The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 10, 1897, Image 1

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    PR * * /ife / * i
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f The Republicans Held Their Nominating-
Convention , Last Saturday.
fti A Strong Ticket Is Named Under
| the Most Favorable Auspices.
] A United , Strong : Pull and
| They Are Winners.
The Republicans of Red Willow county
held their nominating convention in In
dianola , last Saturday , and under the
most harmonious and favorable circum
t stances placed in the field a county ticket
which a united , vigorous effort will elect
, in November.
' The convention was called to order by
Chairman Barnett of the centrul commit
tee about eleven o'clock. The call was
read by Secretary Valentine. Dr. J. E.
Hathoru of Bartley was made temporary ,
chairman and C. B. Gray of McCook ,
temporary secretary.
There were no contests , and the list of
delegates to the late delegate convention ,
except Indianola , Coleman , Fritsch and
North Valley , were on motion accepted
as the delegates to the convention. The
new delegates were :
1 Fritsch W.A. McCoolWilliam Crock-
ford , L. L. Harrison , R. M. Humes. In
dianola G. W. Short , A. G. Dole , W.O.
• Bond , Michael Morris , A. W. Hoyt , J. S.
Phillips , F. M. Goodneck , Henry Crab-
tree. Coleman H. K. Bixler , M. H.
Cole , George Howell , H. B. Wales , A.
Prentice. North Valley J. V. Carna-
lian , S. Haywood , Milton Fiddler , De-
On motion of G. R.Johnson the tern ,
porary organization was made the per
manent organization of the convention.
A. Barnett asked for a call of the roll
of precincts to ascertain what proportion
of the delegates were present. Eigbty-
' four delegates reported as being present
out of the total of 124 entitled. Bond-
ville was not represented. An adjourn
ment was then taken to one o'clock.
j The convention promptly assembled
after dinner and proceeded to business.
A delegate reported from Bondville
< precinct , making every precinct repre
C. E. Eldred moved that delegates
present cast full vote of the precinct they
H. H. Troth moved that the conven
tion proceed to nominate candidates ac
| cording to the call.
W. O. Bond thought that the first bal
lot should be an informal one. F. S.
Curry , who was the Holman of the convention -
, vention , objected and the motion was
F. S. Lofton of Gerver precinct pre
sented the name of O. L. Thompson. S.
L.Green seconded the nomination. E.A.
Sexson moved suspension of rules and
Thompson was nominated by acclama
tion. Mr. Thompson said he was grate
ful for the honor , that he would be more
highly gratified if the nomination should
be ratified at the polls. He asked that
the party pull together this fall ; that
, . , factional and sectional differences be
< buried ; that good men be nominated
r . from any part of the county. He referred
" • to the fact that the Republican party is
all right nationally , and that with good
prices , protection and reciprocity , the
country is entering an era of great pros-
w perity.
_ * k R. P. High offered the name of Esben
\ s P. Day of Lebanon. A second came
J from J. S. Phillips and on motion of C.
\ E. Eldred the nomination was made by
' f acclamation. Mr. Day said he appreci-
t ated the confidence imposed in him ;
' \ thanked the convention for the honor ,
f and promised , if elected , to .make a
< r/ strong effort to acquit himself so the people
ple would not regret his selection.
I E. A. Sexson placed in nomination W.
f A. McCool , and Fritsch precinct seconded -
ed the same. On motion of Mr. Sexson
the nomination was made by acclama
tion. Mr. McCool was unavoidably detained -
' tained at home and could not respond to
• the calls for a speech.
) t C. W. Beck of Indianola was placed in
nomination by C. W. Hodgkin. W. R.
Starr named G. S. Bishop , and R. P.
High seconded the same. The first bal
lot stood : Beck 63J4 and Bishop 60 .
Before the result was figured up and an
nounced , a number of precincts com
menced changing their votes , after which
the vote stood 65 for Bishop and 584
> for Beck. On account of the confusion
\J $ ' was thought best to have another roll
/ JlT It was decided that no changing
* * of votes would be considered after the
votes of the precincts were once an
nounced. The result was : Bishop 74 ,
Mr. Bishop said in part that he cer
tainly appreciated the honor. That he
is a Republican first men are a second
ary consideration. That in addition to
seeking an election he would use his best
efforts to convert the Popocrats.
