The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1898, Image 8

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    awahiiA i . . . . '
ill i ll riWTmiiiilirMTO 'iTBI
f'i , . . . , . ,
i i I - in i. | - „ n- L
I What is
I lfetoidBBMNbiWM(4HlppRQllfc9f4ltMVh
H Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infonts
H and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
H other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
H for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing : Syrups , and Castor Oil ,
H 'it ' is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
H Millions of Mothers. Gastoria destroys Worms and allays
H fevcrishncs" * Gastoria prevents vomiting : Sour Curd ,
H cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
| H tcotliiug troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
B Castort : * . assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
B and bowel * , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-
B toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
H Castoria.
B " CastorH Is an excellent in < l * • for chll-
B ti.rn. . Mothers lia * . e rep • : : . . . . i. . . l n.oof its
H uod eflVcL upon their cluMrvii. "
H D. . . li C. O-UOOD ,
M honoli , Mass.
H " * ' for rhllilren of
* . iBtoria 13 the bc-l loan v
H lilcn I am acquainted. 1 li" > : > • to < ' - / i * Not
H fr.r distant when mothers will cot.4 .ur ' the real
H Ji.tercst of their children , nn.l ust.istoria in-
H s\j ad of the variousquacl : nostrums which are
H -destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
H tnorphine , soothing syrnp and other hurtful
fl agents down tlieir throats , thereby sending
H them to premature graves. "
H Da. J. F. Kinciieloe ,
H Conway , Ark.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
H. A. AncBER , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products , yet we ore free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won u * to look with
favor upon it. "
United Hospital . Im-pknsart ,
Boston , Mass.
Allen C. Smith , iVes. ,
M , Tlio Centaur Company , T7 Murray Street , Now York City.
Perfection is the rest i of our long
H tj , are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
- | $40.00 $50.00 $60.00
H \ Monarch Ohainiess $100.00
M Send for 1898 Catalogue.
1 jj Agents wanted in open territory.
H j Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago. 6
H 3 Branches New York. London and Hamburg. |
H J Send ten S-oent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating I
M j ] Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. 1
m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i
B " 111 * THE HI I n
L ! m Weekly Inter Ocean m
H H It is radically Republican , advocating i But it can always be relied on J
H ® the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all pea
m ® with ability and earnestnessi 5 5c5 * < litical movementsi tJt c i t i •
H * " • - $ THE weekly inter ocean supplies all L "
1 1 It Is Alorally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. ©
a g
H m = = = = = The Literature of its columns is 'EEEEE = = EF = 1 S
M = = equal to that of the best maga- "
ag \ _ . maga"Q
| 2 zines. It is interesting to the chil * m
H a drer. as well as the parents. g
® I and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF g
H q " * • THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest e
1 a discussions of all questions of the day , it is in full sympathy g
H § with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and B
H 0 discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoints * •
m a • ihter ocEAN ARE BEST 0F TflEIR Knn > # * J I •
© p | " |
bB SiilS PrlcoofBnHvbymail | * -00 per year II I S
BTbI S if JUS rrfce of Sunday 1 > y mail f . 5"l > cr > car W *
bB a " 2 Daily and Sunday by mail $6.00 per j ear # n
i i i i i i i M a Hei iEoi ii i i i i i i *
I Su6scriC > s for
I $ iooo1Jear ,
California Excursions
Via Uurlin tuii Route. ClurHp ; quick ;
'oiufortHlile Leave Omaliii 4:35 : p in. ,
Lincoln 6lo ; \ > . 111. , Hii tinys 8:50 : p. m.
mirl McCook at 11:40 : p. 111. , ev
ery Tliiirsiiii ) , in t'leaii , inmlern , not
oruiviicii tourist let pl-r.s. N < > tiansfeis ;
cars run ri ht throuuli lo San Fmncihco
unil Los Alleles over tlie Scenic Route
-through Denver ami Sdh l ake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholslere < l in ratlin ;
have spring seats and liacks anil are
provided with curtains , bedding , tmvels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porler.s and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers f all
bother about lia ax- . pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
lieldiiiK to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored Berths $5 For folder 141 ' v-
in } > full information , rail at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger A > 'eiit , Oma
ha. Nelitaska. 4-25-98.
