The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 24, 1897, Image 1

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M § \ The Case Dismissed ,
fl I f The contest case of Orlando L.Thomp-
' U \ son vs. Jacob II. Berge came up before
H , ( I County Judge J. M. Smith , Monday.V. .
B { i S. Morlan appeared for the defense and
H > * . J W. R. Starr for the contestant.
B The contesteeclaimed and argued that
k < 8 the allegations set forth in paragraphs 2
Bpj to 24 inclusive of the complaint do not
fl f I state facts sufficient to constitute a cause
H > J * I of action , and therefore the objection to
H \ % { the introduction of evidence should be
K/ H sustained and the contest as to the mat-
B > % f- ters set forth in the complaint in para-
fl if 1 graphs 2 to 24 inclusive be dismissed.
B 1 & The objections and motions of the con-
B > $ testee were then argued and submitted
V > ) ' f to the court and the following decision
Hi \ I was then made by the court :
L A % "And therefore said cause coming on
HT J ' \ further to be heard upon the cause of
- / contest set forth in paragraph 25 of said
5 ' complaitit and the contestant offering no
I evidence , but abandoning the same , the
i I court finds for the contesteeon the cause
\ of contest set forth in said paragraph 25
! i of said complaint , and the issues of said
action in favor of Jacob II. Berge , the
incumbent , and that said Jacob H. Berge
i was and is duly elected to the office of
' treasurer of Red Willow county , and that
said complaint should be dismissed. It
( is therefore considered by the court that
( said election be in all things confirmed ;
i that the coutestee , Jacob H. Berge , go
hence without delay ; that the complaint
be dismissed and that , the contestant ,
Orlando L. Thompson , pay the costs of
this proceeding taxed at $11.85. "
On Tuesday afternoon an appeal was
duly filed in the case , taking it to the
j district court.
I Supper and Camp-fire.
I The old soldiers , their families and
I friends had a pleasant lime at their an-
uual supper and camp-fire , last Friday
• J evening. The opera house was well filled.
? The supper was a splendid feast of good
' things. One of the features of the eu-
1 | . . • tertainment was the toast responses. J.
I A. Wilcox decribed The Colored Troop ;
I Tom Bales told Battlefield Experiences ;
. A. G. Dole grew eloquent over the sub-
I ject of Commissary ; A. W. Campbell
W. / told about The Refugee ; William Weygent
Kk's related what he knew about the Saddle
Ff Sergeant ; G. W. Dillon grew reminiscent
Bl r over The Forced March ; J. S. LeHew de-
H ) / scribed The Prisoner of War. These re-
B ( I spouses were all quite interesting , espec-
Bf ially to the old veterans themselves. H.
Bf I H. Berry was toastmaster. After the
Bi f toasts Comrades Armstrong and Starr deB -
B\ \ I livered some rattling camp-fire speeches ,
BiJ 1 t.iiich were roundly applauded. The
B ) \ drum corps provided the music.
B\ } For Tne Stars.
\ The visit made to Denver , last week ,
f by H. H. Berry , was in the interest of
hi } the Star of Jupiter order , and we are
B pleased to learn that it was successful.
H | A banquet was one of the features of the
Hr evening , and there were about 250 persons -
( sons in attendance. The manner in
! ) which Mr. Berry presented the claims of
' the order resulted in many inquiries con-
Hiv ( cerning its plan , and it is expected that
B { ( the membership of the lodge in that city
B > \ will double in a short while and that
H J other lodges of the order will be estab-
k \ lished soon.
B Laughably Suspicious.
B' I ( A certain school officer was recently
BJ. { very much disturbed on account of the
B \ > wording of an invitation to attend an
k I \ entertainment to be given in one of the
k I country schools near this city. In writ-
H ' ing the invitation the teacher wrote the
By . s word Christmas thusly , Christ Mas. It
B | 1 took some persuasion to satisfy the offi-
B\ \ cer aforesaid that a mass was not to be
B \ j said on the occasion , which of course
B/ \ was only the usual entertainment of the
Wm' < r glad day. How laughably and ignor-
K v ) antlj suspicious some people are.
