The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 18, 1898, Image 7

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iiii iiMiMftrt-T iVirrtM-i-Tti iii-lriil.iii. )
Hjp L . ' . . . .
H c ° TTON
B - -.vJ MAY QUIT.
* Th y Vote to Itccoimncnd u General
/ Strike , nnd If the Unions Accept tlio
fgt Ailvlco Hvcry l'nctory Will Clone Its
\ ' , Doorn
Stern .lleumireR to Tiring tlio
\ MiwiufucturerH to Terms.
H B • # A Crl8iM ' " * &w K Klan l.
Jr C BOSTON , Mass. , Feb. 14. At a meet-
f \ > "ff yesterday in this city of fifty-five
M. \ representative of textile unions in
l B o > New England it was unanimously vot-
H \ \ ' > 1 to recommend that all unions call
H & t \ out the operatives In every cotton mill
BH ) \ in New England.
H \ v J T e meetng was practically the out-
1 \ W conio of the recommendation which
/i , # President Gompers made to the Fed-
f m orations of Labor last Sunday , in
Hb \ which he urged the different unions to
1 , , J * unite on some settled policy regarding
HL * ' % the iniI ] situation in England.
| W ' § At that meeting a committee of four
1 | was appointed to take charge of the
Htt \ matter , and after a conference this
H \ committee recommended that a gene-
H \ * ral meeting to be held to take definite
B B Bj X , I action.
B B J The representatives of the various
B B B I & ' national textile associations assem-
HftfP I ble1 i" the Wells Memorial hall and
Hr % for four hours discussed the situation
S Cq from every standoint. The primary
M0t n. object of the meeting was to devise
HT * " * * * / some method of rendering assistance
B BH k f 7 to the New Bclf ° ri strikers.
B BM lkft U was P ° inte(1 out that if the strik-
Jt / > ers at New Bedford could hold outS
for four weeks without receiving more
than 20 cents per "operative per week
in the way of outside assistance other
mill operatives could stand a similar
strain , and thnt if all went out , it
would precipitate a crisis that would
S have to be met within a short time by
the manufacturers. I
It was also shown that the mule
spinners were in excellent condition
as regards funds ; that the United Tex
tile Workers and the New England
Federation of Weavers were also in
"BBB \ J god condition , but that the rest were
short of funds.
These questions were also discussed ,
and at length the matter was put tea
f a vote , no one being registered against
the motion that the different unions
should order a general strike in every
cotton mill in New England until a
satisfactory adjustmeit , of wages
- * would be arranged.
f % x It now remains for the various naB -
B | \ tional unions to take action on the ref -
f t commendation , but what this action
gR B * . will be is a matter of conjecture. If
gR M j all should acquiesce and vote to strike ,
gM M 147,000 operatives would undoubtedly
B M \ cease work and the manufacture of
B BE a cotton goods throughout New England
gM BJ a would be at a standstill.
B D j ? If , on the other hand , only a few
BiBI t unions should vote to strike the re-
lH • tusal of the others would still keep a
gM Bl . ) • large portion of the mills in operation.
B " S Inasmuch , however , as the meeting
r was the outcome of President Gomp-
_ , _ . srs' suggestion , and as he admonished
B H * ' * ie Inemuers of the Federation of LaB -
m i I
B bT mW w ' ) or * ° ° n naU ( s au < assist the New
B BP Mm I -Bedford strikers , it seems probable
B B8 1 r - \ that nearly every union will carry out
B BB t * - < the recommendations , and that one of
B B S f IS the gi-eatest strikes in this country is
B B B / impending.
BBm' ? " I s
BBS Vf M Spain is Surprised.
B | f M MADRID , Feb. 14. ( New York Ca-
v , M ble gram. ) Sensation and surprise is
i H caused in Madrid by New York tele-
BVM grams stating that the American gov-
HBucJk | err ( ' .nexit expected' ' more satisfaction
B TgX9 for the conduct of the late Spanish
B 'fSB - ! minister. According to the late Span-
BBB 1 "vJF isn ofiicial version.the cabinet consid-
B ' I ers x the prompt acceptance of the re-
B 1 I signation of do Lome quite sufficient
B. 1 ) satisfaction for America , the letter to
K. I Canalejas not being an official , but
H A purely a private act , royal decrees
BfQ / simply accepting de Lome's resigna-
B | I tion and appointing a successor being
B BTlw gazetted shortly afeterward.
