The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 22, 1897, Image 7

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    HS * $ lt Bear It Ir incl.
2 iaf The very conBfWativo profession of
B f * medieino is Blotyylearning- life-long
RSjjL mistake in ghvnj ? too much medicine ,
HKpPy and many o' tUo oldest and best pby-
Mjlf Kieians u > d less medicine each year.
Hk , ltecont cxpcrimenlB in England and
HH KussK Jjrovo that the ordinary doses of
V/ > ' medicine interfere greatly with the
B Vp iiroccHSCB of digestion in all instances ,
H A and that this interference lasts from
HftJ two end a naif to ten hours the latter
Irawith the iibu of quinine.
B ' and 8moko Your Life .
\ % Doa't Tobacco Gpit Away.
B'JER M Jou want to quit tobacco using easily
HfJp and forever , bo maao well , strong , magnetic ,
Hj JO full of new life and vigor , take No-To-Bac ,
K/jt\ tl10 wonder-worker , tfiat makes weak men
Nb Ktrong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
TSkl Over • fOO.OOO cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your
flnH druggist , under gnarautec to cure , 50c or
lfi fl.K ) . Booklet ntid sample mailed free. Ad.
etcrlincr llemcdy Co. , Chicaco or New York.
_ , , . , A woman can never pray five inin-
HH fj& utc8 without mentioning a lot of
Fflvf&l n nines.
Jmm Scrofula Cured
Face and Head Covered with Sores ,
but Hood's Has Cured Them.
J " My face and head were a mass of sores ,
but since taking Hood's Sarsaparillatheso
cores have all disappeared. I believe
_ Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal for Bcrof-
HfeMula. . " Ida A. Weaveb , Palermo , 111.
* Sarsa-
• W y 11 -
Hr MOOCi 5 parilla
BjK Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
| R \ wt j , DSIIo curellverills.easytotake ,
? ! / ' . rlOOU S r HIS easy to operate. 25 cents.
111 ? s& J * a & hS
IT f& § mrs Bf
aEl ff > | -Jl8 Don't be fooled with a mackintosh Sb C
CB i I j x3fH or rubber coat. If you want a coat , SgK [
wily * JHrsjtliat | will keep you dry in the hardMRi ;
Idr FT3est storm buy the Fish Brand ; L/w /
WM .SttftL-f Slicker. If not for sale in your tjyw
l Wl aBEyfiown , write for catalogue to IsKS !
5 ± U 2H § A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. IoBbS
Kgft' TVcsound the alarm. Already it is claiming
Ibts. its victims bv the thousands across old ocean.
As in the past it will soon cross your threshold
\Ve forewarn you and' tell you how to best
f prepare for it. Don't wait until you have been
-attacked , but be prepared tor the enemy when
he attacks you. Send stamp for our ( JS-page
book -wnlih pives symptoms and full treatment.
Hm , Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is guaranteed to bs the
UK safest and inost certain euro known for
Rmf la trrippc and every hind of cough
WW Mibs Nellie Penoyer. 153(3 ( So. lOthSt. , Omaha.
HEMa Neb. , writes : "Have used your Dr. Kav's
| BC > M L.unjr Balm for a severe case of la grippe. My
V f * lungs were very sore , and in tak nsr the Dr.
mW Kay's Lung Balm 1 found it stopped unv desire
Ul to cough at once The soreness on my lungs
Ul and in mv head soon dlspppcand. It is pleas-
H iX. ant to take and does not cause sickness at the
EfNy stomich like many omiih remedies.yetitcures
M | . ii quicker than anv Ihave e\er tried. "
fc7 i'\ ( Rev.jJ. "VV. Wohlfarth. pastor First M. E.
twil Church , Urbane. I1L. writes : "I am glad to
KC * - record the fact that less than one box of your
IBit Dr. Kaj's Lung Balm cured me of an awful
W' ' flfl cough. It is a remarkable remedy. "
uMer It is sold by druggists , or sent by us by mail
I'M for ' - ' . " > cts Don't take any substitute for it has
m nA no equal Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. ,
MKrfc Omaha , Neb.