E | Y Our Holiday Supplement.
Kit \ The Tribune , this week , presents its
By t readers with an artistic holiday supple-
B | / ment , which we have every confidence
B will be appreciated by all. It is nicely
B' illustrated with a wealth of letter press
B < . " material of excellent character. This , in
VS/ , addition to our usual eight pages of news ,
m will make a paper of unequalled interest
H | in this local field. We add our good
H wishes for a Merry Christmas and a
Hp Happj' New Year for all our readers.
H <
B ? Good Times Social.
W > The Christian Endeavor society will
l \ / hold a good times social on New Year
- \ eve , at the residence of Mrs. J. F. Gan-
BP ' % show. All the young people of the city
BbT * > S % * are invited , and the assurance is that a
Bl good time will be had.
B J The Tribune and Demorest's Family
BjL ( Magazine for $1.75 a j-ear , strictly in
Kf \ \ advance.
K \ McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
John ESKKRSON is iu the city at pres
ent on a visit.
J. W. Hupp had business in Lebanon ,
first of the week.
Samuel Garbkr was a Red Cloud
visitor , last week.
Mrs. E. H. Waters is home from her
visit in Missouri.
Mrs. E. J. MiTCHELl. visited Indian-
ola friends , Wednesday.
A. G. Dole is in Indianola and Bart-
ley , part of this week , on business.
Mrs. C. W. Bronson is spending the
holidays with her mother in Iowa.
Frank Fitch departed , Wednesday ,
for Love , Colo. , to visit friends and rela
County Clerk Green is now located
in his lately purchased home the Drew
Miss Selma Noren came up from
Lincoln , last night , to remain over the
Miss Selma Noren came up from Lin
coln , Tuesday morning , to spend the holi
days at home.
Mrs. Douglass , of the Courier force ,
is taking an enforced vacation on ac
count of her eyes.
Miss Anna Barton of Indianola was
the guest of McCook friends , close of
last and first of this week.
James Mather , who is out from Wis
consin on business , was in the city , yes
terday , looking after his interests.
Mrs. AGNES Barker of Chicago ar
rived in the city , Wednesday night , and
will be the guest of Mrs. A. P. Bonuot
for some time.
Ernest Cordeal will be home to
night to remain over the holidays. He
is doing very good work in the state
university at Lincoln.
H. M. Clute and family have de
parted for Beatrice , where they formerly
lived and where they expect to make
their home in the future.
Mrs. J. B. MESERVE and Miss Edna
came up from Lincoln , last evening , to
enjoy the Christmas-tide here , the guests
of Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. Mr. Meserve
will be up tonight.
Commissioner Robinson has been
here since last week superintending the
work of repairing the south river bridge.
Commissioner Belles has also been as
sisting in the overseeing.
Mrs. E. May Starbuck , who has
been up from her new home near Pacific
Junction , Iowa , for a few days , looking
after her business matters in this vicin
ity , returned home on Saturday even
Treasurer Hanning of Beaver City
was a brief caller at these newspaper
headquarters , last Friday morning , while
in the city attending the meeting of
county treasurers of southwestern Ne
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams of
Montpelier , Ohio , have been visiting in
the city , the past week , with Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Starr. Mrs. Williams is a
sister of Mr. Starr. They are on their
way to California , for the Doctor's
health , and expect to make their home
in that state somewhere. They left for
Los Angeles , last night.
The following marriage licenses have
been issued since our last report :
On the 18th to James A. Modrell and
Hattie King , both of Box Elder precinct.
Robert Gore and Emma J. Hatch , both
of Lebanon , on the 18th.
On the 21st to James H. Keys and
Myrtle Epperly , both of Bartley.
