The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 18, 1898, Image 2

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H | I V. At. KIMMI5IX , Publisher. •
McCOOK , - : - - : - NEBRASKA
ColumfctislteB have organized a sewer
I " company.
A cow at Pender gave birth to three
calves and then died.
That big Union Pacific mortgage has
been filed all along the line.
North Platte people arc hopeful that
the- newly organized Union Pacific
• company will build the proposed
h branch line through Keith , Deuel ,
H Cheyenne and Scott's Bluff counties.
B Myrtle Young , ( he 10-year-old daugh-
M ter of Nightwatchman Lee , of David
m , City , made an attempt to commit sul-
H { cide by taking a dose of laudanum.
H The timely arrival of physicians saved
H Tier
H Rev. T. W. C. Cheeseman of Seward ,
H Neb. , who has been s holding revival
H meetings in the Congrcgaticnal church
H in Ashland , has been called Ho the pas-
H torate to succeed Rev. Wilson Denney ,
H B who moved to Chanes City , la. , in
H December. He will take charge about
| March 1.
H The five men who were being held
H in Wahoo on suspicion of the Rising
| postoffice robbery were taken to Lin-
H coin by the postofilec inspector and
H , Sheriff Farris. The postmaster at Ris-
H ing identified some of the money found
B , in the possession of the men when ar-
Hg rested. The authorities are sure they
K iiave the right men.
Hj Little Ruth , aged three years and
Hi ' eix months , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hj I. C. Grabill of Shenandoah , la. , the
B latter of whom , with her two children ,
H * was visiting the family of Joseph R ° ed
Hj of Ponca , fell inito a boiler of hot suds
H Thursday afternoon and was so badly
B Tmrned that she died the next morning
H at 3:30 o'clock.
H ] There will be new houses and barns
| galore built by farmers of Wayne
H -county this year. Many of them have
H pajd off their old debts during the past
B year , says the Republican , and have
H unbounded confidence in the future
H and money with vhich 'to improve the
H farms , and they will use it.
H The dwelling house on the farm of
H R. Clark , a few miles north of York ,
B end occupied by Charles Johnson ,
l caught fire from a defective flue and
B -was entirely consumed , together with
H i " iiearly all the household goods belong-
B ing to Mr. Johnson. The loss was
H about $1,000 , with no insurance.
H The Union Pacific paid its Valley
H county taxes , last week , amounting to
H j $2,558.31. Thi3 was after deduc ing
H § 88.64 which they claim was illegally
H assessed. The question of the latter
H I amount being due or not will be setH
H fled in court , and by stipulation the
1 amount is received so as not to preju-
H dice the case in any way.
B Harry Rasdall , William Brown , Wil-
H liam Phillips and a man giving his
M name as "Dutchy , " all of Homer , were
placed under arrest by Deputy United
States Marshall Allan at Dakota City ,
and taken- before United States Com
missioner Sloan to answer to the
1 charge of selling liquor to the Indians.
Hasdall gave bonds and continued his
case. Brown was adjudged not guilty
_ . „ nnd Phillips and "Dutchy" were given
H 1 sixty davs each in jail at Omaha.
A car arrived at Palmyra from New
York via the Pennsylvania and B &
M. railroads billed to J. 0. Moore ,
commander of Mansfield post No. 51 ,
G. A. R. , upon which was loaded one
100-pounder Rifled Parro'tt cannon ,
length , twelve feet nine inches , cir
cumference at breech , six feet tan
_ . m inches , bore , six and one-half inches ,
1 I Jg -weight , 9,700. This cannon is to be
" 1 mounted on the G. A. R. let in Rose
wood cemetery , as a monument to the
old soldiers.
Following is the record of mor'gage
indebtedness for the montlvof Janu
ary , 1898 , for Platte county : Thirty-
two farm mortgages filed , § 28,335 ;
same released , thirty-eight , $28,798.70 ;
I nine town and city mortgages filed , ? 0 , -
784 49 , same released , twenty , $25,963.-
90 seventy-eight chattel mortgages
: nled , $31,268.12 ; same released , sixty-
nine , $17,755.56. The $14,000 difference
in the chattel record is caused by the
large number of mortgages given on
stock to be fed , and is no indication
-that the farmers are renewing their
I I Wi paper.