B pM The Sanish minister of foreign af-
B ; B I Tairs , in a note replying to the Wood-
B1 m r ford communication of February 10 ,
BB V Will place on record what was stated
Hr # % In the interview with Woodford ,
L | | g namely , how much the Spanish gov-
b # § eminent regretted the conduct of de
A $ T Lome , and its sincere desire that the
B MW Incident should not alter the present
k 111 friendly relations and the course of
B B B ff m commercial negotiations to which the
K II Sagasta cabinet attaches much import-
BBBBBfiVAif ance.
B H 1wjll For tne Present ifc seems iikely that
B BA. I l\ Duke Arcos , Spanish minister to Mex-
HB 1 * ice , will be promoted to Washington.
B \ t He married an American , speaks Eng-
BM % & ? , isu and could reach Washington
B \l rapidly. His credentials could be
K M % - sent immediately on his arriving at
B Bk C w \ Washington. All rumors , about send-
Bf > Mm ing Spanish ironclads and torpedo
B mM boats to Cuban Avaters are premature. .
BB W Tlmrston Speaks In Brooklyn.
gm m\ NEW YORK , Feb. 14. For the third
H W \ time the birthday of Abraham Lincoln
B | ; m f was celebrated in this city Saturday j
BbV m % as a public holiday. All banks and
Wmh MM public institution were closed , as were
HV Sf also the majority of stores.
Bavl The chief event of the day was the
B B * 1 annual Lfncoln dinner at the Republi-
M I H can cluh , wch was presided over by ,
Bff B Chauncey M. Depew , who , with Con-
BB7 Bt H gressman Charles A. Boutelle , assist- !
B Vf - ant Secretaiy of the Navy Roosevelt , '
BBw and others spoke. Senator John M.
H B Bj Thurston addressed the Union League
V B Bl of Brooklyn at night.
H fl B Three of the leading stores of Pur-
H B Be cell. I. T. , were robbed. About § 300 in
B B B money and goods was taken.
BB K BBj 1)io ° r Starvation.
B BIB CHICAGO , Feb. 14. Mrs. Caroline
BV Lang , eighty-seven years of age , dieti _
H. immmm at the county hospital last night of
\W jTBIBh starvation , and her husband , Cornel-
' ius Lang , seventy-five years of age , is
Hi "V- in the same institution , dying slov. 'ly
K BBM . from the same cause.
> /
BB W M. / Lang was a tailor and when he lost
* < lJfc his job some time ago he and his wife '
| Hv became destitute. For a time the j
iil B neighbors supported them , but finally ;
W mmWl they were left alone. When the police ' -
L m M\ found' them today they had been three
B bV BB davs Without food and a week without
B BB&liB B a fire
B B B BhVM. . ' -
BbBbBI' Bft '
b b b b b
, , ,
. . yMa = gg = yT' ' --'iw > i- - "
i .ll l
iimmmmmmt wf " n i i
' *
Senator Murphy declines to discuss
the action of the New York legislatnro
censuring him for his vote on the
Teller financial resolution.
Rev. Dr. William Catell , former
president of Lafayette college , is dead
at Philadelphia , aged 71 years.
I Victor Herbert has been elected
conductor of the PIttcburg Symphony
orchestra to succeed Frederick Archer.
"I told my employer I had only 10
cents to my name. " "What did he
say ? " "He tried to borrow it of me. "
Chicago Record.
G. M. Rose , president or the Hunter- '
I ! Rose company , one of the largest pub
lishing houses in Canada , is dead at
Toronto , aged 09 years.
Excellent rains in northern and cen
tral India have ensured successful
spring crops. The plague Is spread
ing alarmingly in the Punjab.
The Indian office will soon advertise
for pasture lands on the Osage and
Kaw Indian reservations in Oklahoma.
Tnere are about 200,000 acres to be
leased. *
The passenger steamer Marbella ,
v/as sunk by collision with the British
warship Gallatee in Hull Roads. Allen
on board were saved. The Marbella
was a steel screw steamer , registered
933 tons.
