The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1898, Image 1

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Bl #
V The City Council.
BB There was a full board present at the
B meeting of the city council , Monday
Hnk night. The following bills were allowed
B B and warrants ordered drawn for same on
B B the proper funds :
B m McCook Electric Light Co $85 00
BB f $ H. P. Waite 2 60
B J. S. McBrayer , claim $17.75 , alB -
B K lowed at 4 ° °
Hl • The treasurer's report was read and
M placed on file.
BF A committee from the board of educa-
BB lion was present and made a partial re-
B port of the condition of the finances of
K Unl the public schools. It was decided that
f § u similar committee would meet with
B I the council at its next regular meeting ,
K $ when u full statement of the school's fiT -
T J nances will be offered , and a request will
b 1 be filed for the entire amount of money
Bv I derived from the issuance of saloon liB -
B i censes. Supt. Valentine thanked the
B fi council for hearty cooperation with the
B V board and thanked the marshal for his
B I assistance in carrying out health regula-
B I The request from the cemetery comB -
B > I mittce that C. B. Rowell be appointed
B ft sexton of Longview was granted and the
Bj V nomination of the mayor was confirmed.
m 1 The specifications for the proposed
P' ' I new court house were read and compared
B and the same were adopted and signed.
B The protest of J. S. LeHew against the
B appointment of C. II. Meeker as superB -
B intendent of construction of the court
B house was taken up and the same was
m I rejected.
B The council then adjourned to Tuesday
H | afternoon at four o'clock to approve bond
H | of Contractor James McAdams.
m At the adjourned session all were pres-
H ent except Councilman Perry. The bond
H offered by James McAdams was duly ap
H proved. The bond is in the sum , of
H $5,000 , and A. Barnett and V. Franklin
H are the sureties. Adjourned.
H A War Measure.
H A highly esteemed citizen objects to
H the printing of certain patent medicine
T1 advertisements which appear in The
B Tribune , and the publisher grants the
B "kick. " It is just and eminently proper.
B When The Tribune was patronized at
H fe home as it ought to be now , no foreign
H advertisements found their way into our
H columns , much less what might be in
B anj' sense objectionable. But with the
B meager advertising patronage given of
B late years by the home merchants and
B others , the sale of space to outsiders has
B I been necessary as a matter of self-preser-
B I vation. It costs money to publish a
" creditable .
Sudden Death of an Old Soldier.
F J I David old soldier of South
H I J. McCook , passed away , last Sunday , after
H ' & an illness of not more than thirty min-
B I utes. Heart disease was the cause. The
B deceased was born in Pennsylvania sixty-
/ 1 three years ago. He leaves a wife and
Kfp' § two children to mourn his death. Fu-
V * ' I neral services were conducted in the
B 1 South McCook Methodist church , Tues-
HV I " day morning , by Elder H. H. Berry , who
H § was assisted by Rev. J.M.Bell , interment
B I in Longview cemetery following. The
B b Tribune tenders sympathy to the be-
k I reaved ones.
B / ] =
B A Series of Meetings.
H ' The Christian church has arranged to
M ' hold a series of meetings at the usual
K hours , beginning next Lord's Day niorn-
BBv ing and evening , March 20th , to be con-
B ducted by the state evangelists , Lemon
HB \ J and Travis.
M -V For this occasion a large tabernacle
B J 32 x 48 feet , has been erected just south
B ° tne Baptist church. It will seat about
1 400 persons and will be well lighted and
V , heated. Everybody invited and wel-
Wm 1. come. By Order of Committee.
B . ' A Fine Lecture.
L j1 The lecture by Chancellor W. F. Mc-
H ! Dowell of Denver in the Methodist
H , f church , last Saturday night , was a splen-
H I did effort , well worth the hearing , and
! enjoyed by all who heard it. The somewhat -
\ ' • what fanciful topic of the lecture was "To-
_ . 'B day and Tomorrow , " and the thoughts
H * , advanced on different lines and the hand-
B f' ling of the ideas presented were effective
B i and able. The lecture was under Ep-
B g worthian auspices. t
B i Poultrv Meeting.
