t. ' 'SIXTEENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 22 , 1898. NUMBER 49 JX Three Buildings Burned. About one o'clock , Friday night , the frame stoic buildings on West Dennison street owned by Patrick Walsh were dis- covercd to be on fire. The fire department - ment quickly responded to the alarm notwithstanding the earliness of the liour , and by the most energetic and -well directed work succeeded in confin ing the file to the two Walsh buildings and the brick adjoining on the west owned by H. S. Bartholomew. The Dar ius Kendall building immediately con nected with the east Walsh building on the cast was damaged about $250 by fire and water , including the loss of personal effectH. J. C. Lenhart , who occupied the Bartholomew building as a laundry , lost about $125 in machinery and effects. Neither Lenhart nor Kendall carried any insurance. Mr. Walsh estimates the loss r of his buildings and their contents at $3.500 , and carried an insurance of $2,600 -upon the same. The loss to Mr. Barthol omew is given as $600 , upon which there Is $300 insurance. THE TRIBUNE feels .constrained to compliment Fire Marshal Burgess and the department on the effective work accomplished and the wise direction of the wdrk. Doubtless this alone averted a fire of much larger proportions. The origin of the fire remains a mys tery. The Walsh buildings in which the .fire was first discovered , were not occu pied save for the storage of the saloon fixtures and other valuable effects of the owner. The stopping of the fire at the Kendall building is a piece of work that would be a credit to any department , paid or vol unteer. The buildings destroyed are among the earliest erected in our city. The work of repairing the damage caused Darius Kendall's building was continued over Sunday and is rapidly being completed. Lorenz Acquitted. The rehearing of the Lorenz-Travers murder case , which opened on Monday of last week , closed shortly after noon , Thursday of this week , the jury bring ing in a verdict.of not guilt- . This case 3ias been hotly contested and defended and perhaps has attracted more atten tion than any case ever heard in Red Willow county. The jury brought in their verdict after about two and half hours consideration. There is a wide and positive difference of opinion as to the guilt of the young man Lorenz , but the jury quite promptly decided lhat there was not sufficient evidence to con vict him and the verdict will doubtless be accepted by all laxv-abiding citizens as final. Take a Share. Efforts are still being made to secure Sufficient stock to warrant the establish ment of a separating station at this place. THE TRIBUNE is still of the opinion that we will make a mistake if we let this opportunity go by unused. Reports from all around us indicate un mistakably that the scheme employed by the Lincoln Creamery company is a success , and that there is profit in it for both the company and the patrons. Take a share of stock and show your in terest in the project in a substantial way. Help develop the resources of the country in which you live. Caught a Severe Cold. \t \ The little three-year-old daughter of D. H. Rhoads of West Dennison street is now lying in a critical condition , the result of having taken a violent cold last ' X Saturday morning during the fire , xvhich raged across the street from their home. The little one was exposed to the cold morning air by the carrying in of goods from the burning buildings , and is par tially paralyzed as a result. Her recov ery is in doubt. The little one was suffering with an at tack of whooping cough and is now fur ther afflicted with brain fever. Was Up in Civil Government. Last Saturday a mere youth of a school-boy attempted to enter the court room to hear the murder trial , when a bailiff objected. The lad drew himself tip to his proudest height and informed the bailiff that every citizen was entitled to a public and speedy trial , and before the bailiff had recovered his breath the youth was inside enjoying the alleged prerogative of American citizenship. Facts to Remember. The postoffice lobby opens at"6:3o in the morning. The general delivery at S o'clock. Money order window closes at 5:30. Postoffice at 7:30. General de livery open Sundays from 12 to I. Smoke Marshal Spinola 50. cigar , ab solutely the best on earth , for sale at L. W : McConnell &Cd''sV ' MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. E. H. WATERS spent Monday in Hustings. J. W. HUPP returned , Sunday night , from Hastings on 3. R. S. V. I'ADGET , a former merchant , is in the city , this week. H. W. COLE returned from his trip to Kansas City on 3 , Sunday. J. A. SHERIDAN was up from Indian- ola , Wednesday , on business. J.J. LAMBORN of Wilcox was in tre city , Wednesday , on business. E. E. ROWELL is here from Colorado Springs on a visit to his family. MRS. H. P. JOKES