The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 17, 1897, Image 6
ff i ] gill . " l l ' w i i i , BACK TO COLLEGE. 1 ' XTl lSc- I prop : WILSON'S present opportunity to learn something i ABOUT THE TARIFF. ( j „ . - / I I &AH FOE PROSPERITY i i S WOW WITH US IN DEAD I EARNEST. ; 1 Ibices of tabor's Products Co Higher i I au < t tit ) Plutocrats Will Hereafter Bo | 1 • Required to Sliare Their Money With the Producers. If Xho Smoking : Chimney Top. Morn after morn the artisan Has watched with longing eye To see the grimy smoke in wreaths /Swirl up Into the sky ; ipe listened for the whistle shrill Its echoes came not back ' 'And. cold and black and desolate .Still stood the chimney stack. He heaved a sigh for days gone by When early rising day Found him with face to fac- t'ry turred. Light hearted on the way. And now I fclvaight on before his eyes , J "While on his journey bent , Behold the smoke-crowned chimney I stack , I Industry's monument I ' The shouts of men give him good cheer When he has reached his goal ; The hissing steam the fact'ry roar I Are music to his soul. The tgrimy Titans of the shop ' Waifs of the wizard's brain _ , With deft and skillful hand he leads H Submissive in his train ; H i Or with uplifted arm be rains \ Such sturdy , ringing blows H } As fashion forms of usefulness. | And thrift and wealth bestows ; Me laughs and sings from mcrn till night Like the miller of the Dee ; .His fireside is his sweet delight : Rich in content is he. I lie hears again the tuneful ring That molds the hammered steel , 5fe hears again the whirring din Of swiftly turning wheel : Thcro are the bustling ranks of men Our nation's stalwart prop ; "The fires are lit and theie. above , Is the semiring ch'iuney top. I Akron , Ohio. Josiah Hartzoli. I ; i ? TA'L STOP.E TRADE. H SJcucflUi Acrreinsr ti AU Classes of Worker * Under the Dingley Kill. The free trade papers of New York city are doing excellent work in popu- Jarizing the Dingley tariff. By the aid H of illustrations , showing the examination - tion of the baggage of passengers who I arrive from "Europe , they point out I clearly to American dressmakers , jewelers and tailors , to the dry good : ; H .stores , to men's clothiers , and to all " whom they employ , that the patriotic policy of protection will check whole I sale smuggling on the part of tourists. The former policy of promoting the in- idustry of the smugglers also stini- I ' -ulated the robbery of the United States I "treasury and encouraged the robbery B of American wage-earners. Speaking I , o the "unpratriotic American citizens I rsrho go to Europe for their boots and I I t ' clothing , " the Daily Telegraph of Syd- I ney , Aystralia , said : H The swarm of these people has been I -Increasing of late to such an extent I dthat American tailors and bootmakers Jiave been agitating on the subject. So I Jfiave American milliners and dress- H fnakera. Women are among the worst HB m am _ offenders. They not only pay the cost of a trip to Europe out of what they save on ( he purchase of a year's dresses and personal fixings , but they make a ( rifte out of the deal by bring ing across cargoes of things on com- misssion for their female friends and enemies. Rich of these things as could be classified as personal garments had to be worn jn order to admitted free of duty. The clastic female conscience used to get over this difficulty , while the owner of it at. the same derived a certain amount of satisfaction , by try ing on HI the frippery during the trip across. Thousands of tourists , men and women , brought over enough clothing to Just them for several sea sons. The Dingley bill is going to put a stop to this as far as legislation can stand against the ingenuity of lawless ness. ' While this fclatemont may be some what overdrawn , it is important to note the interest in the subject that is taken by k. free trade paper in a free trade British colony. At any rate the ' 'ingenuity o lawlessness" is being checked , the robbery of the United States Is 1 elng stopped and the em ployment ( tf American labor is being increased , lo the great delight of both male and female American wage- earners , also to the benefit of our home store trade. The iSuyinj ; of Food. Retaliation will be next in order , and it is almost , certain that means will be found to discourage the importation of our breadstutfs and meat products and petroleum into European countries that will find ( he markets of the 'United States closed to their manufacture by the new Republican tariff bill. Spring field , 111. , Register. Europeans are not going to cut off their noses to .spite their faces. If they are in need of food , and know they can buy it from the United States , they will buy it here. If they don't need it , not all the free-trade calamity howlers in the world will make them buy it. True to Their Record. Once mere the Republican party has proven itself the greatest political or ganization in constructive ability which the nation has known. Another Republican promise has been grandly performed , and the prosperity which has been absent for many years will soon be restored to the country. Kit- taning ( Pa. ) Press. 