A special from Guatemala announces
that President Barries' cabinet has re
signed. Everything quiet and peace
prevails. Antonio Barrios , son of the
late president and a graduate of West
Point , has been appointed minister of
public works ; Francisco Anguereno ,
minister of government and foreign
affairs ; Domingo Morales , min'ser ' of
public instruction , and Raefel Sa'avar ,
minister of finance.
Josef Hoffman , the young pianist ,
sails from Bremen February 15 and
will arrive iniew York the 24Mi.
When there before , ten years ago , he
was forced to retire by the Gerry so
ciety , he being at that time scarcely
9 years old. Hoffman will make his
initial appearance with Theodore
Taomas March 1 , this being also the
first of Thomas' series of New York
concerts. He will play with Thomas
in Philadelphia , Boston , Chicago and
other large cities.
At San Jose de Guatemala- civil
strife and bloodshed have followed
the killing of Barrios. The factions
fly at each other's throats , and Gen
eral Marroquin , chief supporter of
Prospero Morales , one of the aspirants
to the presidency , is dead , and his
forces are in flight. General Marro
quin attempted to seize the reins of
government for Morales by an attack
on the palace barracks. In the fight
ing Marroquin and five others were
killed. The attacking forces of 2C00
men fled from the city. General To
ledo , appointed minister of war , or
dered the artillery in pursuit of the
fleeing revolutionists. The populace
and soldiers now demand that General
Mendizabal be proclaimed president.
Rev. James H. W. Harris , a fully
ordained minister cf the Protestant
Episcopal church , New York City , is
going on the vaudeville stase. Mr.
Harris is 38 years old and up to a
short time ago was pastor of the
Church of the Holy Redesmar in Oak
land , Cal. He will make his profes
sional debut in the burlesque of "An
tonio and Cleopatra" in Boston , Feb
ruary 28. He is a graduate from the
Nashota theological seminary. For a
time he did missionary work through
out the west. Later he accepted a call
to the church of the Holy Redeemer
at Oakland. There he remained until
four years ago , when he made up his
mind to go upon the stage. He re
signed his pastorate and gave himself
up to study. Some time since Mr.
Harris came to this city.
Joseph Boulanger , a quarter-blood
Osage Indian , claiming to be a nephew
of the famous General Boulanger of
France , is to make a claim to about
thirty-five acres of land on the site of
the union depot in St. Joseph , Mo. ,
The property is very valuable.
Boulanger v/as born on the site of the
depot in 1850. He cla : is that his
grandfather , on his mother's side , re
ceived a patent to the land from And
rew Jackson , and that it was never
properly sold , the people who finally
got the property receiving it by forged
duplicates of the original papers.
Boulanger is well educated and for
years has held office in the Indian Ter
ritory. Some time since , another In
dian made claim to a large tract of
land in Argentine , a suburb. His claim
is still pending.
Quotations From Kew York. Chicago , St
I onis , Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter Creamery separator. . . CO & 23
Butter Choice fancy country. . 14 (3 ( IB
Eggs-Frcfch 12 © 12t {
Chickens Per lb (5 ( © 7'
Turkevs.perlb * @ 10
Ducks , " pcr lb 7 19 8
Geese Per lb YM S
Lemons Choice Mcssinns 3 00 & 3 5
Honey-Choice , per lb 12 © 14
Onions per bu SO © 100
Cranberries. Jersej s. per bbi 7 00 © 7 S. >
Reans Handpickeu Navy. . . . : . 1 25 © 1 SO
Potatoes per bu. 50 © .x >
Sweet potatores Per bbl 2 2n © 2 50
Orances Per box 2 7.i © a V
Apples-Winter stock , per bbl 3 00 © 3 50
Hay-Upland per ton 5 00 © 5 50
Wlicat-lVrbu ? S © gs
Corn-Perbu 2 ? © 20
OiiU Pcrbu 2o © 25H
nogs Choice lipht 3 75 © 3 SO
Hogs Heavy weights 3 72 © 3 75
Beef steers 4 0V © 4 25
Bulls 3 25 © 3 50
Slacs 3 50 © 3 40
Calves "t 75 © 5 50
Western Feeders 3 P0 © 4 05
Cows 2i.i © 3 75
Heifers 3 50 © 3 G5
Stockcrs and Feeders 4 25 © 4 75
Sheep-Western Lambs 2 00 © 5 40
Sheep ML\cd western 1 0D © 3 00
Wheat No. 2 spring 01 © 02
Corn pcrbu 2S © 23J4
Oats per bu 2. ) © 2" j
Barlev No. 2 X0' $ © 34H
Rye No.2 40 © 4S
Timothy seed Prime per bu. . 2 77 © 2 so
Pork 10 55 © 10 00
Lard per 1004bs 5 00 © 5 02
Cattle Choice beef steers 4 50 @ 4 00
Cattle Stockcrs and feeders..4 10 © 4 50
Hogs-Mixed 3 SJ © 3 05
Sheep Natlve Lambs 4 00 © 4 50
Wheat No.2 , redWinter 103 © I 03 ? ;
Corn No.2 31 © 3jj <
Oai.s-No.2 20K30
Pork 1000 © 10 2 ;
Lard. 0 00 © 5 1 !
