BH By F. M. KIMMELL. HK SI.SO A YEAR IN ADVANCE. H REPUBLICAN TICKET. . Qi For Supreme Jud c , HH ! .ALKIIED M. POST. Hfi For University Regents. m CHARLES W. KALEY. Hffj JOHN N. DRYDEN. Hfi For Clerk , B ESBEN P. DAY' . K For Treasurer , H O. L. THOMPSON. B BH ! For Sheriff , HI W. A. McCOOL. illlH For Judge , H G. S. BISHOP. HUH For Superintendent , C. N. WHITTAKEK. H Hjfl For Surveyor , HH A. F. REEVES. BEIIj For Coroner , HJKJ Joseph si'orrs. Hlj For Commissioner Second District , HHW HENRY CRARTREE. H H Republicans are supporting the ticket BAu straight , this year. Hffi File your tickets , .not later than October HB 12th , next Tuesday evening. HH Rkeves for surveyor , Spotts for coroner and Hij Crabtree for commissioner , are all all right. H | | Gkorge J. WakkkN's name again orna- Hf ments the head of the editor columns of the H | Red Cloud Argus. B IT IS unquestioned that W. A. McCool is HH unusually well qualified and thoroughly ex- B j perienced for the office of sheriff. H ' * - - * Hf ' Secretary Wilson , unlike J. Sterling Mor- R ton , believes in free seed ? and will circulate K all lie can get congress to allow him. HJ • General Neal Dow , the famous Prohibi- HS tion leader , has joined the silent majority at H a ripe old age , full of honors , after a life of B , great usefulness. E The office of county judge will fit G. S. Hn Bishop to a gnat's heel. He has the legal H and business training requisite for all its H | duties. Bi Colonel Mitchell is getting his can- Bj. opener repaired and the Populist campaign H& will likely be opened up in a few weeks by IB. the Colonel in his vigorous style. BH' ' The office of county clerk demands good HJB' clerical ability , business sense and personal BB : affability and willingness to serve the people I K promptly in all things. E. P. Day fills the bill. HBt If the Populists think they can create a BHg ] break in the Republican ranks ip this part of BBjj the county by circulating the report that Mcr BHj : Cook will knife certain candidates , they will' BH' et t. Indianola Reporter. HE- BH : 0. L. Thompson's stock is going up every week. He is a popular , convincing cam- BBB paigner and is presenting his strong claims to BB the office of county treasurer in a manner that BE is making him votes. O. L. is O. K. PHf • A LAW passed at the last Missouri legisla- BBBJj ture authorizes the establishment of "chattel banks" , which will loan money to poor people BBl on their personal possessions. The law fixes HJ the interest rate at not more than 12 per cent. BBJ per annum. H , C.N. WhiTtaker has strong claims for the HH . office he seeks. He is vigorous mentally and HH bodily and an enthusiastic , experienced school IH ) teacher , who will devote his energies and abil- BBJ j ities to tile work of improving the schools of , BBJ the county. : BBJ 'iN.a recent speech J. Sterling Morton is BBJ 1 quoted as saving that "capjtal has done more BB ] 1 for the world than Christianity" . But then J. < BBJ [ Sterling has" been wrong many times before J BH 1 v this , and-sliduld not be taken too seriously. 1 EH I He is-simply .following out his ultra pluto- IH j cratic tendencies. HH The Republican state campaign and the HH mterdsts of. Judge Post will both be best sub1 1 BB served by fair , frank , honest presentation of t HH the claims of the Republican nominee for sut t BBJ preme judge 'Hon. A. M. Post , whojis , one of < BB Nebraska's best judicial minds and a man of i BH most exemplary character and splendid at- ( BB -tainments. A vote for Post is a deserved \ BH recognition of the honorable record of a clean j BH and able judge. 1 BH ] B Agitation concerning municipal franchises j BH is bearing rich fruit. " Under the new Iowa BH code , which went into effect October 1st , no . BB franchise can be granted for a longer period BB than five years without submitting it to a vote BB of the people interested. The charter of BB Greater New York requires that all franchises BB shall be sold to the highest bidder. An atI I Hb tempt to secure one for a street railway com- J HK , pany was stopped by an injunction , and the ' HH city attorney , when informed of the action of I HE the court , notified the city council that he HE " • could not appear in the case because he bec BB - lieved the council had no authority to grant BJj a franchise except at public auction. BJ - t One Dollar to 1899. \ K For a dollar bill the Semi-Week'ly 1 HI State Journal will be sent from now mic H til January 1 , 1899. A good , long time to l H get two big papers every week with all f H the news of the whole world ; all the : H state news and in fact , more news and t H general reading matter than you get in a H any other state paper. The Journal is c H spending money and effort in writing up i > H the interests of Nebraska and setting our c H state's advantages before the people .of J1 B the whole country. Nebraska's prosper- : ' ; H lty will bring thousands of farm buyers v H * to our state. You should read The fi iff • Journal , which is not an Omaha paper s * B or a Lincoln paper , but a state paper in n its truest sense. "What will be for the " best interests of Nebraskans ? " is the first } question asked by The Journal when called upon to decide. Every Nebraskan should do his best to keep The-State o Journal before the people and that best a means by sending in One Dollar , which