The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 04, 1898, Image 7

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_ _ _ _
4ffaWo bu seedy caller You too
HHHH _ v & / X % . are
HHHH * _ \ lfiy' l take R for granted , sir , to have
H # 5 \ 'iny tmo , t0 waste in talking about lift
H wl fcy Insurance ? Great Merchant Yes , sir ;
ttflli \ am' A1Tabe ] caller just so , sir. Do
lfj Impress you as a man to whom in
_ j
H 'I'l fi * lew o' his consideration In refraining
HHHH _ ' alI I boring you wlm a let of guff
( f \ * 1 about tontine policies , payments , dlvl-
V m * \ dends , and all that rot , you could con-
) > . m \ sistently lend a quarter of a dollar ?
HHHhIl M 1 Grcat merchant You do not. Affaoie
HHHhI Wm 1 caller Very good , sir. No harm done ,
fl M I J s < r. I have wasted" looking at the
jrvfW ° mco dock "two minutes of my time
HHHhT H * \ ° n a man wll ° uas no appreciation of
H | V \ tue reciprocal courtesies that should
Vft \ prevail among business and profes-
1 \U y slonal men. Good aftennoon , sir.
Wfll JVK Chicago Tribune.
_ Jirl l "And you wouldn't begin a journey
HHHhI M liV' ° n Frluay ? " "You bet I wouldn't. "
HHhB " * can > t understand how you can have
OT < 1 l
HHHHli ? JM 1 any faitn , n 6UCU a sIlly superstition. "
HHhVi VV \ No 8UPerstition about it Saturday's
HHhH til I Pay davCnIcaS ° Journal.
HHHHI I If i Iowa Patent Ofilco Report.
H I ft I DES MOINES , la. , Jan. 24 Upon
H \ B \ t * ue complaint of some person to me
Hj V \ unknown and who may be envious or
H \gm \ jealous , of the business done in the
BAVfl Jflr / Iowa . ent office , or , who may be
B H * | ' } maliciotio , 'the acting commissioner ,
H JJ | | * * " " Hon. A. P. Greeley , is violating offl-
HHHHlHrff cial rulcs uv directing corrcspond-
B % A \ ence in some instances to applicants
11 1 ° nd not to us , their attorneys , and by
flf sucl1 arbitrary and unlawful action
* ? \
* ca13inS delay in the transaction of
r f business and possibly frightening
\ ' some timid inventors to pay others
for doing work that they have already
paid for. Inventor ? who may receive
communications relating to applications -
! [ tions for patents which have been pre-
1 pared in the Iowa patent office , and
for the prosecution of which we have
been paid for and authorized by them
are therefore requested to forward
such communications to us for such
! attention as they merit. Valuable in-
s formation about obtaining , valuing
_ _ _ - v-w
HHH \ ' "M ) and seeing patents sent free to any
H ) | fr address. THOMAS G. ORWIG ,
B r m \ Originator and Proprietor of tin Iowa
H I fI I Patent Office.
H Jn1 r
B j I Don't place to mucli confidence in
B m # your companion when you are besiuo
H I I yourself.
W No-To-llac Tor Fifty Cents.
\ Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
* men strong , blood puro. . i0e,5l. All druggists.
1 Mutto should be deep red and close-
I * grained.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Druggiits. refund the money li'it fails , to cure , :25c :
B f The colder eggs are the quicker they
B I 'wiU froth.
Bj | - * • j Smoke Slctlgc Cijarottes. 20 for 5 etc
\ / To make good pastry the ingredi-
B W I outs must be very cold.
'Talk about theaters and acting , "
in the'Pull
shouted the know-it-au
man. "What do ' you -now about the
stage ? " "Nothing , replied the man
addressed , meekly ; "notnng at all. 1
am a mere undivorced. diamondless
. " Philadelphia
non-wife beating player.
phia North American.
George Ford of Louisville , Ky. , ia
77 years old and has burled six wives.
His seventh Bpose is only 17 years
II I - !
The editor estimates that the in
crease in yields had by the American
farmer by planting • Salzer's Potatoes
and new creations in Wheat , Oats ,
Corn , Rye , Grasses and Clovers the
past year amounted in round numbsrs
to $50,000,000. The reason of this is
Salzer's farm and vegetable seeds are
bred up to big yields. Salzer is the
largest grower of grasses , clovera and
farm seeds in the world ; 100,000 bar
rels potatoes , $1.50 a barrel and up.