Wheat No. 2 , spring SO 0 MH
Corn No. 2 25 © 2V <
Oats No 2 24 © 24H
Hogs-Mixed 3 00 © 3 SO
Sheen Muttons 3 25 © 4 25
Cattle Stockcrs-and feeders. . . 3 25 © 5 10
h * * TfaE new-world ; >
Interest Ir Aroused' ' In the Canadian
f IfiS i * * rgrains ana
' TRft l S ? is ro ° ts and
tile lands of Western Canada , which
were made at the several state and
county fairs in some' of the Western
states this fall , have awakened consid
erable interest in the lands which the
Canadian Government has opened for
settlement , and which are given free
to settlers. The agents pf'the govern
ment , who are to be found in these
states , are flooded with inquiries re
garding the conditions on which these
lands may be secured. Large numbers
have located on these lands during
the past year , and send back to their
friends most encouraging reports. They
say they have entered on an era of
prosperity , and are well pleased with
both the agricultural possibilities and
the climate. The provinces of Mani
toba , Assinaboia and Alberta are spe
cially adapted to diversified farming.
In some parts the country is specially
adapted to stock raising , and it is be
ing profitably pursued. In these parts
snow seldom remains a week at a time ,
the warm breezes from the ocean af
fecting the climate thus favorably.
When the desirability of these lands is
fully known there will be a rush sjjch
as has scarcely ever before been
known. Information as to low railway
rates , illustrated pamphlets , etc. , will
be forwarded with pleasure by the De
partment of the Interior , Ottawa , Can
ada , if you are not in possession of the
name of an agent of the government.
More illiterate hod-carriers reach
the top-of the ladder than men with
college educations.
Blany Wonderful Cares Kccorded , Hop
ing that cjthera aiay tto liencUtcd.
The manufacturers of the remedy
called " 5 drops , " which is guaran
teed to cure rheumatism , neuralgia ,
asthma , and kindred ailments , have re
ceived thousands of letters regarding
their medicine , many of which have
been published. The following is a
sample of these letters :
Oct. 10 , 1897 , 030 Main St. ,
Springfield , Mass.
Dear Sirs I can not express my
gratitude to God , also to you , for the
benefit I am receiving from " 5 drops. "
I walk around my room without a
crutch , which I have had to use a long
time. I firmly believe that with faith ,
patience and perseverence , " 5 drops"
will get the better of all diseases. My
doctor says it is indigestion lias made
me bloat so , but his medicine does not
seem to reach my case. Respectfully
yours , Mrs. A. Spring.
The producers of " 5 Drops , " who are
the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. , 1G7-
169 Dearborn street , Chicago , have de
cided to continue for another 30 days
an offer which they made some weeks
ago , namely , to send a sample bottle
of " 5 Drops , " prepaid , for 25 cents.
They state that this is done as they
know even a sample bottle will con
vince one of the value of their remedy.
Also , large bottle , 300 doses , for $1.00 ,
and for the next thirty days , three bottles
tles for 52.50.
