The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 05, 1897, Image 5
V , l ff -J " ' " HA K : - H | | , Z HOLDS 400 BUSHELS f Rgf V Jusfc e thing for temporary crib. Every farmer needs 7 Hf. ( a h one , some need three or four. Can be set up in 30 minutes , 7 Hr ) Z and when empty can be used for a stock fence , and set up for 7 HM ; Z corn again when needed. Call and examine. 7 f W.G.8ULLARD & G0.9 McGook , Neb. f WW H * ! EETINQ WITH DESTINYrj BuW * $ No man can tell when it will J'Mz & $ I * Mz f Hl ) S I come along. Often it starts . _ fJSfi iliifcr ' wf 88 ' " wp before us in unexpected /Tjmj p ? VlmK l r WA { $ 8 Hm * 5 times and places , Even anM SSwSS mT ' ' ' HflL * § afternoon stroll with a friend and a chance y\/ T fm m Q g SmBy ' H introduction all the of V fi isJrv § may shape course VJ Jp Ji [ H ( * fr i HHftr. 8 one's after life. To be always at your best \ A I ; I kmUuWM \ V 9 Kr W and not ashamed of your destiny you mast . ' ! { nMrnSm kmlll \ 1 Kw , 2 dress like a true gentleman. This can ' V a V J Bl v /l / § B&fr. 8 be done by ordering your Snits and Overcoats of { } Mj xvimmkmw r S I a K. 1 M. BORN & GO. , 'LjPWnl ft Hyy § The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors ] Mk \ IM'J. ' I WT j i V Jl Kw $ t " K Who are unrivalled. Masterof | ( ) | W JftA iff i MwUjX | \ . \ gj Hp ! ! the Tailoring Art. „ . , ( [ ( I Jfoif § \ WjffVTr 1 Bin . . Perfect /I ' miiilHll filii 1 H ' § g 300 NEW Patterns.FinestMaterial. J | Vft WM \ * ! ! EwJ \ 8 Fit. New Stock. latest Styles. BestWork | | IJII \ MWs \ ! gi B3\ | j A' Cheery Guarantee "With AIL 99 1 t j\ \ ' T py ; § ' HL " cTl. DeGROFF & CO. , MeCook , Neb. II 5 ALASKA > Kp < GOLD - FIELDS I HV S RELIABLE GUIDE BOOK. > EJB S Tells you where to go , how to get c HBt \ S there , what to take along , ( either by f HV , / land or water ) , describes the Routethe / EKL. / Mines , the Ravines , tells where every } B B\ \ Strike was made , and tells where others > HJBv ' c can be made. } BIV ) This Book is the only Reliable and j mE"c Authentic book published. C HIX- , ) Written by a man who spent three / KwL y years obtaining all the facts. > L LK 7 * * ne Chicago Record is the pubC { Se' C lisher , and Hon. Eli Gage , son of the r Hnp > , J Secretary of the Treasury of the United ? BWtl S States , is one of the contributorswhich c Bf&7 r ought to be sufficient guarantee as to ? Hf > fc\ s its authenticity. \ i i bl I ; \ Those who desire making this trip , / Kf ft / that will study this book and follow its ? K . y I advice , will save several hundred dolS • ' V S This book contains nearly 6oo pag- \ B f'Ss > es , nearly ioo illustrations , 12 maps.and v Jljp , > complete index , handsomely bound. / | 'ttl ; v We will furnish this book on re- \ Wt J ceiptof $1.50 and prepay all charges. / t. C Agents wanted in every town. Send 3 S'x 10 cents for outfit. S i Pv ? UNIVERSAL SUPPLY COMPANY , C 1 S 225 Dearborn St. , Chicago. v Ri Ciasi Co. Land and Live Stock Oi. 'vf Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder , 'M fllVP p- ° - address Imperial VAV/ > a _ Obase county , and Beat -1 4 VjaWaWaWaVVArlce. Nebraska. Range. f- ? > fjMStinkinp Water and the v y Hy Frenchman creeks , in WWl t L VA BM Cbase county. Nebraska. UU i\\ P Wll Brand as cut on side of Kt' ( j . M fc Jl ! eomeanlmalB.on hip and HPr ' > HBBibHHsV sides of some , or any- mVM where on the animal Rr ANDREW CARSON , } Proprietor ft j of the . . . . fV sunny side dairy ! B B B B B V' ' V'K K We * respectfully solicit your business , mWmj and guarantee pure milk , full measure , WW and prompt , courteous service. Kk DcWitt' * Little Early Risers , X ; Tfe * fBflMM Httle pliLj. B B B ' " * 1 " * * w""ir"11'1111 ' rt . . . fc1 * " ' " 1 1 " ' 1 I is < * i > riil > wili.tuUi.w u ; - ' i j i.i . . . . B | y " iiUIW' ' % P w i .Ml I .ill' jin m ny w i 1 urn 1 it 1 Hi Guaranteed Cure for Piles. We have a never Failing cure for Piles of every description. Tried thou sands of times and never known to fail. So confident are we of the merits of the great Indian Pile Remedy , that we will send free to any reader of The Tribune a liberal sized trial package , only asking the small remittance