left , this week , to join her husband in eastern Nebraska. CHAS. OMAN of Danbury was attend ing to business in the city , Monday. MRS. C. H. MEEKKR arrived home , last night , from her visit to Lincoln. MRS. FRANK CLARY of Akron is in the citj * , guest of Mrs. L. E. Gilcrest. MR'S. V.H.SoLLiDAY went' up to Den ver , Thursday morning , on a short visit , W.A.McCooi , , Imlianola's n'ewNasby , was in the city , Saturday , on business. MRS. W. V. GAGE returned , last Friday night , from her short visit to her parents at Alliance. A. BARNETT went down to Omaha on No. 4 , Wednesday evening , on a short business visit. WILL O'NEiL and Virgil Latimer went up to Massacre canyon north of Trenton , awheel , Sunday. MRS. C. D. KENADY is down from Holyoke , Colo. , visiting relatives in Mc- Cook and Vailton. BISHOP GKAVES of Kearney was in the city , Wednesday , on business of this mis sionary jurisdiction. MRS. GEORGE CONNER returned , first of the week , from a. visit to her family at Falls City , Nebraska. J.A. HAMMOND , deputy clerk , returned last Sunday morning , from a brief busi ness trip to Grand Island. MISSES BIRD AND PEARL BROWN of Crete are the guests of J. H. Moore , as is also his sister , Miss Mae. MRS. C. E. POPE arrived home , Mon day night , from a brief visit with her mother and sister in Lincoln. H. C. RIDER , has been in the city , part of the week , on business connected with his interests here and hereabouts. MESDAMES VINA WOOD and A. L. Knowland returned on No. 3 , Monday night , from a day's visit in Lincoln. MISSES ETHEL AND JESSIE POPE re turned on No. 6. Sunday evening , from a brief visit with Anna May Erb at Akron. Miss KATIE LONGNECKER and Miss Natalie Elmer from near Indianola have been visiting during the week with Mrs. Geo. Hanlein. MRS. R. C. PiERSON , who has been visiting about twenty miles south of the city , departed for her home at Upland , Nebraska , close of this week. CLIFFORD NADEN , E. L. Dennis and Perce Catlett wheeled over from Danbury - bury , Sunday morning , and were the guests of friends here during the day. REV. T. L. KETMAN of the First Bap tist church of Omaha has accepted the call to the pastorate of the McCook Bap tist church and will be here not later than May 6th. REV. FR. BOLL of Elsie and Rev. Fr. Dorr of Crete were in the city , Tuesday , on their wav to Hayes county , to minis ter to the Bohemians of that county in things religious. PRESIDENT HOCKNELL of the First National Bank arrived , Monday after noon , from California , where he has been spending a number of weeks. He visited the family in Denver briefly en route. MRS. LAURA BLOOMER arrived from St. Joe , this week , and is in charge of Mrs. Barger's trimming department. She was to have come earlier in the season , but was detained by sickness un til this week. MRS. NEWELL FORSYTH of Loomis spent Monday night in the city on her way home from a visit to Wauneta , whither she was called by the illness of her father , W. W. Fisher , who , happily , is now some improved. F. A. THOMPSON" and family departed , Monday , for Denver , where he is now chief clerk to Master Mechanic Ballance. Miss Flo will retain her position here with L. W. McConnellCo. . Many McCook friends will join THE TRIBUNE in expressions of regret at their depart ure and hearty well-wishes for them in their new home. . , f. * A Pleasant and Profitable Session. The eighteenth semi-annual meeting of the Republican Valley association ol Congregational churches opened in Mc- Cook on Tuesday morning , April igth , and continued over until Wednesday evening. The session was called to order at nine o'clock by the moderator , Rev. John Foster of Cambridge. Owing to the ab sence of the clerk and the small attend ance at that hour , a devotional service was conducted by Rev. J. H. Beitel of Palisade. At ten o'clock the regular business was taken up and the roll call of churches represented by ministers and delegates was had. Cambridge- Mrs. W. E. Babcock , Mrs. L. M. Foster , Rev. John Foster , W.E.Babcock. Frank lin Academy Principal A.C.Hart Hold rege J.M. Harbaugh. Indianola Mrs. Thomas Duncan , Mrs. J. J. Wilson , Miss Lena Hill. McCook Mrs. G. A. Noren , Rev. D. Knowles. Palisade Mrs. A. J. Vennuui , Mrs. C. R. Beckman. Tren ton C , R. Powers , L. M. Thomas. Eu reka D. Dunham. Daubury Solomon Stilgebouer , Mr. Van Pelt. Ministers G. W. Mitchell , David Knowles , Samuel Williams , L. A. Turner , John Foster , , J. H Beitel , G. H. Skinner. The churches at Mascot and Danburj' were received into the association. J. M. Harbaugh of Holdrege was appointed by the moderator to take the place of Rev. D. F. Bright , removed from the bounds of the association , on the com mittee on revision of the constitution , appointed at the last meeting of the as sociation. Rev. W. J. Turner , chairman of the Business committee , made a report on the program