The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 27, 1897, Image 1

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V > Populist County Convention.
Pursuant to call , delegates of the Peo-
m pies' Independent party assembled in
county convention in the opera house at
W Indianola at io a. in. , Monday. Chair-
I man I. M. Smith of the county central
m committee called the meeting to order
m and read the call. S. W. Stilgebouer ol
V Dan bury was elected temporary chair-
& uiau and E. J. Mitchell of McCook , tem-
HL porary secretary.
B' A committee of five was appointed con-
Hr sisting of A. W. Utter , W. A. Minniear ,
W J. A. Carter , E. J. DeAnnond and J. Dut-
r cher on credentials. C. H. Boyle , John
Long and R. C. Catlett were appointed a
m committee on permanent organization.
J A committee of five was appointed on
i platform and resolutions as follows : A.
, J. Rittenhouse , 33. B. Lister , I. A. Sberi-
HF dan , Sidney Dodge and M. C. Maxwell.
W Committee on permanent organization
I recommended that the temporary organ-
r izatiou be made permanent , and the re-
L port was adopted.
mk' A conference committee of three , con-
W sisting of Maurice Reddy , P. P. Garrett , <
p P. J. Hickmau , was appointed to confer
b with a like committee from the Demo-
pt cratic convention regarding a union of
L forces. A committee of five on order of
I business was appointed as follows : L. J.
* > Holland , Albert Weeks , James Carmich-
L ael , Soren Simonson , Leonard Stevens.
| k Couventiou adjourned to i p. m.
Convention called to order as per ad-
L journment. Coniuiitteeon order of busi-
H ness offered their report , which was acV -
V cepted. Committee on credentials made
their report and same was adopted. The
following resolutions were adopted as
Wf reported b } ' the committee :
Be it Rhsola'ED , That the Peoples'
W Independent party of Red Willow coun-
1 ty do hereby adhere to the platform of
B * our party adopted at the national cou-
w vention of 1892.
W That we commend the action of our
K congressmen from this state , and espec-
I ially of the Hon. R. D. Sutherland of
this , the Fifth , congressional district , for
B his patriotic devotion to the cause of them
m- party and the people. We also approve
his earnest and able advocacy so success-
B fully made in behalf of the soldiers of
W' the late civil Avar , in procuring well-de-
K v served pensions.
M We desire to express our entire confi-
W dence in the ability and integrity of the
I senior senator from this state , the Hon.
W. V. Allen , whose untiring energy and
devotion to the cause of the people have
F' given him a national reputation as a
W \ friend of the toiling masses of tnis
, country.
L Resolved , That the Peoples' Independent -
| > pendent party of Red Willow county in
W convention assembled heartily endorse
I the administration of Governor Holcomb
1 and recognize in him a fearless champion
m of the rights of the people as against the
ft corporate power which has been so long
WL in control of the Republican party , and
B that we especially commend him for his
ft unswerving loyalty to the people of this
B. state , while associated with andsurroun-
E ded by the late Republican officials whom
B the doors of the state penitentiary are
Wp now swinging open to receive.
K 1 The conference committee reported
B that it had failed to hear from the coin-
mittee appointed by the Democrats. Re-
B port accepted and committee discharged.
Little or no opposition was found to
B v exist against the present county officials
B and the } * were all renominated by acclamation -
mation as follows :
W For Count } * Judge , Isaac M. Smith of
R Indianola ; Sheriff , John R. Neel of Indi-
* anola ; Coroner , J. M. Rrown of Bartley ;
F" Treasurer , J. H. Berge of Indianola ;
ft Clerk , R. A. Green of McCook ; Surveyor
or- or , Andrew Barber of Indianola.
B' Miss Xillie Welborn of Indianola and
B G. F. Godown of Danbury were nomina-
B ted for county superintendent. A ballot
R \ resulted as follows : Miss Welborn 5S 4 ,
F N Mr. Godown 46 . The rules were sus-
B peiided and Miss Welborn's nomination
r * was made by acclani. ; > n.