EStltC We guarantee Dr. Kav's Renovator to be the
HgP le-.tretrcJy known for dyspepsia , constipation
Hft I and liver troubles. A perfect renovator. Send
B for book.
| HLh > ? " The Alaska Gold Mining and Development com-
rS pany , jui > torganized by Omaha business men , will
I HJ , send a large number of experienced prospectors to
Mf the Klondike gold ficldB. Under the proposed
Efry plan of operating , this company will possess great
H/ advantages o\er the ortllnary parties going to
H Alaska and It is believed will yield those Inter-
f chtcd enormous returns. The officers and dlrect-
BBs ore romprtsc some of the most active and expert-
flBpfc cncc.l tiusnc < s men of Omaha. This company
k HC offers those who are unable to go to Alaska a splen-
B HK did opportunity to secure a share of Us vast mln-
HHQ $ cral uoalth. All parties anxious to obtain an
rBTKs Interest In the Klondike gold fields are ln\itcd to
fclM l join this enterprise. IVir further information
BT gjffl write The Alaska Gold Mining' and Development
ImLC rocipany. Ground Floor , 1' Block , Omaha ,
UKv Nebraska.
I WAGON = - '
" • % M\ A better Scale A , JBfe | Wm A
m\ forh-sH money than C * HI II 1 %
14&Q ha ever been offered. I 111 !
vMJonesofBinKhamton l lill I m\
< xmA
JSjB'J ; i/llkwl W I quick relief and cures worst
fW f e es. Send for book of testimonials and lO days *
VSjVy .treatmentfi-ce. Dr. U.iLOiuEa'SSOXSAUiinU.tu.
BffiCit , nilTTrn "WAITED nighest market prices ;
BOi $ nil I I rtl p > < - J8- Act.xr.K & Co. , 319so.
P&U2 - nth SuOmah * .
Little , fragrant , palatable tablets , in a
dainty cnamclocfmctal box , juit right for
the vest pocket or the lady's puree. On the
tablets art Btainped the letters , "C. C. C. "
Cascaretn , Candy Cathartic. Eat ouo like
candy and the little tablet at once purifles
* > ml rc ula' .es the whole digestive canal. It
destroys diHcaso germs in the mouth and
throat , stops souring of undigested food in
the stomacn , stirs up the liver , and tones
and strengthens the bowels , making thorn
act healthily and naturally. They are
well and widely advertised in the press ,
but the best advertisement for Cascarets
is the wonderfully mildyot positive action ,
which makes a Cascaret convert of every.-
one that trios them. Wo recommend thorn
to all our roaders.
A Little Agnostic.
A London magistrate one day had a
little boy as a witness in a case before
him , and he thought fit. according to
the usual practice , to test the boy's
orthodoxy by first asking , in a paternal
way , whether he knew whore bad people
ple went to after they were dead. His
lordship was very much disconcerted
by the ready reply : "No , I don't ; no
more don't you ; nobody don't know
that. "
Read the Advertisements.
You will enjoy this publication much
better if you will get into the habit of
reading the advertisements ; they will
afford a most interesting study and
will put you in the way of getting
some excellent bargains. Our adver
tisers are reliable , they send what
they advertise.
Woman Heat * the Record.
A tarpoD weighing 205 pounds is
said to have been caught in Fort
iUeyers , Fla. , with hook and reel , a
few days ago by a Kentucky lady ,
after a hard and gallant fight of one
hour and twenty-five minutes. It is
said to bo the largest fish of the kind
ever caught in that manner. It was
7 feet 8 inche3 long.
The Burlington Route California Ex
Cheap , Quick , Comfortable.
Leave Omaha 4:35 p. m. , Lincoln 0:10 p. m.
and Hastings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday in
clean , modern , not crowded tourist sleepers.
No transfers ; cars run light through to San
Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Koute through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Cars arc carpeted ; upholstered In rattan ;
have spring seats and backs and are pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap ,
etc Uniformed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each excur
sion , relieving passengers of all bother about
baggage , pointing out objects of interest and
in many other ways helping to make the
overland trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths $3.
For folder giving full information , call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office , or
write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
She ForjrMe Him.
Husband. "I won enough money
last night at poker to get you a new
dress. "
Wife ( sobbing ) . "I think you might
stop playing those horrid cards , John.