The wise man learns from expe
rience , and also a good deal from his
Rev. J. D. DoTar , pastor of M.E. church ,
Spring Hill , Iowa , writes : "Many winters
have 1 coughed all winter long. Last fall
1 took cold and began what I supposed was
a winter of coughing. I concluded to try
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. I felt at once that
if touched a place in my malady that
nothing cl-.e had over done. I can now
preach without coughing. lean cheerfully
fcay that Dr. Kay's Lung Balm lies been a
great help to me. It has no bad effect upon
the stomach. " It will cure every kind of
cough. If you have any lung or throat
trouble or any disease write us nnd give
your symptoms and wo will send iree
advice by oar physician and a valuable 03
page book with f > b lecipes giving various
methods of treatment of nearly all dis
eases. AVill also send a free sample of Dr.
Kay's Lung Balm or Dr. Kay ' s Renovator.
Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. , ( West
ern Office ) Omaha , Neb.
No man ever realizes the power of
a woman's eloquence until after he
gets married.
Beauty Is Uiood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty
without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cleans
your blood and keeps it clean , by stirring ud
the lazv liver and driving all impurities from
the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples ,
boils , blotches , blackheads , and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascarets.
beauty for ten cents. All druggists , satisfac
tion guaranteed , 10c. 25c. 50c.
A man would rather win $1 on a
wager than earn § 5 at honest labor.
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world , because it is the best.
Age makes some people wise and
others only stubborn.
How's This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for
anv case or Ciitnvrh that cannot bo cured by l
Hall's Catarrh Curo.
R .1. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo. 01
We , the undersigned , have known F. ' .
Cheney for thc last 15 years , and believe him
perfectly honorable in a 1 business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West & Truaw Wholesale Druggists. Toledo ,
O. ; Waldins. Kinuan & Marvin , Wholesale
Diugcists. Tolefo O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price , 75c per bottle. Sold by all diug- '
Hall's family pilts are the best.
Jealously A key that opens more ]
wedlocks than all others combined. .
A handsome line of illustrated descrip
tive Florida tourist and immigration
literature is being distributed by the ,
State Press Bureau of Tallahasse , Fla. .
which will be sent free upon receipt of 10 '
cents postage. This is tlie finest illustrated '
descriptive promotion literature ever sent
out from the South.
If a man has a bee in his bonnet he I
b reasonably sure of a lively-hood. ]
Iowa Farms for sale on crop payment , SI per
Rcre cash , balance 'A crop yearly until pa'd for.
J. Muihall , Sioux City , Icwa.
mimill i > iiiimnii mi iHrtnrtw mwimiT mi immiin nmniiimi
wml.WnVni.ri _ , _ . .
B B TT | | | M | | jj | [ II IIJ nj „ „ 0 „ „
From thc IievubUcan , Versatile * , ind.
The Tuckers of Vcrt > uillos , Ind. , like-nil
fond parent-j , are completely wrapped upiu
their children. Their daughter , Lucy in
particular , has given tliom much concern.
Kiio is fifteen and from n strong , healthy
ciii , three years ago , had becomes weak nnd
kept ( ailing off in flesh , until she bocnuio a
more fckcloion. She seemed to have no life
at all. Her blood became impure nnd llu-
nllyshebosnine the victim of nervous pros
tration. Doctors did not help hor. Most
of the time oho was confined to bed , was
very nervous and irritable , nnd seemed on
the verge of St. Vitus' dnuce.
"One morning. " said Mis. Tucker , "tho
doctor told us to give her Dr. Williams'Pink
Pills for Palo Pen ' .e , which lie brought with
him. Hosaidlic . .as treating a similar case
with these pills and they were curing the pa
tient. Wo begun giving tlio pills nud tlio
uox day could see a change for the hotter.
11 - tuVWP1 I \ r\rJ \
\l iAy
Discussed Their Daughter's Case
for Hours.
Tlio doctor canio and was surprised to see
sach an improvement. Ho told us to keep
giving her the medicineWo gave her ono
pill after eacli monl until eight boxes hud
been used when she was well. She hns not
been sick since , and we have no fear of tlio
old trouble returning. Wo think the cure
almost miraculous. "
Fuank TucKr.n.
Mns. Fiuxic TucKnu.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
28th day of April , 1S97.
