The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 26, 1897, Image 8

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    HfsJMt * > . . . . . . * -3UXi „ , ' : , $ „ . „ „ . " . . . _
bb bbb a aal
a aaV
Hj the new way.
WOMEN used
TY to think "fe
male diseases "
could only be
treated after "lc
c a 1 examina
tions" by physi
P cians. * Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modest women
silent about their
suffering. The introduction -
troduction of Pj
Wine of Cardul has now demonjg
strated that nine-tenths of all the I
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention H
at all. The simple , pure
. Wiise ° f C&PW1 !
Kj jj i taken In the privacy of a woman's 9
B | f i own home insures quick relief and |
Bi | i - speedy cure. Women need not §
K 11 \ hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re- |
k | If Bj quires no humiliating examinaH
B ll tions for its adoption. It cures any Eg
B ] | | p disease that comes under the head M
l ffl | ° f "female troubles" disordered W
1 $3 R menses , falling of the womb , I
H | | | 1 h "whites , " change of life. It makes I
B | M p women beautiful by making them 3
BI M well. It keeps them young by \
§ 1 ll | keeping them healthy. $1.00 at 3
Bf I'l E the drug store. |
H | HS W For advice in cases requiring : special 3
HJ kb j directions , address , giving : symptoms , 1
Hf it ? K ths " Ladies' Advisory Department , " 3
,1 , jp ) ffl The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , ChattaN
Bl q 1 M R0 ° S3 < Tenn.
B | I | | j W.I.ADDISONM.D.CaryMiss.says : 1
k k k Rl | ' jffl "I use Wine of Cardui extensively in B
H § a jR mypracticeandfmditamostexcellent
H > H preparation for female troubles. " '
Hff y California Excursions
' • \ Via Burlington Route.
Cheap ; quick ;
| cuinlortable. Leave Omaha. 4:35 p in. ,
I Lincoln 6:10 ; > . 111. , Hastings 8:50 p. 111.
i and McCook at 11:40 : p. 111. , ev-
1 ery Thuisdny , in clean , nio 'dem , not
Ei crowded tourist keepers. No transfers ;
I * • cars run right through to San Fiancisco
\ * \ and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
f ' through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in ralau ;
m { have spring seats and hacks and are
_ .tB | provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
sjffll -soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex-
Ba Lali S ? perienced . conductors accompany each
| | [ h excursion , relieving passengers of all
Rff& § [ bother about Iiaggage. pointing out ob-
H | fl | jects of interest and in many other ways
BjP | | helding to make theoveilaud trip a deB -
B if | lightful experience. Second class tickets
H ill are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv-
H lif tj ing full information , cail at nearest Bur-
B ll g * lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
B | S M Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma-
i HI * ! lv | hii. Nehiaska. 4-25-9S.
| A lull line of bill
I books jukI purses at
_ , * , J tliti Bee Hive.
La Hlf 111 McCook Markets.
Bll Ifi Corrected Friday morning.
H21 Corn $ . 13
Bi B Wheat 65
| H 1K Oats 13
BIB Ryc 3I
HIk Barley iS
HiH Hogs $2.75 @ 2.90
H VH Potatoes 50
H KH Eggs iS @ .20
B f • Butter I5@.iS
B J ! n = = = = = = =
HH ll - 7 y ° llr grloves at
BIk Tb Cure a Cold in One Day.
B X | Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
B fm -All druggists refund the money if it fails
H | K to cure. 25c.
Hfl B Every expectant mother has
H fl -a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
ill , 'rTr ' t ' 'iVgefc ' ready for ifc'
HB \ 1 t l 'J there is no telling
BB B W what may happen.
HH < - > Child-birth is full
BB B of uncertainties if
BH B Nature is not given proper assistance.
H Mother's Friend
BSj is the best help you can use at this time.
HH9 | It is a liniment , and when regularly ap-
1 plied several months before baby comes ,
Bffl * fc makes tlie advenfc eas7 and nearij Pam-
HEf less. It relieves and prevents "morning
H Bj siclniess , " relaxes the overstrained mus-
BH cles , relieves the distended feeling , short-
H ens labor , makes recovery rapid and cer-
H | tain without any dangerous after-effects.
| H Mother's Friend is good for only one
BB purpose , viz. : to relieve motherhood of
BHb danger and pain.
all drug stores , orB
B One dollar per bottle at
of price.
