The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 19, 1897, Image 2

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    I I *
H S P. &U KI.UMEI.L , PublUhor.
b i K * * , , i , . . . . . ,
Bfl A series of religious meetings are
H | being held at Emerson.
B Charles Yelke , the ex-bass drum
BM player for the late Salvation Army in
Hftj Plattsmouth , was arrested for fighting
Hflj and disturbing the peace.
HI It required seventy-two ballots be-
M | for the school board of Blue Springs
Bfl succeeded in selecting a teacher for
HH the intermediate department.
HjH A force of about fifty men , under
HH ! Contractor Santell of Omaha , have
JH commenced work on the B. & M.
HI bridge fill at East Plattsmouth.
Burglars effected an entrance into
Hlf ! the hardware .store of Empry & San-
Hfl ders at. Tobias by breaking the glass
i Bifl of one of tlic , arSe windows in the
H | § 1 rear of the store. They were probably
Hi j * disturbed , as nothing is missing.
HH | I William Harris , of Havelock. had
H | i two packages in his pockets. One was
Bl jp common soda , which he was in the
HfJj E habit of taking for heartburn , and the
HiR I other was sugar of lead , which he was
HEUH using for poison ivy. By mistake he
Hi [ took the sugar of lead internally for
HnIJH heartburn , but prompt action by the
kh doctors saved his life ,
KlU ' Helen Drake , 13 years of ageV the
H | | § § child of Engineer Drake of the B\ &
HiH M. , Schuyler , disappeared from her
! j § § § home. She was seen at Edholm ,
H fff -across the river from that place
I H iM [ Wednesday morning and went from
| | there to a railroad crossing , where she
fiH Is supposed to have boarded an east-
1 Wa bound train. It is thought she Is in
Ht II "While Mrs. H. E. Stein of Clay Cen-
f If 'ter was making jelly the baby boy , 1
Hl | li year old , was about the kitchen play-
H | | | ing. Mrs. Stein had just filled a dish
Hjf al full of hot jelly when the baby raised
HU li his hand to the table and pulled the
Hj | 1 lot mixture over him , burning his
Hm 4 head and face very badly. Prompt
Hi | | ; medical attention relieved the baby's
Hi ! | Th-Central house barn at Hebron ,
Hp I i together with the team and a large
Hfjl I amount of feed and hay was destroyed
Kiii I by fire * Tne team bad been in daily
BJA Mm I use for nIue years Dast an(1 was s0 ac _
Blfff J customed to their work that thev
ill I could be driven
H without lines and were
BJBiHl noticed by nearly every one who saw
BJBiiil them work. The fire was undoubtedly
Hfjp | The 13-year-old son of James Gunn ,
y fj of Otoe county , has a narrow escape
H'i from accidentally losing his life. He
HifF left • DOme for otoe county on a hay
Bfjgi' j " rack , taking with him a shotgun. In
HPy ; "handling the gun the hammer caught
Hlf § | < ! and the gun was discharged , the load
Hflll tearing away the fleshy part of his
Hfelf band between the thumb and first fin-
Hlp | ser. He took the gun against his fath-
H jgj | | George Humphrey , formerly a resi-
H WM "dent of Pierce county , is charged witb
Hl'gll ' the murder of his wife's brother , the
IHiil v * * * DemS committed near his old home
KM i in Marion county , while
Virginia , un-
| H I der the influence of liquor. George ,
| | j -with a party , was out hunting and got
| p on one of those sprees he was noted
l | | "for while in Nebraska , striking his vic-
| j § "tim with a rock. The boy lingered for
II ? -several weeks before dying.
| | | A Washington dispatch
says : Cle-
| p ' Tnent Chase , of the Omaha Exposition ,
I j | ] | | is in the city and has been interview-
k $ ing the Georgetown college officials
IfH with reference to a display at the great
li Trans-Mississippi Exposition. It is
11 practically settled that this noted in
fill stitution of learning will be represent-
| H ed alongside of other colleges. The
preliminary arrangements contemplate
§ | | the acquirement of about 400 feet of
The safe in H. E. Grice's drug store
ja ' at Red Cloud was opened and about
m $50 taken. The robbers drilled into
m the safe door with a common brace and
R steel bit and blew it off witb a charge
§ 1 of powder. Mr. Grice is financier of
H the Ancient Order of United Work-
p men lodge , and as it was the last of
| | the month it is thought tbe robbers"
P counted on getting a large sum of
i money that is paid in on assessments
| Attorney General Smyth has appealed -
I -pealed the Home for the Friendless
! - < : ase to the
supreme court. The c se
• was brought in district court s-ome
i tiav ago upon mandamus
i Ine ? commenced by Mrs. C. 8. Jones ,
• the newly appointed superiaceiid'-nt ,
to ain possession of the houi" In
his decision dismissing the writ of
i -roanaamus Judge Holmes said thar
I the : -tate had entered into a contract
Im j -wi L the society.
