The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 04, 1898, Image 8

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    " - - mr an- > -n n i nnfrfu rtiitirmnwiwiiHiinn. mi 11 lijji i ' iniiiinn
b b b b b M - > *
I Finest Engraving
I' free on goods bought
" of us. LEACH , The
I . Jeweler.
j United StateH Land Office ,
NcCook , Neb. , January 24,1898.
M Notice is hereby given that Thomas Itoozan ,
M . for John Uoozan , novr insane , has
PJ filed notice of his intention to make final proof
H before register or receiver at his office in Mc-
H Cook. Nebraska , on Saturday , the 5U1 day of
H March , 189S , on timber culture application
H No. 6576. for the southwest quarter of section
H No , 31 , in township I north , range 31 west of
H t the 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Byron
H E. Severns , George Kennedy , William Ken-
H nedy and George C. Cox , all of Herndon ,
M Kansas. A. S. Campbell , Register.
H , United States Land Office ,
B fl McCook , Neb. , December 18,1897.
m Notice is hereby given that Henry J. BurgH -
H graf has filed notice of his intention to make
M hnal proof before register or receiver at his
B itflice in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th
H day of January , 1898 , on limber culture appli-
B cation No. 6589 , for the scK of section No. 17 ,
B in township I north , range No. 30 w 6th p. m.
B He names as witnesses : Wilson H. llart-
1 man , Cora B. Hartman , William M. Cratty ,
H William A. Brown , all of McCook , Neb.
H 12-24-61 ; A. S. Camprkli. , Register.
H United States Land Office ,
H McCook , Neb. , January 27.1898.
H Notice is hereby given that John \V. II art man
B BE has filed notice of his intention to make fund
Hj proof before register or receiver at his office
H in McCook , Neb.on Saturday , the I2th day of
Hl March , 1898 , on timber culture application
H No. 6628 , for the southwest quarter of section
B No. 20 , in township No. 6 n , range No. 30 w
HK 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : John Fitz-
n Gibbons and Thomas FitzGibbons of Zimmer ,
HIl Nebraska , Samuel M. Cochran and Henry H.
HI ! Troth of McCook , Nebraska.
M A. S. Campbell , Register.
H Land Office at McCook , Nebraska.
H § January 27th , 1898.
Hl Notice is hereby given that the following-
H named settler has filed notice of his intention
i to make final proof in support of his claim ,
B BJ I nnd that said proof will be made before regis-
H E ter < ir receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat-
H 8 urday , March 12th , 1898 , viz : Phillip Roemer-
M f sheuser , who made H. E. 9858 for the w'A ne
B X aud w'A se H of section 22 , T 5 n , R 30 w
H 9 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses
BH ft to prove his continuous residence upon and
B PJ m cultivation of said land , viz : John Peterson ,
B l g Peter Rheinheimer , Joseph Allen and George
B H K Cappel all ot Osborn , Neb.
BX 1 A. S. Camprell , Register.
B PJ 1 Land Office at McCook , Neb.
BH 1 . . . January 27th , 189S.
Notice is heieby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his cfaim ,
. and that said proof will-be made before regis
1 ter or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. ,
on Saturday , March 12.1898. viz : John Peter
son , who made H. K. No. 10,368 for the nH
sw \ { sw H sw } i sw % nw M , section 23 T. 5
1 n , R. 30 west 6th P. M. He names the follow-
JBH fi tng witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
Bfl i dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz :
B Bj I Phillip Roemersheuser , Peter Rheinheimer ,
BB i George Cappel and Joseph Allen all of Os-
BH J born , Neb. A. S. Campbell , Register.
B PJ I Notice is hereby given that the following-
P bBJ < I named settler has hied notice of his intention
B B to make final proof in support of his claim ,
fl and that said ( roof will be made before Reg-
B H [ ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
B fl J Saturday , February 26th , 1898 , viz : Hans I.
fl Peterson , who made homestead entry 10,555
P pBl for the south % southwest \ { section 13 , town-
fl ship 1 north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He
B fl names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Joseph H. Relph , Banksville ,
Nebraska , Abraham V. Olmsted , John Good-
cnberger and Orlando L. Thompson , of Mc
Cook , Nebraska. A. S. Campbell ,
1 i-i4-6ts. Register.