McCoiwell's iJalsam cures coughs.
ROAD NO. 324.
To Kiley J. Iladley , Oiley J. Hadley , Elam
J. I lailley , John J. Lamborn , Jesse I ) . Wdoorn ,
1' . 11. McCabe , and to all whom it may con
cern :
' 1 he Hoard of County Commissioners have
established and ordeieu opened a road com
mencing at the southwest corner ot southeast
quarter of southwest quartet of. section eight
| S ] , in ludianola precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence east on section line
three-fourths of a mile , to southeast corner of
said section eight , thence north 011 section
line one-half mile , ti rminatmg at northeast
corner of southeast quarter ot said section
eight , all in ludianola precinct ; and all objec
tions theieto or claims for damages must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or before
noon of the 71I1 day ol May , A. D. iSqS , or
said road will be established without refeience
R. A. Gki' .
2-4-4ts .kn , County Clerk.
"I can say one thing for Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and that is ,
that it excels any proprietary medicine 1 have
seen on the market , and I have been in the
practice of medicine and in the drug business
for the past foity years , " writes J. M. Jackson ,
M. i ) . , Hronson , Fla. Physicians like Cham
berlain's Coiic , Cholera and Dianhoea Rem
edy because it is a scientific preparation , and
because it always gives quick relief. ( Jet a
bottle at McConnell's drugstore.
ROAD NO. 323.
To Horace W.OImstead , John W.Collicott ,
William M. Nicholson. Mary A. Olmstead ,
Eventt Oxley , and to all whom it may con
cern :
The Board of County Commissioners have
established and ordeied opened a road com
mencing at the northeast corner of section
fifteen L15 ] , ' " North Valley precinct , Red
Willow county , Nebraska , running thence east
on section line one mile , terminating at north
east corner of section fourteen [ 14J , North
Valley precinct ; and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed 111 the county
clerk's office on or before noon of the 7th day
of May , A. D. 1S9S , or said road will be estab
lished without leterence theieto.
2-4-4ts R. A Gkkp.n , County Clerk.
For some time 1 have suffered with iheu-
matism and tried every imaginable remedy ,
without effect. Mr. F. G. ? > . Wells advised mete
to try Chamberlain's Fain Balm , telling me
that it had cured many cases of long standing
like mine. I have used four b'lttles , and feel
sure that one more bottle will make my ciue
complete. A. P. KontClaiemore , Arkansas.
Sold by McConnell. \
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was inaue for.
From all over the country come woids of
praise for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Here is a sample letter fiom Mrs. C. Shep , of
Little Rock , Ark. : "I was suffering from a
very severe cold , when I read of the cures that
had been effected by Chamber lam's Cough
Remedy. I concluded to give it atiial , and
accordingly procured a bottle. It gave me
prompt relief , and I have the best reason for
recommending it very highly , which I do with
pleasure. For sale by McConnell.
Nonch of Sale L'nukr Agister's Lien.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
agister's lien for the pasturing and keeping of
one daik bay horse about six years old and one
light bay horse about six years old , from the
15th day of September , 1S95. until this date ,
under an implied contract with one John Doe ,
true name unknown , owner of said stock. 011
which is now due the sum of S28 , and affida
vit setting forth the description of said stock
and the amount due for the feeding and keep
ing of said stock having been filed in the office
of the county clerk of this county , being the
county where said stock was fed and kept , on
the 7th day of February , 1S9S , I will sell the
property above described at public auction at
the residence of W. N. Rogers in Willow-
Grove precinct in Red Willow county on the
10th day of March , 1S9S , at two o'clock , p. m. ,
of said day. Said sale will be for cash in hand.
Dated Feft. 17,189S. W. N. Rogers.
McCook. Nebraska.
J3F"Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
( .MRS. E. E. UTTER.ji I
Piano , Organ. Guitar and Banjo
I3-Studio Opposite Postoffice.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
McCook , Nebraska.
