The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1898, Image 7

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    Bi pamtt-JWji ii iii i li in uii , num Lti.iiJLn iwiiiin > i [ iiiuwujbwwiihiim i-io '
BF | And kept it two years ,
H Hi H / l The great World's Fair , r.t Cliicnpo , in
K , H s v- while it K"vc pleasure to many , % nve
Hfe * H J'ain to not a few nn nn indirect result of
B | H their viKit to tlic White City. People were
, lnrid alotitfthc miles of wonderful cxhih-
r 5K its by the new marvels that met the naze
L 3X < < t every step , mid did not realize their
B J8S exhaustion until they dropped into a
K " W ) ' chair in some hrcczv corner by the lake ,
E iff nt1(1 "coolcd off. " that's what began the
r k In trouble , in many Of one Mich case ,
F8j Mrs. I , . W. Stevens , I'ort airfield , Me. ,
H VI "My husband took n severe cold nnd
V 5 couKh two years njo ( last October time of
H 5 ? the World's 1'nir , which we attended. This
H | S couch lasted over two years , was accoin-
f B 11 pauicd by spitting of blood , and nothing
K JS could be found to help him. although vari-
H a ? ous remedies were tried. Several doctors
R II were consulted , but their prescriptions
B nfforded no relief. Finally , I saw an nd-
& m verliscmrut of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
L ffl in my paper and prevailed upon my hu.i-
H ii band to get a bottle nnd try it. The very
HV 9 first dose helped him ana be was comM -
M g pletcly cured in a short time. Wc feel
Hr ' In providing the dynamite bomb as
M | a curc fo1'tlle ins of the world the an-
H _ 1 archlst has always exhibited a marked
k J dislike for his own medicine Last
% - .J5 * Christmas eve a man who lived above
an anarchists' club , in the neighbor
hood of Tottenham Court Road , was
returning home with a plum pudding
in a basin. While searching for his
latch key he laid the pudding down
on the door step of the house and for
got to take it into the house with him.
* An anarchist saw it there and gave
the alarm. The genral exodus was
hasty. In less than thirty seconds
! every member of the club was out in
the street putting distance between
himself and the deadly instrument.
Then the owner came down stairs and
removed it. Plum puddings are known
to be subversive compounds , but their
possible uses by the London police
had not been considered before.
"Bridget , does your mistress ass'st
you in cooking ? " "Yis , very much. "
B "How dees she do it ? " By kaping out
H of the kitchen. " What to Bat.
H | Why isn't the bookkeeper's lunch
H the bite of an adder ?
H . | Try Qram = 0f I
H I Z Try Oraln = = 0 ! I
B 2T Ask you Grocer to-day to show yen
H a package of Git AIN-0 , the new food <
H / , < * > drink that takes the place of coffee.
B ; y „ The children may drink it without
H t : _ injury as well as the adult. All who < >
H K % try it , like it. "GRAIN-0 has that %
V 4 ' ' ; * > rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , < >
B \ \ > bu it is made from pure grains , and < >
H | J the most delicate stomach receives it %
l " ' without distress. \ the price of coffee. O
15 cents and 25 cents per package. < >
H I _ % Sold by all grocers.
m 1' ' | Tastes like Coffee %
H Looks like Coffee &
B I InsisttliatyonrgroccrgivesyocGKAIN-O
B ) Accept no imitation. < &
, , , . . . . . .
H t t v l niT"L""i-iu .jt.ij. • • - < vffi gjB/ ; )
> / 1' . . I Jiax. SLICKER
K Hf jKecpsboth rUcrand siddla per-y g * '
Vv \ * \3 ect'y ' 'n tlle hardest storms. 5
H 1. ® Ki \ 3 Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for ortftK ?
H r'B l87 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker I . ir
| ) % & Lr itis entirely new. If not for sale in SSwR&k !
K' J * :55 : your town , write for catalojrue to S sSggg
\ I Sa l A. J. TOWER , Boston. Masg 5
very grateful for • what Dr. Ayer's Cherr ,
l'cctorul bns done for us , and shall keep ft
constantly on hand in the house. " Mrs. I. .
W. Btevkns , Fort Fairfield , Me.
Two yenrs of doctorinjr for a cough , two
years of " remedies " that gave no help , of
prescriptions that profited only the men
who wrote them , and then n trial of Dr.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , which helped from
the very first dose and effected a complete
cure in a short time. The difference be
tween Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and all
other cough medicines could not be better
stated than in this comparison of results.