H J Lincoln dispatch : Treasurer Heim-
H I r0d and Chairman Kierstead of the
H I Douglas county board of commiS3ion-
H 1 ers came down this morning and
H I turned over the $100,000 of exposition
m m -bonds t0 the state treasurer They
H vere given checks on an Omaha bank
H for $104,600 in return therefor. The
M I money paid by the state treasurer
fl comes out of the permanent school
H funa The interest on the bonds goes
BfflH into the temporary school fund , -and
H the permanent fund is therefore de-
HE pleted $4,600 , the amount of the prem-
H | ium paid for the bonds.
Hi The county commissioners of Nema-
fafJH La county discovered that last year
fflHI thev levied % of a mill more than the
status would allow. The levy amount-
% H to 9 % mills for ordinary county
revenue , including the support of the
H M -noor The statutes are very plain that
ES I 9 mills is the limit and as a conse-
I ouSco the B. & M. railroad , through
HH M S nVent Mr. Thomas , tendered Coun-
9 M 1 ? Treasurer Engles last week $8,848. -
n Wk en the amount of its taxes on the
HI m Sril of 9 mills for the general fund.
H1 M This amount Mr. Engles could not ac-
HI fl uis books more *
K IS | . numuer of robberies of passengers
H I SI n the Burlington trains near Lincoln ,
H 8 dispatch from the capital , have
ay3 a
H IH Seen reported lately , but no one has
JS arrested. The other night S R.
B set upfcn
of qiline county
S H Foss on west _
HI and TrWn iSt out of the city limits.
B H hound train succeed , n get.
Utt n
The rooUers fl q { tfae train
H B iinfanyvSd Lincoln. Friday n'ght
, a w
H ran to a _
and ha < 1 hig pock
HE B y. A. Wen of Edgen tfae Black
B ets picked on e oad tickets and
H 325 5SSi2 wit * * • •
, iV'- i r. ' . if ! m -i i , n , i .
ITo Carelcuslyl.cft It Upon IIIh Offlco Desk
It Is Rend by a legation Atlacho
"Who Sent Word to the .Junta and n
l'oBtomco Clerk at Havana Steals the
Do Lome Was Careless.
Press prints today what it asserts to
be the true version of the acquisition
nnd publication of the letter from Mr.
de Lome to Senor Canalejas. The au
thority cited for Its authenticity is
"A Cuban of the highest standing in
the councils of his party , " who re
ceives his information "from headquar
ters in New York. " The story pro
ceeds to say :
The letter was not stolen from the.
United States mails , but was secured
by an agent of the Cuban junta in the
postoffico at Havana. Don Jose Canal
ejas , to whom the letter was ad
dressed , never saw the original. He
did not know until eight days after
the letter reached Havana that such a
letter from Spain's representative at
Washington had been written him.
"De Lome wrote the letter in his
private residence at Washington , in
stead of at the Spanish legation. The
paper , however , was marked with the
official type and read in the corner
'Legation Espana. ' The same inscrip
tion was upon the left ha.nd upper
corner of the envelope.
"Senor do Lome did not mail the
letter from his house. In fact he had
not quite completed it upon the morn
ing it was written , and carried it to
the legation , where it was first seen
and noticed by a person who is in the
employ of the embassy , acting in a
sub-official capacity. The letter lay
on the desk of the minister in his in
ner office , the outer office being his
place of reception to visitors. During
an absence of half an hour from the
inner office of De Lome the clerk in
question saw the open letter and read
some of it.
"The next day this same person sent
word to his Cuban associates in Wash
ington to the effect that he had seen
a letter from De Lome to Canalejas
in which President McKinley was vil
ified and autonomy called a scheme.