& & 1 guarantee a cure. No cure , no
pay. Write me at above address , or call
at my home in Coleman prectnet.
Easy , pleasant , profitable work. Genteel ,
permanent business in your own town or
neighborhood. Write for particulars.
2-i8-5t D. O. Cowen ,
2557 15th St. , Denver , Colo.
Nii iwMiiiiiiiiiiirrTi ) irrr'ti'4zi araaa
Baby Mine !
Every mother
feels an i n d c -
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
t critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother sliouid be
a source of joy
to all , but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf-
fcxiiK < incident to matornilv : this
hour which is dreaded as woman ' s
severest trial ii : not only made
painless , but all the danger is removed -
moved by its use. T. iosc who use
Lhis remedy are no longer de
spondent or gluomv ; nervousness
nausea and other distressing conditions -
ditions are avoided , the system is
made ready for the coming event ,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend , y ? / . • a Listing to tvoman.
51.00PTZEOTi.r ntall DrufrlStore3 ,
or sent ; hy express on receipt oi price.
BOOKS Containing invaii''il information of
' ir.ijr interest to a'i women , -will bo sent
1 ttLC to any mlrtrrss , upon application , by
TI10 nKAOFIIviiD KECCLATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga.
What does it cost to get there ? When
and how should one go ? What should
one take ? Where are the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What aie one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found m the
' " Klondike Folder "
Burlington Route's ,
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
officesor sent on receipt of four cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb.
After years of it mold suffering from
piles , B W. Pursell , of Knitnersville , Pa ,
was cured by using a single box of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin dis
eases , such as eczema , rash , pimples and
obstinate sores , are readily cured by this
famous remedy. A. McMillen.
A thrill of terror is experienced when
the brassy sound of croup sounds through
the house at night. But the terror soon
changes to relief after One Minute Cough
Cure has been administered. Safe and
harmless for children. A. McMillen.
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they are the ant , the bee ,
and DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the
last being the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. A.McMillen.
What pleasure is there 111 life with a
headache , constipation , and biliousness ?
Thousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by using De
Witt's Little Earlv Riseis. the famous
little pills. A. .McMillen.
Whooping cough is the most distress
ing malady ; but its duration can be cut
short hy the use of One Minute Cough
Cure , which is also the best known rem
edy for croup and all lung and bronchial
troubles A. McMillen.
Don't annoy others by your coughing ,
and risk jour life by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures cough1 * ,
colds , croup , grippe , and all throat and
lung troubles. A. McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
B v WOMEN used 1
fjK jlfLjmale \ diseases" m
WMfi&y could only be B
M v\ treated after "lo- E
Wdm • • , c a 1 examinaB
| fi \ \ tions" by physiB
mS , K cians. Dread of
Up 1. such treatment I
k ) kept thousands of S
m * * modest women
taB silent about their S
ilSHf suffering. The in- m
* * * S § troduction of M
Wine of Cardui has now demonstrated - m
strated that nine-tenths of all the g |
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention H
at all. The simple , pure B
rfa * JF Fyic ELREiE' $ * ? 5 < S
taken in the privacy of a woman's |
own home insures quick relief and |
speedy cure. Women need not I
hesitate now. Wine of Cardui requires - |
I quires no humiliating examinations - H
tions for its adoption. It cures any I ]
disease that comes under the head g
of "female troubles" disordered
menses , falling of the womb , p
"whites , " change of life. It makes | j
women beautiful by making them H
well. It keeps them young by p
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at J |
the drug store.
For advice in casss requiring * special B
directions , address , giving : symptoms. B
the " Ladies' Advisory Department , " B
The Chattanoosa Medicine Co. , Chattanooga -
nooga , Tenn. I
W. I. ADDISON , M.D. , Cary , Miss. , says : R
"I use Wine of Cardui extensively in
my practice and find itamost excellent
preparation for female troubles. "
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant. Quick Results. Sate to take.