On the 21st , James C. Bailey and Amy
L. Fletcher , both of Daubury. These
young people were on the same day
united in marriage by the county judge.
On the 22d , George W.Cooley of Cedar
Bluffs , Kansas , and Margaret L. Fraley
of Danbury , were authorized to wed.
James F. Ryan has been removed from
the office of executor of the estate of
Robert Drysdale , and Hugh W. Cole has
been appointed executor in his place. It
seems that no report has ever been made
of any of the doings of the old executor ,
notwithstanding the estate was quite
valuable , embracing money , real estate ,
and mortgages. The county judge's rec
ords do not show what if any disposition
has been made of this considerable prop
Petition in equity has been filed by
Arthur J. Brent vs. William Carskadon.
Winnie D. Stoddard , guardian , has
filed a suit in equity against Sigmond
Seaman , et al.
Rosa Tillers has instituted divorce
proceedings against her husband , Thos.
The Farmers' Institute.
We announced , last week , that the far
mers' institute that has been advertised
to be held in January next , has been
postponed , and will not be held uutil
some date in February. This reminds
us that our people ought to take a more
lively interest in the success of this af
fair and we urge upon thecitizensof Mc
Cook , hearty and active cooperation
with those who have the matter in hand.
William Weygint of our city is the presi
dent of the association and he should be
assisted in every way to make the meet
ing a success and full of interest. We
bespeak for this coming meeting of the
fanners of this section the earnest assist
ance of our business people and all others
interested in the development of this
country and the advancement of its agri
cultural and stock-raising interests.
Later The date has just been fixed
for the 2d and 3d of February , Wednes
day and Thursday.
The Republican Valley District Poul
try association will hold its first annual
poultry and pet stock show in this city
on the 2d and 3d of February , 189S. F.
W. Hitchcock of Denver , Colo. , will be
the judge and score all of the entries.
This event will be of unusual interest ,
especially to poultry-raisers , as Mr.
Hitchcock has a national reputation as
a judge , whose score-card is official
every where.
Wiil Resist the Opinion.
A meeting of the county treasurers of
Southwestern Nebraska was held in our
cit3 ? , last Friday afternoon. There were
present from the various counties : Treas
urer Marshall of Dundy county , Treas
urer Blood of Hayes county , Ex-Treas
urer Fitch , Treasurer Siebecker and
Treasurer-elect Logan of Frontier coun
ty , Treasurer Berge of Red Willow coun
ty , Treasurer Pearson and Treasurer-
elect Eugstrom of Phelps county , Treas
urer Perry of Gosper county , and Treas
urer Hanning of Furnas county.
It was determined to resist any action
the State Auditor might take under and
by reason of the opinion of the Attorney
General expressed in relation to the fees
of the office of county treasurer. The
opinion reduces the fees of the office , es
pecially of the smaller offices such as ex
ist in this part of the state , about $2So a
year and , it is held , will be a hardship
in some cases.
An organization was completed and
provision made for the means to carry
on the action which will be made in the
name of Treasurer John A. Pearson of
Holdrege , Phelps county. Treasurer L.
C. Hanning of Beaver City , Furnas
county , is the treasurer of the organiza
tion. Able legal talent will be employed
to bring this action , and the case will be
pushed for all there is in it , which is
considerable to the small county treas
urers of the western part of the state.
Found Dead In Bed.
Sunday morning , Mrs. Lucy A. Pierce ,
the aged mother of Mrs. Charles L. Mil
ler , was found dead in bed by her daugh
ter. The deceased lived alone in a
house adjoining her daughter. She was
apparently in usual health , Saturday
evening , but not being seen about on
Sunday morning , Mrs. Miller gained en
trance into the house and found her
mother cold in death. Heart disease
had doubtless suddenly performed its
fatal work. Rev. J. A. Badcon conduct
ed the services at the home on Wednes
day mprning , after which the remains
were taken to the Giles Methodist church
cemetery up on the Hayes county line
where they were interred by the side of
her husband and a daughter. The de
parted was almost 65 years of age. Two
daughters from abroad attended the fun
eral , Mrs. Scott of Denver , and Mrs.