Hugh Johnson , Justice of tlio Pence.
These pills are wonderfully effective in
the treatment of all diseases arising from
impure blood , or slinttercd uervo force.
They are adapted to young or old , and may
bo had at any drup * store.
If it was'nt for the weather there
are lots of men who would never look
toward heaven.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets CaniljCathartic. . 10c or 25c.
If C.C.C. fall to cure , drugulnts refund money.
The apricot tree was first planted
in England about 1540.
Matches Said to be made in heaven ,
but retailed in Chicago at 2 cents per
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes , SO for fj cts.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA , " and
"PITCHEK'S CASTORIA. " as our Trade Mark.
I , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , or Hyannis , Massachu
setts , was the originator of .PITCHER'S CAS
TORIA , " the same thathas borne and does now
bear the fac-simile signature of CHAS. IL
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This ' 3 the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" whica has
been used in the homes of the mothers of
America for over thii ty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you
have always bought , " and has the signature of
CKAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my name
except , The Centaur Company of which Chas.
II. Fletcher is President.
March 8. 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D.
Trifles light as hair sometimes turn
the whole course of a man's appetite.
If a friend comes to your office to
borrow money and finds you in you
will be out , but if he finds you out
you will be in.
How It Was Stamped Out , After the
aiodern Treatment Had Failed.
Thirty-three cases of diphtheria were
reported at Winneconne , Wisconsin ,
and the schools were closed.
Of the thirty-three cases twelve were
subjected to so-called modern treat
ment ; four of the t.velve thus treated
died , a death rate of 33 1-3 per cent.
Mr. J. Ulrich , a resident of Winne
conne , had observed the marvelous
success Muco-Solvent had met with and
in his enthusiastic way induced many
mothers to use it. His own family was
one of the first infected , Muco-Solvent
being used to the exclusion of every
thing else with splendid results.
Compared with other treatments , its
success was so very pronounced , that
Muco-Solvent was generally adopted ,
with the result that by its use alone
the other twenty-two cases recovered ,
not one proving fatal where Muco-Sol
vent v/as depended on.
We recommend its presence in every
home , for all throat troubles. In avert
ing developments of diphtheria , scarlet
fever and croup , it is unequalled.
Upon receipt of the price , $1 per
bottle , the Muco-Solvent Company , 35G
Dearborn street , Chicago , will express
it , charges paid. This makes splen
did article for agents to introduce in
their locality , as it is backed by over
whelming and convincing testimony.
Forty-page book free. Chicago Opin
Perhaps it's btause wash day comes
next to Sunday that cleanliness is
next to godliness.
The baseball season being ended the
pitcher is now at liberty to work the
Dr. Swallo.v , U : * Pennsylvania pro
hibitionist candidate , made the ex
pected homeward fly.
The HRndsosrcst Calendar of the Year.
The Youth's ( ompanion Souvenir Calendar
for 1S03. which is a series of charming figure
pieces , faithfully copied in twelve colors and
embossed in gold , is recognized as the richest
and most'COstlj calendar ever produced in a
large quantity. To buy and reproduce
famous paintings involves an expenditure
which could no ! be home unless , as in this
case , the enterprise is sustained by the ap
proval of more than 500,00-3 yearly subscrib
ers. Every new subscriber to Thc Companion
for ISPS receives this beautiful Calendar
without additional charge. For the volume
for 1SGS more than two hundred of the most
prominent men and women of both conti
nents have contributed. Full prospectus for
the 1S93 volume and sample copies of the
paper sent upon r-uuest.
Tiiu Yoi'Tn's Companion.
205 Columbus Ave. . BosiO.i
• : .7
- , „ .
„ .
- _ _ _ _ _
• "Yes/ sir I want-your daughter. "
"Want my daughter ? Blest if I ever
heard such Impudence. " "One moment ,
sir. I have just learned you are on
the pension list. " "It's a l e. Who
said so ? " "Our congressman looked
it up for me. And now , sir , I will
give you your choice. Either give me
your daughter or I will do everything
in" my power to have the pension list
publ'shed. " "No , .no , my boy , don't
do it. She yours. " Cleveland Plain-
- • The Govcrniucnl'rt Domain.