B receipt
B sent / express Books , contalninc on valuable informa-
B tlon for women , will be sent to any address
Btt -upon application to
HBB Atlanta. Oa.
. . . _ , _ . . _ : < < ; _ _ _ - - M
mmri WmR\mw \ ' MiT iirnnrmrrr-
Old Time haa turned full many a page
, In my dull book of life
Since I in burning words bescochod
Fair Prue to bo my wife.
Mothlnlw I still can hear her voice
So mournfully decline
The offer that I mode and say
She'd ne'er be wife of mine.
The world has aped its fleeting way
Adown the paths of space
Since that faroff Thanksgiving day ,
But time will ne'er efface
The meni'ry of her gentle "No"
That bade my hopes depart ,
To leave mo all , it seemed so then J
Naught save u broken heart.
Thanksgiving days have hurried by
Twoscoro of them , I guess. -
The gloomy shroud that wrapped mo then
Ls gone , I must confess.
She's married yes , Pruo married and
Her husband's hair turned gray.
Maylmp that's why so gratefully
I render thanlcs today.
* Chicago Inter Ocean.
The fog rested over the little station
and canio quietly into the "gentlemen's
waiting room" with every fresh arriv
al. These early comers had no intention
of going off on the train. They were
known jocosely as the "cowboys , " and
their duty was to haul milk to the sta
tion once or twice a day.
The cowboys , grouped about the coal
stove on this foggy morning , were in
earnest conversation. There were ominous
nous shakings of wise old heads , inter
mittent giggles from the witty young
sters , solemn and emphatic stamps of
well shod feet , whistles , mutterings and
now and then a hearty espousal of a
clever idea.
"No , 'tain't no use for an old man to
be cranky ; it don't pay. Thar comes a
time when a body's got to be looked
after whether he likes it or no , and his
own people's the ones to do it. If an old
feller's son can't put up with him ,
how's the neighbors gnnno do it ? "
This somewhat lengthy speech on the
part of Farmer Gibbs met with univer
sal approval.
"That's it , " said Williams , "and ho
was comfortable. No person in the
county could 'a' been kinder and moro
like a real datter to old Cissel than the
boy's aunt. It's said as the Cissels nev
er git sorry , but it's against reason if
down in his heart som'ers Bub Cissel
ain't sorry 'bout all this rttmnus. And
while the law of the land allowed the
place to bo handed over to a lG-year-old
boy to be carried on in the name of the
undo who bought up the mortgages
thar's a higher law'n the law of the
land that gives John Cissel a right to
live his lifo out in the home place. "
"Tho Cissels is the quarest sort of
family lever seen , " remarked Eurdette.
"Tho neighborhood's taken hot sides
with the old mail , but nary one of us
lcnows who's in the right and who's in
the wrong. All wo know is that the
furse occurred out in the Cissel barn ;
that the hess was in it. Some state as
the boy knocked the old man down , and
others state that in the fracas the hess
rared and that away the old man was
knocked down , but neither the old manner
nor Bub has give out the facts of the
case. We jest know that the old man
rode over hero on the hess and is put-
tin up wharever they'll let him in and
a-offerin the hess for sale. They state
as Bub says that the hess can't be sold ;
that it was bought up by his ma's
brother and is his'n , but the old man is
off erin the critter right and left. "
"That's a good hess , " said a youth
ful cowboy in a ruminating way. "A
first rate hess , fur's I kin jedge. Nary
white foot on him , long and lean , shap
ed like a reg'lar trotter , and he kin go.
That hess is wuth more money'n the
times'll bring. "
"Yes , feed's scarce , " said Shacklett.
"It's a powerful good hess won't eat
his head off this winter. "
"But 'tain't every day a feller can
pick up a hess like Cissel's , " continued
the enthusiast. " 'Twould pay to keep
the critter over winter , feed him well
and carry him to town in the spring.