of the session , and the same was recommended , subject to such changes as might be necessary from time to time. Revs. G. H. Skinner of Mascot , J. H. Beitel of Palisade and W. J. Turner of McCook were made corresponding mem bers of the association. The report of the treasurer was read and referred to the business committee for auditing. Rev. W. P. Pease was on his request continued on the roll of the association. He is now located at Hay Springs. Rev. H. L Preston of Sioux City , Iowa , was granted a letter of dismissal from this association and granted a letter of rec ommendation to the Sioux City associ ation. The assessment for the year 1898 was fixed at two cents for each church mem ber. ber.C. C. R. Powers of Trenton and D. Dun ham of Eureka were appointed to take the places of Revs. W. S. Hills and A. L. Squires , who were absent , on the committee on constitution revision. The afternoon session opened with a devotional led by Rev. G. H. Skinner. Rev. John Foster followed with a paper entitled , "Zion Earnestness" . Rev. G. W. Mitchell spoke on the "Altruism of the Gospel" . Both papers were liberally discussed. Rev. W. J. Turner spoke for the A. M. A. work , and Rev. Samuel Wil liams for the C. C. B. S. The report of the constitution revision committee was read-and acted upon sec tion by section. ( It will in due time ap pear in printed form as revised. ) Rev. W. F. Vogt , pastor of the Ger man Congregational church of McCook , was made a corresponding member of the association. * The evening session was introduced by by a song service , conducted by Rev. W. J. Turner. Rev. Samuel Williams read the Sunday-school lesson , led in prayer , the choir sang an anthem , and Rev. W. J. Turner then delivered the associational - tional sermon , a strong and spiritual ef fort. fort.The The administration of the Lord's Sup per followed. Revs. G. W. Mitchell and L. A. Turner officiated , being assisted by Deacons A.McMillen and J.F. Ganschow of McCook and D. Dunham of Palisade and L. M. Thomasof Trenton. WEDNESDAY'S SESSIONS. The following Nominating committee was appointed : Rev. G. W. Mitchell , D. Dunham and J. M. Harbaugh. Also the following committee on resolutions , Rev. Samuel Williams , W. E. Babcock and Principal A. C. Hart of Franklin. After an intermission the committee made the following report : A. M. A. W. J. Turner. C. B. S. Samuel Wil liams. S. S. L. A. Turner. Educa tional J. H. Beitel. C. H. M. S. G. W. Mitchell. A. B. C. F. M7. John Foster. Report was adopted. Recommendations of the Business committee were adopteed as follows : The reception into the association of Revs. J. H. Beitel of Palisade , Arthnr S. Heathcote of Bladen , John Foster of Cambridge , G. H. Skinner of Mascot. Principal A. C. Hart of Franklin then conducted a devotional service. A memorial of Rev. Amos N. Dean , who died in Crete , April 6th , was pre pared arid presented by Rev. Hermon Bross of Lincoln. Principal A. C.Hart of franklin Acad emy presented a memorial to President William McKinley. Reports from the following churches were heard : Riverton.Red Cloud , Alma , Bladen , Hildreth , Upland , Cambridge , McCook , in written form ; and orally from Indianola , Holdrege , Daubury , Pal isade , Trenton ; mention being made ol the unassociated churches at Rosefield and Fairview. It was decided to hold the next meet ing in Hildreth on the fourth Tuesday in September. The moderator was authorized to ap point a committee of three to devise plans for promoting inter-church fellow ship of the churches. The committee is ; Rev. John Foster , G. W. Mitchell and J. H. Beitel. Supt. J. D.Stewart made some explan atory remarks concerning the church at Hayes Center. Rev. Hermon Bross and J. D. Stewart were made corresponding members of the association. The report of the committee on Com ity was read and the committee was con tinued. The afternoon session was opened with devotional exercises led by Rev. J. D. Stewart. Then followed the discharge of a number of items of business. The mission work , foreign and home , was taken up , Mrs. John Foster presid ing. A paper on "Home Missions in the Nation" was read by Rev. Bross , state superintendent of home missions. Principal Hart was elected the elective member of the Business committee. Principal Hart resigned as delegate to the national council and W. H. Faling was elected in his place , with T. B. Campbell as alternate. Alternates and clerk were empowered to fill vacancy. Minutes were approved and the ses sion dismissed with prayer by Principal Hart. The closing session was held in the ex'ening. Rev. Stewart read a paper on "The Children's Sunday school Mission ary" , Principal Hart presented the facts in relation to the attractions of Frank lin Academy , local resolutions were read and adopted , the choir sang a number of selections and the meeting formerly adjourned with prayer