The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 28, 1898, Image 8

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    H r
B * * _ _ _ _ _ _ -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | --W -
Finest Engraving
free on goods bought
of us. LEACH , The
I Jeweler.
1 J. C. Berry , one of the best known citizens
m of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himsell
M of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes
1 of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He had been
j troubled with piles for over thirty years and
B liad used many different kinds of so-called
1 cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the
l | work and he will verify this statement if any
B one wishes to write him. A. McMillen.
H " Warning Persons who suffer from courIu
and colds should heed the warnings of danj > ci
H and save themselves suffering and fatal result !
fl by usinj. One Minute Cough Cure. It is an
H infallible remrdv for coughs , colds , croup and
H nil throat and lunj , ' troubles. A. McMillen.
m i United States 'Land Office ,
B NcCook.Neb. , January 24 , 189S.
BJ Notice is hereby given that Thomas Boozan ,
| - ' . Jr.Kuardian for John Boozan , now insane , has
Bfl filed notice of his intention to make final proof
BJ before register or receiver at his office in Mc-
Bfl Cook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 5th day of
BB March , 1898 , on timber culture application
BB . No. 6576. for the southwest quarter of section
No. 31 , in township I north , range 31 west of
the 6th p.m. He names as witnesses : Byron
I E. Scverns , George Kennedy , William Kennedy -
- nedy and George C. Cox , all of Ilerndon ,
BB Kansas. A. S. Camphkll , Register.
BB ( _
Bfl United States Land Office ,
Bfl f - McCook , Neb. , December 18,1897.
BB 1 Notice is hereby given that Henry J. Burg-
IJ 3raf has filed notice of his intention to make
BB linal proof before register or receiver at his
Bfl - office in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th
Bfl day of January , 1898 , on timber culture appli-
Hfl cation No. 6589 , for the sej < of section No. 17 ,
Bfl in township I north , range No. 30 w 6th p. 111.
Bfl He names as witnesses : Wilson II. Hart-
IB 'man , Cora B. Hartman , William M. Cratty ,
BB William A. Brown , all of McCook , Neb.
Bfl 12-24-61 A. S. Campbell , Register.
Bfl United States Land Office ,
Bfl McCook. Neb. , January 27,1S9S ;
Bfl Notice is herebv given that John W.Hartman
Bfl bas filed notice of his intention to make final
Bfl 'proiif before register or receiver at his office
Bfl in McCook , Neb.on Saturday , the 12th day of
Bfl March , 1898 , on timber culture application
Bfl No. 0G2S , for the southwest quarter of section
Bfl No. 20 , in township No. 6 n , range No. 30 w
BB < 6th p. m. lie names as witnesses : John Fitz-
BH Gibbons and Thomas FitzGibbons of Zimmer ,
Bfl -Nebraska , Samuel M. Cochran and Henry 11.
Bfl Troth of McCook , Nebraska.
BH A. S. Campuell , Register.
Bfl Land Office at McCook , Nebraska.
BB January 27th , 1898.
BB Notice is hereby given that the following-
Bfl named settler has filed notice of his intention
Bfl to make final proof in support of his claim ,
Bflj and that said proof will be made before regis-
BflJ : ter or receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat-
BflJ on-day , March 12th , 1898 , viz : Phillip Roemer-
BBJ -sheuser , who made H. E. 9S58 for the \vH ne
Bflj H and wj se K of section 22 , T 5 n , R 30 w
Bflj ' 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses
Bflj to prove his continuous residence upon and
Bflj * • -cultivation of said land , viz : John Peterson ,
Bfl Peter Rheinheimer , Joseph Allen and George
BB 'Cappel all ot Osborn , Neb.
Bfl A. S. Campbell , Register.
Bfl Land Office at McCook , Neb.
Bfl January 27th , 189S.
Bfl Notice is heieby given that the following-
HH named' settler-has filed notice of his intention
IB to make final proof in support of his claim ,
PB and that said proof will be made before regis-
HH ter or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. ,
Bfl on Saturday , March 12 , 189S , viz : John Peter-
IB -son , who made H. E. No. 10,368 for the nlA
BB 5\v % sw M sw lA sw % nw H , section 23 T. 5
BB n , R. 30 west 6th P. M. lie names the follow-
H -tng witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
BB -deuce upon and cultivation of said land , viz :
Bfl Phillip Roemersheuser , Peter Rheinheimer ,
Bfl George Cappel and Joseph Allen all of 'Os-
BB 'born , Neb. A. S. CamI'BELL , Register.