It has curd the most stubborn and obsti
nate cases of chronic bronchitis nnd asth
ma. It is a specific for croup and whooping
cough. It cures all coughs aud colds nnd
all affections of the throat and lungs
promptly and effectively. In response to
numerous demands Dr. Aver's Cherry Pec
toral is put up in half size bottles sold nt
half price joceuts. More about cures
effected by Pectoral in DrAyer's Cure-
book. Sent free , on request , by the J. C.
Ayer Co. , Lowell. Mas :
A Dixfield ( Me. ) firm has just com
pleted an order for 8,000,000 checkers
and 200,000 dice boxes.
Wc arc asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOIUA. " and
"PITCHER'S CASTOHIA , "asourTrailcMark.
I , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Hyannis , Massa
chusetts , was" the originator of "PITCHER'S
CASTOIUA. " the same that lias borne and does
now bear the fac-similo signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTOIUA" which has
been used in the homes of ihe mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and s > cc that it is "the kind you
have always bought , " and has the signature of
CHAS. II. FLETCHER on the "Wrapper. Xo
one has authority from mo to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company , or which Chas II.
Fletcher is President.
March 8,1H)7. ) SAMUEL PITCHER , M. D.
Why shouldn't the sailor's accounts
be cast up by the iea ?
SEATTLE , unquestionably best and
cheapest starting point nnd outfitting sta
tion for Alaska and Klondike , does not.isk
or advise yon to go , but you will find
Seattle's facilities , stocks and experience
unsurpassed nnd prices the very lowest.
Washington state has Klondikes of its own.
Seattle is the chief city. Strangers are
protected by Public Comfort Bureau. Ad
dress Chamber of Commorce.Seattlo , Wash.
Why isn't a medical glass a sanitary
measure ?
Ask for Allen's lToot Ease.
A powder to shake into your shoes.
It cures Corns and Bunions. Chil
blains , Swollen. Nervous , Damp ,
Sweating , Smarting and Callous feet.
At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c.
Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olm
sted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Vice either hides or draws its sword
as soon as virtue shows her face.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
T.-ke Ca carets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 2.1c.
If C.C.C. fail to curc. druggies refund money.
A correspondent of the London Spectator
tater tells this story to illustrate the
biting humor of the late Charles Pei-
ham Villiers : "The anecdote , " he
says , "must be reproduce J with un-
othographic exactness. Half its point
would be lost if it were translated into
the queen's English. Mr. Villiers had
been asking a radical elector to suport
him. 'Yes , I'll support you. But Wil-
lars , we must have a diwision of prop-
' ' ' the diplomatic
ty ! 'Certainly , replied
ic candidate : 'I should be quite in fa
vor of such a measure. But I am
afraid that if the property is divided
there will not be enough for you and
mo nnd the rest of us. ' After a mo
mentary embarrassment the cheerful
and resourceful socialist hit on a rem
edy : 'Why , then "Willars , we must di
vide again ! '
Don't get the idea into your head
that you can pull yourself out of trou
bles with a corkscrew.
Don't think that every man who
asks your advice really wants it.
. t
L\ Pi. iSSKi WUwUtnrULilCBfflEUi Qynyrdi
- n. Pl Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. . Chicago , Gentlemen : I thought that -would write you n statement sn < 3
H % , M1 voU uow i Uavc got along ulneo I hae u cd your * 5 DIJOl'S. " 1 mutt say that I am entirely well once
H ; n ? Jn 'Vc thanks to your wonderful remedy. It has accomplished more good from the s-ainplc lottle
V i. ind the dollar bottle than the thtrty dollars'worth of medicine I hae used of other manufacturers. I tried
V 1. nil i-mds of medicine 1 paw advertised for Rheumatism but coultl not getany relief from the dread-
L Si fill Vntrcrfnc till I trot as-ample bottle of your • • > IJKOVS , " and after taking the same for a few
L f dav , i iccan to hae less of those severe pains racking throuph my body. After 1 sot the sample bottle most
V . I -UKoii nn 1 could bejiln to rctt some e\ cry nlshf after 1 had used client hair the dollar bottle then all my pains
T ' \ leftinc Olil-wltatacomfortitwas ! when 1 could Mcep a 'ain at night without any more sutTcrlnp.
