The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1898, Image 7

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    " " "
Hc ' At an unction aulo of the cffcclu of
m a deceased woman In London the
M other day : t 8afe was pnrchascd by a
B man named Ponder. Behind ono of
m the compartmentij Mr. Ponder found
B Beenrltea to the value of $52,000. Buch
B f a discovery would cause most men to
M ponder as to the expediency of male-
H 1/ iiiK it known.
H * V Melons were grown by the old
H 9 Greeks and Romans and were carried
H * to America by Columbus. The water-
H melon Is native to Africa.
B > , Between 1871 and 185)1 ) nearly 2 , -
H W : 000,000 Germans left for their native
- And what it Jed to.
, 2 Tt ii not n cojnr'oi ; occurence that a
j friendly word should be the means of jiv-
\ I iiiK nearly lorly years of , happiness and
v health to tlicjicrson lieedlny. the advice it
carried. This was the case with Mary
I.injrnrd. At twenty-five she was dragging
out her days in misery. At sixty-one she
finds herself so active and .strong hhc can
do work that would j > hame many a younger
woman , and looks hack on thirty-six
happy , healthful years of industry , lint
let her tell her story :
"Thirty-six years ago I had great trouble
with my liver. The doctors allowed that
there were tumors growing on it , and they
I blistered my side in nu effort to give me
relief. I was at that time earning my
living ns a tailorcss , but for five years ,
between the pain in my side an 'd the
blisters I was in constant misery , and
• work was a drag to me , with no prospect
of relief ; fortunately for mc , however , a
friend advised mc to take Dr. Aycr's Sar-
haparilla.and finally persuaded me totake
a regular course of "it. When f fiist com
menced taking the Sarsaparilla my side
was so painful that I could not fasten my
dress , and for a time I did not get any
relief , but my friend advised mc to per
severe and lclief was sure to conic , and
come it did. This happened , as I say ,
thirty-six yearn ago. My liver has never
troubled me since , and during these years
T have passed through the most critical
period of a woman's life without any par
ticular trouble , and to-day. at sixty-one
years of age. I am active and strong , and
able to do a day's work that would upset
They arc telling this story in Lon
don about tne Countess Waldegrave ,
who was married four times : One
evening she appeared at the opera in
Dtiblin , during her fourth husband's
occupancy of the post of the chief sec
retary for Ireland. An audacious celt ,
catching sight cf her ladyship in one
of the boxes shouted out with real
Irish tcnerily"Lady Waldgrave ,
whicn of the four did you like best ? "
The countess was equal to the occas
ion. Without a moment's hesitation ,
she rose from her seat and exclaimed
enthusiastically : "Why , the Irish
man , of course" a remark which nat
urally "brought down the house. "
I Garlic came from Asia and has been
used since the airliest times. It
formed part of the diet of the Israel
ites in Egypt , was used by Greek and
Roman soldiers and AfnVan peasants.
There are 110 mountains in Colorado
rado , whose peaks are over 12,000 feet
above the ocean level.
Every one exaggerates the good he
does for his kin.
I y ' 'A Perfect Type of the Highest Order cf \
i \ Excellence in Manufacture. ' ' /
I \ 1 G& Breakfast |
\ Ml 'Hl Absolutely Pure , \
4 m \ mXl Delicious , i
> ij Nutritious. (
k f JOSSL8SSTfl3H6lEGEOT3 } 0lip. . > ;
m jj t lie sure that you get the Genuine Article , \
1 I \ made at DORCHESTER , MASS. by /
* II > WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. $
J > Established :7So. A
H 1 They catch
F i tarpon
H M 4. to G feet long- and weighing 100 to l. 50
BX lbs. all along- the Florida coast. This
L'fl in mid-winter , mind you. when Ne-
| H S bruska and Iowa are covered with
B H snow , and the thermometer is any
B H where from ten below to twentabove. .
\.wi Tt costs comparatively little Mo roach
B W jlnndi if you purchase tickets via the Hur-
ft < , H "lintrion route. Particulars at local ticKet
H H oilice or by writing
H B .7. Erancis , General Passenger Agent ,
H H | nnnrssifTba bcst nc < 1 Kop0 i-oo,1"p , for Ic
v K ElkiSSrSisivi > crFi-u- , < capfu1"iai'3 ' inclt"tHl- |
B K HlULSs lllUl Substitutes for Tinker. Samples
H M , It.e. tiik I'AV MANILLA ItUOmU CO. , < ' .OIIKN. > . J.
