I SUPPLEMENT " TO THE j M'COOK TRIBUNE. Friday , Oct. 8. y * * * i , THE MODERN FARMER. HJh Iot Ib Improving Faster than That of Other Men. The old-time farmer's boy was not seri ously to blame for striking out for the city. His pathway of life was not strewn with roses , nor were bis days a succession of joyous picnics. He was compelled to rise early in the morning , long before the lurk bud censed from slumber , and bring the cows from the dewy pasture. He was expected , before he bad a chauco to sat isfy bis morning hunger , to "pail" six cows : be kicked over at least once ; feed mid groom four horses , and carry food and drink to at least twenty-live bead of open-faced swine. 1" the summer be was expected to bold Ihe bandies of a bull tongue plow and tramp adown the rows of corn until long after the chickens bad gone to their night ly rest. In the frill , when the old horse power threshing machine came around , he , . Mood at the tail end and forked away the .straw , while ragweed dust filled bis lung * ami clogged the pores of his skin. In the -a inter he was sent out to pick stones from the rocky field , and as he picked , fresh -toi.es sprang up like dragons' teeth to take the place of those he had gathered. Jle bad uo time to read , and mighty little tor"rest. . It isn't any wonder he got tired of the business and struck out for the city. 1 Mow it different. The farmer no longer 1 • • dines to town in his road wagon , sitting \ , ou a two-inch plank laid across the top of jT' the wagon , but he rides in his surrey , his J horses arrayed in silver-mounted harness. He sits in a carriage seat to plow his ground , and after his day's work is done tal.e.- walk for exercise. The old-faslt- ioncd horse-killing and man-destroying % * " " * thtcshing machine has given way to a modern invention run by steam , automat ion II jfed , which stacks its own straw , and measures , weighs and loads the grain , * " * ' while the farmer , seated in the comfortable ble- shade , may watch the operation. His hay is stacked by machinery , and baled by machinery. His water is pumped by machinery. His stock will soon be fed by machinery , fie is beginning to put in teVphones aud order his groceries over the V.T" . The time is near at baud when , instead of being the slave of toil , the farmer will be ihe man of leisure as well as the man , < if capital. When " that time cornea it will be found that the ambition of young men will lie in the direction of becoming landed coun try gentlemen instead of hard-driven , overworked and smothered-for-air resi dents of the cities. Silver Is. .ue Doad. Tram all reliable sources it appears that the much advertised 115-to-l camp moot ing in Sprhigiield. Ohio , was a most con spicuous failure. The Cincinnati Enquir er keepsup the semblance of a large at tendance aud great enthusiasm , but the facts gathered by other correspondents show that it was a failure that will dam age the KJ-to-1 fad. Even Mr. Bryan could not be induced to go to help draw a crowd. Most of the other orators for sil ver were conspicuous by their absence. . Ex-Representative Towoe of Minnesota , ( p. , * * KH"v'r IjJWAblhjm , was present , but he had fT 'R < f • * - " nowhemfse Dfeo. Uen-i Warner yptts presenY , hut asThe head of the silver mMe f-v" owners' lobby at Washington he is under pay and must put in an appearance. The f unfortunate Democratic candidate for Governor was ndvertised to appear , but I lie is not an orator. Ten cents admission order meet the expenses. iy ' -was asked in to Vi\ " but the collections for admissions are not ? / ha .r the expenses. The correspondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch writes that "a - - vuiidorful change has been made locally ; -jj \ ' " " in politics by the failure of the silver camp ! " " . , meeting. " and that "local Democrats are i 4 v < * " ' ontfpoken in declaring that there was \ . oiwy ' one. v. 'ay tcfji ' ceonnt for the slim at- f I" . . tendance , and that is that the silver issue | ' isdead. " Iu25sB''Pni3 ! Journal. i - * , j * & V/ca Comparison. UV In his lola speeh Mr. . Bryan revived i : his two piles of wheat. Suppose , he said. J : \ ' in ySrect , that if all the wheat in the world * " * * is collected in two piles , and that one of , - . * the piles is burned , will not the other pile " ' be ( tabled in valueV The same , he says , ' r . In 1873 ( here is the U' . : is true of money. fJi , " - "crime" again ) the Republican party r " ' • "burr.ed one of the two piles of money. . Therefore , the je- & i Hi-1 is lhn white pile. f • * inainmg pile , the gold , has doubled in Ci value. The rarmers who heard the speech • ' must have smiled. It was possible to talk lJ- j - such nonsense last year , not this year. * - • _ In the lirst place , the Republican party did not bnrn one-half of the money in the 4' * country. That statement is just a plain misstatement. In 1S73 our circulation . * .V , was only $751,881,800 ; in 1890 it was § 1. - * • * * rOlioai,02G. Instead of burning one-half fTv- . of the money in circulation , the Ropubli- doubled the circulation , while. "l\ can parly r * ' during the same time , the population fell ' . ; . ' . . far short of doubling itself. The money , - . in the country in 1873 was only $1S per ' ' ? 