'Twas ever thus. But the best of it is that the people , having had their "object lesson , " have realized the full force of Republican teachings , thus as suring the maintenance of Republican prosperity for many years to come. Kreo Tr du in Australia. All advertised meeting of those will- tug to fcna a branch of the Australian Free Tac Democratic league , in the colony 'ii Yictoria , resulted in the presence of exactly three people. One of these was a reporter , who left the other two gazing at each other with every appearance of dejection at the prospects of the cause. < ioo < l Il.'nson Why. "The American people have grown tired of buncombe legislation. " Ev- ansville. Ind. , Events. That is the reason why they ordered the repeal of the Gorman-Wilson mon strosity. Sunshine. The sunstreaks of prosperity can be seen on the horizon , which will con tinue to increase until the country is aglow with happiness and contentment. Clarion , Pa. - Hence the surrounding brightness. j wmiaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm He Pvotesteth Too Much. The Japanese minister to Franci Mr. SoneArasuke , is reported by cabl as having said that : The Dingley tariff would ruin Ja pan's great and growing trade with tb. [ United States In carpets and matt .and he protested against the placinj of prohibitive duties upon goods fo which there is no corresponding Indus try in the United States. The minister protesteth too much It may be that we do not manufactun precisely the same quality and gradei of carpets and mats that Japan does but we do have industries in the Unitet States that manufacture other qualitiei • and grades of carpets and mats. Th < minister must be perfectly well awan that every Japanese mat or carpel which we Import takes the place of mat or carpet that might have beer produced in our own mills. Hence th necessity for protection to our own in dustries. lie Stands by the Ship. The Republican administration is al ready in very rough water , and the storm threatens to grow still darkei and fiercer as days roll on. It is hard however , to entertain the idea , support ed by rumor , that the pilot contem plates resigning his duties in a panic or a huff. "Northern Whig , " Belfast Quite the contrary. The water is much smoother and the storm clouds are breaking quicker than at any time within the ast four years. As foi Pilot McKInley's deserting the ship , never. He is not made of that kind of stuff. He will stand by the Repub lican ship of state as long as it has a plank left in the political sea. Maine Sets the Pace. In the general "slump" which fol lowed the advent of the free trade party into the control of the govern ment in 1893 wages on the Maine Cen tral railroad were cut down , and they stayed at the cut figure until the free trade party went out of office. But among the first fruits of the restoration of protection to American industries is the restoration of wages in the Maine Central to what they were previous to 1S9C. They used to say , "As Maine goes , so goes the Union. " Maine has set the right pace this time and it will not be long until the rest of the Union follows with better earnings for the people. Where Is Grovor' ' Oh for the scorching breath of some mighty political prophet that would pierce the mass of political rottenness to the center and lay bare the hidden sources of corruption , is the cry of wis people at present. "Long-Islander , " ' Huntington , L. I. Where is the "stuffed prophet" of Princeton ? Who is there more able to "pierce the mass of political rottenness to the center ? " Who is there , with more experience , that can "lay bare the hidden sources of corruption" than Dr ; Cleveland ? Southern Sentiment. "There Is no one who has kept up with the reports of the business condi tions in the various states but is com pelled to admit that there is a prospect of much better times before the close of the present year. " Richmond , Va. , States. Thus is the advent of protection her alded in the south. But why should there be any "compulsion" about ad mitting the better times ? We must be careful , however ; to keep the gate locked and prevent their escape again. No aiiddlo Ground. Dr. Cleveland , while he was the occu pant of a public office , once said that : "This question of free raw material does not admit of adjustment on any middle ground. " The American people agree with the doctor. They have settled the question of free raw material , not "on any mid dle ground , " but by compelling the ab solute protection of all so-called "raw material , " which is always the finished product of some of our wage earners. Free Trade Reasoning. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" must be the watchword of the free-traders. The free trade Boston Herald announced that if prosperity did not come to the country within a year the Republican party would be held responsible , but , it went on to say , that if prosperity did some , it would be due to other causes than the tariff. Truly the methods of reasoning employed by the free traders ire past finding out. The "Kndle < 3 Chain Broken. " What has become of the "endles chain" in the treasury department ? It seems to have been broken off short since we had a Republican President in whom the country had such confi dence that money flows into the treas ury instead of into old stockings and teapots. The "endless chain" js a thing of the past and will not be heard Df again as long as a protective tariff is in force. Statesmanship. "Every tariff is more or less an ex periment ; but thee is every reason to jelieve that the Dingley bill will prove ; o be a satisfactory experiment , ana .bat it will stand for years as an ac- : epted settlement of the tariff qucs- ; ion. " Statesman , Yonkers , N. Y. This is spoken like a true "States- nan. " Better Protection. The payment of fees to American : onsuls is , of course , distasteful to 'oreign exporters. But the heavier ; hese fees are made the stronger be- : omes our policy of protection. , tv fBtl , iMI.i. . „ ' „ . .H.-- ) , jr t STRAIGHT , GOOD TALE NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PLAT FORM IN FULL. Tariff T.cgitrintlon That Urlr,5 < Jooi Times Commended The Our y or and His Action Condemned Itctum of HiiKineHH Cniifliionce Welcomed. Nebraska Kopnblican Platform. Tim platform of the republicans o Nebraska having1 heretofore only bcei printed in condensed form , the same is now given in full , as follows : The republicans of Nebraska rcaffirir the principles enunciated by the na tional republican convention in 1SDIS and congratulate the country upon tlu triumphant popular indorsement o ; those principles in the election oi William MeKinley and Garrett A. Ilobart. Wo commend the tariff legislation enacted in the special session of con gress at the instance of President Me Kinley as' the most Affective measure for vitalizing the patriotic principle of protection to American industries , through which American manufactur ers are enabled to compete successfully with the imported pro.luct of foreign labor , American workingmen arc af forded an opportunity to secure em ployment at remunerative wages and American farmers secure the benefit oi a market through increased home con sumption. We hail with joy the return of busi ness confidence , financial health , and "better prices for the products of the farm and factory , since the election of a republican president and congress. We take this first occasion to express our abhorrence of the crimes com mitted by the late defaulting state ti'easurcr and state auditor , which prove their recreancj to republican morals and their departure from i-e- publican teachings , and we urge their speedy prosecution and trial , and if found guilty , their severe punishment. We also demand that immediate steps be taken to recover all public funds that have been wrongfully diverted from the treasury. AVe condemn the governor for failing to exercise his prerogative in requiring the treasurer to make an exhibit of. and account from time to time for the public funds in his custody , and by reason of this palpable dereliction of duty he cannot escape his share of the responsibility for the treasury defalcation. We deplore the discredit that has been brought upon the state by ill-ad vised attempts of the present state ad ministration to array class against class for partisan purposes , and to manufacture testimony to prove that our farmers are paupers , and that the laws are inequal and inadequate for the protection of the interests of the laboring man. We most earnestly denounce the at tempt of the present state officials in conjunction with the majority of the legislature at its late session to falsify the returns of the last state election on the proposed constitutional amend ment increasing the number of justices of the supreme court. The reckless disregard of law and contempt of public decency that char acterized the action of the governor and the joint legislative committee that pretended to recount the ballots in their efforts to cancel and overturn by legerdemain , an overwhelming ma jority returned against the amend ment , and to carry the same by star chamber proceedings , are without pre cedent in the political annals of the country. We learn with extreme regret of the increase by the railroads of freight rates on grain transported between