B H The bladder was created for one pnrpose ,
B B namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such
B B it is not liable to any form of disease except
H B by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect -
perfect action of the kidneys. The second
J way is from careless local treatment of other
Bj diseases.
J Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is
j the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the
j womb , like the bladder , was created for one
H purpose , and if not doctored too much is not
H liable to weakness or disease , except in rare
| cases. It is situated back of and very close to
the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or In
convenience manifested in the kidneys back ,
bladder or urinary passage is often , by mis
take , attributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is easily made
and may be as easily avoided. To find out
correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney
or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi
nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ,
the great kidney , and bladder remedy is
I soon realized. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. At all druggists
• fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
. address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
• One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That Is what it was made for.
B McCook , Nebraska.
H C3 ? Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
H Rear of First National bank.
H AH dental work done at our office is guar-
H anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
H fi Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
M & Bellamy , assistants.
H | M tMRS. E. E. UTTER. .
H a Fiano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
m flj E3y Studio Opposite Postoffice.
HI Dr. W. V. GAGE.
| K McCook , - - - Nebraska.
| H Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Hi 'Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
HH | before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
B McCook , Nebraska.
H tjF"S- guarantee a cure. No cure , no
| pay. Write me at above address , or call
| at my home in Coleman precinct.
" " - > -
i \ * r • >
* k-
- ' • * ,
- I , ,
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn generations goes
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
Eternity. With what care , there
fore , should the Expectant Moth
er be guarded , and how great the
effort be to ward Off danger and
make her life joyous and happy.
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short
ened many say "stronger after
than before confinement. " It in
sures safety to life of both moth
er and child. All who have used
• • Mother's Friend " will
say they nev
er be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
"A customer whoso wlfo used 'Mother's Friend , '
says that if alio had to go through the ordeal
again , and there wete hut four bottles to be
obtained , and the cost was $100.00 per bottle , be
would have thorn. * ' Geo. Layton , Dayton , Ohio
Seut by express , on receiptor price , M.00 PER
ERS mailed tree upon application , containing
valuable Information and voluntary testimonials.
California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
jouifortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 : p in. ,
Lincoln 6:10 : p. ui. , Hastings 8:50 p. ui.
and McCook at 1140 p. 111. , ev
ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ;
have spring seats and backs and are
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
helding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha , Nebraska. 4-25-98.
What does it cost to get there ? When
and how should one go ? What should
one take ? Where are the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wages are paid ? "Is
living expensive ? What are one's chances
of "making astrike ? " 4-25-98 ,
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found in the
' "Klondike Folder "
Burlington Route's ,
now ready , for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
offices.or sent 011 receipt of four cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c
A thrill of terror is experienced when
the brassy sound of croup sound- * through
the house at night. • But the terror soon
changes to relief after One Minute Cough
Cure has been administered Safe and
harmless for children. A. McMillen.
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they are the ant , the bee ,
and DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the
last being the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. A.McMillen.
WOMEN used
" to think "fe
male diseases "
could only be
treated after "lo-
c a 1 examina
tions" by physi
P cians. Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modest women
silent about their
suffering. The in
troduction of
Wine of Cardul has now demon
strated that nine-tenths of all the
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention
at all. The simple , pure
Win ni
taken In the privacy of a woman's
own home insures quick relief and
speedy cure. Women need not
hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re-
.quires no humiliating examina
tions for its adoption. It cures any
disease that comes under the head
of "female troubles" disordered
menses , falling of the womb ,
"whites , " change of life. It makes
women beautiful by making them
well. It keeps them young by
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at
the drug store.
For advice in case3 requiring" special
directions , address , givine symptoms ,
the "Ladies' Advisory Department , "
The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta
nooga. Tenn.
W. I. ADDISON , M.D. , Cary , Miss. , says :
"I use Wine or Cardui extensively in
my practice and find it a most excellent
preparation for female troubles. "
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant , Quick Results. Safe to take.
North Divide Reminiscence * .
In looking over an accumulation ol
old papers relics of a literary society
held here some thirteen odd years ago
we recognize many names of old associ
ates , who had been almost forgotten in
the busy round of duty in this worka °
day life.