33 in 1S90. In the nearly gj | _ : : capita ; it was • ' . , - . faee ot these facts , what becomes of the * that the Republican party has \-g \ , chaige ' ilT' burned one of the two piles of money 'i i V. " Isn'l it ridiculous ? Iowa State Register. . c * : I " Affair. A * The Rogauuviile > i , It is said the attempted assassination | " 'i V of Isaiah II. Loftin. the colored postmas- W • . tor of Uogansville. Ga. , will be made the „ - . 4 basis of an immediate and vigorous pros w ecution of all who are connected with the - affair. This much is due to the enforcer - < meat of law. but in addition the admin r - istration should take a firm stand against & the movement to boycott colored otiice t . holders in the South. It is not likely there will be many such appointments , but I wherever they are made the incumbents | should have ample protection. The Gov ernment Should not allow' itself to be co erced or dictated to in the smallest matter by any party , faction or class of men , and k to draw the community attempts if any ft S color line against a postmaster otherwise qualified it should be made to understand I laws of the that the Constitution and I P l United States are supreme in every part I of the national domain. It - The Price of Cotton Ties. j A dispatch from Charlotte , N. C , states that an Illinois manufacturing company ' offers to furnish the regular flat cotton tie at 70 cents per bundle at wholesale in carload lots , or at 75 cents at retail , aud • that several carloads have already been , * ordered for that immediate section. The r dispatch goes on to say that last year the , . price was $1.50 per bundle at retail and ! $1.35 at wholesale. Then the Wilson- " " * " 7" " . - . . . . . . : . , . v ; . . . . . . . < - - 6A < ! M ll.l > . . . . . Hi , ! I..MIM I. . . ! . . < > l l.n > . I..H . .IIH I.Ij. i l l ! ! .J. i. - MCaMMMMWHMMMMHMWHMMMW ; Goraaan 'avr ia in forcv and cotton ties were on the free list , but the price was ? 1.35 per bundle at wholesale. This year we have the Dlngley bill and n protective tariff on cotton ties and they are offered at 70 cents a bundle at wholesale. These facts do not seem to work in with the Cleveland parrot cry that "the tariff is a tax. " These facts , too , are of themselves a sufficient refutation of the other free trade falsehood scattered so broadly and _ so constantly , that a protective tariff fos ters trusts. Last year , under free trade , there was a cotton tie trust ; this year , un der a protective tariff , the trust is broken. An Object Lesson. The financial situation in the Southern Republic presents an object lesson which should not be lost upon our friends , ( he free silver lunatics. Advices from the City of Mexico , in the words of a recent arrival from that unhappy place , paint "a gloomy picture of * , the future. " A young Californian who has resided there for three or four years , and who has held a conspicuous position in a large busiues.- , concern , states that the decline in the price of silver has practically driven him out of business. He says that everything has gone up threefold except wages. Ow ing to the tremendous discount on that , metal working people are now scarcely able to earn sufficient to procure the nec essaries of lire. All branches of business are paralyzed and Americans are leaving the country in droves. Merchants who have outstanding accounts and who are compelled to collect them in stiver are being put to a tremendous deus loss. When this young man left Mexico it took $2.50 to buy $1 in ex change , a condition which has practically destroyed the importing business , and which is gradually crippling the Govern ment ; for as imports decline the revenues of the republic are obliterated. The evolution of a free silver basis in Mexico substantiates everything alleged by the opponents of Mr. Bryan iu the last presidential campaign in this country. It was then said that wages were the lust to go up , and that currency inflation of every kind was injurious to the masses. This is always the fact. Capital takes care of itself , but labor is always the victim of prevailing circumstances. Yet it is a strange coincidence that of the several millions of people who voted for William J. Bryan , piobably 75 per cent were men who , had his financial theories been put into effect , would L ive suffered the most. In Mexico the masses are not responsi ble for the financial crisis. The Gov ernment maintains its silver basis , with out consulting them. But in the United States , had the free coinage of silver been adopted , the people themselves would have wrought their own ruin. No icason- ing man can contemplate the possble re sults of the