The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 01, 1897, Image 4

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    ' S HHHHHHHiii
fkt M4sok jVifof * .
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1 ' I STATE.
I > For Supreme J uilgc ,
It I For University Kejjents ,
El' ' > ' For Clerk ,
| 11 For Treasurer ,
1 If t O. L. THOMPSON.
Ill For Sheriff ,
II i W. A. McCOOL.
I ill ' . Forjudge ,
I i ' ' G. S. BISHOP.
| | ! I For Superintendent ,
If 1 • ' C. X. WHITTAKER.
II 11 ! it For Surveyor ,
I | | ! I A. F. REEVES. .
III 111 5 For Coroner ,
ypill joseph sporrs.
II III m. For Commibsioner Second District ,
El jj m Judge A. M. Post has the qualifications for
I 1 5 $ the supreme bench and they should him keep
II 111 ' 30 .
.1 .
III I jg there.
III HI m Is SILVER knocked out ? asks the Western
ijl | j | 1 Rural. Well , really , brother , silver does seem
lj | 1 I to be slightly disfigured.
II ] The harmony existing in the ranks of the
I I I Republicans of Red Willow county makes the
I | chances of Republican success , this fall , the
R B I ] brightest in years.
i n ! i v .
I ! S'ltS ' Thk I" st DUS'ness experience of O. L.
I li-IrK lUiompson\and \ his fine general qualifications
K I ' jru make him well equipped tor the office he seeks
Kj I' ' " * the county treasurership.
Ej • i ' " A YOUNG man of careful business habits and
I , a successful farmer recommend E. P. Day
H i strongly to the voters of the county for the
position of county clerk.
! ' * | The pos'al savings banks idea is a move in
jfi the right direction and the people must insist
_ I ' upon its adoption. That accomplished , there
Rj t ' are other worlds for the people to conquer.
- , The important office of county superinten
dent will be efficiently filled should C. N.
j , Whittaker be selected for that position at the
& coming election , lie is a school man of prac-
| s tical experience.
' S The duties of the office of sheriff demand
§ just such abilities as are possessed in a marked
a and striking degree by William A. McCool ,
j ; fjj the Republican nominee , and his friends are
1 backing him to the limit.
j I George S. Bishop , the Republican nomi-
i inee for county judge , has the legal training
[ I requisite for the office he seeks and his long
II | residence in the county and party service will
p | | insure him a large and hearty support.
[ J § When the people come to their right senses
[ 1 1 and go into the trust business for the common
i good in the general directions effecting all ,
| individual and corporate trusts will have to
I look to their laurels , for when you come down
I l\ \ to the last analysis the people are omnipotent
I The sorghum industry is more than flourish-
I ing at present Geoige Moehler has had the
I Farrell house moved to a more convenient
I locality The steam _ thresher outfit has
E about finished the work in this vicinity Ue-
I tween the pesky haws and the ever hungry
I coyotes the "hins" have a lively time J. S.
I Modrell finished cutting his broom corn , last
1 • week. Having been on sod , the quality is
I i good The writer , who keeps his ear close
11 to the ground , hears that Bert Reeves will get
| < * the job of county surveyor Corn is matur-
1 ing rapidly and will soon be ready to gather.
I The dry \v eather near the close of the growing
1 season injured the crop in general The pre-
I vailmg swine plague has appeared in this
I neighborhood. James Brady has lost quite a
number of shoats and hogs during the past
H few weeks During our absence Sunday
H last , Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Moore had taken pos-
K session of the place. Mrs. Moore's visit to the
H coast has been postponed till later in the fall.
H . . . .Speaking of orchards , S. C. King has a
m fine start of vigorous young trees which in a
H year or so will yield abundantly and already
add greatly to the appearance of their well-
H kept farm While the steam thresher was
at work in the field near Omer Hale's , one
H day last week , fire was started from the engine
H near the stacks but was put out before any
H damage resulted Rev. Vivian has been in
poor health for the past two or three years , at
H times not able to carry on his pastoral work.