K' H ( * . an anu . ' .zenfs profits per month. Will provo
H H K * # L * Qj Pa it or pny forfeit. New ai tides jut out.
H H Jk Tr F Tk A Sl.0 > nmjle and terms free. Try us.
H B Cj ftj La fitCU1UKSTZU & SOS , "G liond Street , X. Y.
1 K .V U Late Friccipal Zzamicer TT. S. Pension Bureau.
V H M 3jts. in last w&r , 15 adjudicatics claims , atty. since
H H 0 wi ! 2& S quick relief ami cures worst
H nf " i rases. Send for book of testimonial * and lO days *
F * I A treatment Free. i > r.U.U.cuKU.\'ssONSAUtot3.0a.
Km. t M Best Cough Syrup. Ta. tea Good , use Pflj
Mm EeJ In time. Sold by druggists. gg
Governor Atkinson of Georgia , be
ing denounced by religious papcra for
luivinf ? .witneaficd a Mexican bull
fight on Sunday , unmvers : "As Sun
day is the only day on which bull
fighting oan bo witnessed In the CHy
of Mexico , and as the purpose of my
visit was to glean all I could of Mexi
can customs , I did not stand back on
conventionality. "
rrhla cabbage tlll grown wild In
Greece , wherei .It orlgincUed. Rad
ishes were native to China , but have
grown in Europe for centuries.
Two cupfuls of granulated sugar
weigh a pound.
many a younger woman. Kvcr since tny
recovery I have taken a couple of bottles
of Dr. Ayer's Snrsanarilla each spring , and
am quite smtihfieu that I owe my good
health to this treatment. I give this testimonial
menial puicly in the hope that : t may
meet the eye of some poor sufferer. "
Mary I.iNgakd , Woodbtock , Out.
Dr. Aycr's Sarsaparilla has won its -way
to every corner of the world by the praiie
of its friends ; those who have tried it and
who know they w.cre cured by the use of
the remedy. 1 here is nothing so strong
as this personal tc&timony. It thiows all
theories and fancies to the winds and
stands solidly upon the lock of experi
ence challenging every skeptic with a
" / kiiotr. " '
positive Aycr's Sarsaparilla
with its purifying and vitalizing action on
tile blood is a radical remedy for eveiy
form of disease that begins in tainted or
impure blood. Hence tumors , sores ,
ulcers , boils , eruptions and similar dis
eases yield promptly to this medicine.
Some cases are more stubboi n than others ,
but persistence with Dr. Ayei's Sarsapa
rilla usually results in a complete cure.
Mary Iingard begun with a bottle , crd
went on to a course ci" Dr. Avcr's Fnrssf.a.
rilla. When she was cured she icalized
that a medicine that could cure disease
could also prevent it. So she took a couple
of bottles each spring and kept in perfect
health. There are thousands of similar
cases on record. Some of these are
gathered into Dr. Ayer's Curebook , a little
book of lee pages which is scut frcebv the
J. C. Aycr Co. , Lowell , Mass. Write for it.
Why is an umbrella never used until
it is up ?
fraetico In tins United States I'atrnt
Olllcc * .
There are 35 principal examiners ,
an examiner of interferences and an
examiner of trade marks , and each is
practically a court. There is also a
hoard of examiners-in-chief , composed
of three men.
From the adverse decision of an
examiner , appeal may be made to the
examiner-in-chief upon payment of
$10. From the decision of the cxam-
iners-in-chief to the commissioner
upon payment of $20 , and from his
decision to the court of appeals of the
District of Columbia.
It is the duty of examiners in the
U. S. Patent Office to make objections
and refuse claims for patents as often
as they can find good reason for do
ing so , and the duty of an attorney to
overcome all objections raised if it is
possible to do so. An attorney who
does not know his rights and invent
ors' rights and lacks the patience ,
ability and courage to prosecute
claims , in other words maintain bis
rights , regardless of the time and
labor required to do so , is not such
an attorney as an inventor should
employ to secure a patent.