presidential campaign of 1S0G without a shiver. Bryan was defeated , after all , by a narrow plurality. Had he succeeded and had his demagogy and crude theories been put into the form of laws , fifty years of good government and prosperity would not have wiped out the damage he would have inflicted upon the uatiou. If there are any free silver lunatics in this country who still believe that it is safe to adopt free coinage of silver with out the consent of any other nation , they should be sent to Mexico and compelled there to study the frightful results of a depreciated currency upou the welfare of the common people. San Francisco Post. Free Coinage of Freight Cars. The free silver leaders have contended that what is needed , is an increase in the . oluui& f mxftiDSj that does not seem to bithe tS S-E. Tof § ' WiJg&Z & * AM needed is 5i7rare3 i s m raevrSfnr3s V 3 freight cars. The Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul road is trying to borrow five thousand cars from some of the Southern roads to enable it to handle the traffic offered to it. Unless it is able to get the cars it will have to lose considerable busi ness. At present it is using all the cars available and is unable to keep up , with the demand from all points on its lines. The situation is becoming serious , not only with the St. Paul , but with the Northwestern , the Burlington , Rock Isl and. Atchison and all the other -Western and Northwestern roads. Tljey are sim ply unable to handle the traffic ordered. All the roads report that not only are they deluged with grain traffic , but ; west-bound merchandise is offeied in great volume. What is needed then is a little more free coinage of freight cars. Kalamazoo Tele graph. . . Have a. New Opportunity. Democratic orators who last year were trying to convince the public that the clique of financiers in Europe whom they \agtelv denominated "money power" we ' re Responsible for the adoption of the gold standard by all the intelligent na tions of the earth , will now have an op- portunitv to make an equally interesting and equally reasonable assertion by ' to the gold power the failure ch : ruins : up of the ciops all over the world. It is the destruction - just as reasonable to charge ! tion of Argentine crops by grasshoppers to the moncv power as it is to assume that could influence the legislation the niouev power nation on that most islation of a great important question of its policy , the cur rency. Dollars. Wheat to Bring Golden While our wheat production is very Iartie this year , our home .consumption is increasing with returning prosperity and we will have to hold the major part of it Tor our own people. It is estimated that we will have in the neighborhood of 200 , - - umtu au.mu 000.000 bushels lor expun , not far from 200.000,000 golden dollars to be distributed among the farmers. Absurdity Is Made Clear. The recent statements of Statistician Mulhall. in which he shows that the prai rie States are the mo t prosperous spot upon the face of the earth , make clear the absurdity of' the effort which was made by the silver orators last year to induce the people of that section to adopt cheap further prosperity. money as a basis of Threats Not Carried Out. It is not observed that the countries which were making that terrific protest agaiust our new tariff three mouths ago are putting any of their implied threats into execution. They know now what they knew then , that the balance of trade was in their favor , and that they could not afford to carry out any of their threats. . Had to Have nn Issue. People who are surprised that the three auti-Republican couveutions in Nebraska decided to again advocate free silver should remember that they had to have something for an issue. Of course the Democratic tariff theory was too unpopu lar to trot out again , as also the other di lapidated fads of the Democracy. . n i iiiiw miU'l > iwh"jjj ; j ' ' * i " ' . . - . - - - - - - _ ' r r j u. " " " i - ' " " " " * " " - ll a TrTTTT-nr 1 . .ti I | | Mi i l l i " [ j I BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. Bureau of Engraving and Printing , situated at the corner of I ! and Fourteenth streets southwest. Is 200 feet THE , 135 feet wide and constructed of pressed brick , fireproof throughout , only doors and window frames being of wood. The north facade facing the city comprises a basement and three stories surmounted by an artistic cornice , broken by three pavilions at the northeast rising into a belfry tower 13(1 feet high. The south facade overlooking the Po tomac river is broken by several chimneys of architectural designs. The west carries off the fumes of the hardening rooms and is built of massive walls to resfst the action of the fumes of the acids used in hardening the plates. The elevator towers are of beautiful designs. The stack from the boiler rooms in the rear is 100 feet high. The plate vault containing all the engraved plates of the Government is guarded day