H After conference his charge will be confined to
J j a less extensive territory , which at present has
* seven appointments.
I J J. E. Dodge was in this burg , Sunday. . . .L.
B A. Stephens and wife and Eugene Dunham
H and wife spent Sunday at W. S. Hartman's. . .
H E. F. Duffey of Galesburg , Illinois , who has
H been visiting in this neighborhood for the last
II two weeks , left for home , Friday evening
li t . J. H. Wade had business at Banksville , Tues-
II ! day Jacob Crocker entertained relatives
II , * from near Indianola , Sunday James Cain
II . of McCook was looking over his farm in this
II precinct , Sunday.
The air is clear and ( embracing ) The
Wilsonville Harvest Home is now on the
tapis. . . . Road Supervisor Davis is doing some
thorough road work here Dr. Isaac Ben
nett was called to see Frances Kimpton , last
week , who is suffering from a very lame foot.
J. C. Moore'has recently fenced a new
pasture and put in lead pipe and large tank.
. . . .HomerSmith of this vicinity has been
I helping his brother in the Review office a few
I . days.
Rev. J. E. Tirrill preached at Laurel Dell ,
Sunday last , to a large audience..Ira Ken
nedy is on the sick list , this week , and unable
to attend school in town..Mrs. Haskill Tir
rill and mother , Mrs. Rushong , are expected
from Fort Lupton , Coloiado , Monday night. .
Time for the Christian Endeavor has been
h changed from 8ito 7 o'clock There are 14
Hj pupils attending school in district No. 47.
H A. Prentice threshed out 750 bushels of
H wheat , 749 bushels of rye , and some oats and
H j millet Absence of wind has created a
Hj water famine. G. H. Zimmerman has had to
HJ drive his stock to the Willow for water and
HJ the steam thresher at H. K. Bixler's has been
HJ run under difficulties.
H Valley Grange Precinct Caucus.
HJ The Republican electors of Valley Grange
HJ precinct will meet in the Pickens school house ,
HJ • Thursday afternoon , October 7th , 1897 , at 3
HJ o'clock , to nominate precinct officers and
HJ transact such other business as may properly
HU come before the caucus.
Hb J. S. Brittai.v , Committeeman.
I [ Knipple is display-
ing' the finest line of
I ' handsome lamps ever
I brought to the city.
H | * *
HJ l
HIT * " v .
_ _ _
Hf r-f-n . .n' , ' ' ' ' n " " I
m i ilf
* • • , ' \ V ' - '
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
William J. Bryan.
William J. Bryan is announced to de
liver a political address here on Friday ,
October 22d , at two o'clock.
Dr.S.C. Beach is the tenderest hearted
man in town even the emigrants have
caught onto that fact.
McCook Markets.
Coirected Friday morning.
Corn $ .iS
Wheat 63
Oats 11 %
Rye 29
Barley 18
Hogs 3.45
Potatoes 5u
Eggs I2 > <
Butter 15 @ .20
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , September 23rd , 1897. Notice is here
by given that David R. Smith has filed notice
of intention to make final proof before Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday , the 13th day of Novem
ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No.
6536 , for the N. W. \ { of section No. 10 , in
Township No. 4 N. , Range No. 30 W.6U1 P.M.
lie names as witnesses : Edward Osbaugh of
McCook , Nebraska , William Smith of Sheri
dan , Wyoming , Morlev Piper of Box Elder ,
Nebraska , O. L. Thompson of McCook , Ne
braska. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook Nebras
ka , August 27th , 1S97. Notice is hereby given
that Eh Atkinson has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before Register or Re
ceiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. , on Sat
urday , the 9th day of October , 1897 , on timber
culture application No. 6379. for the N.W. U
of section No. 25 , in Township No. 5 north ,
Range No. 29 W. 6th P. M. He names as
witnesses : James Oakley , John White , Dwite
D. Wildman , William Greenlee , all of Box
Elder , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell , Register.
