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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1897)
mm - , * - H IS 4 m _ _ F > _ § i ' * | _ m- ' SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 1 , 1897. NUMBER 20 ft El ' 1 K 8L/ Enforce the Came Law ! _ Bf _ K The difficulty in enforcing the game laws ir , A the past , has been the expense of arresting , am bV. * * v orosecuting and bringing to trial the offenders _ _ _ M F Under the provisions of the law , as amended m VJ ? by the last legislature , farmers and others whc B K * f * mve uccn pestered with trespassers , claiming A ? { to be sportsmen , can secure their rights and K W / jprotect game and insectivorous birds , without l one-half of their year's earnings _ f _ ( waving to pay - Kw l n lawyers fees and costs. M # ' It is unlawful to kill song and insectivorous bt w\ \irds excepting on the land of l he owner , ll H g _ k i is unlawful to kill or have in possession any B jfril quail , between the first day of January and the _ _ | fcfl \ iirst day of November. It is unlawful for any H h j \ person to go upon the land of another for the _ _ _ ( ' _ _ { purpose of hunting , without first ' procuring H H ' the owner's or occupier's consent. 'I his doing _ _ L- _ I/ away with putting up notices of warning to _ _ R \ \ hunters. K > ? I The penally for any violation of the game Hfc' r 3aw is a fine of from live to one hundred dol- _ _ H _ k 1 ' ij rs , one-half of the fine collected going to the Hw * informer. H U Especial attention is called to the following : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " prosecution in.iv be brought by any * > crt-on in Bflnx the name of the Suite of Nebraska , against any HV r N / JviT'iy 'or parties violating any of the provisions of _ _ _ Y ' i ! > act , before any justice of the peace or county _ > J"dfe of the county in which such violation is _ _ _ _ * ; ' cluujjcd to have taken place , or before any court of _ _ BbP > T7 competent jurisdiction ; and it is made the duty of f. . .ill-countv attornejs in this state to see Uiat the pro- H , v&ionso * f this act are enforced in. their respective I counties , and they shall prosecute all offenders on H jy „ • receiving * information of the violation of any of the _ _ & \ v * I ipw-iisions of this act : and it is made the duty of all Ht " "A ' sheriffs , deputy sheriffs , constables and police ofli- B o 'Cer.s , in inform against and prosecute each and _ _ PlC . ev sy part } ' or parties , person or persons , whom H V f ' Jtbfti is reasonable or probable cause to belic\ are M Lf uilting of violating any of the provisions of this M * act. Any county attorney , sheriff , deputy sheriff , M C * constable or police officer , who shall fail , neglect H V t . or refuse to discharge the said duties hereby im- H f l posed on such officersrespectively , shall be deemed w \ ( guilty of a misdeamor , and on conviction be fined H f ' not less than twenty-five dollars , nor more than H f tonx'-hundred dollars , for each offence. " Sec. q6f , _ B _ ; \ . E > aj e " ST7 , Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1S97. Hp \ Under the provisions of this section , all any _ Hig person has to do , if he does not wish to pros- _ H\ / ecute in his own name , is to inform the sheriff B \ or nearest constable of the violation , and it is H | Y ne duty ° suca ° fficer to inform against the Hk • See that no one hunts on your land without HI \ your consent. See that no song or insectivor- Hf 1 ous birds are killed at any time of the year. BL J See tliat no game birds are killed out of sea- / son. See that no quail is killed between the H m f UrU oJ January and the first of November. See Bff \ hat no game birds arc shipped out of the Hk * state by the railroad company. K , The game laws now in force will be found HL ff on pages 1344 to 1350 , Compiled Statutes of A I Nebraska , tor 1897 , and in the Session Laws K\ \ of Nebraska for 1S97 , on pages 3S0 to 3S6. m ' \ 3t is especially made the duty of the county B m \ 'attorney to prosecute violators of the game & m ) law. Therefore it is only necessary to lay the HI 5 offense before the county attorney , and he | _ r must draw all the necessary papers and pros- Htt * _ ecute the case , or if you do not desire to sign H inform the nearest constable or ] _ , j _ \ the complaint , HftS-jf sheriff of the violation of the law , and it will HLif J be his duty to make complaint and see that H * § t She offender is prosecuted. B -S The Red Willow County Fish and Game HV ? Association will furnish attorneys to prosecute , H& I impeach and remove from office , any county Hf \ i attorney , sheriff or constable , in the Fourteenth B r * Judicial District , who refuses to perform his _ _ L | x duties under this act. Dated Sept. 2SU1,1S97. H < JiED Willow Co. Fish and Game Ass'n. HR f An Artistic Display. H ji \ The lovely and artistic array of niil- Rj $ > "linery goods to be seen in the establish- H * uient of Mrs. M. E. Barger cannot be V I -excelled in this part of the state. Such BK \ is the verdict of niany of the customers H | tf of Mrs. Barger on beholding the beauti- Hf ful and stj'lish hats , caps and bonnets H * now displayed at her place of business. H , S -Mrs. Barger has been in the business P ? tiearly forty years and understands how K N and when to buy , keeping up with the Hk- } latest styles and selling at prices that H ( astonish the public. K f Great praise is due the Misses Mont- v v gomery and Barger. for their taste shown Hk in the display made at the opening. m 1 Mrs. Barger is also doing first-class K , saress-making ; cuts and fits for outside Hi % parties without it being necessary to go Hc < through the usual , tiresome fitting. Best P \ of help employed in this department. H | % Baptist Bible School Rally. H \ The third annual rally of the Baptist KA I "Bible school , Sunday morning , was , in Kf' J point of attendance , the most successful l | \ ever held. It was a fitting prelude to the p , s year's work before the school , which , , \ commencing next Sunday , will take up WL \ in all departments the Bible Union les- Wt * sons on the life of Christ. All scholars H | and others desiring to take up this study Hj 4- -should be present next Sunday morning WL \ at 10 o'clock. Handsome souvenir pro- Hp J grams of the commencement of the HL i school year will be given at the door. A V i cordial welcome to all. HT V A A Splendid Showing. - "Red Willow county made a splendid 1 f showing at the state fair " and carried off ft 3 a number of prizes : First premium in H | [ Red Spring wheat ; this weighed 63) . W \ pounds to the bushel and was raised by 1 y James Doyle of the Willow ; also second W y premium in White Spring wheat. In _ \t corn the premiums were taken for best V corn , best collection and greatest variety ; m \ there were _ S varieties. Much of the W V artistic effect of arrangement is due teA A f Messrs. Hogan and Starr. W f Annual Fall Openings. L \ The millinery establishments of Misses V f Stover & Burgess , Mrs. M. E. Barger and I \ the Lowmans held their annual openings I j of fall and winter goods , last Friday and 4 Saturday * There was the customary , t a large attendance and lively interest , and a charming display in each establishment > * S * " of the latest creations of the millinery i 1 \ art , with quite encouraging opening } sales. $ J Their Third Annual. r i The Christian Endeavor societ3T cele- ' . . f brated its third anniversary , Sunday S \ J evening last , with a special program of i\ \ interest and profit. The society has ac- tp * g coniplished creditable things in the year _ \ past and promises greater Jesuits in the 4 w Fg5 , X future. The Epworth League joined in " F * m the service. V Cattle for Sale. ( % 48 head of yearlings and. 2-year old / B heifers for sale. Inquire of \ M. C. Maxwell , McCook , Neb. , For Sale or Trade. jt A lady's and a gentleman's wheel. In- 1 C quire of L. W. McConnell. 1 \ * ' * * * HfitH _ _ _ _ 1' , \ - 1 x x . * _ * . . . MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. James Sert of Holdrege has charge o the Wauneta gravel pit. C. B. Kithcart of Wilsonville wil be a resident of our city. L. R. HlLEMAN had business in tin state capital , Tuesday. Chris. Faber has returned from St Joe , Missouri , to remain. Mr. Rider of Fairbury , father of Mrs Lou Ilurlburt , is in the city. Miss Annie Gibbons was a Lindel hotel guest , Lincoln , Tuesday. Miss Ona Simons returned from ho Iowa home visit , Saturday night. Dr. W. A. DeMay of Danbury wai over Wednesday of court week. Mrs. Boyd of Omaha is in the citj visiting her sister , Mrs. H. P. Sutton. Isaac Meyers of Wilsonville hac business in our city , close of last week Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Meeker re turned , Sunday night , from the .state fair. fair.W. W. F. Esher is in St. Joe , Mo. , thi : week , investigating the faith cure gen tleman. Dr. Walter Rowland of Cedai Bluffs , Kansas , was here on business , Monday. Rev. R. A. Russell is in Omaha on a two weeks' vacation , guest of W. S. Howard. Mabel Kendall of Colorado Springs is visitiug Darius Kendall and wife , hei grand-parents. P. Walsh returned , Sunday night , from a business trip to Kansas City and Kansas points. W. V. Vickrey and I. W. Stevens and son of Bartley were among our couri week visitors. Mrs. Holman of Michigan City , Ind. , is visiting in the city , guest of Mrs. C. A. Dixon , her niece. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BrinTON are en tertaining a daughter who is here from Iowa on a short visit. B. F. Brewer was up from Deweese , Mondaj * . J. M. Maun of Indianola was also a visitor on that date. Mrs. Lyman Miller returned , Tues day night , from her five weeks' visit in DeWitt , DeWitt county , Illinois. Mrs. W. S. Morlan entertained a few friends , Saturday evening , in honoi of Mrs. C. L. DeGro ff of Nebraska City. Mrs. E. H. Doan is entertaining hei sister , Mrs. English of Waterloo , Iowa , who arrived in the city on last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. DeGroff were up from Nebraska City , Saturday and Sunday , in - a dual business-social ca pacity. LESLIE Clark arrived home , Satur day , from an absence of a few months in the east. Mrs. Minnie Stoddard of Vestal , N. Y. , is here on business and to visit relatives. Mrs. C. W. Bronson and Miss Nellie Brown went dbwn to Oxford , Sunday evening , to meet the Miller-Smith wed ding party. J. W. Johnson of Lincoln , the famous writer of the "Joe Johnson" letters , spent Wednesdaj' in the city , on matters presumably political. Henry Walker returned from In dianola , Saturday , after a five weeks' absence. Wednesday , he drove over to Stockville on business. Miss Nell Fisher came down from Wauneta , Tuesday evening , on her way to Hastings. She was the guest of Mrs. J. V. Line between trains. J. P. A. Black of Bloomington and M. A. Hartigan of Hastings .were among the out-of-town lawyers in attendance upon district court , this week. Mrs. S. J. Best started on No. 2 , Monday , for Chillicothe , Missouri , to visit sisters and brothers that she has not seen for about fifteen years. Mrs F. A. PENNELL , who has been visiting her parents in Lincoln for a num ber of weeks , returned home , Sunday night , with her husband , who was on his way home from the state fair. August Droll left on Sunday morn ing for Springfield , Illinois. He will be in charge of a fine Red W7illow county agricultural exhibit gathered and placed on exhibition by William Coleman. Mesdames Sylvester Cordeal , Frank Harris , David Magner and H. G. Borneman were in Culbertson , last Fri- da3' night , and assisted in the installa tion of the officers of the Order of the Eastern Star , returning home the same night. Rev. Hart L. Preston , who for the past four years has been pastor of the Congregational church of our city , de parted , this morning , for Sioux City , Iowa , where he will be located for the present. With him go the well-wishes of this community. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Campbell , Mr. and Mrs. Mehaffey and Rev. H. L. Pres ton went up to Denver , Monday night. They contemplate a visit over the Loop and elsewhere. Rev. Preston returned Wednesday morning , the remainder of the party staying until Friday evening. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. License was issued to Mitchell Young and Mrs. Almeda B. Wood , both of Danbury - bury , Wednesday ; and in the evening of the same day , in the St. Charles hotel parlor , the county judge united them in marriage , a few friends witnessing the brief , simple ceremony. Mrs. Lottie Brewer has been granted letters of guardianship for her minor children. John Condon expects shortly to bloom out with a new dray , purchased by him recently in Omaha , while Tie and Miss Mamie were taking in the state fair. He bloomed this morning , all resplendent in red , white and gold. A. P. Ely is keeping time for Road- master Hagberg's ballasting gang. ' ' " " - -a-tU- , • " ' ' ' ? - - - - 1 RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. S. L. Moench went down to Oi leans , Sunday. C J. Hill is a new switchman in th McCook yard. Train-master J. F. Kenyon was a Lin coin visitor , Tuesday. Chief Engineer Holmes Blair returnei to Lincoln , Monday night. Switchman C. P. Ball has returned l < work in the yard at Akron. Brakeman M. C. Wayson spent Sun day with the family at Ives. Sickness kept Steve Finn off of hi run a few days , first of the week. The office boys have been very bus ] with the pay rolls , the past week. Harry Dixon and William Woods an riding on the right side of their cabs now Brakeman E. F. Caffery and wife an visiting in Stamford a few days this week Conductor Mundy went to work 01 Monday after a sickness of over tw < weeks. Ed Cann has been promoted to th < honor and emoluments of extra dis patcher. Two sections are not uncommon for 7 ; now , and some times there are three sections. "No. 2 caught the section car At Hoi brook , last week , and made kindling wood of it. Harry Conoveraud wife of Red Clouc spent Saturday-Monday here visiting former friends. Engineer Geo. R. Johnson also was 1 guest at the Miller-Smith nuptials , Sun day , in Lincoln. Festival of Mountain and Plain a ! Denver , next week. Half rates via th < Burlington Route. The gravel trains are on , but notdoing full service on account of lack of mei and shortage of flat cars. Henry Maxon of Minden .has beei given a position in the telegraph service , He has been helper at Minden. E. 0. Brandt' was out from Omaha Wednesday , checking up