X • will pay for the.paper to January , 1899. jj After you read it send it to your friends 1 in the east and let them see what great things we are doing in Nebraska. Send in your dollar to The State Journal , Lin coln , Neb. The sooner you send , the j ' more papers you will get for your money , "Taxation Abolished" is the title of the latest work on reform. The ideas presented are wonderful , startling and yet gratifying in their simplicity and completeness for the relief of the com mercial and labor circles. Every busi ness man , farmer and laborer ought to read it. It offers a simple j-et complete remedy for the prevailing distress. It gives a method which does not interfere with existing institutions yet abolishes taxation , usury , prisons , soup-houses , tramps and misery. Send 25 cents for a copy to John F. Murray , 520 13th street , Boise , Idaho. Knipple is display- ingr the finest line of handsome/lamps ever , ; . brought to the city. _ * . . . . . . , . . . . _ , T - - " - * * * " - - * | l-n-rtT" qii 1 - r - - - rm - > > ' iiifirn.T- ; . HiH " " i ' i i . . i i ii * " ' _ Ji ' i ' * " " ' fr * a"1 . - irr- ' ' • • . ? "i . • . . . .1 . > : . . .p . > .V. . .r.l. . - .it..l n-jU-rg * . - . . . . . . Awarded HighesV Honors World's Fair , DR + CREAM B4KING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn . 18 Wheat 65 Oats 12 Rye 29 Barley 18 Hogs 3.25 Potatoes 50 EggS I2 > < Butter 15 @ .20 CATARRH AND MALARIA. People who are or have been affected by catarrh are most subject to chronic malaria. The explanation is this : Malaria is a germ disease. Germs find their way into the blood through the mucous mem branes. If the mucous membranes are healthy the germs can not enter the blood. This is why some people do not get malaria. But if the membranes are affected by catarrh , even slightly , the malaria germs find easy access into the blood. Pe-ru-na is the remedy. It not only destroys malaria germs , but so restores the mucous membranes to health , that no more germs can find entrance. Pe- ru-na is the most reliable remedy for chronic malaria. It cures by eradicating the germs from the system. Send for Dr. Hartman's lastest book. Sent free by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufac turing Co. , Columbus , Ohio. You can get a good ink tablet for 5c. and ioc. at McConnell's. TIMBER CULTURE , FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , ) McCook , Neb. , Oct. 4,1S97. ) Notice is hereby given that Christopher C. Dueland has filed notice of intention , to make final proof before Register or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday the 13th day of November , 1S97 , on timber culture application No. 6376 , for the S.E.v of section No. 13 , in Township No. 6 N. , Range No. 30 W. 6th P. M. He names as witnesses : Colbem P. Viland of McCook , Nebraska , Nels. Swanson - son of Osborn , Nebraska , - Chris. Anderson and Enoch Osvog of Quick , Nebraska. . A. S. Campbell , Register. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Ne braska ] , September 23rd , 1897. Notice is here by given that David R. Smith has filed notice of ! intention to make final proof before Regis ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne braska , on Saturday , the 13th day of Novem ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No. 6536 , for the N. W. } { of section No. 10 , in Township No. 4 N , Range No. 30 W.6th P.M. He 1 names as witnesses : Edward Osbaugh of McCook , Nebraska , William Smith of Sheri dan , Wyoming , Morley 1'iper of Box Elder , Nebraska , O. L. Thompson of McCook , Ne braska. A. S. Campbell , Register. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook Nebras ka , August 27th , 1S97. Notice is hereby given that Eh Atkinson has filed notice of intention fo make final proof before Register or Re ceiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. , on Sat urday , the 9th day of October , 1S97. on timber culture application No. 6379. for the N.W. U of section No. 25 , in Township No. 5 north , Range No. 29 W. 6th P. M. He names as witnesses : James Oakley , John White , Dwite D. Wildman , William Greenlee , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. A. S. Campbell , Register. ONE ' OF TWO WA YS. The bladder was created for one pnrpose , namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb , like the bladder , wns created for one purpose , and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease , except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in convenience manifested in the kidneys , back , bladder or urinary passage is often , by mis take , attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made ind may be as easily avoided. To find out orrectly , set your urine aside for twenty-four iiours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney 3r bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , he great kidney , and bladder remedy is eon realized. If you need a medicine fou should have the best. At all druggists ifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by nail. Mention The Tribune and send your iddress to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. V. The proprietor of this paper puarantees he genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. If you have ever seen a little child in a par- xysm of whooping cough , or if you have been mnoyed by a