B g There will be a meeting of the Repub-
B 1 lican valley poultry association in Odd
M I Fellows' hall over Ganschow's shoe store
B 1 at 4 p. m. , Monday , March 21st , with the
B t . purpose in view of making arrange-
B y- § X ments for the next annual exhibition.
fl5 1 ' J. S. LeHew , Secretar } ' .
B ' K A Card of Thanks.
B g i. We wish in this way to express to all
Bk K those who so willingly and helpfully as-
B a 1 sisted during the illness and after the
B I death of our father , our sincerest thanks
B 1 and warmest gratitude.
I Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bonnot.
Register Campbell was a Hastings
visitor , Sunday.
Fred Boehner of Arapahoe , was in
the city , Monday evening.
Adam Grass of Hastings had busi
ness in the city , Tuesday.
W. H. ACKERMAN made a business
trip to Red Cloud , first of the week.
Chas. A. Johnson of Lebanon was a
business visitor in the city , Tuesday.
Ami Teel of Indiauola had business
in the metropolis , Tuesday afternoon.
Charles Hoag and E. R. Banks were
up from Indiauola , yesterday , on busi
Mrs. Lamb is here from Lincoln try
ing to work up a circulating library for
our cit\
E. A. Sexson of Indiauola , was in the
city , Tuesday , attending the meeting of
R. Q. Stewart , deputy revenue col
lector , was in the city , Wednesday , on
revenue business.
Mrs. J. F. Kenyon went up to Den
ver on Sunday morning , returning on
Wednesday afternoon.
W. M. LEWIS came down from Benkel-
man , Saturday , and visited over Sunday
with the family here.
Mrs. M. Battershalt. and daughter
left on No. 6 , Monday evening , to visit
relatives in Oklahoma.
T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Register
was in the city , Saturday , on his way to
Lincoln on some business.
County attorney Keyes was up
from Indiauola , Tuesday , attending the1
meet of county commissioners.
Mrs. S. L. Moench departed on 6 ,
Tuesday , for Plattsmouth on a visit to
old home friends and relatives.
Mrs. G. A. Noren left on No. 6 ,
Tuesday afternoon , on a visit of ten days
in Lincoln , Omaha and Orleans.
J. S. Minary , one of the thrifty farm
ers of Hitchcock count } ' , was in the city ,
last Saturday , transacting business.
Mrs. W. S. Morlan and Miss Mar
garet Evans have been visiting a sister
in Wymore whose child has been quite
Dr. A. P. WELLES returned from Chicago
cage , Tuesday night , from taking a spe
cial course for the practice of diseases of
the eye and ear.
J. A. Kirk of Culbertson was a city
visitor , Saturday , on his way home from
attending the grain dealers' meeting in
Lincoln , last of the week.
W. S. Morlan drove over to Stock-
ville , Monday , to attend court , returning
home on the same day , which , to put it
mildly , was something of a drive.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stone came
down from Frontier county , Thursday
morning. Mrs. Stone left for Table
Rock , Nebraska , this morning , on a
visit to Mrs. C. H. Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Watson returned
home , Saturday night , from their wed
ding trip to Lafayette , Indiana , and
other eastern points. They will go to
housekeeping in the J. P. Lindsay house.
Lloyd Ganschow has been verj' ill
with an attack of membraneous croup ,
this week ; but we are happy to state is
now better and improving. Anti-toxin
was used in this case with good results.
Misses Mabel Perry , Maud Doan
and Lulu Beardslee , Messrs. John Stran-
han , A. B. Wood and T. E. McCarl in
dulged in a pleasure trip up to Wauneta ,
Monday , returning home the same after
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens of
Hastings were in the city over Sunday ,
the guests of Conductor and Mrs. Frank
Kendlen. Mr. Stevens is a leading young
lawyer of Adams county , and is a brother
of Mrs. Kendlen.
