The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1898, Image 4

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    M % - - • % - - v - v - . ' . - ; - ' 'J'
I F e M4ook Fribme.
B Republican j JBPl | Newspaper
H All loyal and sympathetic hearU
H go oat to Senator Thurston in tbc
H -sad and pathetic death of his noble
H and brilliant wife , this week , while
H J on a visit to Cuba. The unspeak-
H able scenes of that desolate and
H scourged island were too much foi
H the tender and loving heart of thai
H grand American mother , who was
H stricken to her death by an attach
H of heart disease. The remains were
H brought to Omaha for interment.
H The Papillion Times has just is-
H sued a very handsome and com-
H edi-
prehensive Trans-Mississippi -
H tion of that paper. Elegant half
H tones have been used in rich pro-
H fusion and the letter press is fortH -
H unately devoid of anything exces-
B sive in the way of advertising.
H The whole is beautifully printed
H on super-calendered paper of a
H mellow tint and is withal a highly
H creditable advertising medium.
H The Tribune has no part or par-
H eel in this unseemly discussion
H about the Lorenz murder trial. It
H deplores what has been said by
H the other papers of the county. It
H were better all of it had never
H been written. It is sufficient that
H Edward Lorenz did not have a
H proper or adequate defense , and
H that he will be given in his second
H trial what he did not have in his
H first one. He is entitled to it and
H all unbiased citizens will be satis-
H fled with the result of the coming
H trial There is only one other re-
H gret and that is that he waB not
H adequately defended at the first
j trial.
H Everybody is sowing wheat.
H , Mr. Culbertson has moved to
B Mrs. E. May Starbuck's place.
H , Fred Burton has moved back to
H' ' hiB homestead in Hitchcock county.
H { Lee Williams and brother are
H sowing 200 acres of wheat on the
H Ritchie place.
H Grandma Simpson , mother of
H P. M. Simpson of Vailton .died
H on Saturday and was buried in
H Longview cemetery , Monday after-1
H noon. The family has the heartH -
H felt sympathy of all their neigh-
H bois in their sad bereavement.
H O. E. and O. L. Boone and A. D.
H Lord and families started last MenU -
U day to their new home in Colorado.
| H They were all pleasant neighbors
H and the community has sustained
H a loss by their removal. We wish
H them success in their new homes.
H i Somebodv from McCook was
HI driving around in this part of the
H | country , last week , and found a
H few of the people rather poorly
H1 ) dressed , but you know that it is
H fashionable in the country to dress
H as you can and not as you please.
B The good ship Maine at anchor
B lay , In the harbor of Havana bay.
B It was night and the sailors went
Hj to sleep , Without any fear of the
B treacherous deep , And no thoughts
H of a cruel , revengeful foe That
Bj • was planning then to strike the
Bj blow Which would take the lives
Bl of the sailors brave , And sink them
Bj low in a watery grave. The cap-
B n SH iQ his cabin alone , Writing
Bj letters to friends at home. He was
Bj telling his wife of this foreign port ,
B Where he truly hoped his stay
B would be short. The watch was
B pacing the deck , so they tell , And
B had just called out , "All is well , "
B When suddenly there came an
B awful boom , Which sent the ship
B to its eternal doom. Bill Anthony
B to the captain groped his way , Sa-
B luted and said , "Excuse me , sir ,
B but I have to say , The ship's blown
m up and is sinking in Havana bay. "
B No time for the sailors to shed a
B tear , To think of home or offer a
m prayer ; But the noble crew had
B gone to sleep In the inky waters of
B the treacherous deep. Some lie
B beneath the rolling waves , While
B others sleep in foreign graves.
H But few were left of that gallant
B band , To return to home and native
Hj land. A nation mourns for brave
B men gone , There's a vacant chair
Hj in many a home ; A mother weeps
H for her darling boy , And a father's
H heart is dead to joy. And the
H meanest thing done by cruel Spain ,
H Was the wrecking of- the battle-
H ship Maine.
B . . . i i ' - - ' " ' W"ummm\W * WUWfV'kimV
lUjral makt * the t 4 pun ,
whelMMBC aad tfellcloiu.
Absolutely Pure
R. Traphagan was in McCook
Monday , with several loads of hogs
Bob Moore was on the marke
in McCook , Monday , with thirty
fat hogs.
There is no time for kicking
now. Put in your best licks anc
do it good.
On last Saturday Geo. Howell
was in town with his regular forty
dozens of hen-berries.
A. Ogdeu will have sixty acres
broken up this spring. J. W.
Corner has the contract.
Professor Nussbaura failed tc
meet his singing class at the Cole
man school-house , last Saturday
On last Monday evening the
wind laid. Isn't it a pity that
somebody didn't find the egg and
break it ?
The man who lies around now
and don't stick right at his work
will howl around next fall and
"cuss" the country.