Just Send Thla Notlco with lO Centr
to John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse.
Wis. , and get their great catalogue and
11 packages farm seeds , positively
worth $10 , to get a start with , w.n.fe.
Don't forget the criticisms when giv
ing thanks for tne blessings you have
received. %
Rov. Mary A. Hillis the noted Evangelist
writes : "I gladly give my testimony to
the heuling properties of Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm. My son had a terrible cough every
winter for five years and ho took dozens of
bottles of the loading cough medicines but
nothing Eoemed to help bim or quiet his
cough. But two 25 cent boxes of lr. Kay's
Lung Balm has cured him. and it lias nb-o
been a great relief to ether members of
my family when alllictodwith colds. "
We are positive that Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm and also Dr. Kay's Renovator have
no equnR If you have any disease writs
us and eivo ; your symptoms and our physi
cian will send free a lvico and a valuable
08 page book with 50 recipes nnd giving
symptoms and various methods of treat
ing nearly all diseases. Wo will also send
a free sample of Dr. Kay's Lung Balm or
Dr. Kny'v Ronovator. Address Dr. B. J.
Kay Medical Co. , ( Western Office ) Omaha ,
The average marriage degenerates
into either a family or a foundling
A good woman's love is like a star.
The only reason it doesn't always
shine is because it is higher than the
Coe'o Conch Bnlnnm
Ib tlic oUost anil best. It wIU lircak up a coM quicker
than unj thine else. It is always reliable. Tt3 it.
Pork should bp fine , close-grained
and the rind smooth and thin.
Educate Your Bowels "Witli Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic , cure conitipation forever.
10c , 'Joe If O.C.C. fail , d ruggists refund money.
demons will keep for weeks if cov
ered with cold water.
A' ? ' fix F& ® | * s * ° name t0 remerabsE when buying Sarsaparilla. Dr. jjS
BL f H \ j e | Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been curing people right along for js > I |
. M 9 * ] § nearly 50 years. That is why it is acknowledged to be the |
Hntipjl , § wf sovereign Sarsaparilla. It is the original and the standard. j ® | |
Tf / 5 # Ss | e rccorl ° f tne rei edy is without a rival , a record that g §
H I % m • ? § * s wr ten * n tne Wood of thousands , purified by its power. * ss
' I 1 iaSI " I nursad a lady who was suffering from blood poisoning and must S
B 111 5 ? ave contracted the disease from her ; for I had four large sores , or ulcers , Ejzf
KIII § > ® S break out on my person. I doctored for a long time , both by external E5b ?
L llf v is&s ! application and with various blood medicines ; but in spite of all that I cl3
B & C0U d ° * e Sores v , 'ou not nca'At ' 'ast ' purchased six bottles of E5
W/y > w l I • • . fe Ayer's Sarsaparilla , thinking I would give it a thorough trial. Before the nr S
Jl I 1 Hstf § s x ott':23 ' : na ecn ta en- the ulcers were healed , the skin sound and & ! S
H 1 R I natura' ' and my health batter than it had bean for years. I have been ? ;
I &
V'veM | uS v. > aH ever since. I had rather have one bottle of Dr. J. C. Ayer's Sarsapag
Hrl [ iha than three of any other kind. " Mrs. A. F.Taylob , Ecglevah , N. Dak , &
I ct
111 ! B ® e er's Ssrsaparilko | |
HI v | \ f fl
H M1 For maps , pamphlets , railway rates.
BI | | etc. , and full information cocceminp
K.H B this country , enjoyingesceptionallj
H | M m fr | pleasant climate and continuous prooc
H ' 111 * crops , apply to
H | H I W- BENNETT , Can. Gov't Agent ,
m , m | New York Life Building.Omaha , Neb
V Hay. Kruit and Stock Karches. Derlrable J.ining
B SI I -nrorcrty. Firvt Morta = res netting 7 per cent. I-oi
/ III M turonnaUon adJro-s WM. H. SARGENT ,
H # m H CJrandc. Oregon.
ilGISlil@ Get Your Pensior
B WM 1 Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent ,
Vfl I 1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C.
HJ | I • - new * iylc nccktlc wp will cn < ]
K liitPMliiciMiur
) * > '
P BS f . | llTi'ifiit ilcsUns. Sill : Xccktk's. L.nlIrs' 01
fl % ( < . '
1 ' . i > iistmlil | f < ir 13 rcnifc. KUN'Sl
m m SX I CWnlli'iiiPii. MANUKACTU1MNU CO. . HCi Urstav. Ncw ork.