I Juages Stull and Letton bave an-
-uounced dates for holding district
J ! -court in the First district the coming
H -years as follows : Johnson county ,
fjB February 4 , May 10 , November 29 ;
1 | | -Oage county , January 19 , May 3 , Sep-
maI ember 20 ; Jefferson county , April 12 ,
h , June 14 , October 4 ; Nemaha county ,
MjP January 15 , June 24 , November 15 ;
BBPawnee county , January 19 , June 21 ,
BH 'October 4 ; Richardson county , March
H -29 , "June 7 , December 6.
Kg The Dairy School building at the
Bfi State university farm is approaching
Wucompletion. . The enlargement of the
HI building makes it possible to accom-
H znodate the large attendance at the
H "Farm and Dairy school expected at
HBthe opening of the school on the 28th
HB > f December. The enlargement of the
HI Ibarn at-the farm gives opportunity for
H 'the housing of the herd of cattle upon
HSfi 'which experiments are to be tried in
H H feeding and breeding to see what na-
HaB | "tive stock from .the west will be
K Bifound profitable for purposes of beef.
HbH A costly new pipe organ will be pur-
H chased by the Catholic congregation at
B St. Bernard and the instrument will
H H fill the large church with sacred mu-
HH * fc about Christmas time.
H Announcement is made that B. T.
HHl 'White , assistant general attorney of
HHH the Elkhorn , has been promoted to be
HH | general attorney to succeed the late
H W. B. Sterling. He has been asso-
HD | elated with the law department of the
HHH Elkhorn for the past twelve years , but
HH tinder his appointment he will also be
HB faneral attorney for the Sioux City &
H Pacific road. For three years of bis
HH term of service he was located at Nor-
HHH Sm , He is a native of Illinois. 1
- - - - "
, i i i- i
Condeonatlons that Embody a Good Deal
of Information Without Requlrlnc
Much Space Foreljjn and Domestic
Nevray Notes on All Subjects.
Monday , November 8.
Ohio's legislative contest may have
to be referred to a high joint commis
sion. .
By an explosion at the Illinois steel
works at Milwaukee five men were in
jured , two fatally.
Charles L. Fair , son of the late Sen
ator James G. Fair , has announced his
retirement from the turf.
James Ponder , former governor of
Delaware , died at his home in Milton
of paralysis , aged 7S years.
Ex-Senator John J. Ingalls , of Kan
sas , has taken quarters in Washington
far the session of congress.
Temple Emanuel , the Jewish syn
agogue in Denver , was totally de
stroyed by fire. Loss , $35,000.
John Lanyon , of Jopliu , Mo. , who re
fused "hands up , " was shot and dan
gerously wounded by burglars.
Ellen Peck , of New York , who has
for years been known as the queen of
confidence women , was today sentenced
to five years in prison.
Ambassador White at Berlin has in
formed the department of state that
Dr. Von Holleben , the newly appoint *
Cd ambassador of Germany to the
Vnited Stares , yill arrive in this coun
try November 9.
Resolutions have been passed by the
New York chamber of commerce , urg
ing the president and congress to take
such immediate action as will provide
a force of trained artillerymen for the
proper manning of our sea coast de-
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
and the Rock Island roads
are worrying - i
ing over the probable action1 of the I
new owners of the Union Pacific re- j i
garding their right to use the big I '
bridge between Council Bluffs and
Senator Wolcott , of Colorado , and
General Charles J. Paine , two of the
monetary commissioners appointed by
President McKinley to confer with Eu
ropean governments concerning the
feasibility of establishing interna
tional bimetallism have arrived home.