B The Second commissioner district con-
B sisting of Alliance , East Valley , Fritsch ,
H Indianola , North Valley and Red Willow
Bs precincts next proceeded to vote on a
E candidate for commissioner. An infor-
B mal ballot resulted in 26 votes for James
B Carmichael , the present incumbent , and
B S votes for Maurice Redd } of Alliance.
p Under suspension of rules thenornniation
V of -Carmichael was made by accla-
K mation.
m The county central committee was em-
B powered to fill any vacancies that might
H , occur on the ticket.
H [ The following persons were elected as
B delegates to the state convention to be
HL held in Lincoln , September 1st : I. A.
F Sheridan of Indianola , C. H. Boyle of
gK McCook , Hon. J. B. Meserve of McCook ,
B James Carmichael of Indianola , H. H.
k Pickens of McCook , James Robinson , W.
B , A. Minniear , C. P. Underwood , S. W.
Rf Stilgebouer of Danbury , Sidney Dodge of
H M cCook.
E ( Following is a list of the precinct com-
f" ' niitteemen chosen :
* Alliance John Long , Indianola.
B Beaver W. A. Minniear , Danbury.
B Bondville William Uerling.Indianola.
BL Box Elder J. S. ModreU , McCook.
m Coleman Robert Moore , McCook.
B Danbury E. B. Lister , Danbury.
Driftwood CharlesBoatman.McCook.
East "Valley E. J. DeArmond.Bartlej.
B Fritsch Andrew Barber , Indianola.
Gerver Sidney Dodge , McCook.
Grant T. A. Rowland , Banksville.
Indianola New'n Dutcher , Indianola.
Lebanon E. M Pennington.Lebanon.
Mo. Ridue James RobinsonDan bury.
North Valley R. C. Catlett , Bartley.
Perry J. H. Meyer , McCook.
Red Willow S. E. Hager , Indianola.
Tyrone William McTaggart , Tyrone.
Val. Grange Jas. Roberson , McCook.
Willow Grove A. R. Clark , McCook.
I. M. Smith was chosen chairman and
J. A. Hammond , secretary , of the county
central committee.
Rev. I. W. Dwire was a city visitor
Friday last.
Dr. A.P.WELI.ES had business in Lin
coln , Monday.
A. A. Maley was an eastbound on 4 ,
Sunday evening.
George Hocknell spent last Friday
in the city on business.
Mrs. J. F. Kenyon and Dare were
Lincoln visitors , Monday.
Miss Minnie Real of Grafton is
visiting friends in the city.
Mollie and Julia Ryan are visiting
friends in Rock Falls , this state.
Mrs. Clara Harbison spent Sun
day with her folks in Culbertson.
Miss Rache Berry retnrned.Tuesday
evening , from her visit to Illinois.
Miss May Mitchell is up from In
dianola visiting her brother of the Cour
Miss Eva Hill left on last Friday
evening for her home in South Bend ,
Mrs. C. W. Bronson and mother
went up to Denver , Tuesday night , on a
Albert McMillen had business on
the farm near Trenton , early part of the
Rev. August Guebert returned from
his Illinois visit of six weeks , Wednesday
Mrs. J. B. Ballard and John returned
home , Monday night from a visit down
the road.
E. O. Scott of the Inter-Ocean was up
from Bartley to take in the convention ,
R. O. Adams oi the Trenton Leader
was in the city , "Wednesday , viewing the
ball game.
Mrs. H. P. Sutton and Mrs. Vina
Wood arrived home , Sunday night , from
their Omaha visit.
Miss Ellen Halligan , formerly of
this city , has opened up a millinery store
in Falls City , Nebraska.
E. L. Laycock is down from Denver
and the mountains visiting his mother
and friends and on business.
SupT. and Mrs. Carnahan were up
from Bartley , Saturday and Sunday ,
guests of her mother , Mrs. Cook.
Miss Feeney of Hastings , who has
been the guest of Mrs. P. F. McKenna ,
returned to her home , Sunday night.
Mrs. Lyman Miller left for DeWitt ,
Illinois , last Saturday , to visit four or
five weeks with relatives and friends.
