The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 22, 1898, Image 8

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For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
J gelablePrcparationfor As
similating iheToodandRegula-
lin tli Stomachs andBoweis cf Bears the
'ness andBeslContams neither
Opium forpliina nor Mineral. of
Puinphn Seed"
jtlxJcnna *
jtnutScnt *
fippcmont -
Jti GarianattSuLi , <
Jt arm Seed -
( fanned Sugar .
IHntey/fon-ftnw :
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , SourStoiMch.Diarrhoea ,
" \VormSjConvulsions.Feverish-
ness and Loss OF Sl/EER
Tac Simile Signature of
* -v -i . .
4 * * cortex * -rcrr-rcr * - * - * i * ' + * * * umrwr7ecffVB
Perfection Is th © &T.C : of our Song
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
Send for 1893 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches New Yorki London and Hamburg.
Send ton J-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards illustrating
Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones.
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
3. E. AEEIIE7 , ? rc : . T. S. UDOlTAIOf Cssh.
EiTisst. Cast.
A General Banking Business
* S"Any business you may \\-sh to
transact wnli THK McCoOK I'RinrNi :
will teceix'e prompt and careful atlen-
; ion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for adveilt-ements and job-work.
'g Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office , is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
. E. E. UTTER.
: Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
- " * .Cgr-Studio-Over the "Bee Hive. "
Or. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. in. and after 6 p. m.
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse'
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
0. L. EVERIST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
ly furniture van iu the
city. Office one block north of
Bariiett Lumber Yard. Leave or
ders for bus calls at Commercial
hotel ; orders for draying at Ev-
erist , Marsh & Co/s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
One Minute Cough.Cure , cures.
That 15 what it was made for.
resigned on account of ill heulth
aiid Charles Emory Smith of the
Philadelphia Press has been ap
pointed as his successor.
THE supreme court 1ms sustain
ed State Auditor Cornell in the
county treasurers' fees case. This
will reduce the foes of county tre s-
urers in some counties about § 300.
As it is pretty evident that a call
for a hundred thousand volunteers
will soon be issued by the presi
dent , it will not be a bad idea for
lluse who ure desiring to enlist to
organize their companies at once
and begin drilling. The rudiments -
ments of tactics can be acquired
very rapidly under the competent
instructors that our university
graduates and national guardsmen
can furnish in abundance. The
number of Nebraska's quota will
not 1)6 large and the companies
first in the field will take prece
dence. Journal.
Mr. J. T. Scott , Cherokee , Tex
as , in writing to Dr. Hartmau ,
stated : ' ; I had kidney disease for
about fifteen years and had got so
bad that I could hardly get about
and could not perform any kind of
labor. I had tried quite /t num
ber of doctors and had taken near
ly a wagon-load of patent medi
cines , but continued to gradually
grow worse. Also , my wife had
been an invalid for about sixteen
years , nnd you doubtless remem
ber when I wrote you about her ,
there was hardly ever a day that
she could sit up all day. We tried
a great many remedies , but neith
er of us was ever benefited , only
temporarily , till we began taking
your Pe-ru-na and Man-a-liu , as
instructed in your letters to us.
It has made a healthy man of me :
V *
I never felt better in my life and
my wife is almost like u different
person , she is so much better.
Peruna is the most wonderful
medicine I ever saw ; for la grippe
it is a sure cure. I know this and
have had my neighbor to try it. "
Hundreds o similiar testimoni
als may be found in a little book
entitled "Facts and Faces , " which
will be sent free to any address by
The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing
Company , Columbus , Ohio.
Call for Bids.
Sealed bids are invited for the per
formance of the carpenter work necessary -
sary in the building of an M. E. parson
age in the city of McCook , according to
the plans and specifications on file with
R. A. Green at his office in the court
house. All bids to be filed on or before
noon of April 26111,1898. The commit
tee reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Date this I4th day of April , 189
J. A. BADCOK , Chairman.
A Cook Book Free.
"Table and Kitchen" is the title of a
new cook book published by the Price
Baking Powder Company , Chicago. Just
at this time it will be sent free if you
write a postal mentioning THE TRIBUNE.
This book has been tried by ourselves
and is one of the very best of it kind.
Besides containing over 400 receipts for all
kinds of pastry and home cookery , there
are many hints for the table and kitchen
showing how to set a table , how to en
ter the dining room , etc. ; a hundred and
one hints in every branch of the culinary
art. Cookery of the very finest and
richest as well as the most economical
and home like , is provided for. Remem
ber "Table and Kitchen" will be sent ,
postage prepaid , to any lady sending her
address ( name , town and state ) plainly
ijiven. A copy in German or Scandi
navian will be sent if desired. Postal
card as good as letter. Address Price
Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , 111. tia
Pay Your Delinquency. j
In view of the better times , and higher L
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to THE TRIBUNE
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements I
will be sent out to all in arrears and with V. 5
the expectation that all will appreciate '
our past indulgence and respond at once.