Valuable ! information sent to in
ventors free. Iowa Patent Office , Des
Moines , February 21 , 189S. Thomas G.
and J. Ralph Orwig , solicitors.
Why doesn't some genius invent a
safety accordion for beginners ?
Rev. Mary A. Hillis the noted Evangelist
writes : "I gladly give my tostiniony to
the healing properties of Dr. Kay's Luug
Balm. My son had a terrible cou li every
winter for five years and he took dozens of
bottles of the leading cough medicines but
nothing seemed to help him or quiet his
cough. But two 25 cent boxes of Dr. Kay's
Lung Balm has cured him , and it has also
been a great relief to other members of
my family when afflicted with colds. "
Wo are positive that Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm and also Dr. Kay's Renovator have
no equals. If you have any disease write
us and give your symptoms and our physi
cian will send free advice and a valuable
GS page book with r > (3 ( recipes and giving
symptoms and various methods of treat
ing nearlj * all diseases. We will also send
a free sample of Dr. Kay's Lung Balm or
Dr. Kay's Renovator. Address Dr. B. J.
Kay Medical Co. , ( Western Oilice ) Omaha ,
Why don't they remove the scales
from the eyes of justice if she is blind ?
SEATTLE , unquestionably best and
cheapest starting point and outfitting sta
tion for Alaska and Klondike , does not asker
or advise you to go , but you will find
Seattle's facilities , stocks and experience
unsurpassed and prices the very lowest.
Washington state has Klondikes of its own.
Seattle is the chief city. Strangers are
protected by Public Comfort Bureau. Ad
dress Chamber of Commcrce.Seattie , Wash.
Why doesn't a trained skirt know
enough to keep out of the mud ?
Doubles tlio Pleasures of a Drive.
A fine carriage doubles the pleasure
of driving. Intending buyers of car
riages can save dollars by sending for
the large , free catalogue of the Elk
hart Carrriage and Harness Manufact
uring Co. , of Elkhart , Ind.
Why is the hired girl of foreign
birth called a domestic ? '
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. iiOc.Sl. All druggists.
Already nine-tenths of the trad'i of
Bangkok is in English hands.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word • 'CASTORIA. " and
I , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Hyan"is. Massachu
setts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S CAS
TORIA , " the same that has borne and does now
bear the fac-simile signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" whicn has
been used in the homes of the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and sec that it is "the kind you
have always bought , " and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my name
except The Centaur Company of which Chas.
H. Fletcher is President-
March 8 , 1S T. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D.
Why doesn't the person who eats too
much angel cake feel angelic ?
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes , 20 for 5 eta.
Mjoiit > a I'ar with tlio "Ulnclc Ileilo"
of CHlrtittn.
The other ( Jay a pi I oner was bro.ight
io the bar in one of the federal courts
.if Indian territory. He was told that he
rouhi have his choice of a jail or a pen
itentiary sentence. "Judge , " said he ,
"let me go to the penitentiary. For
God's sake , don't send me back to that
jail. " At Ardmore the space between
two brick buildings Is inclosed by walls
across -the front and rear of the lot.
A roof partially covers the inclosure.
The gable ends are open and a driving
rain or snow storm wets the Interior.
The mud of the dirt floors is often
ankle deep. Such Is one of the United
States jails of the territory. Under this
shed and in the mud the federal pris
oners awaiting trial are herded by
guards , who patrol the front and rear
day and night. At South McAlester is
the second of these national disgraces.
It is a stone building 50 feet wide by
about 80 feet long. The sides of the
building are without openings of any
kind. In one end is a door. In the
opposite end arc two windows. The
only air that can enter is by the door
and the two windows. Men and women
prisoners are confined in this stone
building. Recently the number thus
housed was 17G. The smell which
comes from the interior is such that
few persons can approach the door
without being sickened. At Muscogee
is the third of the territory jails. A
fire destroyed the old building in use
and a new structure , crude for such
purposes , but a marked improvement
on the other two jails , is now in use.