J. H. BaysTON , wife and children , of
Kearney , arrived in the city , Tuesday
evening , and are visiting here briefly.
Mr. " . ! D Mrs. Alex Smith arrived
from Sioux City , Iowa , on Saturday
evening , and are now "at home" to their
Mrs. UJ. . Warren and little girl left
for Denver and Colorado Springs , Sunday
night on 5. They will be absent a few
RTJSSELL McMillen departed on Sat
urday morning for Somerset county ,
Pennsylvania , to spend a few weeks at
tt : old home.
J. A. Dixon has been tendered a lucra
tive position in a barber shop at McCook
and went up the first of the week to ac-
sept the same. Oxford Standard.
M. J. Abbott , of the Hayes County
Republican , was in the city Wednesday ,
going down to Lincoln , Wednesday even
ing , to attend the Republican State
Mr. Kjser of Garber & Co. spent the
close of last and first of this week in
Omaha buying goods. Another of his
children has been taken down with the
scarlet fever.
Mrs. F. M. Kimmell and Schell went
down to Lincoln , Saturday night , to visit
a week or so with Treasurer Meserve
and family. Mr. Kimmell accompanied
them , returning home , Monday night.
Miss Gertrude Yocum left Tuesday
for McCook to spend a few days with
her uncle who resides there W. E.
Hart came up from McCook the fore
part of the week to spend a few days
with relatives and friends. Hastings
- v - - > - _ * & _ _ _ * & : 'iJ ! . .s 'v-
The County Fair.
Indianola , Nebraska , August 22 , 1897.
Editor Tribune I suspect that it is
time to begin telling your readers some
few of the attractions prepared for the
people at the coming fair. We have been
blessed with most bountiful crops and
good prices , and the people of Red Wil
low county deserve a holiday , and are
going to take it , too , at the county fair.
If ever a people on God's footstool work
ed hard and lived close and looked for
ward hopefully and courageously after
every mishap and failure , and pluckily
set their teeth and tried again , those
people surely live in Southwestern Neb
raska and Red Willow county. All honor
to them I say ; and so nothing is too
good for them. Realizing this fact the
management of the fair has spared no
expense to make this the best fair ever
held in Western Nebraska. First and
foremost we have engaged Prof. W. P.
Dennis of Terre Haute , Indiana , an aer
onaut of 23 years' experience , to make a
balloon ascension every day and jump
from the clouds with his parachute. This
will cost the society a large sum , Dut we
feel confident the people will appreciate
the exhibition of something never before
seen in this county. The racing , this
year , will be better than ever before , and
more horses will face the starter in each
class than have ever assembled at the
ringing of the bell in a western county ,
and the watches will stop on some fast
miles , as the track is in fine condition.
We are also about to close a deal with a
Chicago company whereby a kinetiscope
will exhibit moving pictures in an im
mense pavilion. A petrified woman , too ,
will be exhibited. There will be a large
tent on the grounds , furnished with easy
chairs , settees , fans , ice water , etc. ,
where tired women with fretful children
may lest and refresh themselves , free of
charge. We are now arranging for a
pigeon shoot between the gun clubs of
Cambridge , Stockville , McCook , Indian
ola , and any other towns that wish to
compete , for a trophy and a generous
sum of money beside. The secretary is
having a special place fitted up with
chairs and desks for the exclusive use of
the press , where the reporters may sit
at their ease and report the races. This
will be immediately adjoining the judges'
stand. On Wednesday the Old Settlers
of Red Willow county will exhibit them
selves to admiring thousands. Come out
and see the men who made history in
this county , old vets who hunted buffaloes
lees , horse-thieves and fleas in this coun
try twenty years ago. Come and hear
Colonels Hill , Black , Weygint , Fitch ,
Doyles , Fritsch , Belles , Longnecker , 01-
cott , Crockford , Miller , Moore , Messner ,
Bradbury , and a lot more , try to outdo
the G.A.R. vets in telling yarns. Twelve
years' residence and a hungry look make
you eligible to membership. Come and
shake hands with old neighbors and
friends. Sit around a camp-fire and
drink a tin-cup full of freighters' coffee ,
such as we used to make when we went
to Plum Creek after a load of freight for
Franklin , Quick or Duffy. If you are
a young man , come and bring your girl ;
she expects it. Bring two girls , if pos
sible. Don't disappoint them. Come and
help make the fair a success. . Try to
feel that it is our fair and that you must
personally assist in swelling the : crowd
and helping the management. We will
amuse and entertain you. Come.