Several of the Cuban leaders got to
gether and asked the employe of the
embassy to secure the letter. They
did not believe his story , although he
urged them to come into the public
print and make charges against De
Lome. Because they did not have the
letter in their possession the leaders
refused to say anything about it. The
employe of the legation was urged to
use all means in his power to secure
the letter , although it was considered
probable that the letter was already
in the mails when the Cubans at the
Hotel Raleigh were informed of its ex
"The clerk in the employ of Minis
ter de Lome saw no more of the letter.
His memory-written abstracts were
sent to New York , and it was urged
that could possession of .the letter be
obtained ' and his statements proven to
be true the letter would be of incal
culable value to the Cubans as sub
stantiating what Cuban leaders had
maintained regarding autonomy and
the general Spanish policy in official
circles towaru this country and its of
ficers. Immediately words of warning
and urgings to be on the alert was sent
to every Cuban who might be in a
position to obtain track of or inter
cept the much sought for missive.
"The letter reached Havana five
days after "ts postmak in Washington.
An agent of the Cuban party who is an
emplove of the Spanish postofilce knew
that the letter was on the way and
when it came into his hands it was
carried from the postoffice and a copy
was made of it.
"Word to this effect was sent to the
Cuban leader in Jacksonville , Fla. ,
who at once asked the secret Cuban
junta in Havana to secure the original
letter that a copy was not what he
"The Havana postoffice clerk was
not willing to do this , but afterward
consented , as he was ouliged to ac
count for a certain number of letters.
The original was then taken , several
blank sheets substituted in place of
the paper on which De Lome had writ
ten and the letter finally postmarked
in the Havana postoffice and sent on
its routine way.
"Eight days after its arrival in the
Havana office the sealed envelope ,
properly addressed to Senor Canalejas ,
was delivered at the Hotel Inglatterra.
Senor Canalejas did not regard the
matter seriously at the time , although
the hotel boy who brought him the let
ter and the postoirice employe who had
charge of it were arrested. So also
was the hotel employe who went sev
eral times daily to the postoffice for
the mails. The three were discharged
affer an examination.
Senor Canalejas communicated al
most immendiately with M'"istpr rfo
Lome , and for several weeks letters
and cablegrams pased between the
two , but no trace of the letter could be
obtained. Canalejas shortly thereafter
left Havana , going to Madrid. "
Dp Tjonio Matter ii the House
WASHINGTON , Fe.b , 14. Repre
sentative Lewis of Washington has
prepared a joint resolution , which he
will offer in the house .today , express
ing it to be the sense of the house
and senate that the president decline
to recognize the resignation of Senor
de Lome , the Spanish minister , and
instead inform him that he is persona
non grata.
A J'ensioner Returns His Money.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. Pension
Commissioner Evans has recently re
ceived from a pensioner in San An
tonio , Texas , an express order for $879.
It was money which the sender be
lieved he had not properly received ,
and , animated by this feeling , he had
returned it to the government. Mr.
Evans had an investigation made of
the case and ascertained that the pen
sioner was honestly entitled to the
money he was receiving , viz. : S12 per
month for deafness , and directed the
entire amount returned to him. " * - "
flio Steamer Vendani Wreckedjjind .Set
nn Ifl re. r
NEW YORK , Feb. 14. The steamer
St. Louis , Captain Randle , which ar
rived from Southampton , reports the
loss at sea of the Holland-American
line steamer Veendam , Captain Sten-
ger , from Rotterdam for New York.
The passengers and crew • of the
Veendam were saved by the St. Louis.
At Quarantine Captain Stenger of
the Veendam reported as follows :
"The Veendam left Rotterdam Febru
ary 2 , with a general cargo , nine cabin
118 steerage passenfers and eighty-five
crew bound for New York. Had strong
northwest gales and high west and
northwest seas. February C , at about
5:17 : p. m. ship at the time being in
latitude , 49.35 north , longitude , 20.1
west , the steamer struck a 'submerged
wreck or wreckage , which probably
tore a hole in the ship bottom and
broke its propeller shaft. We found
that our ship was making considerable
water. We at once set all pumps to
work , but notwithstanding this the
water gained on us. In the meantime
all our boats were made ready in or
der if necessary to leave the shin , as
it was now sinking rapidly at the
stem. At 1:30 a. m. we observed the
lights of a large steamer bearing about
east by south from us. We made sig
nal of distress , on which the vessel
bore down on us. We then decided for
the safety of the passengers and crew
to abandon the ship.