C. N. Whittaker was placed in " nomi
nation by C. G. Coglizer. W. O. Bond
offered the name of L. A. Carnahan ,
which R. P. High seconded. Dr. S. L.
Green named Mrs.M J.Cordeal. William
Valentine seconded Mr. Whittaker's
nomination , saying that he had a too
deep and lasting respect for weakly ,
timid woman to ask her to stand the
hard work required in inclement weather
by the office ; and stating that Mr. Whit
taker was a strong , bright and devoted
young man , in earnest to do good work.
C. E. Eldred offered a second to the nom
ination of Mrs. Cordeal. R. P. High re
marked that when Mr. Valentine has
been married as long as Dr. Hathorn or
Dr. Green , he will not have so small an
estimate of woman's strength. The
nomination of Mr. Carnahan was second
ed by J. S. Phillips , and balloting was
commenced. The first ballot stood : Car
nahan , 52 ; Whittaker , 51 ; Cordeal , 20.
'The ' second ballot resulted : Whittaker ,
60 ; Carnahan , 50 ; Cordeal , 13. At this
juncture Mr. Carnahan announced that
the Republican party had treated him
well ; that he had no kick , and withdrew
from the contest. The next ballot then
stood 69 for Whittaker and 49 for Cor
deal. On motion of G. R. Johnson and
second by Sylvester Cordeal , the nomi
nation was made unanimous. Mr. Whit
taker said it was positively his first ap
pearance as a candidate. That he was
thankful and appreciative for the honor
and took some satisfaction in the advan
tage he felt over the other nominees in
having a lady running mate.
W. H. Benjamin named E. S. Hillwho
declined ; allowing that he was too big a
fool for the place , which he held as prin
cipal or deputy for lo these 25 years , and
ought to kuow enough to keep out. I.E.
Kelley named A. F. Reeves of Box El
der , E. A. Sexson offered a second , and
on motion of J. S. Phillips the nomina
tion was made by acclamation. Mr.
Reeves briefly thanked the conven
tion for the honor. Mr. Hill asked to be
put on the retired list at half pay , but E.
A. Sexson objected to half pay as ' much
as Mr. Hill had to "taffy. "
For the office of coroner Dr. J. E.
Hathorn , Sylvester Cordeal , Dr. A. W.
Hoyt and Dr. S. L. Green were named
and declined. Mr. Cordeal declined in
favor of William Valentine , who object
ed to the stupid custom of making this
nomination a source of hilarity , and
closed a historical sketch of the office
with the remark that he did not care to
be so much mixed up with royal institu
tions. R. P. High wanted the central
committee to fill the place , but the mo-
tian was lost. J. E. Kelley suggested
that as no one had as yet met with the
Democratic conference committee it
might be well to appoint such a commit
tee from this convention. C. E > Eldred
named Joseph Spotts , Dr. S. L. Green
offered a second and on motion of A.
Barnett he was unanimously chosen.
E. S. Hill then announced that he is
an undertaker , that he had always been
a Republican , and thatif the party killed
off the Ppp party this fall he would see
that the remains are decently interred
J. E. Kelley offered a motion that the
central committee be empowered to fill
vacancies that might occur on the ticket
before election.
The convention then adjourned.
Chairman Barnett announced t con
ference of the nominees and central com
mittee , which then took place in the
rooms in the rear of the Beardslee hall ,
where the convention was held.
The delegates of the Second district
then convened and commenced balloting
for a nominee for county commissioner.
East Valley , Indianola , Red Willow ,
Fritsch , Alliance and North Valley pre
cincts compose the district. A. G. Keys
and Eenry Crabtree , both of Indianola
precinct , were named. " Eight ballots
were taken without decision , and a brief
recess was taken. After reconvening two
more futile ballots were . .taken ; but the
eleventh ballot gave Crabtree 17 , Keys
16. Mr. jfcrabtree said that he had served
the county nine years in that capacity ;
that what mistakes he might have made
were of the head and not the heart ; that
if elected he would do the best he knew
how for the county. Adjourned.