A. Barnett hied him away to Oma
ha , Tuesday , on No. 6 , to attend a ses
sion of lumber dealers in that city. An
excursion up in to Minnesota , is to fol
low the meeting of the association , Min
neapolis being the objective point of the
Mrs. R. A. Mathew of LaVeta , Colorado
rado , is in the city , guest of Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Moore. Mrs. Mathew will be bet
ter remembered by many of our citizens
as Miss Gertie Lewis , daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Lewis , formerly of our
city , but now of Illinois.
Mrs. C. B. Rowell received a tele
gram , Wednesday , announcing the death
of her brother , T. M. Stanley of Decatur
City , Iowa. He was on his way to Lou
isiana , for his health , and died in Green
county , Iowa , at the home of his mother-
in-law. The Tribune offers its sympa
An Harmonious Caucus.
A large number of men of one mind
attended and participated in the Repub
lican city caucus held in the city hall.
Monday evening , as per call made in
the Republican papers of the city , last
week , and the following proceedings
were had in a most harmonious spirit :
In the absence of Chairman C. I. Hall
of the city committee , J. A. Wilcox of
the committee called the caucus to order
and read the call. On motion of Ed.
Jordan , C. F. Babcock was made chair
man of caucus. He took the chair after
delivering a brief and pointed speech.
On motion of H. W. Cole , the editors of
the Republican papers of the city were
chosen secretaries of the caucus , and F.
M. Kimmell being present assumed the
duties of the office.
J. E. Kelley was placed in nomination
for mayor by H. H. Troth , and the nom
ination was made by acclamation.
Ray Hall placed C. I. Hall before the
caucus for clerk , and he was unanimous
ly chosen.
Dr. S. L. Green felt the inspiration of
the occasion. Felt good always to meet
in a Republican caucus and was glad to
see so many out. Said that a continu
ance of the wisdom thus far displayed in
nominations meant success. He placed
E. J. Wilcox before the caucus for treas
urer and the choice was made by accla
C. F. Babcock was placed in nomina
tion for police judge by Dr. S. L. Green.
Mr. Babcock declined the honor , but the
doctor suggested that it was not the rule
to decline and Mr. Babcock was unani
mously chosen.
J. A. Wilcox named C. N. Whittaker
for the office of engineer , and the nomi
nation was made by acclamation.
For members of the board of educa
tion , J.S. LeHew named E. H. Doan and
H. W. Cole named R. B. Archibald. Dr.
Green seconded the nomination of Mr.
Doan because he was not afraid to come
before a convention for a nomination.
Both nominations were made by accla
On motion of C. G. Coglizer the pres
ent city committee , consisting of Messrs.
C. I. Hall , J. A. Wilcox , R. B. Archibald ,
W. S. Perry and C. B. Gray , was con
tinued. •
A division of the house was had and
nominations for members of city council
were made as follows :
In the first ward , H. H. Troth was
made chairman. G. S. Bishop named
L. W. McConnell for councilman and
the choice was made by acclamation.
The second ward voters called C. I.
Hall to the chair. Ed. Jordan placed
the name of W. S. Morlan before the
caucus and his selection for councilman
was made by acclamation.
The caucus then adjourned , having
finished the work of the evening without
incident within a half hour's time.
The important nominees of the ticket
are strong : J. E. Kelley for mayor in
sures the city a thoroughly business-like
administration ; and the nominations of
W. S. Morlan and L. W. McConnell for
councilmen are particularly strong. Both
are well-informed , careful and successful
men who will bring to the council wis
dom and experience. The nominations
of R. B. Archibald and E. H. Doan for
members of the board of education will
meet with large approval , as their ser
vices on the board in the past have been
satisfactory. As to the minor and cleri
cal nominees , they are all well qualified
for the positions for which they have
been selected. Victory doubtless awaits
the entire ticket.