He'd fetch a fancy price in town this
spring. But § 150 is considerable money
to git hold of nowadays. "
"But how'bout the raffle ? " another
of the youngsters inquired eagerly. "I
heered they was speakin of puttin the
hess up to raffle. "
"They was speakin of it , " said Wil
liams , "but the old man wouldn't hear
on it. He says how a raffle ain't no thin
but a lottery business , and the lottery's
forbid , printed and nailed up in every
postoffico in the United States. He says
he's been cheated out of a home , but
that ain't no reason for him to swindle
the neighbors out of a dollar apiece all
but the one man and give the one man
a hess for a dollar. He says as he can
git moro'u a dollar for his hoss. "
"That sounds well enough , " said
Burdette , "but when it comes to beiu
turned out of a lodgin , havin the tick
took off yer bed to show yer wasn't
wanted no longer , then , I say , lottery
or no lottery , the raffle's the only thing
to come at"
' * That were true about the bed , then ? ' '
inquired Shacklett.
"Yes , and it seems hard , but Ann
Earp couldn't afford the extry expense.
: he says as she ain't sure ho has the
right to sell the hess , and she couldn't
go on waitin for the money nohow ; she
couldn't keep her own family in meat ,
much less a boarder that wasn't payiu.
Yes , old Cissel staid in yer one night ,
sat thar on the bench. Ho didn't sleep
none , the night telegrafter says , and
was holler eyed next mornin. Then the
Washingtons took him in , but they's
worritin about the board nionoy al
ready. "
"Bub hears the talk ; ho knows how
'tis. If hetcan't stand the old man in
the house , why don't ho como forward
and pay his board elsewhere ? "
Williams stamped his foot. "That's
it , " he said impressively. "Why don't
ho ? Because Bub Cissel won't allow to
nobody that ho can't stand the old man
in the house. He says if the old man
can't stay to his homo let him find
what homo he can out of it. The old
man's stubborn , but it ain't no more'n
" * * - " "
Bin rr-ni in i , n 1111 111 1'i 1 1
> • > <
Human if the Htraits he's in hasn't
weakened him down considerable. Sonn
folks say if Bub was to come along and
offer to fix things up the old man
wouldn't make no objuiions. But the
boy's got the Cissel stubbornness along
with his mother's tariial perseverance.
Sary Hopwood cut enough chicken feath
ers off the quills for to make q 25 pound
bed. "
The sunlight was something beauti
ful to see as the cowboys shoved their
milk cans into the car and began to dis
perse around the station. It I..y along
the fence rails in brilliant streaks , and
on the frosty ground wore silver sprigs
and silver stones. Even the half frozen
road dirt lay in ridges of crusted white
ness. It looked as if thcro would bo a
right good freeze soon and a healthy
Walking across the frosty road , on
his way from the store to the station ,
was old Cissel. Ho was a tall , old man ,
with a stoop in his shoulders that was
becoming more and moro pronounced
His beard was rough and straggty , the
ragged lining of his coat showed at the
pockets , he needed Bnb's aunt to see to
him , the pitying neighbors said.
He looked up and spoke gravely and
politely to Shacklett. Then his face
brightened perceptibly. "Want to buy
a hess , Shacklett ? " he inquired. "I can
sell you sis fine a hess as you'll happen
across in the country. I've got to sell
him. I'll sell him dirt cheap to you ,
Shacklett. I'm wantin money. The
world ain't got no use for a man with
out money. I'll let you have the critter
for § 125. You'd best take mo up , eh ? "
Ho tried to speak all through in a businesslike -
nessliko way , in the manner of an in
dependent man offering his wares for
sale , but his voice faltered when ho said
that the world hadn't any use for a man
without money and the fear showed it
self in his eyes. "A hundred and twen
ty-five dollars ain't much for a hess
like Hawk , eh , Shacklett ? "
"No , 'tain't much , " acquiesced
Shacklett , "but times is hard. I tell
you what you do , Cissel. " Ho laid his
hand upon Cissel's shoulder. "You git
on that thar hoss. Nobody rides him bet-
ter'u you , though you's most SO. You
jest git ou that hess and ride him home.