M ' oJ jpm ' thankful to you and your " 5 DKOl'S" thatl cannot lind word * enough in pral = c of your wonderful
B 1' TPiuedv for the cure of Rheumatism , and t can wifely recommend it to all snfioriziK humanity
H IJV i A - tlw they cannot purchase any better medicine than " 5 DHOPS" for all their Ills. Thanking you ,
k , 1 BSt r-y -nen for all your kindness , 1 remain , forever , your friend , K. M. LIFE , Porteraeld , Wis. , 1eb. . 10 , "JS.
A T > 16 President Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. . Chicago. My Dear Sir : After suffering the tortures of the
H * fi • dinned for a. Ions time from an on attack of Rhetuuati m , I wl h to say that your Rheumatic Cure "r.llROPS"
B . < li"K riircd mo of all mv troubles , which were all caused by one complaint Rheumatism. I had
H | , . ,3 iinnrt Tmulilp Piles. UladderTroubie and Constipation. I would not take ST 00 aud do without the remedies
H "Bi tA-enlfi'onlv cured the Catarrh for me , which it has done. Therefore , I willingly take the agency for the
H _ H ( ' aic . of medicines , for they area boon to mankind. Gratefully yours ,
f ej' eaK.otyourineaii.juw j. w. DENX1S , 120 Xormal Av. , Butfalo , N. T. , Feb. 8 , 1S23.
I\ a "r.TiROPS" cures Klicamatlsm.Sciatica , Xonralnia.Dyspcpsla.TJackachc.Astliraa.Hay
m \ , . J. _ _ catarrhsieonR siicss.Xcr\-ousncssNcrvo isiiadNouraltric cadachei vEarachef
Bi i 1 • rnntlViciic. - Heart Wcaknets , Croup. Swelling. I.aGrippe. 3Itlarta. Creeping dumbness.
M m * 1' Fnn TiiitiTU' n VO 1 flfiPCS to enable sufferers to give " 5DI50PS" at least a trial , we will send a
V ( * . FfjH Ininl I UAlO LufiUun samrielx > ttleprepaIdbyrnaIlfor2j cents. A sample bottle will con-
1 / ffl l vlncc vou Also , lareo (300 doses ) * 1.00.3 bottlcs . for $2.50. Xot sold by druggists , only by us aud our
H l f o-ctita. Aceiits Wanted in new territory , flnteus to-day.
&a , " jjWAXSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. , 1G7-1G0 Dearborn St. , CHICAGO , II-Ij.
B \ p l " " tat have sold direct to thscon-
H by IB ® > JPft@t - - lttSk surtcr for 25 years at whole- L g 7JJ JiUj.3
H - li il lv f\ l"Si sale prices , ravjac hita the J J SeQr / r ySS _
H H\ \ I \ \ / / \l\F ToplJugEies.533to7b. \ \fp \ /
H l \v S Jjfi3'6i c fJ s s .Thsctoas. T'raps , Wa onV J \ > / CjOSj (
B / ofj ( ' , \ Ke,7T. Surrey Sracs . rricc , J16.00.Wajoas. . Scad forlirjc , free Ko.KCSurrey. Frice.uithcarUins.lanrs.fnn.
B • "J tS Assooaaj sajforlj. Catilogce of all our Etylcj. italic , apron ted leaders , f 0. AiF dasKltjrorS30.
" " " " " ' ' "l i " " ' '
r T5- in i . ii i i i i
From the Record , Plcruton , Inl. '
Dotermiued to rise in lifs cboficn i < rofcs-
wloa tu an educator , Erucht JCcniper , c
l'iercotoa.IudMOvertasedhimfiolf mcatally
and pbyhlcaily. Ho was nrabitious , his
mind was always on bfa work. From early
morn uutil late at uigbt bo continually
poured over his books.
"Burned tbo candle at both ends. "
Few pcryons.oven with tbo htrougestcon-
Etitution , can keep tip under such a strain.
In addition to bia Ktudies , Mr. Koinper
was teacbin ufccboobomethroeuiileslrom
liiu homo. Finally , his excessive study and
tbo exposure of poingtoaud from fechoolin
all kinds of weather undermined his health.
Ho was taken to his bed with pnsumoniu
and bis overworked brainalmobtcollupsed.
For several weeks bo was seriously ill.
Catarrh had taken root in his system and
his mind was in a delicate condition. Ho
was Bent to Loioraao wuoro
he spent three mouths
without receiving any ben-
u l 5b >
jeflt. Then
a noted
laud treated him
without avail ,
aud then a hospi
tal in Chicago was
tried , b' tit all al >
solutely without
benefit. Finally
bis physician re
commended Dr.