Brown from Iowa.
No Passenger Train Service.
General Manager Holdrege has re
fused the request of the people on the
Orleans-St. Francis line on the stated
grounds that a passenger train service
does not pay the company , but he prom
ises that an effort will be made to run
extra freight trains iu order to relieve
the regular freight trains of their heavy
loads and consequent delays. This will
ease things up a little.
For Four Years.
January 5th , County Superintendent
Carnahan and wife expect to leave for
Peru , Nebraska , to enter the state normal
school at that place for a year or two. ,
They afterwards expect to enter the
state university at Lincoln. In all they
will put in four years in the two schools ,
in order to the better prepare themselves
for the work of school teaching.
Mrs. W. S. Pate Dead.
Mrs. W. S. Pate of Box Elder precinct
passed from life , Wednesday evening , at
advanced age. The funeral services were
conducted at the home , this morningby
Elder H. H. Berry , and interment fol
lowed in Longview cemetery , this city.
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M. Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. in ,
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 7:30. Sunday school
at 10:00 : a. in. Evensong on Thursdays
at 7:30 p. in. R. A. RUSSELL ,
Missionary in Charge.
Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach
ing at 11. Young peoples' meeting at 7.
Preaching at 8 ; a series of sermons on
the Christ of Prophecy. Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening. A welcome to
all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday-school at 10a.m.
Preaching at 11. Christmas sermon and
Christmas songs. Junior League at 3.
Epworth League at 7. Sermon at 8.
Subject , A Wasted Life. Prayer and
Bible study on Wednesday e , uing at S.
J. A. Badconastor. .
School Entertainment tor Holidays
The long-delaged loan collections of
lantern slides will make their first ap
pearance at a series of entertainments to
be given in the assembly room at the
east ward building , Monday , Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings of next week.
The small admission fee often cents will
be devoted to the improvements of the
library and to keeping up the expense of
the lantern work and for the improve
ment of the music in the school. It is to
be hoped that the public generally will
liberally patronize these entertainments ;
not only to help the good cause but for the
pleasure they are sure to receive from
the admirable pictures which will be
shown by means of the powerful electric
lantern belonging to the school.
On Monday evening the subject is one
of great interest to all students of Bible
history , being a series of recently taken
photographs of scenes in and about
Rome with which St. Paul must have
been familiar and which are connected
with the story of his life. Among the
pictures in this series are Views in the
Catacombs , The Ruins of Nero's Palace ,
The Coliseum , showing the underground
On Tuesday evening the subject will
be "Stately Homes of England , " Views
of Windsor , Warwick , Hawarden and
other great castles and splendid homes
in historic England.
Wednesday evening will be devoted to
the island of Madagascar , from pictures
recently taken by Rev. Charles Collins ,
a resident missionary. The scenery and
manners and customs of the people iu
this little-known part of the world are
peculiarly interesting.
During these entertainments music
will be furnished by Mrs. Bonnet , Miss
Stangland , Miss Dixon , Miss Perry. Miss
Wood , the boys and girls quartettes , and
others. Readings will be given by Mrs.
Agnes Barker of Chicago and Mr. William
The Ice Harvest.
The local ice men are making good use
of the cold weather of this week to fill
their ice houses. Large quantities have
been put up by individuals , combina
tions and dealers , the supply for the
most part being derived from the Drift
wood and Goheen's pond. The quality ,
this season , is of the very best , clean ,
clear , and from eight to twelve inches in
thickness. The company is rapidly fill
ing its houses here and elsewhere on the
line from the mill pond on the Medicine
at Cambridge.
A Reception.
A very pleasant reception was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pade
on Friday evening by the Baptist Young
peoples' Union , in honor of Mrs. J. E.
Robison of Wauneta , Neb. A unique
feature of the evening was a trip over
Chilcoot Pass to the Klondike.