Tuesday , November 9
Memphis is about free from yellow
Chicago has developed an eight-
year old bandit.
A great gold strike has been made
near Butte , Montana.
There is trouble in the mining dis
tricts around Bellaire , Ohio.
Yellow Jack's reign at New Orleans
is thought to be about ended.
Dynamite Dick is said to be recruting
his gang in the Osage country.
Hiram L. Holden , cashier of the
Central National bank of Pueblo , Col. .
The steamer Idaho was wrecked on
Lake Erie and nineteen lives were lost.
Pheobe Couzens denies that she has
abandoned the cause of woman suf
Chinese coal miners are to take the
place of Americans in the Northern
Illinois district ,
suicided. Temporary insanity.
After fifteen hard fought rounds
Sammp Kelly was given the decision
over Peter Borderick > at New York.
Articles of incorporation of the
Skaguay and Lake Bennet Tramway
company have been filed * at Portland. j
Americans and Englishmen are
making large purchases of land in
Hawaii which will be used for coffee ;
nlanting. ! j
A dispatch from Honolulu says
contracts have been signed in New
York for 80,000 tons of Hawaiian
sugar of the crop of 1898.
A special from Bangkok says Siam
today formally apologized to Minister
Barrett for the soldiers' assault on
Vice Consul-General Kellett.
The body of the unknown woman
who was killed in the Central rail
road wreck near Garrisons , N Y. , has
been identified as that of Miss Jennie
King of South Buffalo.
The schooner M. M. Merrill arrived
at Seattle from Cook's Inlet , Alaska ,
with nine passengers and about $20 , -
000 in gold. Half of this is the Dron-
erty of the United States Mercantile
Wednesday , Nov. 10.
Marshall Field has returned from
E. S. Holbrook , lawyer , author and
poet , died in Chicago.
Jack Frost is putting yellow fever
to rout in southern cities.
Sale of the Denver Pacific has been
postponed until December 20.
Democrats of Ohio will vote for
Governor Bushnell to down Hanna.
The Hotel San Marcer , at St. Au
gustine , Fla. , burned. Loss $250,000.
China has adopted the gold standard
and prohibits exportation of the met
Ex-Governor Saunders of Nebraska ,
who has been seriously ill , is recover
The Cherokee Indians in Indian
Territory are having trouble with in
The Omaha Commercial club banqueted -
queted the Nebraska delegation to
A new gold field has been discovered
on the Koyukuk on the Alaska side of
the Klondike.
Milton Hickman , leader of a gang
of desperadoes , was shot and killed in
West Virginia.
The steamer Idaho sunk in a sale
on lake Erie. Out of a crew of twenty-
one but two escaped.
All but two of the prisoners who
escaped from the Deadwood jail have
been re-captured.
Dr. Heinrich Weiner , the eminent
jurist , is dead. Gen > Von. Werden is
dead at Gorlitz , in Prussia.
Frank Novak , the Iowa murderer
who , was followed and captured in
Alaslca , is now on trial at Cedar Rap
ids. ,
The new lord mayor ol London , Li i iniM mwwwwiii n imm
KliiwiilwwHPWii womm * mWMWXaii ii , u 1 ill j , r * itf
Horatio David Davis , was formally in
stalled in office with the usual cere-
Rev. George H. Wentworth has gone
to Armenia for a New York paper to
discover the facts concerning Turkish-
Armenian relations.
Thursday , Nov. 10.
The wheat crop of Italy is reported
very short.
Total deaths in New Orleans to date
from yellow fever , 247.
Blast furnaces in Ohio are increas
ing wages of operators.
Cuban General Gomez is centering
his forces near Remedios.
Patent Commissioner Butterworth
Is dangerously sick at Cleveland , O.
The Illinois Central earned for the
quarter ended September 30 , ? G,505,958.
Another bad storm is reported on
Lake Erie and disasters are looked
The negro section of the Georgia
insane asylum burned. No lives were
Five of the latest passengers from
Klondike brought a cheerful quantity
of gold dust.
Five hundred coal miners In Illi
nois , on a strike for months , have re
turned to work.
Judge Vincent refuses to defend
Leutgert on his second trial becaus3
of private business affairs.
Omaha will get up a crysanthemum
show and ask the railroads for re
duced fare that all may see.
