The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 10, 1897, Image 2
flflBr * * " JJL'Ji-IUHflMM ' .JJUUIimMfllaJjJBMWMMIMllW - - . flm t * &J3BaAiS * SByigJHifflBHHMPBgMBBHBK flfl ' * & ivfrfa t ityP 3& v ) ml SSrWSSIn 3SUBi H - * " • * . - , * " * * - * % * > & . * ? r * * * * * I M'COOK • TRIBUNE. H V. M , KIMMELL , rahlUhcr. McCOOK , NEBRASKA I NEBRASKA. Hj Tub Denver bicycle plant is to be re B moved to Aork. H Work in the building line is quite Hj active in Nebraska City. H A TitAVELiNO photographer has been HJ victimizing the people of Campbell. Hj The new flouring mill at Rrainard is H to be ready for business September 10. Hj Vai.t.ev county has sent an exhibit Hj of its products to some of the Illinois Hj fairs. | The Valley creamery which has been H ! shut down for a time will resume H operations soon. H One man in North Platte boasts that H • so far this season he has killed 300 H prairie chickens. H It is expected that work on the H South Omaha beet sugar , factory will fl begin in a short time. G. II. Dunham of Schuyler last week H received pension papers together with H vouchers for back pay. H Tin ? accounts of the county officers H of Dakota county arc being investi- H gated by an expert accountant. I Laura Clatik of Lincoln suicided by taking strychnine. The only cause H assigned is that she had quarreled H with ] > cr sister. B A telegram was received at Hebron H stating that Ira Sutton , formerly of H that city , had been killed by the cars H at Osceola , Iowa. B \Iarsiiall , of Arlington met with H a bad runaway while visiting Fremont H > the other day. His injuries will lay H him up for many days. H A iiokse stepped on the foot of Will H Hayes' little daughter at Red Cloud , H Tuesday , and smashed the member so H badly as to necessitate amputation. H Henry Swedemeyer , a German r farmer living two miles east of Hum- t * boldt , got caught in a hay rake , receiving - ceiving injuries that resulted in his I death. Sheriff Haiin of Polk Countv , went I to Lincoln last week with Mrs. Minnie I Ouarts , whom he delivered to Superin- B tendent Abbott at the asylum for the fl insane. If Tins.York City national bank has as- I ] sumed the assets and liabilities of the B Nebraska national bank , which closed fl its doors about two months ago. De- fl posits will be paid in full in four seini- II annual payments. I William Kempler , living near Campbell - bell , Avhile making hay , accidently H allowed his in five-year-old boy to get H front of the sickle bar. One leg was B severed entirely above the ankle and H the other leg badly cut. fl TnE Otoe county fair promises to be fl the biggest and best ever held. The B entries will be unusualry large. The B line of attractions is unrivalled , even B by the state fair. Liberal premiums la are offerd. A big crowd is expected. Andy Wilkinson , the 13-year-old son of John Wilkinson , a prominent sheep raiser of Pine Bluffs , Wyo. , was killed near Kimball , while raking hay. The horses became frightened and ran awaj' . the wheel of the rake hitting the boy's head. An attempt was made to rob Gaily & 2Jeafus' safe at Elgin. Entrance was effected through the back window. The safe was ruined , but no money obtained. It is supposed the robbers were new at the business and were scared away. The final test of the gold-bearing gravel on the Muff farm north of Crete will soon be made. Thirty tons of the I sand will be shipped to St. Louis and 3 if this "quantity test" results as well 1 as the ton of dirt tested two weeks J ago , active operations will commence S at once. I Some important changes have re- i cently been made in the course , of 1 study at Doane college. The * requirements - | ments for admission to college are now just the same as the university requirements - ments , which will simplify the work of II high school and academies in fitting II pupils for either institution. The Doane academy will prepare fjtudents for college or university courses. JDSErn Mason , a small nurseryman about fifty-five years old , was found dead on his doorstep near .Burr. Some children from the neighbors made the discovery. There was a mark on the forehead of the man and he lay with his face down on his arms. His shoes and stockings were lying beside him. There was money undisturbed in the liouse , so no foul play is believed. A telegram has been received at Omaha from the chief of police of Washington , D. C , asking for informa- tion in regard to Thomas Varrick Haw I kins , charged with the larcenv of S9 , - 000 from a tax