These three places , two of them with
out counterparts in the whole country ,
are employed to hold between 700 and
800 prisoners , either awaiting trial or
under sentence. They are the only jails
for a population of 300,000 white pee
ple. After the first of the year the
federal courts Avill supersede the In
dian courts and the three jails may
serve as well for the Indian popula
tion. To keep the 700 or 800 prisoners
within these "black holes" the United
States pay $ -10,000 a year to jailers and
keepers. The course of the govern
ment toward Indian territory has been
reprehensible ' in many respects. There
is nothing , however , which calls mere
loudly for reform than these horrible
makeshifts for prisons.
Drove tlio Old Gentleman When He
rnraueil tlio Eloping Couple.
"As long as my employer lives , " said
the big workman to the Detroit Free
Press man. "I'm sure of just as fine a
dinner for Thanksgiving as the markel
affords. "
"Invited to his house ? "
"No , of course not. He has too
much sense to set me down to a table
with a lot of the upper crust. I'd feel
like crawling under the board and
could no more eat than if I was gagged
and handcuffed. He sends the stuff to
the house , and we never get it all clos
ed out much before Christmas. "
"Does he treat all his men that
way ? "
"Couldn't afford it. He has hundreds
of them , you know. But me and him
had what he calls an escapade a good
many years ago. You know , I was a
coachman for old Grinder. He had a
daughter , the prettiest woman in the
state , and with spirit enough to lead
an army. My present boss fell in love
with her and she with him. Grinder
fairly kicked the roof off the house and
told me to do the same with the young
boss if I ever caught him on the prem
ises. But , to begin with , I'd do any
thing on earth for my young mistress.
Then I was in love with her maid and
she- told me mighty plain that if I took
sides with old Grinder against his
daughter I'd have to go away from
home to do my courting. It was a
warm Thanksgiving day when the
young folks planned to elope. The
mistress wanted me to drive them , but
I told her in a meanin' way like that
I better drive the old gentleman when
he took up the chase. She saw the
point and told me not to hurt him se
"Sure enough , when Grinder heard
the girl had slipped away after dinner ,
he was a cyclone. Away we went in a
light buggy with a fast horse. On the
creek bottom road I managed an upset
and dragged him through slush and
mud for a quarter of a mile. He was
mad enough to murder some one. but
he was too proud to own he was beat
en , so he forgave the young folks and
set the boss up in business. "
Former Seaport > 'ow Far Inland.
In the eleventh century Sandwich was
the most famous English seaport. It
is now , however , two miles inland , ow
ing to the sea receding.
Freshman Certainly it is impropei
to kiss a girl of 10 years ; but even if
it wasn't , what's the use ?
Housekeeper We cannot tell you
what is good for moths without know
ing what is the matter with them.
Quaker You lose the bet. A quill
pen was used in writing the declaration
of independence , not William Penn.
Piscatory Your idea of using a
lightning rod when fishing for electric
eels is good , but your judgment is
somewhat freckled.
Kickapoo We have looked up and
down several authorities , but can find
nothing that relates to moccasins ever
having been made on the Last of the
Pennibbs Yes , employ a steno
grapher by all means. You have dis
covered how badly you write and a
stenographer will enable you to learn
how badly you think.
The Monitor , n , newspaper published at
Mcatord , Ont. , Canada , first discovered this
case two yeurs ago , and published it at
Length , which now soetus , owing to the
cure of it , to be a miracle , . Th6 facts were
so remarkable that many people doubted
the truth of them. They said : "It is too re
markable ; it cannot possibly be true : the
paper is mistukou , und the mau. although
ho may think himself cured , will soon ro-
lap8o into his former condition , * ' etc. , etc.
The accuracy of its report called in ques
tion , the Monitor determined to find out
definitely whether the fucts wore as stated
and whether the man would really xton
cured. They accordingly kept a close
watch on the case for two jjcnrn after the
! or/ .
| p _ < X < A g gl Z ? - Dollars ! iHH
* ' 1 * 1
first article appaired , and have just now
published another article about it in which
the orlijliutl rrports ur > : compUtUij ri.i ijial.thc
cure h : permanent , and then puoUxIi a foe
simile of the check oivin hy tlirinadian Mu
tual r.ifc Association for $1(150.00 amount of to
tal ( iisahililii claim paid l > u lliem to Mr. Pet eh.