You know what it may lead to in the
end , and to think that I should ever be
the wife of a gambler. This is t-t-too
much. What kind of a dress shall I
get ? "
There Is a Clasv of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a. new preparation
called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress , and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over %
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try it Ask for
Celestial Fashion.
"When I married you , " he said , "J
thought you were an angel. "
"I inferred as much , " she said.
"From the very first , " she went on ,
"you seemed to think I could get along
without clothes " TId-Bits.
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Ko
beauty without it. Cascarets , Candy Ca
thartic clean your blood and keep it clean ,
bv stirring up the lazy liver and driving
all impurities from the body. Begin to-day
to banish pimples , boils , blotches , black
heads , and that sickly bilious complexion
by taking Cascarets , beauty for ten cents.
AH druggists , satisfaction guaranteed , 10c ,
25c , 50c.
Stone jars are far better than tin
boxes for keeping bread during hot
Educate Tour Bowels "Willi Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c , 25c I1CCC. fail , druggists refund money.
No woman who believes in cook
books believes in total depravity.
mM X BR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of JByoruiis , Massachusetts ,
PfH : WaS th& oriMinator ° f "PITCHER'S CASTORIAHie same
% J& that has borne and does now Sljf yj " " every
kkJp bear the facsimile signature of * * & & / 7&4C&ZC wrapper.
| | | r Thisistheoriginal' " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " which luzs been
Wm ' used in .the liomes of the nvotliers of America for over thirty
1,4 ( years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see tliat it is
f ; ' / 4 > the Jcind you Jiave always bought STIT ? * , < ? m OTt ie
* & & has the signature of ( & 4&yX7&Zc4UM wrap-
Wtr\ ' per 3fo one has authority from me to use my name except
\mgf \ The Centaur Company of which C7ias. H. Fletcher is
'Vstv President. } -
Ijtr4 , March 8 , X897Z Q r C X tt ,
\g \ g Do Not Be Deceived.
y -j "Bo not endanger ihe life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
| Kv\ which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies
gjg * .on it ) , the ingredients of which even Tie does not know.
W * } "The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Wt\ Insist on Having
WL'\ The Kind That Never Failed You.
A Tarty Thnt Broke Every Kecorrt ,
and Is Vrotxd of It , Although
Jt DId'nt Sot Ont With That Object
In View.
f * \ HREE women from
_ " / \ 0Sumer , Pierce
djte&A \ ' ' count > Wash.vrere
mn made prisoners by
WJSWftflJ a terrific storm on
f SwJSE Mount Tacoma re-
cently , and they
< f
' qf&MJlMr broke the record
Jj for the length of
' / - • time spent in ice
caves and snow
banks , three miles
above the sea. They were hemmed in
by-ice and snow , and were it not for
the heaviest flannels , stockings , shoes
and wraps they would have frozen to
death inside of ten hours. Mrs. J. E.
Mitchell , Miss Josie Query and Miss
Jean McFarland were the women who
broke the high summer residence rec
ord. They were accompanied by Mr.
Mitchel and Sergeant Hall , the latter
being a resident of Puyallup. Their
imprisonment caused their friends the
greatest anxiety , but nothing could be
done to assist them until after the
storm , which broke into a hurricane
just as they reached the summit of the
mountain , had subsided. But until the
storm finally did subside the two
things that kept soul and body together
on the mountain were the juice of a
few prunes and the little warmth that
came up through the core of the great
pile in the form of steam. Some of the
prunes were taken with the Mitchell
party and some of them were found
there , having been left by the Maza-
mas. The steam is always there ,
smelling of sulphur and brimstone , and
reminding those who enjoy its warmth
that Mount Tacoma was once upon a
time nothing more than a huge smoke
stack three miles high. When the
Mitchell party started for their event
ful trip the sky was clear and not un
til they were well up were there any
indications of the approaching storm.
It was then too late for the party to
retreat. All the climbers could do waste
to press on and on until they reached
the summit exhausted. Once over the
rim of the great crater the mountain
eers hurried on to the ice caves where
the steam oozes up from the interior of
the earth. The sun was sinking low ,
and darkness was coming on , but the
climbers had little fear. They expect
ed the storm to pass before morning ,
and then they would descend in safe
ty. They huddled together about a
large opening where < rhe steam cams up
from below with considerable force.