collector of that city. , Hawkins is a yellow negro , wears glasses and is 33 years of age. We was supposed to be bound for the Klondike when lie disappeared from Washington. Alfred E. Morris , residing near "Valentine , has just contracted to de liver a bunch of 100 , more or less , heavy steers at Wood Lake , September 20 , at S3.75 per hundredweight. A few years ago Alf Morris was an Omaha newspaper carrier. Leaving school and failing to find an opening to be come a mechanic , he struck out for. the country and gave three years to acquir ing a practical knowledge of farming. Then he went northwest and on reach ing 21 years of age took up government land , 480 acres in all. There he has stayed. He is now practically inde pendent for life , though a young man. Stand up for Nebraska. The 9-year-old son of Isaac Snead , who lives near the river bank north of Nebraska City , and another lad , were playing in a boat tied to the river bank. Each was pulling on an oar , when the Snead boy's oar slipped and he feU out of the boat backwards and was drowned. County Treasurer Craeb says that the people of Cherry county are paying their taxes more freely and rapidly tiian they have for some time past. Deputy Postmaster T. S. Allen , who has been in the Lincoln office since the commencement of Postmas ter Farley's term , fa little over three f jrears ago , has resigned. I. . . - BflMKTflflMBWflfl' flflWflBS' iW'W'Kr # > > tf * * * * w'linr * WW f ill I RUSSELLJHj fl 11 HE ELOPED WITH MRS. BRADBURY. HE TAKES HIS OWN LIFE. ( tisane Actions on an Overlnml Train Ended by a Headlong Duah From the Window of. a Pullman Sleeper The Ilody FonnU Later Was on Ills Way to Uls Family. Chicago , Sept. 4. II. Russell Ward , the Englishman who created a sensa tion a short time ago by eloping with the wife of John Bradbury , the young millionaire of Los Angeles , Cal. , com mitted suicide some time last night by throwing himself'from a sleeper of the Chicago & Northwestern overland train. The fact was not known until several hours later , and as the result of a search , which was immediately begun , the body of Ward was found at Wheatland , Iowa. It is not known at what hour Ward leaped from the train , but according to Conductor Calloway , the act was committed after 3 o'clock this morn ing.Ward Ward was evidently insane when he threw himself out of the car window , as he had been acting peculiarly a greater part of the trip. When the train was at Fremont , Neb. , he sent a telegram to the police in Chicago , re- H. RUSSELL. WARD questing them to meet the train this morning. He signed the telegram "R. W. , " and for several hours the po lice in this city endeavored to find out who "R. W. " could be. The telegram gave the police no information , but the sending of it makes the police believe Ward intended to commit suicide on the train and sent the telegram for the purpose of having the police find his body when the train should ar rive here. Ward boarded the train in San Francisco at 5 o'clock Monday after noon and was assigned to drawing room B , car 2 , and had tickets through to Chicago. Yesterday and last night he left his apartments at intervals , creating consternation among the passengers by his peculiar actions. He flourished two revolvers in the train several times , almost creating a panic among the passengers. Ho told the conductor of the train who he was and at nearly every stop the train made he would get off and send telegrams. One of these messages he sent to a resident of Los Angeles , Cal. . saying that if Mrs. Bradbury wanted him she could come to him , but for the present he would have to go to England and visit his wife. Another telegram was the one he sent to Chicago from Ferment , Neb. , reading as follows : "Please send a good man to drawing room B , car 2 , of the eastbound overland Northwest- YOUNG MRS. BRADBURV. ern train , arriving in Chicago a's 7:30 to-morrow morning. " He refused to retire until 3 o ' clock this morning , when he approached the colored porter ter and told him he was going to steep. He then went to his room.Then De Kalb , Illinois was reluhed the porter knocked on the ii'oor ' of his room but got no answer. He made several efforts to get Sato the room but without success and then abandoned the idea. When the train pulled into the Northwestern depot Detective Broderick endeavored to gain enterance into the drawing room , but in vain. The train crew finally managed to get in through an annex , and when the detective was admitted the room was found to be