"The vessel proved to be the St.
Louis of the American line , bound
from Southampton for New York. We
hailed it and reported that our ship
was sinking and that we wished to be
taken off. At 1:43 : a. m. we com
menced to transfer our passengers
and crew , using three boats of the St.
Louis and one of ours. Our men were
kept at the pumps.
"At 4:53 a. m. Monday morning
everybody had been transferred to the
St. Louis. When the last boat left
the Veendam was laboring ver.y heav
ily and sinking rapidly by the stern.
The transfer of the passengers and
crew took , notwithstanding the great
difficulties and high seas running ,
three hours and ten minutes and was
accomplished without the slightest ac
"As the wreck was a dangerous ob
struction to navigation we decided to
set it on fire , which was done. The
position of the wreck was then lat
itude 49.19 north , longitude 19.47 west.
On board the St. Louis we were warm
ly received and the captain and his
officers did everything possible for our
comfort. We take this opportunity to
expres sour utmost gratitude also in
the name of the passengers of the
Veendam. "
Wheat Sliows an Upward Tendency.
CHICAGO , Feb. 14. Substantial ad
vances took place in the leading fea
tures in wheat last week , May closing
with a net gain of 2V2 cents , while
July advanced 1 % cents. Tim market
was not without periods of weakness ,
but in the main was strong , the feeling
at times very active , especially toward
the latter part of the week. Sacurday
and Monday there was a decided bear
ish disposition among traders. Weak
cables , favorable reports from the Ar
gentine , India and Australian crops
caused small declines. On Tuesday the
market was helped by the best de
mand for export that has bean re
ported in some time. Urgent demand
from manv of the principal milling
centers was also reported and the con
tinued heavy northwest receipts gave
the market * i drooping tendency at
first , but the remarkable cash situa
tion started a general buying move
ment late in the uay which finally be
came a scramble to cover and a sharp
advance resulted. There was a reac
tion on Wednesday on realizing and
outside selling , but on Thursday the
market became very strong and re
mained so throughout Friday. Reports
that the Leiter interests were making
contracts for the moving of all rail
of a large part of their wheat to the
seaboard and that part of it was for
direct shipment to Liverpool ad
vanced prices rapidly , the market tak
ing on at times some degree of excite
ment under the urgent demand. Strong
Liverpool cables , small stocks at that
market and the fact that Argentine
shipments fell short of expectations
added to the strength of the general
The San .Tose Scale.
BERLIN , Feb. 14. The government
expert investigation to ascertain
whether the San Jose scale may exist
in dried fruit , continues. The expert
reports to the United States embassy
today that out of 4,000 packages of
fruit which arrived at Hamburg this
week two small lots , shipped from in
fected California districts , were stop
ped. No northern fruit has so far
been found In fected. The lots stopped
during the last few days were Sonoma
apples. During the coming week 900
packages are expected. Afterward
there will be a few straggling lots.
The government tests are quite fair.
Samples are only taken for the pur
pose of examination , though the ex
amination takes a long time.
Movements of War Ships.
NEW YORK , Feb. 14. All the Rus
sian warships except one left Chemul
po , says the Yokohoma correspondent
of the Herald. The British admiral ,
leaving on a cruiser has sailed for
Nagasaki. The Japanese war ships are
dividing the two squadrons , one at
Yokosuka , the other at Shimidzu.
They are not likely to leave Japanese
waters. The United States cruiser
Concord sails hence on February 19
to relieve the Boston at Chemulpo.
