R INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. , CHAPTER VII. . pg ra R. LORRAINE was ' ' rjLfrWl / \ U0W l011S PaSt th0 ' 0MltMM sreat cliraateric , y Mlr anl brcaclnS , fastJ m jyv [ * * * * il lnleea" . so infirm rMf had he uecome that % W lsS > b lie had more than > * r y fliisc once thought of re- \//mk " tiring from the MM ministry altogeth- "V * er. Though hfs hody was frail , however , his intellect was as bright as -ever , and when Marjorlc entered the study ho was busily engaged in read ing one of his favorite books. Ho looked up witli his kindly smile as his foster-daughter appeared. "Is it you , my bairn ? " he said , as he came over and kissed her. "Wel come home again ! Though you have been scarcely a week away , I have missed you sorely , and have been counting the days till your return. " For some months past , I should now explain , Marjorie had been accustomed * to stay at a ladies' school in the neigh boring town from Monday till Friday of every week , returning each Friday k afternoon , and remaining till the fol lowing Monday. This arrangement had been found necessary , as it was im possible for the girl to complete her simple education at home , and as the distance was too great for her to go to an-1 fro daily without inconvenience. "And what news have you got from the town ? " continued the minister , as Marjorie , holding his hand in hers , sank into a chair at his side. "How is Miss Carruthers ? and how do you get aloag with your studies ? " "Miss Carruthers sends her compli ments , and as she is called away to I Edinburgh to see her sick sister I am to bklo at home for a week. A whole week , Mr. Lorraine , and in May-time ! Oh , I am so glad ! " "So am I , my bairn , " said the min ister , "A week's rest will do me good , too , I hope , for I have been far from well since you went away. I had one of my old attacks on Tuesday , and have been obliged to keep in the house. " "You will be better now , " said Mar jorie. "I will nurse you ! " "Ay , ay ; and the sight of your face and the sound of your voice will do me more good than the doctor. By the way , my bairn , I had one here today inquiring after you , and she will be here again this evening. " "I know ! Miss Hetherington , of the Castle ? " "Yes , Miss Hetherington. It is r.trange , my bairn , how much interest the good lady takes in you she who cares so little for any other living thing ; and yet , after all , it is not strange , for my Marjorie is a favorite with high and low. " The girl's face grew troubled as she answered : "I hope , Mr. Lorraine , she won't bo anking me up to the Castle ; I feel so lonely there , and she she frightens me sometimes ! She has such strange Avays , and the house is an awfui place. " "Well , well , you must be careful not to offend her , for she is a true friend. " "I know she is very rich and good , too. , but for all that I cannot bear to be alone in her company. I wonder why she likes to have me ! She sits in her arm-chair looking at me for hours to gether , till sometimes I feel as if I could scream out and run away ! " "She is a strange woman , " said the minister , thoughtfully ; "but you have i , ) " ' no reason to fear her. She takes a " \ ' * great interest in you , and in all that • , , concerns you. " j / , "I know that , but " r } t "Her eccentricities are only put on , V I think , to conceal a heart that is truly , " kindly. You must try to humor her , V _ _ my bairn. Not that I would have you % v shape your conduct toward her by any J& sordid hope of future gain ; no , no , gg ' that would be unworthy ; but it is well , M \ after all to have so powerful a friend , HI - - V 3 should anything happen to me. " iJSmK % - - "Oh , don't speak like that ! " ex- fHfP % 5 ? claimed Marjorie , her eyes filling with HH - & N ? tears. "I cannot bear it. " W&k j § ' Solomon here interrupted the con- . HR " * ; * J"vcrsation by bringing in the tea. lEpK : * fb Marjorie took off her hat and shawl , H * - / and , sitting at the table , began to pour m l4 & out th * tea' while Mr * Lorraine , forget- jm' " 3 $ ' tins his recent train o thought , ques- Sf tioned her anew about her doings in If the town. Thus far they chatted cheer- it * fully together and shared the simple s n meal. E "And how about the French , MarI - I ' " Mr. Lorraine , jorie ? asked presently. * L "Aro you coming on ? " J ' "Very slowly , " was her reply. "I M- , : find it hard to pronounce , and the verbs I" „ ' , . are a dreadful trouble and the gen- | < . v " l ders. It's so hard to tell whether a , > - . thing is masculine or feminine , and I \ ' : ' * " ' wonder how the French folks them es , v * .selves can tell. I'm afraid I'll never V ' \ > learn the French rightly. " i ' - " I 'T could never master it myself , Mg J J * - though , after all , maybe , I never fairly e • -Q- * tried ; it's " a queer kind of tongue , like r.y " the chirping of birds , I'm thinking. | , * - "What like is your teacher ? " .V ' "Monsieur Caussidiere ? A handsome s"y gentleman , with black hair and black * > . - -eyes. * * "A young man , Marjorie ? " I J- "Not old , but very grave and sad as : if he had had much trouble ; and I # think ho has , for ho is an exile and cannot return to his native land. " "Has he not other scholars ? " he asked quietly. "Only myself out of our school. I go to his house for my lesson every afternoon. And he Is very , very kind ! He would scarcely take the fees. He said " But here Marjorie paused and blush ed , for she suddenly remembered Caussidiero's words and ardent looks of admiration. "Well , what did he say ? " "He said he was ashamed to take money for teaching , and then then talked about France , and how he longed to return , and how sad it was to be an exile. That was all ! " Mr. Lorraine did not question any further , but seemed plunged in thought. "By the way , Marjorie , " he said , after a pause , "you know that your school fees are paid by Miss Hetherington ? " Marjorie nodded. "It was her wish that you should he taught French. For my own part , I never thought much of either the lan guage or the people , but that may be my prejudice. Miss Hetherington thinks that every young lady should learn French. Curious , the interest she takes in you ! " There was a noise at the front door , a sound of feet in the lobby. Solomon entered abruptly. "She's outside , " he said. "Will I bring her in ? " "Who is outside , Solomon , ray man ? " "Wha but Mistress Hetherington , frae the Castle. The carriage is at the door , and she's wrangling wi' the driver. " Mr. Lorraine rose feebly from his • chair , while Marjorie nervously put down her cup and saucer and prepared to receive the visitor. "This way , mem ! " said Solomon ; and immediately there entered the room a woman of middle height , with snow- white hair , leaning upon a staff or hand-crutch. She had black piercing eyes , a com plexion like alabaster , and her front teeth projected slightly over her under lip. Though she had the air of an old woman and walked with' stoop , nor face had scarcely a wrinkle , and her voice was deep and powerful. Marjorie sprang up and stood , trem bling. Without a word , Miss Hether ington crossed the room and looked fixedly in the young girl's face. "Weel , Marjorie Annan ? " she said in a strong Scotch accent. "How how do you do , Miss Hether ington V\ "As you see well enough not to complain. Stand still and lot me look at ye ! There , you may kiss me if you ' like ! " Marjorie "did not like-but she bent forward and touched the lady's frosty cheek. "Did ye come doon in the wagon ette ? Nae need to answer , for I ken , and I ken who came along wi' ye ! What's this between you and Johnnie Sutherland ? " Had a bomb exploded under her Teet , Marjorie could not have shown more consternation. She stammered , and blushed , and cast an appealing glance at Mr. Lorraine. "How's &is , Marjorie ? " he said , gently. ! 'You'did not tell me that Johnnie had come back. " "I'll swear she didna , " exclaimed Miss Hetherington , with a low , harsh laugh. "See hoe she blushes ! The lad and she had a tryste in Dumfries , and came down together. " Here Solomon , who stood at the room door looking on , thought it his duty to interfere. "And what then ? What if Johnnie Sutherland did convey our Marjorie hame ? There's nae hairm in that , I'm thinking. " "Hold you tongue , Solomon Muckle- backit , " said Miss Hetherington , with a sharp rap of "her crutch upon the ground. "Mind your own business ! " "It is my business , " retorted Solo mon , doggedly. "Marjorie , dinna heed her ! " "Solomon ! " cried Mr. Lorraine , with a certain authority. "Weel ? " "Be good enough to leave the room. " The old man uttered a low snort of defiance , but immediately obeyed. Miss Hetherington took a chair close to the fireplace , and sat in it , leaning heavily on her crutch. "Nae fool like an old fool ! " she mut tered , ieoking at Mr. Lorraine , but ie- ferring to the refractory sexton. "Be tween the twa o' ye , you're spoiling Marjorie Annan altogether. " "I hope not , " returned the minister mildly , resuming his own seat. "After all , too , Solomon is quite right. John nie and Marjorie are old friends. " "All the parish kens that , " said the lady of the Castle. "Come here , Mar jorie , and dinna be feared I'll no eat you ! Look me in the face ! Are you and Johnnie courting ? " Marjorie " s face was scarlet , and she trembled violently. "Oh , Miss Hetherington , " she cried , "what do you mean ? " And she held out her hand to Mr. Lorraine , as if beseeching him to take her part , "Really , Miss Hetherington , " he said , "MarjcrJc is a child , and I am sure such nonsense as you speak of has never ( entered her head. " "Nonsense , is it ? " retorted the lady , mmmmmakmmmammtmmamimmtmmmmmmtmm with the same low , harah laugh as be fore. "Weel , it's the nonsense to which a' folk come early or late , gentle and simple , and trust me to ken bet ter than eithar you or that idiot Solo mon what young lasses are made oDe \ Do you think Marjorie Annan's made of stane or aim , and doesna ken a fair favored lad from a rowan tree or a milk coo ? " "I think she is too young for lovemaking - making , " , , returned the minister. "Then you think wrang ; it's never o'er early for a lassie to begin. As for Johnnie , I'll no say but what he's a decent lad and a modest , and he has talent as weel , the rogue , heaps o * tal ent , though he's only a weaver's son eh , Marjorie. has he no ? " And as she looked at Marjorie there was no anger in her stern black eyes ; rather a sort of grim-humored sym pathy. Seeing his foster-child's con fusion , Mr. Lorraine attempted to give the conversation another turn. "If young Sutherland has developed natural gifts he has you to thank for the opportunity. We all know how kind you have been to him. " "Because I bought two o' his pic tures , " she retorted , with her charac teristic and disagreeable laugh. "I gave fifty pound apiece for them , the more fool I. One was a view o' the Castle frae the south , wi' a cuddie eating thistles in the foreground a cuddie as big as a hippopotamus ; and the other was Marjorie hersel , ' wi' her lap full o' wild flowers , sitting by the side o * Annan water , and about as like her , by that token , as it was like Solomon Mucklebackit. " "We always considered it an excel lent likenesB , " said Mr. Lorraine , good- humoredly. "So it was , " cried Marjorie impul sively ; "everybody said so. " "And what everybody said must be true ? " demanded the lady , with a sneer. "Weel , likeness or no likeness , the lad has talent , as I said ; and if he work3 hard , , maybe he'll be able some fine day to paint a picture. So much for John nie Sutherland. Now we'll come to the business -which brought me doon. 1 want Marjorie to come to me tomor row and spend the day. " The very proposal which Marjorie dreaded ! She opened her lips to give a trembling refusal , to frame some awkward excuse , but before she could say a word Miss Hetherington con tinued with decision : "I'll be expecting her early , say at ten. She can walk the distance , unless she's o'er idle ; in that case , I'll send the carriage to fetch her. " "I am very sorry , " stammered Mar jorie , "but tommorrow " She paused , and glanced in supplica tion at her foster-father. "The fact is , " said Mr. Lorraine , "we had made other arrangements for to morrow. Some other day , maybe. " Miss Hetherington's eyes flashed , and her crutch was sharply struck upon the floor. "Tomorrow and no other day will suit me. I hae something to say to hei that wiil na keep. Do you hear that , Marjorie ? " "Yes , " answered Marjorie timidly ; "but I have only just come home , and I would rather " "Come or stay , " she exclaimed. "Please yoursel' , Marjorie Annan ; but if you stay at home the morn , you'll wait lang for another invita- tipn. " Eager not to give offense , Mr. Lor raine now interposed. "If you wish it , Marjorie shall come ' "Very well , " said Miss Hetheringt/ sharply ; then , turning to the girl , s'ie added : "Will you walk , or shall i send the carriage ? " "I I will walk , " returned Marjorie timidly , with the air of one doomed to condign punishment. "Then I'll expect you at ten , and nae later. Now , gie me your arm to ths carriage. " Marjorie obeyed , and with a short "God-day" to the minister , Miss Heth erington left the room. ( to be continued. ) Napoleon's Jonrncy to Elba. That the wrath of his subjects com pelled the great Napoleon to play a very undignified part when he traveled from Fontainebleau to Elba in 1814 is known to all readers of history. The full details , however , of that wretched journey have only just been