empty. A pile of clothing whicli Ward had worn was found scattered about the room , but no trace of him could be found. It was decided that he had jumped through the window , and all his effects were taken in charge by the Pullman company. Ah out July It Uic very day Uiat his ] I * -t | -V W' * ' t • * * * JW * -j - - - , < n-Tri- i - iti \ i. j - mmn-m-m- jjg. . _ . * . v * * wife and little daughter left for a visit to England. Ward and the 'beau- tiful wife of John Bradbury , a multi millionaire of Los Angeles , eloped. A few days later they were arrested in the Cafe Farchand here on complaint by Mr. Kane , secretary of the local Society for the Prevention of "Vice. Mrs. Bradbury was soon afterward released and went East. Bradbury had been away when the affair took place , but when he re turned and learned the particulars ho went after his wife and a reconcilia tion took place in Chicago under the management of Mrs. Bradbury's mother , Mrs. Banning. The Brad- burys then went to New York and under pretense of going fora , drive , to avoid publicity , took a steamer for Europe. There were several queer features of th' affair. While Mrs. Bradbury is beautiful , Mrs. Ward is considered far more so. Ward was bald , ungainly and 40. He had no mency beyond an allowance from his wife's family , and if this was to have been shut off , as it was gossiped that it would be , this may have contributed to unbalance his mind and driven him to self-de struction. BRYAN ON INJUNCTION. He Tlilnks the Cause Inadequate tor a Party Foundation. Lincoln , Neb..Sept. 4. When asked as to his position on the question o "government by injunction , " Mr. Bryan said : "That is not an issue upon which political parties can be formed. The sentiment against gov ernment by injunction is widespread. It is confined to no class of people. It is not a great economical question , however , like the proper issue of money. It has not the power to cause a line of cleavage. Even the Repub lican party will not declare in favor of injunctions , and the man who is not directly affected by a federal in junction does not appreciate it as an issue of sufficient moment to cause him to change his political affiiliations. If appealed to on that line he simply says : ' 0 , well , my party is opposed to government by injunction , the same as yours. The money question goes deeper. It is a fundamental economic question affecting every man , woman and child in the country. It is of sufficient force to cause new alignments or to harmonize differ ences on minor or other matters ; it can divide the voters into two great parties. The tariff bill will be dis cussed and criticised as before and the Dingley law will make no friends for the Republican party , but I still con sider the tariff question as subsidary to the greater and more fundamental question of the money issue of this nation. " "But , " continued Mr. Bryan , "sil ver is still , and will be , in this and the next campaign , the fundamental econ omic question at issue. I see no signs of weakening in its hold upon the peo- i pie. My trip West was most satisfac tory. I found everybody on hand to greet me. I did not get the rest I needed and expected to get and have come back as tired as I went away , or more so. I spoke all the way out and all the way back and on my arrival here , of course there was no chance to rest with the question of fusion still unsettled. " A Would-Be JCIopor Whlppe- ; Sedai.ia , Mo. , Sept. 4. J. D ; Mack- ey , a farm hand , aged 1G , attempted to elope yesterday with the 15-year-old daughter of Mowcn Campbell , a wealthy farmer , but Campbell met Mackey and whipped him soundly with a cowhide. Campbell was ar < rested for assault and fined § 2.j. Vengeance of Nihilists. London" , Sept 4. A special dis patch from Paris says that the nude bodj' of a beautiful woman has been found in the river Seine. On the mid dle of the back was tattooed the words "Long live Poland , ' ' and "Death to traitors. " The body is supposed to be that of a Nihilist who has incurred the suspicion of her fellow Nihilists. J Congressmen to Visit Hawaii. San Francisco , Sept. 4. Congress man Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois , H. C. Loudenslager of New .Terse } ' and J. A. Tawney of Minnesota propose to visit the Hawaiian islands to acquire information on matters that are likely to be considered at the coming session of Congress. Idaho's Gambling Overthrown. Boise City , Idaho , Sept. 4. District Judge George H. Stewart has decided the anti-gambling law