and night by trusted watchmen. All greenbacks , silver cer tificates and bonds issued direct by the Government are printed here. SOUTHERNS CONTROL. Criuisins Northern Mudsills Not In Management of the Party. Senator Jones of Arkansas , the boss of the Democratic party , appears to be a ready letter writer. He recently sent one to the Democratic State Committee of New York , in which he declared it would be "impolitic" to indorse the Chicago plat form. But ho has written other letters. For instance , one was produced yester day in which he urged an entirely differ ent policy from that he advocated on Wednesday. The letter in question was written to James O'Brien , formerly sheriff of New York , aud in it Mr. Jones said : I sincerely hope that genuine and loval Democrats get control of the organization in your State. It occurs to me that it would be wise for a State convention to be assem bled next fall for the purpose of making the one nomination needed and to organize the machinery of the party ; hut o ? course I have no connection with your State organization and don't know just what would be proper for mo to say or do in that connection , or whether I should sny anything at all. The result of this veering around is I that the Bryanites are incensed with Jones and are saying ugly things about him. Nevertheless Jones is the boss of the party , and feels that it is within his province to go around with the wind and generally do as he pleases. For Jones is from the South , and the South is in the Democratic saddle , and as faithful and subservient creatures of the South , the Democrats of New York obey his orders. As "The Journal" repeatedly has dcclar- % iv5M are rtMftS t0 SCe history repeat ing tool of wf9wth. In his spec-clfN iT * fair grounds recently. Senator Tillman de clared that this condition of affairs must be brought about , and the dexterous speed | Committee Democratic State shown by the mittee inobeying Mr. Jones ' instructions proves that the Democracy of New York , national leaders decadence of iu spite of the ers , is prepared to resume its old position , and call of the and to come at the beck South. Albany Journal. Not Controlled by Silver. Russia ' s exports of grain , according to amounted to only the latest advices , have about 05 per cent this year of those of 18 % , the total of till kinds of grain .amounting to 143,000,000 bushels during Ihe first eight months of the present year. When there is added to this fact the ex treme shortage in the crops of this year , that Russia will do little if it is apparent anv exporting and supplying the markets India. Australia of the world , to which and Argentina will contribute little , if anything , thus leaving the United States ! + i.A oi.tor fond suimly of those sections 11HJ V..ill * . . - . . . outside their own territory which have to go tory for grain. This accounts for the ad vance in the price of wheat , and sustains the claim of the Republicans in the last fall campaign that the prices of wheat de pend upon supply and demand , and are not controlled by or related to the use of silver. Straws from the Pos office. The records of the New York postoffice show that nearly ten thousand more do mestic money orders were paid at the general office in the first two weeks of August this year than in the same time last year. These money orders have , without doubt , in most cases been sent to pay for goods ordered from New York merchants by persons living elsewhere. This means that nearly ten thousand people ple who were not buying goods from New York dealers in August last year are buy- ing this year. Straws show wnicn way the wind blows , and this is one of the straws which mark the coming of what which will promises to be a hurricane sweep the country into such prosperity as will give the devoted band of free .traders bad dreams for many a day. "Why They're Paying Mortgages. It seems now that it is the poor farmers who are being "intimidated. " Last fall the Popocrats assumed that the workingmen - professing friendship for the men were Republicans because they feared dismissal | if they did not , but the election showed for this as foundation that there was no sertion. Now Mr. Bryan says it is last year 's threat of foreclosure that is lead ing the farmers to pay off their mortgages. Failures Have Decreased. Business failures in the United States : Second week September , 1S07 109 Second week September , 1S00 315 Second week September , 1805 218 Second week September , 1894 218 Second week September , 1S93 340 Hauling Down the Silver Flag. More than local significance attaches to the refusal of the Democratic State Com mittee of New York to revive the fieo silver coinage issue for ns > in the ap- preaching State campaign. Despite the air of ingenuousness given to the commit tee's discovery that it was clearly with out authority to write a party platform , its failure to express last Wednesday even the smallest opinion on public questions bears all