The Administration Now Considers a Clash of Anns With Spnin Unavoidable. UP-AVERTED SPAIN MUST BE MOVER ; Lcc About to Leave Havana , and at Madrid the War Feeling is Said to bo Increasing. WASHINGTON. April 8. There 1 no longer any doubt as to the purpos es of this government with respect Jo the situation in Cuba. War , in the .opinion of the administration , is inev itable , except in the unlooked for event of a surrender on the part of : Spain. The president's message , which he liad intended to send to congress yes terday , has not been changed in any particular , and embodies the unani mous views of the cabinet , wiu.out the slightest variance or exception. Any movement to avert war now must -t-oiue from Madrid , and must concede American demands , including an end to Spain's dominion in Cuba. Three features stand out plainly in ihe developments of yesterday. At noon the six great powers of Europe , through their representatives here , called at the White House and pre n sented to President Mclvinley a joint T note expressing urgent hope for a peaceful adjustment between . .ho United State's anil Spain , to which the president replied with unmistakable planless as to the duty and unselfish endeavors of this government to ter minate the insufferable condu.ons in Cuba. Another , and probaby the most sig nificant actual step showing the finality reached by the United States government , was the authoritative statement that Consul General Lee would leave Havana on Saturday. This step , it is known , will be regarl- vd by Spain as akin to an overt act preceding war , as it will terminate the medium of official intercourse be tween the United States and the is land. , and almost equally import ant , was tile omnious tone of press novices from Madrid , where the war fever sreems to dominate , instead of the concessions , the opening of pris on doors , and other manifestations of peace and good will which Holy Thursday was expected to bring forth , and the more definite announcement of action that would bring peace to Cuba. The heavy guard about Minister Wootiford's house , vne imnqrative character of his last note , the war ut terances of Minister Correro and the turbulence at the Spainsn capital , left little hope that pacific counsels would prevail. No negotiations are proceeding at Madrid on the part of this government hut the powers of Europe , it is under stood , are doing their utmost to per suade the Spanish government to yield and avert war. On the highest authority it can be stated ihr-t no instructions have been siven r.s yet to Minister Woodford - contemplating his withdrawal , the on ly step in that direction being : the determination that General Lee leave Havana Saturday. The note of the European powers presented to the president has not. in the opinion of members of the ad ministration , changed the situation in the slightest degree. What pressure Avas brought to secure even the mildly expressed hope that further nesotia- tions would result in the maintenance but it is confidently of peace is not known , fidently believed that it is the result of persistent appeals on the part of Spain for some expression in favor of peace betAveen the two countries. The note is not regarded in any sense as a protest against the course this government has pursued thus far , -or is likely to adopt to secure a stable government in Cuba. Some of the governments represented in the note are knoAvn to be in full accordance with this government in its purpose with respect to the Cuban Question and therefore any theory that the note Avas intended as a remonstrance is not regarded as tenable. The reply of this government , which liad previously been read and approved by members of the cabinet , is not considered as indicating any change in the fixed purpose of the president to intervene in Cuba at once , nor is it believed it was the expectation of a majority of the foreign representatives present that the United States would change its policy or regard the joint note as other than an expression on behalf of peace , and without special significance. So far as known in administration circles no further representations on this subject are expected. No offers of mediation on the part of any Euro pean power have been received , and there is high authority for the state ment that none will be accented or proffered. This has been the fixed pol icy of the government from the first , Tine ! there is no prospect of a change in -this regard. NO CHANGE JN THE MESSAGE. Jt Will Go to Congress on iMonday as Now Prepared. WASHINGTON , April S. Up to noon yesterday nothing had occurred Avhich will have any bearing upon the president's message as already pre pared , nor Avill it be changed in any important particular save in the un looked for event of submission on the part of Spain to the demands of this government. This statement