Williams' Pink
_ .
Ovcrfludv. ] ) Iii nnd from th0
first box he began to improve. When
be bad taken nine boxes lie was cnmplctrlu
cured. This famous blood and nerve medicine -
icino bad accomplished what all his for
mer expensive treatment failed to accom
plish. 3Ir. Kemper says his catarrh bus
entirely left him : ho is strong again and
weighs nine pounds more tnau be ever did.
He gives the pills the entire credit. He is
starting teaching again undf eels abundant
ly able to continue the work. To prove
that the above is true in every respect , Mr.
Kemper mndo an affidavit as follows :
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this
the 10th day of September , IS' .tr.
It. P. Watt , iV ( riPublic. .
"We doubt if these pills have un equal in
all th < > range of medicine , for building jp
a rnr. down nnd debilitated system.
Sixteen thousand dollars is the rec
ord price paid for a cablegram , that
price having been paid for a message
sent 'by Heniker Heaton to Australia ,
in behalf of the British parliament.
To Washington and Raltlmore ila the
Monon Route.
There4s not a plca'nuter or more pic
turesque route from Chicago to Washing
ton and Baltimore than the Mouon. via
Cincinnati and the B. & O. S. W. and B. &
O. Railways. The train service of this line
is comfortable and convenient , consisting
of through palace sleeping cats and
coaches. The time of leaving Chicago is
2:45 : a. m. , but the sleeper is ready for oc
cupancy at any time after 9:30 : p. ir. This
route traverses the garden section of
southern Ohio , and passes through the his
toric section of West ; Virginia in the eve
ning aud down the baautiful and tradition
laden Potomac valley in the early morning ,
arriving at the national capital at 0:47 and
Baltimore 7TC the next morning. Taken
altogether it is a most comfortable aud
restful journey , a tour of education , that
once taken will never bo fogotten. and the
oftener repealed , the more enjoyed.
Frank J. Rrrn ,
General Passenger Agent.
A cupful is all the cup wiil hold with
out running over full to the Lrim. A
scant cupful is within a fourth of an
inch of the top.
Are warranted. They produce ! We are
the largest growers in America. Low
est prices. Seed Fotatoes only $1.5u per
barrel. Big farm seed catalogue with
clover and grain samples ( worth 310.00
to get a start ) sent you by the John A.
Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse Wis. , upon
receipt of 10c and this notice , w.n.c.
Yet alias Anne Cunningham Saved
flaunt Vernon to the Nation.
The story of how Mount Vernon was
saved to the Nation by a woman was
entertainingly told to the Boston
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion by Miss Alice Longfellow recently.
Miss Longfellow's story was about
Miss Anne Cunningham , a gentlewom
an of old Virginia , who , when passing
up the Potomac river one day in 1S53
and hearing the steamer bell toll when
passing the grave of Washington , be
came possessed with the desire to re
store it. The place was then occupied
by a great-grand-nephew of the first
president , John Augustine Washing
ton. It was in a state of decay , and
the generous hospitality of the owner ,
who treated every passing stranger as
a guest , made the expenditure of money
tor repairs utterly impossible. When
Miss Cunningham ventured to tell him
of her plans he was filled with horror
that women should do that which
should so emphasize the degeneracy
of men. But the determined woman
sent out urgent appeals. Her first call
was to the women of the south , and
on July 12 , 1851 , the first meeting
was held. Edward Everett was one of
the first to offer his services , and as
a result of his lectures ? 6S,000 was con
tributed to the fund : Northern people
withdrew when they learned the prop
erty was to be turned over to Virginia ,
but on March 17 , 1S5G , the Ladies'
Mount Vernon Association was formed.
A certain congressman had vowed
he would defeat the association , but at
a critical time Mr. Washington showed
his loyalty , and just at the time when
Miss Cunningham was ready to die
from over-anxiety and discouragement
a definite conclusion was reached. After -
ter that she lay in a stupor for three
weeks. In addition to the actual price
of the plantation , $300,000 had to be
raised for repairs , and when matters
were progressing finely the Civil war
broke out and confusion was the re
sult. Mount Vernon was neutral
ground throughout the bitter struggle.
When the strife was ended Miss Cun
ningham went there to live , received
the aid of Sumner in gettting an in
demnity from the government , and
went on with the noble work she had
Didn't Mean It Jast That Way.