the earmarks of deliberate and studied policy. Moreover , the plausible excuses for dodging a reaffirmation of the Chicago platform so obligingly furnished to Senator Murphy by Chairman Jones of the Democratic National Committee fail wholly to obscure the main fact that the I Democratic organisation in the foremost State of the Union practically hauled down the silver flag when , by a policy of inaction and silence , it committed itself to conducting a State campaign on lines which virtually ignore the declarations .ac cepted a year ago as Democratic faith by the national convention at Chicago. "PROVIDED" " " AND "IF. Stand in the Way of that Silver and Bank of England Story. What the Bank of England proposes to do about silver was formally and authori tatively stated yesterday at the semiannual nual meeting of the bank by the Governor , who read a letter he had written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer , stating , in substance , that the bank was prepared to do what it was permitted to do by the bank act of 1844 , that is , to carry one- fifth of the reserve against its notes in silver , provided , however , that the French mint is again opened to the free coinage of silver "and that the price at which sil ver is procmjablo and salable is satisfac- 4tij | iflmri2" : rtaf . that M it Aad affWl t lTs l j missible under the act of 1S44 ; o e coii-i ditions he stated. This is some slight en couragement to bimetallists. but not' enough to excite them.Louisville Com mercial. The Silver Missionaries. Senators Cannon and Pettigrew are in "Japan , where they propose to interview the emperor on the silver question. Pos- siblv thev think the emper r has not beard of the fall in silver , or if he has , that he -will be unable to resist their wonderful eloquence , and so will immediately coun termand all orders looking to the estab lishment of the gold standard in his do minions. The manner in which these silver apostles tles are wandering around the world seek ing to gain some support would be pitiful if it were not for the fact mo.t of them are greatly interested in mining and are- seeking to foist a depreciated metal upon the world , in order that they n/iy Profit personally. Pettigrew and Mantle. Nobodv has called attention to any great anxiety on the part of the public to know the result of the interview of Senators Pettigrew and Mantle with the .Mikado of Japan on the true cause of the demoneti zation of silver. The fact is. overybotly except Pettigrew and Mantle underwood all about it before they left , or if they did not thev could easily have learned it by an examination of the ollicial report ot the director of our mint , which s-liow * that the Japanese silver yen. which m ISSi was worth 75.3 cents , had. by July. l- < . dropped to47.S , while the gold yen had , the prices fl not changed a particle the same , JJ. < . and 1S97 being precisely Iowa Democracy and Gov. Boies. The Democratic party in Iowa is not of the other content to lose the alliance anti-Republicans of the State , but by its latest move it has ostracized the Boies venerable "Lncie uorac element. The the adoption of the saw fit to advocate commercial ratio between gold and silver , , instead of thereon and base free coinage it I hereupon 1G to 1. He insisted upon ; upon the leaders ordered him to the rear. He is no longer allowed to go to and fro up and down the State preaching the gospel -Cbicago pel of free coinage at 30 to Inter Ocean. Making Our Own Tin Plate. The free trade theorists are not hunting up just now their a&sertions made when the McKiolcy law was enacted , that no amount of protection would enable the United States to make its own tin plate. Not only is the bulk of our tin plate now being manufactured at home as a result of that protection thus given , but our manufacturers of that article are actually invading foreign markets. Sick of His Own Medicine. The Ohio-man-afraid-of-his-platform is now presenting a curious spectacle. Two' months ago he crammed free silver , and free silver only , down the throat of the Democratic party , and now be is as sick of the dose as were the other people. But j he ran 't get rid of it now. lie has nuulo' ' Uih bed. he must lie in it. BRYAN REVERSES HIMSELF. Impertinence and EfTrontcry that Would Shame a Street Fakir. A year ago W. J. Bryan was traveling back and forth across the American con tinent declaring that the law of supply and demand had nothing whatever to do with the prices of American products , and that the only hope for advancement out of the condition of industrial prostration was through the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Now he is campaigning among the same people with the unreserved declara tion that government policies , legislation , financial systems , etc. , have nothing what ever to do with the price of products , but that they are governed solely by the law of supply and demand. It would not be so bad if Mr. Bryan re mained content