Avas made at noon by a high official of the government , who has full knowledge of the real situation. The intimation iven out at Madrid yesterday to the effeot that the queen regent Avas about to proclaim an armistice in Cuba and that the indications Avere that the "Spanish government would make im portant concessions looking to the es tablishment of peace on a basis of practical Cuban independence , is re garded in official circles here as a di plomatic play to gain time. So far as this government is concerned di plomacy , he stated , haa run its course. ! No negotiations : of any character are now planning nor Avill they be re sumed except at the solicitation o bpaln , and for the stated purpose o carrying into effect the demands oi this government already communicat ed to the Madrid authorities. The president remains firm in hit determination to forcibly intervene ii Cuba if neccEHary to put an end t ( hostilities and to secure tranmilllitj and a more stable government on tin island. Information from a hid source clearly intimates that a naval demonstration against Havana hat been considered and is almost certaii to be made within the next few days unless Spain yields , and if this dem onstration results in Avar the presidenl is ready to meet the issue. A cabinet officer said today : "Whj are AVC hurrying Americans out ol Cuba , except that their lives Avill bt bo in danger after the president's mes sage has gone to congress and his pur- hoses fully known to Cubans ? Thai is j.he reason , and the only one. " The goAbrnment. * it is further stat ed , lias learned to distrust much that comes , even from official sources al Madrid , and from now on actions and not words , a member of the cabinet declared , Avill determine our policy , Sannltor Gray , si member of the senate committee on foreign reations , Avas with the president for some time. The senator later said that he believed all the Americans AVho intended to gel out of the isand Avoud be gotten out safety in duo time. He believed thai both General Woodford at Madrid and General Lee at Havana would not be at their posts after the opening of next week. He thought the precautions taken by this government and the threatening state of affairs at Ha vana Avith relation to the American citizens thought to be imperiled tend ed to stimulate the Spanish govern ment to afford better protection. .The senator said he did not bc-lieve there Avas any likelihood of an armistice betAveen Spain and the insurgents. Such an act , he said , naturally would have an effect on the situation , but the mere offer of one unaccepted by the Cubans , Avhatever might be the part it would play in the sentiment of outside pcAvers , Avould not , in his opinion , change our attitude in any way. Assistant Secretary Day , after a con ference Avith the president this morn ing , said he expected Consul General Lee Avould leave Cuba by Saturday. He said the Americans on the island Avere being gotten off rapidly and about Saturday , he believed , the sit uation would permit General Lee to vacate his post and return to the United States. UD to late in the afternoon there had not been any important develop ments bearing on the situation. Presi dent McKinley announced to some of his callers that he regarded his mes sage to congress as a closed docu ment , unless there is an unexDccted radical change on the existing situa tion. . Representative Grosvenor said that unless there Avas a revision of the facts , which he did not deem at all probable , there Avould be no revision of the president's message. Mr. Mc Kinley , he said , Avas conscious of the criticism passed on the administration tion for the delay , but he expected it would folloAV despite the actual facts of the danger threatening our people ple on the island. Up to 11 o'clock four members of the cabinet and As sistant Secretary Day had been with the president. They were Secretaries Sherman , Long and Bliss and Attor ney General Griggs. Senate Adjourns Until Monday. WASHINGTON , Apri IS. The sen ate decided not to meet until Monday after adjournment yesterday. Speaking on the subject of an ap propriation for Mobile harbor as a matter of defense , Mr. Morgan ( Ala. ) of the foreign relations committee made a speech for Cuba and said he Avas for a declaration of Avar and he thought there A\-as ample justification for such action. Mr. Morgan said Sec retary Alger had recommended the improvement of Mobile harbor as a Avar necessity. Mr. Allison telegraphed the secre tary regarding the matter. In reply the secretary said he thought it would be Avell to deeren the harbor at Mo bile after the present crisis has passed , but that he Avas not in favor of doing anything now to deepen the channel Avhich Avould allow warships to enter , as it would make one more place to defend. Mr. White ( Cal. ) said it Avas evident that our harbors Avere not properly defended by fortifications in this emergency into Avhich we are so mad ly rushed. Spnin Busy With Preparation. MADRID. April 8. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) When the inhabitants of Madrid to day heard of the grave decision taken by the government during the nicht the people bought papers largely. There is much subdued excitement among all classes , with visible satis faction among the majority at having got out of the past period of doubt and quickly dispelled hopes of peace. Most Spaniards seem disposed to face calmly and resolutely the eventualities of the future , and the government is hourly receiving offers of assistance from all parties , civil and municioal corporations , even the clergy and re ligious orders. The press of every shade publishes patriotic articles ap proving the conduct of the govern ment , especially Sagasta , and the min isters of war and marine. To Keid Off All Further Delay. WASHINGTON , April 8. A small coterie of the republicans of the house * , vho fear that there mr.y be a re quest for further delay of the sending of the message-on Monday are can vassing their side of the house and obtaining the signatures of all re publicans who will go Monday , if the message does not go to congress on that day , join Avith the democrats to overrule the speaker or support any revolutionarA- action necessary to get the question before the house. Messrs. Lorimer and Mann of Illinois and others are at the head of the move ment. They say they will have over fifty pledged votes. Twenty-four votes with the democrats and populists are a majority of the house. OUTLINE OP THE MESSAGE. Some of the Points In the Documcii About to be Mode Public. NEW YORK , April 11. A special t tile World irom Washington says : The high privilege of seeing th president's mesage has been accorftei to only four persons outside the cab inet leading men in the national gov renment and it is most significan that each of these four men now ex press his personal belief that war i inevitable. Having seen what the president ident will communicate to congress to day they declare that no other resul is possible. The opening part of tin "message is devoted to a terse re'viev of the whole Cuban insurrection. I is shown that it directly concerns tin people of the United States , their in terests in the island and on the higl seas. The patience of our people , wha they have done and what" they hav < forebore to do is pointed nut. Th ( president then recites specific acts showing the origin and spread of an archy in the island. He refers in de tail to the devastation of fertile plan tations , he points out the starvatior of an innocent and inoffensive peopli as a result of this anarchy , which thi Spanish government has never beer able to quell , and in which , recently Spanish officers have participated. This theme of existing anarchy ii fact runs through the message an archy , that is "the whole history o the Cuban war , " as the president him self terms it. It is against this an archy that the forces of the Unitet States are to be promptly used if tin Spanish government , at this final hour does not grant the concessions abso lutely necessary to remove .and de ttroy it. The president points out the justi fication for interference by the Unitei States. In his opinion , plainly and ex plicitly expressed , this interference should take the form of forcible inter vention , so that the anarchy and law lessness now existing shall have im mediate end. There are two counts in the indict ment drawn by the president , botl : due to Spain's complete failure tc maintain law and order. The firsl count is the menace to the commerce of the world and particularly to thai part which is supported by the Unitec States and protected by its flag. The president gives specific instances oi the depreciation of American com merce with West Indies since the vir tual overthrow of civil government in Cuba was accomplished by the crea tion of a government which has its foundation in anarchy. But it is in the second count thai the president describes to the people of the United States the terrible re sults of this lawlessness under Span ish rule. Here he deals , with the de- truction of the Maine. In plain , forci ble language the "president declares that the blowing up of the battle shir in Havana harbor was the direct re sult of the failure of the Spanish , the Cuban or any government claiming tc administer laws in the island of Cuba to suppress the condition of anarchy existing thore. Then there is set forth this note worthy fact : The Spanish govern ment has not since the day the Ms ine was destroyed , either through its dip lomatic representative in Washington or through the American representa tive in Madrid , disavowed the respon sibility for that destruction. The president points out as evidence of the discourtesy of