H H m nnniri&lf ) T"0 * * * * Ied r ° p ° Hoonng for ic
B K litllEI'IFyiw I > eriM | . If. , capuand nails included.
J9 < Et&JuI InU biibFtiUitefi for. l'lattcr. Sampler
VJI M UffS'w'r ' O qulckreltef and cures wore !
Et J W. . Bend for boolc of testimonials and 10 days'
! ( t tnjcutlTrCO. Dr. U.U.CUEEH'SSOSS.AUuiU.e * .
* .1 Bj I J vher Answering Advertisements Hindi j
: | Ut & f Mention This Taper.
at ' B % Q | nest Cousli Syrup. Testes Good. ' TJao M
Hl B Jp Bl in time. Soldbr . 'arPgff ' t * ' ' -m Jl-
Sand paper will whiten ivory hanc
led knives which have become yello
from age or usage. '
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be maj
netlc , full of life , nerve und visor , take No-Tc
Uac , the wonder-worker , that makes weak me
strong. All druggists. 50c or Si. Cure guarar
teed. I3ooklct and sample free. Addres
Sterling Itcniody Co. . Chicago or Now York.
Nutmegs should be grated at tt
blosom end first.
Mm. WlnaloWB hoothlnff Syrup
For children tee thing.softensi the ( rtirns.rcduces Inflai
mnUon.allayB patn.curcs wind cullo. 5 conn. o. botti
Melted butter will not make a goc
/ "A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
\ Excellence in Manufacture. "
\ Qtfc Breakfast
If\ \ bso1utely ure
\ aft * 1 | >
iilli Mreli Delicious ,
\ y mMJj Nutritious.
\ . .Costs less itm que geht a cup. .
F Be sure that you get the Genuine Article ,
\ made at DORCHESTER. MASS. by
Walter baker & co. Ltd.
\ . Established 17S0.
S rT T w'L1'1" ' * * " ' , " * * ' ' ' ' " " "mml
y i ! ! 1 r'
1 * .
A special dispatch from Shanghai
/.ays / the Japanese fleet is cruising ofl
the coast of Shen Tung.
The Madrid correspondent of inc
Daily Mail says : It has been , decidec
that the v/hoic Snanlsh fleet shall con
centrate at Havana , though not im
mediately unless circumstances de
The vienna correspondent of the
London Daily Telegram says tt is re
ported there that the Kurds are de
vastating rmenian villages in the
neighborhood of Russian villages , and
the Armenians are retaliating. The
correspondent adds that "there- com
plete anarchy in the Asiatic provinces
of Turkey. "
The Constantinople correspondent ol
the London Standard says : The min
ister of war , Risa Pasha , has been
ordered to prepare eighty regiments
with a minimum strength of 1,700 men
each for service in Roumania next
spring. The attitude of Bulgaria s
causing uneasiness , and the porte has
sent remonstrances to such e-.ect.
M.Jules Richeborg , the French
novelist , is dead. Among his voluminous
inous publication there may be cited
as . the isost interesting : "Les Drames
de la Vie" ( sixteen volumes ) , "Les
Soirees Amusantes" ( twei/e volumes ) ,
"La Belle Organiste , ' "L'ldiote , " "Jean
Loup , " "Un Calvaire , " "Le Millione du
Pere Raclot" and L'Bnfant du Fa-
bourg. "
According to a special from Shang
hai , Sung , the Chinese commander , re
cently informed Captain Chichester of
the British war ship Immortalite that
the Russian war ships had the TsunR
' to remain
LI Yamen's special permission
main there. Captain Chichester there
upon insisted that Suns should obtain
by telegraph that permission for the
Immortalite. Sung complied with the
demand and permission was granted.
John Morley , the liberal leader and
member of parliament for the Montrose
boroughs , speaking at Stirling , Scot
land , said the proposed West Indian
grant was "merely a disguised bounty"
and another instance of the govern
ment's policy of "sops and doles to
favored classes. " He declared it would
be equally justifiable to manufacturers
having to face a hostile tariff and ex
pressed the belief that the scheme
would not prove such a merely tem
porary measure as Joseph Chamberlain
had represented.