Bflj I The bladder was created for one pnrpose ,
PH 'namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such
Bflj it is not liable to any form of disease except
IH by one of two ways. The first way is from im-
flfl 1 perfect action of the kidneys. The second
Bfl i way is from careless local treatment of other
Bfl I diseases.
BH I Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is
Bfl I -the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the
Bfl 1 "womb , like the bladder , was created for one
BH ( purpose , and if not doctored too much is not
Bfl liable to weakness or disease , except in rare
Bfl 'cases. It is situated back of and very close to
BBj the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in-
Bfl -convenience manifested in the kidneys , back ,
Bfl bladder or urinary passage is often , by mis-
IB take , attributed to female weakness or womb
Bfl 'trouble of some sort. The error is easily made
Bfl and may be as easily avoided. To find out
Bfl correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-four
Bfl ' hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney
Bfl or bladder tiouble. The mild and extraordi-
Bfl -nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ,
Bfl the great kidney , and bladder " remedy is
Bfl eon realized. If you need a medicine
Bfl "you should have the best. At all druggists
Bfl fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
Bfl sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
Bfl mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
Bfl address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
BB Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
Bfl the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
H One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
fll That is whet it was made for.
fl McCook , Nebraska.
s ? "Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Bl Rear of First National bank.
Bl All dental work done at our office is guar-
Bl anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
BJ Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
- 7 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mm m ag.
_ -tiVIRS. E. E. UTTER.o .
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
S Studio Opposite Postoffice.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCooJc. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
, Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
McCook , Nebraska.
JigjT'l guarantee a cure. No cure , no
payr Write me at above address , or call
at my home in Coleman precinct.
w ii i i mi , i 7 T T7 SB i
1 - -
a „
• '
when the Creator said to woman
"In sorrow shalt thou bring fort !
children , " that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race
but the joy felt by every Mothei
when she first presses to her hearl
her babe , proves the contrary
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway , of the Expectant
Mother , and should be avoided
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized , in full vigor and strength
relaxes the
sea , Jlcpuache
Gloomy r ore-
L I * J- 1
boding of dan
ger , and the
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering , as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Mother's Frloml" is the greatest rome < lyc-ei
put on the market , and all our customers praise it
highly. " W. n. Kma & Co. , Wbitewright , Tc = ,
01 drugjjista at M.00 , or sent by express on re
ceipt of price. Write for book containing valua
ble information for all Mothers , " mailed free.
The Bradflcld Regulator Co. , AUanta , On.
California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p m. ,
Lincoln 6:10 p. 111. , Hastings 8:50 p. m.
and McCook at 11:40 : p. m. , ev
ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ;
have spring seats and backs and are
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
helding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha , Nebraska. 4-25-9S.
What does it cost to get there ? When
and bow should one go ? What should
one take ? Where are the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful. ' What wages are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What are one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactor } * replies to
the above questions will be found in the
Burlington Route's * ' Klondike Folder , "
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
offices.or sent on receipt of four cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
has demonstrated ten thousand K
times that it is almost infallible | j
irregularities and derangements. "
It has become the leading remedy
for this class of troubles. It exerts J
a wonderfully healing , strengthening -
ing and soothing influence upon u
the menstrual organs. It cures I
"whites" and falling of the womb. 5
Is It stops flooding and relieves sup- |
I pressed and painful menstruation. W
1 For Change of Life it is the best k
jjj medicine made. It is beneficial g
a during pregnancy , and helps to I
a bring children into homes barren S
2 for years. It invigorates , stiinu- *
B lates , strengthens the whole sys- |
tem. This great remedy is offered g
* to all afflicted women. "Why will a
any woman suffer another minute
with certain relief within reach ? m
Wino of Cardui only costs SI.00 per K
bottle at your drug store. 94
For advice , in eases requiring special direcfij
ttons , address , giving symptoms , tfte "Ladies' Pi
Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Med' M
icine Co. , Chattanooga , Tenn.
Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden , S. C , says :
"My wife used Wine of Cardui at horns
for falling of the womb , and It entirely
cured her. "
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant , Quick Result * , Safe to take.
VIck's Garden and Floral Guide.