Restrictions of Canada *
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Feb. 14. The de
partment of customs of the Dominion
government has issued a mmorandum
in regard to the entry of goods in
the Yukon district. In brief , the new
instructions provide that gords pur
chased in Canada destined to the Klon
dike district must be carried in Brit
ish bottoms , otherwise full duty must
be paid upon them.
Callie Eppler pleaded guilty to
"whitecapDing" at Dallas. Tex. , and
was fined S100 and sent to jail for thir
ty days , the lightest penalty allowed.
, , in j mwwtm Bin-riirirnmirnmrWtn-r
t • . . . . . . - *
Chief Humphreys of the rittslmrsr Tire
Department Sure Others nro Under the
Dchrls Dancer of Further Explosions
The Record of Mortality Up to the 1'ro-
sent Writing.
The rittshursr Fire.
PITTSBURG , Feb. 12. The work of
searching for bodies in the ruins of
Wednesday night's fire was continued
through last night by 200 men , but no
more bodies were found. The debris
is still piled ten feet high , however ,
and , as more than a score of people
ara still missing , the work will be
continued without cessation until it is
positively known that no more dead
are buried beneath the debris. That
more people were killed Chief Humph
reys of the fire department says there
can be no doubt. He sav , the walls
go down in the midst of a great mass
of humanity huddled .together in a
small space , and , while lie did not care
to estimate the number of people
killed , he says it will be largely in ex
cess of any estimate yet made. The
search for the bodies is attended by
great danger , not only from weakened
walls , but from 125 tanks of anly-
drade known to be still in the smould
ering ruins. Anlydrade is ammonia
in its most powerful state and its ig-
.nition would result in an explosion
which would cause incalculable disas
ter. The firemen are keeping a num
ber of streams constantly playing on
this part of the building. It is thought
that precautionary methods will avert
further disaster.
Mrs. McFadden and her fa mil v of
eight children , who were believed to
have bfen buried under the walls , are
safe. They were found living a short
distance from the scene of the disaster ,
having moved from Mulberry avpnue
only a few days before. Michael
O'Hearn of Oil City and James Bever
ly of Grafton , were among the missing ,
have also turned up. OHearn was
visiting friends in Alleghenv and Bev
erly was taken suddenly ill and is in
Mercy hospital.
As a result of the catastrophe a
movement to prevent the _ storage of
bonded liquor or ammonia within the
corporate limits of the citv has been
commenced. Safety Director J. O.
Brown has promised the neoplff to see
to it that the city councils will have
a chance to pass on an intended piece
of legislation to this effect at the next
mpeting held at. Municipal hall.
The record of the fire at this time
is : Known dead , elpven ; missing ,
twentv-six : injured , e'ehteen ' : pronpHy
lose $1,000,000 ; insurance , about $1 , -
000,000. . ' iJSf
The Stir at the Capital Has Quieted
Dowr ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. The fol
lowing statement was given out for
publication ot the state department :
General Woodford telegranhed that
the minister's resignation had been ;
accepted before hp presented the tele
gram from the department. He adds
that the first secretary at Washington
will be placed in charge of the legation
and a new minister will Ijp annointed
at once. Full reports to follow.
It is believed here that the incident
is practically closed. All sorts of
rumors were in circulation last night ,
including one that a snecial cabinet
meeting was held at midnight. It can
be stated positively that no cabinet
meeting , formal or informal , was held
last night.
The formal notification to this gov
ernment by Spain that Senor Dupuy de
Lome has ceased to reprpsent it as
minister will be made to thp state de
partment about noon by Senor Don
Juan du Boso , first secretary of lega
tion , who will act as charge d'affaires
until the arrival of Senor de Lome's
successor. The notification will be
purely formal and will state that
Senor do Lome's resignation as min
ister has been accepted and that the
government will be represented for the
present by Fenor du Boso , the first
secretary of the legation.
The retiring minister is actively
engaged in preparing his personal ef
fects for shipment and in leave taking
of his friends and diDlomatio assneiatps
in Washington. Some of his chatties
were sent to New York todav. It is
the present purpose of Senor de Lome
to leave this country parly next week.