The United States embassador , gen
eral William b. Drarm . gave a magni
ficent official aception at Rome in
the splendid Piombino palace. There
were 600 guests , including personages
from the Quirinal , members of the
high aristocracy of Italy , ambassadors ,
ministers an others of the diplomatic
corps and some Americans. The guests
were introduced by Prince di Monter-
oduni and Count Tozzoni , masters of
ceremonies to the court. Those pres
ent with one accord pronounce it the
grandest social function of this sea
son. '
The PeKin correspondent of the Lon.
don Times says : The French attitude
has undergone a sudden change and
now it appears to give a reluctant sup
port to the menacing language of the
Russian agent , M. Payloff ( charge d'
affaires at Pekin ) against the opening
of Talien.tan.riae Chinese , having
made inquiries , disbelieve Payloff's
statement that Russia can provide a
loan on the same financial terms as
Great Britain. At a meeting of the
grand council the Chinese decided to
approach the English and Russian gov
ernments with a proposal of compro
mises , each power to provide one-half
of the loan on its own basis and the
other conditions to be adjusted betvreen
In spite of the optimistic cable ad
vices that are being torwarded to
Madrid , it is no. believed in political
circles at Havana that ue journey of
General Blanco tnrough the east of
ie island will bring peace. Although
he carried about ; 150,000 with him
when he left Havana , no one believes
that any important leader will surren
der. It is reported . . iat he will soon
return , because General Maximo Go
mez has fallen uack across the Moron-
Jarucho Arocha into the Camaguey ais-
trict. The presumption is that he
went in the expectation of meeting
General Gomez. Shoulu he return
without having induced the principal
insurgent chiefs to surrender , auton
omy , it is believed , would be consid
ered a failure at Madrid , a conclusion
that would seriously affect the sta
bility of t-e government at Havana
and at the home capital.
Quotations From New York , Chicago , St.
Iiouif , O in alia and Elsewhere.
} Butter Creamery separator. . . 20 @ 21
Ruttcr Choice fancy country. , li @ 1(5 (
Etrgs Frebii 14 © 10
Chickens Per lb ! > @ 30
Turkevsncr lb 9 @ 10
• Duckspprlh 7 ( 8
• Geese Perlb 7M © 8
Rabbits Tor doz : 50 © 75
1 Pigeons Live. . . . ' 7n @ M )
Lemons Choice Messinas 3 00 © 4 00
Honey Choice , perlb Vi @ 14
- Onions per bu ( U ) © tt >
j ilranberries. .leriejs. per bbl 7 " > © 7 . i0
J ftcans Handpicked Navy 125 © 1 : r
1 Potatoes per bu f 0 © 55
% Sweet potatores Per bbl 2 25 © 2 50
I Oranges Per box 3 00 © 3 25
I Apples "Westen stock , per bbl 1 75 © 3 03
l Hay TIpland.rer ton 4 00 © 5 50
Hogs Choice light 3 C5 © 3 4 .
I Hogs Heavyweights 3 ( jo © 3 70
I Jlcef steers 3 50 © 4 20
I Hulls 2 80 © 350
j Stasis. 3 50 © 4 10
f Calves 5 50 ( § 5 . ' 0
I Western Feeders 2 5)0 ) © 3 25
f Cows 2 50 © 3 00
i Heifers 3 00 © 4 00
f Stockers and Feeders 3 00 © 4 h5
ke Sheep AYcstern Lambs 4 40 © 5 50
f Sheep Mixed western 100 © 3 C'J
i Wheat No. 2 spring ! T1 © 03
7 Corn pcrbu 2S © • va
I Oats perbu 25 © 25V4
I llarley No. 2 2 ; i@ 41
I Rye No. 3 45 © 45J4
i Timothy seed Prime per bu. . 2 70 ( & 2 75
[ Pork ' . ! • 30 © 0 35
I Lard per 100 lbs 4 70 © 4 72
I Cattle Choice beef steers 4 75 © 5 25
I Cattle Stackers and feeders..3 S4 © 4 35
[ Hofis Mixed 3 00 © 3 70
f Sheep Native Lambs 4 00 © 4 75
Wheat No. 2 , red.Winter 107 © 1 07'4
i Corn No. 2 35 © 33'i
f Oats No.2 23 © 2SJj.
f , Pork 8 50 © 9 00
; Lard 4 75 © 5 00
i Wheat No.2 , spring S3 © 834
f Corn No. 2 24 © 2t
I Oats No 2 24 © 24 } ' ,
i Hogs Mixed 3 45 © 3 05
I Sheep Muttons : 2 75 © 4 40
Oattle Stockers and feeders. . . 3 00 ( a > 5 00
• mm tmam ! m tmiK < hri , u , . . - . . , , „ ; . , „ „ „ ; , „ , , , ' \ Z
Front tlie EvenUw IVeics , Detroit , Mich.