The first account stated that the patient
fseo address below ) had been a paralytic for
five years.thut there was such a total lack
of feeling in his limbs and body , that a pin
run full length could not be ielt ; that he
could not walk or help himself at all ; for
two years ho was not dressed furthermore
thatho was bleated was for that reason al
most unrecognizable , and could not get his
clothes on. The paralysis was so complete
astoaffectthofneeandprevented him lrom
A copy of the new edition of Miss
Parloa's Choice Receipts will be sent
postpaid to any of our readers who
will make application by postal carder
or note to Walter Baker & Co. , Limit
ed , Dorchester , Mass.
Coe'n CourIi "BJalssim
I.t tlie olilc.t nmi bestIt will liicak up a co'd quicker
than aij tiling i'Im : . It isalwaia reliable Trar It.
Muskets were first used in 1-114 by
the French arm v.
3Irs. Window's .Soothing : Syrup
Tinrliildi cut fctliintf.s-of tentlieitiiii .it'ilui c * inflam
mation , allaj ? pain , chips , vin < ! coli < - . 2. icent. aliottlt. - .
The older a man gets , the more of a
fool he thinks a boy is.
A Handsome Metal I'api'f Cutter ami
Itook Mark Combined.
Sent free of postage under sealed rover
er on receipt of ten cents in silver
or stamps. The latest , best and most
serviceable adjunct to every library
and office. Address Geo. IT. Heafl'ord ,
410 Old Colony Building , Chicago , 111.
Don 't credit yourself with brains be
cause you are homely.
Educate Your ISowcIs Willi Cascarcts.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c , oc. If U.C.C fail , druj istsrefund 'iiouey.
Speaking of the late President Cat-
tell of Lafayette college , the Phila
delphia Press says : "A general win
ning personality , the dead divine de
voted the midule period of his life ,
thirty years m all , to the cau e of
education , in this period , by reason of
ability to command the attention of
the young and win the confidence of
he influential his fame is largely con
nected with his developement of La
fayette college , which , under his con
trol , prospered as never before and
became one of the leading institu
tions of the state. "
A young woman in Chicago sup
ports herself by caring for other pee
ple's birds and liowers. She goes
daily from house to house , feeding
and watering pet birds and cleaning
their cages. She then turns her atten
tion to the plants and window boxes ,
cleansing leaves and giving a dose of
fertlizer when needed , and in other
ways keeping her feathered and lioral
patients in excellent condition.
A modern philosopher says there
are people who declare that they hate
a thief , but who will borrow umbrel
las and books and never return them.
We always wonder at this time of
the year where the flies come from.
openinghtK mouth sulllcioutly wide to take
bolid food. Tbedoctors called the disease spi
nal sclerosis , and all said he could notlivu.
For three years ho lingered in this con
dition. Then bv some friends he was ad
vised to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. Ho took them and there was
a slight change. The first tiling noted was
a tendency to sweat freely. This showed
there was some life loft in his helpless body.
Next came a little feeling in his limbs.
This extended , followed by pricking sousa-
tions.until at last the blood began to course
freely , naturally and vigorously through
his body , and the helplessness gave way
to returning strength , the ability to walk
returned , and licims restored to hits old time
The above is the substance of the first
article published by the Monitor. Now fol
low some clippings , taken from the same
paper two years afterward , and there is not
the slightest shallow of doubt , in view of
this testimony , thaMr. . Petch's euro is
permanent. Iloro follows the account :
On being ngain questioned , .Mr. fetch
said : "You see those hands theskinis now
natural and elastic. Once they were hard
and without sensation. You could pioruo
theui Avitb a pin and L would notfcelit.and
what is true of my hands is true of the rest
of my body. Perhaps you have observed
that I have now even ceased to use a cane ,
and can get about my business perfectly
well. You may say I lure is al > solitliln w >
doubt an to mil cure lieimj pi r mane id. Indt i d
* *
| Exactly What You Want. |
\ The day for nauseating nostrums - ' •
§ trums is past. People now }
5 want a laative that is purely •
vegetable , gentle but positive g
% of action , pleasant to the taste , C
5 non-griping , antiseptic , convenient - S
venient to carry , at a popular 5
5 price. The only one combin- j
5 ing all these desirable qualities -
? ities is
\ mm I
\ enuBTic i
i 1
5 A booklet and cample free for the asking , {
5 or you can buy a box for 10c , 25c. 50c , at 5
J your drug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 70 k
i Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. NewYork.