The annual catalogue sent out by the
old reliable seed establishment of James
Vick's Sons , comes to hand hi a daint }
and tasty cover of blue , pink , yellow and
orange. The Golden Lily , the Pink Day
break Aster , a brace of bluebirds , and
the artistic lettering in black , blue , green ,
crimson and gold , all in harmonious com-
binatious , make a cover of exquisite de
sign and appearance. Many of the illus
trations are fine half-tones. Four hand
some colored plates of begonias , dahlias ,
nasturtiums and sweet peas add to the
attractions. The list of seeds and plants
covers a largeand varied assortment , in
cluding nearly everything that can be
desired for the garden , the lawn , the
greenhouse. Valuable new varieties are
offered as well as the thoroughly tried
and proved standard sorts. Vick's nov
elties are noted for their uniform excel
In vegetables the Gradus pea isagreat
advance over all other "extra early" va
rieties. The Jones Wax Bean is an essen
tial gain in that line. Potato growers
are offered the "White Beauty" as a new
variety with model qualities , combining
size , high quality and great productive
ness. But it is impossible here to note
the many valuable offerings of tliis.firm.
Send for their catalogue. It is free to all
applicants. Address James Vick's Sons ,
Rochester , N. V.
Attracts Much Attention.
The 1897 crop reports lecently printed
in The Tribune are attracting more
than local attention. The Lincoln Journal -
nal remarks about it as follows :
Frank Kimmell of the McCook TRIB
UNE has inaugurated a column in his
paper that is of unusual interest and one
to be adopted in other papers with profit
and value. This column is made up of
what farmers in the neighborhood pro
duced in 1897 , what was their increase
in btock and the individual profit that
came and the value received for their
labor. It will be readily seen that after
this column has been published for a few
months that it will be a compendium of
facts and what the country can do for an
industrious man that cannot be ques
tioned in authenticity and that will
carry great emphasis.
The McCook Tribune is running a very
valuable department. It is interviews
with farmers of that vicinity showing
what they raised in 1S97 and the profits
which came to them. Many of the state
ments are beyond any yet put in print.
Collier's Weekly.
The current number of Collier's opens
with a truthful picture of a vehicle of
which all Americans have heard yet not
one out of ten has seen the horseless
carriage , as it appears with its occupants
and driver in the streets of New York.
There is a double-page plate of the hand
some new park which Chicago recently
wrested from the bottom of Lake Michi
gan and the clutch of a railroad company.
Other striking illustrations accompany a
travel-sketch , "In the Path of the Proph
et , " and "The Wreck of the 'Royal
George. ' " The strained relations of Ger
many with China are the subject of a
strong editorial , the quarrels of European
powers in Africa are described , and the
several departments areas full and enter
taining as usual. With the succeeding
number Collier's Weekly will introduce
a brilliant group of new contributors and
make notable change * of appearance , all
of which will be for the better.
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the better times , and higher
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to The Tribune
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
The Publisher.
The Tribune and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
McMillen's Cough Cure ; 25c.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska : David Brown vs. Cornelius J.Ryan ,
Mary J. Ryan , bis wife , Louis Stull and Wil-
iam Stull , partners , doing business under the
lame and style of Stull Bros.
Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan , his wife ,
Louis Stull and William Stull , partners , doinjr
jusiness under the name and style of Stull
Bros. , defendants , will take notice that on the
5th day of January , 189S , David Brown , plain-
iff herein , filed his petition in the district
: ourtof Red Willow ' county , Nebraska , against
; aid defendant s , the object and prayer of
, vhich are to foreclose a trust deed executed
) y the defendants , Cornelius J.Ryan and Mary
I. Ryan , his wife , to William Stull , trustee for
Louis Stull , and which was by them assigned
o plaintiff , upon the southeast quarter of sec-
ion thirteen , township three north , ranfje
wenty-nine west of the 6th P.M. to secure the
layment of one promissory note and interest
hereon dated June 1st , 1887 , for the sum of
5700 , and due and payable in five years from
he date thereof. One hundred dollars of said
lote was paid at maturity and the time of
jayment of the remaining six hundred dol-
ars was by agreement extended for the term
if five years from said date. That there is
low due on said note and trust deed the sum
if $825.14 , for which sum with interest from
anuary 1st , 189S , plaintiff prays for a decree
hat defendants be required to pay the same
> r that said premises may be sold to satisfy
he amount found due. You are required to
tnswer said petition on or before the 7th day
> f March. 1898.
Dated January 27,1898.
David Brown , Plaintiff.
i-2S-4t By W. R. Starr , his-Attorney.
Convention Notes.
C. H. Roberts of Hastings has enterec
25 chickens of various breeds.
George Randell of Earl enters Uuf
Leghorns , Black Minorcas , Plyuioutl
Entries will be made from Minden
Oberlin , Stamford , Nelson , Bit. Claire
Imperial , Wauneta , Palisade ; Lawrence ,
Indianola , Pearl , Neb. , and Wray , Cole ,
L. P. Luddeu , ex-Secretary of the State
Poultry association , writes that he ex
pects to be here on the 2d , and will ad
dress the convention on the subject ol
poultry raising in Nebraska.