Mrs. John Tansey , of ISO Baker Street ,
Detroit. Michigan , "is ono of those women
who alwuys know just what to do in all
trouble and nickneas. One that is n mother
tothoso in distress. To a reporter she kaid :
"I am , the mother of tou children and
have railed eight of them. Several years
ago we had a serious time with myduuqhtor ,
xihich began when Hhe was ubout sixteen
years old. She did not have any serious
illness but seemed to gradually waste away.
Having never had any consumption in our
fainily uB we como of good old Irish and
Scotch stock , wo did not think it was that.
Oar doctor called the disease by nn odd
naino which , as I afterward learned , meant
lack of blood.
* 'lt is impossible to describe the feeling
John and , I bad om wo noticed our daughter
slowly passing away Iroin ' us. Wo finally
found , however , a medicine that seemed to
Most of the Time She Was Confined
to Bed.
help her , nnd from the flrst wo noticed t
decided change for the hotter , and nftei
three months' treatment her health was sc
greatly improved you would not have re
cognized her. She gained iu llesh rapidlj
and i-oon was inporlect health. The uiedi
cine ubod was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foi
Palo People. 1 have always kept these pill.
in tbo homo since and have recommended
them to many people. I bavo told m > n >
mothers aLeut them and they have oiFectet ]
some wonderful euros.
"Every mother in this lund should keor
these pills in the house , as they are good
for mauy nilmonts. particularly those
nrifiug from impovon-he 1 or diseased
blood , and weakened nerve fore : : . "
barrister , famous in the sixties ir
Victoria for his fun and audacity , was
addressing an election meeting in Bal-
laret , the "golden city. " The livclj
advocate had come to that time in hi ;
career when much whisky and sodr
had wrought palpable havoc with hi :
complexion. His speech ended , ant
questions were invited. "Aspinwal ! '
bellowed a stalwart digger , "tell us
what makes your face so red. " "Blush-
ing at your confounded impudence
sir ! " was the quick reply. It carriet
the meeting.
How They Are Operated and Made tc
Pay the Farmer.
- . i A corie-
s p o n denl
of a Browr
< jY'y r ' . City , Mich-
y jY r > - „
isan 'pape
rSyJ a = . '
S b follows :
" ys - < - - . . , - , -U. - < - . "An in-
• ' - - - : Uji J dustrj
which is proving very advanta
geous to the settlers of Nortl
Alberta , Canada , and is truly a boon tc
the farmers , is the establishment ol
creameries by the Government at regu
lar distances apart. The Governmenl
furnishes the entire plant , puts it ir
and operates it without direct cost tt
the farmer. From the sale of the but
ter the Government retains 5 cents pei
pound , the balance going to the farmer
This is continued for three years , when
the government turns over the planl
and business to the farmers , giv
ing them a clear title of it
Thus these creameries are put ir
at a minimum cost to the farmei
and paid for in a way that he least
feels it. When we were there buttPi
was selling at 21 and 22 cents pev
pound. Cheese factories were being es
tablished , too , along the railroad and
much of the freight loaded on the cars
on our return trip consisted of butter
and cheese , as it was in the best sea
son for milk. The produce found n
ready market in the mining and lum
bering towns and districts beyond the
Rockies , through the British Columbia
country , where it was , we were toid ,
difficult to supply the demand. "
The Klondike is another field now
open to the Western Canadian farmei
for all produce of the farm , and the
officials in the Department of the In
terior. Ottawa , Canada , are kept busy
sending out literature describing this
great agricultural country. The agents
cf the Government throughout the
United States are also supplied with
literature , which they distribute free.
"Mr. Bond , may I get off this after
noon ? I should like to go to a fun
eral. " "I am afraid not , Mr. Binks ,
for we are very busy out if business
slackens _ have no objection to youi
going to a funeral on Caturday after
noon. " Harper's Week.y.
All Kinds nf Seeds.
The attention of our readers is call
ed to the advertisement of the John
A. Salzer Seed Co. , which appears else
where iu this issue. Those who expect
to make any seed purchases will make
a miotake not to write this concern.