Spain the failure of the government to establish the in nocence of its servants in connection with the loss of so many lives on the ship of a friendly nation within the jurisdiction of its own alleged gov ernment. As for Spain's protest against being held responsible for the loss of the battleship , the president treats that as a simple diplomatic pro tection , having no tangible evidence to support it. The sole declaration in thq protest of Spain at all worthy of con- f-ideriiiion , in the president's opinion , is the assiimylion that the cause of the explosion was internal , but he insists that the Spanish government has not presented a "ingle fact to justify this tbxor. , . The mosaic does not contain a sin gle ? encouraging word for the so-called government of the Republic of Cuba. The president does not suggest any recognition ot the Republic of Cuba. He says he does not know that the ppople of Cuba are in full accord with the sc-callf < l republic. That is a mat ter , he thinks , for them to settle for themselves , without reference to the United States or interference by the United States. ' 1 he i resident most vigorously sets forth his position as not intending uiat a declaration of war shall imply a war of conquest. This , he declares , according to our cod ot' morals , would be a crime. There is no desire on the part of the American people to profit by the misfortunes of Spain. The president's treatment of the an nexation proposition is not encourag ing to its promoters. The United States , he declares , does not desire to acquire territory. Its intervention is inspired by its desire as a civilized government to check the barbarities that have characterized the anarch istic war now reigning in Cuba. The civilized code of war has been disre garded , the president says , no less so by the Spaniards than by the Cubans. The existing conditions cannot but fill this government and the American people with the greatest apprehension. The message furnishes no definite conclusion as to the next step to be taken. It merely suggests that the facts which the president sets forth justify immediate action by congress. The mesage itself bears evidence that the president himself has purposely refrained from making direct and specific recommendations. Has a Plot Against the Navy. NEW YORK , April 11. A special to the Press from Key West says : Gen eral Lee is said to have a signed state ment from a Spanish official which tells in detail the true story of the de struction of the Mt ine. The consul general refuses to make any statement until he reaches Washington. He is ; r good health , and says that , while ho is glad to return to America , he is sorry that the situation has reached such a crisis that his recall was neces sary. The Action of the Jury in Exonerat ing the Bondsmen Remains Unchanged. MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL DENIED Judge Holds that Charges oT Mis conduct of the Jnry are not Well Sustained. The verdict in the case of the State against F. M. Cook , A. B. Clark , John H. Ames , Charles A. Hanna , Mary Fitzgerald , C. C. McNish , E. E. Brown , Thoma Swobe , Cadet Tay.'or , N. S. Harwood and William A. Paxton. first term bondsmen of Joseph S. Bartley , ex-state treasurer , will remain undis turbed , says the Omaha Bee. This is the decision of Judge Powell , who has denied the motion of the state , asking that the verdict or tae jury be set aside and a new trial had. As state treasurer , Joseph S Bartley was accused of embezzling state funds aggregating $555,790.G6 , and his bonds men were sued for the amount. Suit was brought October 20 , 1S97 , and the trial was had during the early days of the present term of court. A verdict was returned on Feb. 27 , the jury nnd- ing for the defendants. After the ver dict had been returned charges were filed , accusing the jurors of irregular ities and misconduct d'trintr the trial , and at the same lime Attorney Gener al Smyth filed a motion for a new trial , alleging that the jury had been tam pered with. When the motion was ar gued these charges were investigated and formed a part of the basis for demanding a new trial. It was also alleged that the verdict was contrary to law and was not supported by the evidence. The matter was taken under advisement by Judge Powell and pass ed upon this morning. Judge Powell's opinion in the case is as follows : The State asks the court in set aside the verdict heretofore rendered in this case and grant a new trial , and as reasons therefor , among others urges , that there Avas misconduct on the part of the jury to which the case was tried , and especially that First. Juror Hylaml had fomed and expressed opinion before being called and sworn as a juror and , Second. That several , if not all the other jurors improperly communicated with , and received letters , packages , and in some instances