revealed by the publication of Count Paul Schou- valoff's original reports to Count Nes- selrode. From Lyons onward the tem per of the population grew more and more violent. At Orgon a gibbet had been prepared and the little escort had much difficulty in robbing it of so illustrious a victim. A few miles further Napoleon , becoming alarmed , donned the blue uniform and white cockade of one of the outriders , whom he induced to fill his place in the car riage. Thus attired he reached Aix at. full gallop. Then the innkeeper's wife , ignorant of his identity , cried , "So Na poleon is coming ! They had much bet ter kill him at once. As soon as they get him on the sea they will certainly drown him. " After hearing these words the emperor assumed the name of Lord Burghersh , but next morning borrowed the uniform of an Austrian general , and instead of occupying his own carriage drove behind it in a hum ble caliche as a member of the foreign suite. Those Unnecessary < > uestions. He had lost control of his wheel and the wheel left him to his fate. He rose in the air and then pitched upon the dusty road , gathering great quan-j titles of dirt and accumulating achea | and bruises. A few moments after-j ward a sympathetic countryman came' along. "Had a fall , eh ? " "No. " "Ye didn't ? Then what's happened ? " "i climbed a tree to look at the scenery. How are crops and what are you charg- * irig a dozen for Franco-German pota' ; toes ? ' Judge. " i i n * ' * x TALMAGE'S3 SEEMON. " "CORN HUSKING TIME , " SUN DAY'S SUBJECT. 1'rom the I'ollowlne : Text ; .rob , rhaptcr V „ Vituo JJO : "As u Shock ut Cora Cometh In In Ills ScitKon. " The Ilur- vc t IValtlnjr for the Lord. /tg OING at the rate of EWti \ lf forty mlles < -he hour p3 V2 } ) a few clays ago I Sf C bjs _ _ _ J' caught this sermon. &h-n $ % * 0 lf y ° u liave I'ecent- ly been in the fields | * of Pennsylvania , or Nev Jersey or New > st y * w Is fcwk York , or New Eng- $ * land , or any of the * ® districts country , you know that corn is nearly all cut. The sharp knife struck through the stalks and left them all along the fields until a man came with a bundle of straw and twisted a few of these wisps of straw into a band , and then gathering up as much of the corn as he could compass with his arms , he bound it with this wisp of straw , and then stood it in the field in what is called a shock. It is estimated that there are now several billion bushels of corn standing in the shock , waiting to be husked. Sometime during the latter part pf next month , the farmers will gather , one day on one farm , another day on another farm , and they will put on their rough husking apron , and they will take the husking peg , which is a piece of iron with a leather loop fastened to the hand , and with it unsheath the corn from the husk and toss it into the golden heap. Then the wagons will come along and take it to the corn crib. crib.How How vividly to all those of us who were born in the country comes the re membrance of husking time. We wait ed for it as for a ' gala day in the year. It was called a frolic. The trees hav ing for the most part shed their foliage , the farmers waded through the fallen leaves and came through the keen morning air to the gleeful company. The frosts which had silvered every thing during the night began to melt off of the top of the corn shocks. While the farmers Avere waiting for others , they stood blowing their breath through their fingers.or threshing their arms arounds their body to keep up warmth of circulation. Roaring mirth greeted the late farm er as he crawled over the fence. Joke and repartee and rustic salutation abounded. All ready , now ! The men take hold the shock of corn and hurl it prostrate./while the moles and mice which have secreted themselves there for warmth attempt escape. The withe of straw is unwound from the corn shock , and the stalks , heavy with the wealth of grain , are rolled into two bundles , between which the husker sits down. The husking peg is thrust in until it strikes the corn , and then the fingers rip off the sheathing of the ear , and there is a crack as the root of the corn is snapped off from the husk , and the grain , disimprisoned , is hurled up into the sunlight. The air is so tonic , the work is so very exhilarating , the company is so blithe , that some laugh , and some shout and some sing , and some banter , and some tease a neighbor for a romantic ride along the edge of the woods in an eventide , in a carriage that holds but two , and some prophesy as to the num ber of bushels to