of ten cents to cover cost of postage and packing Don't suf fer longer but send at once for a trial of this great remedy. Inclose ten cents. Write name and postoffice address plain ly , and mention reading this article in The Tribune. Address all letters to the Indian Pile Remedy Co. , Spring Valley , Minn. 9-24-52. BBBBBBBBBBWB B B B B BWBBB BBBBBBB lBB aBMB MB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBWBBBB > BBIB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB J. S. McBRAYER , PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AMD EXPRESS. JSlT'Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class'house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. J F. D. Burgess , J I Plumber and \ \ Steam Fitter ; f McCOOK , NEBR. 7 6 Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass m Z Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z X Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse X v Windmills. Basementof the Meeker9 • t Phillips building. P fREE ! FREE ! FREEI CATARRH CAN BE CUBED ! And to PROVE that our CATARRH CURE will positively CURE catarrh in its worst forms , we will send a Two Weeks' Treatment Free ' to all who send us ten cents (10c. ( ) In stamps I to pay cost of postage and packing. Address JOHNS & DIXON , EoebesttrI.v . 9 . . . . . . , ' . , . , , " * Ti.j. BW.J.W I flrjl | i i.n „ . . , . . ! ! > p. ' ; 'j"w'j ' ' ' ' " " • • ' ' 'i' ' ' I ii iiiWunmiiiiiDni a MBS TIMF. TABLE. Jtt&M LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and all SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibulcd Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. LouisChi- capo , and all points south and east 5:55 A. M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 9:00 P. M. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. "M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:45 A. M. No. 80. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:30 A.M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions 8:15 P. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , VVray and Akron 1:30 P. M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 4:10 P. M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations , 7:00 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United btates or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. W. S. Tomlinson is temporarily acting as claim agent. A new gravel pit has been opened up at Hamlet on the Imperial line. Frank Harris was with the wrecking crew near Bird City , close of last week. The Burlington is building new stock yards at Benkelman , and making some repairs on the station. Harry Tomlinson and. family were up from 0xford ( , over Sunday , guests of W. S. Tomlinson and family. F. W. Vannice of the Republican City branch has been promoted to engineer and moved to Holyoke. Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie are the happy and proud parents of a fine ten pound son , born Sunday morning. , . . . - Quite a wreck occurred near Bird City , Kansas , last week , while an effort was being made to buck snow on thatbranch. Engineer Jas. Devlin and Fireman J. Paskett came up from McCook last week to work on this division. Alliance Times. The wedding of two young people in railroad circles * is an early probability. An elaborate and elegant trousseau is in preparation. A double-header of empty stock cars went west , Saturday afternoon. It was a long train. The cars are wanted for coal shipments. Twins , a boy and girl , were born to Engineer and Mrs. J. V. O'Connellj on Wednesday morning. The boy was dead , but the girl and Mrs. O'Connell are get ting along nicely , so that the parents are both objects of congratulation and sym pathy. Three cars of blooded stock from Cali fornia passed through McCook on No. 2 , Tuesday morning. They were 36 blooded animals consigned to William Tasig & Co. of Cleveland Ohio , from the Palo Alto and Oakland stock farms. In the forward end of one car were three trot ters belonging to John Perkins , which he expects to bring a good price when they are sold in Cleveland , as the thirty- six head will be. Jasper Ayres , sired by Iris by Eros by Electioneer , and