[ CHARTKR NO. 276. ]
at McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the
close of business , February 26 , 1S98.
kksourcks :
Loans and discounts S100.2S5 19
Overdrafts , secured and unsecured 519 41
Stocks.bonds.securitics , judgments ,
claims , etc 1,145 43
Other real estate , 9,70. ! 46
Current expenses and taxes paid. . . 306 47
Checks and other cash items 1,391 03
Due Irom National , State , and Pri
vate Banks and Bankers 21,44994
Specie $2,152 75
Bills 6,364 00
Nickels and cents 34 42
Total cash on hand 8.557 17
Totai ? 143.351 10
Capital stock paid in 5 50,000 00
Sui plus fund 5,000 00
Undivided profits 2,648 31
Individual deposits sub
ject to check S51,929 43
Demand certificates of
deposit. 12,210 22
Time certificates of de
posit 9.020 00
Cashier's checks out
standing 19950
Due to State and Private
Banks and Bankers. . 7,34364 80,70279
Bills payable 5,000 00
Totai $143,351 10
State of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ss.
I , A. C. Ebeit , Cashier of the above-named
Bank , do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true , to the best of my knowledge and
belief. A. C. E krt , Cashier.
Attest : V. Franklin , Director.
II. T. Church , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d
day of March , 1S9S. II. II. Berry ,
[ SKAL-I Notary Public.
My commission expires October 8 , 1901.
Send 3 our address to us , and we will
inform } -ou how other men eurn from
$15.00 to $35.00 weekly. If you are endowed
dewed with an average amount of com
mon sense , you can in a short time do as
well , or better , by .eciiriiig a county
agency for one of our standard publica
tions. If you want to start without de
lay , send $ r 25 , and we will forward a
copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U.
S. & World , " 66x46 inches in size , eleven
bettutiful colors. A county map of the U.
S. en one side , and a library map of the
world on the other , should be in every
home and office This is the 1898 edit
ion , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a
popular price.
We will also send a copy of our new
vail map of Nebraska , showing counties ,
railroads , towns , etc. , 189S edition with
a marginal index , locating every town
on map and giving population , 28 x 44
inches in size , just issued.
Above two maps almost sell them
selves , but printed instructions accom
pany samples Later on you can try
some exuensive article Write quick
and choose 5'our field.
Rand , McNally & . Co. .
166 , 16S Adams St. , Chicago , 111.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world , and can think of no pleasanter -
anter or better way to do it than by rec
ommending One Minute Cough Cure as
a preventive of pneumonia , consump
tion , and other serious lung troubles that
follow neglected colds. A. McMillen.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
The Triiiunk and The New-York
Tribune for $ r.25 a year , strictly in ad
vance. .
Cuticular soap at McMillen's ; 15c. j
The question of spraying fruit trees to pre-
\ent the depredations of insect pests and
fungus diseases is no longer an experiment
but a necessity.
Our readers will do well to write Wm. Stall ,
Quincy , 111. , and get his catalogue describing
twenty-one styles of Spraving Outfits and full
treatise on spraying the different fruit and veg
etable crops , which may be had for the asking
and contains much valuable information.
Should be in Every Home and Library.
m people's sie lion
Is written br Iiisht lion. William Ewnrt Gladstone ,
Kx-Premier of Great liritian nnd Ireland , Chester ,
Ens. ; Rev. A. II. Sajce. Queen's College. Oxford. E111 ; . ;
Kev . Samuel Ives Curtis * , D. I ) . . Chicago Theoloiricul
Seminarr.Chicago.ilKev. ! Frederic W F.irrar.1) I ) . ,
F.U.S. , Dean of Canterbury , Canterbury. Ln . ; Hev.
Elmer II.Capen , I.l > .tTuft ! > College. Somerwlle , Mass. ;
Kev. Frank \V Gunsaulus- . ! > . , Armour Institute.
Chicaco , III. ; Rev. George F. 1'entecost , D.D. . Maryle-
bone Presbyterian Church , London. Lug . Kev. K. S.
