that the sui cide was due to the fact that his cf- fianced , over whom the altercation WES had that sent him to the penitentiary , had married during his incarceration. The cultivation of broom corn by a number of the farmers in the vicinity of Wymore wil be one of ths new fea tures in the agricultural line duriag the coming season. Thestaple produce requires a great deal of care and at tention in the raising , but more than compensates the grower for his trou ble , as it brings from $40 to $50 per ton. The has been but a very small acreage grown in Gage county , owng ; to there being no near market , but the recent establishment of gosd broom factories at Beatrice anl Lincoln will create a brisk demand with profitable results. The statement of the business of life , accident and miscellaneous insurance companies transacting business in Ne braska , for the year 1897 hasbeeu printed by order of Auditor Cornell. The report is compiled from the an nual statements filed with the auditor. Thirty-four life insurance conname- report as follows : Polic'ewritten. . $5,434,161 ; discontinued , $5 531,334 ; in force December 31 , 1897 , $37,642,379 ; losses incurred , $391,404 ; losses paid , $387,857 ; premiums received , $1,149.079. In 1896 thirty-six companies cf the same class wrote insurance amounting to 4,678,225 , or nearly $1,005,000 Te-s " than in 18D7. There was discon'inuo" in 1896 , § 8.195,336 : in fores December 31 , 1S9G , $39,757.522 ; losses incurred , § 273,076 ; lo = sas paid , $258,545 ; p em- iuns received , $1,124,808. W. W. Kemp's paddler wagon broken into at Fairmont and about worth of goods taken , consisting ladies' underwear , shoes , calicos ard canned goods. Charles Horn , an employe of the Robertson elevator , Kearney , was fa tally injured by being caught in a beH. Just how the accident occurred w 11 never be known , as he was alone r-t the time , but it is supposed ha1 'e slipped and fell on the belt while do ing some repairing. His flesh was torn in a frightful manner , many b nes ' were broken and he had etve' a hard blow near t-ie bass cf te br in. widow and four small He leaves a children. The President Will Recommend to Congress that a Formal Resolution Pass. WILL SEOD A SPECIAL M SSAGL This Action is Desmed Necessary as a Matter of Sslf. Protection. WASHINGTON , April 25. A reso lution formallly declaring war against Spain will be introduced in the con gress of the United States today. The decision to do so has been reached af ter due deliberation , after safeguarding the interests of the United States. Questions pro and con were discussed this morning by President McKinley , Attorney General Griggs , Assistant Secretary Day and Senators Davis and Hale , and OH the conference oreaking up , announcement wa made that con- press tomorrow would be ask < 1 to de clare what it is held alreadv exists. This was the most important Washing ton development on" the first v.av Sun- da v. The president will send a message to congress to be delivered immediately after Its convening setting forth the facts in the case and asking : congress to formally declare war in order that there may be no misunderstanding on on the part of other nations. The most important point of the message , from a news point of view , will be the announcement thai Spain has made formal reply to our ultima tum. This reply has not been given to the public , and it was supposed none had been received. The document is a formal acknowledgment by Spain , and also an acceptance by that country of the ultimatum as a virtual declara tion of war. Congress will therefore be asked to recognize this condition of af fairs and to declare it to the world , us ing Spain's concession as a reason for it. The war resolution has been prepar ed , and it is understood that the two committees having in charge the for eign aifairs of the two housese of con gress will be prepared to report upon it very speedily probably immediately after the reading of the message. An effort will then be made to have the resolution taken up and passed forthwith and it is not now believed that there will be any formidable op position to this course in either house. Otherwise the news of the day here related almost entirely to the execution of plans hitherto announced. Secretary Alger came with his daugh ter to the department early , and the latter , with the president , attended divine services at the Metropolitan Methodist churcn. Secretary and Mrs. Gage also drove to the \/hile Hous-j and accompanied the president and Mill Alger to the Metropolitan. Mrs. McKinley has not yet returned from her trip to New York City. General Corbin and Secretary Alger confered in the afternoon respecting the arrangements for calling on the governors of the states