The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 29, 1897, Image 8

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I I The Omaha Bee Enlarged ! 1
m % = The Morning Bee has S
H KB been Enlarged ; g
1 To 12 Pages §
BlI \ I 0 JSgTFor each week day except Mouday , in . addig |
Hj \ pll tioa to the usual tweuty-pnge Sunday isBue. This c
Hj ypi move has been dictated by a desire on the part of the
B S ? pwblishers of The J3ee to give their patrons the full g
benefit of the unexcelled news facilities and other ?
H fW
3 § | special features placed at their disposal by that paper. ijy
j | While this enlargement will give the readers of The | J ?
Lg.3 Bee 112 columns of additional matter each week , f |
| K | No Advance in Price Will be Made.
Hi t ° In quality The Bee will continue to maintain gk
N ) its superiority over all competitors as a metropolitan
| = | daily. Subscribe for The Bee from J. N. Purvis or j
a iM f HE McCook Book and Stationery Co. | | j |
Js The Only Fikst Class Daily , m
I | The Union Must be Preserved : |
H ? 5 ? r3 ! The Union of High Quality and low Prices JijrSS
Hl & 1 of n-w ° o1 Winter Clothing. & § §
PS n
1 ; r a 3B0YS' SH0RT PANT smTS § 3-00 § g ?
H ; j | * | BOYS' OVEBCOATS 4.00 ggg
HP i S § § MEN'S SUITS 6.50 ggjg
Hf ! * 5333 MEN'S OVERCOATS 8.50 ggg
HI Sgtil MEN'S ULSTERS 7.00 g | S
B ' § § S MEN'SPANTS 3.00 § §
B | • ESS MEN'S SUITS ( made to order ) 13.50 | | |
1 Sl MEN'S OVERCOATS ( made to order ) . . . 13.00 SjjS
HI ! Wm MEN'S MACKINTOSHES , 34.50 , § 6 , § 7.50 , 39 Sg |
1 t ? $ M WOOL HOSE , per pair 25 Ugfa
Hi ! 1 Hsi COTTON HOSE , two pairs for 25 g g
Bi • MM LINEN COLLARS , two any shape or style. . . -25 gfig |
HI i § *
Hf S s3 § Have full line of Underwear and Shirts ; also Dr. C3
Hh f &r Denton's Sleeping Garments for children and adults , fcjj
Hp I s S § Remember , the clothing is strictly all-wool and is S&5
Hl 1 $1 $ handsomely made. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed fcfo
HI fi fl or u0 Sllle' 52r32
1 t S2 Third Door Norm of. . . I T DCjVj IAMIN .
HI &gg . . . First National Bank I DLINJMIVIIPI. tfgE
S ii
1 s a Qia Ktfga uw
K I California Excursions
H I Via Burlington Route. ' Cheap ; quick ;
ff comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p.m. ,
HH Lincoln 6:10 p. m. , Hastings 8:59 p. m.
HP and McCook at 11 0 p. m. , ev-
H erv Thursdajin clean , modern , not
P Hi crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
B Rl cars run right through to San Francisco
H | | and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
Hffij through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Hj Cars are carpeted ; , upholstered in ratan ;
HB have spring seats and backs and are
Bp provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
Kj soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex-
B perienced conductors accompany each
HR excursion , relieving passengers of all
H Bother about baggage , pointing out ob-
H jects of interest and in many other ways
H helding to make the overland trip a deE -
| E lightful experience. Second class tickets
H are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv-
H ing full information , call at nearest Bur-
H lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Hf Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma-
B ha , Nebraska. 4-25-98.
HBj J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that
f when he has a spell of indigestion and feels
HB bad and slugtrish , he takes two of DeWitt's
Hf " Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right
H the next morning. May thousands of others
1 do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
H Tinware of all kinds
Hj at Knipple's.
R You can't cure consumption but you can
H avoid it and cure every other form of throat
Hj ! or lung trouble by the use of One Minute
BP Cough Cure. A. McMillen.
B DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
HB Pleasant , Quick Results. Safe to take.
H ROAD NO 317.
H To Valley Loan and Trust Co. , Frank Hag-
H erman , J. J. Hockstetler , Julia S. Floyd-Jones ,
H Nancy Stahl , Thomas F. O'Gara , James Hal-
H pin , Will H. Moore , Mary A. McKay and to
H all whom it may concern :
B The board or county commissioners have
H established and ordered opened a road com-
H mcncing at southwest corner Section Nine (9) ( ) ,
H Town. Two (2) ( ) , Range Twenty-six (26) ( ) , in
Hi Tyrone precinct , Red Willow county , Nebras-
ka , running thence east on section line four
I miles , terminating at southeast corner Section
Twelve (12) , Town. (2) , Range Twenty-six
H (26) ( ) ; and all objections thereto or claims for
H damages must be filed in the county clerk's
H office on or before noon of the Eleventh day
BI of December , A. D. 1807 , or said road will be
Bl established without reference theieto.
jf io-i5-4t. K. A. Green , County Clerk.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , October 21st , 1897.
Notice is hereby given that May Gray.widov
of Percy Gray , deceased , has filed notice o
intention to make final proof befoie Registe :
or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebras
ka , on Saturday , the 27th day of November
1897 , on timber culture application No. 6502
for the S.E. % of section No. 19 , in Townshii
No. 1 N , Range No. 30 W. , 6th P. M. Sh <
names as witnesses : Albert Weeks , Abrahair
Peters , August Wesch and Charles F. Elliott
all of Banksville , Nebraska.
10-22-ot. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , October loth , 1897. Notice is hereb }
given that John W. Bennett has filed notict
of intention to make final proof before Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday , the 27th day of Novem
ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No
5891 , for the N.E.K of section No. 7 , in Town
ship No. 5 N. , Range No. 20 W. 6th P. M. H (
names as witnesses : Milan W. Quick , Willian
B.Whittaker , Charles T.Wallace and Charlu
Brown , all of Quick , Nebraska.
io-22-6t. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , ) .
McCook , Neb. , Oct. 4,1897. )
Notice is hereby given that Christopher C.
Dueland has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register or Receiver at his
office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday the
13th day of November , 1897 , on timber culture
application No. 6376 , for the S.E. ) of section
No. 13 , in Township No. 6 N. , Range No. 30
W. 6th P. M. He names as witnesses : Colbem
P. Viland of McCook , Nebraska , Nels. Swanson -
son of Osborn , Nebraska , Chris. Anderson
and Enoch Osvog of Quick , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , September 23rd , 1897. Notice is here
by given that David R. Smith has filed notice
of intention to make final proof before Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday , the 13th day of Novem
ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No.
6536 , for the N. W. U of section No. 10 , in
Township No. 4 N. , Range No. 30 W. 6th P.M.
He names as witnesses : Edward Osbaugh of
McCook , Nebraska , William Smith of Sheri
dan , Wyoming , Morley Piper of Box Elder ,
Nebraska , O. L. Thompson of McCook , Ne
braska. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. ,
October 14th , 1897. Notice is hereby given
that Abraham Peters has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before Register or
Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , the 27th day of November , 1897 ,
on timber culture application No. 5,283 , for
the southeast quarter of section No. 21 , in
township No. I , north of range No. 30 , west.
He names as witnesses : William H. Benja
min , Albert Weeks , August Wesch , Charles
F. Elliott , all of BanksvHle , Nebraska.
io-i5-6t A. S. Campbell , Register.
i < -
The Public Aroused
During the Past
Crowds of People Called at L. W. McConnell -
nell & Co. 's Drug' Store , to Get
Free Samples of
Hundreds Now Testing the Remedy ir
This Vicinity.
An intense interest was created in tin :
vicinity by the announcement in las !
week's issue that a free package of Dr.
Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills would bt
given away to any person who woulci
call and ask for it at L. W. McConnell
& Co. 's Drug Store.
This interest was shown by the unex
pectedly numerous calls made at the
above store. Many of the callers , wbc
are sufferers from kidney complaints , ex
pressed their astonishment at the offer tc
make no charge for the samples. Here
tofore , the practice of medicine propri
etors is to require pay in advance , ami
let the afflicted take thf. chance of cure
The proprietors of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus
Kidney Pills are reversing this practice ,
preferring to exercise the golden rule ol
"doing to others as they would be done
by. "
They believe , because it has been dem
onstrated in every instance , that if those
affected with kidney troubles once try
these pills , they will be convinced oftheit
great merit , and get well by their use.
For this reason they made arrange
ments with L. W. McConnell & Co. tc
freely distribute as many sample boxes
as should be called for , during the last
seven days. Everyone who asked for a
box was given it free of charge.
Many will be curious to know what
are the results of the test of these pills
now going on in the neighborhood. It is
a little too soon to look for results , prob
ably another week will make them
known. If those getting the samples
have faithfully followed the directions ,
they will be encouraged to persevere in
their use.
It is gratifying to learn that whe rever
similar distributions have taken place ,
there has followed a large sale of the
remedy , and many letters of gratitude
have been written by those who have re
gained lost health.
Every person who knows or suspects
that his kidneys or urinary passages are
affected ; every person who has any of the
following symptoms , should make a test
of these pills without delay , viz : Pains
in the Back or Sides.Headache , Nervous
ness , Frequent Thirst , Shortness of
Breath , Puffinessof the Eyelids.Swelling
of the Feet and Ankles , Dark Colored or
Scanty Urine , with albuminous or other
deposits iu the urine , or too frequent
For the benefit of interested persons ,
living ont of town who , from any reason ,
failed to get a sample , Dr. Hobbs author
izes us to say , if you will cut out the
coupon below and mail it to the Hohbs
Remedy Co. , Chicago , 111. , with your
name and address , a sample box of these
these pills will be seut you by mail , post
paid , and free of expense.
L.W. McCONNELL & CO. , Druggists ,
CQ Upon receipt of THIS COUPON to-
til gether with your name and address within f\
Z one week from date of this paper , we will Q
jjT forward by mail a FREE SAMPLE BOX C
q of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills ; also " 0
Q his book on kidney diseases. *
O Address , HOBBS REMEDY CO. , ?
5 Chicago , 111.
Is the best for all ALL PURPOSES
because it is Clean and Economical ; is a
Free Burner , and makes an intensely hot
fire. No Smoke , No Soot , No Waste.
Will keep fire over night as well as any
hard coal , and with a good bed of coal
will keep a live fire from 24 to 36 hours
without any attention. Clean To Han
dle , Clean to Burn. When starting
a new fire use kindling as you would for
hard coal , and like anthracite it needs
no poking. Put SHERIDAN COAL on
your fire and leave it alone. Stove Fur
niture never has any soot on it when
Sheridan Coal is burned. Especially
good results are obtained where a long
stretch of pipe is necessary. Pipes never
get clogged with soot and never need
cleaning when Sheridan Coal is used. In
brief , use SHERIDAN COAL. For sale
by W. C. Bullard & Co. $4.50 a ton.
Your attention is directed to the ad
vertisement of the American Business
College , Omaha , Neb. , which appears in
this issue. They offer to give a thorough
course of instruction in business branches
by mail free of charge for advertising
purposes. This is a rare chance. The
A. B. C. is one of the most successful
business colleges in the United States ,
and to take a course with them means
ll > lffWHllllWlllllliHUiMJiliyi.iiJ | . iiyiljlWli
They Are Kxpenalve , and the Lawyer * De
mand Big : Foes and Kctalners.
In England there are many fees to be
paid by the unhappy client of a lawyex
that arc unknown hero in America.