unconstitution al under the decision of the supreme court in the fee law case. Guatemalan Ex-President Driven Away. San Francisco , Sept. 4. When the steamer Acapulco reached Acjautla , ' i Guatemala , it xvas met by a telegram from President Barrios and held until night , when a special train arrived ( with General Vasquez , ex-president of Honduras , under guard. Vasquez , who had been ordered deported by Barrios , was put on the steamer and landed at Acapulco. ' i Rockefeller Carries Oat His Promise. Boston , Sept. 4. John D. Rockefel ler , in carrying out his promise to the j | Baptist Missionary Onion and the. American Baptish Home Missionary society , has sent his check for the rest of the 5250,000 promised by him on condition that tire two societies should raise $230,003 to pay off their debt. A Crazy Man Kills His Sister. Mexico , Mo. , Sept 4. Near New Harmony , Pike county , Albert Jones shot and killed his sister , aged 1 , because she had talked about him. He is reported to be crazy and ia. con iiud in ilxc Troy jaiiT 1 Tyrmir' uuntucryx trtaamgtuu * nuu HAS OTHER DESIGNS. THE AMBITION OF JAPAN EN LARGING. She Wants Now to Control the Nicaragua , Cnnal Negotiations Said to lto in Progress With the Greater lie- public of Central America- Duty of the United .States. Japan's Latest Dickering. New York , Sept. 3. A special to the Herald from Washington , says : "Japan , not content with interference with President McKinlcy's Hawaiian annexation policy , now has designs upon the Nicaraguan canal. Accord ing to semi-official advices just re ceived here from Nicaragua , the Jap anese government is secretly negoti ating with the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America , which recently met in San Salvador , for the construction of the Nicaraguan canal , independent and in defiance of the in terests and influence of the United States or other nations. "This action of Japan , taken in con nection with her recent attitude in regard to Hawaiian annexation , is of the greatest significance , showing , as it does , to the authorities that there is no limit to the ambition of the na tion , and her aggressive policy may yet get her into trouble with the United States. That the Administra tion will resent any interference with the Nicaragua canal project , as it did in the case of the Hawaiian annexa tion treaty , goes without saying. JAPAN'S SECRET DICKERING. "If Japan can encompass it , accord ing to the Nicaraguan advices received here , she would like to obtain the ab rogation of all treaty rights possessed by the United States in relation to inter-oceanic transit and the forfeiture of the American canal concessions from Nicaragua , and to immediately make a treaty with the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America , giving her control of the canal route through Nicaragua. In the negotia tions Costa Rica has not been consult ed , it being well known that she would not assent to a violation of treaty rights. "It has been suspected in some quarters that England , which has always been anxious to acquire at least a joint control of the canal , might be working in collusion with ; Japan in the 'dickering' with the Diet : now understood to be in progress , but nothing has yet come to the surface to indicate that she lias encouraged Japan in the move. It is said that the ; agent of the Nicaragua canal here has laid the facts before Mr. Hitchcock , ; the president of the canal company , in i New York , with the suggestion that j the State department be apprised of ; the secret negotiations that are now \ being carried on between Japan and j the Diet. Senor Zelaya , the president ] of Nicaragua , it is understood , has ad- < mitfed to close personal friends that ] Japan is negotiating witli the Diet , i but in each case he advised the strictest - < est secrecy. i IS NICARAGUA PLAYING FALSE ? ' "A private letter just received in this city from Nicaragua says : 'Among Americans in Central America the be lief is general that the Greater Repub- ' lie of Central America , which is rep resented in its diplomatic affairs by a Diet composed of three members ( one each from Nicaragua , Salvador and ] Honduras ) was organized principally in order that Nicaragua might absolve - 1 solve herself from individual respon sibility as a nation , and thereby abro gate her interocear.ic transit treaty with the United States. The so-called Greater Republic , resenting the fail ure of the United States to recognize . the Greater Republic ( on re ceiving Senor