constant tickling in the throat rou appreciate the value ot One Minute 3ough Cure , which gives quick relief. A.Mc- Uillen. Royal makes the food pure , wholesome and delicious. pOYAl. * akP POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKlNa POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. . . . . . Mil .l. I ' II w.wiwt.i muh niLX * I-WW UW gi. ip , ' . . * . ! ! . . , . , - * . . „ ! . - ! , * i.W Jf „ , , . .hi f- , ! > . . ' 1 . McCOOK , NEB. s5iS HlX5 } ? ! : I I j All This Stock Was Bought Before the I j Advance in Prices. I i Our > Everything' ? An IInequalled ? " Our Line of * J I Assortment \ Desirable Line of ( Men's and Boys' l ) \ . , , of / , { ni D / Underwear 5 < and \ Choice Styles S j 5 Children's < I , liwl ) very large % " , New in anci ) . * < < * .llirl S and > > \ < lua 2 Men's and ' > Colors in < - t S Boys'Suits Boys' Being-Bought ( I is \ Hats , Caps \ Men's and Boys' \ Before $ I ' Unusually ? and > Suits , < the Advance | I Fine' vlWM1. I Extra Pants , in W ° o1' | Neckwear < $ All the I Will be Sold | I New Shapes in in I Overcoats f at Very | I Junior , ( Latest < ancl { Low Prices , $ t Reefer and. ? , ? Ulsters I See Our Line of | t Cutaway Coats 5 iapes < at ? Mackintoshes $ fAt \ | At the S aild e Anti-Tar ill i Just | i t Lowest Prices. I Colors. > Prices. ? Ileceived. 5 | It Pays to Trade Here All Goods i \ ' Marked in Plain Figures. | n uu mLjjiimu.l JIU.IUI..I.M ) | | | | 1 1 | " ' I" Guaranteed Cure for Piles. We have a never Failing cure for Piles of every description. Tried thou sands of times and never known to FAIT , . So confident are we of the merits of the great Indian Pile Remedy , that we will send free to any reader of The Tribune a liberal sized trial package , only asking the small remittance of ten cents to cover cost of postage and packing Don'tsuf- fer longer but send at once for a trial of this great remedy. Inclose ten cents. Write name and postoffice address plain- ! 3Vand mention reading this article in The.Tribune. Address all letters to the Indian Pile Remedy Co. , Spring Valley , Minn. 9-24-52. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- len's drug store. 3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon nell's. Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. J5 Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. < . .MRS. E. E. ' UTTER.ju-Z MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. ' "Studio Opposite Postoffice. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON , McCook , Nebraska. C3F"0fflce Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence In the Strasser house on Marshall street. Dr. S. C. BEACH , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. ( "Office and Residence Over -C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Specialty made of Diseases of the Nose , Throat and Chest. At Indianola Mondays and Fridays of each week. Office Cosgro House. t in-i ' iuMim. ' .ij' . , -i i . . ! i.Uj > , r it uTi' . 'ui'i.jyr.rr11/ Running sores , indolent ulcers and similar troubles , even though of many year 's stand ing , may be cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel "Salve. It sooths , strengthens and heals. It is a great pile cure. A. McMillen. Tinware of all kinds at Knipple' , s. No man or woman can enjoy life or accom plish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the pills that cleanse that organ , quickly. A. McMillen. = J. S. McBRAYER , PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. • S HPOiily furniture van in the city.Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. Ri nBHsniBiaHKMHaaBEBaBBnnaBSKHiMaMMnHM I F. D. BUKG-ESS , I i Sfeem Fitter t I McCOOK , NEBR. ? ra Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass m ( L Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. L \ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ y Windmills. Basementof the Meeker7 j Phillips building. < P Gfoase Co , Land and Jvs Stock Go. ' Horses brauded on left hip or left shoulder ; . . address Imperial ) Chase county , and Beat 1 Eprt'jfc8tinkinfir [ Water and the 5 iP.O. crpeks , in ) ! SJi * jj ) j CbaBe county. Nebraska , j 0 | Brand as cut onsldeof ( jv-2 ' eomeanimals.on blpand ? i iEi sides of some , or anywhere - J where on the animal 1 HOLDS 400 BUSHELS. I I m Just the thing for temporary crib. Every farmer needs / | & one , some need three or four. Can be set up in 30 minutes , 9 | L and when empty can be used for a stock fence , and set up fox 5 | L corn again when needed. Call and examine. M I W.GJULLARD k GO , , MeGoek , Neb , \ , I g @ettio6 Out io L ifel 1 I fi I / Jf 1 As wel1 as in the thick of the battle , is fiip | fttsfet ' a tnue "lvhen a maa should be careful P § M FM 53 ' " about neat and. correct dressing- . First W2 1 E y S W S nnPress5ons are half the victory. "Who 3 H r / $ " has a better chance , - M \ fi ; W k f > = fb eveninlooking-for | e H f i-f : ' * ! 7" a situation , than the young- man whose W ) V Kt H • 7'i ' r attire 1S an evidence of taste , thrift and 3 H. rQ ' ' t - } { E y u < isment7 Young- men who wish to rH ? B iMBrSBSHS " " born&co. , EM I KUfifl mWWM PpIV TheGreatChicaS ° M rchant Tailors , m 11 Wga Mm M1 ages clbe suited- style t and 25 tflHl # 18 mm # T % ? shP a guaranteed. The 3 HJigl ! 8 rM world's best looms supply the material > 3 H C. L. DeGROFF & CO. , McCook , Neb. H