Chicago and the seaports , and we call on the inter-state commerce commis sion to investigate this advance in rates and take such steps as will pro tect the farmer and shippers of the west from the payment of unreason able transportation charges. We also favor such amendments of the inter state commerce act as will give the commission power to enforce its own orders. The heroic struggle of the Cubans to achieve their independence and secure the blessings of liberty and self-gov ernment commands our warmest sym pathy. We express our abhorrence of the cruel warfare of extermination waged bj- Spain against the Cuban in surgents , and we urge the speedy in tervention of our government , before the Island of Cuba is completely de vastated , cither by according her be- liggerent rights or recognizing her independence as a free and independ ent nation. We commend the fidelity and effici ency of Senator Thurston and Con gressmen Mercer and Strode in the discharge of their official duties and their loyalty to republican pi-inciples. Resolved , That we heartily com mend the attitude of our representa tives in congress towards combinations of capital in restraint of trade , that seek in this or any other way to con trol the prices of the necessaries of life , and that the attention of the voters ers of Nebraska be called to the fact that the only federal statute that seeks to protect consumers from the ravages of trusts , was indited by the Hon. John Sherman , our present secretary of state , nassed. by republican votes and signed by a republican president , and has been sustained by the supreme court of the United States ; that we commend the steps taken by the last legislature to improve the effective ness of the Sherman anti-trust law , believing that in due time , the execu tive department of the present admin istration will be able thereby to suc cessfully cope with combinations that are in spirit or execution antagonistic to those well defined and cherished principles lying at the foundation of this republic. "What Hurts Nebraska. Des Moines Register : The Omaha World-Herald is edited by a disordered brain. It has been a misleader of pnb- lic sentiment in that state in spite of its continued recklessness in regard to truth and intelligence. Replying to a recent paragraph in the Register in regard to Iowa land being more val uable than Nebraska land , because of the more correct views of intelligent and safe government on the part of the majority of the people of Iowa , the World Herald attempts to make it ap pear that the difference in the price of land in the two states "is due to the fact that the Missouri river is a basing point for railroad rates , and that an Iowa farmer on the Missouri river has .TT - w. . . . : " . . . . . . , . . . . a clear advantage , in freight rates eve the farmer who lives just across tin xiver. " That is untrue and it has beei untrue ever since the railroads wen bringing freights from U00 miles wea of Omalia. The freight rates fron west of Omaha to Chicago arc cheapen than the freight rates of the Iowt farmers on the Missouri river. Thai fact has been proved every time the matter has been brought before tlu inter-state commerce commission , tinci the commission has upheld the ehenyei freight rates on Kansas grain shipped through Kansas City to Chicago. II will be well for the editor of the World-Herald to rest his disordered free silver brain while reading up on the freight rate question from his own city and state to Chicago in compari son with the freight rates'from points to Chicago. The wild theories o the majority < n the voters of Nebraska are responsible for the cheaper lards and higher inter est rates in that state than in Iowa ; that is for the lands tHO to 200 mil < 's west of Omaha. lityjnd those limits the soil is sandj * and therefore not so valuable as the land of Eastern Ne braska which has been cheapened by the action of the majority of the voters ers of that state endorsing the ignor ant theories advocated by the Omaha World-Herald. That is the plain truth , and it is time the voters of the state of Nebraska should bo ivading and heeding the plain truth , for that is the only method by which the land , interest rates and business methods of the state of Nebraska can be again re stored to an equal footing with the more intelligent government of" Iowa. The minority sentiment in Nebraska is all right , but it is suffering from the constantly depressing and destructive ) influence of the majority deceived and mislead by W. .J. Bryan aud the Omaha World-Herald. * ' * * Nebraska is all right , except the people ple of the Omaha World-Herald class the people who have been deceived and mislead into voting disaster and dis honor upon their state. The World- Herald should relieve itself of its brain disorder , and Avill be compelled to dose so