Rodriguez as min ister ) and its failing to accredit a United States minister to the Greater Republic , is likely to try and j make a treaty with Japan , granting , her concessions for the construction of the canal. The United States min ister here believes that when this , news reaches Washington the State > ; department will sand a note to Japan \ asking if she is seeking to interfere J with our treaty rights in the premi ses. The Americans in Nicaragua be- i lieve that the United States govern- „ nient will insist that her interoceanic treaties with Nicaragua , Costa Rica , = Honduras and Columbia are yet in force , although the Diet claims that Nicaragua and Honduras are no longer separate and individual nations , and are therefore irresponsible. * ' To Stop Union Pacific Sale. Topeka , Kan. , Sept 3. W. H. Sears , private secretary to Senator W. A. Hat ris , who is here , says the sena tor will probably be here to-morrow. He is anxious to stop the sale of the Union Pacific. Under the order of sale , as it now stands , the government will lose 818,000(100. ( He has telegraphed to Senator Foraker , who may also come West on this business. Sirs. I > ease to Dig Gold. Chicago , Sept. 3. Mrs. Mary E. Lease , wno was in the city to-day , an- nounced that in the spring it was pos sible that she would go to Alaska to hunt for gold. She says she has an attack of the Klondike fever , and has it hard. Bad Bank Assets Sell for Little. Sedalia , Mo. , Sept 1. Receiver W. A. Latimer of the defunct First Na tional bank has disposed of a miscel laneous assortment of the bank's as sets , consisting of notes , overdrafts and judgments amounting to Sl. > 0,000 , for S3S5 at auction. An * Indiana Bank Collapics. Washington , Sept 3. The comp troller of the currency was advised to-day of the failure of the First Na tional bank of Greensburg , Ind. It had a capital stcck of $100,000 and July 23 the deposits were SS4.000. mmmmmmmmmmmammmm mmammmmmmmmtmmtmmnm KLONDIKE A LOTTERY. Thousands Find Nothing About iiOO Oat or 4,000 Have Made Strikes. San Francisco , Sept. 3. A lottcr dated Davvf.on City , July J. 'C , from Charles Haines , n well-known news paper writer , was received heru yes terday. It is the first letter written by a trained newspaper man to come out of the Klondike gold regions. He says : About me are scores of men who can weigh their gold by the bucketful , and who value their claims at mil lions. Four hundred valuable dig gings are stretched along the creeks and in every diggings there is a fabu lous mine of gold , yet thf re are weary men who have gone and returned to Dawson after searching the great country hereabouts , and never a nug get do they show for their toil , their long tramp over the broken ground into a country whose disadvantages are exceeded by no other place on earth. This Alaska Northwest terri tory is an odd prize drawing propos ition that I can liken to nothing that admits of a better comparison than a lottery. A number of spots arc selected on the creeks and rivers and for one year the miner labors. The year closes , the water runs , and the sea son's output barely pays expenses. Not two miles away from the unfor tunate one works a man who has taken from an uninviting bit of earth a sackful of gold. The lucky one did not strike the pocket because of his ability as a miner ; chance favored him , and that was all. In short , the miner guesses at it and locates any and everj'wherc. In nineteen cases out of twenty he misses it , and has to wait another year for a new trial. Dawson is merely a collection of log huts , sa loons and a mass of tents , about GOO in number. When the long nights come and the glass goes down to G. > degrees below zero , there will bo in tense suffering here , and I shudder to think of the results. IN BED FOR 21 YEARS. Case of Joseph fll. I > llly , a Missouri Farmer , Itocallod by Ills Death. Ciiii.t.icotiie , Mo. , Sept 3. Joseph M. Lilly , a wealthy farmer of Jack son township , died last night , aged about 04 years. He retired , after a hearty supper , at 9 o ' clock. An hour later his wife found him dead. In 18G8 Mr. Lilly told his friends that he had heart disease , and in the lutumn of that year took to his bed md lay prone there for twenty-one iears , telling his physician and friends Lliat if he raised his head or chest xbove a slight angle he would instant ly expire. Nothing could expel this idea from his mind , and his family lad to make the best of the iituation. nis general health was jood , but it was not until late in