and territories for the quota of troops they are to furnish under the president's proc'a- mation asking for 125,000 men. The number of men in each branch of the service infantry , cavalry and avii'lery remain to be settled , besides many other matters of detail. In the State , War and Navy depart ments many of the officers were at their desks directing the execution of -Sg * policies heretofore determined upon. Neither Secretary Algor nor Secretary Long were on Imnd , but Assistant S.c- retary Mleklojohn and Secretary Roosevelt were on duty for several hours. Mr. MIeklejohn has already re ceived a large iiurnbe * o ; applications from newspapers to permit their rep resentatives to accompany the army , but , as stated in the clrctfar issued yesterday , the number IT be accorded the privilege will be limited. The assistant eecrrtary is busily en gaged In supervising the general pre parations for the transportation of the troops overland , and also to Cuba , for which a large number cf vess > s will be chartered. In the quartermaster's office nearly the whole clerical force was on hand. The details are far from ccmp ete , but Quartermaster General Ludiugton be lieves everything will be in readiness by the time the troops are ready to move. Situation Affects Wheat. CHICAGO , April 25. Wheat has been nervous during the last week , but at the close Friday July option showed an advance of 3 % cents , while May gained 5 % cents. War prospects which culminated on Friday , largely controlled values. Speculators held widely diverging opinions as to the ultimate effect of war upon grain val ues in the United States. Liverpool quotations advanced steadily , and en ormous ( iuantitics were sold for di rect export , cable offerings being ac cepted with avidity. But when ocean freight rates took a sudden jump on Friday , the bears flooded the pits with offerings. Their theory is that with advancing ocean rates and higher prices at Liverpool prices on this side must seek , a lower level at > the present time , or at leatt until the question of privateering has been settled. July , which sold a week ago at 84-4 cents , touched 90 cents at the opening on Fri day ; but after a short period of stead iness dropped to 88A cents and clos ed one-eighth of 1 cent from the bet tom. Favorable crop news and sea sonable weather generally had consid erable influence on distant options. May wheat did not feel the effects of these considerations , and closd the weak at an advance of 5 % cents. High er prices at the northwest and steady .acceptance of all the cash wheat of fered abroad influenced the near month entirely. Two More Captures. KEY WEST , Fla. , April 25. The United States gunboat Helena cap tured the Spanish ship Miguel Jover yesterday morning. The Jover's cargo is composed of cotton and staves. The prize is estimated to value $400,000 , its cargo alone being worth $150,000. It belonged 1o the Pinillo line , Barcelona. The Helena did not sail with the fleet on Friday morning , but remained her until yesterday , when it steamed out to sea. It was cruising about 150 miles in a southwesterly direction , when the Jover , steering a southeast erly course , hove in sight early this morning. The Helena fired a blank shot and the Spaniard instantly hove to. The gunboat then put a crize crew of twelve marines , and engineer and sixteen blue jackets on board the Jov er , under command of Ensign McClel- Ian , who had with him Ensigns Davis and McP'arland. The gunboat con voyed the prize in port. The Jover was bound from New Orleans for Bar celona by way ofHavana. . The Stillwater , Minn. , Mirror has suspended publication after a prosper ous career of a dozen years. It was published in the state penitentiary , and the suspension was unavoidable be cause there are no printers stopping there at present. THE BLOCKADE iS LEGITIMATE. It Is So Recognized by the Greut Powers. WASHINGTON , April 25. Members of the diplomatic corps say that nu. question can bo raised as to the right of the United States to declare a block ade. This beins conceded , foreign powers will accept It as binding. In jipoaking of the blockade , the military attache of one of the leadiuc foreign establishments here said : "The right of blockade is clearly recognized , and this blockade of Cuba will La universally respected by for eign powers. The limited extent of the blockade of Cuba is doubtless due to the necessity ot making the blockade effective. Unless effective a blockade is not binding , and with the extended seacoast surrounding Cuba it would be very difficult , if not impossible , to maintain an effective blockade of the entire island. The blockade will have the effect of stopping all commerce even in neutral ships to and from the ports covered