/ " " * " * ' " " ' * * \ * _ f- n i i iitil' i m i i I < in • mil in nf. < , , i in _ _ _ I _ _ - _ _ _ _ H 4 v ' _ H HI I t What is _ _ l ? : vHI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ K _ _ _ ' 1 _ _ _ Hf A Z B I I I h4 1 f --B iaL P7 P m _ _ _ _ _ W J v _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ fl 'j < J _ _ Hi _ Hi _ _ ta _ _ _ _ HMlfel _ _ hillHMHHHK _ H _ _ _ ' 1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants H and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor m other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute H for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil * H ! j It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by H - Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays H | fevcrishncsaCastoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , H j cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves H teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. B Castori- assimilates the food , regulates the stomach 1 and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. CasH - H toria i _ the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. I Castoria. * > " Castoria la an excellent nil iHH'n for chll- \ I _ ren. 3IoUicra have rorx _ ta ! . i .d me of its I ' good effect upon their children. * ' ! , D. . . G. C. Ooood , | I " Lowell , Mass. " v. iStoria Is the be t remedy for children of i j # hick I um acquainted. I kopj .oday is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria In- I stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Do. J. F. Ktxchelok , Conway , Ark. The Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , New York City. m i - _ gi H I KLONDIKE ! What doeit c isi to get there ? When ami how should one go ? What should • oue lake ? Where are the niim- > ? How much have they produced ? Is work plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is * - ? Whataieone'schances * 5 living-expensive of " . s'rikt- ? " "m.tking a 4-25-98 I Complete and saltsfactorv replies lethe the above questions will he found in the Burlington Route's " Klondike Folder , " 1 now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klou- ' ' dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket " offices.or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J Francis , Gen'l Passenger Aijent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. Mr. F. C. Helbig , a prominent druggist of Lynchburg , Va. , says : ' One of our citizens was cured of rheumatism of two I ' years standing by one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Halm. This liniment is I . famous for its cures of rheumatism ; thousands - * - ' ands have been delighted with the * " • , prompt relief which it affords. For sale bv McConnell McConnt-ll's Balsam rures coughs. California Excursions Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 : p.m. , Lincoln 6:10 : p. m. , Hastings 8:50 : p. in. and McCook at 11:40 : p. m. , ev ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route -through Denver and Salt Lake City. Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex perienced conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing out ob jects of interest and in many other ways helding to make the overland trip a de lightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5 For folder giv ing full information , cad at nearest Bur lington Route ticket office , or write to J. Francis , General Passenger Aeent , Oma ha Nebraska. . , f 4-25-98. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinii eTablets All druggists refund the iiioiih if it fails to cure 25c THE MONARCH CHA1NLESS. . 1 & Bicycle Gearing Absolutely Hew , .Hovel , and Practical , I m I - In their indiscriminate haste to an- H M I nounce the making of chainless wheels , H 1 some manufacturers have tumbled over H m I ach other in the endeavor to be in front. m I I To be in front is a spasm , to "keep in H 111 front "is sustained energy. To utter a H III truism is one thing , to live up to it is B III -another. _ H I ll ' - ie sPirifc ° f tne aphorism of the _ H I II -Monarch Cycle Manufacturing Com- 1 I II pany , " Bide a Monarch and Keep in H I II -Front , " is well illustrated in its latest 1 [ I product , The Monarch Chainless. Alive H H j I to the times , the company will prom - m i j ] duce a chainless bicycle which has been H I 11 proven by repeated tests to be superior , H | J I in its c ass.m every particular. Hlfl 11 ' wo surflces that will roll on each _ _ IH ll other will transmit motion from one to | H 11 the other. If the surfaces are compar- 1 1 Si IB atively smooththe , motion is transmit- VI II ted by friction. But , when the surfaces H Hi IS are Provided with projections , the mo- H fll tion , although itis unchanged in nature , 1 l | is transmitted by direct pressure , and H 9SH it is irregular unless the acting surfaces m. illof the projections are carefully and H JlSl exactly shaped to produce an even mo- HlnHH tion. It is the difficulty which