The new gunboat Nashville has been
given a trial , concerning which very
favorable reports are received.
A B. & M. locomotive exploded
three miles from Crawford , Neb. , kill
ing the engineer and fireman.
Governor-elect Bushnell , of Ohio , is
said to be inclined to become a can
didate for United States senator.
Arthur P. Hale , an insurance agent
for the Mutual Life company , of New
York , was found dead in his bed in an
Omaha hotel. He took an overdose of
chloral to induce sleep.
Robert T Lincoln is looked upon as
a likely president of the Pullman Pal-
ace Car company. Attorney John S.
Runnels and the present vice president
are also spoken of for the position.
Friilay , Nov. li. !
Gneral Schaltmeyer is dead at Ber
lin , Germany.
Rome dispatches report the pope in
good health.
Prince Bismarck is again ill from an
affection of the eyes.
Patent Commissioner Butterworth ,
sick at Cleveland , Ohio , is improving.
Ulysses Grant , jr. , has left New
York City tor his home in San Diego ,
Ex-President Clevelands's son has
been named Richard Folsome Cleve
A jury has been secured in the
Novak case in Iowa and the trial is
now on.
Two Sturgis ( North Dakota ) men
will soon start for Klondike witli 500
Railroads having Texas connections
are slashing rates , on packing house
A general frost has severely injured
the wheat and flax crops of Argentine
Ex-State Treasurer Booker of North
Dakota is among the missing. He is
supposed to be in Canada.
John G. Koerner has confessed that
he stole 100 horses from the streets of
Indianapolis during the last year.
Withdrawals from the Bank of Eng
land included $200,000 in American
eagles for shipment to the United
A bill will be presented to the next
legislature to punish sportsmen who
accidentally shoot or kill men in the
Secretary Bliss has approved for
patent to the state of Wyoming a list
of lands embracing 21,200 acres in the
Cheyenne district , selected under the
grant to aid state educational and
chariip.bJe institutions.
Dr. Jacob D. Graybill , of New Or
leans , La. , has just received his let
ters patent on an airship conceived on
novel lines. The machine is cigar-
shaped , and is said to be built of alum
inum. Hydrogen gas is the lifting
power , and the machine will be ennj
trolled in ascents and descents by the
use of air ballast.
Saturdav. Nov. 13.
Mt. Vesuvius is belching forth with
increasing activity.
Speaker Tom Reed has gone on a
visit to the Pacific coast.
The shortage of ex-State Treasurer
Bartley of Nebraska is § 870,000.
Omaha has comemnced preparations
for Ak-Sar-Ben festivities in 1898.
The National Base Ball league was
dined by the Philadelphia press club.
More blast furnaces are now operat
ing in the Pittsburg district than ever
The Kansas board of agriculture will
hold its annual meeting in Topeka on
January 12 to 14.
Fire destroyed the big department
store of W. A. Wiebolt & Co. of Chi
cago. Loss $170,000.
Miss Lowry , a Michigan young lady ,
is to make an anti-tobacco lecturing
tour through Missouri.
A terrible accident has occurred
near Bielostok , Russian Poland , result
ing in the death of thirty persons.
Three men blew open the safe in
Heines' bank at Silver Creek. New
York , securing $10,000 in money , and
$4,000 in jewelry.
The president appointed Charles
Page Bryan of Illinois to be envoy ex
traordinary and minister plenipoten
tiary of the United States in China.
Congressman Champ Clark has giv
en out an interview favoring Joe C.
Sibley , of Pennsylvania , for vice
president in 1900 on the democratic
The Iowa agricultural college at its
annual commencement conferred on
James Wilson , secretary of agriculture
in the McKinley cabinet , the degree
of master of agriculture.
A. G. Gillman , manager of the
Jones-Nixon Publishing comnany of
St Louis , and democratic candidate for
state senator at the last election , shot
and killed himself. No reason is
" •
I I I I I I I ! ! IMIUlHHlll III ! |
Tbe Government Exhibit at the Coming
lllg Show is to Ho a Hummer All
Trevlons Efforts Is to Be Outdone In
th' Interest of the West Other Mat
ters at tbe National Capital.