by the president's proc lamation. But at the same time it should be understood that a neutral ship may take its own chances of run ning the blockade. In that case it acts at its peril and can under no circum stances expect indemnity from either of the belligerent powers. " This military aide , who is recognized authority on war strategy , also point ed out the two strategic moves open to the Spanish navy , one or the other of which , he believed , would be adopt ed. He said : "The first , and pro bably the best strategic naval move by Spain would be to concentrate and hold its fleet at the Cape Verde is lands and the Canaries , and wait until the American fleet came to them. They I would then have the advantage of po sition , base of supplies and ample coal. It would be a waiting game , but it would promise much better results than seeking a decisive naval engage ment far away from the base of sup plies and from coal. The only serious difficulty would be that it would ne cessitate the abandonment of Cuba and Porto Rico. "Whether the Spaniards are willing to make so great a sacrifice as a strate gic move for ultimate naval success , remains to be seen. If not , then the Spanish navy must choose the other strategic move of making a dash to this side and risking everything on the chance of a decisive victory at the outset. It would be a desperate move , but if successfully executed it would prove of inestimable value , not only in its material results , including the defense of Cuba and Porto Rico , but also the sentimental infltiencns cf en couragement inspiring enthusiasm. But it would be a most hazardous move , as the Spanish ships would have the Atlantic between them and the home ports , with little or no chance of replenishing their coal supplies. What course the Spanish strategists will now adopt I do not know , but all things considered it seems to me likely they will adopt a waiting game and a retire ment of their naval forces until the United States fleet , eager for a con test , goes in quest of them. " The representatives are beginning to feel much uneasiness over the sit uation of foreign subjects residing at Havana and other points covered by the blockade. So long as the blockade is peaceful the foreigti residents are not likely to suffer. But in cafse of a bombardement the foreign element might be put in jeopardy , along with the native population , unless ample time were given to foreigners to with draw. For that reason earnest inqui ries are being made at the emissaries and legations as to what notice the United States will give for foreigners at Havana and elsewhere of the bom- bnnlmcnt , 'I here Is no doubt this government would give ample time for foreigners to withdraw , and In case of non-combatants , It IB usual to give at least twenty-four hours' notice ot a bombardment , but there m'glit he serious difficulty In the way of such notice , In case the Spanish forts open fire on American shlpii , ns it Is hard ly to bo expected that the ships would remain under lire for twenty-four hours without returning the fire. Un der the existing circumstances , mem bers of the diplomatic corps are look ing for a notification giving ample time for the withdrawal of all for eign colonies. Tile CALL IS IVOW OUT. The President Asks for 125.000 Volunteers. WASHINGTON , April 25. The pres ident has Issued a proclamation callIng - Ing for 125,000 volunteers to serve two years , If not sooner discharged. Fol lowing Is the full text of the procla mation : Whereas , By an act of. congress , < jn- titled "An act to provide for the In creasing of the military establishment of the United States In time of war and for other purposes , " appro ed April 22 , 1898 , the president was au thorized In order to arise a volunteer army , to issue his proclamation callIng - Ing for volunteeers to serve In the ar my of the United States. Now , Therefore , I , William McKin ley , president of the United States , by virtue of power vested In me by th < j constitution and laws , and deeem- ing sufficient occasion to exist , have thought fit to call for and hereby do ! call for volunteers to the aggregate number of 125,000 , in ord.er to carry [ into effect the purpose of the said law , , the same to be apportioned as far as practicable among the several states and territories and the District of Columbia - ; lumbia , according to population , and to f.erve for two years , unless sooner discharged. The details for this ob ject will be immediately authorized through the war department. In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at Washington , this 23d day of April , 1S9S , and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. ( Seal. ) WILLIAM M'KINLEY. By tee President : JOHN SHERMAN , Secretary