the receiver etc. Stayner was all of one red cem short. Extra Brakemen F.L- Hayes and C.V Kerr are down on the Hastings-Oberlir run a few days relieving Brakemen C. L Olmstead and Neal Beeler. The Republican City Democrat kick ; because the Hastiugs-Oberlin boys an making more money than the boys or the Republican City-St. Francis run. Festival of Mountain and Plain , Den ver , Oct. 5 to 7. Most beautiful , origina and interesting of all autumnal celebra tions. Half rates via the Burlingtor Route. See ticket agent. Call at the Burlington depot and get 1 copy of the "Festival Excursionist. " Il tells all about Denver's Festival of Moun tain and Plain , Oct. 5 to 7. Half rate ; via the Burlington Route. Charles McManes of Clinton , Iowa visited his mother , Mrs. E. H. Doan first of the week , returning home or Tuesday night. He spent Sunday it Denver. He is an engineer on the North western. The company is putting in large pass ing tracks at Minden , Heartwell anc Funk. They were needed and will be helpful in getting trains over the road these busy times. Engineer J. E. Sanborn arrived home , Wednesday evenning. He states that Mrs. Sanborn was very low with an at tack of peritonitis , but is recovering and if nothing new arises in her condition she will be home in about two weeks. A Sad Death. In the burning of John Fitzgerald , Tuesday evening , McCook has her second loss of life in a fire. About half past seven o'clock the residence of Edward Fitzgerald of South McCook was discov ered to be on fire , but by the time help arrived from the immediate neighbors even it was impossible to enter the build ing , which became a mass of flames in a twinkling and was quickly reduced to ashes together with practically the en tire contents. The stable which stood just east of the house was also burned. Mr. Fitzgerald was away from the town on business ac the farm near Leba non , and Mrs. Fitzgerald and the chil dren were at her sister's , Mrs. Peter Carty's , near by , so no one was in the house but the aged grandfather , who was very old and infirm , and who had been ailing for some time to the point of help lessness. A lamp had been lighted for him ; but whether it exploded or was in some way overturned will never be known : Only the sad and deplorable fact that the old man was a victim of the cruel flames. The very meager remains were recovered at about midnight and taken to Pade's undertaking establish ment for preparation for burial. The house and contents were insured for $1,000. In addition to the loss of house and furniture , Mr. Fitzgerald had about $100 in cash , ( derived from a recent sale of wheat , ) which was also consumed. The deceased's age is not definitely known , but he is supposed to have been in the nineties. The funeral was held in St. Patrick's church at three o'clock on Thursday ' afternoon , services being con ducted by Rev. J.W. Hickey , after which the remains were interred in Calvary cemetery. [ John Fitzgerald was a native of the County Galway , Ireland , and was past 90 years of age at the time of his tragic death. At the age of 25 years he was united in marriage with Catherine Gibbons of Detroit , Michigan. Of this union twelve children were born , ten of them are living at this time. But two live in this country , Mr. Edward Fitz gerald and Mrs. James Farrell of our city , Canada being the home of the re mainder of the family. ] The bereaved ones have the deep sym pathy of all , especially in view of the sad and tragic circumstances of the death. School supplies at McConnell's. CITY- CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Congregational No preaching ser vice morning or evening. Sunday-schoo at ten a. m. Endeavor at 7 p. in. Pray er-nieeting on Wednesday night. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn ing , , in the South McCook Methodis church ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. in. with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m , All are. cordially welcome. REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. . : . Sunrise Meeting. Union prayei meeting at the Methodist chuich , nexl Sunday at 6 o'clock a. m. Subject , Steadfastness. 1 Cor. 16:13. Mrs.C. O. LeHew , leader. All invited. Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach ing at 11. Young Peoples' meeting at 7. Preaching at S , continuing the sermons on the miracles. A welcome to all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00. : Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school at iboo a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays at 8 p. m. ; A. F. Morgan , * . General Missionary. R. A. Russeli..Assistant. • Christian Seryices every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 : o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. J EThodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 ; subject , The Ideal Chris tian Man. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. : Epworth League at 7. Preach ing at 8 ; subject , Carnal Conceptions of Greatness. The first service for this con- fert'nee year for the new pastor. All are welcome. J. A. BADCON , Pastor. Supreme Lodpre Reorganized. Ihe reorganization of the Supreme Lodge and Board of Directors of the Or der of the Star of Jupiter is announced , this week. The present Supreme Officers are : James W. Hupp , President ; John B. Meserve , Vice President ; Hugh W. ColeSecretary ; Erank Harris , Treasurer. Boprd of Directors is now composed as follows : W. S. Morjau , J. B. Meserve , George Hocknell , J. W. Hupp , H. W. Cole , William Simpson , Frank Harris. It is not necessary for us to state that thip.reorganization , this infusion of new blood into the official life and directory of the Star of Jupiter means large and important things for the order , means the rapid growth of the order in mem bership and its early establishment amqug the leading mutual , benevolent life insurance companies in the west. It is the definite policy of the new manage ment to put more organizers in the field and to make an active and thorough can vass in the interest of the order , which has , all agree , one of the best and most equitable plans and a future of usefulness and success. We wish to congratulate all concerned in the very encouraging turn in the affairs of the order. Secretary GagtS. Lyman J. Gage , secretary of the Unit ed States treasury , and wife , were eastbound - bound passengers , Monday morning on 2. They occupied a state-room on the Pullman Faina. In conversation with a Lincoln Journal reporter the secretar } ' among other things said : • 'Well I did not get to see a great deal of this state. At McCook I was met by an editor who recognized me. I thought I would slip through without being discovered , but it was not to be so. I learned from him that the corn in that section was slightly damaged. The section of the state thioygh which we passed , however , ap pears , to look well and from the activity manifested I should judge that it is a good year for farmers" . Farewell Serenade. The uniform rankKnights of Pythias , brigade band of McCook , serenaded the World-Herald , yesterday afternoon , be fore returning home. The playing of the band in the grand stand at the state fair races and during the Ak-Sar-Ben parades and coronation ball confirmed the good impression formed of it during the pre vious state fairs and carnivals. It has become familiar to and very popular with Omaha people , so much so that it is no longer looked upon as a staanger to the city. Omaha World-Herald. Miller-Smith. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , Con ductor Harvey H. Miller of our city and Miss Maud Smith of Lincoln were made husband and wife , Rev. Stein performing the. ceremony , at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith , in the presence of the near relatives of the con tracting parties. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. The young couple arrived in our city on 3 , the same night , and have taken apartments at the Commercial hotel. The Tribune joins in wishing these estimable young people a prosperous and happy married life. The many friends of Rev. Badcon will learn with pleasure of his return to this charge for another year. Arrangements were well under way tote to send the Jeffries boys to the reform school at Kearney , but the mother , who is still very ill , objected and the matter unfortunatety had to be dropped. It is unofficially announced that an Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. will play here in the near future. It is stated that there are 45 people in the company , which plays in a tent that will seat 3,500 people. While a large acreage of small grain will doubtless be sown in Red Willow , this fall and next spring , our farmers should not lose sight of the necessity and desirability of planting a diversity of crops. Don't put all your eggs in one basket when you go to market. - - - . SHsB - _ _ _ _ PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. Miss Ona Simons will befiiuherschoo on Ash creek , next Monday. G. H. Thomas , assistant high schoo teacher , spent Saturday and Sunday ii Lincoln and his home in Harvard. The 12th grade had charge of the Ian tern class , Friday evening last , and gavt a creditable-program with some outside help. A teqnis club was organized by some of the assembly room pupils , first of the week. Officers were chosen and a con stitution drawn up and adopted. Mrs. A. P. Bonnet will be the vocal teacher in the schools , using the opening hour four times a week in which to give her lessons. This sh6uld be a welcome innovation , and we expect desirable re sults. The Coming Insurance Order. The regular meeting of the Star of Ju piter , last Monday