LSS9 that he could be induced to get lp. Once during that time his dwell- ng caught fire , but he refused to nove and was carried out on his : ot. At last ho announced that ho lad worn out his ailment , and ven- ured to get out of bed , and was as sisted to walk across the room. Since ; hen he has been up most of the time nanaging his business affairs , for he vas a , shrewd business man , and grew • ich even while lying in bed. A few weeks ago he had a slight ihock of paralysis , but rallied , and up , o the day of his death had fairly good < lealth. He leaves a wife and one laughter about 20 vears old. i RESIDENT AT A REUNION. : ] tlr. McKInley Meets "With His Old : Ileglment nt Fremont. O. Fiikmont , Ohio , Sept 3. The re- ! mien ef the survivors of the Twenty- hird regiment of Ohio Volunteers in- I an try was held here to-day and Presi i dent McKinley , who was a member of s his regiment , and other notable sur- ivors were present The sunrise salute - vas followed at 10 o'clock by the • residential salute , and from that ; ime on the soldiers were enjoying j hemselvcs. Twenty years ago the egimenb held its reunion here and s he corner stone of the city hall was I aid upon the site of Fort Stevens. ? he late President naves presided ' nd President McKinley was orator of j he day. The attendance to-day is ; reater than on that occasion. At teen there was a grand parade and at o'clock the exercises began in Spic- ; el grove , which adjoins the Hayes i aansion. Died to Savii IIU Home. Kansas City , Mo. , Sept. 3. Gustave Orltoff , one of the best known Ger mans of Kansas City , committed sui cide at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in his home at 2434 Tracy avenue , by shooting himself through the temple with a revolver. Ill health and finan cial losses caused him to kill himself. A mortgage on his home falls due to day and the only way he saw to meet it was to kill himself that his life in surance might be used. Monthly National Debt statement. Washington , Sept 3. The monthly statement of the public debt , issued at the Treasury department , shows the debt less cash in the Treasury to be 51,008,335,121 , which is an increase for the month of 5-14,858,475. The in crease is accounted for ty a corresponding spending decrease in the amount of cash on hand. Dangnter of a President Weds. Fkemost , Ohio , Sept 3. Ensign Harry Eaton Smith and Mis3 Fannie i Hayes were married at " :30 last even ing and at 0:33 took the train for the East by way of Toledo. The bride groom is an officer of the United States navy , the bride a daughter of ex- President R li. Hayes. The ceremony was performed b } ' Rev. J. W. liash- ford , president of the Ohio Wesleyan university , assisted by Rev. A. M. Hyde , pastor of the First Congrega tional church of Toledo. Richard A. Hayes , her brother , gave away the bride. 'A Over 0,000 Ilnllotn Cast. ( . ] WiNl'iKM ) , Iowa , Sept. 3. In the I Tenth d6trict ? Republican convention t , A yesterday Colonel D. .7. Palmer wa jfii ( chosen by acclamation for state Bcna- jKni tor on motion of W. F. Kopp , his oj- xy poncnt from Henry county. The ci. j \ ' was reached after 0,021 ballots hn < \i been taken , each resulting in a tic. * m Bducatlon for Russia. ' | St. Pktkimuiuiki , Sept 3. A npccir.l 1 commission will meet shortly to div J cuss the introduction of universal und m compulsory education in Russia. Falls For Throe Millions. 1 San Fuancibco , Sept 3. Private 1 advices have been received hero to the U effect that Euriquo Mathus , the well- 1 known banker and promoter of scv- M eral gigantic schemes in Central Amcr- / ica , has failed for over 53,000,000. His. principal creditors are said to be 1 Europeans , but a San Francisco firm I is said to be a sufferer to the extent of 8180,000. While Mathus * a cts are M estimated at S ? , r.00,00 ( > , they consist ofl for the moht part of property in th M vicinity of Guatemala , which cannot | bo disposed of for half { in assessed IH valuation. M Halo Blows Ovur Iiiilluiiapoili. iNDiANAroi.ifl , Ind. . Si. 