of Sta"te. Gladstone Sinking Fast , LONDON , April 25. The news papers say Mr. Gladstone is sinking fast. A change for the worse was ob served last night and' Dr. Habershon and Sir laomas Smith , surgeon ex traordinary to the queen , were hastily summoned to Hawarden and spent the night there. It is considered signifi cant that no bulletin was issued today from Hawarden and that Mr. Glad stone's family has been summoned. Morro Fires on the Fleet. ON BOARD THE FLAGSHIP NEW York , off Havana , , April 25. Morro Castle opened fire on the squadron of the United States at 11 o'clock last night. About ten shots were sent "a the direction of our ships , but not one of them took effect and no shots were fired in return. The state auditor of North Carolina finds that nearly $12,000 was pa > d to the employes of the last state senate , this being larger than the amount paid sen ators. The flame of devotion is kindled at the altar of prayer. Ram's Horn. TAXES TO CARRY ON TKE WAR. * ' Patent Medicines Bear , Cigars , 'fottacco , icines , etc , , to He T xe'J , WASHINGTON , April 25 , By the war revenue bill Introduced Jn ti e house it la animated that it wHi IKO > duce about HOOovv.oOO in rr * t , Tfc tax on beer ami fermented JUtW J increased from 91 to $2 a barrtl , bet no rebate for unused b r * * i destroyed tamp J allowed , 'fll IS * on tobacco snuff In Jiw rot * d to 12 cents a pound , upon. cliwr * 1,000 weighing mor < * than thre per thousand , and % 1 ou cigar * Ing less than tht-eg pouuds p r ? ! ou cigarettes wcigMug mcr * three pound per thouz&ad , a on cigarettes wtJghinjf les * than pounds , A compensating tax ot feftif that amount , which JH Me awouat 0 the Increase on the atock ot cJiomi and clfjarctt''K on band. Th foJUMrtax licenses are placed on tobe o < l * l ers : Dealer in teaf tabc < x > sales do not cxce i ? 10,000 ? 24 license ; those whose ttiks * 110,000 , ? < 18 ; dealers in tobacco whoa * sales do not exceed ? 10,000 , 54.80 ; in exce K of that amount. $12. The provlElonjj of the stajap act Ja- clude proprietary medicine and atnH Jar preparations , a tax of I cent 03 21 packetH , box'-s bottles , etc. . v/afcfh re tail at 25 cents or less ; 2 cent * blweeti 25 and 50 cents. 3 cents between 50 iJitl 75 cents. 4 cents L-eUvcen 75 ceaU and SI , and for each f 0 cents or fraction. thereof abe < i that scount an a-WI- tlonal 2 centj. The same schedule ap plies to perfumery and Chewing um is to pay \ cent package eod ! at " < * nt and 2 cecci re packages exoe im 5 cents. Ginger ate and mineral waters aie to pay 1 est per pint and wines 2 cents ! > ? r pfer Bonds , debenture or o-.Jior c rt3- cates of irdebt'i-Iup-vs ? Her Juac 1. te- sued by any association , corpcratScr. etc. , are to pay 5 cjats cfl eaek 5J9 or fraction thereof issued , and 02 ail transfers ot shares or cSrtffusaiej stocks 2 cen'3 on ea.ih ? 1CO rl Saer. On bank checks and -irafta rrxceedij ; ? 20 2 cents. Hilli ! -ic .a = lirafU1 t't sis ! t , "sr p. vn ; " . 'v r.r--- fr cir culation , not exceeding $100 , 5 eem * ; between ? K'0 and ? 2x , 10 cet ; be tween $200 and $330 , 13 cents ; beiwsea ? 350 and . ' 500 , 20 cents ; between < 3&9 and $750 , 30 cents ; between S750 and ? 1.COO , 40 cents : $1.000 and $ ? , > 03 , * 1 : $2,500 and $5,000 , 51.50 , and fcr gsgfr $2,500 in cxcecs of 55,000 , 11. For ia bills of ezchs ge , letters of crrdit , ! - cluding express money orders. 10 pay the same rate as bills of eie2aa = re or promissory notes c-zcept wiiea they are drawn in sets of three or more. when each biil of eca set -srber ifee sum payable does not exceed $150 , 3 cents. Above that there is a zr&AosA scale running from Si to $7.500 asd 39 cents for each $2.560 additional. 3is ] of lading , receipts for goods , raer- chandise. etc. , for export. 10 eeaza each ; express packages. 1 cent upon all such as pay not to exceed 20 eeats ; between 25 cents and $1 , 2 cents : in ex cess of $1. 5 cents. Incezmifvinir bonds , 50 cents ; all other bonds re quired in legal proceedings. 25 cents ; certificates of damase or otiservise- isssued by a port warden , 25 cents. Proclaim Neutrality. WASHINGTON , April 25. Tee state department today received informa tion that the governor cf Hong Ko-ncr had issued a neutrality proclanatioa as to the United States and Spain. It is similar in terms to those alreacv proclaimed by Jamaica and Fcundland. In Moscow physicians are paid frct ? 1.50 to $2.50 for ordinary visits. THE UNITED STATES NAVY AS IT IS TODAY. ( From the Xew York Ledger. ) I ' s f- " A sS ? * "iit f5t5l S - * - ' " * * " - * - Mil W - k i iSrl I ancis'-o 33. Cononcns. . omance. ; . . onerey. . . , . . . 41 47. New York : 43."Manhattan. 4D. Philadelphia. 50. Lchlsli. And Torpedo Boats. . Charleston. 44. Boston. 45.