is ex- Hh | | fl perienced to produce these perfect pro- 1 ( 911 jections , when bevel gears are used , Mttl which leads the experienced mechanic 1 awav from them. Long experience in Bl Sewing Machine manufacture has 1 taught the Monarch Company that | whatever transmission was used , bevel | gears were not to be considered if easy | running was to be thought of. The H result has been a driving gear which is H B excellent in its easy running qualities. H H The mechanism is simple. The crank | axle and hub gears somewhat resemble i | the familiar sprocket wheels , the notice- 1 B able difference being the teeth which 1 H are closer together and y shape in cross < | section instead of four sided. . The 1 VflVflVI shaft connecting the two is provided at f H cacl end with a pinion having roller 1 H pin teeth which run in and out of the . < H wide ancle open ' mcr between the gear i teeth. Each set of gears is enclosed 1 Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A. Abchkr , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " United Hospital , a. . * . Iumpcnsart , Boston , Mass. ArxEt * C. Surra , Pres. , but should they from any cause be ex posed the action of the pin teeth is such that they are self-cleaning , forcing mud and dirt out from between the teeth. One of the chief objections urged against chainless wheels by mechanics is that should the rear frame become twisted or out of line , there would be a consequent binding of the mating gears. The Monarch chainless is entirely free from this objection inasmuch that the junction of the pinions and gears form a type of the ball and socket joint , thereby permitting free running under the conditions usually met with in = bicycle riding. A particular advantage which this gear has , and which gives it the highest efficiency , is the direct lift as against the end thrust which is common - mon to all bevel gearing. This end thrust is a prominent factor in friction and frame strain. Another point to be counted in favor of the Monarch gear is , that it is not of delicate construction although com paratively light in weight. As stated by Grant , the wellknownau- thorityongears , "Thepingearisparticu- larly valuable when the pins are made in ( the form of rollers for then the minimum b of friction is reached. " The friction _ between the tooth and pin , otherwise a sliding : friction at a line bearing is. with a ; roller pin , a rolling friction. When ( properly made , there is no form of tooth that is superior to the roller pin tooth. 1 While the Monarch company is war ranted 1 from the study of experts , in F placing ; its chainless machine on the a market 1 as the best type of that class , - its faith in the chain wheel is in no way " diminished. It will continue to keep J them in the forward ranks of that type of bicycle which is yet the choice of the majority of the people. In line with the general policy of the Monarch com pany , the price of its chainless will be p S100.00 , which will give a complete line , n including chain machines , ranging from 2 this price to 840.00. _ * 1 ' 1 I I. L ' I I' ' II 1 I I II MrimiWIt > ! Htf I III 'I ' i ll " ' ' ' " " ' " ' " \ t " m II I 111 I Burlington Route. To Portland , Ore. , without change of cars. Through tourist sleeping qars , in charge of special excursion manngers and accompanied by unifoimed Pullman porters ters , leave Kansas City every Thursday morning for Portland , Ore. They run over the Burlington Route to Denver , D. & R. G. Ry , ( Scenic Ltne ) to Ogden , Oregon Short Line and O R & N. Co. to destination. A lay-over of ten hours is made at Salt Lake City , giving passengers all opportunity to become ac quainted with oue of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world. Travelers destined to Portland or any other Pacific northwest point should join these weekly excursions This they can do at any point at which trains stop There is no cheaper or more comfortable way to make the trip The cars have all the conveniences of palace sleeping cars , " acking only their elaborate finish Second end class tickets are accepted. Berth- rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5. For tickets and full information call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. For Sale. A pedigreed Jersey bull. Call on or write to C. A. W'ASSON , McCook , Nebraska. It is singular that farm poultry , which finds a place on nearly every one of the 5,000,000 farms in the country , should , until now , have had no representative paper , poultry being , almost without ex ception , published tu the interests of the fancier and exhibitor. The Poultry Far mer , however , which has recently been established at Des Moines , Iowa , has changed this , and in it farm poultry , grown to pay grocery and dry goods bills , finds a practical and truly representative paper. It should lie read on every farm where a chick "peeps" and a hen scratch es for it. It is just what the farmer and farmers' wives and daughters who "keep chicken ? , " and sell the eggs and meat they produce , have long needed , for it is made expresslj' to meet their wants. It is onlv 50 cents a year. The February number is just out , and every reader of this paper can get a free sample copy by addressing The Poultry Farmer , Des Moines , Iowa. Don't annoy others by your coughing , and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup , grippe , and all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen. The Tribune and The New-York Tribune for $ r.