The Best Liniment. "Chamberlain's n
Pain Balm is the Finest on earth , " write sio
Edwards & Parker , of Plains , Ga. This sifc
s the verdict , of all who use it. For fco
rheumatism , lame back , sprains , swell-
ngs , and the numerous slight ailments
and accidents common to every house-
; iold , this liniment has no equal. With
t in the house , a great deal of pain and
suffering may be avoided. For sale by
L. W. McConnell.
California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p.m. ,
Lincoln 6:10 : p. m. , Hastings 8:50 : p. m.
and McCook at 11:40 p. in. , ev
ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Ios Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratati ;
have spring seats and backs and are
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggagf , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
holding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5 For fr-lder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha , Nebraska. 4-25-98.
The Culbertson Station.
Last pay day , $400 was due the dairy
patrons ; this time. Monday , it reached
$600 The neat little enterprise is a paj -
ing investment to our farmers , and the
success of the Culbertson plant is a cred
it to the community. Let oilier towns
try lo do as well , if they can. But their
efforts will prove futile Era.
Children like it. It saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure , the
infallible remedy for conjjhs. colds.croup ,
bronchitis , grippe , and all throat and
lung trouble.A. . McMillen.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 2sc
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
up in the morning as fast as joucan. "
The druggist recognized a household
name for DeWitt's Little Early Riseis.
and gave him a bottle of those ffinion
little pills for constipation , sick headache
and liver and stomach troubles. Sold by
A. McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor ! ? .
Burlington Route.
To Portland , Ore. , without change of
cars. Through tourist sleeping cars , in
charge of special excursion managers and
accompanied by uniformed Pullman porters
ters , leave Kansas City every Thur-ilay
morning for Portland , Ore.
They run over the Burlington P oute to
Denver , D. & R. G. Ry. ( Scenic Lintto
Ogden , Oregon Short Line and O R. &
N. Co to destiuntion. A lay-over of ten
hours is made at Salt Lake City , giving
passengers all opportune to become ac
quainted with one of the most beautiful
and interesting citie-t in the world.
Travelers destiiu-d to Portland or any
other Pacific northwest point should join
these weekly excursions This they can
do at any point at which trains stop
Theie is no cheaper or more comfortable
way to make the trip. The cars have all
the conveniences of palace sleeping rars ,
lacking onlv their elaborate finish Second
end class tickets are accepted. ' Berth-
rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5.
For tickets and full information call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office or
write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early ] Risers cleanse the liver , cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver trou
bles. Sold by A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The tamous little pills.
McCook , Neb. , April 6,1898.
Notice is hereby given that Franklin W.
Eskey has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register or Receiver at his
office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the
I4th day of May , 1898 , on timber culture appli
cation No. 6228 , for seK of section No. 13. iu
township No. 5 north , range No. 29 west 6th
A. 11
11He names as witnesses : Richard F. I.akin ,
Nathan Edwards , and Richard R. I lolcomb ,
of Indianola , Nebraska , and Frank S. Schoon-
over , of Box Elder , Nebraska.
4-8-6ts A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb.
March 26th , 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof m support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
May 7th , 1898 , viz : George Hanlein , II. E.
No. 10,664 , * or t'ie ' w % neK and nl4 se4 sec
tion 30 , town. 4 north , range 29 west of 6th P.
M. He names the following witnesses to
prove _ his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land , viz : Albert F. Reeve ? ,
Millard S. Modrell , Roy King , and Tony A.
Steltzer , all of McCook , Nebraska.
4-i-6t A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska.
April 20th , 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
May 28th , 1898 , viz : John Engstrom , H. E.
No. 9827 for the southeast quarter ( % ) Sec. 30 ,
Town. 6 N. , R. 29 W. 6th P.M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of said
land , viz : Andrew P. Larson , Nels C. Due-
laud , Joseph E. Nelms , William B. WhiUaker ,
all of Quick , Nebraska.
} -22-6ts A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
ROAD NO. 326.
To Nellie L. Owen and to all whom it may
concern : The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at section cor. of sees.
and 12 , Tp-3 , R. 26 , and sections 6 and 7 , Tp.
, R. 25 , running thence north along the range
line between sections I and 6 and 36 and 31 ,
two miles , terminating at the corner of sec-
lions 25 and 36 of Tp. 4 , R. 26 , and 30 and 31 ,
Tp. 4 , R. 25 , has repotted in favor of the loca
tion thereof as follows : Commencing on north
line of sections I and 6 at corner stone and
running thence south on county line between
sections I and 6 , to corner stone in main road ,
one mile , and all objections thereto or claims
For damages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the iSth day of
lune A. D. 1898 , or said road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
4-15-41 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
'See McMillen's new stock of WALL
There is no
word so full
. H of meaning
* M B "
andabout which "such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " MOTHER " she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
in the change taking -
ing place that
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look forward -
ward without
dread , suffering or gloomy fore
bodings , to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child , and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short , it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy , " as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
lasfc , havinic previously used four bottles
tles of 'Mother's Friend. ' Tt is a
blessing- anyone expecting to be
come a MOTHER , " says a customer.