Plenty or Space Wanted.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. The com
mittee on allotment of space and ap
portionment of money for the gov
ernment exhibit for the Trans-Miss
issippi Exposition held a meeting at
the Department of State. Two plans
for alloting space were discussed and
reported to the board. One plan gives
about 152,000 square feet to exhibits
and the other 157,000. The first pro
vides for exhibits along the center seas
as to have a wide aisle in the center
running the full length of the build
ing. Either arrangement will , it is
thought , provide for a larger exhibit
displayed to better advantage than at
Atlanta or Nashville. In fact , several
departments ask for much lhore space
and much more money for the Omaha
exposition than was desired for the
two expositions named. It is the pur-
'pose of the board to outdo any prev
ious effort. Many new exhibits will
be made that will be highly interest
ing and of the utmost value to the
student. The board will hold a meet
ing on the 20th inst. , when the report
of the committee on allotment of
space and funds will be acted upon.
Soon thereafter the departments will
begin to prepare their exhibits. The
committee is composed of Michael ,
State department ; Ravenal , Fish com
mission , and True , Smithsonian In
Hon. William J. Coombs of New
York , who acted in an advisory capac
ity to the government in connection
with the sale of the Union Pacific
railroad , is in the city for the purpose
of conferring with the attorney gen
eral ( respecting the affairs of the Cen
tral Pacific. The conference is to take
place tomorrow.
Mr. Coombs says he is not aware of
what steps the administration will
take to protect the government's inter
ests in the road. The full amount of
the government's claims approximat
es $45,000,000. and Mr. Coombs be
I lieves the road will sell at its full com
mercial value. He mentioned the
Denver & Rio Grande , the reorganized
Union Pacific , the Central Pacific third
mortgage bondholders and stockhold
ers , and the Southern Pacific Railroad
company as corporations and interests
which might bid on the road were it
offered for sale at public auction.
Mr. William Soloman , who it is said
represents the bankinghouse of Speyer
& Co. of New York , had an interview
j ! with Attorney General McKenna to
day , presumably for the purpose of as
certaining the government's intention
respecting the Central Pacific. Mr.
Soloman returned to New York as soon
as the conference was over and Mr.
McKenna declined to say anything re
garding it for publication.
It is not possible to confirm here
the statement coming from Berlin to
the effect that the United States has
offered to mediate between Germany
and Hfyti in the difference arising
from the arrest of the German sub
ject. It is gathered that while no
such proffer has been made , invita
tions have been made to this govern
ment to intervene without success.
Missouri Pacific HHil Up.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov. 13. The
Missouri Pacific passenger train ,
known as the St. Louis fast mail ,
which leaves Kansas City at 9 p. m. .
was held up by five masked robbers
at 9:30 o'clock last night at the Chicago
cage & Alton crossing , just east of In
dependence , Mo. , and less than a mile
from the famous Blue Cut , in which
three train robberies have occurred
within the last year.
The robbers had evidently intended
to stop the St. Louis limited night ex
press , which leaves Kansas City at a
later hour , and were greatly surp'isod
upon discovering that the cars which
they had captured contained nothing
j of value. In their rage they pounced
upon the express messenger and went
through his pockets , but $2.85 was all
they secured. After this they quickly
left the train and disappeared in the
The Cabluet leetlntr-
WASHINGTON , D. C , Nov. 13. The
cabinet was in session less than an
hour yesterday and transacted little
business of importance.
There were some discussions con
cerning sending the Bear to Bering
Sea and Secretary Gage said prepara
tions were going forward as fast as
Departmental matters were consider
ed briefly. Before the meeting Sen
ator Piatt of New York had a long
conference with the president , in
which the New York political situa
tion was gone over and the senator
indicated what he would likp to hive
done in the matter of appointments.
Ex-Governor Merrinm of Minnesofa
and Bishop Hurst wpre among the
other callers at the White House dur
ing the day.
Will -otort Veterans
WASHINGTON , D. C , Nov. 13.
Complaints having been made to the
navy department of alleged discrimin 1
ation against veterans emplnyod in
the Mare island navy yard. Secretary
Long has directed Lieutenant J. J.
