The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 24, 1897, Image 8
mm. /v \ CLL - ' . - -I MM - < y B ' Wc are interested in seeing the farmers kWM of this county prosper , for they are our k\\\ friends and patrons. This is the reason Ki why we commend to their attention The | H Iowa Homestead , which is one of the W greatest aids to successful farming that H | is published in the west. It is so prac- k\\\ tical and so full of constantly helpful in- H formation on agricultural and live-stock Bfi topics that it is hard to see how progress- BH ive farmers can get along without it. Its Baf Special Farmers' Institute editions , Bffi whicli appear monthly , and which are Blj sentout gratuitously to all subscribers are Bll the most popular and most useful publi- K8 cations in the way of farm counsel that _ B have been dt-vised in many 3ears , for Hfl j they consist entirely of the discussion , Ba by practical farmers , of questions of im- BjH mediate practical interest. Send for B sample copies of both the regular and Bfl Special Farmers * Institute editions , ad- KH dressing Homestead Co. , Des Moines , BB Iowa , and see how useful they are. Bfl I had the rheumatism so badly that I -BiII could not get my hand to my head. I tried the doctor's medicines without the i least benefit. At last I thought of Cham berlain's Pain Balm ; the first bottle relieved - _ _ _ lieved all the pain , and one-half of the Hfi second bottle effected a complete cure HEX W. J. Holland , Holland , Va Chatnber- ffsj Iain's Pain Balm is equally good for sprains , swellings and lamenessas well as burns , cuts and bruises. For sale at McConnell's drug store. Mid-Winter Holiday Rates. On December 24th , 25th and 31st , 1S97 , I and January 1st , 1898 , round trip tickets will be sold by the Burlington to points within a distance of 200 miles at one fare , limit for return January 4 , 189S. No I tickets will be sold for less than 50 cents. Vf A. P.Thomson , Agent. • S = = = = = = HI y/ $ PROSPECT PARK. Hz | 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephens visit- Hp | II 4 ed at J. H. Wade's , "Wednesday. HI ] fa J. H. Wade aud wife visited at Hip' I Kev.if.E.TirrilPs over at Fair view , if { 1 Monday. Hit I § E. M.Wade is still having quite a tussle with his old enemv , rheu- niatism. Robert Ban * made a business trip over in the Bein er valley on Tuesday. ! Andrew Anderson drove out a bunch of cattle , Saturdays and will feed them for market. Don Thompson had a little mis understanding with a stick of wood one day lately , and carries his left optic in mourning in consequence. _ _ . NORTH COLEMAN. Bh | II Bitter weather for December in Hff Nebraska. MB lli Monday last was pay-day at H. Bag | L K. Uixler's. MM a Harry Shepherd traded a rifle Bt | to Robt. Johnson for a horse. Kj Hi Dorsey Shepherd is sojourning HI I in the sunny south , state of Geor- B 1 gin * Bff TJie Bixler's have finished hanl- BB i g their large lot of grain to Mc- Hfl | | II Cook. Hi A h Mrs. W. H. Epperly will call on HI I fj The Tribune force in the near H ml future. HI lli Mrs. Heniy Mitchell of McCook Kg HI has been visiting in this vicinity H HI recently. B III Much corn in the fields and pros- B | l | 'pects of its staying there for some Bl [ i | time to come. Bj HI ' John and Boy Stryker have pur- Bj J'l • chased a rifle and are making them- H j selves famous shooting rabbits. B | | Geo. Brown of Frontier county H ill lost nine head of cattle by turning mm j'l ' them in the cornstalks. BB 1 ' ' Four inches of snow on the r x , ground at present , being the third otie of the same depth thus far , B II s season. _ _ _ _ _ K IV B 31 Frank Brown has caught au- B II other coyote. He had three traps B H set and the coyote got a foot in Wm B each one of them. BB fi Preparations are being made for Wm B nn entertainment at Coleman school BBffl house on Christmas eve. There BBH will also be an entertainment at BBS Spring Creek , Christmas night. BH Elsie "Ward and bride , who em- BH barked on the matrimonial ship | H | , at Box Elder December 1st , were H warmly welcomed among friends H in this locality , last week. After a H few days cruising they returned H * Hj J.B.Smith began threshing , last H Tuesday a week ago , but the storm _ H | has interfered. He threshed 535 BB bushels of millet and the end is jmWm. not yet. He also has thirty acres Hwjr of rye to thresh. The threshers HHi tn e theiv meals at G. H. Simmer- , BH man's. HHw HHjl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . ' ' ' " " ' " " : " " " T * j jji 1 n 1 mm 1 > 1 tf j 'UTIIIOoAl ' J1'JJ' ' ' IL JT IT" * ? ? * * V'm \ * r" ' " J ! * * ' * ' 7 * * * HH t gj25 g2jlg 2jZjjIZ " " " " ' "i' " " 1 1 1 n BITTER TASTE. It Aids In the Detection of Unwhole some Food. Daniel Webster in the famous