Many of the papers found were verses ,
written bv members of the lodge , as it
was called , describing the things that
happened in those days. The writers
evideutly found it easier to express
themselves in that way than in prose ,
and although greatly enjoyed by those
acquainted in this locality at that time ,
could not be appreciated by strangers.
We notice among the contributed
items to one of the papers how a certain
girl , now grown to womanhood , of a
nearby community was enamored with
the charms of a rather old boy , and what
a furore it created when read aloud at
the regular weekly meeting. Another
girl , who was always more or less be-
frizzled , was said to have obtained from
the nearest town a wagon load of tin
cans and these it was claimed she had
cut in small.strips , aud fabulous numbers
of them she used to wind her hair upou
and be thus decorated for days at a time.
Most of the time it was not a good
plan for a fellow to show up at debate
aud not bring along a girl or two , and
that's why it happened more than once
that a'certain young man of the neigh
borhood brought not only one or two of
the nicest "wimmen folks" to be found ,
but as many as could be tucked on a
good-sized hay rack , and to accomplish
this it was necessary to scour the whole
countryside and tell 'em to come along.
At that time a prominent farmer's
home was known as the "corner grocery"
by reason of the many shaky Ftories that
were sure to come from there and be
slyly winked at by the keeper himself.
So it was when a little , wheezy fellow
came to one of the meetings escorting a
powerfully built but rather pretty lady
of the Divide , it was soou remarked that
they resembled a tug boat and steamer ,
and of course it was not long in being
traced as originating at the "corner gro
cery. "
When the country was so new and so
much work to be done , people at that
time were not marrying and giving in
marriage as lively as at present , but
vhena poor couple even thought of such
1 thing it was certain to be written about
Dy at least seventeen different authors ,
ind then find its way in the paper and
be read and re-read at the next meeting
ivhich was held in a twelve by fourteen
lugout , packed as nearly to suffocation
is possible.
When the literary had been going
ilong at a good steady rate the chief dis
putants ( there were not a few chiefs then )
ivould now and then have nothing to
jay or perhaps not a very good topic to
liscuss and at such times a mock trial
vould come in good plaj'j but as already
ntimated the "paper" tp be read on
; ach occasion was the leading feature
ind evidently the main object of the
neeting , so that the editors were about
is important as the judges themselves.
These debates would attract such great
lumbers of people from far and near that
scarcely a building in the county even
now would begin to accommodate them ,
ind it was not long before an immense
; od building was proposed and as soon
mder headway. Such vast heaps of sod
liad never been piled up before , and as
the walls began to assume definite pro
portions -and the window and door
frames were set in , it loomed up in fine
; hape on the bare prairie. But somehow
the finances of the immediate commun
ity or something else could not have
been taken into consideration , as the
"hall , " as some of the more hopeful and
hasty ones called the pile of dirt , never
bad a roof. Somehow enthusiasm seemed
to wane after that ; especially when the
spring rains and summer winds nearly
leveled the high walls , and needy squat
ters appropriated what was portable in
the way of sash , lights and doors. And
the original debating society never met
It is not often that a physician recom
mends a patent medicine ; when he does ,
you may know that is a good one. Dr.
f. P. Cleveland , Glasglow , Va. , writes :
Chamberlain's Colic Chol-
[ have used , -
jra and Diarrhoea Remedy in my prac
tice aud it has proven to be an excellent
remedy , where a thorough course of med
icine has failed with me. I recommend
it to my patients every time for colic and
Jiarrhoea. " Many other physicans rec-
3tnmend and use this remedy , because it
riways cures and cures quickly. Get a
settle and .you will have an excellent
ioctor in the house , for all bowel com
plaints , both for children and adults.
For sale by L. W. McConnell.
Mr. F. C. Helbig , a promineut druggist
if Lynchburg , Va. , says : "One of our
: itizens was cured of rheumatism of two
fears standing by one bottle of Cham-
aerlain's Pain Balm. This liniment is
" amous for its cures of rheumatism ; thous-
mds have been delighted with the
prompt relief which it affords. For sale
ay McConnell.
Whooping cough is the most distress-
ng malady ; but its duration can be cut
short by the use of One Minute Cough
2ure , which is also the best known reni-
: dy for croup and all lung and bronchial
roubles. A. McMillen.