the field , and others go into competition as to which shall rifle the most corn shocks before sun down. After a while , the dinner horn sounds from the farmhouse , and the table is surrounded by a group of jolly and hungry men. From all the pantries and the cellars and the perches of fowl on the place the richest dainties come , and there is carnival and neighborhood reunion , and a scene which fills our memory , part with smiles but more with tears as we remember that the farm belongs now to other owners , and other hands gather in the fields , and many of those v/ho mingled in that merry husking scene have themselves been reaped "like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season. " There is a difference of opinion as to whether the Orientals knew anything about the corn as it stands in our fields ; but recent discoveries have found out that the Hebrew knew all about Indian maize , for there have been grains of the corn picked up out of ancient crypts and exhumed from hiding places where they were put down many centuries ago , and they have been planted in our time and have come up just such Indian maize as we raise in New York and Ohio ; so I am right when I say that my text may refer to a shock of corn just as you and I bound it , just as you and I threw it , just as you and I husked it. There may come some practical and useful and comforting lessons to all our souls , while we think of coming in at last "like a shock of corn coming in in his season. " It is high time that the King of Ter rors were thrown out of the Christian vocabulary. A vast multitude of people ple talk of death as though it were the * disaster of disasters instead of being to a good man the blessing of blessings. It is movlns out of a cold vestibule in to a warm temple. It is migrating into groves of redolence and perpetual fruitage. It is a change from bleak March to roseate June. It is a change of manaclv ' " or garlands. It is the transmut0 of the iron handcuffs of eatf' • ' incarceration into the diamond- . .ilitlets of a bridal party ; or to use the suggestion of my text , it is only husking time. It is the tearing off of the rough sheath of the body that the bright and the beautiful soul may go free. Coming in "like a shock'of corn cometh in in his season. " Christ broke up a funeral procession at the gate of Nain by making a resurrection misgjgagiflT , „ „ , _ llitii - day for a young man and his mother. And I would that I could break upyour sadness , and halt the long funeral pro cession of the world's grief by some cheering and cheerful view of the last transition. We all know that husking time was a time of frost. Frost on the fence. Frost on the stubble. Frost on the ground. Frost on the bare branches of the trees. Frost In the air. Frost on the hands of the huskers. You re member we used to hide behind the corn stacks so as to keep off the wind , but still you remember how shivering was the body and how painful was the cheek , and how benumbed were the hands. But after awhile the sun was high up.and all the frosts went out of the air , and hilarities awakened the echoes and joy from one corn shock went up , "Aha , aha ! " and was answered by joy from another corn shock , "Aha , aha ! " So we realize that the death of our friends is the nipping of many expecta tions , the freezing , the chilling , the frosting of many of our hopes. It is fat from being a south wind. It comes from the frigid north , and when they go away from us we stand benumbed in body and benumbed in mind and benumbed in soul. We stand among our dead neighbors , our dead families , and we say , "Will we ever get over it ? " Yes , wo will get over it amid the shoutings of heavenly reunion , and we will look back to all these distresses of bereavement only as the temporary distresses of husking time. "Weeping may endure for a night , but joy cometh in the morning. " "Light , and but for a moment , " said the apostle as he clapped his hands , "light , and but for a moment. " The chill of the frosts followed by the gladness that cometh in "like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season. " * * * Perhaps now this may be an answer to a question which I asked one Sab bath morning , but did not answer : Why is it that so many really good people ple have so dreadfully to suffer ? You often find a good man with enough pains and aches and distresses , you would think , to discipline a whole col ony , ! while you find a man who is per fectly useless going about with easy digestion and steady nerves and shin ing health , and