They are thoroughly reliable , and are
the largest seed growers in America.
It is advisable to make seed purchases
without further delay , as the season is
rapidly advancing. The John A. Sal
zer Seed Co. will send their interesting
catalogue for 5 cents-in stamps to de
fray the postage. They have made
numerous offers this year , which de
serve consideration.
"Before we were married my wife
swallowed everything I said. " "How
" " she has often made
is it now ? "Well ,
me eat my own words. " Chicago
Uo You Dunce To-Slglit ?
Shake into your Shoes Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Chilblains and Sweat
ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 2oc. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
Mrs. Slimdiet : "So you have placed
yourself under the care of a physician
who reduces superf > us flesh ? Did he
recommend any special diet ? " New
Boarder : "No , madam. He simply
recommended your boarding house.
New York Weekly.
1111 1 " " i . "ifiii ni miliummi iil j
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _
' II. pnrt O. , rrcultlonta. "
The recent annual meeting of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company
which was its seventy-first , brings tc
mlud the fact that the B. _ O. hah hail
ten presidents In seventy-one yean
as follows : Fhlllp E. Thomas
Ixmis McLane" , Thomas Swan , Will-
Jam O Harrison , Chauncey BrookR
John W. Garrett , Robert Gar
rett , Samuel Spencer , Charles F. May
er and John K. Cowen. The line was
put in operation to Harper's Ferry In
1834 , was built to Winchester , Va. , in
1S36. and to Strasburg in 1870. West
ward it went to Cumberland In Novem
ber 1842 , and on to Wheeling , W. Va. ,
by Jan. 1 , 1853. The Parkersburg
branch from Grafton to Parkersburg
was opened May 1 , 1857. It Is the only
great railroad company that Is being
operated under its original name and
Irish rebellion did not fight particu
larly well. A certain general at a lord
lieutenant's party in Dublin v/as - . -
monishing a begging women to leave
the place when she said : "It i . I that
am proud to see your nonor here in
the red coat you wore the very day
when you saved the life of'my boy ,
little Mickie ! " "Indeed ! " replied the
general , not sorry to hear any ing to
his credit on such a distinguished oc
casion , "I had forgotten all about it.
How did I save his life ? " "Well , your
honor , when the battle was at its hot
test your honor was the first to run
and when me little Mickie saw the
general run he ran , too , the Lord be
praised ! "
Lieutenant John Macauley Palmer of
the army , who has been detailed oy
Secretary Alger to form a military
company of the students at the uni
versity of Chicago , is a grandson of
General John M. Palmer , of Illinois ,
who was the "gold democratic" candi
date for president at the last election.
IJcanty Is Illooil Dcop.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty
without It. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cleans
your blood and keeps it clean , by stirring up
tl > u lazv liver and driving all Impurities from
the body. Begin to-day to banish pimple- . ,
boils , blotches , blackheads , and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascaiets.
beauty for tun cents. All druggists , satisfac
tion guaranteed. 10c. 2. 'ic. .TO. : .
As soon as a man dies , nis woman
folks recall that he had "favorite"
hymns , which they ask to be sung at
the funeral. This happens in many
cases where the deceased woud be
greatly surprised at the discovery , if
he knew it.
Good macaroni h. of a yellowish
tint , does not break readily in cook
ing , and swells to three or four times
its bulk.
Judge Albert Boynton , who died re
cently at the Alma sanitarium was for
twenty-five years the political editor
of the Detroit Free Press , purchasing
an interest in the paper in 187L' . He
was a descendant , through his mother ,
of John Alden.
Star Tobacco is the lending brand of
the woi Id , because it is the best.
She : "Your friend Owen seems to
have run into debt pretty deep. " He :
"Run into debtHe scorched. "
Pearson's Athletic Record.
* * * - " • * • f RoHHH
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v | , , iinimwi n- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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" " " "i ' ' " . _ , . , - _ _ LatB
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BtWWHMWB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t I
There in mure Catarrli in this section Urn
of the country than all other dl < mnea .
put together , und until the lust few yearn [ -M
wuh supposed to ho Incurnbb ; . Kor u ( treat f
muny yean * doctors pronounced It a local
disease , und prescribed local remedied , nntl
by constantly falling to euro with local -
treatment , pronounced it Incurable. Sc ! < mot
catarrh to bu constltu-
ot * • • has proven a
tlonal disease and therefore requires con *
stltutlonal treatment , Hull's Catarrh
Cure , manufactured by 1 \ J. Cheney &
Co. . Toledo , Ohio , In the only cotHtltu-
tlonal cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally In doxes from 10 drops to u
leaspoonful. It acts dln-cily on the
blood und mucous aurfix-cs of the flyn-
tern. They offer ono hundred dollars for •
any case it fails to cure. Send for clrcu-
lars and testimonials. Address
P. J. C11DN15Y A CO. .
Toledo. O.