The Tribune and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
The Tribune and The Toledo Blade
" or $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
Cuticular soap at McMillen's ; 15c.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. '
.WlWWWi'i ' i ll * ! ' ' ' , , ,
1 I I I I II I
Corn is coming up.
' W.H.Harriaon is on the sick-list
this week.
Mose Young is puttingup a res
idence building in the west part of
E. H. Everist is putting up a
frame house on his place near the
Wheat went up to 75c. again ,
at this place , the other day here ,
but dropped back.
Ed Buby , who has been suffer
ing with granulated eyelids for
some time past , is improving fast.
The school is practicing , this
week , for their annual Library-day
to be held in the church , uext Fri
day evening.
Rev.Turner , the Congregational
preacher at Indianola , commenced
protracted meetings here in the
school-house , last Monday evening.
Fraker Bros. ' gramaphoue and
lantern scenery of the gold fields
of Alaska , last Tuesday night , was
well attended and enthusiastically
enjoyed by those present.
A creamerv station will be established -
tablished here soon. C. L. Case
finished up soliciting the 63 shares
Thursday morning and the build
ing will be started as soou as pos
Levi Clay expects to start for
the Klondike , next week , in search
of a fortune that awaits him or the
other fellow there. Fraker Bros. '
pictures gave him the sufficient
David Carpenter has sold his
There is some corn husking to
do in this vicinity yet.
W. F. Esher thinks he has been
helped by Mr. Gleason , the healer.
Mr. Marks bought the lumber on
the Morlau place and hauled it
home thiB week.
Several of the Bidgites attended
the Farmers' Institute aud Poultry
Association , Wednesday.
Al. Bennett was out from 'Ne
braska City , Tuesday. He rented
his farm on the Driftwood to Jas.
O. E. Boone and A. D. Lord
went to Holbrook last week , to as
sist Ogdeu Brown in moving to
the Ritchie place. !
North Coleman , you will hear
from us next week ; and we sug
gest that you help us out in the
poetical business , as we perceive
you have the ability to do so.
The young people had the lyceum -
ceum all to themselves , Thursday
evening , and all the regular officers - ;
cers being absent , they elected
new ones , and proceeded in a businesslike
ness-like and orderly manner to
carry on the proceedings. Our '
young people are up to date , and \
we are proud of them.
The corn husking goes merrily \
S. D. McClain has been shelling
his corn. j
William Brown met with a pain
ful accident. He fell and injured
his ankle. ;
The health of the community is :
good at present.
Calves are astonishingly high , !
twelve dollars in cold cash being
paid for one of about three months
of age.
R. Traphagen hauled over two !
hundred bushels of wheat to Perry , \
fore part of the week , receiving 70c
per bushel.
Robert Moore has succeeded in
getting a well after several unsuc
cessful attempts , a man from Hayes
county doing the job.
If the North Divide brother , or
someone or other , will strike up a
tune , how glad we shall be his
poetry to see in the noble Tribune. '
Postmaster Peterson , after haul
ing water from neighbors for five
years , has just completed a well , :
George Brown doing the work.
The P. M. cordially invites his
friends freely to come and drink
of Adam's sparkling ale.
For the benefit of any who may
be halting about joining the cor
respondents' list , will say that it is
nearly two years since Ave have i
been connected with The Tribune ,
and it looks as though we were
here to stay. Our subscription is
paid in advance , and we don't have
to hand over the dollars which are
Deeded for other things either. 1
in. ' '
, , ,
' ' I I II II I II ! M II Mi l fc 1 I" " "
Vlok's Ramblers
Last year's novelties brought n pure
white and also a yellow Rnmhler rose ,
which have proven perfectly hardy and
quite as strong bloomers as the crimson.
No climbing plant will give better satis
faction for the piazza and they can be
trained to make a wonderfully beautiful
hedge or screen. Last.season one of these
plants sold for fifty cents , but this year
James Vick's Sous of Rochester , N. Y. ,
offer one each of the white , yellow and
crimson Ramblers for only forty cents.
Vick's Garden and Floral Guide , an ele
gant work of 120 large pages , the best
ever sent out by this house , will be mail
ed free upon application to all interested
in a good garden.
What pleasure is there in life with a
headache , constipation , and biliousness ?
Thousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by using De
Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous
little pills. A. McMillen.