evening , was well at tended , and a great deal of interest man ifested. Several new applications were received and the order continues to grow and flourish. The reorganization of the board of directors of the Supreme Lodge was announced and was well received bv the members present. The society is entering upon a season of greater work and.activity. There are several organi zers now in the field and more being en gaged for the work , the intention being to extend the membership in the imme diate future throughout the central west ern states which comprise the healthiest portion of the United States. The order being comparatively new and the mem bership confined to the most healthy lo calities explain the extremely low death rate , which enables its members to carry their insurance at a veo * small expense. The society invites examination. Sale of Recorded Poland Chinas. Frank Davis , proprietor of tlie famous Maple Grove herd of Recorded Poland Chinas , announces his third annual sale to take place on Thursday.October 14th. commencing at n a. m. He has 34 males and 23 females to sell. Herd headed by Tecumseh 10,772. He will also sell five head of cattle , agricultural implements and household goods. Free conveyance to farm , two miles south of Holbrook. Free entertainment. Cor dial welcome , fair honorable treatment. Send for catalogue. 2t " Frank Davis , Holbrook. The Democrat Ticket. The Democratic county ticket has been filled by the central committee and is as follows : S. P. Hart , clerk , McCook ; Eu gene Miller , treasurer , Missouri Ridge ; C. J. Ryan , sheriff ; McCook ; George Cramer , county judg" , Indianola ; Miss Lillian Welborn , county superintendent , Indianola ; John L. Wilson , surveyor , In dianola ; John Teuis , coroner , Alliance precinct. Miss Lillian Welborn is the only one on the ticket that is en the Populist ticket. A Victim of Typhoid Fever. Napoleon Hunt , night engineer at the waier works , died of typhoid fever on Friday evening last. The deceased was 63 years of age. He leaves .1 wife and two sons , one in the employ of the Bur lington here in the shops and the other a resident of Colorado , who , however , was here at the funeral , which took place on Sunday morning , interment being made in Longview. The deceased was an uncle of C. H. Meeker. He was an old frontiersman. Festival of Mountain and Plain. Denver , Oct. 5 to 7. Three days of fun and frivolit3' of band concerts , masked and military parades , balls , trolley musicales - icales , Indian dances , races and games. Half rates via the Burlington Route. Tickets on sale Oct. 5 to 7 , both dates inclusive. Return limit , October 10. G. W. Vallery , J. FRANdS , Gen'l Agent , Denver. G.P.A. , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our Store will be closed on WEDNES DAY , OCTOBER 6th on account of holiday. THE FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. 3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon nell's. Notice Frank Davis' sale , near Hol brook , Oct. 14. McCook will be in Denver , next week , in large numDers. You can get a good ink tablet for 5c. and 10c. at McConnell's. The best line box papers and tablets in the city at McConnell's. Uncle Josh Spruceby at the opera hall , tomorrow night , October 2. Remember the date. Brakeman and Mrs. Will McCarl were guests at the wedding of Conductor Mil ler and Miss Smith in Lincoln , Sunday. The ladies of the Dorcas society of the Congregational church will hold their annual fair on November 12th and 13th. Engineer F. W. Hawksworth and wife are receiving a visit from his mother and sister , Mrs. D. Hawksworth and Mrs. Dr. Cook , both of Plattsmouth. The Brigade band arrived home , last Saturday night , all covered over with glory and bearing the laurels of popular apnroval. They will do it atjaiu in Den ver , next week. The four-year-old son of Henry Leh man of Culbertson was fatally kicked by a horse , last Friday , dying on Sunday. The child's forehead was frightfully crushed. H. H. Berry of our city was present at the funeral on Monday. H. P. Steers , who has been suffering with consumption for some time , passed away about one o'clock , Thursday af ternoon. The funeral was conducted by- Rev. Badcon on Friday afternoon , the interment taking place in Longview cemetery. t MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. 1 School supplies at McConnell's. m Hammocks at McMi' .len's drug store. m Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- 3s ' Jen's drug store. m Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil- M len's drugstore. M , Monday was the Jewish New Year , II Rosh Hashona. 