White trial in Salem , Mass. , years ago declared that "murder will out. " This maxim has been found applicable to many other things besides murder. Housewives know it to be true when there is alum in baking powder. A bitterness in the bread at once betrays the alum's pres ence. , It can't conceal its true nature. The alum bitterness "will out" and be cause it will , physicians , who understand the harmful effect of alum on the sys tem , are at a loss to know whv people continue to buy baking powders contain ing it. All baking powders sold for twenty-five cents a pound and less con tain alum. There is surely no economy in using these cheap powders. For a pure cream of tartar powder , as Dr. . Price's was shown to be at the World's Fair , goes so much farther aud gives so much better results there is no doubt of its being more economical in the long run. Lost His Left Arm. George Garber , whose misfortune it was to have his left arm cut off while coupling cars in the Denver yards of the Rio Grande R R , last week , received from the accident insurance company a draft for $1,000'and receives a pension of $25 per week for one year from the time of the accident. The cars did almost a perfect job of amputation , as they pinched it entirety off excepting two cords. Mr. Garber with his right hand assisted the two cords to carry the almost severed band for about two hours before a physician was secured who amputated the shattered part about three inches from the elbow. Sunday evening , when his brother Charley left him , he was getting along nicely and resting well Red Cloud Chief. Pay Your Delinquency. In view of the better times , aud higher prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex pects those indebted to The Tribune for subscription 'to make good their de linquencies at once. During the con tinued hard times and failures no effort was made to force the collection of sub scription accounts , but now that the con ditions have changed greatly for the bet ter it is expected that these delinquencies will be promptly paid up. Statements will be sent out to all in arrears and with the expectation that all will appreciate our past indulgence and respond at once. The Publisher. Fair Secretaries to IVIeet. Indianola , Neb. , Dec 15th. There will be a meeting of the fair sec retaries of the southwestern counties held at Indianola on Saturday , January 15 , 1898 , at one o'clock , for the purpose of organizing a fair circuit. All are ur gently requested to attend or send rep resentatives. W. A. McCoot , Secretary for Red Willow County. [ Exchanges please copy. ] Clerical Permits-1 898. Clergymen and others entitled to cler ical permits are respectfully requested to call at the Burlington ticket office and arrange about their 189S permits. Reduced price 0:1 wall paper to make room for new stock at McMillen's. We have repeatedly called the attention - tion of our farmer readers to the merits of The Iowa Homestead as a practical , all-around farm paper , just suited to the wants of farmers in this county. It af fords us pleasure , however , to mention this excellent farm paper again , and to call attention to the extra edition of its monthly Special Farmers' Institute series which accompanied the regular issue of the paper last week. This Institute number contains a discussion of the prin ciples of farmers' co-operative insurance by some sixty leading Farmers' Mutual Insurance men throughout the west , and we have never seen the subject so com pletely and exhaustively treated be fore. A number of practical farmers also discuss the subject of "Farming by the Moon. " Every farmer in this county should read The Homestead and its Special Farmers' Institute editions. Those of our readers who have not re cently seen copies should write request ing samples , addressing the Homestead Co. , Des Moines , Iowa During the past two years , Mrs. J. W. Alexander , wife of the editor of the Way nesboro , ( Miss. ) Times , has , in a great many instances , relieved her baby when in the first stages of croup , by giving it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She looks upon this remedy as a household necessity and believes that no better med icine has ever been put in bottles. There are many thousands of mothers in this broad land , who are of the same opinion. It is the only remedy that can always be depended upon as a preventive and cure for croup. The 25 and 50 cent bottles are for sale by McConnell. O.V. . O. Har 'dman , when sheriff of Tyler Co. , W. Va. , was at one time , al most prostrated with a cold. He used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was so much pleased with the quick relief and cure it afforded him , that he gave the following unsolicited testimonial : "To all who may be interested , I wish to say , that I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find it invaluable for coughs aud colds. " For sale by McCon nell. ' . . . . * . ; ywMjfj.ViKisr i 'qwp LWtJH.v. ' ' ' ] - " uUim uj * Jff"FT3 Mua.s- W.Pr.jJiIii'l . . ' has demonstrated ten thousand m timea that it is almost infallible IJ FOR WOMAN'S | ! PECULIAR WEAKNESSES , \ Irregularities and derangements. [ It has become the leading remedy 1 m for thia class of troubles. It exerts 1. . W a wonderfully healing , strengthen- j H ing and soothing influence upon fe the menstrual organs. It cures .i M * 'whites * * and falling of the womb. , { . It stops flooding and relieves sup- ( • I - > ? - - ! ! "i pressed and painful menstruation. | J * For Change of Life it is the best ? h , medicine made. It is beneficial [ , • . i } during pregnancy , and helps to 1 - F bring children into homes barren p | < J for years. It invigorates , stimu- | • r latcs , 6trengtheii3 the whole sys- Li N tem. This greiit remedy is offered K U to all afflicted women. Why will | JJ 'K , any woman srffer another minute fa , if with certain ro lef within reach ? M [ j Wino of Cardui only costs $1.00 per f Kl bottle at your drug store. Jfj Tor advice , in cases requiring epecial dimf j tions , address , givinq symptoms , the "Ladies' | Vj AdvisoryVeiM'tmenW" ThcCluittanoogaMed- icine Co. , Cluxttanovga , Tenn. W I Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden , S. C , says : m "My wile used Wlneol Cardui at homo [ -J for falling of the womb and it entirely K cured her. " W California Excursions Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p.m. , Lincoln 6:10 : p. m. , Hastings 8:50 p. m. and McCook at 11:40 p. in. , ev ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route -through Denver and Salt Lake City. Oars are carpeted ; upholstered tfu ratan ; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex perienced conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing out ob jects of interest aud in many other ways helding to make the overland trip a de lightful experience. Secoii' ! class tickets are honored. Berths $5 For folder giv ing full information , cail at nearest Bur lington Route ticket office , or write to J. Francis , General Passenger A-ient , Oma ha Nebraska. . , 4-25-98. KLONDIKE ! What does it cost to get there ? When and how should one go ? What should one take ? Where are the mines ? How much have they produced ? Is work plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is living expensive ? What are one's chances of "making a strike ? " 4-25-9S Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will lie found in the Burlington Route's "Klondike Folder , " now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket officesor sent on receipt of four cents in j stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger Agent , Hurlington Route , Omaha. Neb. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c The INFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care , there fore , should the Expectant Moth er be guarded , and how great the effort be to ward off danger and ! make her life joyous and happy. MUlHhKd mum > i Mf' sea , and so system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronger after than before confinement. " It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer whoso wife used 'Mother's Friend , ' says that if she had to go through the ordeal again , and there were but four bottles to be obtained , and the cost was S100.00 per bottle , he would have them. ' ' Geo.Laytoit , Dayton , Ohio Sent by express , on receiptor price. Sl.OO PER BOTTLE. Book to "EXPECTANT MOTH ERS" mailed free upon application , containing valuable Information and voluntary testimonials. thebradfield regulator co.f SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. aa B8 l8 asl BSteaaMaMiwppfl ' " wi. . . . inli > iM3aftMitg ! ' ' " ' " ' " ' in .I I I. Ill 1 , 1 nwMWWWWW War NINO Persons who suffer from coughs and colds .should heed \varningsof danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup and all throat and lung troubles. A. McMilien. J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that when he has a spell of indigestion and feels bad and sluggish , he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right die next morning. May thousands of others do tlie same thing. Do you ? A. McMilien. You can't afford to risk your life by allow ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Couidi Cure. A. McMilien. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne braska , under a decree in an action wherein Fanners nnd Merchants Bank , Vandalia , Illi nois , is plaintiff , and Edgar Floyd-Jones and lulia S. Floyd-Jones are defendants , to me di- lected and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of the court house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 24th day of Jnnuaiy , ibgii , at the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , the following described real es tate , to-\vit : The southeast quarter of section nine , township one north , range twenty-nine west of the 6th P. M. , Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 23d clay of December , 1897. 12-24-51 J. R. NtEL , Sheriff. W. R. Starr , Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF SUIT AND APPLICATION FOR RECEIVER. Milton E. Homer , Orpha Horner , Hiram C. Rider and Chatles L. Miller , defendants , will take notice that Henry O. Wait , plaintiff , has filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against the above named defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted on the 151I1 day of July , 1SS9 , by the de fendant , Milton E. Horner , to l lie Nebraska and Banking Company , upon the fol lowing described real estate , to-wit : the south twenty feet of lot number fifteen in block twenty-seven in the oiiginal town of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage being executed to secure the payment ol the one principal note of said Milton E. Horner , of $700 with ten interest coupons thereto at tached , all dated July 15th , iSb'9said principal note maturing on the tirst day of July , 1894 , one of said coupons being for the sum of $22.50 and nine of said coupons being for the sum of S24.50 each , all of which coupons have been paid. That said mortgage and the debt secured thereby have been duly assigned to plaintiff. That there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum oi seven hundred and forty-nine dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of January , 1S96 , and plaintiff pi ays for a decree that the defendants be requited to pay the same , or that said premises may he sold to satisfy the amount due with interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 24th day of January , 1S98.You You are further notified that on the 14th day of February , 1898 , at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. , or as soon theieafter as counsel can be heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district court of Red Willow county , Neb. , at the dis trict court room in the city of McCook , Red Willow county , Neb. , for the appointment of a receiver of the moitgaged property above de scribed , upon the grounds that * aid mortgaged property is probably insufficient to discharge this mortgage debt , and that the defendant , Milton E. Horner , who is the only defendant personally liable therefor , is insolvent. In support of said application the plaintiff will file and read the petition in the case and the affidavits of C. B. Gray and H. W. Cole. Plaintiff proposes the name of S. Cordeai as receiver , with J.V. . Hupp and J. 11. Bennett as sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sureties for himself J. W. Hupp and J. II. Bennett. Dated this 14th day of December , 1897. 12-17 4ts f Iknky O. Wait , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan , his Attorney. NOTICE OF SUIT AND OF APPLICA TION 1-OR ' 1 HE APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. Cornelius J. Ryan , Man * J. Ryan , William Nicklas , Mrs. WiJliam Nicklas , his wife , whose christian name is to plaintiff unknown , Robert G.Johns , and Samuel C. Johns , defendants , will take notice that I lugh A. McGaughy has ( filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against the above- < named defendants , tin. object and prayer of I which are to foieclose aceitain mortgage exe- < culed October 14th , 1892 , by the defendants , \ Cornelius J.Ryan and Maiy J. Ryan , to this , plaintiff , upon the following described real estate - tate , to-wit : the southwest quarter of section twenty-two , and the northwest quarter of section - ] tion twenty-seven , all in township four , north , ] in range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. ; said 1 mortgage being executed to secure the pay- ( nient of their two certain promissory notes , both dated October 14th , 1892 , one for the sum of S700.00 due October 14 , 1893 , a"d the " other for the sum of Si,50O due October 14th , 1S95. There is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of S2.2C0 , with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from 2 October 14 , 1S94 , and plaintiff prays for a de cree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount with interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 24th day of January , 189S. 189S.You You are further notified that on the 14th day of February , 1S9S , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , at the district court room in the city of McCook , Red