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. The Tribune and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs Cuticular soap t McMillen's ; 15c. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was mauc for. No 1 ice of Sale Under Agister's Lien. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an a-jister'sjien for the pasturage and keeping of one bay mare about six years old , from the 26th day of May , 1894 , until this date , and of one bay horse colt coming two years ohl , from the 1st day of December , 1896 , to this date , under contract with Frank P. Allen , owner of said stock , on which is now due the sum of S55and affidavit setting forth the description of said stock and the amount due for the feeding and keeping of said stock having been filed in the office of the county clerk of this county , being the county where said stock was fed and kept , on the 7th day of February , 1S98,1 will sell the property above described , at public auction at the residence of W.N.Rogers in Willow Grove precinct , Red Willow county , on the 10th day of March , 1898 , at two o'clock , p. m. , of said day. Said sale will be for cash m hand. Dated Feb. 17,1898. W. N. Rogers. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Notice of Sale Under Agister's Lien. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an agister's lien for the pasturing and keeping of one dark bay horse about six years old and one light bay horse about six years old , from the 15th day of September , 1895 , unt'l this date , under an implied contract with one John Doe , true name unknown , owner of said stock , on which is now due the sum of S28 , and affida vit setting forth the description of said stock and the amount due for the feeding and keep ing of said stock having been filed in the office of the county clerk of this county , being the county where said stock was fed and kept , on the 7th day of February , 1898 , I will sell the property above described at public auction at the residence of W. N. Rogers in Willow Grove precinct in Red Willow county on the 10th day of March , 1898 , at two o'clock , p. m. , of said day. Said sale will be for cash in hand. Dated Feb. 17,1898. W. N. Rogers. JOHN E. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. 85 ? Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear 1 of First National bank. . J. B. BALLARD , # DENTIST , a All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith 8c Bellamy , assistants. iMRS. E. E. UTTERj MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano ' , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. SfStudio Opposite Postoffice. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. FRANCIS E. DIVINE. CANCER DOCTOR , McCook , Nebraska. Et l guarantee a cure.No cure , no pay. Write me at above address , or call at my home in Coleman precinct. BIG MONEY FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS. Easy , pleasant , profitable work. Genteel , permanent business in your own town or ' neighborhood. Write for particulars. 2-iS-5t D. O. Cowen , ] 2557 15th St. , Denver , Colo. , . . - _ * • " ' " ' 1 n. m I I l | " M .M.r , , , , 1 " * * ' - fcw . , n - - - ffcw iT.-i r 1IT I 1 1 l 11 t 1 - THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her , ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness , and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner , without such violent protest in the way of Nausea , Headache , Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend , " and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady , the mother of three children , who suffered greatly in the birth of each , who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth conGnement. and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and h > ss painful. " John G. Polhili. , Macon , Qa. $1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drug : Stores , or cent by express on receipt of price. RflflK Containing invaln.iblo information of rrrr interest to all women , will bo sent to rilCC any adilrrs3 upon application , by The bradfield regulator co. , Atlanta , Ga. It is not often that a physician recom mends a patent medicine ; when he does , you may know that is a yood one. Dr J P. Cleveland , Glasgow , Va , writes : I have used Chamberlain's Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy in my prac tice and it has proven to lie an excellent remedy , where a thorough course of med icine has failed with me. I recommend it to my patients