The feller in the county that wants the
hess worst is Bub. "
Cissel threw off the kindly grasp and
drew himself up. "I reckon , " ho said ,
. "as Williams'U be glad to buy the hess
on the present terms. I was speakin to
him yesterday. "
"I'm an old man , too , " said Shack
lett , "and I know thar ain't but one
place en earth for old men. You'll be
sorry for it by and by , Cissel , and the
boy'11 be sorry too. You don't want the
boy to be sorry when it's too late , when
it won't do him nor anybody else no
good ? "
Old Cissel stepped forward with a
lurch , steadied himself , straightened
his shoulders. "The Cissels , " he said
stubbornly , "never gits sorry. "
Shacklett shook his head in dismal
disapproval and went over and climbed
into his milk wagon. Ho shook his head
again on the way home , with the lines
hanging loose over the neck of his
mare. ' 'It's the boy's place to come for-
l ward , " he muttered. "He's young.
It's too hard for to expect an old man
to give up to his own boy. But Bub's
got the mother's perseverance. She cut
enough of chicken feathers off the quill
for to make a 25 pound bed. "
The Washingtons kept old Cissel six
weeks before Mrs. Washington spoke in
all earnestness and severity about the
board money. "Some'n'sgottobedone , "
she said emphatically. "Times is hard.
Ann Earp kep' you four weeks , and she
ain't had a cent from you yit. The hess
is eatin his head off in Cramer's stable ,
and you're owin mo six weeks' board.
Now and then I have kep' a boarder to
help along , but I've al'ays been paid at
the end of the week Of course if you
was to sell the hess at once I ain't say-
in you mightn't stay on , but you've
been yer six weeks tomorrow evenin ,
and you ain't no nearer sellin him than
when you come. Washin'ton was sayin
yesterday it's all fnllishness , you settin
a price on the hoss. You might 'a' got
$125 by the raffle , but yon ain't gunno
git a hundred right down from a farmer.
What you can git for the hess that's
what he's wuth. "
"The hess comes from good stock , "
said the old man faintly. "If any one
wanted a fine trotter"
"No matter who's wantin a fine trot
ter , they ain't wantin it at a fancy
price , " said Mrs. Washington. "Of
course if you must keep the hess , then
it's Bub's place to keep the two of you.
If ho won't let you stay at the farm , ho
ought for to make arrangements about
yer board. Laws ! " she added , looking
keenly into the old man's face. "I
should think as the boy'll be mighty
sorry after while if lie does nothin
now. "
"Tho Cissels , " said the old man bro
kenly "they never gits sorry. "
"I don't want to do nothin mean , "
said Mrs. Washington , "but the boy
oughter come fawward now if ever. To
morrow's Thanksgivin. "
The old man rose and went out of the
house. He walked very slowly across to
the station and lingered about , but the
people evaded him. Nobody wanted to
buy a horse , and most of the cowboys
were becoming weary of his entreaties.
"If he'd had the raffle , he 'd been all
right for awhile , ' ' they said.
"Tho world ain't got no use for a
man without money , " muttered old
Cissel. "He can't buy a chaw of tobac
co nor nothin. " Ho was feverishly anx
ious to sell his horse that eve of Thanks
Bright and early on the morning of
Thanksgiving day the horse was sold ,
very quietly , before many people were
around. The purchaser arrived for him
at noon , but Cramer insisted upon be
ing paid for the horso's keep before de
livering him to his new master. Old
Cissel's hands trembled as ho counted
out the dollars for Hawk's keep. "He's
a fine hess , " ho 6aid as the new owner
rode away , "as fine a hess as ono can
find in the country , but a body's got to
lMli1 [ 'fiil1l > ll WllUMIllMtJiMUiaM | ; >
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' . . , - * , , sfeassaggi Sii
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„ - [ M. , , , untntTmflfTTffl
take what they can git for a hess now *
adays. 'Tain't no "uso settin a price. "
Some people who saw old Cissel go '
ing into Ann Earp's said that ho walk
ed as if ho were growing young again ,
but his former landlady's face was severe -
vero and uuapproachtiblo as she answer
ed his knock.
"I have como to pay the bill , " an
nounced the old man , whereupon Mrs.