Miss Fair and Mrs. Mitchell Young
went to McCook to the teachers' associa
tion , Saturday. They report a good at
tendance and well rendered programme.
The teachers were entertained in the
high school building by the Twelfth
grade. ' The refreshments and service
were highly complimented. Miss Fair
and Mrs. Young met with an accident
on their return home. One horse fell
and broke the tongue of the buggy. The
ladies got out and unhitched the horses
and , after considerable difficulty in
mounting and managing the horses ,
they completed their journey on horse
back. Danbury Topics.
The following licenses have been is
sued since our last report :
On the 14th , Michael S. O'Leary and
Jessie Murray , both of this city. The
ceremony was performed by the county
judge the same day.
On the 16th , Emerson B. Scarrow and
Minnie A. Allen , both of Danbury. They
were also married by the judge.
The Tribune and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
The Tribune and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer fori.5oayear , strictly
in advance.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
Episcopal Sunday-school at 11:00 a.
m. Evening service at 8:00 : p. m. Even
song and instruction on Thursdays at
8:00 : p. ui. Rev. Howard Stoy ,
Priest in Charge.
Congregational Sunday-school at
ten. Junior Endeavor at three. Joint
church and Endeavor services at eight
o'clock of special music , readings , devo
tional exercises , to which all are cordial
ly invited. Prayer-meeting at 8 o'clock
on Wednesday evening.
Methodist Sunday-school at ten.
Preaching at 11 ; subject , Anticipating
Trouble. Junior League at three. Ep-
worth League at seven. Preaching at
eight ; subject , A Wise Simplicity which
Outwits the Devil. Prayer and Bible
study at eight , Wednesday evening. All
are welcome. Jas. A. Badcon ,
Baptist Revival services in progress.
Rev. S. C. Green is assisting the pastor.
Every afternoon at three the theme is ,
Victorious Christion Life. Services each
evening at eight. Sunday services
Preaching at eleven. Bible reading at
three. Young People's meeting at seven.
Preaching at eight. The revival ser
vices will be continued through the week.
An invitation extended to all.
Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
J. FLETCHER of Bartley is transacting
business in the city , today.
Mrs. William Lewis has been visit
ing at Benkelman part of this week.
Miss Hattie Bunnell left on Thurs
day morning forBloomington , Illinois.
Wilhelmena Zabel arrived from
the east , this week , to live with her broth
er , A. Reischeck.
R. E. George , a prosperous farmer
from near Bartley , was in the city , yes
terday , on business.
WILL Dolan was up from Indianola ,
last night , attending the supper aud musicale -
sicale in Menard's opera house.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Beardslee
drove down to Indianola , yesterday af
ternoon , to see the new grandchild.
Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Gage returned ,
Tuesday night , from their visit of ten
days to her parents , Supt. and Mrs. J.R.
Phelan at Alliance.
"Snapper" Kennedy spent a few
days with friends in the city , this week ,
aud will leave , next week , for the east ,
where he will play ball the coming sea
G. M. ChrisTner , late with the
Woodmen , was in the city , Wednesday ,
being fitted out to enter the work of or
ganizing for the Star oY Jupiter. He will
direct a number of deputies in the state
Harry Walters returned , Sunday , from
a two weeks' visit in Dundy county.
The spinning of tops is a fad in a viru
lent form among the smaller pupils.
Misses Maud Doan , Maria Gibbons
and Lulu Beardslee were school visitors ,
Wednesday afternoon.
J. H. Fowler found time to tear him
self away from his study of medicine ,
last Friday , and visited the school.
L. E. Gilcrest made a record of two
songs sung in the assembly , Thursday
afternoon , and gave a few selections from
his graphophoue.
Leo Enright , the five-year-old sou of
T. F. Enright , was painfully hurt on
Tuesday by having a cellar door fall on
him. The doctor took three stitches in
the lad's face.
A Great Success.