with reversing himself. But with an impertinence and effrontery that would make a patent medicine fakir ashamed of himself he proceeds to reverse all of the American people who did not agree with his highpopalorum theory of a year ago. Everywhere and upon all de rations the Republicans insisted during the campaign of 1890 that the price of products was governed by the law of sup ply and demand. Now Mr. Bryan is striv ing to make it appear that the Republi cans have abandoned their contention of a year ago and are claiming that the ad vance in the price of wheat and corn is solely due to Republican legislation and not to the operations of the law of supply and demand. This is false and Mr. Bryan knows it is false. Because he has come over on to Republican ground is no rea- 5tSR5 and. Pijff * * • | - * / JLJm Under protection , when business turivT * and confidence reigns , men do not wait long to compete with , ami break down , a trust which charges exorbitant prices. Under free trade , when business is para lyzed and confidence blasted , men do not enterprises , and put their money into new consequently those who are already estab lished in any business have things all with what business is left their own way to them. They have no fear of competing rivals to kill their trade when the demand is light. The cotton tie trust acted on this knowledge , and the result was $1.35 per bundle for ties which they are willing to bundle. It is sell to-day for 70 cents per time for the free traders to drop their cry that a protective tariff fosters trusts ; not because the facts are against them reason for a free trader that is never any to drop a charge but because the facts are getting too well known to let the liege go longer undetected by the people at large. . A Marked Contrast. What a marked contrast exists between conditions in the United States to-day and those of tfco corresponding period of Presi dent Cleveland's la.st term. Four years ago. with a low tariff staring the manu facturers of the country in the face , busi ness was going to everlasting smash , banks breaking , railroads going into the bands of receivers , factories closing , and workingmen thrown out of employment . Now hundreds by the hundreds of thousands. dreds of thousands of workingmen are finding additional employment , railroads are ordering thousands of new cars to meet the demand upon them for trans portation of manufactures , mechandise and grain , the banks report larger deposits and larger clearings than in many years , and instead of silent factories , there are clouds of smoke and the hum. of husy wheels everywhere. The Shipping Question. Shipping is the one industry that Eng land protects ; shipping is the one indus try that the United States does not pro tect. Last year the total tonnage of new vessels launched by Great Britain was over a million tons : the total tonnage of new vessels launched by the United States was less than one-fifth of that of Great Britain. No wonder England is mistress of the seas. It certainly is high time for us to take a lesson from England and tel l -otect our merchant marine , and so dis pute with England her control of the carrying trade of the world , as we are already beginning to dispute her suprem acy in the markets of the world in the sale of manufactured products. Protection in the South. The growth of protective sentiment in the South , shown by the election of Sen ator McLaurin in South Carolina , " is no surprise to those who have studied the situation in that section. The New York Sun , whose editors scan the political horizon zen pretty closely , in a recent article points out the growth of Republicanism in that section , and says it : .s to be an im portant field for the partv in future. ; ONLY A MINUTE. H It Oocnn't Take Long to Kenil thcuo H [ Advices from .Mexico show that stntes- men there urc urging utepa looking to the 1 adoption of the gold standard. M Mr. Bryan Is so busy studying Spanhdt H that ho has not had time to explain the advance iu the price of wheat. H . Ex-Candidate Bryan , in an article in the H New York World , auys : "Those who favored free coinage may be wrong. " Can it be possible , Mr. BryanV H The advance in the price of wool aud H sheep will soon bring back to the farmers H the 75 million dollars loss in the value of H sheep which befell them under the Wilson H The more the coal strike is studied the M more apparent it becomes that the mint- H tion in coal tariff by the Wilson law it H responsible for the low wages which cans- H If anybody croaks about the light receipts - H ceipts iu the first mouth of the Ding ! > H law , remind him of the enormous import. ! H lions of the mouths which preceded IU eu- H Did Mr. Bryan demand that $1,50(1 he H Is to get for his Ohio speech in "gold com H of present standard weight' and finoneW ? J H That is the habit of bis masters ; why not H Bryan. M The farmers are too busy to listen to H free silver speeches now. That species of