Knapp to make a thorough investiga
tion and report the facts to him.
nmo J > nrif | l P' ni"
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Mi s Hit-
tie McNeal , an Indian , has baen ap
pointed matron at Grace school. Crow
Creek agency , S. D. , at $500 per an
Miss Julia St. Cyr of Dakota City ,
Neb. , has been appointed cook at
Lower Brule school , S. D. , at $480 per
Thomas H McGregor of Nebraska
has been appointed a clerk in the of
fice of the fir 5t assistant postmaster
general at $900 per annum.
Mississippi qnarantine roeuTations
have been raised against Mississippi.
Definite Arrancnnonts Made for TnUlnir
Up the Subject Soon.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. Definite
arrangements have been made for
taking up the subpect of a reciprocity
treaty between the United States and
Canada , and to this end meetings have
been fixed between John. A. Kasson ,
who is specially delegated by Presi
dent McKinley toconduct reciprocity
negotiations , and Sir Willard Laurler ,
the Canadian premier , and Sir Louis
Davies. minister of marine. This Is
the result of the long and friendly
conference held yesterday between
Secretary Sherman and Sir Wilfred
Laurler. The meeting will bo held
during the present visit of the Cana
dian officials , but no exact time for
it has yet been fixed , as it will depend
somewhat on the time which can be
spared from the Bering sea sessions.
The arragements also contemplate
taking up the question of border im
migration , north Atlantic fisheries ,
lake fisheries and all other subjects af
fecting the two countries. The meet
ing with Mr. Kasson , however , will be
confined to reciprocity , as he is del
egated by the president to treat on
that subject alone.
It is not expected that the reciproc
ity treaty itself can be matured during
the present trip of the Canadian of
ficials , the desire being to arrive at
some common understanding at this
time and then perfect the details later.
The dinner at the White House last
night assisted toward a friendly set
tlement of pending questions. There
were no toasts and no speeches at tlie
dinner , but at its conclusion the Ca
nadian guests accompanied the presi
dent and his cabinet advisers to the
blue room , where a wholly informal
and personal change of views occurred.
They were on the same friendly lines
as those of the formal conference be
tween the secretary of state and Sir
Wilfrid earlier in the day and the gen
eral sentiment prevailed that the pres
ent time was opportune for more cor
dial intercourse between this country
and Canada.
Chances in Mie Postolllro Hepirtmenr.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. In con
tinuing the changes in the personnel
of his office , Sixth Auditor Castle for
the Postoffice department h = > s promot
ed A. Clements to be chief of the col
lecting division and D. W. Duncan to
be chief of the bookkeeping division.
D. H. Fenton , whom Mr. Duncan suc
ceeds , has been engaged to repr ent
the government in all legal proceed
ings against the bondsmen of postof-
fic officials , including postmasters. Mr.
Castle states that he has examined
the replies of about forty of the clerks
whom he notified some months since
of their probable reduction in grade
and pay and that he has made reduc
tions in about twenty cases , averag
ing about $200 each per annum. The
showing made by the remaining
twenty being satisfactory , they will
remain undisturbpd. The notions were
originally sent to about eighty per
sons , and the responses of all of them
will be scutinized carefully. I
The Hawaiian Annexation Treaty.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. Ratifica
tion of the Hawaiian annexation
treaty by the United States senate is
assured. The administration has made
a poll of that body and as a result
President McKinley is satisfied that
more than two-thirds of thesenate will
vote for the treaty.
It is said to be the purpose of Chair
man Davis at the first executive ses
sion to ask that a day be fixed for tnk-
up the treaty. Ratification during the
early part of the year is confidently
President McKinley in his message
to congress will present as strongly
as possible the arsument for annexa
tion. He will show that the treaty
has already been ratified by the
Hawaiian senate , and that only the
action of the senate of the United
States is required to add the island to
our territory.
Good Kepnrt From Klondike.
TORONTO , Nov. 12. A correspond
ent of the Globe sends to his paper an
extended interview with William
Ogilvie , surveyor of the Department of
of Interior , who left for the Yukon
country October 19 , 1895 , and is now
returning. Mr. Ogilvie reports there
are 100 claims on Bonanza creek ca
pable of yielding from $250,000 to $500 , -
000 and thirty claims on Eldorado
creek that will no doubt yiled an aver
age of $1,000,000 each. These two
creeks , he says , form but a small per
centage of the placers already discov
ered. The other streams in the vicin
ity , though not quite so rich , will rate
very high compared with anything
found In the country before. The gold
beariner district extends at least 400
miles from the American boundary
and is at some places 100 miles wide.