He probably will sail by one of the
French liners to Havrp and thence
will proceed direct to Madrid. His
connection , , officially with this govern
ment has entirely ceaspd and he is
henceforth a private citizen.
Surprised at De Lome.
MOBILE , Ala. , Feb. 12. Hannis
Taylor , former minister to Spain , who
is residing in this city , when con
vinced of the authenticity of the De
Lome letter , expressed surprise at his
ungrateful and indiscreet action. Mr.
Taylor says that De Lome is undoubt
edly the most brilliant and discerning
diplomat in the service of Spain , and
that his present imprudence is inex
plicable. The letter , he declares , is an
affront to every American citizen ,
and that it is remarkable how it could
have emanated from De Lome , in con
sideration of the cordial relations
which have hitherto existed between
him and the administration. Mr.
Taylor thinks the affair will have the
effect of increasing the rancor in both
countries , as the Spaniards bitterly
despise Americans , and the masses
will uphold De Lome's action. He be
lieves , however , that his recall is a
calamity to the mother country.
Xovr Sehemn for Dimpt'ilHsm. ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. A novel sugges
tion as to the possibility of obtaining
a national basis of compromise be
tween the advocates of the gold stand
ard and their opponents is being ad
vanced by W. S. Harbert of this city.
The plan is for a circulating medium
consisting of coin certificates payable
half in gold and half in silver a two
dollar certificate , for example , to be
redeemed by one dollar in gold coin
and one dollar In silver coin. If the
relative value of one half shall dimin
ish the value of the other , according
to Mr. Harbert , would relatively in
WWWrWWMMWll mi PHI it Ujt'iBn9mmmm0iimimmmmmm in in , , i
_ l
aCany StrejiniH In Alaska Not Yet I'roH-
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. Puisuant
to instructions from the acting secre ;
tary of war a special supplementary
report has been prepared by E. Hazard
Wells , who acted as agoat for the Wty.
department In bringing attention to
Captain Ray's dispatches. Mr. Wells
has been in Alaska three tlrae3 , has
traversed the interior and has a prac
tical knowledge of the country that is
Inhabited by few persons. Ho says ,
among other things : "There are un
doubtedly large deposits of gold in
Alaska , rivaling those of the British
Northwest territory. I noticed excel
lent mineral indications upon the Ta-
nana river and in other localities in
. 1890. I discovered a true fissure vein
of quarts eight feet in diameter with
well defined casing rocks upon the up
per Tanana. This quartz evidently
contained metal. Specimens which I
secured to take out to San Francisco
for assay were subsequently lost in a
river catastrophe. Numerous creeks
entering the upper Tanana revealed
colors of gold in the sand.
"All of the gold-bearing streams of
Alaska so far discovered , viz : Birch
creek , Miller creek , Forty Mile creek ,
Sixty Mile creek and Seventy Mile
creek , head in the vicinity of the Ta
nana river and flow away to the north
east. On the southwestern side and
heading near the Tanana are the not
ed Copper and Sushitna rivers , the
latter being the gold-bearing stream
which recently came into prominence
through the placer discoveries on
Cook's inlet. The Copper river is pop
ularly supposed to be located in the
heart of a mineral belt. It is a rea
sonable deduction that if all the
streams flowing away from the Ta
nana itself must cut through a gold-
bearing country. This opinion is
shared by nearly all of the old-time
miners now located in Dawson. Re
cently excellent prospects were dis
covered upon an American creek , a
tributary of the Yukon in Alaska ,
just below Forty Mile creek. Miller
creek , Bircli creek and other streams
within the boundaries of Alaska in
the Yukon valley still offers induce
ments to placer miners. 1 do not be
lieve that any better mining region
will be discovered in Alaska than will
be found in the Great Tanana valley. "
The Indian Concrcgi Scheme.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. The Indi
an bill , in which the Trans-Mississ
ippi exposition is vitally interested by
reason of an amendment it carries ap
propriating $45,000 for a congress of
the Indian tribes , passed the senate
yesterday afternoon. Senator Allen
withdrawing his appeal on Senator Al
lison's point of order against the
amendment providing for the settle
ment of the Otoe and Missouri re
servation lands in Gage county rather
than jeopardize measures in which the
whole state of Nebraska is interested.