A party of about thirty Epworthians
of the city joined with the Box Elder
League , Sunday afternoon , in a union
service at Box. Elder. It was a profita
ble and pleasurable gathering , socially
and spiritually.
Hammocks at McMilien's drug store.
Miss Lulu Norvax , is assisting in
Lowman's store.
L. WV McConnell was able to be
down town to business on Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter H. Green of Des
Moines , Iowa , is the guest of Mrs. S. L.
Mrs. Ed. Beyrer went down to Red
Cloud on a visit to relatives , Thursday
Mrs. S. E. Callen returned home ,
Wednesday evening , from her visit to
relatives in Iowa.
E. A. Paine , one of Furnas county's
commissioners , was up from Oxford , last
Friday , on business.
Mrs. H. G. Borneman and James re
turned , Sunday evening , from a short
visit to Arapahoe relatives.
J. A. Hammond and family went down
to Indianola , Monday evening , to enjoy
the gathering of old soldiers.
H. H. Troth was in Lincoln , Wednes
day , attending a nlteting of the Repub
lican state central committee.
Mrs. C B. Gray went down to In
dianola , Monday night , to visit her
mother and take in the reunion.
J. H. BERGE attended the Reunion at
Indianola , yesterday. C. H. Boyle was
in charge of his office during his absence.
Mrs. Page T. Francis has broken
up house-keeping and we understand
will shortly join her husband in Craw
ford , this state.
John Hatfield arrived from Deca
tur , Illinois , Wednesday night , and is
pleased with the condition of affairs he
finds existing here.
Treasurer and Mrs. Meserve spent
Monday in the city , coming up from
Hastings , Sundaylht , and returning
to Lincoln on Mon > y night.
Miss Ona Simons left for her home
in Iowa , Saturday last , to visit a couple
of weeks before entering upon her school
work here in one of our country districts.
E. J. Mitchell' of the Courier has
been confined to the house all week with
an attack of typhoid fever. We are
pleased to announce that he is improv
ing at this writing and that a long siege
of fever may be averted.
Grandpa Oyster arrived from Alli
ance , Ohio , Wednesday night , and will
visit here some length of time , the guest
of his Mrs. Sarah
daughter-in-law , Oys
ter. The older grand-daughters are al
ready carrying handsome gold watches
as mementoes of grandpa's visit and gen
J. A. Goheen , we learn with sincere
regret , has decided to soon remove from
us. He has reverted his irrigated farm
south of the city on Dry creek back to
Henry Meyer. Grasshoppers and disease
among his hogs , this year , were the
cause of much loss and great discourage
ment to him and are doubtless respon
sible for his determination to leave us
soon. May prosperity attend him.
Only thirty-five weeks more of school.
Lantern class , this evening , at eight
Miss Selma Noren visited the schools ,
first of the week.
Rev. H. L. Preston visited the schools ,
Monday afternoon , and delivered a short
talk to the pupils.
An opportunity will be given the pupils
to attend the county fair one day , as has
been the custom , but no regular day off
will be given.
J. S. Rhea , accompanied by his daugh
ter , Miss Ida , came over from Eddy ,
Hayes county , Monday. That evening
Miss Rhea took the train for McCook
where she expects to attend school this :
winter. Palisade Press.
The total enrollment up to Thursday
evening is 591 , divided as follows : High ,
Schoolii2 ; First Grammar , 67 ; First Intermediate -
termediate , 80 ; Second Intermediate , 58 ;
First Primary East , 72 ; First Primary
West , 49 ; Second Primary East , 60 ; Second
end Primary West , 45 ; South McCook,48.
Mr. Charles McCarl and Miss Lillian '
Troth will be united in marriage , next :
Sunday. They will at once go to housekeeping - '
keeping in Mrs. Smith Gordon's dwelling - ;
ing on Madison avenue. The Tribune
anticipates and offers its warmest con
gratulations and well-wishes.
A fine rain prevailed over this section
of the state , last night , putting- the
ground in good shape for fall plowing.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' aJ'Jfc
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Her Gentle Racket.