Frank T. Hawks and others from Or
leans have signified purpose to enter
chickens there will be 6 or 8 pens ol
birds ; C. T. Simpson , pen Wyandottes :
Al Wicken , pen Black Minorcas ; Mrs. L.
J. Main , White Plymouth Rocks ; A. M.
Beresfofd , Partridge Cochins ; Oscar De-
voe , Brown Leghorns ; Frank T. Hawks ,
White Leghorns.
Peter Younger of Geneva , this state ,
was in BIcCook , Wednesday , and says
the Farmers' convention and Poultry
exhibit to be held here on the 2d and 3d
of February , is attracting much attention
and that we may look for a large attend
ance from abroad. Younger Bros , are
successful farmers on the intensive plan
of sub-soiling as well as surface culiva
tion. Peter Younger is Superintendent
of the Horticulture department of the
Omaha exposition. He was on his way
to Colorado , and will arrange to be at
BIcCook if possible.
That sterling farm journal. The Iowa
Homesteadseems to be improving every
week , even after further improvement
seems impossible. We do not hesitate
to say to the farmers of this county that
they are not "living up to their privil
eges" if they fail Jlo read it regularly ,
because nothing equals it as an agricult
ural paper for the western farmer , so far
as our observation has gone , and our op
portunities have been unusually good.
The Special Farmers' Institute edition
for February will discuss winter dairying ,
beef production , grain feeding and two
interesting home topics. Everyone should
read it , for remember that these discuss
ions are not mere theory , but are carried
on by actual fanners who live 011 the
farm and give their own experience. The
Homestead is only $1 , which price in
cludes the Special Institute editions
monthly. Send subscriptions or requests
for free sample copies to Homestead Co. ,
Des Moines , la
George Rasmussen has sued his wife
Elnora for divorce on statutory grounds
in the district court of Lancaster county.
The } ' were married in our city in Febru
ary , 1896.
IVIcCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .15
Wheat 70
Oats 13
Rye 32
Barley 17
Hogs $3.15 © 3.25
Eggs 12
Butter 12
Potatoes 60 @ .80
J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that
when he has a spell of indigestion and feels
load and slugcish , he takes two of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers at nighr , and he is all riyht
the next morning. May thousands of others
do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
You can't afford to risk your life by allow
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure
are afforded by One Minute Couuh Cure. .A.
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds
nay be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve , the great remedy tor piles and
; or all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A.
There is no need of little children being tor-
ured by scald head , eczema and skin erup-
ions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in
fant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc
You can't cure consumption but you can
woid it and cure every other form of throat
ir lung trouble by the use of One Minute
ough Cure. A. McMillen.
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's
-ittle Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa-
ion , sick headache. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sat
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
nafees the young feel old , and the old feel
hat life is not worth the living. It's a dan
ger signal of Kidney Disease the unerring
evidence of weak , inactive and sore Kidneys.
\ny person cured of Kidney weakness will
ell you that when the back ceased to ache ,
ill troubles ended. Neither liniments , nor
jlasters , nor electricity can cure it. The
eat of the trouble is not in the skin , flesh or
nuscles. It's in lha Kidneys.
It can be
jff tSfm. | B IU SS SL flH fl J 9 S
ft II ifwf AG , pUp
"Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills relieved my
vife of a great pain in her back , and alleviated
l. severe trouble In her kidneys. "
Patrick Murray ,
1839IC. 17th. St. , Omaha , Neb.
"I am triad to say that Dr. Hobbs Sparagus
Sidney Pills have had a satisfactory effect in
ay case. They have done all that 1 could ex-
> ect and what you claim they do. They cured
ue of a terrible backache which I had for
everal months , and after I had used two boxes
! was well. " .
August Steyaert , Cedar Rapids , Neb.
Kidney Pills.
A Great Sunday Paper Free.
The Semi-Weekly State Journal wunts
to get 5,000 new subscribers during the
next thirty days , and ns a special offer ,
one that is bound to bring new subscrib
ers , will send The Semi-Weekly Stale
Journal every Tuesday and Friday for n
whole year for $1.00 , and as a special pre
mium , will also send the great Sunday
State Journal , sixteen pages every Sun
day , for three months free. Remember ,
you will get The Semi-Weekly Journal a
whole year and the great Sunday paper
for three months all for $1.00. To get
the advantage of this greatest of nil of
fers you must send your dollar direct to
The State Journal , Lincoln. Neb. , and
not through an agent. Never before has
so much good reading matter been of
fered forr.oo. The Sunday Journal con
tains more reading matter alone than
nwny magazines. If j-ou want to keep
up with the world's doings , here is a
chance such as has never been offered
befoie This offer may be withdrawn
soon , so do not put off sending your dollar
lar for fear you may be disappointed.