It was thought best to allow the
amendment to go over , in view of the
fact that that Senator Thurston had a
bill on the Otoe and Missouri affairs
in Nebraska and Kansas. Senator Al
len having withdrawn hs appeal the
bill was put upon its passage , and ,
carrying the appropriation , not only
for the Indian congress , but for Indi
an tribes and Indian schools in Ne
braska , South Dakota and Iowa , it was
sent to the house. On Monday the bill
will be reported and the house will
nonconcur in the amendments as at
tached to the bill by the senate and
conferees will be appointed.
Should there be a disposition tofight
the measure in which Omaha , and the
whole country for that matter , is in
terested , counter opposition will be
brought to bear aga'nst other features
of the bill and a general debate devel
oped. This , however , is not expected ,
the importance of other provisions of
the bill being enough , it is believed ,
to carry it through , the free homes
feature , which was attached as a-
ruler. being a shrewd game on the part
of the senate to force the house to
pass the same to meet the clamor of
many committees in which Indian re
servations are located. Later in the
day Senator Thurston called up and
passed his bill providing for revision
and adjustment of sales of Otoe and
Missouri reservation lands , which pre
cipitated such a row yesterday. There
was no objections to the bill and with
out amendment it slid through the
Shipping Out T.eiter Wheat.
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. It is positively
stated that contracts for moving 1,500 , -
000 bushels of Leiter wheat to the sea
board have been made. Of this the
Grand Trunk is reported to have se
cured 500,000 bushels , the Nickel Plate
500,000 bushels and the Lehigh Valley
500.000 bushels. The cereal will be
carried on a through rate from Chicago
to Liverpool , so it cannot be ascertain
ed what proportion vill accrue to the
railroads for the haul to the seaboard.
The Chronicle says : It is estimated
that the Leiter holdings of wheat in
this city and afloat will exceed 10,000.-
000 bushels , and since a recent visit
to this city of the eastern exporters
the suspicion has arisen that the en
tire amount has been disposed of to a
British syndicate. Freight men do not
denv that negotiations looking to the
placing of large contracts have been
pending for sometime , and it is assert
ed on reputable authority that every
prominent eastern line connecting with
Chicago has been invited to bid on the
transportation of an indefinitely large
amount of wheat to the seaboard.
Snecial disoaches from Washington
to Philadelphia say that Minister de
Lomo cabled his resignation to the
Spanish government.
Goes Away With a X > l > raka < 1rl.
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. The Chicago
police are puzzled over the disappear
ance of Earl Conway , a talented youth
well known in musical circles , and
Miss Ollie Y. 'ilson , daughter cf a
wealthy Nebraska stockman. Al
though the young woman is eleven
years older than the lad , who is but
15 years old , the two. according to
the story told to the police by he lad's
parents , are deeply attached to one an
other , and the Dolice have been lad
to suspect that they have gone away
- II
( I
Rheumatic Pains / I
Conflnod to Her Bed , but Hood'trJF * I
Sarsaparllla Cured Her. fe--
" I was tnkeu with rheumatism nnd bu- *
fcrctl a great deal of pain , and at tlmcj-
I wna confined to my bed. I obtained
only temporary relief from medicines , and
o friend advised me to try Hood'a Scrap. - .
parilla , which I did , nnd It cured mo. " " 5
Mhs. P. P. Hay , Centralia , III. I
Hood's SarsapariHa ! 1
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Pnrlncr.