( i n TA D fl P > Sold and guaranteed to cure To
ilU ° IU-BM& bacco Habit by all druKw'Ists
PnnCO RV S * S F S ? S3Qy ls thc most concentrated and powerful fpcriGe known.
UU3IE.U Ui " " < * rA * • * B < * Viee from o | > intes and perfect ! } harmless , .i-nef 13
--iirt rT rf\ \ usually felt the vciy first nifrht. We have letters or grateful piai-efrcmi tlioasundji
( S S-lSJiJJK' v.ho have Leen cured by " 3 UROPS , * ' and who recommend it t MifTeiers.
r _ 5f J P f5 = ! S5j5 Swanson Itheumatic Cure Co. , Chicago. Gentlemen write thl * lo Inform
Sr awa hITX SJ you n" , : ow mui-l " 00 < 1 J " "r • ! > IJKOPS" is dolnsmy hiuband. Ho 1 < tslin > ; the
illnaufl iSiFfe l t'ccou' ' bottle now and 1 improving eiery day. When he bfjraii t take it he aa
y. JJiai g. , ? aKJ2y = gii Milfeun a trruat deal witli Klicuntatism ami Heart Trouble , nrak.
. XfKSStk jfJjSaWH ncss ire his limbai.d al-o had ttornacli trouble , had no appetite , and cnuM not
&P& 5 ite $ $7 wall. ht.lf a mile without Ills lcp > beimr so t > tifT that when he at down hejuld
Kays' J3&y hardly tret uini ain. Now , 1 r.m happy tn tell you be Is like a new man , and
Kjg-rfP2 > > 1' can walk without any ] iam. If your medicine cures him it will euro anyone , for
r r ZT • - ho has bad Kbeumatihin for forty years and will be se\enty jears " old the
TTrade Man.j ] 0th or tills month. He has cained ten pounds since he bejran taLin your
" 5 DROPS. " 1 cannot thank 3 ou enough 1 or what your'-3 DROPS" has done for him for I don't think
he would hive been alive to-dav if it had not been for " I DROPS. " I advise all suffering being * to
bctreati'tl with your " 5 BKOI'S. " for Jt is a boon to mankind , illr. .IcrJon will tend testimonial
menial later on , . Yburs gratefull > , Maby 1" . JokikiX , Rridfjeport , Ala. , January 5 , U' 'S.
Swanson Rheumatic ( ure Co. . Chicago. Dear Sirs Enclosed plea e llnd money onier. for which plains
Fend me order of " 5 DitOl'5. " 1V can recommend your " 5 DBOl'S" very highly. My lm - ,
band hail Rh-umatitm of the Heart fo bid he could not lie down in bed to tli ep. nnd wai bloatt-d fo bad he j
could not button oi-y of his elothes. and before a S.1 cent trial bottle was gone he could lie down and
tieep as well as a person in perfect health , and could button his clothes as ceod asvcr. . I could tell you of
different cates of headache and numbness and sleeplessness , but it sppulcs for itsel I. |
Respectfullj , Jlns. O. S. Flower , Ruleton , Kansas .lasury S. 1303. 1
" . ' . DROPS" cures Rhcimiatl ni.Soiatica.XcuralKla.Tlyspepsia. ISarkachc. Asthma , Hay '
Fever , Catarrh. Sleeplessness , Nervousness. Nervous ami > euralcic Headaches. Karache.
Toothache , Heart Weakness , Croup , Swelling. La Grippe , Malaria , Creeping Numbness.
PAR TUIDTV tlAVQ I ftVPCB to enable sufferers to cive " 5 DROPS" at least a trial , r.e will send u
lUn In ( ii I I UAIO sample bottle , prepaid by mail , for 25 cents. A sample bottle will con
vince you. Also , large bottles (300 do. et ) St.00. 3 bottles for 12.50. Not sold by druggists , only by usr.ud
our agentAtrentH wanted in new territory. "Write in to-day.