The supper aud musicale given by the
Calvary cemetery committee in the ope
ra house , last evening , was a success of
large measure. The committee realized
a considerable sum which will be used
in beautifying Calvary. The supper was
simply splendid and the musical feature
was highly enjoyable. Congratulations.
The highest market price paid for cat
tle , hogs and chickens at Brewer's old
stand. Everist , Marsh & Co.
The Clyde saloon was the scene of a
lively scrap , late yesterday afternoon , in
which the marshal finally took a hand ,
putting the non-resident combatant in
the cooler over night , after using his club
with effect. That drinking place needs
the attention of the city authorities.
C. H. Cox is visiting his brothers ,
Walter and Ed. , of our city.
Conductor L. E. Gilcrest was a Denver
visitor , Monday and Tuesday ,
Brakeman William Shinsel and wife
were Oxford visitors , Sunday.
Conductor George Beck had the pay-
car over the division , Saturday and Sun
A daily passenger service will be put
on the Hastings-Oberlin branch , Mon
Switchman J. R. Vanllorn of the Red
Cloud yard has gone to Kansas City for
medical treatment.
Trainmaster W. Josselyn was up from
Orleans , Wednesday , between trains , on
business of his branch.
George Campbell of the Seventh grade
and Glenn Hupp of the Ninth , were Cul
bertson visitors , Saturday.
Brakeman Emil Farmen of the Hast
ing branch who has been sick , went to
work on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Frank Kendlen went down to
Hastings , last evening , with her husband
aud attended a grand ball there with her
Brakeman and Mrs. C. J. Snell left on
No. 6 , Tuesday , for Prairie Du Chien ,
Wisconsin , to be absent thirty days vis
iting relatives.
Brakeman William Shinsel had his left
hand squeezed between the drawbars at
OxfordSunday morning. He had a nar
row escape from losing the hand.
Brakeman B. C. Monpleasure went up
to Boulder , Wednesday night , to see his
wife , who is in a hospital at that place
being treated for consumption.
Conductor C. W. Bronson went to Chicago
cage , Sunday , on No. 6 , to attend a meet
ing of the general grievance committee
of the O. R. C , of which he is a mem
Supt. A. Campbell went in to Lincoln
and Omaha , Tuesday , on No. 6 , on busi
ness connected with the new time card
to go into effect on the Burlington , next
Chief Dispatcher J. F. Forbes went
down to Lincoln , Wednesday , on 6 , to
get out the new time card for the West
ern division , which will go into effect ,
Stephen Belles will retire from the
company's service , next Sunday , and
leave early in the week for Seattle ,
Washington , where he expects to enter
the shops.
A large number of citizens went down
to the depot , Thursday afternoon , to see
the immense cannon in transit to the
Pacific coast. The cannon was 38 feet
long and was loaded on a special 16
wheel car.
Switchman William Throop had his
hands badly burned in a gasoline fire at
house over in West McCook , a few days
since. He was moving into a house
over in that portion of the city , and only
had a portion of his goods in the house ,
when in some way the gasoline can took
fire. In attempting to save the goods
already in the house and the house it
self his hands were badly burned. All
the goods in the house at the time were
destroyed or damaged badly.
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the better times , and higher
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to The Tribune
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
The Publisher.
For the Cubans.
The Cuban relief social held in the
Methodist church , Tuesday evening , at
tracted quite a fair audience. The pro
gram and refreshments were enjoyable
and about $17 were realized for the bene
fit of the victims of Spanish inhumanity.
Wanted-Cattie to Pasture.
I want 125 head of cattle to pasture on
the Stewart ranch , at 25 cents a month.
Plenty of water two new large cisterns.
J. A. RESH , Manager.
The highest market price paid for cat
tle , hogs and chickens at Brewer's old
stand. Everist , Marsh & Co.
Remember the millinery opening to be
held by the Lowmans on next Friday.