- Music and rfereshments made the af
fair a most enjo3Table one.
Was Badly Scalded.
George Mick , a barber's apprentice in
the Augustine shop , was badly scalded ,
Tuesday , by upsetting a quantity of hot
water over himself. The youth is a rela
tive of the Garbers. The lad was help
ing his mother lift a boiler of hot water
from the stove. His injuries are severe.
Use Sheridan nut coal in your base
burner ; it will save you money. ' ,
W. C. Bullard & Co .
The Tribune and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
The Tribune and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
Christmas Entertainments.
The observance of Christmas at St.
Patrick's church will be on the usual
elaborate scale. The music will be a
specially fine feature.
The Methodist brethren have arranged
for a Christmas tree and an entertain
ment of an appropriate character to be
given in the church , this evening.
The Congregational people will hold
their Christmas entertainment in the
church tonight. They will have a tree
and a cantata , and it will be highly in
teresting to all.
The German Congregationalists will
give their first Christmas tree and enter
tainment in their church tonight , and
we learn that it will be highly interest
ing , as great preparations have been
made to have the affair a success.
There will be Christmas exercises at
the Baptist church this evening. An
excellent program has been prepared by
the Sunday-school. A Christmas tree
and Santa Clans will also enliven the
occasion. A committee will be in charge
to receive presents during the afternoon.
The public is cordially invited.
Morning service at Episcopal church ,
Christmas day :
Processional "Shout the Glad Tidings. " . . .
Venite Adoremus Domimun Langdon
Gloria 1'atri Langdon
Te Deuni Jackson
Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel..Robinson
Litany Hymn "Hear Our Solemn Litany. "
Hymn "Hark , the Herald Angels Sing. " . .
Hymn "Angels from the Realms of Glory. "
Offertonum "All Things Come of Thee , O
Lord. "
Retrocessional "O Come , All Ye Faithful. "
• . Adeste Fideles
The above will be repeated on Sunday
On Sunday evening a special evensong
will be sung , as follows :
" . " . . .
Processional "Shout the Glad Tidings.
Confiteor lily Use
Pater Nester Monotone
Proper Psalms Russell
Magnificat Anonymous
Nunc Dimitlis Tonus Regius
Credo Stainer
Preces Festal
Hymn "Hark , the Herald Angels Sing. " . .
Hymn "Angels from the Realms of Glory. "
Retrocessional "O Come , All Ye Faithful. "
G. H. Thomas will spend the holidays
at his home in Harvard , Nebraska.
Mrs. Dufiy goes to her home in Graf
ton , Nebraska , to spend the holidays.
The late petition for an enlarged vaca
tion would hardly stand the test for pen
Miss Smith departs tonight for her
home in the eastern part of the state to
spend the holidays.
Early in January , Dr. Beach will de
liver an illustrated lecture in the assem
bly room on "Human Physiology. "
Mrs. Bonnot's admirable work in
music is already bearing good fruit in
the marked improvement and increased
E. Hopt , of the Seventh and Eight
grades , leaves tonight to spend the holi
day vacation with his parents on the
farm near Cambridge.
The long delayed loan collection of
lantern slides appear next week , begin
ning Friday , January 8th , and will be ex
hibited throughout the winter.
A much needed revival in penmanship
has taken place among the pupils. By
an order from the superintendent all
who fall below a certain standard are to
be placed in C rank , this month , with
no hope of escape until they improve
their handwriting.
The prompt and efficient manner in
which Chief of Police Jordan and C. G.
Coglizer have cleaned the snow from the
sidewalks before school time has been
greatly appreciated by teachers and pu
pils , with the exception of small boys ,
who prefer to wade where the snow is
The rehearsal by the musical club , last
evening , in the assembly room , east
building , was quite a successful and en
joyable affair , reflecting credit upon the
members of this comparatively new or
ganization and its director , Mrs. A. P.