There , too , they chatted and made mer
ry. A few prunes were half cooked
over the steam , and a lew hard-tack
crackers were softened by holding
them where the steam would reach
This bill of fare was 'unchanged dur
ing their stay on the mountain , which
lasted three nights and four days. Be
fore the last day everything had been
devoured , and they were nearly dead
when they escaped from their icy pris
on. On the second day the storm in
creased in violence. The men went to
the rim of the crater with the intention
of seeing if it was not possible lor them
to escape by crawling down the side
of the mountain. They found the
force of the wind so great that it
rolled their bodies back off the rim
like so many straws. Gradually hun
ger began to assert itself , and on the
third day every prune and every piece
of hardtack was devoured. The clothes
of the members of the party had be
come moist by contact with the steam ,
and when the moist side was turned
away from the warmth of the steam the
moisture turned to frost and ice.
Their evenings seemed to take the form
of a huge animal with great teeth that
snapped and bit every time the impris
oned mountain climbers turned around.
Hunger stood on one side ready to
gnaw out their vitals , while on the
other side stood Jack Frost ready testing
sting and stiffen their limbs. After
eating their last crumb on the third day
the climbers crept to the rim of , the
crater and looked about The storm
had left the top of the mountain , but
was raging still on the lower levels.
Nothing could be seen of the surround
ing country but the tops of Mount
Adams , Mount Baker , Mount Hood ,
Mount Jefferson and what appeared to
be Mount Shasta , could be seen. On
the fourth morning of their captivity
the Mitchell party decided to scramble
d wn the mountain side , although the
wind was blowing at the rate of fifteen
miles an hour. The women were fas
tened to the life line and Mr. .Mitchell
cut holes in the ice for' distance of
over a mile for the women to step in.
In that way seven and a half hours of
painful work were required to cover
the distance that had been traversed
in ascending in 40 minutes. At the
snow line the Mitchell party met a Ma-
zama rescue party that had been or
ganized to rescue them. .
Slghtfteeing Simplified.
There is always room for a new ap *
plication of an old principle , even so
old a one as that of the division of
tabor. Millicent How long did your
Easter trip to Rome cccupy ? Made
line Oh , a week altogether there and
back. Millicent And you saw every
thing ? Madeline Oh , yes ; you see
there were three of us. Mother went
to the picture-galleries , I examined the
monuments , and feither studied local
color In the cafes. Roseleaf.
No person in Norway may spend
more than 3 pence at one visit to a public
lic house.
Kansas City has 9,000 employes In
Its packing houses and stock yards.
Slow Ocean Trip * .
The varied tastes of humanity add
greatly to the spice of life. While wo
think that apparently every ono who
crosses the Atlantic is pushing to take
passage on the fastest steamers , there
are many who : tro just U3 anxious to
dawdle over on the slowest boats.
There are enough of ! ; ? to keep the
crawlers going year after year. Such
passengers arc those who love the sea
voyage best of all , or who arc in poor
health and need the complete rest of a
long voyage. I' .issago on the slow
2r. ; is cheaper by far than on the
h.i ones , j-et it is not by any means
the poor or the economical who use
them. Some very rich New Yorkers
travel that way by preference.
Left Destitute !
Not of worldly goods , but of all earthly com
fort. Is the poor wretch tormented by mala
ria. The fell scoursc is , however , shorn of
its thouj : In advance by Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , its only sure preventive and remedy.
DysDepsIa , biliousness , constipation , rheu
matism , nervousness and kidney complaints
are also among the bodily attilctions which
this benillcent medicine overcomes with cer
tainty. Use it systematically.
A Pleaslnsr Assumnce.
He I don't see how ever Midges had
the nerve to embrace Miss Adipose. She
must weigh 200.
She He wouldn't , perhaps , but she
told him that 'faith would move moun
tains. ' New York Journal.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury ,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians , as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo. O. . contains
no mercury , and is taken internally , act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
It is taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio , by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes
timonials free. Sold by Druggists , price
7Ec per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
She ( dreamily ) Just think of It , in
two weeks we shall be married !
He ( absent-mindedly ) Oh , let us be
happy while we can. Vogue.