Hood's Pills euro sick lieudncho. 23c. /
/ I
- - - - '
runs. J'KIXL.KY | VS. FKC15 SILVKK. | H
A battle of giants is going to take
place this summer on 30,000 farms iiv
America , not in talk or votes , but in *
yields. Salter ' s two new potato marvels - H
vols are named as above , and he of-- H
fcrs a price for the biggest potato yield , . <
also $400 in gold for suitable names for
his corn (17 ( inches long ) and oat pro-
digies. Only seedsmen In America growIng - H
Ing grasses , clovers and farm seeds- H
and selling potatoes at $1.50 a barrel- H
The editor urges you to try Salzer' &
Northern Grown Seeds , and to H
Send This Notice with lO Ct * . ItiSlnmpA- H
to John A" . Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosstv " * * H
Wis. , for 11 new farm seed samples , H
worth $10.00 , to get a start , and their H
big catalogue. w.n.c H
Tommy : "A lighthouse Is a sign of ' . B
rocks , isnt it , paw ? " Mr. Figg : "If f
depends on whether you arc referring : M
to the seashore or the drama. " la- M
dianapolis Journal. * M
Mrs. Windows Srsmtiiliifr Syrnp H
ForrhlMren tct tliln fcoftenH the jruiii .roilintHlnflnm- B
muttonullayu : ea wlntl culii' . Si cents n buttle H
The upper ten is composed of the ; H
winning nine and the umpire. H
Mother Gray's Sw ot I'owncra for G'iillilioir fl
Successfully used by Mother Gray , H
nurse in the Children 's Home in New H
York , Cure Feverishness , Bad Stomach , . H
Teething Disorders , move and regulate- H
the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over H
10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At- . H
all druggists , IMc. Sample FUEE. Ad. . M
Allen S. Olmsted , Leltoy , N. Y. M
What is said to some people seems- H
to go in at one ear and out at the H
other. Probably there is nothing between - H
tween to stop it. H
Educate Your Itowcls With Cn c rctH. j H
Candy Ciitlmrlic , cure con > tI | > : ttIon fnruvun. M
10c , We. K U.C.C. fail , < imoists rufund "louey. H
If a man is happily married he is : H
transported for life. H
The question or spraying fruit trees , to pre M
vent the depredations of imc-t pests ant * M
fungus diseases is no logger an xporimentrt W M
but a necessity. 1
Our readers -will do ivell to write Win StahS |
BIB H St..Quincy III. , and pet his catalogue- H
describing twentv-oac styles or SproyinK Out 1 H
fits ai.d full treati-- on sprayinjf the tire.ent H
fniii and vegetable crops , which may le had ; l H
for the asking and contains niucliuluajlt |
information. i I H
The dance they sit out is the most > < - H
delightful to a pair of lovers. , H
Jf Established 1780. 5f. H
| Baker's | I
g Chocolate , I ' I
< * ; '
CI \ celebrated for more $ * • ' H
, Csi than a century as a ! H
fesSjLY ) delicious , nutritious , s3 i H
% 1 * H
' an < flesh-forming |
> z&W&4l ueverage has our * g- H
& \i&&tti. well-known ' H
> m tUm Yellow Label *
< & MnWi \ . . , . , s * -
& ra ' V'Wh ontne"ont ° f every rg > , H
a Wi I fi \l \ Packase an ( * our 5 |
| f | j l l IF trade-mark , " ! Belle & jT M
® Bill& t ! ' ! ] Chocolatiere , "on the | |
S - SETD..CK. . t m
> < ? ' H
& 3' '
| WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. , % * H
§ Dorchester , Mass. * ' |
bt5t5tt5tt5tSt5it5t5t5c5t5t3 ! = StGt ! M
Klondikers S
Fix this fact in your memory : The | |
Burlington Route is the shortest , qnick- |
est and cheapest line to Seattle and1 | |
and Tacoma. " " " " ' H
Only 2I days , Omaha to Puget Sonnd _ M
Tickets at offices of connecting lines- * "
- H
Klondike folder , containing Its pages of prao * i H
tical Information and an up-to-dutc man. H
sent for 4 cents in stamps. H
J. Francis , General
Passenger Aent ; , ' > 1
Omaha. Neb. * 1H