Bums of money from outside persons during the trial , and in general , were allowed too great liberty by the officers. Avhose duty it was to care for them. As to the charge that Juror Hyland prior to being called as a juror , ex pressed an opinion to the effect that a recovery should not be hail acainst the defendants , W. B. O'Shaushnessy , in an affidavit filed herein states : That on the moraine : of the Sth of Febru ary , ( which was before Hyland had been called as juror ) he O'Shaiighues- sy ) said to Hyland , in substance , that it did not seem fair to hold such busi ness men as were the bondsmen in the Bartley case liable for the wrongs done by others , and that to this statement. Hyland answered , substantially , that "it seemed unfair to do so , " or that "it seemed so. " Joseph H. Schmidt also testified that Hyland , on the evening of February 7. in his store , said that he thought the defendants cu < jht not to be held lii-.ble. Hyland is entitled to the bnefit of the presumption of law that he ob served his oath a = ; a juror ( Tracy against State , 4G Neb. . 361) ) . Previous to taking such oath he had sworn up on his voir dire examination that he had neither formed nor expressed any opinion as to the liability of the de fendants , and thai he : hcn had no opinion , and he has since the trial filed an affidavit positively and specifically denying the testimony of both Schmidt and O'Shaughnessy. As against this showing the evi dence of the state is not sufficient to support a finding of min-conduc' on the part of this juror in this vesrard. nor to justify a court in sftti-icc aside the verdict of twelve men of v/hich the juror was only one. The other charges of misconduct rest entirely upon the affidavits of two men employed by the state and de tailed bv a detective aarcncy to watch the jury during the progress of the trial. Neither of these affidavits con tain any statement , which , even if wholly true , is not susceptible of ex- nlanatlor , entirely consistent with honesty and integrity as jurors. Against this showing each of the jurors has filed a. separalo affidavit meeting every charge contained in the affidavits of the state , covering and fully explaining Lheir actions and con duct the entire time of the trial with great particularity. These affidavits are supported by the testimony of both balirls who li'l charge of the jury continually during its confiuement. A consideration of all tfci.- ? evidence leaves no room for the slightest . ' /s- picion of misconduct on the part o ? any member of the jury which iriet1 this case. Indeed the conduct of these jurors and of the baliffs in rharse of them is shown to hove been in every respect most exemplary and is de serving of the highest commendation. The other reasons urged for the granting of a new trial have all been considered , but none will be nnticrd here except the principal one. that the verdict is not supported by sufficient evidence , and is contrary to the evi dence. Upon the trial of this cause and at the close of the introduction of evi dence the state requested the giving of a peremptory instruction for the plain- ; iff. This instruction was refused for : he eason , ns I then bolicved. that to instruct mid r ihe evidence * adduced would have been reversible crrcr. The Daniels Brothers , arrested at Blair for stealing carpenter tools , had heir m-eliminary trial before Judge 3. C. Jackson and bound over To the next term of the district court on a charge of grand larceny. TIPS fOR NEBRASKA TEACHERS. Instructions Regarding Exhibits for the Exposition. State Superintendent Jackson has issued a new circular letter to the teacherr. which contains ins ructions and suggestions as to the preparing of exhibits for the educational de partment of the exposition. The let ter is as follows : To Those Preparing Exhibits : You wil be greatly pleased to learn that I have e 5cted arrangements that will enable me to make an extension of the time in which to prepare an edu cational exhibit. It will not be neces sary for the educational work to be shipped to Omaha until May 10. In compliance with my request the state commission has designated room No. 1 in the beautiful Nebraska build ing as "Nebraska Educational Plead- quurters. " This room is on the first floor in tha northwest part of the building , commanding a beautiful view of the exposition buildings , and is a cool , spacious room , twanty-fotu- feet square. ' It will save much correspondence if each one will note carefully the following suggestions : 1. Our exhibit is the "general or collective" exhibit , and is d'stinct from the "specific or individual" ex hibit , which is in charge of the Board of Lady Managers. 2. All kinds of school work is ac- ceujtable in our department if it is o the proper quality. 3. We will pay the terminal charges for one shipment from each county. 