Good indications have been found , so
it is said , to assert that the greatest
weaHh. if not th * richest individual de
posits , is yet to be developed.
Tfemibliean Kdit'irs f' r Hanna.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 12. The Com
mercial Tribune sent an inquiry to the
republican editors of Ohio for th < ir
views on the senatorial question. T * > e
replies will be published tomorrow
and they all say that Senator Hanna
was endorced bv the last state conven
tion , stood before the people as the
spnatorial candidate , and would be
elected the same as the nominees on
winnine : national tickets are elected ,
bv th electorial collesre. Most of th
1 republican editors deprecate thp present -
ent agitation as one that would blow
ovpr bpfore the Ipeisteturo assembles ,
and as a temnorarv disturbance that
wr > < ? being exaggerated by the opposi
Hanlc Peq'dentFnnnd Ooiltv.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12 Pre = id nt
J. C. Darragh , who has hepn on trial
for the last week at Independpnce
• charcrpd with wrecking the Kansas
Citv Pafp Dpnosit and Savings bank ,
was found cuilty shortly after 5 o'clock
this affprnoon and sentenced to two
, years in the state penitentiary. Not'ce
I of a new trial was made and le ve
granted by the court to apply therefor.
Joseph Laude , who struck It rich on
thp TOomUfco. was rohbpd of $700
worth of nuggets in the depot of the
| Lake Shore railroad at Chicago.
" ' . . . i M. ' mr . , , . .i..r.B < ii. nwii > irVSWI1i8mt . Qi8 ® T il . . . HH B
- i.
- * - " .ff-p-i
_ , . . i i in i -ii T-1
v > sHH
Thomas Wilson , residing on a ranch A H
two miles north of Glendlve , Montana , L'd ' A , BH
was shot and instantly killed by An- H
drew Brown , a neighbor. The shooting ju * H
resulted from a quarrel between the ' , | H
two over the cutting of timber. WI1- v H
son leaves a widow and six children. \ > M
The London Financial Post professes y
to know that the Marquis of Salisbury , M
and secretary of state M
prime minister ;
Is about to resign
for foreign affairs , if
the secretaryship In favor of ' , M
the Marquis of Lansdowne , secretary
retaining , howovcr , H
of state for war ,
the prime ministership. , H
United States District Attorney Beck
of Philadelphia has sent to Washington - H
ton for assistance in running out the H
naturalization frauds which were recently - H
cently unearthed In Philadelphia. Mr. . j H
the secretary oi '
Beck has also notified
the treasury that the frauds have as- H
surned gigantic proportions.
Dr. Egan , secretary of the Illinois M
is in receipt of
state board of health ,
a letter from Dr. C. P. Spann of M
. informing him that the 1
Thebes , III. ,
physician have in H
writer and another
the last three weeks treated eleven H
suspicious cases presenting symptoms
of yellow fever. Two had black vom-
it. One deatli has resulted and one
patient is in a critical condition. Dr. H
Egan has given instructions for an investigation - H
vestigation and report and necessary
steps will be taken to establish quar-
antino. - / i < |
Nojv Inventions. H
Amongst the curious patents which H
were issued the past weelc was onu l l
for a clever toy in tiic shape of a top , H
adapted to show picture cards under H
movement ; a simple pipe wrench , H
patented to an Iowa inventor ; a H
street car fender which' makes it impossible - H
possible for a pedestrian to fall under H
the same ; a simple hand lir < " extinguisher - H
uisher ; a rubber tired wheel having H
spring spokes , a compound for de- fl
stroying insects , and a training : tp- j B
pratus. We herewith show copyright- H
cd illustrations of three famous inventions - M
ventions which are now public prop- H
erty. Inventors of an inquisitive turn H
of mind , may find pleasure in solving H
these three mechanical problems. In- f M
ventors desiring free information as H
to procuring patents may obtain the H
same in addressing Sues & Co. , at- WM
torneys at law and registered patent B
agents , Bee Building , Omaha , Neb.