. A young woman who claimed to be
deaf and dumb was reported to be solic
iting alms in East Lincoln , Saturday
afternoon. Chief Parker went out in
search of her. He traced her from El
liott school almost to the Pecks Grove
depot. In driving past her , he asked
if she wanted to ride. Unthinkingly she
responded "No. " The chief brought
her to the station where she told him she
was on her way from McCook to Nor
folk. She seemed to be an unsophisti
cated country girl who did not see any
thing wrong in the way she was raising
money. The chief turned her over to
Matron Hyde who promised to find her
something to do. Lincoln Journal.
Bishop Graves.
Bishop Graves will be here on Monday
evening next , September 13th. The
Bishop will preach and administer bap
tism and confirmation. At this service
the members of St. Alban's chapel will
present the Bishop with a cope of white
satinembossed , bordered with pale blue ,
and lined with electric blue china silk.
This will be the first time an Anglican
Bishop has ever worn a cope in our city.
The cope is a cloak worn during divine
services , reaching from shoulders nearly
to the feet , open in front except at the
top , where it is joined by a band or clasp.
To School Directors.
The directors of our county fair have
made arrangements to admit , during the
fair , school children at reduced rates. I
earnestly request you to dismiss the
school for one day , so that the teacher
and pupils may attend the fair , and that
the teacher may not be compelled to
make up the time.
. 'h. A. Carnahan , County Supt.
A Lively Rupaway.
Fowler Wilcox was considerably
bruised up in a runaway , Sunday. He
was driving among some loose horses on
his ranchwhen the horse he was behind ,
in a "military" spirit and with a grace
ful sweep of the tail , removed the lines
from "his hands. Then ensued a merry
go-as-you-please , terminating in Fowler
being uncermoniously dumped outjof the
bu gy-
= = = = =
An Ugly Fall.
Mrs. C. F. Babcock met with a painful
accident , Sunday evening , from which
she escaped , however , without any brok
en bones. She fell down the long , steep
stairway in the rear of the Babcock build
ing. Bruises , sprains and cuts make up
the painful total of injuries. It was a ,
narrow escape from serious if not fatal
results. .
Will Be Dedicated.
The sod church at Fairview , a few
miles south of the city , will be dedicated (
to the service of God , Sunday afternoon (
next. Rev. Badcon will preach the sermon - -
mon and quite a number of Epworthians
from the city will participate.
Special Meeting : . i
The county commissioners will hold a 1
special meeting , tomorrow , for the purpose - <
pose of appointing a road overseer for ]
district 30 and a justice of the peace for ]
Willow Grove piecinct , and any other
business that may come before them. i
Bring in the Samples.
Persons who have agreed to give sam- )
pies of wheat , etc. , for exhibition at the ]
state fair , should bring in the same , tomorrow - <
morrow , and leave them at the Citizens j
Bank. Don't neglect , please. .
In Ripe Old Age.
John F. Garlick of southern Frontier
county died on Sunday afternoon last , (
aged about 75 years. Funeral was held ;
on Monday afternoon , interment being
made in that neighborhood.
For Sale. .
S.W.X N.W.XandWS.W.X29aiiti ; {
S.E.X S.E.X 30-2-30 ; price $200. S.J _
N.W.X of 3 and E. J _ N.E. # 4-3 29 ; price <
5 > 3oo. A. H. Kidd , Beatrice , Neb.
The call has been made for the Fifth '
Annual Convention of the Nebraska Irri
gation Association , tobeheldin Lincoln ,
Tuesday , Wednesday and ThursdaySep- {
tember 28 , 29 and 30 , 1897. For full par
ticulars write to J.C. Harpham , Lincoln ,
The Ladies' Missionary society of the
Congregational church held its annual ]
meeting on Wednesday afternoon at three
o'clock. The reports were encouraging
md the Thank-Offerings quite liberal. ]
The ball game at Indianola , Wednes
day , between the Strattons and Indian-
olas , was a walk-away for the Indianola
club. Sbore 17 to 4. McCook filled out
forStratton. *
_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ = _ _ _ _
The Rogers drum corps attended the
reunion in Indianola , Wednesday , pro- ,
vidfng one of the chief attractions of that ,
day. i
Fall.Term Opened , Monday Morningywith
Slightly Decreased Attendance.