ITEXDKKSO : . * JAI.K , Carmi , Illinois.
nf Druggists iiS S1.CQ , or split , by express on receipt
ot price. Write for book containing testimonials
anil valuable Information for all Mothers , free.
The I5r.'i < lfitl ! I'ojuiator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Thousunds of sufferers from la grippe
have been restored to health by One
Miunte Cougli Cure. It qnirkly cures
CJtighs , rol ts , bronchitis , pneumonia ,
grippe , asthma , and all throat and lung
diseases. Sold by A. McMillen.
When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. |
When she became 3Iiss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria.
d The World
West Indies
Just what ycu need to locate
| The World fS
Cuba /
'Thousands of
women are
troubled at
monthly inter
vals with pains
in the head ,
back , breasts ,
hips and limbs.
But they need
not suffer.
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
strual function should operate
painlessly. er :
makes menstruation painless ,
and regular. It puts the deli
cate menstrual organs in condi
tion to do their work properly. A
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her ? It
costs r.oo at the drug store.
Why don't you get a bottle
to-day ? <
For advice , in cases requiring
special directions , address , giv
ing symptoms , "The Ladies' C
Advisory Department , " The
Chattanooga Medicine Co. ,
Chattanooga , Tenn.
of Oenaville , Texas , says :
" I was troubled at monthly Intervals
with terrible pains In my head and back ,
but have been entirely relieved by Wing
ol Cardui. " or
For the convenience of readers of THE
TRIBUNE , we have made arrangements
with the following newspapers and peri
odicals whereby wv can supplv the n-i
combination with THE TRIBUNK at the
following very low prices :
DetroitFree Press Si oo
Leslie's Weekly. 40 °
Prairie Farmer 1 oo
Chicago Inter-Ocean lee
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo
New-York Tribune I 03
Demorest's Magazine I oo
Toledo Blade I oo
Nebraska Farmer 1 oo
Iowa Homestead I oo
Lincoln Journal I CO
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo
New- York World I oo
OmahaBee I oo
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo
We are prepared to fill orders lor any
other papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNR. McCook , Neb.
M. L.Yocuni. . . Cameron. Pennsylva
nia , says "I was a Mifieier for ten jears ,
trying most all kinds of pile remedies ,
bin without succc.ts DeWiu's Witcli
Hazel Salve was recommended to me I
nsed one box. It has t-fleeted a perma
nent cure. " As a permanent eure for
piles DeWitt's Witch Hnzel Salve has no
equal. Sold by A Mc.Millen. .
THE TRIBUNK and' The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in adr
What doeb it cost , to get there ? When
and how should one go ? What should
one take ? Where are the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What are one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions uill be found in the
Burlington Route's " Klondike Folder , "
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
officesor sent on receipt of fmr cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
A ent , Burlington Route , Omah-i. Neb.
THK TRIBUNK and Demorest's Family
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in
It is a great leap trom the old fash
ioned doses of blue mass and nause
ous physics to the pleasant liitle pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation , Mck ht-a-UH.e.
and biliousness. A. McMillen.
THK TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
Thirty-five years makes a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher , of
Zanesville , O. , suffered from piles He
was cured by using three boxe * ; of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salves Sold bv A.
The farmer , the mechanic , and the bi- -J-
cvcle rider are liable to unexpected cut.
and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on hands
It heals quickly , and is a well-known
cure for piles A. McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Don't Wait
a week for the news in
these exciting times. By the new train ser
vice the best paper in the west reaches you
iirst in the morning
The Omaha Daily Bee
ontains the very latest news of the Spanish
md Cuban troubles. It prints THE i-ULL
Associated Press dispatches and the New
"ork World exclusive special service. You
.vant the most complete news , too , of the
l'rans-Mississippi Exposition , which only The
liee publishes. You can
Read it at Breakfast.
By mail with Sunday , $2 for three months ;
vithout Sunday , 50 cents a month. By carrier ,
15 cents a week.
J. N. PURVIS , Agent ,
McCook Book and Stationery Co.
A Kid Glove Bargain
that you can safely order BY MAIL.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Kid Gloves ,
mbroidered backs , 4-hook or buttons , every
ashionable spring shade in style and finish
hey are superior to any dollar glove oifered
America at ONE DOLLar per pair.
Postage paid to any point in the United
States. Give color and size.
Nebraska Mercantile
Company ,
Incorporated ,
Llfod ] Hadell , iMgr. RED CLOUD , NEB.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning
m still doing carpet laying , oarnet
leaning lawn cultiajr and similar work. See
write me before giving such |
barges are very.reasonablt. J ave orders