It was a Chicago clergyman who , be
fore preaching a charity sermon , an
nounced that a collection would be
taken for the sufferers at both morn
ing and evening service.
q > > W If mi 'W ' ' WW I HIIH II" ' i ' I 'HI' '
Klondike Bride : "And do you still
think I am worth my weight in gold ,
love ? " Klondike Bridegroom : "Worth
your weight In gold , pet ? Why , blame
my eyes , if I don't think you're worth
your weight in canned goods ! " Puch.
Hypnotic Womli-rx.
No one need go to Paris to see all
that is marvelous in hypnotism. In
the hypnotic wards of many hospitals
art ; subjects that a mere glance will
throw into the trance state. But in
order to overcome that obstinate kid
ney trouble , the persistent use of Hoh-
tetter's Stomach Bitters is necessary.
When a man begins to move other3
he is generally called a "crank. "
Thus says E. Walters , Le Raysvillo ,
Pa. , who grew ( sworn to ) 2o2 bushels
Salzer's corn per acre. That means 25 , -
200 bushels on 100 acres at 30e a bush
el , equals $7SC0. That is better than
a prospective gold mine. Salzer pays
$400 in gold for best name for his 17-
inch corn and oats prodigy. You can
win. Seed potatoes only $ l.G0.a barrel.
Semi This Noticoand 10 Cts. ! n Stamps
lo John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse ,
Wis. , and get free their seed catalogue
and 11 new farm seed samples , includ
ing above corn and oats , surely worth
$10 , to get a start. w.n.c.
There are sixty different kinds of
wood grown in Arkansas.
Colorado Gold Pield.
Colorado is the banner gold-produc
ing s 'tate in the Union. Production in
1S97 over $20,000,000. This vear prom
ises tc exceed $30,000,000. New strikes
are being made every day. Nothing
like since the days of ' 19. Would
you know all about these thiugs ?
Then send twenty-five cents for a six-
months' trial subscription to the
"MINING WORLD , " an eight-page
illustrated weekly paper. Regular
subscription , $1.00 a year. The news
iest mining newspaper in the world.
Address "World. " P. O. Box 1011 , Den
ver , Colorado.
Over 00,000 oil wells have been sunk
in the United States.
Heport From itev. o. nutcaell-Scrun. .
ton , lowa.
"I have used the box of Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm with the most pleasing results. I can
recommend it for coughs. A lady hero
who had a cough two months cured it com
pletely with one-half of a : > 5 cent bos : cf
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. " Send yo'ir ad
dress and give your s3-mptom3 and our
Physician will send free udvlco and a frco
sample of Dr. Kay's Lung Balm and Dr.
' Renovator and of "Dr. '
Kay's , a copy Kay's
Homo Treatment , ' ' a OS-page book with Tit }
excellent recipes and many valuable pro
scriptions for nearly all "disease0. Ask
druggists for it or address Dr. B. J. Kay
Medical Co. , Oraaha , Neb-
Your ideal may easily become your
idol , unless your ideal is Christ.
Don't Tobacco Spit and smoke rour Life Aivav.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be uiac-
letie , full of life , nerve and vifjor. take Xo-To-
Uac. tne wonder-worker , t'uar. uialces weak men
strong. Alldnurjjiits , 50e. oril. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemedy Co. . Cluoago or New York.
When a man makes a fool of him
self he generally does the job well.
The kaiser and the czar are said to
he lovers of bric-a-brac.
Cne'o Cone' ' I iiIki23
Is the oWrst ami bett It will lireaK up a co ' ii ouiclcet
than anjtUintelse. It isalwajs lrliaole. Try it.
The governor of Idaho , Frank Sten-
nenhurg , never weais a necktie.
' "
Mm. Window's Snot bins ; Syrup
For children t' 'ctht'ijj.voften- [ iiimi-.n-ilui e inflam
mation , alleys pain. < miic-tviii1 txiii" . ! > centra l.oitle.
Maine people are shipping pine conto
to the treeless plains of the west.
Take T.uxativc Brorno Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists lefund the money if it fails to cure.i"5c ; :
The population of Germany increase ;
at the rate of 000,000 a year.
Xown. Farms for sale on crop payment. ? ! per
acre cash , balance " 4 crop yeaily until paid for.
J. Mulnall , Sioux City. Iowa.
Ten jingoes can make more noise i
than a thousand peace advocates.
1 never used so quick a cure asPiso's Cure
for Consumption. J. B. Palmer , box 1171 ,
Seattle. AVash. , Nov. LT . lbiT. .