There Is a retaining fee , which is a
guinea , and a half crown to the clerk ,
besides the brief fee , which Is more im
portant. Then there is the "refresher"
of the leader and the "refreshers" of
the subordinate lawyers. In England
the leader's refreshment , which is duo
after five hours , the brief fee being sup
posed to cover only the getting up of the
case , is 10 guineas , or a little over $50 ,
while $25 must bo paid to the lesser
According to English etiquette , no
counsel can leave his circuit to plead in
another without a special retainer ,
which , in most cases , cannot be less
than 300 guineas. This is probably to
discourage "poaching. "
A would bo client once wrote to a
famous American lawyer , stating a case
for his opinion and inclosing a $2(1
note. The lawyer did not reply , where
upon the client wrote a second letter
and received word fiom the lawyer that
he had read the case and formed an opinion -
ion , but somehow it stuck in his throat.
The client took the hint and sent a § 100
note , receiving the lawyer's opinion by
the next mail.
Nobody does anything for nothing ,
especially a lawyer. Lord Mansfield
was so sensible of this that on one occa
sion , when ho had attended to some legal
business for himself , he took some guin
eas out of his pnrso and put them in
his waistcoat pocket to give him the
necessary stimulus. Sir Anthony Malone -
lone , an Irish attorney general , was so
imprudent as to forget this fact and was
grievously punished for it , for ho was
so inattentive to some property of his
that he lost $15,000 a year by it , and
in the future he required his clerk to
make abstract deeds of any property ho
might buy and lay them before him ,
with a fee of 5 guineas , properly indors
ed , which the clerk was to scrupulously
account for , after which Sir Anthony
made no more mistakes in regard to his
own property. Chicago News.
How Jim Fisk Checked Out the Llttlo
Man's Bank Account.
Gould kept a balance of some $30,000
in the Tenth National bank for his per
sonal account , household expenses , etc.
Being called west on a mission that
lasted several weeks , ho left his check
book locked in the safe drawer , to which
Pisk had a key. In the office was a
clever young clerk whom Fisk had
caught in the act of imitating his and
Gould's signatures , the imitation of
Gould's being a facsimile. Within an
hour after the wizard's departure check
book and clerk were together under
Fisk's supervision , and at his instiga
tion more than a dozen blank checks
were signed with the name of Jay
Gould , and in the course of a month
the $30,000 had disappeared , Fisk be
ing at that time in the clutches of Josie
On the very day of Gould's return
the bank sent a notice of overdraft. The
little man nearly fainted. He had sev
eral fits. His excitement was intense.
He declared that there was a conspiracy
to ruin him. He hastened to the bank ,
and they showed him the checks , signed
by himself they did not doubt , and he
raved and tore his hair. Nor could he
doubt the signature. It was genuine ,
even in his own eyes. A rigid investiga
tion was started , which Fisk put an
end to by informing Gould , with many
a poke in the ribs , that ho had drawn
and used the money.
"Did Fisk make good ? " an innocent
asked when the story was told.
"Return the $30,000 ? " was the reply.
"If Fisk had returned it , Wall street
would have cried. " New York Press.
Channel Island Despotism.
It is not generally known that some
thing approaching a military despotism
prevails in the Channel islands. Every
male adult born in Guernsey or Jersey
has to serve for a long term of years in
the militia , 15 years being the period
in Guernsey.
In addition to this , all males of 32
years of age and under , of whatever na
tionality , who reside in that island for
a year and a day continuously have to
enter the militia and serve for 15 years ,
or suffer fine , imprisonment or expul
During the last two or three years a
great number of young Englishmen
have settled in Guernsey to go into the
tomato raising industry.
In order to avoid the military service
imposed by the "states" as the gov
ernment of Guernsey is called they
make frequent trips outside their juris
diction either to England or to Jersey
the last named having a government
independent of the rest of the Channel
islands. London Letter.
She Got Left.