Sold by DrugKlsts , 73c.
Hall's I-'anilly Pills are the best.
Don't think because hope makes n I
good breakfast that it will make a aat-
isfactory supper.
It Keeps the Feet W'uriii und Dry fl
And is the only cure for Chilblains. I
Frostbites , Damp , Sweating Feet , I
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alton's I
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken I
into the shoes. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address.Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy.N.Y.
A spoonful of vinegar added to the fl
water In which meats or fowls are fl
boiled makes them tender. x. fl
To Cure Couxtlpatlon I'orctcr. flfl
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic I0 < ; or 23c. jS
If C.C.U. tail to cure drueslstsicfuud money. jfll
Soap and chalk mixed and rubbed Jjfl
on mildewed spots will remove them. flW
= = = = = W
im Go to your grocer to-day | l
m , and get a 15 c. pack. je of II
vh It takes the place of cof- , > -
IT fee at % the cost.
jf Made from pure grains it I
M4 is nourishing and healthfuL -
% fuL I
J-OXf Insist tact your RTOcoreiTcs yon GIIAIN-O.
fei\ Accept so imitation. Ci e Z fll
pa Yoursrivitcst enemy In * H
S ample Free • " • ll * = t I
1 Cl.K.lNAr.L-by letter * We M.ouNl ! ike tu.aml I ,
H on apjilk-atijii , tend -ample fixto i.rineniir R | HI
j < akf. for ijratibi.-y i niiiml 11m i wmnl work , H | HI
| l > it. 'hcnrnre rilHton itl Icel .11 < ! l.utnl porta of g \
2 fiirsn IinplciiH-iitH it Iiumio opial. Full nl/e B \ \
Pm \ \ . 2. - .C. CIIAI.rANT MIVKI.TY C > . , H fll
(31 ( . < ) • Ho.0 : i , Chh-iijco. lit. ( j
JT | . . . , . , , . , „ i , . . inr.i-Mmmy ] . ( irniiumhwI HJ
AtlTUflDQ We want your stnri > ; ; poemsand fll
MU I nUllO book MSS. : best ) .vic. s : inclosti
stamp. Author-.and Writer-.UtiH i' Chicao.IU. :
YxM tllii'ti-aUil < : < - < nptlvo imml- 4 Mi
afiOSrS } ,1 pratlonlitclr-lirf lrfe.l' iHla < < - ,10c. f HI
U5lilL5r3 hT'.tl. Pities HI Itl-A' , Tallaha rr. < f HHI
< m
\V. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 6-1S9S. I fl |
, _ * - * - . " s- ss * % _ AflflflJ
-s- " * s\s jrs
' .Vlisa Ansverinfj Athcrttscpicats Hsndty ' ' I
Mcatioa This Paper. Vfl
\j \ URAI/GLA. iSM M
2 FREE ADV5CE by our 1'ltysu-ian.-ml a FREE SAMPLE If- H
* 53 of our medicine and a6S-paye ; I'roc Hook treating all die.ic wuli oCexrciIcut 5 ; fllj HH
: • * lecipea aic pome of the lea-'ons wbv-you bliould-nrlle in- . j ;
% "Z flH
* " ' vTcnrr. mrp - n f > SCii
CV 5 ;
jj8 ij-5 Cities the very woict cases of Dyspepsia , ton = tipation , Ilcadai lie. Liter nml SS ;
fit Kidney disca-es. Send lor proof of it.V > Guarsmtre It. Wnti u-- about § 2- ; | flj
jES all of your symptoms. Dr. Kay's Iienoiatoi 1- * sold by druggists , or ee- : * * 5 : flfl
l"li l > y mail on receipt or price , .ir cents and SI.OO. * HH
2 Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Western Office ) Omaha. Neb. § 3
* h 1 H
25c 50c _ _ _ _ DRUGGISTS
I i , . . . . , .in tai H
/S7 SalJer's Sttis are Warranttd to Prodcee. \ }
jfef E. Walter. I.cRnv rile. P . . astonlshcJ Ihcworld Wjjft
SKby crowIuitiiO buihelt salzer' * com : J. l' .reiJcr , l ra
BS ? llfililcot : , W i . . 173 bush , barley , aad P. Mnaot. tttf ]
BB Randalla. groTi'nE 19b bu h. > alicr oats hUQ
BStcrarc. Ifoo doubt , rltethcra. Wewnhtogaia rWJ
Sjy IjOOOOui-t customer , hence will sirndca trial Bg
EH h pVpi or rare rarra seeds. Hog Pea. Sand Vetch , Mn
RglJOc Wheat. 'Sheep Uapc. Jerusalem Corn etc.figl
BuW cljilinj oar mammoth > ce-l ratalojne , Ulllns aU JgJV
M a about the $100 fold r""sfT best name r r oar /M * ?