Potter Palmer is o5ng to build a
home that will cost 53.000.000.
Star Toliaeeo is tne leading brand of
the world , because it is the best.
To profess Chr'st is a challenge to
tne world , not a defense.
jwii ji MH'iiw uwi uttfji > iii > wM M w wywiiw < > awBSHwBBBBil )
To the March number of the North
American Review a Biiggcstlvo dis
cussion of the question " 1b the Con
stitution Outworn ? " is contributed
by Professor Goldwln Smith. Under
the title "Do Foreign Missions Pay ? "
the Rev. Frances 13. Clark. D. D „
President of the United Society of
Christian Endeavor , 'furnishes an
authoritative and carefully pre
pared paper. A most important na
tional subject Is elaborately treated
In an at'tlcle from the pen of Com
modore G. W. Melville Chief Engi
neer , U. S. Navy , on "Our Future on
the Pacific What We Have There to
Hold and Win. " while Charles F.
ThwJng , D. D. , President of the
Western Reserve University and Ad-
elbcrt College , contributes an essay
of timely Interest on "Personal Mor
als and College Government. "
Don't imagine that the man In the
orchestra chair gets a better show for
his money than the boy In the gallery.
How'n Thin !
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured b * '
Hall's Catarrh One.
1 * . . ) . CI IKNEY & CO. . Toledo. ( ) 1
\\c. the undoihigned. have known W' .f.
Cheney for the last 1.1 years , and Udlevc him
perfectly honorable lit ail busine.v * transac-
ilonsantl fusani'lally able to carry out any
elli : 'alIonV made by their linn.
\\V > t A : Truav. Wholusitlo Urugglsts.Toledo.
O. ; Y\aiding , kliman & Marvin , Wholesale
DtugL'Kts. Toledo o.
Hall's Catmrli Cure is taken Internally ,
acting direct Iv upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the -ystcin. Testimonials sent
free. 1'iice , 7.1c per hot tie. Sold by nil drug
Hall s family pllis are the bent.
A teaspoonful of salt , pepper and
spice is a level teaspoonful.
Jlotlicr C ray's Sweet I'owuVrs for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray ,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York , Cure Feverishness , Bad Stomach
ach , Teething Disorders , move and
regulate the Bowels and Destroy
Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials.
They never fail. At all druggists , 25c.
Sample free. Address , Allen S. Olm-
ated. LeRoy. N. Y.
A cup holding just a half a pint is
the standard measuring cup.
ISeauty za lliooil Deep.
Clean blood means aclcan skin. No beauty
without it. Cascarets. Candy Cut hartic cleans
your blood and keeps it clean , by stirring uj )
the la/.v liver and driving all impurities from
tbe body. Begin to-day to banish pimples ,
boils , blotches , hlackhnads. anil that sickly
bilious complexion by talcing Cascarets.
beauty for ten cents. All druggists.satisfac
tion guaranteed , 10c. lilc. COc.
A tablespoonful of Hour , susar or
butter is a rounded teaspoonful.
Smoke Sledge Cienrcttes. 20 for ficta.
A heaped spoonful is all the spoon
will hold.
The Mnrcj number of the Century U
openH with a paper on "Tho Mammoth - H
moth Cave of Kentucky , " written by H
John 11. Procter , formerly State Gc- H
elegist of Kentucky , and aceompa- H
punicd by many striking lllustra- tH
tions by Castnignc. John oidney [ H
Webb describes 'Tho River Trip to | H
the Klondike , " with pictures redrawn - [ H
drawn from photographs. Last ; |
summer Mr. Webb made a tour of - |
investigation along the entire coant 'H
of Alaska , and up the Yukon as far \ M
as the Klondike mines , on behalf of l M
the Alaska Commercial Company. \ M
His investigations , therefore , In- < M
eluded not only the famed Klondike. M
hut the other creeks and streams ' |
tributary to the Yukon. : M
Many churchgoers , like little llsb , M
only nibble at the bait. Ram's Horn. M
All dry materials should be sifted M
before measuring. , M
lomi I'nti'itt OMi'o Kcport. H
Des Moines , March 0 , 1898.