Earp's face relaxed , and she invited
him into the warm dining room.
"Pore people , " she said apologetical
ly as she received the money , "is some
times forced to do hard things , but if
yon'vo bold the hess I'll bo glad to give
you the room again. "
The room in question was back of the
dining room. The door between was
open. It must 60 warm too. Old Cissel
bowed and thanked her , but ho did not
Mrs. Washington smiled benignly
when she in turn received her money.
"It's the last day of the week's board , "
said old Cissel. "I git my supper. "
"Laws , you ain't gunno leave ? " cried
Mrs. Washington. "Yon ain't mad at
what I said yesterday ? I was called on
for money myself and was put to. If I'd
know you was gunno sell the hess so
early , I wouldn't said a word. Washin'
ton won't half like it if I let yon go. "
"I've made other arrangement , " said
old Cissel. "I jest git my supper ; that's
all. "
Ho left the house after supper.
"Goin back to Ann Earp's , I s'pose , "
said Mrs. Washington sneeringly , "to
have the tick took off again when the
hess money's spent. Well , I reckon it's
best to bo shed of him now. "
The old man sat in the gentlemen's
waiting room until very late. Ho was
congratulated several times upon the
sale of in. - . hor. e. Ho was told that he ,
at any rate , bad something to bo thank
ful for , but he looked very , very old.
"Bub Leat take him of he wants
him , " said the cowboys among them
selves , "lie's hoi ; . , j. out pretty study
for a 17-year-old boy. "
When old Cissel quitted the station ,
he did not go to Mrs. Earp's , as Mrs.
Washington had prophesied. He went
up to the bridge and stood there , look
ing down mechanically at the railroad
track. There had been two light falls
of snow , enough to cover the ground
several inches , and the people had
brought out their sleighs for Thanks
giving. The old man , leaning against
the rail of the bridge , heard the bleigh-
bells as in a dream , but he knew that it
was Thanksgiving. Ho brought his
hands out of his empty pockets and
folded them upon the railing. He looked
up at the moon lighted sky.
"I'm thankful , " he said slowly ,
"that I'vo been able to pay my just
debts § 12 to Ann Earp , $10 for the
hess and $18 to Eliza Washin'ton.
'Tain't no use settin a price on a hoss.
What you can git for him , that's what
he's wuth. Forty dollars for a fine ,
sound , young horse ! Lord , is the times
so hard as that ? "
Then he must have heard the sleigh-
bells distinctly , for there were two
strings of them upon a horse that was
springing and dancing behind him. He
must have heard the energetic "Whoa ! "
and the tingling and jingling of the
sleighbells shaken afresh. And yet it
seemed as if he heard nothing at all.
His head had fallen on his arms. He
shifted his feet a little to make a surer
prop as he prepared to spend his second
night without a home.
The old head was lifted gently by a
pair of strong hands , some one said
"Father ! " in a choking voice , and old
Cissel turned and stared into the boy's
"Father ! " cried Bub again.
But the old man drew back. Leaning
heavily against the bridge railing , he
announced that the "hoss" was sold ,
given away.
"You're cold , " said the boy gruffly.
"You git in thar. You're goin whar
you'll be took care of. I heerd all about
the hoss. Durn the fool that robbed
you ! "
He helped the old man into the sleigh
and drew the robes about him. Then ho
whistled to his horse , and the sleigh-
bells resumed their jingling.
The sudden change from the homeless
and destitute feeling of spending the
night upon the bridge , with no future
prospects whatever , with the knowl
edge that it was Thanksgiving day and
that he could only be thankful over the
fact that his empty pockets meant that
each honest debt Lsd been paid the sud
den change from all this to the comfort
able seat in the sleigh , with the spirited
horse ruhhing him on to warmth and
light and home , was too much for old
Cissel. Ho sat in the sleigh beside Bub ,
whimpering like a little child.
The boy leaned over and very quietly
saw that the robes were rightly placed.
Then old Cissel reached out his hand
and touched his son's coat sleeve.