SVr 'ANSON KIIEUMATIU CUKE CO. , 107-109 Dearborn St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
I am in even letter health than when 1 garc M
lion H
"Do you xtill attribute your euro to tlio |
use of Dr. William * ' i'inlc Tills f" u ! ; ed the H
" Uuqttesitionably i do , " the reply. |
"Doctons had failedns had nlriothoumiitir- H
our remedies recommended by my friends. H
Nothing I took ladtliusii.ditontoll' ( upon H
1110 until I began the use of Dr. Williams' |
Pink Tills. To thin wonderful mcdielnc I j H
one my release from the llclnu death. 1 Iiavo H
Hiiico recommended these pilta to many of H
my friends , and the verdict is always in H
their favor. 1 shall always bless thu day H
1 was to j H
Such is thu history of ouo of the most H
remarkable cases of modern times. Can any H
0110 say. in the face of such testimony.Unit H
Dr. Williams' I'/nl ; l'ills are not entitled to H
the careful consideration of nny snlleriiig ; H
man. woman or child' Is not the case H
truth a miracle of modern medicine' H H
To make the evidence complete we publish H
above a fac simile cut of the check received H
by Mr. Petcl : from the Canadian Mutiiai j H f
Lite Association , being the amount due him H
for total disability. Itisuniieeeshary loadd H
that this life inmiraucc association did not H
pay this large amount of money to Mr. H
l'etch , except after the most careful exnni- H H
inatiou of his condition by their medical B
experts. They ii' ' . t have regarded him H
Mr. Tetch's address isns followKeuben H
Fetch , Ciricrsvillc. ( bit. , Canada. |
1 I ' "W H
• \ /Jr V- - Tv _ _ ' ' " tut have sold direct to the con- I H
\v $ l\ i ? ? * sumcr fur iljcara at whole- t > SvW/5 j&tyjj P H
ll * T L 1 \ if'v * sale "inces. savicj ; lura the V-j " iii a ? pa * - . 1
I ) \ / / I } ? Surrey. . $ . . < ) toir > . Carna-K / Vv > Y\ / x/vAi \ > / / H
CS . > * "C = r ACt Jf > * - - ft * . Pnactons , Traps , WapmOi2 f \ y \ > \ > ' 1 1
- . '
J3 ittss , Spring-Uoeil and JIilI ; J j r -1 y. ' M
So.77. Surrey IUraMJ. Price , tl6.00.Wagons. . Send fur large , lrta > :0 COCSurrcj. Pricr. withctirta.m , H
A3 good ai sells ror { 23. Catalogue of alt ourstjics. ehede , cproa and lenders , tCU. AigwilaisciU for { W. H
iici-jtdifitVj r/r i rttc : itiBrircfirialfitiii ! tiiiticririiri SMr rfioriC3fi * cittr > I B
-iQa 30oc ott > 34 Masto < > * c9icM > o4ro'MiCooe < > o3 5G s-c-scoc 3oer s ie cccor ac a ( ac i > 3 2fr A > M - H
% l FREE ADVICE hy our lMiyhician and a FREE SAIY3PLE i i H
2 of our medicine and a GS p.iye Free Itook treating all di-ca-c- 11 Ii .IO ciccllcut * ; : JB s" i k
Cgg j ecipes are some of the reasons why you hliould m rite us. \ i Mi B
pIS Cures the very worst eases of Dyspepsia. Constipation , Headache , I.Iver and XS : i M
iZZ Kidney diseases. Send for proof of It. Wo Ouuruiitec It. V , nte us about IS ; A l
- idl of your symptoms. Dr. Kay's licrovntor i- > sold by druggists , or cent SS ; i l H
> 6 bv mail on receipt of price , 25 cents and SI.00. • ; H