We receive frequent thanks and fl
commendations from inventors for H
wiioin we secure patents , but have ncv- M
er published them. But the following fl
testimonial from one of the largest H
publishing companies in the west wo fl
make an exception : fl
In reply to a letter from A. II. M „ M
of Albion. Neb. , March 7 , 1S98. to the H
editor of the Iowa Homestead in which H
the writer said : "I would like to H
know if the Iowa Patent Oflice is a H
reliable concern. , " the following was fl
voluntarily given him : H
"Your favor of yesterday is at hand , H
The Iowa Patent Oilice is entirely reliable - ] M
liable and has been doing business in > H
this city for a quarter o' a century M
or more. It will give an opinion on H
patentability of a device with inslruc- M
lions how to proceed , without charge H
for such service. For subsequent services - H
vices it probably has its regular scale H
of fees. H
Verv trulv yours. H
( Signed. ) HOMESTEAD CO. " H
IT. S. Patents have been allowed as H
follows : To J. S. Lord , of Des Moines. H
Tor a bicycle attachment adapted for H
carrying a second person at the side H
of the rear wheel. To J. D. Coon , of H
Mathrop , Colo. , for a breech-loading H
loiible-hnrrelod gun. H
Valuable information about obtaining - H
ing , valuing and selling patents sent H
Trer * to any address. H
Solicitors of Patents. H
Dr. Mary Walker's famous pension H
iase has been decided against her. H
No-To-ISac for FITty Cent * . H
Guaranteed tobacco habltcure. makes weak M
men strong , blood pure. .10c.51. All druggists. B
Everything comes to him who watts , H
but a lot of other things wait for him. H
Should Get Mrs. PinMiam'3 Advice The "Whole Truth can bo Told M
to her Because she is a "Woman. H
The suffering and pain endured by some workinjr women is almost past belief. H
Here is a letter from one of the multitude of women who have been restored H
to health and itsefulness by Mrs. Pinkhams advice and medicine : H
Dkaij Mns. PrxKHAM : I feel as though your advice had lifted me from the H
grave. I must have been very near it. l.suf- * - i $ \ |
fcred terribly at time of menstruation , was0 0z& zZ&rrtr. a 1
constantly troubled v.ith , . Xfu Wl ttS m 1
cold hands and feet , was / / YWW R \ 1
extremely nervous , could / / / \v > " /y 0 § H
not sleep well , was trou- / / / L a'W' 1
a'-- i
bled with frightened / / / y . AfP& / . SPS |
dreams , had heart trouble / / / e M f'i 'jIl S |
and - ] / viM $ ' ' ' . ' ' 'W H
a feelingas though / a / • ' • i
my breath was goinS to J _ / J MM PSvSSMM
stop , also had leucor- -fr / ffefl | & S WkwM
rheca I tried to f t J , / / % % M | |
lielp but all remediesUtfi2im&gm& \ * ' * / g\l ? 5 gffi $ $ H
failed , until I wrote to | \fJ \ % . /jK J J \ WM |
j-ou. I cannot thank / / ' 7 ; , J V _ Kv ' |
you cnogh for your ff 7 % Jk / ' / 200iL \ . J Wi 1
kind advice , and I wish pj BJf 'C ' ) \00 r |
totcllever3'onethe rreat x L _ | p = gi - - - j rr " r . SfflA |
good " vour remedies have "Jaw- r / \ ° " . ' j Ml 1
done me. Tamma C = " " n > TC T"I/ ' " " " % W 1
Hoover , Wolfbville , Md. _ _ _ _ _ M
Lydia B. Pinkham ' s Vegetable Compound for a quarter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ ® j H
of a , century has been helping women to bo strong and well. p\H H
Tlie following statement from Miss II. Pattkhsox , of 2. .31 - _ _ . J \ H
Lawrence St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , should interest all working t M
women who are troubled with female complaints : H
" Dkat. Mr.s. riXKHAM : I must write and toll what your medicine has done H
for me. I am a working girl and have to stay at my work all day. I suffered H
greatly with bearing-down pains and backache. I was advised by a friend to H
try your Vegetable Compound. I did so and can say positively I am cured. X H
have recommended your medicine to all my lady friends , and would advise any H
of my sex suffering from female weakness to give Lydia E. Pinkham ' s Compound - H
pound atrial , fori know it will cure. ' ' H
Mrs. Pinkham invites all women troubled about their health to write to her H
at Lynn. Mass. , and secure her advice free of all charge. All such letters are H
teen and answered by women only. J M
AsK Mrs. PinKHain's Atlvice-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's His fl
J XVLi U Leu HA ctLA id AAA tJmW - '
< " !