One dollar does it all.
During the past two years , Mrs. J. W.
Alexander , wife of the editor oftheWay-
nesboro , ( Miss. ) Times , has , in a great
many instances , relieved her baby when
in the first stages of croup , by giving it
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She
looks upon this remedy as a household
necessity and believes that no better med
icine has ever been put in bottles. There
are many thousands of mothers in this
broad land , who are of the same opinion.
It is the only remedy that can always be
depended upon as a preventive and cure
for croup. The 25 and 50 cent bottles
pre for sale by McConnell.
A genuine Oxfoid leather bound Bible
costs considerable money. Any one
wanting such a book without paying a
cent cash will find out how they can get
it-by calling at Tub Tkibunb office.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
. . .OF THE. . .
McCook Co-operative Building
and Savings Association
on the 31st day of December , 1897.
First Mortgage Loans , S2757322
Loans secured by Stock of Associa
tion 365 00
Loans in process of foreclosure 1 223 85
Real Estate 432549
Delinquent Dues and Interest 107 39
Cash with Treasurer 618 20
Total .S3421315
Cash Stock , paid up S21 279 58
Premiums unearned 030 72
Interest 27 89
Contingent Fund 1 607 36
Withdrawals unpaid 1 225 60
Matured "A" Stock 9 000 00
Interest on Matured "A" Stock 52 50
Prepaid Dues 78 00
Prepaid Interest 11 50
To tal. S34 213 15
State of Nebraska , Red Willow County , ss.
I , F. A. Pennell , Secretary of the above-
named Association , do solemnly swear that
the foregoing Statement of the Condition of
5aid Association , is true and correct to the best
jf my knowledge and belief.
F. A. Penneu. , Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth
lay of January , 1898. J. E. Kei.lev ,
Notary Public.
My commission expires Feb. 22d , 1898.
Approved :
f. F. Ganschow , )
I. J. Garrard , • > Directors.
L < \ M. Kimmell , ) i-i4-3ts.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
.0 make final proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Saturday , February 26th , 1898 , viz : JIans I.
Peterson , who made homestead entry 10,555
or the south • southwest \ section 13 , town-
ihip 1 north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He
lames the following witnesses to prove his
: ontinuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
laid land , viz : Joseph II. Relph , ISanksville ,
Nebraska , Abraham V. Olmsted , John Good-
mberger and Orlando L. Thompson , of Mc
cook , Nebraska. A. S. Campuell ,
i-i4-6ts. Register.
And to PROVE that our CATARRH
DURE will positively CUBE catarrh in
ts worst forms , wo will send a
Two Weeks' ' Treatment Free
: o all who send us ten cents (10c. ) in stamps
to pay cost of postage and paclcins.
Address J0IIXS & DIX0 > \ Rochester. \ . V ,
of the . . . .
We respectfully solicit your business ,
nd guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
nd prompt , courteous service.
• 1ri -
* II
* I
A Superior Throu h Slooplnpr Car jl
Line Between St. Louis . „
and Jacksonville. M
Commencing December 26th the Louis-/ I
ville Air Line has established the great * * I
Through Sleeping Cur Route to Plorlda.
Through sleeping cars arranged to leave I
St. Louis 9:15 p. m. daily , passing Louisville - M
ville 7 a. in , Lexington 10:55 a. m. , I
reaching Chattanooga 5:55 : p. in , Atlanta I
10:40 : p. m. nnd Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. B
( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. H
This route is through large cities and interesting - H
teresting country , and , while a new
through sleeping car route , is over most
superior and well-established lines of H
railway. The schedules are fast and H
most convenient. H
The line also affords passengers for H
Florida trip via Asheville , N C , the H
American . H
greatest all-year-round resort.
Correspondence solicited and in formation - M
tion promptly furnished. R. A Camp- H
BHLL.Gen'lPas'ng'rAgent.St.Louis.Mo. H
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Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia , and * M
North and South Carolina. 3-1-98. |
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lias line goods at right I
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W.J. Holland , Holland , Va. Chamber- M
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If you need any Mariile Monuments , j H
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Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes ' |
Mutual Insurance both Farm and Mer- H
: antile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies. L Lm
Julius Kukert , H
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. ,
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ac I am still doing carpet laying , carpet J L M
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Tbo lamous little pills. j1 H