The late arrival at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Traphagan is a wel
come guest. It must be pretty
nice if it is anything like Bob , and
we presume it is the "very picture
of him. " We will let this pass ,
Bob , but the next time you must
notify us within thirty days there
On Tuesday an agent was doing
this village. He said his name
was Pleecem aud he was agent for
a tremendous big firm with branch
houses in St. Louis and other big
towns , aud they handled butter
and eggs. Would take eggs at
McCook and pay Omaha prices for
them , which was nineteen cents
qow , and would deliver groceries
in McCook at wholesale prices.
Said they furnished a house in St.
Louis with 6,000 pounds of butter
i day. He called at Uncle Billy's ,
tvho was plowing about 100 yards
Irom the house aud about 40 yards
irom the road. He was pointed
) ut to the agent , who drove on un-
; il he got a fair view of those long
vhite whiskers , and then he shook
lis head and drove on , muttering ,
'He's too old for us. " Uncle knew
hat eggs were only eight cents in
3maha last Thursday.
Jacob Crocker has a wind-mill
n running order now.
J. Pickerel 1 and wife visited Mr.
lore's family , Sunday.
C. E. Boatman has moved on to
he Farlin place , on the Driftwood.
Here's to the uew post-master ,
ilay his shadow never grow less.
Quite an amount of Kansas soil
pas moved over into this state Mon-
Don Thompson and Jay Scott
? ere Sunday evening callers at J. "
I. Wade's.
Mr. Sly from over on the Wil-
ow has moved on to Mr. Barr's
dace , and is very busy putting in
iighesV Honors World's Fair ,
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
om Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
, . .
i iujiw i''wte w''tf ' w ii"m-'P'tlji ' "i'qyii. ' ; jaw. 'rjm ' wW -
F. A. Walsworth spent Sunday
in Cambridge under the parenta
"E. O. Scott of McCook was i
visitor here , Saturday and Sun
J. B. Sipe of Cambridge was uj
on business , the latter part of las
Geo. Shafer was attending t <
business in the county capital
J. Fletcher made a business trij
to Indianola , Tuesday , returning
on No. 4.
Misses Mamie Hodgkin anc
Carrie Scott were Cambridge vis
itors , Tuesday.
A. Barnett of McCook was look
ing after his interests here , Sat
urday afternoon.
The first consignment of goods
for the new drug store was received
here , last Saturday.
Auditor W.P. Foreman was here ,
Wednesday of last week , checking
up Station Agent Enlow.
Miss Kittie Kansom , who is at
tending school in Cambridge , spent
Sunday here with the family.
James Winters and family left ,
Tuesday , to locate on a farm north
of Freedom , Frontier county.
L. S. Grisell of Indianola spent
Sunday here , the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. Hathorn and other friends.
I. A. Finney is up from Cam
bridge , this week , putting the fin
ishing touches on the drug store
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Keys spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Morgan in Frontier
W. E. Boilings went to Omaha ,
last week , to buy another car of
implements , returning Monday af
J. Fletcher and wife made a
business-pleasure trip to Danbury ,
Saturday , and returned the day
Wm. Parrish attended the grain
dealers' meeting in Lincoln , Thurs
day of last week , returning the fol
lowing day.
W. F. Miller and W. S. Hamil
ton were in the county seat , Tues
day , attending the meeting of pre
cinct assessors.
Miss Effie Teel returned to her
school work , Monday morning ,
having spent Sunday with her par-
ants in Indianola.
Clarence Enlow , helper at the
iepot , spent a couple of days , the
Pore part of the week , with his
parents in Cambridge.
Mrs. Brooks is paying her par-
snts , Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keyes , an
axtended visit. She and her fam
ily expect to locate here in the fu
Ic is to be hoped that some of
; he denizens of this place will quit
'seein' things" impossible , now
; hat the spiritualists have flown
: he coop.
Edward Baymond , the infant
> on of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Winters ,
lied on Sunday , March 13th. In-
; erment took place at Wilsonville
> n Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muntz spent
t few days , the last of the week ,
u McCook , the guests of their son-
n-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs.
SVilbur Josliu.
G. W. Pickering and Mrs. L.
[ jamb of Lincoln , having estab-
ished a circulating library of fifty
rolumes here , departed for the
vest on No. 5 , Tuesday evening.
R. S. Baker intimates that the
nan who is desirous of securing
he contract to carry the mail had
letter send in a dollar with a gratis
lid to make himself safe.
Chas. Hopt drove up to the
lounty seat , last Friday , and on
lis returm , Saturday , was accom-
lanied by his son Erwin , who spent
i couple of days with the family
> n the farm.
No. 6 stopped here , Sundar
iveniug , to notify the agent that
ingine 281 dropped fire between
indianola and this place. Through
he prompt efforts of the section
oreman and crew the fire was ex-
inguished before any damage was
[ one.
_ i.