W. A. McCool , Secretary.
An Old Settler Gone.
After a lingering illness , George M.
Chenery passed awayTuesday afternoon ,
a victim of consumption. Dropsy devel
oped in the closing stages of his illness
and hastened his decease. The deceased
was an early settler of our city and was
a favorate with everybodyslandinghigh
in the community until recent years ,
when multiplied misfortunes robbed him
of his once comfortable means and some
what beclouded his life. A generous-
hearted man has gone on before. Peace
to his ashes. He has no relatives , save
perhaps a sister in England. The fun
eral occurred " on Wednesday afternoon ,
conducted by the Masons. Services were
held in the Methodist church , conducted
by Rev. J. A. Badcon.
Shorthand Class.
I expect to start a new evening short
hand class at East ward school building ,
September 10th. Those interested write
or inquire of L. W. STayner.
A Housekeeper Wanted.
A good house-keeper can secure steady
employment and good wages at my home.
Mrs. A. J. Rittenhouse.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per
gallon at McConnell's.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
Hammocks at McMillan's drug store.
A Harmonious Convention.
Saturday afternoon last at 2:15 chair
man Sexson called to order the Republi
can county convention for the selection
of state delegates , etc. Call was read by
Secretary Barnes.
On motion of A. Barnett , Dr. J.E. Ha-
thorn of Bartley was made temporary
chairman. The doctor , in taking the
chair , said it was a pleasureand an honor
to preside over the convention of a party
whose predictious and promises were
so grandly realized and faithfully carried
out ; that with harmony in our ranks and
good men for office , success is assured.
On motion of H H. Troth , Esben P.
Day of Lebanon was chosen temporary
secretary. The gentleman being absent ,
on motion of William Valentine the po
sition was voted to James Fowler of Ger
ver precinct.
On motion of J. E. Kelley , the roll of
precincts was called and the several
chairmen announced the following dele
gates present :
Alliance W. W. Lcmusters , Jackson Cromer ,
Perry Ginther , Samuel Premer , Taylor Ginther.
JJnAVEKr-S. II. Coon , Thomas Bo\d , "William
Iliersekorn , K. P. Eno , Moses Youngs
ISondville Not represented.
Hex Eldek D. P. lirou er , C. . . "Werner , J. A.
Pinkerton , A. AV. Campbell , A. F. Kee\et > .
Coleman II. K. Ilixler , A. Prentice , II. II.
Wales , M. II. Cole , "W. II. Epperly.
Da.vih-hy E. M. Woods , J ! . B. Smiley , W. P.
Kennedy , C. It. Newberry.
Driftwood C. T. Ellcr , W. S. Fitch , K. IX
Rogers , J. II. "Wade. v
East . VHodi'ktn , J.E. It.ithoni ,
S.W. Clark , II. J. Hall , II. M. Morse , A. E Miller ,
"W. II. Gartbide , William Smith.
I-kitscii Not represented.
Geuvek N.J. Johnson , II. Itichardson , J. II.
Fowler , F. S. Lofton.
Grant "W. II. Benjamin , I. . C. Caldwell , II. I.
In-hianola J. YV. Dolan , J.J. Lamborn , II. "W.
Keyes , A. G. Kejs , C. AV. Beck , AV. O. Bond , E.
S. Hill , It. S. Baker.
Lebanon S. E. Balsten , Al Abbott , I > . A.
"Waterman , E. P. Day , J. ASlutts , R. P. High.
Missouri Ridoe J. A. Strain , J. II. Lewis , A.