4. Counties desiring to ship from more than one point may do so by sending to me ยง 1 for each additional shipment , to defray the terminal charges. The terminal charge for each shipment , we understand , is ? 1. 5. Envelopes should be made of manilla paper ( or of other suitable paper ) , large enough to hold six or more of the mounted cardboards. These will protect the work from dust. Each should be labeled with tl'o name of the school and county. C. All shipments should be securely packed in boxes and labeled with the tags which will be furnished in dtia time by us to the county superintend ents. 7. The mounted cardboards should be sent for each teacher represented , in order to have two to exhibit and one to replenish any damaged work. In mounting cardboards lea\e at least one-half inch margin for mould ing to hold the same in place. We will furnish moulding. 8. Those going to Omaha to assist in placing the .exhibits should not ba there for this purpose before May 18 or 20. The necessary workmen's pass es will be supplied. Exhibits will be placed without expense where it is not convenient for some orJs from the school or county to do this work. 9. We have provided for ecch school of the state a "Bird and Ar bor Day Manuel , " the program to be carried out April 22. Why not ar range to make April 22 "Educational Rally Day" for your school ? In ad dition to your program arrange to exhibit the work that has been pre pared for the Trans-Mississippi Ex position. You can make this a gala day that Avill inspire your pupils and secure the hearty co-operation of the patrons. Try it. 10. Let me urge that you seek to make the school room more cheery and inviting by suitable pictures and decorations. Still Holds His Job. Chief Surgeon Galbraith of the Union Pacific has not given way to the successor recently appointed , Df. A. F. Jones , but is hanging to his place because of an order of Judge Sanlorn directing that he shall do so until the distribution of the surplus hospital fund to the employes of the road who contributed it shall have been accom plished. When President Burt found that Surgeon Galbraith was disposed to hang to his job in spite of the d'c- tum to the contrary , he at once wrote Judge Sanborn to ascertain whether Galbraith's claim to the place was based on valid grounds , and was as sured by the court that the court's original order directed that the offi cials , who had the hospital fund in. charge at the time the order was en tered , should continue the discharge of their duties in that connecton as they had done under the receivership until the fund should be finally d s- posed of. On this account Dr. Gal braith will not relinquish his graft upon the Union Pacific's office of chief surgeon until May 1 , when the dis tribution of the surplus hospital fund will take place. Getting Ready for War. Adjutant General Barry , says a Ln- eoln dispatch , is hard at work making preparations for the expected calling out of the national guard. He was visited by a number of officers of the guard who were seeking information as to the situation and making ar rangements for a quick concentration of the forces when the call comes. Most of the mail received by General Barry , and fully three-fourths of that received by the governor , is from pr- sons desiring to enlist in the service of the state in case of war. Many of the former members of the guard who have served out their term of enlist ment or received discharges for other reasons have volunteered their serv ices. Some of these offers come from parties now living in other states. Whenever information is given out it is to the effect that the companies of the guard will be recruited to their full size before volunteers are called for. This is resulting in a large num ber of applications going to the vari ous companies for membership. Blew Out the Ges. John Miller of Thurman , la. , arrived at the State hotel in Omaha and whoa he retired left a call for G oc'ocil.1 next morning. When the calhr via ited his loom he found him rn on- scious from asphyxiation. He had blown out the gas. which was flowing from the jet in the room. A physi cian was called and endeavored to resuscitate him , but he died in the ternoou , eighty-six hours after the fatal act. Deceased was about forty years of age and apparently a hard working man. He was sober when he went to his room and it is ba- lieved that he blew out the gas through ignorance or inadvertauce. Spring is the Time When Impurities in the Blood Should Be Expelled America's Greatest Medicine Is the Best Spring Medicine. In winter months tbo perspiration , so profuse in summer , almost censes. This throws back into the system the impuri ties that should have been expelled through the pores of the skin. This and other causes makes the blood impure in spring. Boils , pimples , humors and eruptions then appear or some moro serious disease may take its start. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for hnpura blood in all Its forms , as proved by Ha marvelous cures of blood diseases. . therefore the medicine for you to take in the spring. It ezpclls all humors , and puts the whole system in good condition for warmer weather. , Hood's SarsapariiSa Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold ! > y all dniKKlsts. $1 ; six for $5. ( Jet only Hood's. ww j , rs'lf are the only pills to take rlOOCl S KllIS with Hood'sSarsaparilU. In June , beginning on the 27th , in , Milwaukee , will be celebrated the semi-centennial of Wisconsin's ad mission to the union as a state , ami elaborate preparations are being made for the display which will be inaugurated on Monday by President McKinley and the governors of all the northwestern states. Tuesday will be military day , with a parade ami the unveiling by the president of a. $50,000 monument commemorating the part borne by Wisconsin in the civil war. On Thursday the city library , a beautiful structure , costing ? 1,000- 000 , will be dedicated ; a floral pa rade and a carnival pageant will be the attractions on Friday , and the week will close with a regatta and a splendid display of lireworks. It may interest weak eyed persons to hear that Queen Victoria bathes her eyes every morning and evening in weak and tepid tea. This old-fash ioned remedy was in favor with the Duchess of Kent , and her daughter filially practices it , finding much bene fit from the tannin in the tea. v/hicli is said to be an admiral astringent for the eyes. Furthermore , the London papers deny that the queen suffers more from failing sight than other ladies of 70 years are prone to do. and her eyesight is really better than that of most women of her ase. In 1877 Falcon island , in the Friend ly group , began as a smoking shoal. Ten years later it was a volcanic is land about SOO feet high and over one and a half miles long. Now it is disap pearing. Ko-To-Uac for Fifty Cent ? . Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak oien strong , blood pure. 50j.fl. All druggists. Don't be witty. A man who says a good thing always is expected to keep on doing it. HE LIKES WESTERN CANADA. a Good Farm , Lots of Stock and Pays Little Taxes. Dominion City , Man. , Jan. 17,1898. At the request ot the Immi- g r a t i o u Depart ment of the Cana dian G o v- ernment , I give the following information : I immigrated to Manitoba in October , 1892 , from Luverne , Rock County , Minn. , and took land in Dominion City , Manitoba , where I now reside. I have been very successful in Manitoba , and have more than doubled my capital since I went to Canada. I took about $2,500 worth of wheat , 200 bushels of flax and 600 bushels of oats ; I do mix ed farming. I milk as many as ten cows. Dairying and stock raising has paid me well. I have on the farm now 14 head of cattle and 18 head of horses , and sold during the past year , 1897 , $425 worth of fat cattle. I have good buildings and a comfortable house and good stable. My children have had better school advantages in Manitoba than they had in 'Minnesota. ' The dis trict schools are very thorough and good. My son , now 1G years of age , is teaching the public school in our district , and receives a salary of $420 per year. All my children have done well at school. I have $1,700 insur ance on my buildings on the farm. I also own my personal warehouse , and ship all my grain through it to tha railway station at Dominion City. It is free of debt. I have no prejudice against the stata of Minnesota , as I made a living and a little more while in the state , but would not take a farm as a gift in Minnesota and leave Manitoba. The taxation in Minnesota was too great. I paid taxes on my stock and chattels. Xo such taxes have ever been exacted in Manitoba from me , and my land tax is about one-half or less than it was in Minnesota. I am delighted with my new home , and expect in a few years to be in circumstances that will enable ine to take life easy. Youra very truly , S. G. MAYNE3. P. S. Any person that may take ex ception to the foregoing letter will kindly investigate , for I can back up every word It contains. I am not an Immigration. Agent , nor the agent of any corporation , but simply a farmer. S. G. MAYNES. The above letter was written at the request of C. W. Speers , in the stat of Minnesota , where I am at present with my wife visiting my friends in my old home. It is my intention to do what I can to have them remove to Canada , where I have done so well. o Having caileJ upon Mr. Davies of St. Paul , Minn. , "i was received with every courtesy , ar.d got some valuable in formation , as well as literature per taining to Western Canada. SAMUEL G. MAYXE3. The arerage engaged girl has nc Idea hoi" embarassing it is to be em- harassed. Bnioke Sledge Cigarettes , 20 for 5 cta