Cheap Tickets
Via the Omaha & St. Louis R. R. and
Wabash R. R. St. Louis , one way , § 9.10 ,
round trip , $15.35. On sale every Tues
days and Thursdays. St. Louis : Round
trip October 3d to 8th , Sll.50. Home-
seekers' Excursions. South : Septem
ber 21 , October 5 and 19. One fare the
round trip , plus S2. Springfield , 111. :
Round trip , S13.25 ; on sale September
IS. 19 , 20. For tickets and further in
formation call at 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxton -
ton Hotel Block ) , Omaha , or write G.
N. Clayton , Omaha. Neb.
The most interesting age of baby is
after it has outgrown it.
l'o men ( plainjvtlope. . ) How , after ten
years' fruitless doctoring , I was fully re
stored to full vigor and robust manhood.
No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No
connection with medical concerns. Sent
absolutely free. Address , Lock Bos 288 ,
'Chicago , 111. Send 2-ccnt stamp if con
I know that my life was saved by Pisoc |
Cure for Coasumption. John A. ililler ,
An Sable , Mich. , April 21 , lS'Jo.
Very few women know Hie weigh tea
a man ' s heart.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c
No man can be very lazy in a mos
quito section.
3Im. AVSnslow's Sootmng syrnp
For children eptlunEr.softent the frnmr.reduces inflam
mation , al ays > jiain , cuies wind colic li cents a bottlo.
It is surprising how easy some people
ple quit.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c , 1. All druggists.
Before Love grew blind it became
very far sighted.
Coe's Consh Balmm
Is the oldest and best It v. ill break up a co'd quicker
than anything else. It la alwaj s reliable. Try it.
a JS i o.B ' tj i . mm m m fi m
r p H 11 Mnt PH r M Hi hu Si 5S
Wii I I 1 91 BHln
M\aL > HUr H kEiik # /t / D
W print hero a list ofworde. . LP1HAII.PEDAH
They are sets of letters jumbled toCGOIUAC
Bcther , from which can be made the wyE KTKO
name of 8 cities In the United States. OTNDSO
For instance , CGOIHAC can be H1SGNNOAWT
transposed into Chicago , and so on IIOITRALBE
down the list. j TANALAT
We will give : I NANEPlMIieS
First Prize in Cash ; 0.00 to ten persons first send
ing correct answers.
Second Prize in Cash $50.00 to the neit 10 persona
tending correct answer * .
Third Prize in Cash 930.00 to next M persons send
ing correct answers.
Should more than the required number send cor
rect answ ers , the awards will be made according to
date letter is mailed , hence it is advisable that j our
letter bhould be among the first. You can win one
of these prizes If you are quick and use your brains.
The above rewards are given free as an inducement
to read New Ideas , a handsome 16-page illustiateil
journal covering an entire new field. It gives informa
tion about the latest Inventions and progress in
science , illustrating the most striking novelties for
business and household use. Its subscription price is
the only cheap thing about it. Send answer to-day I
OUH CONDITIONS. You must send with your an
swer 25 cents ( stamps or silver ) for a Six Months *
Trial Subscription to New Ideas.
Aside from the prizes above named , we will give a
sperial prize to each , person -who sends an answer ,
whether correct or not. provided that25 eents in sil
ver or stamps be sent for a six month's sob enption
to New Ideas. These special prizes a e awarded
along the line of Novelties , iUiihic. Decorative
Art , History and Fiction. Be sure to state
in letter which you want. Thi- contest will close
Satunl ly , Oct. Suth , and names of prize winners will
be announced in Dec number of New I Im.
Address. New Ideas , Sta. K. S08 , Philadel
phia , ia. 1
for farm wagons. Any size
fjj tire to fit any skein.
Saves the cost of the wheel
in one season.
Write lor circulars & pricrs
J Havana Metal "Wheel Co. , Havana , 111.
U Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJeo H |
Q3 in time. Sold hr druggists. Jf
"When you visit Omaha you should call at
C. S. Raymond Co. 'h jewelry store , corner
Fifteenth and Douglas streets , and examine
aminetbeir jewelry and art goodb for
wedding , birthday and Chnstma" presents ,
also stcol engraved wedding stationery , In
vitations and visiting cards. It is the only
.first cla&s , up-to-dato jewelry , art mid cut
kIosr store west of Chicago and St Louis.