his exit from the world is comparatively painless. How do you explain that ? Well , I noticed in the husking time that the husking peg was thrust into the corn and then there must be a stout pull before the swath ing was taken off of the ear , and the full , round , healthy , luxuriant corn was developed ; while on the other hand there was corn that hardly seemed worth husking. We threw that into a place all by itself and we called it "nubbins. " Some of it was mildewed , and some of it was mice nibbled , and some of it was great promise and no fulfilment. All cobs and no corn. Nubbins ! After the good corn had been driven up to the barn we came around with the corn basket and we picked up these nub bins. They were worth saving , but not worth much. So all around us there are people who amount to noth ing. They develop into no kind of use fulness. They are nibbled on one side by the world , and nibbled on the other side by the devil , and mildewed all over. Great promise and no fulfilment. All cobs and no corn. Nubbins. They are worth saving. I suppose many of them will get to heaven , but they are not worthy to be mentioned in the same day with those ' who went through great tribulation into the king dom of our God. Who would not rath er have the pains of this life , the mis fortunes of this life who would not rather be torn , and wounded , and la cerated , and wrenched , and husked and at last go in amid the very best grain of the granary , than to be pronounced not worth husking at all ? Nubbins ! In other words , I want to say to you people who have distress of body , and distress in business and distress of all sorts , the Lord has not any grudge against you. It is not derogatory , it is complimentary. "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneih , " and it is proof positive that there is something valua ble in you , or the Lord would not have husked you. Now.in heaven all their offensiveness has been husked off. Each one is as happy as he can be. Every one he meets as happy as he can be. Heaven one great neighborhood reunion. All kings and queens , all songsters , all millionaires , all banqueters. God , the Father , with his children all around him. No "good by" in all the air. No grave cut in all the hills. River of crystal rolling over bed of pearl , un der arch of chrysoprasus , into the sea of glass mingled with fire. Stand at tne gate of the granary and see the grain come in ; out of the frosts into the sunshine , out of the darkness into the light , out of the tearing and the ripping and the twisting and the wrenching and the lacerating and the husking time of earth into the wide open door of the king's granary , "like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season. " Yes , heaven , a great sociable , with joy like the joy of the husking time. No one there feeling so big he declines to speak to some one who is not so large. Archangel willing to listen to smallest cherub. No bolting of the door of caste at one heavenly mansion to keep out the citizen of a smaller mansion. No clique in one corner , whispering about a clique in another corner. David taking none of the airs of a giant killer. Joshua making no one halt until he passes , because he made the sun and moon halt. Paul making no assumptions over the most ordinary preacher of righteousness. Naaman , captain of the Syrian host , no more honored than the captive maid who told him where he should get a good doctor. 0 ! my soul , what a country ! The humblest man a king. The poorest woman a queen. The meanest house a palace. The shortest • Ufa time eternity. And what la moro \ | strange about It all Is , wo may all get J \ there. "Not I , " says some one. stand- f j Ing back under the galleries. Yes.you. ; j "Not I , " says some one who has not ' f been in church In fifteen years before. | Yes , you. "Not I , " saya some one who j I has been for fifty years filling up his | life with all kinds of wickedness. Yes , | you. M There are monopolies on earth , monopolistic - 1 opolistic railroads and monopolistic tel"m egraph companies , and monopolistic m grain dealers , but no monopoly In rellg- * JH ion. All who want to ho saved may ra be saved , "without money ami without | price. " Salvation by the Lord Jesus M Christ for all the people. Of course , W use common sense in this matter. You 1 cannot expect to get to Charleston by M , taking ship for Portland , and you can W not expect to get to heaven by going In } ER an opposite direction. Believe In the Wi Lord Jesus Christ and thou Bhalt bo MBj saved. Through