In the District Court of Red Willow county ,
The State of J. Byron Jennings ;
James A. Crawford and Jennie R. Crawford ,
his wife , defendants :
You , and each of you , are hereby notified
that you have been sued , together with Vina
\V. Jennings , alias Vina W. Woods ; E. C. Mc
Kay ; John H. Moore ; Nettie Moore.his wife ;
Sidney A. Speer ; Olhe Speer , his wife , and
The Iluddleston Lumber Company , a corporation - a
tion , as co-defendants , by Asaliel L. Clark , \
plaintiff , in the district court of Red Willow <
county , Nebraska , and that on or before the j
ib'th day of October , 1S97 , you must answer \
the petition in Chancery filed therein by said ;
plaintiff against said defendants , wherein \
plaintiff prays for a decree of said court foreclosing - \
closing a mortgage given by defendants J. jj
Byron Jennings and Vina W. Jennings , alias jj
Vina W. Woods , to the Lombard Investment |
Company , dated October 17th,1S90 , now owned |
by plaintiff , and covering the following described - i
scribed real estate situated in said Red Willow - ]
low County , Nebraska , to-wit : The North one J
hundred and forty-five (145) ( ) acres of the I
Northwest quarter of Section fifteen(15) ( ) in S
Township two (2) ( ) North , Range thirty (30) ( ) , 5
West of the Sixth P.M. )
Said petition further p _ rays that the rights , i
titles and interests of said defendants be determined - \
termined and settled ; and that said lands be
appraised and sold , according to law , and the jj
proceeds arising from such sale applied , first , I
in payment of the costs of said action and of
such sale ; second , in payment of the full
amount due plaintiff , with all interest thereon ,
on the indebtedness secured by said mortgage ;
that from and after confirmation of such sale ,
the defendants to said action , and all of them ,
be forever barred and foreclosed of and from
all right , title , interest , lien , claim and equity
of redemption in or to said lands , and every
part thereof.
Unless you answer said petition , as afore
said , the statements and allegations therein
contained will be taken as true , and a decree
will be rendered against you by said court as
therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court ,
by me affixed , this 4th day of September , 1897.
[ seal ] G. C. Boatman ,
Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow ,
County , Nebraska.
Pulsifer & Alexander , Concordia , Kas. ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
( First published McCook Tribune 9-10-97. )
Owing to over-crowding and bad ventil
ation , the air of the schoolroom is. often close
and inpure , and teachers and pupils fre
quently suffer from lung and throat troubles.
To all such we would say , try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. For coughs , colds , weak
lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy
can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed ,
Superintendent of schools , Prairie Depot ,
Ohio : "Having some knowledge of the
efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , I
have no hesitation in recommending it to all
who suffer from coughs , lung troubles , etc. "
For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Drug
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and bealthfulness. Assures the
food against alum and all forms of adul
teration the cheap brands. 1 ;
Royai , Baking Powder Co. , New
York. I
. ,
www MMwwiiimi wwwiiiiiiiww ' y'BS " ' ' * JJJ.W" * J"lJSlirCJ ! ' ' " 'I- ' ' ? 1" " " " m '
, , Ui.- IT. ! . ' . ! " - ' ' " " "P" " " " , ' "r
j All This Stock Was Bought Before the i I
I Advance in Prices. % I
\ Our >
t Assortment I
\ ° f ' I
$ Children's s
2 and ?
I Boys' Suits /
$ is s
t Unusually ?
I Fine. >
I All the I
t New Shapes in )
I Junior , \
$ Heeler and <
I Cutaway Coats >
5 At the
t Lowest Prices. <
Everything * !
Desirable <
and \
New in I
Men's and Boys' ]
Hats , Caps |
and \
Neckwear <
in {
Latest <
Shapes j
Colors. )
Concerning Docior Hartman's Frii-
Treatment ior Women.