Kncraviug and printing 100 visiting cards
? 1.60 bymaih
YVhero no Space In AVnstnl.
In many tropical countries the roof
of the house is n very important part
of the buildinp , beinjrput to a variety
of uses not dreamt of in colder lands.
In the one-storied houses of Peru , for
instance , it is not uncommon to find
the mules and horses lodged on the
first floor , and the family on the iloor
above , while on the great flat roof
there may often be seen fowls , pigs ,
goats and even cows. The cows are
taken aloft when they are merely
calves , and spend the rest of their
lives on the roof.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic , the most won
derful medical discovery of the age , pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste , act gently
and positively on kidnej-s , liver and bowels ,
cleansing the entire system , dispel colds ,
cure headache , fever , habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a bor
of C. C. C. to-duy ; 10 , ' > , f.O cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Wants to bell.
Fuddy So Kommuter wants to sell
his place out in Swltchville ?
Duddy That cannot be. He is for
ever cracking it np and telling every
body what a beautiful place it is.
Fuddy Yes ; that is the reason why I
know ho wants to dispose of it. Boston
Rug * Made From Tour Olil Carpets.
Latent improvement , new method of matting
r < -ter.Mblc rugs from your ol < l liru-sela or la
Kratn carpets , with I order all around. > enil
for circular and prices to S. Kross , C. 'llV ! nt-
worth Ae „ Chicago 111.
The IJlirerence.
"What is the difference between
biography and autobiography , papa ? " '
asked Johnnie.
"One shows a man as lie is and the
other shows him as he thinks he is. "
FITS Pemancntlj Cured. 7 oCts or nervousness attct
tirst day's use ot Dr. Kline 's Great > ervo Kestorer
Send for FREE S2.00 trial bottle and trccti < e.
Da. K. II. KUNE.Ltd.,931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
No girl objects to a filled engage
ment ring if it is filled with finger.
The best , jt half the price ; all grocers will re
fund your money if you arc not satlsQed.
Marriage is the one ideal of a 3'oung
girl and the one idea of a widow.
TryGrain-O ! j
TryGrain = 0 ! h
j I
Afck your Grocer to-day to ' j
show y u a package of >
GRAIN-O , the new food J
drink that takes the place [
of coffee. j
The children may drink 1 i |
without injury as well as the ' i
ndnlt. All who try it , like 1
it. GItAIN-0 has that rich [ 1
seal brown ofJMocha or Java , j 1
but it is mnde from pure ; jl
grains , and the most delicate j | |
btomach receives it without 9
distress. * { the price of . nj
coffee. < H
15 cents and 25 centH per 1
package. Sold by all grocers. I
Tastes like Coffee | j ]
Looks like Coffee ' ji
B bUAI PC Vegetable * ? ! If
RrTIALL J Sicilian \ f |
* * K\r [ rcst ° res l ° st color * Vjjl If ;
jwJ to the hair ; gives it tap1 ; j ;
yM the richness and gloss of Wm ! i
1fJ-p youth ; prevents baldcwnp [ j
ns fj ness. No dandruff , giigj jj
f . * * . . . . . '
l. TT' Hl' .fV.L' 111 ! i-j T1pr - : .vI' M (
& \ urea Kltt e < ! r.e liicaml tvurf VM
* > v ccntlcman should nee tlicm be- hm
Iv6 . fore buying. Tbey nreiiie factt il |
\\e\'ne wo Imvocver offeree ! . A V MB
V"tK vourdealcr lor ihMn. niid jL'Ifl
§ lKr ' "i K you willed the bt u iB ;
/ ' * " " " * * trT " \ ' " ' c "i r- ail
la * & . _ Jji Si * et. ' jre mm
S3l' i ' ' , " ' J * * * to : iM. for t fM ,
iKM'Lii" < Ol.-uoiUU , < .tlolncs lu. i m\ \
rrnTIirnn Gcec and Duck FeatbiT rillowK , 1 > ij ( .
pPM IHr'\\ \ Holders ndCu hIoni > . Write-for jn - . .
t LnillLllU Kansas City Feather Co. mo t.ali.ut-t. '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > H
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 43.-1897.