within the next two years , for the people of Nebraska now realize that 1hc3' have blindly followed disordered minds to their own great injury and the dishonor of their state. Keep an ' elections eye on Nebraska's congressional tions next year , for certain it is that Nebraska will be redeemed to civiliza tion in 1803. The Stitn ( 'ommirfni * . When the selection of a stuta central committee was brought up in the late republican state convention the follow ing names were reported by tiie vari ous districts : First district W. J. Iialdeman , Burchard. Second Thomas . Majors , Peru. Third 11. C. Freeman. Fourth W. H. Newell. Plattsmouth. Fifth .T. Hassett , Papillion. Sixth D. H. Wheeler , W. If. Saund ers , Omaha : A. It. Kcllcy. South Omaha. Seventh John F. Nesbit , Tekamah. Eighth H. C. Baird , Coleridge. Ninth S. B. Moorehead , Albion. Tenth II. F. Clary , Blair. Eleventh John P. Brcsslcr , Way- ? * . Twelfth llenrv * llagatColumbus. . Thirteenth D. H. Cronin. O'Neill. Fourteenth It. W. Montgomery , Al liance. Fifteenth F. M. Ruble , Broken Bow. Sixteenth John T. Mallalieu , Kearney. Seventeenth G. H. Thuinrael , Grand Island. Eighteenth J. H. Mickev. Osceola. Nineteenth George W. Lowly , Seward. Twentieth Dr. J. L. Greene , Unl. versity Place ; IJ. J. Greene , Lincoln. Twenty-first W. II. Edgar. Beatrice. Twentj'-second John N Van Duyn , Wilber. Twenty-third Peter Jansen. Janseo. Twenty-fourth W. E. Dayton , York Twenty-fifth E. E. Hairgrove , Sut ton. Twenty-sixth J. GalushaRed Cloud. Twenty-seventh C. F. McGrew , Hastings. Twenty-eighth John L. McPhcly , Minden. Twenty-ninth H. II. Troth , McCook. Thirtieth C. II. Bowman , Madrid. Dharles Callahan. Sidney. | FopulistR Sold Ont and Swallowed Up. It is probably a fact that there were nore populists in Lincoln at the recent jouvention who favored a straight iopulist nomination than otherwise. Juite a large number of those , when ; hc3r found the fusion clement in con trol , left on the evening grains and ilius took no real part in the conven tion. The tip was quietly given among , hc fusion leaders that if the procccd- ngs were delayed long enough the niddle-of-thc-road populists would tire nit and go home , and the work would , hen go along more smoothly. This is • eally Avhat happened : and during the leliberations. uhen it became plainly nanifest that the master hands of LJryan , Allen , Holcomb and othe - .s vere guiding the party straight up to ' usion , many delegates left the hall ind did not return. That the conventions did not repre- ; cnt the whole state is proven by the " act that fifteen of the western count- es were without representation in the > opulist convention , and about the .ame . number were absent from the ) ther two conventions. In some cases , vhole delegations left for home , leav- ng no one behind to cast the vote of heir counties , and when the silver epublican crowd came to the decision vhich brought about the nomination ) f Sullivan there were scarcely fifty : ounties represented in the halL Many populists who went to Lincoln vith a determination to preserve the dentity of their part3' and compel the .wo smaller parties to join with them eel that they have been sold out and heir party swallowed up , and those vho remained in the city were freely txpressing themselves on the subject. L'hey pointed out that in spite of the act that the silver republicans cast an nsignificant vote in the state , their : onvention was conceded exactly the ame power as the others in the selec- ion of the nominee , and in the end > ractically turned dictator in makin" he selection between Neville and inllivan. They believe that the popu- ist part3 % with a vote aggregating ten imes the number of silver republicans n the state , should have been < • " - * ' led . proportionately greater po1 er i . the election of candidates. The majority of rising young men of oday run elevators. A gift with a string to it is a great Lrawback to chanty , NOT ABOVE CRITICISM. ! J H Mr. und Mm. Tenuity' * Obiof atlr n at Old mid Xotr rrorrW "I don 't take- any great account o' I the proverbs an' axiomw an' ho on * < s I that's printed In the magazines now- \ I a days. " remarked Mrs. Philander > > I Poadluy to her * hunband , as she laid ' I down the last number of a monthly I publication. "I've boVn a-Htudyin' I over a volume of 'em that some man I has writ hero an' I wonder that folks I publish such stuff ! You can raako / I 'em mean ono thing or nothln' . jcat I accordin' as you see fit Now hero's I ono on 'em : 'It is us unfort'nit to I seize the wrong chance to " do-or say a thing as 'tis to lot thq right ono I ' I puss by. "Now , I'd hko to bo told how folks I would come out of they was to bo I sna 't at both Hides like that ? What 1 I like is the old-fashionod proverbs ; I thcro ain't any two ' wajH o' takin' them an' gottin' misled. I • • 'Make hay while the sun shines. ' I Now. ain't that clear ? 