and the benedic tion by Rev. Beitel. After the formal close of the meeting the ladies of the church served refresh ments in the church parlor , and an hour or so was devoted to social joys , thus bringing to a delightful termination a very enjoyable and profitable session of the association. PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. Miss Nellie Smith from near Curtis has entered the Ninth grade. Miss Olive Price , who formerly at tended school here , was down from -Cul- bertson , Wednesday. Marshall Osburn of the Ninth grade has withdrawn from school to assist his father , Councilman Osburn. Fred McManigal of the Eleventh grade has withdrawn from school and entered the employ of J. J. Garrard. The members of the Grammar rand High school have purchased a number of trees to plant on the school grounds , Arbor day. They are manifesting com mendable interest in the matter. Roberta Kidder of the Ninth grade was surprised by a number of her friends Wednesday evening. Refreshments and games made the evening pass quickly and pleasantly to all who attended. The Lantern class has recived from Chicago a collection of fine views of Stratford and Warwickshire , England. Not only are the views interesting as il lustrating scenes in which the immort al Shakespeare spent his j-outh and old age , but they are very attractive from an artistic point of view as pictures of rural England. No Lantern class , this year , has had more to offer. The public is cordially invited. Tonight at S o'clock. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. F. S. WILCOX is having an addition built to his house. E. A. SEXSON was up from Indianola , Tuesday on business. DR. A. W. HOYT of Indianola was a city visitor , yesterday. C. B. GRAY was in Omaha , Monday , with a shipment of stock. MRS. L. E. GILCREST returned , Sun day , from her Hastings trip. MRS. O. D. KEITH returned , first of the week , from her trip to Denver. E. C. BALLEW is now in the insurance and real estate business at the stock yards in St. Joseph , Mo. , in partnership with Hoffman & Hitt. Success to him. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday-school at nee a. m. Evening service at 8:00 p. m. Even song and instruction on Thursdays at 8:00 : p. m. REV. HOWARD STOY , Priest in Charge. BAPTIST Bible school at 10. Preach ing at ii. Young people's service at 7. Preaching at 8. Subject , "Christ in Prophecy. " A most cordial welcome to all. G. W. SHEAFOR , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Morning subject , "The Righteousness of God. " Evening subject , "Prayer. " Sunday-school at 10. Junior Endeavor at 3. Endeavor at 7. All are cordially invited to attend these services. W. J. TURNER , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 Preaching at n ; subject , Pathos of Amer ican Patriotism. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. : Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8 ; subject , The Signs of the Times. Prayer and Bible study Wednes day evening at 8. All are welcome. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor. A Serious Accident. John Hobbler's family , consisting of his mother , wife and three children , met with a bad accident in coming to town from their home south of Lebanon. In : oming down the long hill about one half mile east of William .Thiesson's , their team ran away throwing them in to the barbed wire fence. Mr. John Al- ; en happened along with a lumber wag on and succeeded in bringing them on into town. Dr. DeMay who was out northwest of town was sent for and soon came in and cared for their wounds. Mrs. Hobbler , Sr , must have fallen on her head as her back was injured and her face received two ugly cuts. The wife thinks a jar of lard struck her in the back. She was unable to sit up and seemed much dazed. A little girl about 5 years old \vus badly cut on her hip and thigh , and a baby of about two and one half years had her leg nearly cut off with the wire below the knee joint. Fortun ately no bones were broken. Mr. Hobbler - bler was sent for and he and Mr. Clyde Hodwell moved the injured family home on a mattress in a light wagon and a buggy. Danbury Topics. NOTICE TO ICE CUSTOMERS. For the season of 1898 , I will make the following rates , season to begin May ist and ending October aoth : 10 H > s. per day delivered at door. . $10 oo I5fts. " " " . . 12 50 2olt > s. " " " . . 15 oo 25 tt > s. " " " 17 50 3oltS. " " " . . 20 oo 35 ' 3. " " " . . 22 50 4oltS. " " " . . 