Some time ago the queen of Italy
asked a little girl to knit her a pair of
silk mittens for her birthday , giving
her the money for the material. A pair
of beautifully worked mittens arrived
on the queen's birthday. The little girl
received in return another pair. One
mitten contained lire , the other bon
bons. Queen Marguerite inclosed a lit
tle note saying , "Tell me , my dear
child , which you like best" The reply
ran as follows :
Dearest Qceex Your lovely presents have
tnado mo shed many tears. Papa took the
mitten with the money. Hy brother had the
His Conversational Effort.
He did not know much about pictures ,
and when she spoke of a girl friend's
achievements with a brush he was a
little at sea. He said "Yes" and "No"
with reasonable accuracy until she
happened to say :
' 'What I am especially disposed to
praise is her coloring. "
"Her coloring ! " he echoed with alac
rity. "It's superb ! You know I always
did admire blonds. " Washington Star.
IflU I Hull ° meS °
I of mea ning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother " she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Mother
and all effort
er is beset with danger
fort should be made to avoid it.
ii so assists nature
MfltllOr Q in the change tak-
lYIUllltSI 0 ing place that
- the Expectant
wm m
LflAnd Mother is ena-
rriKIIII bled to look for-
I I IUIIU ward without
dread , suffering or gloomy fore
bodings , to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child , and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short , it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy , " as
so many have said. D o n't be
persuaded to use anything but
" My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last , having previously used four bottles
tles of 'Mother's Friend. ' lb is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTHER , " says a customer.
Henderson Dale , Carmi , Illinois.
Of Druggists at 11.00 , or sent byoxpross on receipt
of price. Wrlto for book containing testimonials
and valuable Information for all Mothers , free.
The Bradffeld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Go.
The beautifully engraved Diplomas is
sued by the American Business College ,
Omaba.Neb. , for graduates are the Guest
ever seen They are steel engravings ,
22x28 inches in sizr.
The American Business College , Oma
ha , Neb . has a notice in the local col
umns of this paper offering a thorough
course of instruction in Book-keeping
and Commercial Arithmetic by mail free
of tuition To avail 3'ourself of this lib
eral offer is the same as accepting a
present of $50.
"Collier's Weekly , " October 28.
"Collier's Weeklv , " for the week end
ing October 28th , contains , as usual ; a
wealth of literary comment and artistic
causerie. An editorial on the late Chas.
A. Dana is particularly noteworthy as
tribute of of his best-known
the one - as
sociates of the "Sun. "
"Our Note-Book" is iridescent as evei
with Saltus' sparkling phrases , lighted
as always , with incident and epigram ,
Edgar Fawcett's London letter deals witl
the literary gossip of the "Capital o
Letters , " and Julian Hawthorne touche :
with trenchant pen upon many crying
evils of the day.
The illustrations are executed for th
most part on wood , and are of rare ar
tistic excellence. "Lawrence Clavering'
by A. E. W. Mason , enters its second in
stallment with interest unabated.
Altogether , "Collier's Weekly" is s
type of wbat a high-class illustrated
Weekly should be ; elegant and elevating ,
a force that makes for culture and civili
zation. We commend it heartily to out
Our method of instruction by mail is
highly recommended by our patrons.
Send for testimonials and list of names
and addresses of students. It is free.
The American Business College , Omaha ,
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
JJlHE-TENTHS of | g- j
andsicknessfrom 3V
_ - < T
which women S R p
suffer is caused * K iF
by weakness or i-Kf2fT/JS
derangement in f $ x&AhS
the organs of rVKy P *
menstruation. VvW vtfjL
Nearly alwaysBHBkL _ x3
S when a woman is not well these
organs are affected. But when
they are strong and healthy a
woman is very seldom sick.
ME" r * S
AtTi j
Is nature's provision for the regu
lation of the menstrual function.
It cures all "female troubles. " It
is equally effective for the girl In
her teens , the young wife with do
mestic and maternal cares , and
woman approaching the period
known as the "Change of Life. "
They all need it. They are all
benefitted by it.