"When a man gits to be nigh on to
80 , Bub , " he said humbly , "he ought
to have sense enough to know that
young blood's hot. Though I'm the first
Cissel that ever done it , I'm gunno 'low
I'm sorry. "
The boy turned about. "No , you're
not , father ! " ho cried quickly. "You ' ro
not to 'low you're sorry. You're not to
be sorry. It's mo that's both sorry and |
ashamed. " j
"No , Bub ; no , Bub , " returned old 1
Cissel doggedly. " 'Tain't that away. "
They sat in silence for a long time.
The sleigh was turning in at the farm
gate , the moonlight was over every
thing , the glow from the window was
visible when old Cissel spoke again.
"Wo ain't nary one of us sorry , Bub , "
he said fervently. "It's Thanksgivin.
Wo'roboth jest overpoweriu glad. "
Washington Star.
Thanksiriviug Dinner.
Cream of rice soup.
Oyster patties.
Roast turkey. Cranberry sauce.
Browned potatoes.
Canned corn. Scalloped tomatoes.
Celery mayonnaise. Cheese.
Bent's water crackers.
Apple pudding. Hard sauce.
Grpes and bananas.
; iiB g < .uura u < . . _ _ _ n _
Useful Inforuiation For the WIehlcr of
the Fcdtlx-u Knlfo.
Murrey , in his work on practical
carving , saya you should place the tur
key with the head from yon , on a largo
platter. Have rev. 'i } ' ono small and ono
largo knife , ono small and ono lurgo
fork. Insert the largo fork through the
center of the breast , the tines astraddle
of the ridge. Cut away the twiuo with
which the bird is trussed and cut two
thin slices of white meat from the
breast down to the shoulder. Now di
vide the wing from the shoulder , which ,
if done before cutting the two slices ,
that part of the fowl and the upper ends
of the slices will bo nigged. The ex
pert will next divide the drumstick
from the second joint , but the beginner
should cut above the second joint down
toward the back , then cut on the lower
side , press the joint gently outward with
the kuife and with the point of the knife
divide the joints.
Now use the small knife and fork to
separate the drumstick and second joint
and also to divide the latter while in
hand. Slice off the breast in wide , long
and not too thin slices. Gently draw
the bird over on its left side and with
one quick , sharp stroke with the /knifo
cut part way through the right center
of the back. Cut from the pope's nose
along the back , up to this cut , to pro
cure the side boue. The "oysters" on
the back belong with the side bones and
should not bo detached from them. The
wishbone should be separated from t ho
breastbone and shoulder , and a quick
stroke will separate the collar bono from
the breast. Another will give you the
shoulder blade , around which is fair
"picking. " The left side is carved the
same as the right side , and it is consid
ered quite an accomplishment to be able
to carve with the loft hand as well as
with the right.
tot the TlmnUsnivhifi Feast IJo Tliorouch-
ly American.
A real Thanksgiving dinner should bo
as emblematic as possible. There is un
doubtedly value in the observance of
national customs , though the spirit of
the nge is to disregard thorn. Thanks
giving was the first national feast wo
observed as such in this country. It
wns the first unbending of our puritan
ical fathers , their firt > t yielding to the
appetite after their desperate flight from
England , where the spiritual meaning
of a festival was buried in gluttony and
Christmas was ; -nonymons with riotous
living. The Thanksgiving feast first
broke the grim and frugal year for us.
Nature herself , setting the examine ,
heaped our laps with the harvest yield ,
and the feast on that day should typify
the plenty and prosperity of the year.
Most of us have enough and to spare.
Let us see that we do spare of it to
those of scanty means.
As it was from old England that wo
drew our ideas regarding our feaating ,
no French cour.-o dinner should be serv
ed upon this occasion , but a generous
board , groaning w ith its load , a la Eng
land , should be spread. The turkey is
king of the feast , fciiowy celery with its
canary colored crebt crowning him , and ,
together with the time honored product
of the bogs the cranberry promising
us he shall not pall upon our taste from
very richness. Sweet and white pota
toes , both absolutely indigenous to this
land , with or without onions , turnips ,
parsnips and salsify in factyour choice
of a host of vegetables , all in season
for the day play the part of courtiers
at this royal gathering. Before sitting
down it might be well to revive ono of
ten forgotten custom of the early cen
turies namely , to give thanks , for is
it not Thauk.-giving dinner ? Exchange.