that one gate o Ml pardon and peace all the race may go PI "But , " says some one , "do you really KI think I would bo at homo in that suftl pernal society if I should reach It ? " jSjfl I think you would. I know you would. ff fl I remember that in the husking time 91 there was a great equality of feeling II among the neighbors. There at ono Jffl corn shock a farmer would bo at work l who owned two hundred acres of Ml ground. The man. whom ho was talk'l : ing with at the next corn pfl shock owned but thirty acres of II ground , and perhaps all covered by a | 1 | mortgage. That evening , at the close ff | of the husking day , one man drove m [ | home a roan span , so frisky , so full of jf H life , they got their feet over the traces. | | The other man walked home. Great X | difference in education , great difference I H in worldly means ; but I noticed at the ft l husking time they all seemed to enjoy Pj H each other's society. They did not ask l | any man how much property he owned fii l or what his education had been. They H | all seemed to be happy together in H l these good times. fl l And so it will be in heaven. Our S | Father will gather his children around | | him , and the neighbors will come in , P l and the past will be rehearsed. And l l some one will tell of victory , and we I H will all celebrate it. And some one | | will tell of great struggle , and we will f | all praise the grace that fetched him l | out of it. And some one will say , | "Here is my old father , that I put away f | with heartbreak. Just lock at him , he § | is as young as any of us. " And some' ' i H one will say , "Here is my darling child j f | that I buried in Greenwood , and all thd I H after years of my life were shadowed f | with desolation. Just look at herj f H She doesn't seem as If she had beeij f | sick a minute. " Great sociality. Grea' f | neighborhood kindness. J f l What though John Milton sit dow | f | on one side , and John Howard sit dow ! | on the other side. No embarrassmen' l l What though Charlotte Elizabeth si l M down on one side , and Hannah Mor j H sit down on the other side ? No embai , | rassment. A monarch yourself , wh | be embarrassed among monarchs ? M songster yourself , why be embarrassc H amid glorified songsters ? Go in ac | RAISES MINT. f l This Is the Queer Business or a Worn. , * | Michigan. H Buffalo Express : A little woman ' H | in Michigan carries on a very remunc J | ative business raising mint. She / l Mrs. Mary Weber , and she inherit Hj the business from her father. Some | the mint is raised in hot beds , a | these are the objects of constant c ; | by the family , which consists of t H widow and a grown-up son and dauj | ter of 1G years. The profitable-seas | is between the months of May and < | tober , and June , the best month of | | | The mint roots are set out in May , t M the proprietress time is given to tbT H from that date until late in the | tumn. She clips and bunches the n H | in the afternoon and evening , and | morning is given to sales. She dry M to the leading hotels and'makes D sales herself. It is not necessary to | licit custom. Most of it has been H herited with the mint bed. The : H who patronized her father give t | patronage to the daughter. She is | without competitors , but they are | of the male sex and are not as gal | as might be expected. Mrs. We | like the wise business woman sh | refuses to say how much the pr < | bed yields , but safe to say HH she keeps the big house "going , " < H puts aside the desired sum in prov B for a "rainy day. " She has suppla M her income by dealing in lemo H Every summer she drive | to the country for a radius tn j l miles in search of rye straw thai j l serve that purpose. she find. M kind she desires she buys ir | field. But she is very hard to r | B in the matter of the quality of H and has finally settled to H patronage farmer named | Jack , who has a yearly contract | | her. Womanlike , she cannot tell | is most desirable in the straw , bi f "knows when she sees and zt M sufficient. Gibbon In H Edward Gibbon , the great hist | parliament for many ycai H achieved no success in the hcusf | morning , he tells , he | an army barbariai | came to the and the H ter the shape of a H offering to secure him a seat in H | for L : H Gibbon represented the borough H without ever c H his mouth ; and ence when movi f so he lacked the confidence < | The great * | him with and ! | ones with terror. He grew hea H | " " B "this parliamentary prattle" "the noise nonsense of the H | moniura , " as he terms parlla ] | |