25 oo In order that each patron can get the ice when most needed , I will issue to each one making the contract , coupon books , calling for the total number of pounds for the period of the ice season , in order that he can take the ice when most needed and in such quantities as he may deem proper I will also redeem at the end of the season the unused coupons at their pro portionate cost , and will assume no lia bility upon contracts on account of short age of ice from any cause. In that event I would only expect pay in proportion to the length of time the ice was furnished. Strict compliance with the printed regu lations on coupon covers is most respect fully requested. P. WALSH. Clean Your Alleys. Attention is called to the ordinance re quiring property-owners to clean up about their premises. There is a heavy fine for violation or failure to comply with this ordinance , and the immediate attention of all is called to this matter. The ordinance will be strictly enforced. Clean up ! ED. JORDAN , Marshal. House Warming. A number of friends assisted C. H. Harman and wife " .varni" their new dwelling house on the farm two and one half miles west of the city , Thursday eve ning of last week. Refreshments were served and the occasion was altogether pleasant. Mr. Harman and family are to be congratulated upon the occupancy of their comfortable new home. STAMP PHOTOS. Twenty-five pictures for 25 cents , at the old photograph gallery , one door south of Augustine's barber shop. MR. ED. RODSTROM. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Guaranteed Mixed Paint at McMille'n's Drugstore. * . MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. See McMillen's new stock of WALL PAPER. WANTED Shorthand pupils by L. W. Stayner. GIRL WANTED Inquire at the Cen tral hotel. Guaranteed Mixed Paint at McMillen's Drug Store. ' The usual spring improvements are un der way all over the city. Have yon taken any stock in the sep- aratorstation ? Think well of it. THE TRIIIUNE and Leslie's Weekly for $3 oo a year , strictly in advance. F. S. Wilcox shipped three cars of cat tle to the Omaha market this week. THK TRIUUNK and The Chicago Inter- Ocean for $1.35 a year , strictly in advance. The Methodist brethern are assembling the material for their propose.fi parson- Be in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vivo Cameras from H. P. Sutton. Letters advertised April 17111 : Mr. Geo. A. Andrews , Mr. J. J. Hogee , Mr. Cecil Lv. Mathews. See McCook Transfer Co. for lot plow- ng. Leave orders at Everist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. 31 Smoke Marshal Spinola 5c. cigar , ab solutely the best on earth , for sale at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s. FOR SALE Household goods , inclini ng baby carriage. All about new. MRS. W. II. DAVIS. The Star of Jupiter held a brief meet- ng on Monday evening , initiating two candidates. It is hoped to have a pro gram for the next meeting. James Patterson has moved into his ately acquired house in the northern part of the city , and D.C.Marsh has oc cupied the house he vacated. Collier's Weekly is responsible for the following cheering- heresy : "Grammar is an adjunct. It is not an obligation. Xo grammarian ever wrote a thing that was fit to read. " Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harkins of Drift- vood precinct had the sorrow of losing one of their twins , Tuesday. The little one's remains were laid away in Calvary cemetery , Wednesday. The Ladies' Circle social , Monday evening , was a success in both financial and social aspects , the program was en- ioyable and about $10 were gathered in as the basis for the Memorial day fund Edgar Saltus in Collier's Weekly re stores the tale of Othello to its ante- Shakespeare condition , in which the noble Moor died before his bride , and was mourned by Desdemona , who after ward was killed. Master Horace Cole , yesterday , while driving the family carriage , turned a corner too sharp , the carriage was over turned and the horse ran away. The lad escaped injury and the carriage damage of any consequence. McAdams'and Garbers'delivery teams , several drays and a team from Culbert- son all got mixed up in a runaway , yes- tereday , on Main avenue , but the dam age was slight and no one was hurt. C. B. Kithcart who recently moved from here to McCook is reported serious ly 511 , and his sou Jack and Willie Kith- cart of this place were summoned to his bedside , the first of the week. He con traded the grip some time ago and the disease settled on his Inngs. Wilson- ville Review. At the Wilsonville separating station the amount of milk received is daily in creasing. Which argues that the patrons are satisfied that they are reciving profi table prices for their products. The same report comes from every station in this part of the state. Auditor Cornell returned Sunday from Topeka where he consulted the Kansas insurance commissioner in relation to a Nebraska fraternal insurance company , known as the Star of Jupiter. This com pany wants to enter the Kansas field and Auditor Cornell went to Topeka to find out why the Kansas insurance depart ment had not given permission. State Treasure Meserve is one of the leading officers in the Star of Jupiter. State JournaL „ . "