North Valley Not represented.
Perry AS. . Hamilton , Howe Smith , J. A.
Brinton , Ed Ausbaugh.
Red AA'illow E. A. Sexson , J. R. Procter , Cap
tain Ends , C. M. Pinckney , Carl Korns.
Tvkone J. C. Moore , C. S.Blair , Frank Moore ,
A'alley Grange AVilliam Darlington , R. D.
Johnson.E. H.Brittain , A.D. Johnston , J.S. Brit-
taiii ,
AAiLLOW GaovE 1st Precinct II.II. Troth , S.
L. Green , H. AV. Cole , AA'illiam A' alentine.A.Bar
nett , S. , F. M. AVashburn , E. H. Doan ,
C.A. Dixon , V. Franklin , J. E. Kelley. Second
Precinct C.E. Eldred , Ed. Jordan , AAR.Starr ,
II.II. Berry , C. W. Barnes , H. Thompson , Mell
Holmes. Third Precinct C. G. Coglizer , C. I.
Hall , John AA'hittaker , G. Orman , John AA'entz , R.
M. Osborn , A. Probst. Fourth Precinct C. B.
Graj , M.J.Clark , G. A. Noren , AA'illiam Archi
bald , G. R. Johnson , Charles AA'eintz , AA * . N.
Rogers , J.M. Bell , Frank Curry.
On motion , J. J. Lamborn , W.R. Starr
and E. A. Sexson were chosen as a com
mittee on resolutions. The following
were submitted and unanimously ap
proved :
AA'e , the Republicans of Red AA'illow county , Ne
braska , in conention assembled , pledge anew our
faith in its platforms and principles. AA'e heartily
endorse the administration of President McKinley ,
and point with pride to its already beneficent influ
ence on commerce , on trade , and the returning pros
perity of all people , everywhere acknowledged ; al
though only tix months ha\e elapsed since the in
duction of AA'illiam McKinley into office , jet every
where are evidences of returning confidence. AA'e
commend our senators and represcntath es for the
speedy passage of the Dingley billwhereby foreign
ships are coming to our shores loaded with ballast ,
and departing loaded with the products of our soil.
We renew our allegiance to the principle of pro
tection , whereby our home market is preserved to
our people , thus affording our best market , and giv
ing employment to the labor of this country.
And , whereas the constitutions of the United
States and the State of Nebraska strictly prohibit
the abridgment of religious liberty , we demand
equal political rights for all our citizens , without
regard to their religious views , and condemn as in
imical to good government any innovation of this
great constitutional right guaranteed to all.
We demand faithful and honest sen-ice in all
our public servants , and speedy punishment of all
who betray their trust and the confidence of the
people.Wc .
Wc condemn in unmeasured terms the conduct
of G01 ernor Holcomb in his answer to the eastern
pressr whereby he sought to discredit our people
and destroy the fair name of our state. We de
nounce his answer as untruthful and dishonest.
And , whereas in the senate of the United States ,
Senator AA' .V. Allen did on the 6th day of July ,
iS07 , * hcn and there state and made public the fact
thattiovernor Holcomb did know of the embezzle
ment of J. S. Bartley , state treasurer , for two years
prior to the public knowledge thereof , therefor we
denounce Governor Holcomb for his truancy in not
bringing to justice said J. S.Bartlej * . And for his
I failure to do so we hold him guilty of betrayal of
trust and confidence and unworthy the exalted po
sition he holds.
On motion of R. S. Baker , delegates
present were authorized to cast full vote
of delegation.
On motion of J.E. Kelley temorary or
ganization was made permanent.
On motion of H. H. Berry , the chair
appointed H. H. Berry , S. WT . Clark ,
R. P. High , William Hiersekorn , H. W.
Keyes as a committee to select nine
state delegates. They reported as fol
lows , which was unanimously adopted :
W. S. Morlan , "W. R. Starr , J. C. Moore ,
H. H. Troth , J. E. Kelley , J.E. Hathorn ,
J. J.Lamborn , E. A. Sexson , A. G. Dole.
On motion of J. J. Lamborn , it was de
cided to hold the nominating convention
in Indianola. The question of the con
vention date called forth much orator } * .