Willow county.Nebraska , for the appointment " of a receiver of the mortgaged property set forth in plaintiffs petition , upon the grounds that the said mortgaged property is insufii- . cient to discharge the mortgage debt ; that the • defendants , Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan and William Nicklas , who are the only per sons liable for said mortgage debt , are insolv ent ; that the defendant , William Nicklas , who is the owner of the legal title of said premises , is a non-resident of the state of Nebraska , and r that said premises are depreciating in value. In support of said application the plaintiff will file and read the petition in the case and the affidavits of J. E. Kelley and S. Cordeai. Plaintiff proposes the name of F. S. Wilcox as receiver , with Ed. Flitcraft and W. F. Lawson - son as his sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sure ties for himself , Ed. Flitcraft and W. F. Law- son. son.Dated this nth day of December , 1897. HiiRH A. McGaughy , Plaintiff. 12-17 4ts ! * > ' W.S. Morlan. his Attorney. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December S , 1897. Notice is hereby given that Silas N. Welch has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office in McCook. Neb , on Saturday , the 22d day of Januarv , 1S9S , on timber culture application No. 56S7 , for the \ \ % nej and \v' sej of section No. 29 , in township No. 2 n. range No. 30 w 6th p. m. He names witnesses : Rex- ord Simpson , Austin Dutcher , Mrs. Rexford Simpson , David Carpenter , all of Vailton , Nebraska. A. S. Cami-kell , Register. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December iS , 1897. Notice is hereby given that Henry J. Burg- graf has filed notice of his intention to make hnal proof before register or receiver at his office in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th day of January , 1S9S , on timber culture appli cation No. 65S9 , for the se li of section No. 17 , in township 1 north , range No. 30 w 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Wilson II. Hart- man. Cora B. Ilartman , William M. Cratty , William A.Brown , all of McCookNeb. 12-24-61 A. S. Cami-bell , Register. \ „ . -rr , . , . 1 in " - i ir i- " i-'irr-l- V r-T r " " - pjm& ir"2 * iWMt • • KfT : JMHI H 1 ' ' " ' " ' n.i.1 SSiEy ! Jv 3&1 * fjffygg ? 33MHi BIBHK ww * ' * ' 1 HilMBMB3Blfi3M MfiifllSifiMit4Si aaii8 fa j -v H l 'lP Dent Fail t0 See lv I ' ' * I i W M'MILLEN'S ifvPlP IHSFLATOF J I jss/ / % Holiday I I jg Goods ! I l'l ' ! Oesirable Goods j I \ at Low Prices I I E Go and take the children ivith 7 fl § you , as you will find something * for evi V ? ery age , at z fl | MCMILLEN'S ' DIG SHE. j j mmw ) giirirnrnMiT , Tr.-wTiwiuiiriiiMn w tawc There is no need of little children being tor tured by scald head , ecveina and skin erup tions. DeWitt's Witch Ila/el Salve gives in stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc " Milien. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMilien. Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa tion , sick headache. A. McMilien. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the Distiict Court of Red Willow County , Nebraska , under a decree , in an action where in The McCook Co-Opeiative building and Savings Association is plaintiff , and Joseph Spotts et al , are defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall expose to public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the front door of the Phillips-Meeker block , in the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne braska , on the 24th day of January , 1S9S , at the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , the following described real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block four , in Willow Grove Addition to the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated December 23d , 1897. 12-24-51 J. R. Nkei. , Sheriff. W. S. Morlan , Attorney. 1 , Thirty Papers Free. We have thirty papers to give away for one year. They are the best farm papers printed , and ever } ' farmer should have one. one.Our proposition is this : We will fjive ten copies ( year's sub scription ) of the Iowa Homestead , the best farm weekly published , to the first . ten persons who subscribe for This Tribune or pay one year in advance on old subscription. "When the ten Iowa Homesteads are exhausted , we have ten Special Farmer's Institute Editions of the Iowa Home stead that go the same wi > ; and still we will have ten copies of the Poultry Farmer for the next twenty. Here are thirty in all. Uach over one year's subscription until January 1st , 1899. If you want a good farm paper , here is the opportunity of your life. Call and get your reading for 1S9S. ' Thk Tribune. THEY ARE ALL COMING ti u'K0 _ < - _ * > - To