every time for colic and diarrhoea " Manv other physicans rec ommend and use this reuiedv , because it always cures and cures quickly. Get a bottle and you will have an excellent doctor in the house , for all bowel com plaint's , both for children and adults. For sale by LV. . McConnell. We are anxious to do a little good in this world , and can think of no pleasanter - anter or better way to do it than by rec ommending Oue Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia , consump tion , and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. A. McMillen. After vears of untold suffering from piles , H W. Pursell , of Kuitnersville , Fa , was cured by using a Mngle box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin dis eases , such as eczema , rash , pimples and obstinate sores , are readily cured by this famous remedy. A. McMillen. A thrill of terror is experienced when the brassy sound of croup sound- , through the house at night But the terror soon changt s to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been administered Sale and harmless for children. A. McMillen There are three little things which do niore work than any other three little things created they are the ant , the bee , and DeWitt's LittleE'irly Risers , the last being the famous little pills for stomach and 'iver ' tr. > u' ' les. A.McMillen. What pleasure is there in life with a headache , constipation , and biliousness ? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills. A. McMillen. Whooping cough is the most distress- iug malady ; but its duration can be cut short bv the use of One Minute Cough Cure , which is also the best known remedy - edy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles A. McMillen. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ALL WOMEN J JNE-TENTHS ofi - - - = g- JT-1 all the pain w&h tits * andsicknessfrom 54JVTs 'which women Sj j Sl suffer Is caused &MmE M [ \ by weakness or Jflft/jX * derangement in J XtS ' the organs of A ffltjjjjpj menstruation. | jawWj | , Nearly always SnBBKL _ iS5 when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troubles. " It * is equally effective for the girl In i her teens , the young v/ife with do mestic and maternal cares , and the woman approaching the period j known as the " Change of Life. " They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. I 0 Mj For advice in cases requiring special jj dlredions. address , giving" symptoms. H the "Ladies * Advisory Department , " Q The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , ChattaM nooga , Tenn. THOS. j. COOPER , Tupelo , Miss. , says : B "My sister suffered from very Irreaular H and painful menstruation and doctors N could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul al entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Change of Life. " DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. m 1- 1I . r---TiTijtlSMfrtni iii I - - - ? ; ' 1 11 ' ttlwigiiMiwMMMfiW . , ' -"A -T r a 'T r TcrOur Customers , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough syrup we have ever used our selves or in our families. W. H. King , Isaac P. King and many others in this vicinity , have also pronounced it the best. All we want is for people lo try it and they will be convinced. Upon honor , there is no better that we have ever tried , and we have used many kinds. R. A. Hlnke & Son , General Merchants , Big Tunnel , Va. Sold by McConnell. When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried tor Castoria. When she became- Miss , she clungto Castoria. When she hod Children , she gave them Castoria , ONE OF TWO WA YS The bladder was created for one nnrpose , namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. 1'he second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb , like the bladder , was created for one purpose , and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease , except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in convenience manifested in the kidneys , back , bladder or urinary passage is often , by mis take , attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-foui hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi nary effect e > f Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , the great kidney , and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At all druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The Tkiiiune and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , NcCook , Neb. , January 24,189S. Notice is hereby given that Thomas Boeuan , Jr.guardian for John Boozan , now insane , has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office in Mc Cook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 5th day of March , 1898 , on timber culture application No. 6576. for the southwest quarter of section No. 31 , in township I north , range 31 west of ' the 6th p. in. He names as witnesses : Byron E. Severns , George Kennedy , William Kennedy - ] nedy and George C. Cox. all of Herndon , . ' Kansas. A. S. Cami'Iikll , Register. ! I TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. J United States Land Office , ( McCook , Neb , , January 27 , 1S98. Notice is hereby given that JohnW.Hartman , ( has filed notice of Ins intention lo make final j proof before register or receiver at his office • in McCook , Nehon Saturday , the 12th day of , Match , 1S9S , on timber culture application , Nei. 6628 , for the southwest quarter of section f No. 20 , in township No. 6 n , range No. 30 w 6th ( p. m. He names witnesses : John Fitz- t Gibbons 1 and Thomas FitzGibbons of Zimmer , , y Nebraska , Samuel M. Cochran and Henry II. " . Troth of McCook , Nebraska. ! A. S. Campbell , Register. J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. January 27th , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following- named , settler has filed notice of his intention to 1 make final proof in support of his claim , and ; that said proof will be made before regis ter l or receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat urday , March 12th , 189S , viz : Phillip Roemer- sheuser ! , who made II. E. 9858 for the w } _ ne M and w } . se 14 of section 22 , T 5 n , R 30 w 6th ( P. M. He names the following witnesses to ( prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation , of said land , viz : John Peterson , Peter Rheinheimer , Joseph Allen and George Cappel ' all ot Osborn , Neb. A. S. Campbell , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION , Land Office at McCook , Neb. January 27th , 1898. Notice is heieby given that the following- named , settler has filed notice of his intention to 1 make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before regis ter 1 or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. , on 1 Saturday , March 12.1898 , viz : John Peter son ! , who made II. E. No. 10,368 for the n # sw M sw 'A swi sw % nw % , section 23 T. 5 n , R. 30 west 6th P. M. He names the follow- j tng witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence ( upon and cultivation of said land , viz : Phillip Roemersheuser , Peter Rheinheimer , George Cappel and Joseph Allen all of Os ] born , Neb. A. S. Campbell , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention i to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister 1 or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , February 26th , 1898 , viz : Hans I. Peterson , who made homestead entry 10,555 | for the south yz southwest M section 13 , town ship 1 north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He names i the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joseph II. Relph , Banksville , Nebraska , Abraham V. Olmsted , John Good- enberger and Orlando L. Thompson , of Mc Cook , Nebraska. A. S. Campbell , -4-6ts. . Register. FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! CATARRH I ffl BE CUBED ! And to PROVE that our CATAJ1RH CUKE will positively CURE catarrh in its worst forms , we will send a Two Weeks' Treatment Free to all who send us ten cents (10c. ( ) in stamps to pay cost of postage and packing. Address JOIIXS & DIXON , Rorliester. 5. V. ANDREW CARSON , Proprietor of the . . . . SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. ( < - - * * * * - * > * . _ H - si _ _ tc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ si3S & . H " _ m * r I > l * * * f I FLORIDA. f t | A Superior Through Sleeping Car \ \ Line Between St. Louis 11 and Jacksonville. < JJ Commencing December 26th theLouis.J * Sjjg * 'j * mr I ville AirLiue has established the greal Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida. M > I Through sleeping cars arranged to leave 'M , • I St. Louis 9:15 p. in. daily , passing Louisville - , I ville 7 a. m , Lexington 10:55 : a. in. , 'I reaching Chattanooga 5:55 p. in .Atlanta ' * 1 10:40 : p. va. and Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. - j 1 I ( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. ; ] This route is through large cities and in- ' 9 terestiug country , and , while a new I through sleeping car route , is over most _ I superior and well-established lines of - M railway. The schedules are fast and I most convenient. M The line also affords passengers for - > Florida trip via Asheville , N C , the greatest American all-year-round resort. Correspondence solicited and information - I tion promptly furnished. R. A Camp- BEr.L.Gen'lPas'ng'r Agent , St.Louis , Mo. This is also the best line to points in Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia , and H North and South Carolina. 