MacArthur , D.D. , Calvary Baptist Church. New York >
City , N. Y. ; Kev. Martjn Sunimerbell. D.I ) . , Maui
Street Free Baptist Churcli , Lew iston. Me .Kev Frank <
M. Bristol. D.D. , First Methodist .pi-copal Church ,
Evauston , III. ; Rev. W. T. Moore , LL.1J. . "The Chris
tian Commonwealth , " London , Y.Wi. Rev. Edward
Everett Hale , D.D. , South Conaregational Church , '
Boston , Mass. ; Kev. Joseph Agar Beet. D.D. . \ \ eslejnn
College. Richmond , Eng. : Rev. Ca = par Rene Gregory ,
Leipzig University. Leipzig , German > : Rev. Wm. ,
Cleaver Wilkinson , D.D. , ) of Chicago. Chicago
cage , HI. . Kev. Samuel Hart. D.D. . Trinitj College.
HartfordConn.Kev , J.MonroGib-onD.D..St.-lohn' - .
W oed PresbUenan Church. London. Eng : Rev. George
C. Lorimer , LL.D. . The Temple , Boston. Mas.
l-lin I.IK J.DIriN.-912 ( pace57 full-page illustra- ,
tions. gilt edges , cloth , ilM , half leiant , jj.W ; full
levant. & ) .
01 turn HiITIOV. ] , aa pace * . 200 full-rage illustra- ,
tie ' nStjle A gilt edge- , full levant , one volume.
* 13tJ0 ; Stjle B two volume-i. full levant , tufted , S'JUWI ;
in 16 PARTS , quarto size , review quei-tions to each , stiff
paper covers , tewed , trimmed slightly , tl.00 each part.
For sale at all bookstores and by booksellers. For
further information , write HENRY O. SHEPAKD , 1
Vublisher. ' 'U and 211 Monroe Street , Chicago.Illinois.
of the . . . .
A ,
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , courteous service.
' 'I '
When Baby waaalclc , wo gaTohorCastorfft. t M
When Bhowaa a Child , she cried for Castoria * J M
When 6ho became Miss , she clung to Casiorf * . 1
Wben she had Children , shagavo them Castoria , H
" * I
= = = = = •
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. H
The bladder was created for one purpose , M
namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such H
it is not liable to any form of disease except H
by one of two ways. The first way is Irom imperfect - H
perfect action of the kidneys. The second H
way is from careless local treatment of other J M
diseases. |
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is H
the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the H
womb , like the bladder , was created for one H
purpose , and if not doctored too much is not 1
liable to weakness or disease , except in rare t H
cases. It is situated back of and very close to M
the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or inconvenience - H
convenience manifested m the kidneys , back. H
bladder or urinary passage is often , by mistake - ( 1
take , attributed to female weakness or womb 1
trouble of some sort. The error is easily made 1
and may be as easily avoided. To fiini out M
correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-lour H
hours ; a bcdiment or settling indicates kidney * Her
or bladder trouble. Tin * mild and extraordinary - M
nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. M
the great kidney , and bladder remedy is H
soon realized. If you need a medicine H
you should have the best. At all druggists H
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a H
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by H
mail upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to j H
cover cost of po.stage on the bottle. Mention H
The Tkihune and send your address to Dr. H
Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. Y. The proprietor - M
prietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness - H
ness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. H
No i ick ok Sale Under Agister's Likn. H
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an H
agister's lien for the pasturage and keening ot H
one hay mare about six years old , from tiie20th H
day of May , 1S94 , until this date , and of one H
bay horse colt coming two years old , from the |
1st day of December , 1896 , to this date , under H
contract with Frank 1 * . Ahen , owner of said H
stock , on which is now due the sum of ? 55and H
affidavit setting forth the description ot said H
stock and the amount due for the feeding and |
keeping of said stock having been filed m the H
office of the county clerk of this county , being B
the county where said stock was fed and . , H
on the 7th day of February , 189S. I will sell the Hl
property above described , at public auction at H
the residence of W.N.Kogers in Willow Grove H
precinct , Red Willow county , on the 10th day H
of March , 189S , at two o'clock , p. 111. , of said H
day. Said sale will be for cash in hand. H
Dated Feb. 17,189S. W. N. Rogers. H