0 '
For advice In cases requiring' special
directions , address , giving- symptoms ,
the "Ladles' Advisory Department. "
The Chattanooga. Medicine Co. , Chatta
nooga , Tenn.
TH0S. J. COOPER , Tupelo , Miss. , says :
" My sister suffered from very Irregular
and painful menstruation and doctors
could not relieve her. Wins of Cardul
entirely cured her and also helped my
mother through the Change of Life. "
L . 1 ' . . , , , „ rri. frnrii mnt .rr n * iiMiM * xM BB | B
v * i H
Owinc to over-crowdlnc and bad ventil- m
ntion. the air of the schoolroom is often close I
and inpure , and teachers and pupils fre- 1
nuently suffer from lung and throat troubles. I
To all such wc would say , try Chamberlain's m
Couch Remedy. For coughs , colds , weak ,
lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy &m
can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed , il
Superintendent of schools , Prairie Depot , * \3l
Ohio : "Having some knowledge of the fiB "
efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , I Y" |
have no hesitation In recommending it to al ! 1 1
who suffer from coughs , lung troubles , etc. " I
For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Drug- I
R sts. . I
Knipple's new stock I
Queens ware , Crockery - J
ery , Lamps , etc. , is I
now on the shelves. I
The like cannot toe I
found in this part of 1
the state and the prices - I
ces are very low ,
"Mv boy came home from school one day ; H
with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding ,
and suffering great pain , " says Mr. E. J.
Schall , with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. , St. Louis. , H
Mo. "I dressed the wound , and applied ' 1
Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain M
ceased , and in a remarkably short time it 1
healed without leaving a scar. For wounds , M
sprains , swellings and rheumatism I know of H
no medicine or prescription equal to it. I | H
consider it a household necessity. " The 25 | H
and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell fl
& Co. , Druggists. M
Go where Fruits are
to he found. That is M
at Knipple's , the lead- , I
in grocer , sure. I
J. C. Berry , one of the bebt known citizens | H
of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himself |
of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes j ' M
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , lie had been A.M
troubled with piles for over thirty years and H
had used many different kinds of so-called M
cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the t M
work and he will verify this statement if any H
one wishes to write him. A. McMillen. H
Knipple's new line
of Boots and Shoes is V
now in. Full line and M
prices reasonable. I
Seaview , Va. We have a splendid sale on H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , and our customers - H
tomers coming from far and near , speak of it H
in the highest terms. Many have said that H
their children would have died of croup if H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been H
given Kellam & Curren. The 25 and 50 cent H
sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , M
Druggists. H
Knipple is displaying - I
ing * the finest line of 1
handsome lamps ever I
brouglit to the city. I
Resource , Screven Co. , Ga. I have been I
subject to attacks of billious colic for several
years. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diairhoea Remedy is the only sure relief.
It acts like a charm. One dose of it gives
relief when all other remedies fail. G. D.
Shapp. For sale by L. W. McConnell 8c Co. , j
Druggists. j
A full line of hill J
hooks and purses at \
the Bee Hive. H
[ * * /
Warning Persons who suffer from cougls f I
and colds should heed the warnings of dangr f I
and save themselves suffering and fatal resulcV 1
by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is / I
infallible remedy for coughs , colds , crour nd 1
all throat and lung troubles. A. McMilXm. \
Try those hams at
Knipple's. Only 10c. " j
a Pound. Good. I
You can't afford to risk your life by allow
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure
are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A.
Buy your gloves at
the Bee Hive. 4
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds \
may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve , the great remedy lor piles and
for all kinds of sores and skm troubles. A.
There is no need of little children being tortured - s
tured by scald head , eczema and skin erup
tions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in
stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa
tion , sick headache. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
Julius Kihseiit , I
Carpet Laying , I
Carpet Cleaning. I
C -Iam still doing carpet laying , carpet * H
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or write me before giving such work. Mv IF H
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- -