H pastime may do for free trade times like H those of the past three years , but not no- H der protection. H It now takes two ounces of line silver H to pay tor a bushel of wheat. One year H ago one ounce of silver was equivalent m H the markets or the world to just about one H bushel of wheat. H " " H "Comrade Mclvinley" was cordially greeted by the old soldiers at Buffalo. He H is the first President who served in the H ranks as a private soldier aud will probably - H bly be the only one. H Why don't Professor Debs and bis as- H soeiates call on the fminers of the Wilson - H son law to help out the minors ? It wan H dearly the reduction of the tariff that H caused the ieduction in the miners' wages. H Oh , by the way , have the Ohio and Iowa H and Maryland and Kentucky and Nebraska - H braska and New Jersey and New York H Democrat * forgotten about the tariff ? H They seem to be strangely silent ou the H Advices from abroad show that the foreign - H eign rye crop is as badly off as the wheat H crop , and as rye is largely used for bread H in European countries , this development M indicates a still greater demand for Amer- | | wheat. M The calamity shriekers of last year have H not told the farmers yet how it is that | wool and wheat have advanced 50 per H cent in price since their s.hrieKs of last H year while silver has meantime industri- H ousiy fallen 25 per cent. M The British goldbugs again have the | H American farmer by the throat. This time H it is in the shape of 450,000 English sovereigns - H ereigns , or over $2,000,000 coming into H San Francisco from Australia in exchange - H change for American wheat. H With an increase of 50 per cent iu the value of wheat in the past year , and a fall H of 25 per cent in the value of silver meantime - time , the gentlemen who were exploiting the wheat and silver theory last year are j now seeking for new occupation. j Professor Wilson does not seem to 1m J much in demand as a campaign orator 1 among the Democrats this year. His 1 name is a little too suggestive of the r < - m cent bitter experiences of the working- njpu and farmers of this country. , „ fl popular wilti ltRpeopteffTtu4- | , Erqfi tu # W developmei f Urn One remarkable opening months or the new ta/iff law i * | gratification with which it i * 1 the general accepted irr.-pe.live of party. Kven tin- 1 Democrats ate omitting the usual tallc 3 . under the new- about increase in pri.es law. "Because it i * my deliberate judgment of America is mainly > that the prosperity laws. I of protective dueto its swem that Geimany has now reached the urge nectary to imitate the point where it is tariff system of tin * United Mates. Bismarck. With several shiplo.ul * of god ! _ coming In at the western ports rrom Klondike , other * from Australia , and many more coming in at tJie East , in p.tyment for their golden grain , tin * rarmers are not spending much time INien ' ng to free silver . speeches this fall. of despairing statesmen That little groupof men who s-iilcd f'-r Japan some weeks ago in search or the true racts with refer ence to the demonetization of silver by favored Un that country have not yet people of the United State * with the re sult of their Investigation. I The continual fall iu the v ilue of silver J is causing great distress ar.-rg the laboring - j ing peopleMexico. . Tin * dollar in which I they are paid is now worth only 10 cents , 1 and they get only alwut half as many of I them for a given amount of work as do 1 workingmen : in the United States. I The calamity orators are iu trouble I again. The recent statement of the condition - dition of the national hanks < if the Unitiil States shows the individual deiwsits to be the largest in their history , amounting to the enormous sum of ? 1,770.4S0.53 ( > . If H this is McKiuIcy calamity. let's have more of it. B "Blessed is the country whose soldiers H fight for it and are willing to give the best they have , the best that any man has. H their own lives , to pre ene it. because jH they love it. Such an arniv the United H States has always commanded in all her jH history. " President McKinley at ButH Get Good Money for Wheat. H The farmers are now getting just two. H and a half times as much for wheat as Jlr. 9 Bryan and his followers promised them iC fl they adopted free coinage. They promised H ised $1 per bushel for wheat in silver dol- lars. and admitted that they didn't know H what the silver coins wonld be worth , I They are now worth 40 cents under free- coinage , while the farmer * are getting two ami a half times that in good Aratftticau. I 100-cent dollars. Exchange. Not a Safe Money Metal. mm A fall of 20 vr cent iu value ia.a money MMm metal in ten juonths'would svem to warSt J taut the belief that it is uot xery safe as * .fl a money metal. Yet that U just the fall ! in the value of silver since last November , fl It was worth Cm1/ * cents per ounce in New York on Nov. : ! . 1S00X a.u . .d is worth only H 51 cents to-day. H