A good farm paper is a great help to
good farmintr , and of the many now pub
lished The Iowa Homestead is the best
we know of for the western farmer. We
would be glad to see it regularly read in
every farm home in this county , for it
would greatly promote the prosperity of
our readers and when tljey prosper we
prosper. The issue of The Homestead
for this week is accompanied by the
Special Farmers * Institute edition for
February , in which 125 practical farmers
discuss such questions as beef produc
tion , winter dairying and the making of
the ideal farm home. Every page of it
is full of good , practical ideas from prac
tical men and women on the farms of
the west , and we do not see how any far
mer can afford to do without it. The
Homestead and its Special Institute edi
tions cost but $1 a year , and suscriptions
and requests for free sample copies should
be sent to the Homestead Co. , Des
Moines , la.
After years of untold suffering from
piles' , B W. Pursell , of Knitnersville , Pa. ,
was cured by using a single box of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin dis
eases , such as eczema , rash , pimples and
ibstiuate sores , are readily cured by this
famous remedy. A. McMillen.
Collier's Weekly has donned a dress
mtirely new , and has almost doubled its
juantity of illustrations. The current
lumber is in larger type than its prede-
: essors , and the three columns have been
eplaced by two broad ones. Five of the
jages are covered by illustrations , be
tides which there are a dozen pictures ;
md among the artists represented are
bhn La Farge , Frederic Remington , A.
3. Wenzell , Eric Pape , and Peter Newell.
Che first installment of Henry James's
lew novel , "The Turn of the Screw , "
ippears , as well as the beginning of "An
impossible House Party" an amusing
lerial by Caroline and Alice Duer. An-
ither new contributor is Blanche Willis
loward , author of " One Summer , "
'Guenn , " etc. , who has a department ,
entitled "Under the Sun. " The new
ssue appears on heavy plated paper , and
s in every way handsome and attractive.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sal.
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska : David Brown vs. Cornelius J.Ryan ,
ilary J. Ryan , his'wife , Louis Stull and Wil- !
iam Stull , partners , doing business under the <
lame and style of Stull Bros.
Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan , his wife ,
.ouis Stull and William Stull , partners , doing 1
msiness under the name and style of Stull J
Jros. , defendants , will take notice that on the (
th day of January , 1898 , David Brown , plajn-
iff herein , filed his petition in the district
ourtof Red Willow county , Nebraska , against -
aid defendants , the object and prayer of -
vhich are to foreclose a trust deed executed
ly the defendants , Cornelius J.Ryan and Mary
. Ryan , his wife , to William Stull , trustee for
ouis Stull , and which was by them assigned
o plaintiff , upon the southeast quarter of sec-
ion thirteen , township three north , range \
wenty-nine west of the 6th P.M. to secure the
> ayment of one promissory note and interest
hereon dated June 1st , 1887 , for the sum of n
1700 , and due and payable in five years from
he date thereof. One hundred dollars of said j
lote was paid at maturity and the time of .
layment of the remaining six hundred dolJ J
ars was by agreement extended for the term .
i five years from said date. That there is
iow due on said note and trust deed the sum
if S825.14 , for which sum with interest from .
anuary 1st , 1898 , plaintiff prays for a decree '
hat defendants be required to pay the same
ir that said premises may be sold to satisfy
he amount found due. You are required to
nswer said petition on or before the 7th day
if March. 1898.
Dated January 27,1898. '
David Brown , Plaintiff.
i-28-4t By W. R. Starr , his Attorney.
And to PROVE that our CATARRH ,
3URE will positively CURE catarrh in
ts worst forms , we will send a
Two Weeks' Treatment Free
0 all who send listen cents (10c. ( ) in stamps . '
0 pay cost or postage and packing. ;
Address JOHNS & DIXON , Rochester. X. V. ;
of the . . . .
" " I
We respectfully solicit your business ,
nd guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
nd prompt , courteous service.
* - 1
m-mmi. . 1 fl 1 if ill .fflMUM I IIIIMIIIIIIMJIH .