JS Address Dr. S. J. KAY MEDiCAL CO. , fV/ssto. Office ) Omaha , Neb. iz : j M
TRY ' ' |
| w. N. U. OMAHA. NO. IO. 1S98. H
j v'Hic-i Aasiveridij Advertisements iitndlv v H
I Mention This Taper. * |
fir Saber's S is are Warranted to Proila ; ? . V H
t2j r. . M'alt. . r I.cKaTvti , ! Pu. . atonI hc l thcwirlt w | & H
3J l.v 5rowiiig2MI < is htrt t aiztr h corn. J. Hrei'l r , ? % ri M
i ES * 'U i'irate , M'is. . 173 liush l.arlcj , aa < ! I' . Hianot. 5 * } H
i Sr4 Ittndaha , I'.ita , l > r ioirnI'M l.u.h. . - .ilzer s o a Ojig H
' BJ ln re. If rou'toaot. writctkem. ffewishtojjm MPj * H
S X-0.0 l0 new cu trracr' * . hence wn ! send on trial K S |
im IO DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c. &jj | H
Ki'l 1 ! pi- " > f 'arc f. < rra c-.H. Hog Pea , Sand Yeteh. flkrj H
fg * iOi. . triiu-at. ' S'leep IUic. Jcruui > m Corn ct = . , inm B
| Wf& rlailinjourininiii.0111 Srni fatatos'ie , tcliins all ffia H
I Wc4 a ! jot the jMWiictJ 11. ircsfcr best nani < * for oorgrf H
I ifcink new inarvi'lona corn and oats , "Prodi/i" * , " JKfl' 1
T V also sample of Sam * * , all mailed jou upon JStfr H
< Kjttecei.t ! of but lUeo tae , positlrely ASfTf li i H
% l < i"ivortuSlO. . loft-i'Urt 100.000 bbls. j/UXW H
1iSSWy. Beed I'otittot-n at5 abt > l. J&W 1
35 ' * irli " > t egCiaLIe
\28lftt. IllvS' jjff&lr H
' PIc Etl KilBfe > ! * ' " l S S Cataloc |
BPinl thu < ftR5/gtea = 9as ftt aloneCc. H
adv. alone. S SSfi Kc iv.e. 1
( an UrKcly Iiifrca.-o th * < r Inromc by piaclns thPlr |
act-ounts fit lnv lianil1 * . i'iv * ntv ynar"t Wall 'tn-et H
evperienrr * . In niMlii n to reliable inside inforiiiH- |
tion , enables ne i ach lfou inniui i-essfniiy. H
Write for partlfular.- h.c h are tniere-"n ' the e j H
haiInsmoney ti > in.e -r. CllAKI/PIS HL'GJJJIS , M
[ ' " .B
Ladies Wanted .
< & % * * * > & TO TlVKI. . for old crah.shr- ! hou-e. * H
ppnnanent po-itn > n. SH > per month an'lH een * e * . . H
V. \ \ . 7.1 KUI.KK . ' . < ( KS IHarhorntreer c lib a * . - . . . H
if will pay mimmm I
• „ . . enu h , . - . aililre- * . < > n i. t > .1. X. . STJIA . | H
* "eu aril. 111. . ' r'ree . ir. 11 .ir 1 iifirjrih. . iiio- , B
1im.ii.uic prolltao -iraitu 1 : .nil .in fti-f , , . • jm.Iim : j H
• f r.n ln liamlim' * tee1 / „ i.d Keei > n 1 .itt < • M
knou 11 to h'i buuiJiien. j H
@jSbCH@ Garden & Fiov/er 'M
JAMES J. H. CREGORY &S0h\Marbieh eadif.la55.
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent.
1425 New York Aver.tte. WASHINQTON , D. C.
/ /'cUIiESX Ufo Big G for unnatural
f M iolto5d j . \ uischargc3 , inilanimation" . H
f/rr-f Osmatrte. } J irritationi or ulcerations H
f /o / " ' " * I"I' " : * - of mucon * membrane' } .
1 * 1 enu c03U5uo1'aiulcsg. . and not astrm-
t"o i\TH \'iSCri ICAlC0. gi'nt or poisonous.
VCINCl' < TI10.L j Sold by Brajrsriila ,
V C. S. a. 7 P or pent In plain wrapper ,
kt Xfc SA I Sl > express , prepaiil. for
'i W' * " 0p l Jm."r3botte , ! < ? , * 2.T5.
' V * * * * tV Circular Bent ou rctjucsi