3-1-98. , , , H AGENTS WANTED. Send 3 our address to us , and we will H inform you how other men earn from H $ t5.oo to $35.00 weekly. If you are endowed - - H dewed with an average amount of common - H mon sense , you can in a short time do as M well , or bitter , byecuring a county _ H agency for one of our standard publica- , * * • M lions. If you want to start without delay - " > | lay , send $1 25 , and we will forward a M copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U. \ | H S. & World , " 66x46 inches in sizeeleven , M beautiful colors. A county map oftheU.1 { M S. 011 one side , and a library map of the J M world on the other , should be in every v H home and office This is the 1898 edition - M ion , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a H popular ; price. * H We will also send a copy of our new H -vail map of Nebraska , showing counties , H railroads , towns , etc. , 1898 edition with ) H a 1 marginal index , locating every town H on , map and giving population , 2S x 44 H inches ; in size , just issued. ( j H Above two maps almost sell themselves - H selves , but printed instructions accompany - H pany samples Later on you can try | H some j expensive article Write quick H and choose your field. IH Rand , McNauy & Co. . H 166 , 168 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. H ' NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. M ROAD NO. 322. H To John B. Rozell and to all whom it may M concern : M The commissioner appointed to locate a P road commencing at a point in the road about H [ 32 rods west of the southeast corner of the M southwest quarter of section sixteen (16) ( ) , M town , three (3) ( ) , range twenty-seven (27) ( ) west M of the sixth Principal Meridian in Indianol- M precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running - M ning thence north by west down the canyon M to intersect the bottom road on the Republican - M can river bottom and terminating thereat , has M reported in favor of the location thereof aw j M follows : Commencing at a point on the sec M tion line forty rods west of the southeast cor M ner of the southwest quarter of section sixteen M (16) ( ) , township three (3) ( ) north , in range twen M ty-seven (27) ( ) west of the sixth Principal Me M ndian , thence north eighteen (18) ( ) degrees M west one hundred and two [ 102 ] rods to intersection - H section of the main traveled road on the Republican - M publican river bottom and terminating there- H at. and all objections thereto or claims for _ H damages must be hied in the county clerk's _ , H office on or before noon of the 16th day of / M April , A. D. 1S9S , orsaid road will be estab- M Iished without reference thereto. M R. A. Green. County Clerk. H LEGAL NOTICE. V * M In the district court of Red Willow county , H Nebraska : David Brown vs. Cornelius J.Ryan , H Mary J. Ryan , his wife , Louis Stull and William - H liam Stull , partners , doing business under the H name and style of Stull Bros. M Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan , his wife , | Louis Stull and William Stull , partners , doing H business under the name and style of Stull H Bros. , defendants , will take notice that on the H 8th day of January , 189S , David Brown , plain M tiff herein , filed his petition in the district M court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against M said defendants , the object and prayer of 1 1 | which are to foreclose a trust deed executed I | | by the defendants , Cornelius J.Ryan and Mary H J. Ryan , his wife , to William Stull , trustee for , M Louis Stull , and which was by them assigned ' H to plaintiff , upon the southeast quarter of section - ' H tion thirteen , township three north , range H twenty-nine west of the 6th P.M. to secure the H payment of one promissory note and interest H thereon dated June 1st , 1887 , for the sum of M S700 , and due and payable in five years from H the date thereof. One hundred dollars of said H note was paid at maturity and the time of H payment of the remaining six hundred dollars - H lars was by agreement extended for the terra H of live years from said date. That there is j H now due on said note and trust deed the sum H of $825.14 , for which sum with interest from H January 1st , 1898 , plaintiff prays for a decree M that defendants be required to pay the same Her or that said premises may be sold to satisfy H the amount found due. You are required to H answer said petition on or before the 7th day ; H of March. 1898. M Dated January 27,1898. M David Brown , Plaintiff. H i-2S-4t By W. R. Starr , his Attorney. H " ' ' ' " _ _ _ l If you need any Marble Monuments , M See A. G. DOLE , Agent , ' McCOOK , NEBRASKA. T/ H Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes M Mutual Insurance both Farm and Mer- j H cantile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies. B JUNIUS KUtfERT. H Carpet Laying , I Carpet Cleaning. H * 3T1 am still doing carpet laying , carpet | cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See _ H or write me before giving such work. My H charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at _ Tribune office. IULIUS KL'NERT. H " * " " _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • H ll HYGESA GORSETSa Jk ! _ - * _ - - _ s-esjvts : xvjrxE _ _ % v VJI a E-xperlence not necessary. For prices and Dar5 _ H > Ucolars write - Dar- 0 the Ma-ulactnrers. % 4H WESTEIV CORSET CO _ strong 3ro. | < M i- _ i * ? ) > _ _ l * _ _ _ _ !