see the attractive display of Holiday ; Goods at SUTTON'S , The Leading ) JEWELER. Nothing approaching it in 5 elegance , richness and variety can be * t seen in this section of Nebraska. \ ' " ' - - j is only one of the danger signals that \ nature uses to tell us that our kidneys \ are not acting right , and that we are $ in danger of Eright's Disease and i other kidney troubles. When the kidneys - neys are not doing their duty the poison - i on which should be filtered out of the • blood through the urine remains in the - system , and disease results. This condition - dition can be Helped His Kidneys and Relieved Dizzi * ncss in his Head. "I desire to say that tlie box of Hobbs Spar- agas Pills , gotten from Kuhn & Co.druggists of this city , have done me more peed than any medicine that I have ever taken. They have helped my kidneys and the pain in my back , and have relieved me of the dizziness ia my head. " W. H. Grover , 1812 Grace St. , Paper Hanger , Omaha , Xeb. . Hobbs - PARAGUS Kidney Pills. N * \ v J. C. Berry , one of the best known citizens H of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himself H of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes mU of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He had been M troubled with piles for over thirty years and W had used many different kinds of so called | cuies ; but DcWitt' was the oue that did the ] H work and he will verify tins statement if any m one wishes to write him. A. McMilien. m Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds mWM may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch WMm 11 a/el Salve , the great remedy lor piles and MwM for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A. Wmm McMilien. mWM . SHERIFF'S SALE. M i < y virtue of an order of sale issued from WM the District Court of Red Willow county , NeWM brnska , under a decree in an action wherein WM Alice R. Wadswoith is plaintiff , and David WM Porter and Mrs. David Porter , wife of David WM Porter , are defendants , to me directed and de- WM Iivu-rcil , I shall offer at public sale and sell to WM the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of WM the court house , in McCook , Red Willow WM County , Nebraska , on the 24th day of January , WM 1S0S , at the hour of one o'clock , p. ni. , the fol- WM lowing described real estate , to-wit : nwj * of Wi the neX and the swjf of the ne } * of section 27 , township 1 north , range 26 west of the 6th P.M. ' _ j Dated this 23d day of December , 1807. " " 1 12-24-51 J. R. Nkki. , Sheriff. J W. R. Stark , Plaintiff's Attorney. 1 NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. 1 ROAD NUMBER 320. UTe To Phebe S. Carruth , Pliillip Watt , Henry I > . Wales and Horace 15. Cole , and to all ' whom it may concern : * M\\\\ The County Commissioners have ordered O H opened a road commencing at southwest * B corner of the northwest quarter of section H thirty-five f35) in Coleman precinct , Red Willow - low county , Nebraska , running thence south W § on section line one and one-half miles , terminating - nating at northwest corner of section eleven I (11) ( ) , town three ( ? ) , range thirty (30) , west of the 6th P. M. , and all objections thereto or g claims for damages must be filed in the I County Clerk's office on or hefore noon of the 1 5th day of February , A. D. 1898 , or said road I will be established without reference thereto. I K. A. Green , County Clerk. I ' - _ _ _ _ _ IB \B If you need any Marble Monuments , fl See A. G. DOLE , Agent , I McCOOK , NEBRASKA. M Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes fl Mutual Insurance both Farm and Mer WM cantile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies.fl Julius JCuxekt , I Carpet Laying , I Carpet Cleaning. ' I ZSTl am still doing carpet laying , oarpet 9 cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See § M or write me before giving such work. My 9 charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at Hi Iribuneoffice. IULIUS KUNERT. * < x * HviSra "C * WMm 0 AGEWTS CV-Vnr 3333D. 1 _ _ _ s titulars write the . ' ? WMM a UI > TEKV < PICKET CO. . t t. I.oK 3T . J - H fl - - ' MIT M _ _ , j | ' MMMm Anyone sending a sketch and description nmy&L , . _ _ _ ! quickly ascertain our opinion free whetheran If t > WMM Invention is probably patentable. Cotmnnnlca. 7 A ' WMM tlons strictly confidential. Handbook PatemA/ . on * * _ _ _ aent free. Oldest for securingpatentrtCr agency * : _ _ _ Patents taken throuch Munn * ComSiM " * < _ WMWM special notice , without charScTta tbo H Scientific American , A handsomely Illustrated vreeklr T r < ? < . . ' - _ _ _ _ _ ' cnlatlon of any sciential loS : aSK' * ! - H MuNNSCo. 36'3 wayMeWYnrk , MmM Branch Office. C5 F St , WashlnltoSiS R vi | - _ _ _ 1 , MWMmm