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sa. . H
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. H
United States Land Office , H
NcCook , Neb. , January 24 , 1898. H
Notice is hereby given that Thomas Hou/an , I H
Jr. , guardian for John ISoozan , now insane , has 1
filed notice of his intention to make final proof |
before register or receiver at his office in Mc- |
Cook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 5th day of j |
March , 1898' , on timber culture application H
No. 6576. for the southwest quarter of section |
No. 31 , in township I north , range 31 west of |
the 6th p. m. lie names as witnesses : Byron H
E. Severns , George Kennedy , William Ken- 9 1
nedy and George C. Cox , all of Ilerndon , 1
Kansas. A. S. Camimiki.l , Register. H
Land Office at McCook. Neb. |
January 27th , 1898. |
Notice is heieby given that the following- J
named settler has filed notice of his intention j V
to make final proof in support of his claim , | H
and that said proof will be made before register - |
ter or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. . H
on Saturday , March 12 , 1898 , vi/ : John Peterson - * |
son , who made 11. E. No. 10,368 for the n'A ' M
sw M s\v \ { sw H swj | nw % , section 23 T. 5 H
n , R. 30 west6th P.M. He names the follow- |
tng witnesses to prove his continuous residence - H
dence upon and cultivation of said land , vi/ : H
Phillip Roemersheuscr , Peter Rheinheimer , • |
George Cappel and Joseph Allen all of Os- |
born , Neb. A. S. Campbell , Register. H
United States Land Office , * H
McCook , Neb. , January 27 , 189S. ( |
Notice is hereby given that John W.IIartman |
has filed notice of his intention to make final ' . |
proof before register or receiver at his office ' |
in McCook , Neb.on Saturday , the 12th day of ( , j H
March , 189S , on timber culture application < M
No. 6628 , for the southwest quarter of section |
No. 20 , in township No. 6 n , range No. 30 w |
6th p. in. He names as witnesses : John Fitz- ' |
Gibbons and Thomas FitzGibbons of Zimmer , |
Nebraska , Samuel M. Cochran and Henry II. |
Troth of McCook , Nebraska. |
A. S. Campbell , Register. H
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. |
January 27th , 1898. H
Notice is hereby given that the following- H
named settler has filed notice of his intention , H
to make final proof in support of his claim , I |
and that said proof will be made before register - \ H
ter or receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat- J H
urday , March I2th , 189S , viz : Phillip Rocmer- H
sheuser , who made H. E. 9S58 for the \v'/Z ne : H
l { and w4 } se % of section 22 , T 5 n , R 30 w H
6th P. M. He names the following witnesses H
to prove his continuous residence upon and H
cultivation of said land , viz : John Peterson , „ H
Peter Rheinheimer , Joseph Allen and George H
Cappel all ot Osborn , Neb. |
A. S. Campbell , Register. H
ROAD NO. 322. | |
To John B. Rozell and to all whom it may H
concern H
The commissioner appointed to locate a H
road commencing at a point in the road about H
32 rods west of the southeast corner of the H
southwest quarter of section sixteen { 16) ) , H
town , three (3) ( ) , range twenty-seven (27) ( ) west 1 H
of the sixth Principal Meridian in Indianola H
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running - H
ning thence north by west down the canyon H
to intersect the bottom road on the Republi- j H
can river bottom and terminating thereat , has H
reported in favor of the location thereof as H
follows : Commencing at a point on the section - |
tion line forty rods west of the southeast corner - H
ner of the southwest quarter of section sixteen |
( i6j , township three (3) ) north , in range twen- fl H
ty-seven (27J ( west of the sixth Principal Me- H
rulian , thence north eighteen (18) ( ) degrees , H
west one hundred and two 1102 ] rods to intersection - B
section of the main traveled road on the Republican - H
publican river bottom and terminating there- ' j H
at , and all objections thereto or claims for H
damages must be hied in the county clerk's H
office on or before noon of the 16th day of ! H
April , A. D. 1S9S , or said road will be estab- H
lished without reference thereto. |
R. A. Green. County Clerk.
Carpet Laying , | f H
Carpet Cleaning. H
tSTl am still doing carpet laying , carpet 1
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See x HbB
or write me before giving such work. My • |
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at BbI
Tribune office. IULIUS KL'NERT. j H