H , , | f J. f. oanschow , I B > 11 ! THE 0LD RELIABLE Wk j ; ; SHOE DEALER , | R sp Carries the Largest and Finest | | | B § 5 $ stock ° f seasonable goods in the § | | H [ Boot and Shoe line to be found in § | | Hl % m Southwestern Nebraska. | § 1 1 j. F. GANSCHOW , 1 HI p McCOOK , NEBRASKA. II H ; 7 F. D. BURGESS , 7 H ; | Plumter and j H j I Steam Fitter I HH § McCOOK , NEBR. 7 H js Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass 4 hS fa Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z HH \ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ H Hj v Windmills. Basementof the Meeker7 H [ J Phillips building. P H j J. S. McBRAYER , B9 PROPRIETOR OF THE H McCook Transfer Line H BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Hra > g fT'Oiily furniture van in the HIP city. Also have a first class house B' - „ moving1 outfit. Leave orders for B I , j bus calls at Commercial hotel or Bl m at office opposite the depot. HkK L Eeach , The Jeweler , H mlr sells Singer Sewing * H W \ Machines. K * Fine stock of Solid Hp j Sterling * Silver-ware. B § Leach , The Jeweler. | | McConnell's | | | | Sarsaparilla $ I and $ I Burdock | I for the I X B'ood. ' f * * Now is thi time to take it. jS W W fi S S " " * 11 aflcafik Sfcr.jflk jffltsfik JBa:4F * Gta Co. Land and Jve Stock Cg Horscs branded on left hip or leftBhoulder * & & & > P.O. . addressImperiul . . , . . , T n.nnn .nty ,1Qm n jRyjKJja ® . " rice. Nebraska. Kanjre , TK i Cff ffTj'yStinkinp : Water and the vSa5ttir Frenchman creeks , in wa aS1Cbnso ? county. Nebraska. . " Ifrfl Brand aB cut on side of jij65i'Stt ? ? 1V = $ . § some animals , on hip and C ® ; 23iS sides of some , or any where on the animal Several bicycles for sale cheap. LEACH , The Jeweler. HTreasurer's ; Reports BJ v Bff RECAPITULATION : Showing the amount on hand July i , 1S97 , the collections H since made , warrants redeemed , and amount remaining on hand at the close of the 5th day of B > January , 1S98 , in each and all of the several funds and accounts of J. H. Berge , Treasurer of Bwr * i Red Willow County , Nebraska , together with the total amounts of the several items stated. Hi "V- 'icS- A lncQfe Total Disburse- Balance H B FTTXDS July 1,189. . coS , d # ' meats. Jan. 3,1683. BBB : ? " General § 097 03 § 2 22172 $5 218 78 § 2 09151 § 529 27 ffl Sing. 1 > 7 7 : ? 212 72 : il0 15 260 SS 49 87 Bffli : School. 14997 XJ4 79 484 76 40178 79 9S Hl University 74 67 165 82 240 49 20135 39 14 VW' ' Capitol 44 31 75 4 < 28 v _ Reform School 19 35 54 25 29 Bi 1 Institute for Feeble Minded 2192 55:58 : 80:50 : 07 16 13 14 HLA I Relief 24 74 55 07 79 81 60 9. ) 12 8S 19 ' ' * bCIIOOL LAND. „ n „ „ BE ' ' BomiF < 00 60 00 60 00 Ua Frincipai. 78175 78175 272 00 509 75 BHB Interest. 1787 56 1 7a7 56 1561:59 : 226 17 B Lea e. " 1SS 09 1667 10 1855 19 1326 56 528 63 H Notice ' Fees 3 50 3 50 3 50 Hi General 1 2:59 : & 5 5 16.123 6 40110 5 74143 662 67 tt / Kridco 260 09 170174 196183 1752 94 208 89 { f lloncl 4 088 40 682 61 4 77101 275 00 4 496 01 ] Bf County Koad 86 19 246 74 52 93 259 77 93 1G Bl . > * D ? trictRoad 294 Oi 267 76 56180 170 00 391 80 BMf Soldier's Relief. . . . . . : J47 6:5 : 159 21 386 84 : 70 330 14 TK , fflffl" 1704 92 1704 92 1704 92 V B DistrictTSclool Bond S 429 05 3 375 65 11804 70 2 S50 60 8 974 10 VM District School 4 260 82 12 410 56 16 67138 12 366 70 4:50168 : B Interest 2 152 17 2 152 17 500 00 1052 17 Bfl { AdvcrtWnK. . 238 00 238 00 258 00 * H Bank Interest 451:59 : 4r l 39 454 39 * B ' North Valley Bond 2 000 37 337 98 2 ; 55S ; 33 330 70 1987 65 B East Valley Bond 104 41 2 58 166 99 166 99 H Willow Grove Bond 3 093 61 700 5s 3 856 22 300 00 3 550 22 0 H In lianola Precinct Bond 150114 140 17 1650 31 52 50 1597 81 H B BartlcyVillaBoBoad 457 42 70 9S 528 40 52S 40 B bKv Village 29 47 77 12 106 59 82 20 21159 B icCookCitv. . 264 57 2 062 73 2:527 : 30 2 19S 57 128 73 I IndianolaCity 490 27 12S 67 624 94 559 16 63 78 H B Tncnnn 1 * > 1 U 1 4.S B Received Tax Sales 527 4S 869 03 1396 51 843 29 533 22 B Htefa School 2 * 279 4-8 513 42 513 42 B JuSgment School District 29 29 62 13 02 42 64 42 64 * H H § 29 397 21 § 10 553 HI § 09 921 05 $57 605 92 $52 315 13 ' K K bS " ' 'Transferred to Couuly General Fund. HtFfa CASH ACCOUNT. Mj , i % Cash in drawer. . . . . . . . .v.f. . S62 7S K - ' / * Registered warrants invested in sinking funds 200703 B M " Bill for postage 34 3 K. I First National Hank 11 013 46 Wm. 1 Nebraska Fiscal Agency , N. Y 29S 48 i" 'il State Bank of Lebanon • 4 | 55 3f | i ( . | | State Bank of Indianola 850 06 fViB CitizensBank of McCook 6 45 77 W K Total S32 974 28 \ Balance for which Treasurer is liable 32 3 5 13 H J Excess S659 15 Hi I BUfflTIMF. TABLF ' Bm ilSl UeCOO BAOZA. LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and all SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL TOINTS SOUTH. WES'l. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. LouisChi- cage , and all points south and east 5:55 A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 11:10 P. M. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 : a. m. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:45 A. M. No. 80. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 : A. M No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:30 A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions 8:30 p. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBen- kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 130 P. M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 4:10 P. M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Oscar Yarger , all will be sorry to learn , is seriously ill. Couductor C. W. Bronson returned on 3 , Monday night. Brakeman W. W. Webster is on the sick-list with sore eyes. Brakeman C. V. Kerr is in Hastings laying off for a few days. Will Bulger has gone to work for the company in the yard here. L. J.Barger was down from Highlands , Colorado , close of last week. Conductor J. H. Burns had the officers' special to Denver , Tuesday evening. Brakeman J. J. Barry returned from his trip to Creston , Iowa , Tuesday night on 3. Brakeman Al. Sharp returned , Satur day night , from his visit to his parents in Canada. Frank Traver went down to Havelock , Saturday night , to take a position in the shops there. Brakeman J. D. Carter of the North ern Pacific in Montana is visiting friends in the city. M. Thorgrimson , machinist , has been seriously ill for about a week with in flammation of the bowels. No. 4 struck a box car up the line , Monday night , and her engine was dam aged somewhat in the contact. Switchman C. W. Fuhlendorf left for St. Louis , Monday morning , and will bring his family back with him. Brakeman W. V. Griffeth is down 011 the Hastings-Oberlin run vice Brakemen Neal Beeler , who is in McCook for a few days. Conductor Bronson has been in Cres ton , Iowa , attending a meeting of the general grievance committee of the O. R. C. Trainmaster Kenyoh attended the fun eral of Frank W. Smith in Lincoln , Sat urday last. Many railroad men from over the system were present. The deceased was well and favorably known over the Burlington. The pa } ' car came in on the nth , some days in advance of early expectations. Paymaster D. T. Beans was in charge , and Trainmasters Kenyou and Josselyn accompanied him over the division. The checks undelivered on Tuesday evening came back on No. 4 , Wednesday night. Vice President Harris , General Mana ger Holdrege , General Supt. Calvert , General Freight Agent Crosby and Supt. Campbell passed over the Western div ision , Tuesday afternoon and evening , in a special train consisting of the private cars of the vice president and general manager. Supt. Campbell met the party at Hastings and went on to Denver with them. One of Paul Miller's little children was terribly injured , Sunday afternoon , in a runaway. He , his wife and two children were in the family buggy , when the horse became frightened at a bicycle , and commenced kicking and running. One of the children was kicked in the face and badly injured. All were thrown out of ihe buggy which was damaged considerably. A special train , engine and caboose , was run from here to Holdrege , Wednes day afternoon , carrying Harry Stern to his home after he had receiveed a tele gram announcing the sudden death of his wife by heart failure. The special ' made the run of 80 miles in 135 minutes. Engineer Charlie Coleman and Fireman Roy Dixon manned the 160 , and Conduc tor Fred Washburn was in charge of the special. Joseph Schwartz accompanied Mr. Stern on his sad mission. i Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR ? WCfj CREAM BAKING POfVDIR • MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Thirty Papers Free. We have thirty papers to give a way for one year. They are the best farm papers printed , and every farmer should have one. one.Our proposition is this : We will give ten copies ( year's sub scription ) of the Iowa Homestead , the best farm weekly published , to the first ten persons who subscribe for The Tribune or pay one year in advance on old subscription. When the ten Iowa Homesteads are exhausted , we have ten Special Farmer's Institute Editions of the Iowa Home stead that go the same way ; and still we will have ten copies of the Poultry Farmer for the next twenty. Here are thirty in all. Each o\er one year's subscription until January 1st , 1899. If you want a good farm paper , here is the opportunity of your life. Call and get your reading for 189S. The Tribune. Pure Seeds for Trial. To give our subscribers an opportunity to test their famous seeds , Messers. May & Co. , the well