I received your book on Gjnrccologv and
commenced the use of your medicine at once.
I took live bottles of Pe-ru-naand two of Man-
a-lin. I feel like a new woman. When I com
menced taking Pe-iu-na I could hardly walk
across my room ; now I am doing my own
work , can walk a mile and a half to church.
I shall never cease to thank you for prescrib
ing for me. 1 had been under the treatment
of two doctors , but never received any benefit
until I commenced taking your medicine. I
am now well and able to do my own work. I
wish every woman who was suffering as 1 was
would send for one of \ our books on Gynae
cology. It is a God-send to suffering women.
May God bless > ou and spare you many years
to relieve women who are sulfenng as I was.
I am anxious for every woman who is suffer
ing as I was to know w hat your medicine did
forme. MRS. 11. D. AMOSS.
Grcenesboro , Ga.
A free book , wntten expressly for women
by Dr. Hartmanwill be sent to any address '
by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. , t
Columbus , Ohio.
Knipple's new stock
Queensware , Crock
ery ? Lamps , etc. , is
now on the shelves.
The like cannot he
found in this part of
the state and the pri
ces are very low.
Moments are useless if trifled away ; and they
are dangerously wasted if consumed by delay
in case where One Minute Cough Cure would
bring immediate relief. A. McMillen.
S Tells you where to go , how to get r
\ there , what to take along , ( either by J
/ land or water ) , describes the Routethe , /
/ Mines , the Ravines , tells where every s
\ Strike was made , and tells where others >
f can be made. }
P This Book is the only Reliable and J
} Authentic book published. (
P Written by a man who spent three /
j years obtaining all the facts. >
s The Chicago Record is the pubi
( lisher , and Hon. Eli Gage , sou of the r
i Secretary of the Treasury of the United ?
v. States , is one of the contributorswhich r
c ought to be sufficient guarantee as to /
C its authenticity. \
c Those who desire making this trip , /
/ that will study this book and follow its /
( advice , will save several hundred dol- \
? lars. C
s This book contains nearly 600 pages - \
\ es , nearly 100 illustrations , 12mapsand C
S complete index , handsomely bound. /
v We will furnish this book on re- \
1 ceipt of Sl.50 and prepay all charges. /
\ Agents wanted in every town. Send S
} 10 cents for outfit. s
3 225 Dearborn St. , Chicago. (
f Aii Unequalled i
I Line of (
I Choice Styles
f and <
! Colors in j
J Men's and Boys' )
J Suits , s
> Extra Pants , i
\ Overcoats ?
> and j
\ Ulsters I
at 5
; Anti-Tariir i
> Prices. ?
I It Pays to Trade Here All Goods i
I Marked in Plain Figures. I I
! • 1 I
. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . , , . . . . . . .
L'.i J'l ' ihhiii i-mwi.Lmi"U.Mt"Wii ! > M" .JfJw .r.i' m.t. 'i'mi ' .Jk'"A" ' i : jJI'-J' * " U " > ! % .bi T. .I " "l' 1. " 1 J"i ' .11 ! ' ILf i.T ' I'J.I'ILL ' JJWJ. 1 11 ! 1 1 .1 l .J.lH. l lWiUH.r'i ? Afl 'H. > ILIJ JgHIWJi J .t' ' * wm n. jH
3 JiTlNE-TEOTHS Oil 1 g
I andsicknessfrom _ 3 4L f iK i
n "which women Ar-rj lv 1
j suffer is caused Ma W i
I by weakness or - T/J . 1
\ derangement in / fX3 1
the organs of B mj |
menstruation , /l I
Nearly always BHaaL/Ma / |
Iwhen a woman is not well these I
I organs are affected. But when I
they are strong and healthy a H
woman is very seldom sick.
Is nature's provision for the regu
lation of the menstrual function.