Fastinjj. "Not Fcastinjj.
When John Adams was president
and when a war with France seemed
innninent , he issued a proclamation.
In view of "tho unfriendly dispo
sition , conduct and demands of a
foreign power , evinced by repeated re
fusals to receive our messengers of rec
onciliation and peace , " a day was set
apart for fasting , humiliation and pray
er. Nor was this the last day which the
people of the United States were called
upon to celebrate in this humble way ,
as Madison issued a similar proclama
tion in 1811 , because of the war with
Great Britain then in progress. The fol
lowing year , however , he called upon
all the people to rejoice on the second
Tuesday in April over the restoration
of peace.
A Spason of Itccreation.
Thanksgiving day has long been a pe
riod of social happine.s , and one cannot
fail to note a decided tendency to make
it a day of physical recreation also.
Both of these forms of enjoyment are
valuable and desirable. Perhaps the
ideal Thanksgiving day would bo that
in which all the activities of man the
intellectual , the moral , the spiritual
and the physical work in harmony for
the accomplishment of the highest and
noblest purposes.
IJeineml ) ranee.
This will ever be a good day to re
count the national mercies of the past ;
to remember the heroic figures that give
to our republic the be.t evidence of the
fruitfulness of democracy ; to recall
Washington , Franklin. Jefferson , Ham
ilton , Lincoln , ( irant and a great cloud
of other splendid witnesses to the power
of national lifo in its noblest incarna
tions. Selected.
Thanksgiving of the Future.
The Thanksgiving day of the future
will be like that of the past and the
present , characterized by religious serv
ices , by amusements and by feasting
fiid good fellowship. For one I would
not have it otherwise. Henry W. Rog
I \to to Dinner.
first Cannibal What made your
wife scold you so Thanksgiving day ?
Second Cannibal I was late to dia
ler and the missionary was cold.
* " " " " " " " * WH B
.1 i ii 1 in f 1 innnfr "t"
- • " " ' " m ' ivm44 + ilimW'illlrT1tf&/itfiXrudSMMfc B
. . . H B
- < • - Ill I > ! h.lllllHW WMW.M BJ
tm mmilamm wqluMni1 l0a. i | i lH ? 'li ' j1O' ' . yjtSpalaP''il ' ' y iE | / > c M
" ' * - " " * " * ff , H
> aa al
• afl
makes the young feci old , and the old feel h. H
that life is not worth the living. It's a dan- & M
gcr signal of Kidney Disease the unerring j M
evidence of weak , inactive and sore Kidneys. ' H
Any person cured of Kidney weakness will H
tell you that when the back ceased to ache , j M
all troubles ended. Neither liniments , nor M
plasters , nor electricity can cure it. The H
seat of the trouble is not in the skin , flesh or H
muscles , it's In iho Kidnajs. M
It can be b H
"Ilobba Sparagus Kidney Plttn relieved my M
wife of a great pain in her back , and alleviated H
a severe trouble In her kidneys. " H
Patrick Mukkay , H
1839 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Neb. H
"I am glad to say that Dr. Tlobbs Sparagun H
Kidney Pills have had a satisfactory effect Iu l H
my case. They have done all that I could ex- BSBBBBJ
pect and what vou claim they do. They cured * H
mc of a terrible bactcachc which I had for V H
several mouths , and after I had used two boxes H
I was H
August Steyaekt , Cedar Rapids , Neb. J
. Hobbs m H
Kidney Pills. " |
It often happens that the doctor is out of H
town when mobl needed. 1 he two ytar old * V |
daughter of J. V * . Schcuck , of Caddo , Indian H
Territory , was threatened wifli croup , lie „ |
writes : "My wile insisted that I yo for the \ r > J k
doctor at once , hut : is he was out of tuwn , 1 Y |
purchased n bottle of Chamberlain's Coti li \ H
Ueniedy. which relieved the child immediate- H
ly. " A bottle of that remedy in the- house i H
will often save the expense ot a doctor's hill. 4 H
besides the anxiety always occasioned hyse- |
illness. When is " M
nous it yiven as soon as the
croupy cou h appears , it will prevent the at H
tack. ' 1 hoiisands of mothers always keep it H
in their house , the 25 and 50 cent bottles for H
sale by I. . YV. McComiell. M
From the .