McCook Is a coming Educational
Center Highest High School
Attendance In History of
' Our Public Schools.
The McCook public schools opened for
the fall term on last Monday morning
under the Superintendency of William
Valentine , who has been 'for the past
eight years at the head of our system ,
which now stands among the most pro
gressive and efficient in the state of Ne
There are three new teachers in the
system , this year , all being located in
the East ward building : Mr. George H.
Thomas , high school assistant , who is a
graduate of the University of Nebraska ,
class of ' 97 , with honors ; Miss Elizabeth
Thomson , second primary east , who has
taught with success in Wymore and Tecumseh -
cumseh ; and Miss Clara Smith , first pri
mary east , who formerly taught in the
asylum for feeble-minded at Beatrice.
Thorough and satisfactory work is ex
pected of each of them.
Superintendent Valentine informs us
that they have entered the school year
under favorable conditions and that a
profitable and pleasant term may be ex
pected. The efficiency of our school
system is a source of pride to our people ,
who will join The Tribune in wishing
the superintendent and his efficient as
sistants ample success throughout the
year in the important work upon which
they have entered.
The number of outside pupils already
in attendance is much larger than it was
at any time , last year. The initial en
rollment from without the school district
was 29. Last year but 18 enrolled at the
opening of school and the highest enroll
ment of this class of pupils was but 23.
It is likely that the enrollment of non
resident pupils will reach 50 during the
school year. And this is the more note
worthy when it is considered that the
tuition , this year , for non-residents is
$2.00 per month , while last year , under
the recently declared unconstitutional
high school law , the tuition was free.
The growing fame of our schools and
better times are doubtless responsible
for the increase. McCook is destined
to become quite an educational center.
Ihe list of non-resident pupils is * as fol
lows : Myrtle Kennedy , Charles Belles ,
Roy , Nettie and Ernest Dutton , Edward
Byfield , Nellie Colter , Grace Harman ,
Etta Gordon , Iva Smith , Lucy Fichtner ,
3y Stone , Laura Woodworth , Edward
ind Stasia Brady , Wayne Brinton , Ira
Kennedy , Nellie Baker , Albert Dudek ,
Etosa Albrecht , all of the city postoffice ;
uilla Coons , Thornburg , Hayes county ;
Charles Dodd , Salem , Kansas ; Anna
R.eevesBox Elder ; Bertha Shafer.Hailey ,
Wyoming ; Lewis Brown and Nora
Church , Osborn , Frontier county ; Ida
Xliea , Eddy , Hayes county ; Edna West ,
Elayes Center ; Blanch Plumb , Danbury.
The opening enrollment is 19 less than (
t was last year. This is explained in a ,
neasure by the reunion this week and
; he approaching county fair. The total ,
: his year is 571 as against 590 last year.
However , the enrollment in the high
school exceeds all records ; there are now
ive more pupils in attendance than there
ire seats. The decrease in enrollment '
s in the lower grades. In detail the en- ;
• ollment is as follow :
High School , Miss Rache Berry ; Mr. .
jeorge H. Thomas , assistant , 1896 , 88 ; ,
[ 897 , 112.
First Grammar , Mr. Erwin Hopt ,
[ 896 , 76 ; 1897 , 6r.
First Intermediate , Mr. C. N. Whitta-
; er ; Miss Lora LeHew , assistant , 1896 , j
)95 ) is97 , 80.
Second Intermediate , Miss Hannah i
Jtangland , 1896 , 50 ; 1897 , 56. <
Second Primary East , Miss Elizabeth '
Chomson , 1S96 , 64 ; 1897 , 58.
Second Primary West , Miss Clara Pur-
ris , 1896 , 60 ; 1897 , 43. j
First Primary East , Miss Clara L. K.
smith ; Miss Mabel Wilcox , assistant , '
S96 , 56 ; 1897 , 73.
First Primary West , Mrs. Mary Duffy , ]
-1896 , 52 ; 1897 , 47.
South McCook , Miss Nora Stroud , ]
S86 , 45 ; 1897 , 45. {
Mrs. Cordeal substituted for Miss ]
Jerry , Monday and Tuesday morning.