It cures all " female troubles. " It
is equally effective for the girl in
her teens , the young wife with do
mestic and maternal cares , and
the woman approachirtg the period
known the " . "
as Change of Life.
They all need it. They are all
benefitted by it.
For advice In cases requiring- special
directions , address , giving- symptoms ,
the "Ladies * Advisory Department , "
The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta
nooga , Tenn.
THOS. J. COOPER , Tupelo , Mfss. , says :
" My sister suffered from very Irregular
and painful menstruation and doctors
could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul
entirely cured her and also helped my
mother through the Change ol Life. "
I 1
Fill a hottle or common glass with urine and
let it stand twenty-four honrs ; a sediment or
settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posi
tive evidence of kidney trouhle. Too frequent
desire to urinate or pain in the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp _ Root , the
great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re
lieving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad
der and every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and scalding
pain in passing it , or bad effects following use
of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
gel up many times during the night to urinate.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. Sold by druggists.price
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
To heal the broken and diseased tissues , to
soothe the irritated surfaces , to instantly re
lieve and to permanently cure is the mission
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. McMillen. '
Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
- We have : i never cure for
Piles of every description. Tried thousands -
sands of times and never known to fr'Air. .
. So confident are we of the merits of the
[ great Indian Pile Reined } ' , that we will
- send free to any reader of TiieTribune
: a liberal sized trial package. , only asking
' the small remittance of ten cents to cover
• cost of postage and packing. Don't suffer
" fer longer'but send at once for a trial of
t this great remedy. Inclose ten cents.
Write name and postoffice address plain-
1 1 } ' , and mention reading this article in
> The Tribune. Address all letters to
the Indian Pile Remedy Co. , Spring
; Valley , Minn. 9-24-52.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take laxative Erouio QuinineTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len's drug store.
3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon-
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
McCook , Nebraska.
S9 Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental'work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
. s-MRS. E. E. UTTER. _ Z
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
SStudio Opposite Postoffice.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
Z. L. KAY ,
! McCook , Nebraska.
[ 25-0ffice Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry store. Residence In the Strasser
house on Marshall street.
Dr. S. C. BEACH ,
McCook , Nebraska.
S -Office and Residence Over C. A.
Leach's jewelry store.
Specialty made of Diseases of
the Nose , Throat and Chest.
At Indianola Mondays and Fridays of each
week. Office Cosgro House.
> Our Line of t
} Men's and Boys' i I
> Underwear k 1
is very large J I
f and t I
> Being- Bought \ 1
Before \ , I
| the Advance t I
in Wool , I I
Will be Sold $ I
at Very i I
Low Prices , f\ \
See Our Line of
Mackintoshes t
Just t
Beceived. + I
t ,
Running sores , indolent ulcere and similar I
troubles , even though of many year's stand H
ing , may be cured by using DeWitt's \ \ itch H
Ha/cl Salve. It snaths , strengthens ami B
heals. It is a great pile cure. A. McMillen. H
Tin ware of all kin ds 1
at Knipple's. I
No man or woman can enjoy life or accom I
phsh much in this world while suffering from.
a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
the pills that cleanse that organ , quickly. A
McCook Transfer Line / |
25rDiily furniture van in tht-
city. Also have a first class house I
moving outfit. Leave orders for I
bus calls at Commercial hotel or /
at office opposite the depot.
7 F. D. BUKGESS , ? 1
j Plumber and \ I
\ Steam Fitter t I
4 Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass fa I
L Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings 2 1
\ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ I
9 Windmills. Basementof the Meeker7 I
J Phillips building. m I
Ghase Co. Land and Live Stock Oi , I
Horses branded on left I
hip or left snoulde ,
• PJr - . -O. address Imperial
• - Chase county , and Qeat
gRjTWStlnkinir Water and the
Uti Frenchman crpeks. in
1 1 Chase county. Nebraska.
b # 11 iJrand&acuton6ldeof
mK tdm.1 BPPe animals.on hip and
sides of some , or any-
J u I