_ _ : 1 I
A Superior Through Sleeping Car t ' ) m
Line Between St. Louis k'i ' I
and Jacksonville. -Jk'l
Commencing December 26th the Ivouis- . H
ville Air Wne has established the great V& H
Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida. * . * H
Through sleeping cars arranged to leave H
St. Louis 9:15 p. in. daily , passing Louisville - H
ville 7 a. m. , Lexington 10:55 : aIum > H
reaching Chattanooga 5:55 : p m .Atlanta ; f : H
10:40 : p. 111. and Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. . H
( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. \ > M
This route is through large cities and in- f : M
teresting country , and , while a new M
through sleeping car route , is over most t |
superior and well-established lines of H
railway. The schedules are fast and / > M
most convenient. I { |
The line also affords passengers for . , M
Florida trip via Asheville , N. C , the - t M
greatest American all-year-round resort. |
Correspondence solicited and iufornia- ' h H
tion promptly furnished. R. A Camp- H
BKi.L.Gen'IPas'ng'rAgent.St.Louis.Mo. M
This is also the best line to points in Je H
Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia , and 9 - H
North and South Carolina. 3-1-98. / H
Children and adults tortured by burns , H
scalds , injuries , eczema , or skin diseases ' H
may secure instant relief by using De " > H
Witt's Witch H .zel Salve. It is the 1
great pile remedy. A McMillen. H
Leach , The Jeweler , . , H
has fine goods atright V H
prices. { H
We are anxious to do a little good in j H
this world , and can think of no pleasanter - H
anter or better way to do it than by rec- |
nmmending One Minute Cough Cure as H
a _ preventive of pneumonia , consuuip- M
tion , and other serious lung troubles that M
follow neglected colds. A. McMillen. H
Seud your address to us , and we will |
inform you how other men earn from M
15.00 to $35.00 weekly. If you are en- H
[ lowed with an average amount of common - |
mon sense , you can in a short lime do as M
well , or batter , by securing a county M
agency for one of our standard publica- H
Lions. If you want to start without de- j H
[ ay , send $1.25 , and we will forward a H
: opy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U. H
3. & World , " 66x46 inches in size , eleven | |
beautiful colors. A county map of the U. H
3. on one side , and a library map of the |
world on the other , should be in every M
tiome and office. This is the 1898 edit- ' ' * H
on , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a j H
popular price. M
We will also send a copy of our new M
rvall map of Nebraska , showing counties. M
• ailroads , towns , etc. , 1898 edition with H
1 marginal index , locating every town M
m map and giving population , 28 x 44 j H
nches in size , just issued. | H
Above two maps almost sell themselves - |
selves , but printed instructions accom1 H
Dany samples. Later on you can try 4 j H
lome expensive article. Write quick * * * " |
md choose your field. M
Rand , McNali/v & Co. . H
166 , 168 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. % , , H
Don't annoy others by your coughing , ' H
ind risk your life by neglecting a cold. |
) ne Minute Cough Cure cures coughs , , |
: olds. croup , grippe , and all throat and . H
ung troubles. A. McMillen. t. H
Ed Lawthers expects to finish H
hreshiiig , this week. F | |
H. H. Benjamin is hauling corn H
o W. G. Dutton's , this week. ) |
Kay Benjamin was out of school I H
everal days last week , on account L' ' M
if sickness. ] H
Bev.White closed his meetings , I H
ast week. Quite a spiritual inter- j M
st was aroused. H
Miss Annie Hill , teacher of the H
Jauksville schoolvisited with Mrs. | |
* . H.Wade , Sunday. H
Mrs. N. J. Johnson's barn is j H
learly finished , and adds greatlv H
0 her already well-improved farm. H
Eevs. Bell and Berry and Mr. | |
Johnstedt of McCook held services 1 ' |
n the Pleasant Prairie school- 1 |
louse , Sunday afternoon. \ H
If you need any Marble Monuments , * * > H
5ee A. G. DOLE , Agent , "
Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes |
Iutual Insurance both Farm and Mer- H
antile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies. / M
T1 1
Julius Kunert , >
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. I
3 1 am still doing carpet laying , carpet |
leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See | H
r write me before giving such work. My H
harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at H
Tribune office. IULIUS KUNERT. H
l Experience cot necessary. For prices aujuar- \ lor 1
, titulars write the Manufacturers , , IcU H
, | WESTERN CORSET COBt. . lonlSro. . * < H
ii a > > % L.e > w w ' - ' v b bI
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The famous little pilfe. ( ' M