Iowa I'atRtit Olllci ) Itr-purt- flj
Des Moines , Nov. 3 , 1897. fl
Patents have been allowed , but not JH
yet issued , as follows : Ah
To N. E. Finch , of Boone , for a wa- AS
ter heater and washing machine com- H
bined. An adjustable hydro-carbon < IimYJ
burner under the sheet metal bottom mPAh
of the tub is connected with an ad- t , St H
justable oil reservoir and an auxiliary w k
bottom in the tub has a rubbing sur- fll
face and a vibrating rubber suspsnd- BA
ed from the cover rubs clothing there- Bj
on. To 1. H. Williams , of Huron , S. S
D. , for an improvement relating to the BJ
machine for which a patent was
granted to him Feb. 4 , ' 9G. To F. L.
Fairbank and T. N. Cantrel. of Chi- M
Cairo , for n nln.stu ? pnnuinsiHnn nnil H
blotter bath. One-third is assigned to 9
L. M. Mann , of Des Moines , and the in- < fl
vention has been successfully placed BJ
upon the market by the Eureka Blot- H
ter Bath Company , of Chicago. Edi- BJ
son , "the wizard of Mcnlo Park. " H
stands at the head of the list of invon- jH
tors who have obtained large numbers Ah
of patents for t'ieir inventions. M. G. BA
Kellogg , of Chlco o broke the record BJ
last week in the number of 1 , t' ° nls is- ]
sued to one inventor in one da > . Gee 4BB H
hundred and twenty-five patents were BJ
granted to him Oct. 2Cth. and every \ BJ
one is for a "multiple switch board. " H
It is fair to presume each one cost not fl
less than $100 in fees and , in the ag- BJ
gregate , $12,500. Valuable informa- fl
tion about obtaining , valuing and sell- H
ing patents sent free to any address. H
Printed copies of the drawings and fl
specifications of any U. S. Patent s nt S
upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice H
is not confined to Iowa. Inventors in
other states can have our services up- B
on the same terms as Hawkeyes.
Solicitors of Patents. AVJ
Quotations From New York , *
rhlrago , St |
T.onis , Omaha and Elsewhere. H
flutter Creamery separator. . . 22 % 23 SBl
Flutter Choice
fancy country. It < &
E'rsrs Fresh
-rsrs . ,
It < .
-Miring Chickens
Per lb
r < &
Turkeysjier lb > gti BBJ
IMscons Live 8 © 9 BBJ
f.emous 75 < gj go BB1
Mes lnas 100 , •
$ t
Honey Choice ,
per lb 12 ©
per l > u
Cranberries- Ueans . Cape Cod. per bbl . " 50 40 63 0 < l C 50 00 BJJ1 BBJ
Potatoes Handiiirked Xavy i 40 O 1 co BBJ
per bu 40 ( < rt 5,1 BBJ
Sweet '
potatores I'er bbl 2'j 6 2
* 50 JBB
Oranjres lcr
U > \
4 5
< & 1 50 M I
Apples Western
stock , per bbl 2 f T
> < Td : i 50 JJm
Hay Tpland.
per ton 4 00 con <
" "
{ JW-Cliolce Hsht 3 20 © 330 BA
o-s-Heavy weights : ; : . o 2 § g JBA
Beef .
steers < gi BBJ
Calves 'ir 2. > BJA
lefc. : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : $2 tifn , B
Makers ami Feeders. : : : WW" $ ft % * CH
Sheep-Western Larnbs t CO i iBBl
fchcep-Xatlve wethers H 3 00 © 3 BJBl
Wheat No. 2 spring c- co , _ JJJJB
Oats-perbu H , ' < g 27 * BjJJ
Itarlev-No. 2 ® 20H IJB
Iive-Xo.2 ! < 0 BJ
Timothy seed- Prime per * ' du " 2 CO § 2 G5H AffJ
Lard-pcr 'iMlbsWWV. . ; . * 4 * to * i S SBl
" } c-CfioUe beef stecrsWW. 4 74 § 5 % S * Sjl
Cattle Western ranjrers. t m r . ri & JBB
Sheep-Native " " 45 V ' .JBB
Lambs WW. . 5 $ ®
c ; , rna tN - c:0i.Wed'Wnter ? : : * © 1 00
Oats-Xo.2..V 2. ® 31 } < BJH
Pork .WW ? ® 2" JJJjl
Lard ? 50 @ 9 00 JjJJJ
* TO I&475 ABB
- AB pB pB pB pBJ