When writing to advertisers , kindly mention - H
tion this paper. H
\ M * h ii&IFA Brig Thousands have been WKi
> mJ mll& § Al&i a cured promptly of qPN$2
> TV T W A > i y JT'tt A EJ jT \ v A yj w H H s m\ \
Even in This Khyme.
The English language must be tough ,
At least , that's what I've reckoned ,
For it is still alive to-day
Though murdered every second.
New York Truth.
If you want , to operate on the Chicago
Board of Trade send for our free lK ik con
taining full information hov to trade. On
account of the short , wheat crop in foieign
countries and the short corn rrop in thib
country , both corn and -wheat will tell much
higher , and now is the time to make a profit
able investment. Vv ' e execute orders In
wheat in 1.000 Irashels and upwards , and
corn and oats in 5.0C0 bushels and upwards.
Write us today. K. J. Laughery & Co. . IJ2S
Rlalto Building. Chicago , iiembers Chicago
Board of Trade.
A special broom should be kept for
sweeping carpets.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25e.
If C. C. C. fall to cure , druggists refund money.
Uamboo furniture can be cleaned
with a brush dipped in salt water.
AGENTS S yyigs . II
Snlcndidly Illustrated. A fir > it.eLi * l.ook. KASV Tn P H
SELL. Kx < lu-i\eterritory. IJIh-i-j ! itl-j-ounte. A < iilr < itMmw
THE CESTUI : ? CO. 3S East ITtb Mr t..V - , ork i H
s& &l CURE YOURSELF ! fl
"jT / ODHESN. Use Bis for mmaturtl ' H
/ / fc 1 to 5 < 3 jedipctaarK s , inlIamiiji > orn. H
Ar / GunasrtdJ irritatioDH or uktr Ucni H
fpyoot to iinetarf. of luuroue H
jXSrl"au | eoD ; " > ni'ainlees , . and not attna- i 1
ifoo\'THEEvAN3CH UICAlCj. S at or pnifonous. H
V VctNCWNtTI.O.l J Sold by KruEeUU. i H
\ \ D.S.i. / | < ir s nt in plain t rHjipcr , H
. > w 1/vA I IT erprrfs , prepaid , fur H
" * " " /oVI J-"nor31iOttlMit2.7S. M
' ' * " " Circalar . H
't ! tent on request.
C5\ a a ilea uomuccke. Book nv • . t > . j • . ym\ \
ya a-taiLii uoiraixiiat > fiuadT.ciit i ijLL. ' mm\ \
rSEIf UT r Bin "n flI1 ordPr of .ixj K | f if H
rnctlsnl r 'u r.ooQug oriui um. s. B
Manilla tr te for sample * and prices Tiny < H
Manilla ICoolin Company , Caindrn * .J. H
Is prevented by "vaccination " Mortality in U. S. A. darinir B lak-s-y S * a 1
last 2 years reduced to one-third of one per cent. Thousands B lKn AVr I H
of Herds successfully vaccin.ucd. Testimonials , etc "J&f j fifiH
pasteor VAcemm co.Wy I
56 Fifth Avenue , Chicago. S gS M
I Meep lis @ @oa form I
® ' during the winter- Riding will do K\4fSj& \ bLW
Vf it , and a Columbia bicycle will do it best W i - : 4KaaaKrw ! F.ssl 1
of all. You can depend on a % > M
JTW 1 1 * " W& T5 1
jr4 to give vou plentv of winter exercise and just as good service i M
j4. as it will in summer. L LX
fit. fit. M
2 means that Columbias are the patterns for all others. M
| $75 to an mi | H
© Hartford Bicyces ! ; Bettcr Jg , " 1 $50 , $45 , $40. S H
< 4 POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford Conn Z. H
. . . , , H
f * If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity , let ns know. * i j H
? A7 < tlA a74 & * * Td i & J > ? z J > Ti > 7 < * TJ 7 1 * ? * * ? * . iZl iZ < a * 7a > 7 < ? < g * . H jSTa j7a |
| 25c 50c ' BllCT rli DRUGGISTS ' |