McMilleu's Cough Cure ; 25c. |
Culicular soap at McMilleu's ; 15c. |
Buy a Kimball piano , and get the bes |
Wanted Shorthand pupils by L. W. H
Stayner. B
Take advantage of the special sale of B
Kimball pianos. B
The Kimball pianos are sold for cash , B
or on easy payments. B
Scale Books For sale at The Trim- > " * " * H
UNE office. Best in the market. f H
The Tribune and Leslie's Weekly for H
$3.00 a year , strictly in advance. B
The Tribune and The Prairie Farmer |
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. H
Try McMilleu's Poultry Powder and H
Egg Producer. Satisfaction guaranteed. H
The Tribune and The Chicago Inter- H
Ocean forl-35 a year , strictly in advance. H
Try McMilleu's Poultry Powder and H
Egg Producer. Satisfaction guaranteed. H
Be in the swim. Buy one of those B
wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. H
Sutton. B
The Kimball piano has several special j H
features which would have to be seen to fl
be appreciated. B
Attention is directed to the advertisement - H
ment of H. P. Sutton to be found on the H
editorial page of this issue. H
James McAdams commenced prepar- fl
ations , Tuesday , for making the brick | H
for the proposed new court house. |
The O. L. Everist & Co. dray barn is H
receiving some repairs , this week , a new j B
shingle roof on part of the buildings , etc. H
An original pension has been granted H
to Robert II. Hume , and increase from H
$4 to $6 to Alfred II. Bell , both of Indi- H
Everist , Marsh & Co. are selling some / H
of the finest meats we have had the B
pleasure of seeing hung on hooks for B
some time. | |
The members of the Christian church B
are building a temporary tabernacle just > H
south of the Baptist church , and will fl
hold services therein when completed. r * H
That fine black polled heifer which B
was shown on our streets , last Wednesday - B
day evening , was purchased by Everist. A B
Marsh & Co. for their new meat market. f M
Postmaster John Peterson of Zimmer S l
and Phillip Roemersheuser of Osburn l l
made proof before the local land officers , \ B
Saturday. Also , J. W. Ilartman of our ' B
city. / - H
The water works people are rearraug- B
ing one of their pumps at the pumping B
plant so as to make it a compound pump , B
thus utilizing the steam twice and saving - B
ing fuel. B
The A. P. A. brethren held a social in > . B
Oddfellows hall , Wednesday evening. * |
A lecture by a visiting brother was a | |
feature of the evening. Refreshments H
were served. B
"Where are you going , John ? " "Oh ! B
I am going down to Everist , Marsh & * |
Co. 's meat market where I can get nice ' B
fresh meats and courteous treatmentand B
such a big steak for ten cents. j B
C. B. Rowell has been selected by the B
cemetery committee to superintend the B
work on Longview cemetery during the B
coming summer. This guarantees that B
the work will be carefully done and well. B
The following letters were advertised H
on March iSth : Mrs. James Buckley , j B
Mrs. C. R. Cox , A. J. Corkins , James W. H
Cutter. Mrs. Milton C. Jay , Mr. Henry B
Rinley , J. H. Stephens , John Walker. HB
George Wilfong , W. S. Woods. Bfl
If you prefer to have your clothing H
made to order , leave 3'our measure with H
us. First-class work , good trimmings , f B
and a good fit , as well as lowest prices , B
guaranteed at B
The Famous Clothing Co. M
The consolidated Nebraska Farmer B
and Cultivator , now published weekly at B
Omaha , the commercial metropolis of B
the great Trans-Mississippi agricultural * B
region , the most popular , best known and B
best liked home and agricultural journal | B
in the west and The McCook Tribune B
all one j-ear for $1.65. B
Messrs. Lemon and Travis , the Christian - B
tian church evangelists who will conduct B
a series of meetings in the Christian tabernacle - B
ernacle , are just fresh from successful B
meetings in Seward and Plattsmouth. B
At Seward they organized a church of B
ninety members and at Plattsmouth they M
received seventy-five additions to an already - H
ready large membership. H
' l