The board of education lacked a quo- *
Tim , Monday evening , and will meet at
he call of the secretary.
Ernest Cordeal of the class of ' 97 will ,
eave , Monday evening , for Lincoln , to
: nter the state university. !
Slate cloth blackboards have been
idded to the West ward building equip-
nent. They are next to thegenuineslate !
ind not so costly. ;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Merchants report increasing trade. jE
Selby can repair your old buggy tops. 1
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil- ft'
len'sdrug store. K
For Sale 60 calves. Inquire at nL
First National bank. W\ \
There is a section of a ouggy curtain II
at this office for the owner. II
Have you been into look at Selby's 1.1
harness at the "Bee Hive" ? 11
A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john | |
o gt'y P ce at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's | |
Be in the swim. Buy one of those fl
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. | l
Sutton. HI
Monday was labor day. The closing fl
of the banks and postoffice was the only fl
observance. 11
See the add of I. T. Benjamin for a fl
special sale of made-to-order clothing , \m \
September 17th. {
Mrs. M. E. Barger , this week , moved \M \
into the Babcock store room , lately va- jtfl
cated by the Lowmans. H
People who want something nobby in | 1
suits this season should read the ad of I. [ I
T. Benjamin and be on hand that day. [ fl
Selby is now selling his own make of ( fl
leather suspenders at40 cents ; same kind [ fl
the old hundred per center is selling at > fl
60 cents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t H j
Don't think of buying a carriage , buggy - H
gy or any other vehicle until you have fl
seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's fl
store and gotten their prices. fl
The Building Association has some fl
good houses which can be bought at low . . fl
prices and on easy payments. See the ; fl
Secretary at First National Bank. afl
A slight shower , Thursday morning , r-0fl
settled the dust , tempered the atmos- jfl ' |
phere and quieted the wind for awhile. 'Ifl
All of which is very acceptable. [ jfl
S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the X fl
largest line of carriages and buggies ever fl
exhibited iu McCook. And they will fl
sell them at prices never equaled in this fl
city. 'fl
Do you want to rent or buv a house ? fl
The Building Association has several fl
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of fl
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National fl
Bank. fl
J.E. Kelley has received from the J. B. fl
McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies fl
a carload for immediate sale. See fl
him before buying. He will save you * - _ fl
money. fl
James Cain has just added more stor- fl
age room to his feed store on West Den- fl
nison street , moving a small frame build- fl
ing down from the northwestern part of fl
the cit3' . fl
J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies fl
that must be sold at once. This means fl
unprecedented bargains for all wanting fl
1 buggy. See him and get figures. They fl
talk for themselves. fl
H. C. Rider is tearing down some more fl
jf his frame buildings on West Dennison fl
street. They can be well spared for fl
more useful service than they have been fl
jiving for some years. fl
Governor Holcomb has appointed C. fl
H. Meeker of our city one of the five fl
delegates to represent Nebraska in the fl
national irrigation convention to beheld fl
in Lincoln , September 28. fl
Jacob Randel of Red Willow has just fl
liad completed for himself , near the fl
mouth of the creek , one of the most com- fl
modious , convenient and ornate farm fl
louses to be found in the county. fl
After you have threshed your small fl
2rain ; came in and make yourself right fl
vith the editor. If you are not now a fl
reader of The Tribune try it a year. It fl
vill be a household necessity with you in fl
the future. fl
The hot , dry , windy weather of the fl
3ast few weeks has materially shortened fl
: he corn crop. Some place the damage fl
it a high figure , others at a more mod- fl
: rate percent. It will be considerable , fl
10 doubt. fl
Apropos ot the non-partisan election fl
joards law , Attorney General Smyth has fl
jiven another opinion to the effect that fl
he fusion forces must be counted as two fl
parties by county judges in making their fl
ippointments of judges and clerks of fl
dection. fl
S. M. Cochran & . Co. are headquarters fl
" or carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact , fl
" or all sorts of vehicles. They will make M
70U prices that nobody can beat for first- 'fl
: lass , reliable goods. Don't buy until M
irou have seen them and heard their M
jentle racket on prices. Standard goods I
it rock-bottom prices. 1