Bonnot. The children show a marked
improvement in the important art and
nice accomplishment of singing.
The Christmas entertainment given by
the children of the First , Second and
Third grades , yesterday afternoon , in
the First grade room , was a most attrac
tive and delightful affair. Misses Thom
son , Smith and Wilcox devoted much of
time and patience in the preparation and
training of the little onee , and the result
was an entertainment of pleasure and of
All kinds and sizes. Prices from ic
to $4.00. Postoffice lobby.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. J
Sleighing was rare , first of the week. I
Drums for the hoys at the Bee Hive. j
A full line of celluloid goods at the I
Bee Hive. I
Woodward's and Lowney's chocolates I
at the postoffice. I
Thirty-six styles of celluloid goods at I
the Bee Hive. I
Use Sheridan coal ; for sale by W. C. I
Bullard & Co. . I
There was some loss of live stock during - I
ing the recent cold weather. I
Scale Books For sale at The TribUNE - I
UNE office. Best in the market. I
We will make low prices on candy in I
quantities at the Bee Hive. I
Tine Tribune and Leslie's Weekly for I
$3 00 a year , strictly in advance. I
If you are going to make a present , I
don't fail to visit the Hee Hive. I
Thomas Fowler is learning the bar- I
ness-making trade at McMillen's. I
The Tribune and The Prairie Farmer I
for J1.25 a year , strictly in advance. fl
Reduced price on wall paper to make fl
room for new stock at McMillen's. fl
The Tribune and The Chicago Interfl
Ocean forr.2.s a year , strictly in advance. fl
Buy your Xinas dolls at postoffice B
lobby. Largest assortment to select B
from. B
Be in the swim. Buy one of those fl
wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. B
Sutton. H
Mrs. J. E. Kelley went down to Hastings - H
ings , last night , to spend Christinas with H
relatives. M
The Tribune and The Cincinnati H
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly H
iu advance. M
For Sale A good office desk in first H
class condition , at a very low price. M
Call at this office. M
The slot machines are going every- M
where. Much harm has resulted from fl
these kindergartens of gambling. M
The ice harvest , this week , called into M
requisition about all the available wagons - M
ons and horses in this vicinity. H
For cleanliness , Sheridan coal has no H
equal ; $4.50 per ton. H
W. C. Bullard & Co. H
Come in and select your dolls while B
our assortment is complete. We have B
twenty difierent kinds at the BEE Hive. B
Ten-inch dressed dolls with natural B
hair and hood on the 10c. counter at the B
Bee Hive. B
Buggies are included in the removal j B
sale prices at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. j B
Prices cannot be equaled in this part of j B
Nebraska. H
Work on the river bridge south of the H
city has been retarded by the cold M
weather , but will now be pushed with H
renewed vigor. H
The following letters were advertised H
on the 19th : Miss Bessie Bullard , J. A. H
Carter , Miss Laura Cooper , Mr. Charles M
Jetmore , Mr. Cyrus Schoolard. M
It is estimated that not half the corn M
has been husked yet. And the farmer |
will appreciate a little weather that will M
let him in the corn field. M
It is a very cold night when the Star M
of Jupiter does not take iu a number of H
new applications for membership. It H
had three at the meeting on Monday H
evening of this week. | |
The terms of subscription of The j H
Tribune are strictly in advance. To j J
print a first-class weekly paper at the H
low price of $ r.oo a year makes it very H
necessary that the cash in advance terms B
be observed as far as possible. B
Western Nebraska has been enjoying B
some very responsible winter weather , B
the past week , with the thermometer H
registering as low as 15 or 20 below zero , H
and a nice fall of snow covering the H
ground to the depth of four to six B
inches. H
Organizer Fritz established a lodge of H
the Star of Jupiter in Loomis , close of H
last week , with a membership of twenty- H
six. He expected to organize in Curtis , |
this week , and then go home to Brown- |
ville for the holidays. He is a rustler H
and is doing good work for the order. H