91 Remember Uncle Spruceby at the Men- mm ard , tomorrow evaning. Ml You can get a good ink-tablet lor 5c. 5fl and 10c. at McConnell's. § | ' The best line box papers and tablets § 1 in the city at McConnell's. Mm Larry Rooney has purchased a saw - M mill at Woodruff , Arkansas. HI Holmes Blair of the civil engineer II corps was up from Lincoln , Sunday. il A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john M fl "KKy price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's S _ _ | The dry weather has effected the water a l pressure noticeably the past week or two. m l Be in the swim. Buy one of thoseT L. Wmm wonderful Vive Cameras from • H. lPJ JiL Wmm\ \ Sutton. * ' $ & & % ? IH W. J.Spiker and wife of West McCook * . W Ware ' are rejoicing in an addition to their ' B l T family. I H Sol Smith of Trinidad , Colorado , has K H been looking after his real estate inter- Si H ests near Cambridge. , . * " . . . t V _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l A representative of Dr. Miles , the pat- IH ent medicine man of Elkhart , Indiana , > _ f _ EI was here on business. Tuesday. B | The new two-cent postage stamps are. V / S l to be green. The government will save ff l about 510,000 in the change from carmine. I l The Tribune understands that John l l Penny will get about $600 of back pay in jf l connection with bis pension recently al- f l lowed. l l Pew and Powell recently shipped in l H 1,100 head of sheep , which they are feeding - / _ _ _ _ _ _ { ing over on the Duckworth place on the , | _ _ H Beaver. ' } | Tuesday the Lowmans moved into P l apartments over the old postoffice building - | ing , Agent A. P. Thomson moving into | their residence. H The city fathers held a brief session , H Monday evening , allowing salary claims H of , Marshal Jordan , $60 ; C. G. Coglizer , . | $51 ; C. B. Rowell$35. MMW The Tribune will be compelled to h l condense its newsto the utmost for the i H next three weeks for reasons that will be I H apparent to the reader. I l W. Y. Johnson is swinging around the | circle with his side-wheeler , Arvetta | Wilkes. He has sold Counsellor to Li- | burn Phillips of El wood. / M Don't think of buying a carriage , buggy - J gy or any other vehicle until you have H seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's | store and gotten their prices. H Last Sunday was "Rally Day" for the _ H Congregational Sunday-school and a H special , attractive program coin memo- H rated the event appropriately. fl The Building Association has some i l good houses which can be bought at low - H prices and on easy payments. See the H Secretary at First National Bank. . H o. M. Cochran & Co. will have the H largest line of carriages and buggies ever ; | exhibited in McCook. And they will H sell them at prices never equaled in this H _ _ | _ _ | Do you want to rent or buy a house ? : H The Building Association has several . H [ rood houses to rent or sell. Inquire of ' &W F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National _ H Bank. * H J.E. Kelley has received from the J. B. ( | H McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies | a carload for immediate sale. See | trim before buying. He will save you | Liioney. H J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies r | that must be sold at once. This means fl jnprecedeuted bargains for all wanting 1 1 buggy. See him and get figures. The } * 3 | talk for themselves. s H Mrs. M. E. Barger's announced faith jB M : ure from a cancerous affection of years' 1 I H standing , during her recent visit in St. H foe , Mo. , is a source of amazement and j H : ongratulation on the partof her friends. 1 Everyone desires to keep informed on 0 H Yukon , the Klondvke and Alaskan gold H Selds. Send 10c. for large Compendium H } f vast information and big color map to . H Hamilton Pub.Co..IndianapolisInd. 6t | A new postoffice has been established - ' H n Frontier county , Nebraska , seven H aiiles southwest from Zimmer. The of- H ice will be called Stevens , after the first H H postmaster , Frank G. Stevens , who was it l appointed today. n H We will pay a salary of $10 per week 1 for man with rig to introduce Perfection f l Poultry Mixture in the country , the uj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | greatest egg producer on earth. Ref. re- t fl quired. Address with stamp. Perfec- t B ion Mfg. Co. , Parsons , Kansas. j l S. M. Cochran & Co. are Headquarters 1 l or carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact , l l l ror all sorts of vehicles/ They will make S l l pou prices that nobody can beat for first- d H : lass , reliable goods. Don't buy until : H H i-ou have seen them and heard their t _ | _ _ | gentle racket on prices. Standard goods t _ _ | _ _ _ _ H it rock-bottom prices. • ai H Strayed From the Stewart ranch , e l Tour yearling cattle , last seen at middle _ l river bridge south of McCook about May l H est. Liberal reward will be paid for in- H formation leading to their recovery. Earmarks - | marks slit in left ear and hole in right 1 : ar cut by No. 10 wad cutter. Hl J. F. Helm. : ' H