uSJ % . ccw mamlous corn an 1 oats , ' Prodlglc * . $ /
\5jfb. also s-impls or same , all mallei Jou uioa Jmrff
\ % & & . receipt or but 10c. i-ostaje. positively /&SQ'
XilSV irorth 510. to set n tart 100 003 bbls. Affjf
| 5v _ Bced Potutoc * at JIM a bbl. JSX/
1B B5 pigs. earlir t * e cUbl2 jBr
Pleiso K Js _ * ' L rfJi Catalor ;
Bcnil this ' iQ iifj iai 1 1 iww jQTl Xj "lone , oc
dv. alone Jj ga 1 5 * So.v.c.
f XoDE \ 1 Ube Big S for unnatural
/ f lo 1 to5d yi-\ I discbargea , intlammatiin3 ,
/ . _ / Gnanaued _ irritations or ulcerations
fKiynet to tuteiare. 0f mucous membranes.
l rljPreTecta coaiapoa. I'aiuleee. and not astna-
tpo\\THEEYHSCHEUICAtCo. ( \ Bnt or poigonom.
V \CNCINHATI.0.L I SoId bCrnjrjrf ta ,
V V V.B.JL. 7 | or g < nt in plain Tapper ,
'w X \ I by express , prepaid , for
\ ; ' > W\ I . > . or 3 iHJttles. $2.75.
_ r * - * 'r u Circular sent oa request
Late Principal Examiner V. 8. peniioa Bureau.
3 i ii. ia lait war , IS adjudicating claims , attjr. iioce.
'VtBSV.ttlMimmnFC W > . en 'i , „ „ , .i _ . _ > . . . - _ .
$100 fe Ai ian „ I
Of Weakness In I\Irn They Treat and flfl
Fail to Cur- . H
An Omaba Company places for the first HI
time before tbe public a M\r.iru. Tkevt- HHJ
ment for tbo euro of Lo t Vitality.Norvoiw flfl
and Sexual Weakness , and Restoration of. HJ
Life Force in old and -voting men. No flfl
• worn-out French remedy contains no flfl
Phosphorus or other harmful drugIt is flfl
a WosiEitBL Theatmext magical m itsflfl
effects positive in its cure. All readers , flfl
who are t-ntlering from a weakm-s that flfl
lights their life , causing that mental and flfl
physical bii'fermg , ) eettliar to Lt Manflfl
hobd.sbould write to the STATK.Ml-IDiCAL flfl
COMPANY , No. 3)X Range RIo.k. . Omaha ,
Neb. , and they will send yon absolutely flj
FREE , a valuable paper onthc-e < lis < a os , HJ
nnd positive pi oofs of their truly Mai.ical flj Thousands of men , who have flflj
lost all hope of a cure , are being ro tored HJ
bv them to a perfect condition. flflj
"This Maoicai. Tueatjient may 1 e taken HHJ
at home under their directions , or tiioy will . HHJ
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who flflj
prefer to go to there for treatment , if they flflj
fail to cure. They are perfe < tlv reliable ; flflj
have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure , flflj
Free Sample , or C. O. D. fake. They have * flflj
. ' 00,000 capital , and guarantee to cure flflj
every case they treat or refund oveiy dol- HHJ
lar ; or their charge- > may be deposited in HHJ
a bank to be paid to them when a cure is flH
effected. Write them today. HH
Kften Answering Advertisements hindl > H
Mention This Taper. H
-r H-fl