The commissioner of the general land office
has submitted Ids report to the Secretary of
tnu Interior. Compared with last year. It
shows a decrease of ; \ , 1M homestead entries ,
angtegatliiK 37S.tlw5 acres. Quite proportion
ate to this is the falling off In general health
when no effort is made to reform irn'sularlty
of the bowels. This can easily he accom
plished with the aid of Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , also a remedy for malaria , dy.pepsin ,
rheumatism and liver ttoable.
Sawdust Money pa'd ' to the writers
of wise saws.
A Good Dictionary for Two Cents.
A dictionary containing tlio deliu t'ons
of 10,000 of tlio most useful nud impor
tant words in tlio English language , is
published by the Dr. Williams -Medicine
Co. . Schenectady , N. Y. AVliilo it contains
some advertising , it is a complete diction
ary , concise nnd correct.
in compiling 'this ' book care lias been
taken to omit none of those common words
whoso spelling or exact use occasions at
times a momentary dilliculty , even to well
educated people The main aim lias been
to give as much useful information us pos
sible in a limited space. With this in view ,
where noun , adjective and verb are nil ol > -
viou.-ly connected in meaning , usually one
only lias been inserted. Tlio volume will
thus bo found to contain tlio meaning of
very many more words than it professes
to explain.
To those who already liavo a dictionary ,
thin.bcok will commend itself becaisitis
compact , light and convenient ; to those
who liavo no dictionary whatever , it will
bo invaluable. One may bo sicured by
Avriting to tlio above concern , mention
ng this paper , and enclosing a two-cent
Corners are as difficult to get in a
street car as the market.
New 1111 ent'or.K.
ytj\ Amongst the various in-
• " 5 ventions which were issued
\ ® f last week by the United
keA States Patent Office was a
K * > Ovp patent covering a guiding
V * * C mechanism adapted to be
( ® * attacliei1 to the handle
i /
V . j bars of a bicycle , so that
xSJthe front wheel can be
locked in any suitable
position/which of course , Avould P'e-
vent the wabbling of the front wheel.
A Georgia inventor received a paten1
for a nailless horseshoe. Another bi
cycle invention provides a s"at peat
which is yieldingly held within a tubp
and prevents shock being imparted to
the saddle. Inventors desiring frert
information relative to the law and
practice of patents may obtain the
same in addressing Sues & Co. , reg
istered patent attorneys , Bee Building ,
Omaha , Nebr.
Gumdrop A the price of
rubber goods.
When marriage is not a success di
vorce is its successor.
No-To-Uac for I'lfty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c.51All druggists.
A shocking discovery is reported
from London. It is that the writing
paper used by the government of India
is made in the United States.
Iowa Patent Office Jtcport.
Des Moines , February 5 , 189S.
Five U. S. Patents prepared and pro
secuted by us were issued this week.
Three allowed but not yet issued ,
as follows :
To Mr. J. Stroud , of Paton. Iowa ,
for a draft attachment for vehicles
that allows the horse in the shafts to
walk at one side of the central line
of advance same as horses do when
two are hitched on the opposite side >
of a pole.
To G. H. Cook , of Des Moines , for a
leggin in the form of an open-onded
boot leg with elastic gores in the
sides and lower end to facilitate
stretching and adjusting.
To R. Robinson , of Des Moines , for
a railway rail joint. Each of the abutt
ing ends of the rails is cut off diago
nally from the base to the center of
the head and a spiice plate has an in
tegral • head fitted to the inclined
faces of the ends to produce contin
uity of track and to serve as a solid
support for the tread of wheels and
the weight of a locomotive and cars
as they pass over the joint.
Valuable information about obtain
ing , valuing and selling patents sent
free to any address.
Thomas G. Orwig & Co. ,
Solicitor of Patents .