PfisaBswSii PBQiniflpe wi mppoo ;
< >
i uUlllIlIuld uHdEifllGOO Dlbf bleb I
5 STANDARD OF3 , f ? & 8 Atrx , pj J
< THE WOR5-D. . . . g fi g7rSfl kJLsla > '
ECC sS' % ? BfiDtt'a |
< ' ; > ,
< | >
* \ The Columbia Chainiess bicycle has already passed harder tests than any *
< bicycle ever made , and has proved itself the best. Other makers may decry the , >
\ Columbia chainiess , yet they offer you en untried imitation in the same breath * i
< >
< REMEMBER THIS Wc make but one quality of Columbias , and that is %
5 the very best. There is no varying of material , construction cr quality. All ;
< Columbias are made of 5 % Nickel Steel Tubing which costs twice as much and j > ,
4 is 30"o stronger than any other tubing known. > ,
4 > ,
< > •
< Columbia Chain Wheels , - Price $75 \ >
$ Hartford Bicycles , . . . . 50 ,
< Vedette Bicycles , - - Prlco0 and $3S | > ,
t :
< > ,
< : >
t POPE MFG. CO , , Hartford , Conn , !
i Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer , or by mail for one twecent stamp. > I
< | > 1
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 12. 180S. H
'Chen Acsv. 'crina Ail\ertsements Kiceiy H
Mention This Taper. | H
' < ? Larcti'rovnof Grass' ' CloverSeiln H
, . . • . - . ' ' 'IjitiiitutV \ H
V i.i Mnorira. Wtt fI'M - < • -a. > *
a lifetiii.c. ? ! caii - - = o : r. .n . vill ? > < • a & H
< r < ii"in t-rcn in Ju y. I'-i c 'iirt rh-ap. * &r.i- ? H
( J nothaf. -Jo 'ii ard II i.k , . - . ' -ra > - and Uraicu , & H
C > f"cfi r > rcr > < " * A. ; -.iicl'r"-nctr < - Catnlcp.cOc. B
h JOlt ' .4L/C ! : srfl ) < ' . . Ilrr , : . ' . < - . H
S /iVfe'V ' ? /VSV a A/VVVt/w < t 'Vli , V5 fl H
* s ? F"iP5fi T1' " > * st V'1 ltn > 'r' lfn"Cr.jr for lo H
R ? 37 V • ' * r h" r- < 'ap" a. < < l natii in. I > it : < - < ! . B
B iu 11
U'Jlj ti * XS s" ' - ' * uti- f r l"r-t > r. Sjinili-t H
nee. nin .y 2 .mllv Koamt : i . , tmniA , "s. 4. H
a O W K W. M ORRIS , WASHiKGlOH. D. C. j H
r Late Principal Examiner U. S Ptznoa Cartas. H
jjr in list Mir , ii..ijutl-uuiss , -t.saci. H
JvigibLa lles Wanted H
? v TO Ti \ \ KI. f..r Id trabod : ! huu-t- . M
pennanrnr p < < " . . l ! | itr I' .unth and a. " e\f.enn's. H
I * . \ \ . ZIKOLKl : k CO. . r-Jis U'jariorn t-tn-ct. CHI.sjio H
W * * > O © * * ? * ? NEW DISCOVERY ; si H
Usi > t vi. tiV z S tt fir.i'-Krciffandcunsworht H
ca-f S < r.d for bouk of tcsfnioniaisand 10 < * a7a * H
troatzucnti-ree. or. n.y.t.UEiL-i'bb05s.lUi u.oa. H
f y CUHEBN. I'so Ki G for unaatnTsl H
f fin 1 tc 5 d Ts. \ di'charces , iaSanimatico ? , H
( r f Gct.intrtd | J irritations or Ulcerations H
fi- Jcgi u triiisv. 0f m u co cs uicsjbranea. H
\ rlK" 3 eoai siao. l aiulei ? . aa-J not astria- H
L'aa\VrHE \ H3CHtKIC LG0. ge"t or roircnocs. f H
V \C1KC1H > IATI.0.L ' 1 ScIti h ? " KrncKlata , H
V \ C.3.4. . y Per Bent Sn plain \r : pper , H
* . _ _ > * V1 1 ' ' 7 express , prppaid. for H
* < o < - v u Circular Ecat ca itqa S H
Or. Kay's Renovator , po r f
sia. constipation , liver and kiiinevdisease.s.biJ- H
liousness , headache , etc. At druggists i & St. 1