StarState • nines the follow fl
inn lettei , written byV. . K. Gas * , editor of the a H
Mount Vernon ( Tex. ) Herald : " 1 have used |
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ami Diarrh < ea H
Remeoy 111 my family for the past year , and H
find it the best remedy foi colic and diarrho-a M
that 1 have ever tried. Its effects are install- j iaH
taneous and satisfactory , and I cheerfully rec |
oiiimend it , especially for cramp colic and di |
arrli.c-a. . Indeed , we shall try and keep a hot H
tie of it on our medicine shelf as Ion" as v.t- a H
keep house. " For sale by I. . W. McCoiiiiell. ' j H
A little child of J. R. Hays , living near Col l H
qmtt , Georgia , overturned a pot of boiling l l
water , scalding itself so severely that the skin H
came off its breast and limbs. Jhc distressed H
parents sent to Mr. I5ush. a merchant of Col H
qui t for a remedy and he promptly forward H
ed Chamberlain's Tain Halm. ' 1 he ' child was a H
sullering intensely , but was relieved by a I H
single application of I'ai „ ] ; . , iIn. Another H
application or two made it sound and well. H
her sale by L.V. . McConnell. a 1
J.C. IJerry , one of the best known citizens H
of Spencer ; Mo. , testifies that he cured hmiseli
of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes H
of Dett itfs Witch Iia/el Salve , lie had b-en
troubled with piles for over thirty years and M
had used many different kinds of so-called AH
cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did th- M
work and he will verify this statement if any a H
one wishes to write him. A. Mc.MilIen. 1
U AKMNr : Persons w ho suffer from cough- 4l4 H
an. colds should h d the warningsof danger fB H
and save themselves suffering and fatal results > M H
SfnTi1 ! ! ? C' I , , ute CoU"h Curek > s a
in a Iible for
remedy H
coughs , colds , croup and
all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen. j H
JM. . Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex , says that H
when he has a spe I of indigestion and feeK
bad and .luggish , he takes two of DeWitt's M
Little harly K.sers . at nighr , and he is all right M
the next morning. May thousands of other , IH
do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen. M
. Vou can't afford to risk your life by allow . J |
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con- s H
sumption Instant relief and a certain cure j M
are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A. & H
-McMillen. H
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds H
may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch H
Ha/e Salve , the great remedy for piles and I H
Vir- . , nds of sorcs and skir troubles. A. M
. .
iMc.Millen. _ H
There is no need of little children hein" tor M
tured by scald head . '
, ecz.-ma and skin erup > H
tioiis. DeWitt's Witch I lazel Salve gives in- H
statu relief and cures permanently. A. Mc ia H
You can't H
cure consumption but you can
avoid it and cure every other form of throat M
or lung trouble by the Uae of One Minute M
Cough Cure. A. McMillen. H
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's M
Little harly Risers cure biliousness , constipa- A H
tion , sick headache. A. McMillen. H
United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , H
October 14th , 1897. Notice is hereby given M
that Abraham Peters has filed notice of inten- I H
tion to make final proof before Register or |
Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska. H
on Saturday , the 27th day of November. i&)7 , M
on timber culture application No. 5,283 , for - j H
the southeast quarter of section No. 21 , in | H
township No. 1 , north of range No. 30 west. H
He names as witnesses : William II. Kenia- H
mn . : , Albert NVeks' August Weach , Charles M
b. hlhott , all of Uanksville. Nebraska. H
10-15-6L A. S. Campbell , Register. H
, H
Jcriiius KujJTert , H
Carpet Laying , H
Carpet Cleaning. ' H
I r-Iam still doing carpet laying , carpet L |
cleaning lawn cuttiHg and similar work. See H
or write me before giving such work. My * H
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at -4 la H
Iribitn-e office. JULIUS KL'NERT. ' H
- * . . ' ' verence not necessary. ForcrlcenaiiTi nr < la Ba l H