'pt 3. For an Sour yesterday afternoon a storm of unusual violence raged in this city. Buildings were blown down , trees uprooted - i rooted and vehicles were turned over : n the streets. Heavy wagons swe-e blowu across the streets , and in ore instance a transfer wagon was blown 1' ' through a window into a clothing } store. Do Not Want Jerry. nAKiMni , Kan. , Sept 3. Jerry Simj- son , Congressman from this district , will not be permitted to address the < Populist county convention at An thony September 4. The Populist ' county central committee , by a vote ; of 12 to 8 , has refused to extend hw , an invitation as an expression of die- approval and displeasure at what ll.r members call party treachery I'atent I'ointers. * 1 Some years ago , in buildup H an envelope-making machine , an ir - U ventor found that he ne 'd c fl a shaft that would revolve flj slowly at and then increase in M speed , and then .suddenly go slow agal . flj After much experimenting , the now B well known scroll gear was evolve * . fl as shown above. A simple excaperncrt. fl ] movement at the lower end of a pench. - H him is also shown , which is provided flj with two shoulders , upon which tl. < flj three arms fall in rotation. When- Sa patent for mere improvements w.s fla granted during the pendency of m. flj earlier application for the broad inver- ' M tion , the United States court recent H held , that a patent subsequent. - , flj granted on the earlier application .t- flj not invalid , though the elements v v- flj ered by its claims were shown and * ! - fll scribed but not claimed in the earlier H patent. For free information in re * : i- HJ tion to patents , address Sues < fc < < • | flj Patent Experts , Eee .Building , Omal.s. . fll Nebraska. flv Iowa I'atent OUlce Knport. flj Patents have been allowed but not - cjflfl sued as follows : To It. Thompson , * > i "SB Fertile , Minn. , late of Colcsburg , 1 ; . , m for an oil can and support adjustably H connected bothc can can be retained : .l H my elevation desired relative to : flfl lamp , as required to allow oil to flow flfl from the can into the lamp. ' Hl To E. A. Hoopcs , of IX.s Moines , for M in ornamental head for stringed ii. > - Aflj itruments in which all the gearing de- H . 'ices for adjusting the pins are coi - H aineel and concealed and mcchani r. Hj " or regulating the tension of th * . flfl ] itrings. fl | To E. C. and .1. O. Smith , of New H ; on , Iowa , for a mill for cutting grar. H n place of crushing and grinding it. " " " " M Valuable information about obtain- H ng , valuing and .selling patents sent mfl ] ree to any address. Hj Printed copies of the drawings ami M ; pccifieations of any United States Afll latent sent upon receipt of 25 cents. > fl H Our practice is not confined to Iowa | n venters in other .states can have our flflj .crviccs . upon the same terms as fl H lawkcyes. fl H Tiios. G. and J. Ralph Oitv/io , H Solicitor- Patents. fl H Des Moines , la. , Sept. 1 , 1807. S H LIVK STOCK AND VllOUUClZ MARKET. H Onntatimm From New York. Chicago , St Hfl I.onis , Omaha and Klsnwlieri- . , * Hfl OMAHA. fl | Butter Creamery separator . . 11 ( a l < * , Hfl Butter Choice fancy country. . 10 & I" flfla E psI' " re > h f.i 6c it fl fll Sprlujr Chickens I'erlb 7f < r S HflJ liens perlb • ' " • 'i'J ft fl Hl Pigeons Li\c 75 < ? / , DO H Lemons Choice Messinas 3/3) " > 5 > c. Hfl Honey Choice , per lb js : in 1 * T flfl Onions -nerbu ? .1 < T& to _ flfl Beans II and picked Navy 140 do 1 W * ? % Am | Potatoes -perbu 45 ( ? o . " • ' ] flflf Broom Corn Choice Green 2 Gn 'iK $ . fl H Dranjies per l o"i Pfl Gri tT jfl flj A-ppIe * . Per bhl 1 * V > bit ' . V > 3 H Hay Upland , per ton \ HO ( Jr. i us * flfll SOUTH OMAHA STOCK MARKET. jfTflfl Ho- . Choice lijxht 4 00 @ 4 1. * y flfl Hogs Heavy weights 4 CO < ? r 4 10 fla Beef.steers J 00 < Ti-i 7 < flfl Bulls 'JO f3 1' fl H Stags. • ! Ji ) 6tf 4 o < > | Caivo : : no 51 r. oo flflfl Western Feeders : : 00 c a t : jd flflfl Cows t .V ) it ? < y , H H Heifet- < > 5.1 G5 : f-o flflfl ] stockers and Feeders : : : r 64 4 z fl HB "heep Western I. 'imlw It" ) iij . " . fKi fl flj Sheep , AVe. > tern Wethers I Or < & 3 U5 flfl | CHICAGO. fl fl Wheat No. U spring ai - . ' 14 , flfl | Corn perbu : kjna 31 flflB Oats perbu it ) 65 vsx ( f flfl Barley No. - .T7 ( a I4' flfl Uye No. 2 fjO ( m tc-i flfll Pork 8 * k ) ftis fla , Lard per 100 lbs t ST. fcj r 00 flflfl Cattle Native beef steer.ICO it f. .V. flflB Cattle Stockers and feeder- . . . 'i 40 4 i . " < < > flflfl Hogs Prime light 4 Vfi V ) 4 : r. flflfl sheep Lambs : i .V ) 6r 5 2. flfll Sheep Westerns 3 3) < gj 4 00 flflfl NEW YORK. aflfl Wheat No.2 , red. Winter 1 02 G 1 0.1 flfl ] Corn No. 2 7 > , ' ( r. ; vjf ; fl H Oats No. 2 2t & 'i\i flfll Pork 1025 < TS10 7r flfl Lard 5 20 to 5 30 T flfl KANSAS CITY. jflfl Whoat-No. 2 , spring SG 875 $ fl Corn No.2 27 © 2S Hfl Oats No.2 22 @ 22U. flfll Cattle Stockers and Feeders. . . 2 50 fi 4 55 ' flfll Hogs Mixed 4 15 & I 27U , Hfll sheep Muttons 2 fcO 43 3 50 JflflB fl