'llasto makes I waste. ' What's truor'n that. I'd like to know ? There ain't ono of m them old sayin ' s but what's true as I preach in' , howsoinuvcr you take 'cm. I They can't bo turned an' twisted i I round to mean anythiu' a body / I pleases. " • Do you recall ono about * A thing I ain't lost when you know where 1 'tis ? " inquired Captain I'easley , In i I his usual shrill quaver. • 'I should say I did. " replied his wife , promptly , "an' many' .s the time , < I've heard it. " % , "Woll , " said the captain with a suggestion of a laugh in his trem bling old voice. • • ! had a cook once tliet quoted thet to me when the tcakettlo was washed overboard an' Jill the cups an' saucers , but wo didn't seem to be able to find 'era Sary " "I reckon you've setup about long enough this ovenin' . " said Mr * . Peas- I' ' ley. dryly , and she bundled the captain - / , / tain off to bed with considerable * haste aiero ISunil'o of Nerves. " * Some peevish , querulous pcoplu M-em morn f / bundles of nerves. The least sound agitate / their bcnsorlums and rullles their tempers. No doubt toy are horn so. Hut may not their nervousness he ameliorated , if not entirely relieved ? Unquestionably , and with Hostet- ter's Stomach Bitters. Ily cultivating their digestion , and insuring more complete assim ilation or the food with tlds admirable cor rective , they will experience a .speedy and very perceptible gain in nerve < | uietu < Ie. - Dyspcpsla. biliousness , constitution and rheumatism yield to the Hitters. Currency hi Africa. The wife of a missionary to Africa gives some amusing details of the mercantile value of certain articles among the natives , needles and cloth ranking highest. They are abso lutely current coin ? . Three needles will purchase one chicken , one needle two eggs. Old tin and empty bottles , ( are also much in roquest. old can3 taking the place of drinking cups. A fowl can be had for two yards of cotton or a small piece of cloth. Coe'n Conch ISulaum Is the oldest ami best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything else. It ii alwajra Tillable. Try it. "Is this building Are-proof ? " asked the man with blue glasses and a large ' 1 gripsack. "Not if you'ro a book I agent , " replied the janitor , conclu- M sively. Scrofula Gored I " When three months old my boy was I troubled with scrofula. There were Bore I places on his hands and body as large as a- I man's hand , and sometimes the blood 9 would run. We began giving him Hood's I Sarsaparilla and it soon took effect. When I ho had taken three bottles ho was cured. " I W. H. GARI.T2B , West Earl , Pennsylvania. I OOOO S parilia I Is the Best in fact the One True Blood Purifier , I Hood's Pills euro Sick Headache. 25c. I m * tsk m > m I jdcue B I cue o t. SLJOCBiR. - Ijjjyj' ' jjj Keeps both rUirani sidJIe ver-J&sMfS ? I JrtflSlfectlydryin the hardest storms. H'SBae * i S SubstituteswMdlsappoHt.AskforB flRe - / * * 11897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker 5 < PVF _ / L | it is entirely new. If notforsalein i5. % 5' SSHFfl your ton. . write for cateloKue to B SaHF" * 52 1 A. J. TOWER. Boston. Maw. g . & i " " " mi i-i . i . . f.jni njiJ tr J i iHANGETO SECURE AlASKAGOLO I The Alaska Gold Mining am ! iJeri-louturn : com- C any. ju.t organized byOrnaiia btrsliir * * men. will end a larye number of • • Tj.erlenced pro-ipectors f > lie Klondike koIiI field * . I uslcr thipropioe'l 9 Ian of op-jratins th ! company will poem crra ; lvantagr over the ordinary part c * jcoln ; ; to laska and It Is believed will yield thote lnt r- ted enormous return * . The ofli-i-r * ami rtlrect- m rs comprise some of th- mortIvi and expert- ncc < l buMnexi men of On aba. Till * ecinpanv [ fern thoie who are able u > ko to Alaska -plen- - 9 Id opportunity to secure a share of in va < t snliv- ral wealth. All parties anxloui to obtain aa itcreot In the Klondike roM fields ore invite. ! to. iln thli enterprise. For further information rite Th- Alaska Gold Mining ud IJeveloainrnt jmpany. Ground Floor , I'artoa lilock , Omaha. ebraska. S&b Aml Fancy Goo < U. The M ebraska.Q 1 * vL * IaW ' "took and Loa-ojS Q W y prices In tlte west. V j \S Whole 3il - and Retail. IJ 1 J ? ! < • Hardy & Co. . m m 1313 Faraaia Street. Omaha. Xeb. SlaH © ! f Scti'curPensIon I OI928USl i DOUBLE QUJCK Writa CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Ascot. I 125 New York Avenue , WASHtfiQTON.D.C. I 31 ? © PS V N Y D-SCOVERY ; , i * . I EiAu < 43 H fjulekrellcranil cures worst J I \js. \ Se.utfor hook of teatimoni-tltand 10 dav- • * I reatjneiiti'xce. ur.n.u.cuiaji sS3S3.iU3nta.t2i - • - < I , 1 " 'Hil-l Snh.r mrosfnrPli.t r 1 ladles free. Tie * AY 3LLMIX1UUUK1SC CO.Ca3ae3 > x. n RIRH 0IiI.CKL'Tf 0"a' " 'Book. • • Inventions I .55 } Th ' I . w a aipsen's Eye Water *