If you don't believe a woman can
keep a secret just ask one her age.
ii i "i H
_ - , . . . 1 1 . „ ihStr'fr ' ill H
f' gkm
Both the method nnd results when M
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plcnuant H
and refreshing to thc taste , and acts H
gently yet promptly on thc Kidneys , M
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses thc sys * M
tern effectually , dispels colds , headaches - M
aches nnd fevers mid cures habitual H
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ' M
only remedy of its kind ever pro- M
duccd , pleasing to thc taste and nc- M
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in H
its action and truly beneficial in its l H
effects , prepared only from thc most H
healthy and agreeable substances , its j H
many excellent qualities commend it i l
to nil and have made it the most l l
popular remedy known. I l
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 ; |
cent bottles by all leading drug- I l
gists. Any reliable druggist who r |
may not have it oa hand will pro- l l
cure it promptly for any one who Ij l
wishes to try it. Do not accept any III
substitute. l l
san riiAKCisco. cal. kmW
Louisville , r.r. new yom , n.y. f H
Ella Wheeler Wilcox has written a H
poem on "The Traveling Man. " This H
proves that the drummer falls into H
easy lines occasionally. H
If a girl uses enough paint she may H
resemble the picture of health. H
For Lung and tho-t diseases , l'iso's Cure H
Is the Lest mediciuo we have used. Mrs. J. J
L. Northcott , Windsor , Out. , Canada. H
It Krrps the I • ' < < t Warm nnd Dry H
And is the only cure for Chilblains. H
Frostbites , Damp , Sweating Feet , H
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's H
Foot-Ease , a powder' to be shaken H
into the shoes. At all Druggists and H
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. gM
Address.AIlen S. Olmsted. LcRoy.N.Y. gM
Confectioners should make their H
candy oyer bon-bon Iires\ H
Coc'u Concli ISnlanm H
Is tJic oldest uikI best It will ( ii < • • ( . tip a coM oulekcr H
• ! : . .n n. 'iythiUK else. It U&1 ros reliable. Tr > it- * I H
The ' - of H
Chiromancy scien'-e asccr-
taining the number of trumps in your x j l
opponent's hand. l/ / l
Take Laxative IJromo Quiniiip T.tblets. All g M
Dru 'gistsrefuiid the money II tt failtocure. ' .T > c jg gM
' g gl
Japan is likely to lie a larger buyer H
of American cotton this year , owing to ' H
the increase of spiudie power in that H
country and the cheapness of our cot- H
Probably the reason football is so g gm
popular Is because th' punishment fits g gl
the crime. j % gm
iff cww * H
! fw ° * - ° your gr ° cer to-day H
| and get a 15c. package of |
jj-III dill---8 U
lu\ * * takes the place of cof- M
W fee at { the cost. H
Y Made from pure grains it H
fi is nourishing and health- / " ' H
/iV / fuL * fl
.H3M Insist that year crccer ; ; ! ves you GKAIN-O. B
ll""WAccept no imitation. Cs , 52"rr" " " " " "v > 1
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. -1898. . H
Vjnen Answering Advertisements Kindiy H
Mention This Taper. H
/ , - ' If you want to fee ! that a H % 1
to YOUR SPINE IS A PIPE STEPtl , | n n p s | < > i f ? ? , < i >
| ready to snap , just get to U § M I SJdSCJ g
A > If you want to feel as ? M
* ) y Bit an nishts caspins for breath * vhcn you can nc pennanenJly rurcd' We have • • nredl. . - nwiri it gw
with Aviiiaq a 1 r-nj r and can cure yon. It If ? the only alx-olute rw known. \ trial bit- H
tie of A S 3 & 3 8H6 ALEH& sent free. DR. taft eiios. , • rim si. . itrrtf t.r. s T. | H
1 FREE ADVICE b our Physician awl a FREE SAMPLE | ? f H
> * of our medicine and aC3'ingc Free liook treating all ill-ea-e * uitli W cicellcnt • - H
; E8 recipes are some of the reaioaa wliy you Fhouid write us. 535 gm
j | | Jjj " * * S5j gM
55 Cures thc very worst cases of Dyspepsia , ConFtipation , IIcailaH.c , Liver an < * . | "S gt
2 Kldnev diseaees. Send for proof of it. "Wo Guarantee It. Wiltc us aboi.t fZz H
; § ! all of " your symptom" . i > r. Kay's Kerorator i # sold by druggists , or sctit • - ; H
* § • by mail on receipt of price , 25 cents and 81.CO. J-C gu
Hi Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Western 0faC2 > Omaha , Nejo. is ?
i g gm
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