known seed growers of St. Paul , Minnesota , whose order of one million packets of seeds tested over 99 per cent pure ( Government Report ) will mail seventeen trial packets of choice varieties of flower seeds to any of our readers sending only ten cents in silver or stamps. This is their giant collection and consists of one packet each , Asters , Mignonette , Antirrhinum , Pinks , Pop pies , Alyssum , Zinnias , Nigella , Godetia , Pansy , Callendula , Petunia , Sweet Wil liam , Portulaca , Sweet Peas , Calliopsis and Candytuft. On each packet will be printed full cultural instuctons. They will also send to any gardener or farmer one package of their Extra Early Tree Tomato on receipt of six cents in stamps. Their handsomely illustrated catalogue will be mailed free on applica tion , to any one who intends to pur chase seeds , plants or bulbs this spring. Be sure and mention our paper when writing May & Co. Our readers know quite well the views of the editor of this paper in regard to The Iowa Homestead. We think that nothing like it and its Special Farmers' Institute editions were ever offered to the farmers of this county at the low price of $ r , and each successive issue only confirms this view. The January Special Institute number , which accom panied the regular issue for the last week in 1897 , was paticularly interesting. It discussed the question whether it is wise under present conditions for young men of limited means to buy farms. Every farmer should read this for the light it throws on the future prospects of farm ing. Government seed distribution is also very throughly discussed. Now is the time when our farmer readers select their papers for the year , and the Live Stock Indicator should be on the list of every farmer in this county. Send for sample copies of both the paper and its Special Institute editions. They will be sent free to all who address the Home stead Co , Des Moines , la. During the past two years , Mrs. J. W. Alexander , wife of the editor of the Way nesboro , ( Miss. ) Times , has , in a great many instances , relieved her baby when in the first stages of croup , by giving it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She looks upon this remedy as a household necessity and believes that no better med icine has ever been put in bottles. There are many thousands of mothers in this broad land , who are of the same opinion. It is the only remedy that can always be depended upon as a preventive and cure for croup. The 25 and 50 cent bottles , ' i are for sale by McConnell. The Tribune and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. I had the rheumatism so badly that I t could not get tuy hand to my head. I j tried the doctor's medicines without the { least benefit. At last I thought of Cham berlain's Pain Balm ; the first bottle re lieved all the pain , and one-half of the ' second bottle effected a complete cure. W. J. Holland , Holland , Va. Chamber- ( Iain's Pain Balm is equally good for , sprains , swellings and lameness , as well as burns , cuts and bruises. For sale at McConnell's drug store. ! - i Finest Engraving free on goods bought ' of us. LEACH , The ' Jeweler. ; Clerical Permits-1 898. Clergymen and others entitled to clerical - ; * ical permits are respectfully requested to call at the Burlington ticket office and 1 arrange about their 1898 permits. ' - - - - ' * ' " " < • * * " * ' " ! ' ' " * H BPW 'W -i-r.-- . • _ _ . l--jfc. | j\ni 1 twwif-i.Li . * * r 1 , -i B II Cold Weather Goods | f I j § | Reduced Prices , ip I ril ' I feta From now until our Annual In- § ? $ H &II ventury we will sell jp $ % W I &jk Ladies ' Capes and Jackets , jKj H M Men ' s and Boys ' Clothing , m I JH Men ' s and Boys ' Overcoats , 5g . W& Woolen Blankets , Underwear , g g t § and all cold weather goods p f ] , | H ffife at Special Low Prices. Sfcti jH m m I d S § Come Early and Secure a Bargain , ms II 5 g Grocery dept. is complete. Get g ' | Egw our prices for comparison. p 5 | M m m P | AT THE . . . m 1 | 4 Uarqam | g M &i BZfS S 3 O. L. DeGROFF & GO. $ m , H pS-KIRST-i" ) M .fl l w -w-JL J M B rWNATIONA.L j H uTbankTI m I LL U vest 1 Authorized Capital , $100 , OOO. JS H Capital and Surplus , $60,000 'M M GEO. tiOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. | | f- H W. F. LAWS0N , Cashier. F. A. PEHNELL , Ass't Cash. fVj H A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. & H f # l If V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. W M l-CITIZENS BANK ! I : | H il OF McCOOK , NEB. # H HH | H j * Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5,000 < ? IH | | } < < 3 , | I -r = DIRECTORS - - = - f | f / . FRANKLIN , iV.F.McFMRLAND , A. C. EBERT , : J M 5 H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. | f M ' fl > &A.T aValkj rfWrfWfrTfV3flcA3balfcTftr ; -i Ay M il