• T
i i
| We Cater to no Particular Class , But Wei- \ > i ; j
l come and Provide for All. \t \ . '
5 • • • • •
J We want every ;
2 ladythathasaboy j
to see our new line J
* of Children's Suits J
I Boys'SuitsWaists j
Shirts , Hats , Caps , j
and Neckwear. !
Our Styles and <
Prices will please <
you. <
• • • • • i
The empty store-room in the
north brick block , having hfeu
overhauled and remodeled , will be
occupied by A.C. Walsworth & Co. ,
who will put in a first-class drug
stock throughout.
Mrs. Fanny Duncan of Peru
came in on No. 3 , Saturday night ,
and is visiting at I. M. Beeson's
until the arrival of her husband ,
who is driving through. They
expect to locate here.
Much interest is being mani
fested in the revival meetings be
ing held in the hall , and they will
be continued during the coming
week. Bev. W. J. Crago of Indi
anola has been assisting in the
Henry Schwendener of Elwood
is spending a few days in this vi
cinity , and in company with B. E.
George went up to the county seat
on Thursday with a view to making
matters interesting for a youthful
The "Uncle Josh" aggregation
played to a crowded house and an
appreciative audience in Stock-
villa , Saturday night , with gratify
ing results , the sum of § 35 being
realized. A. B. Wilson is consid
ered by all to be the star of the
team. However , he is closely fol
lowed by Guy Curlee , who inter
prets his part perfectly and is a
scintillating gem in the footlight
fraternity , "Don't you know ? "
The company contemplates play
ing at Lebanon some time in the
Luther Bush went up to the ex-
sounty seat , last Friday , and filled
bis hide with fighting nose-paint
and came home imbued with a de
sire to perambulate on the neck of
Section Foreman Kern , who had
discharged him from the crew a
few days previously. Owing to a
ilisinclination to wade in gore on
the part of the foreman , Bush had
some difficulty in opening hostili
ties , but his efforts were finally
srowned with success , much to his
liscomfiture. He is still wonder
ing if the depot fell on him or if it
vas only an engine that struck him.
Bobert Goreley , Sr. , who was
sick , is very much better.
Farmers are very busy , but
; hen , when the farming season sets
After continuing eight nights
; be revival meetings closed , Fri-
lay evening. Bev. Chrysler was
issisted by Bev. Norlen of Hend-
Quite a number from here went
ip to the county seat on the 9th
ust. to the hearing of the matters
n regard to the Gielday estate.
iVe learn an administrator was ap-
) oiuted.
Mr. Andrew Wilner and Miss
511a Pearson were married at the
iride's home near Wilsonville. last
Thursday , and are at home to their
' riends in their new frame dwelling
tear here.
> When you see ]
> our large selection i
> of Neckwear , Hats {
> t
) Caps and Shirts <
) )
you will be agreeI
! ably surprised , as I
} the assortment is j
: the Largest we \
> have ever shown. )
The Shapes and )
Colors the Latest , ?
the Prices invariably - i
ably the Lowest. S
5 . I !
If ail Clothing tg \
was alike it would S '
; not matter where t j
you bought it , but g
it is not all alike ; I
there is as much #
difference in the t
make of Clothing * j
as there is difference - I
ence in the People t I
that wear it. Our I > I
new stock is now i I
coming in and we 5 I
will be very glad i ' I
to show you how 5 \ I
t * I
cheap you can now
purchase the FinJ j
estand Latest garS I
ments. Come and t I
look through the S 1
stock. j I
# # 1
| S-vertst , JVtarsft & < < > I I
< | g ) At Brewer's Old Stand. & H
Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. |
# HS We keep everything usually to &
jj be found in a first-class city market , Jt
X W \w
Hw and respectfully solicit your patronage. #
& < > m
plJull \ 1 JJJj JJLuLlifLJJp 'I I
m Citizens should patronize horn ell YM \
M merchants when they can get just asgj | j I
B good or better goods at the same or lessH I \ I
m prices , at just as reasonable terms , andi | |
g with his personal guarantee. In regard § j I
H to pianos , MR. H. P. SUTTON , The Lead-g j. . I
Sing Jeweler of McCook , and ReliableBI \M \
f | Dealer in Musical. Instruments , offers jg | ; [
g ob the oiiover H1
p and the K-tugsGurtj B I
H At the Lo-west Prices and the Bestgj ' |
Terras these Grades can be sold forQJ |
d anywhere in the West. S if M
He offers to sell as good a $200 Piano as there is on S |
* IM the market for $20 down and $5 per month until paidS ; |
? 0 or will sell a Higli Grade Instrument for $25 down and fifi ! |
j § J $10 per month until paid. | N | l \ M
j Cj All business done right at home withplj |
y a local dealer. j5fj " / M
Eih He has just received a fine new linefl l |
jj of High Grade Pianos , and invites you@i f i | |
fO | to call and see them. % * | H
8 H. P. SUTTON , M 1.1
jg The Leading : Jeweler and Music Dealer of Southwestern Nebraska M = y H