from the dam Altamont.has a record of iwix/ . He won five straight races recently and was defeated at last by Klamath only , in a free for all. He compelled Klamath to go three of the fastest heats he ever traveled. The three heats were made in 2:10 , 2:11 and 2:12. It is expected that Jasper will bring better than $5,000 in Cleveland. Visalia and Jaspine , Mr. Perkins' other two pets , have records ol 2i2 # and 2:14 . Both are beauties and ought to bring good prices. * The men in charge consider Jasper Ayres the best horse ever brought east for sale. He is five years of age , Visalia is six , and Jaspine is four. The latter were sired by Sultan. Besides these horses , the lot contained Joe , 2i6X.andLinotte , 2:20 . The latter is the only pacer in the three dozen head. Among the colts was a full half sister to Abdell , who holds the world's yearling record. Knipple will have a carload of cabbage on track , Saturday the 6th. Will sell at cai for $1.65 per 100 lbs , Come and see the fin est cabbage you evei saw. " ' . . " " ' " ' " ' • " $ * " ' " • " " ' * . 'l" lriVi 7" 7 - _ riVi y" ; - - : , J70K G. S. BISHOP 88. FOR A. F. EEEVES 76. _ FOK JOSEPH SPOTTS-02. FOR HENRY CRABTREE 21. The American Business College , Oma ha , Neb. , has a notice in the local col umns of this paper offering a thorough course of instruction in Book-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic by mail free of tuition. To avail yourself of this lib eral offer is the same as accepting a present of % 50. While the American' Business College , Ouiaha , Neb. , now offers to give a com plete business course by mail , ' free of tui tion , we would advise our young people to investigate the matter and profit by it. MANY THINK ! when the Creator said to woman , "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children , " that a curse was pro nounced against the human race , but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe , proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in .the pathway of the Expectant Mother , and should be avoided , that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized , in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND _ so relaxes the im ± & 0&l ger , andthe trying hour is robbed of its pain ' and suffering , as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does ' this. Don't be deceived or ' ] persuaded to use anything else. , ' "Mother's Friend" Is the greateatremedyevei . putonttieniarket.andall our customers pralaelt highly. " W. H. Kraa & Co. , Whltawright , Tex , Ot druggists at W.00 , or sent by express on re ielpt or price. * Write for book containing valua ble Information for all Mothers , mailed free I The Bradfield Begulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga. I 1 11 BIG STOCK ] 1 f I ftp j I Si i ; I [ Fall goods ] I \ I m NOW READY FOR INSPECTION , m ! I efts I - s < s f& NEW DRESS GOODS B j I Rgjj JUST RECEIVED. | &J ! H m m Km SsfS Come and be convinced that it } S2 H pkj is the largest and best selection p j H 5s& we have ever shown. Prices are $8g H jajSw lower than they ever were before. W&n Mm HH CLOTHING , B p UNDERWEAR , HI CAPES , JACKETS H m I s We bought them all before % M ' 'H ( g prices went up. Come , buy early j H 5SB and get the benefit of low prices. j H "J M fefe Get our prices on Groceries , ggfi < < pn as Sm at the . . . siffl > Wm , Store : H S C. L. DeGROFF & GO. $ &ji H 8 FIRST M . MM kT \j0 SMtmM § | - national m M g h-BANK-i : m M 5i M H & Authorized Capital , $100,000. Lmm m ' Capital and Surplus , $60,000 2S H 1 • cdx > w 5 2 H Kj GEO. UOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. iX H ypc - W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PER/HELL , Ass't Cash. j ; L M A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. IS . H < > # : Lm V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. : H ICITIZENS BANK ! I f Hi . & H ii OF MeCOOK , NEB. < Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 * LM iw S H J ? DIRECTORS > 7-t # \ H ; X V. FRAMKUN , H. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , ? m\\\\ \ JJ H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALUHAH , C. H. WILLARD. Y H