C. G. Coglizer suggested September 13th.
W. R. Starr named September 4th. R.
P. High named September 25th. J. J.
Lamborn insisted that with wheat up
and silver down a short and vigorous
campaign is the thing. W. R. Starr
thought a longer campaign more effec
"Paraphrasing , William Valentine
maintained that the date ought to be
fixed without the consent of any party.
A number of votes finally settled the
date as Saturday , September 4th , and
the hour of leu o'clock , a. m. was agreed
on. V
On motion of H. H. Berry , the follow
ing county central committee was chosen :
Alliance Perry Ginther , Hartley.
Beaver William Hiersekorn , Lebanon.
Bondville Not represented.
Box Elder C.E. Werner , Box Elder.
Coleman II. K. Bixler , McCook.
Danbury E M. Woods , Danbury.
Driftwood A/V. S. Fitch , McCook.
East alley S. W. Clark , Hartley.
Fritsch Not represented.
Gerver C. M. Lofton , McCook.
Grant II. I. Peterson , Banksville.
Lebanon E. E. Dc\oe , Lebanon.
Missouri Ridge J. II. Lewis , Lebanon.
North alley Milton Fiddler , Cambridge.
Perry Howe Smith , McCook.
Red Willow CM. Pinckney , Indianola.
Tyronc Frank Moore , Tyrone.
Valley Grange J. S Brittain , McCook.
"Willow Grovcist Precinct William A'alen-
tine ; 2d Precinct II II. Berry ; 3d Precinct C. G.
Cogli/cr ; 4th Precinct G. R.Johnson ; all of Mc
S. L. Green moved that committee
select chairman , J. J. Lamborn amended
soconventioi/do that work. Amendment
accepted. R. S. Baker nominated E. A.
Sexson , H. H. Troth named A. Barnett.
By the withdrawal of Sexson the nomi
nation of A- Barnett was made by ac
clamation. The doctor also named Wil
liam Valentine for secretary and he was
elected by acclamation. In response to
call for speech , the secretary insisted it
was his duty to write not speak. Chair
man Barnett anounced that he and the
secretary were ready for work and asked
that the committeemen be not backward
in making suggestions and asking quest
ions , after which the convention ad
A Cenulne Surprise.
Table Rock , Neb. August 21 , 1897.
Last Friday evening , August 20 , about
50 guests assembled at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Jacobs to celebrate their
25th wedding anniversar } * , the occasion
being enlivened by social chat and
elocutionary numbers. Miss Pauline
Wright favored the audience with some
of her weli delivered elocutionary efforts ;
also an abundance of beautiful flowers
graced the occasion. A splendid supper
was served to which all did ample justice.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs , being comparatiA-ly
strangers , fully appreciated the affair ,
and will ever look back to this as one of
the pleasantest events of their life. Here's
hoping that ihey may meet , not only
those present on this occasion , but hosts
more friends , 25 years hence. X. Y. Z.
The Coming : Order.
The Star of Jupiter , a fraternal insur
ance company with supreme headquar-
at McCook , recently made application to
the proper authorities of Wisconsin to
begin work in that state. The authorities
there wrote to Auditor Cornell of this
state to know if the society was all right.
Mr. Cornell could not say , so went to
McCook this week to investigate the af
fairs of the order. The Evening Post on
Tuesday makes note of his return and
says Mr. Cornell reports the company in
good order. We have always been satis
fied that the working plan of the Star
of Jupiter is all right , and Avill eventual
ly be one of the strongest working fra
ternal insurance orders in the state if
properly managed. Beaver City Times.
Elected in Illinois.
In the issue of the Beardstown Illi-
noian of August 17th we notice the fol-
owing item about the late and highly es
teemed principal of cur high school :
"The Board of Education met Saturday
evening and elected Miss Rachael Beny ,
of McCook , Nebraska , teacher for the
Eighth grade in the public schools. "
A host of McCook friends will learn
this news with mingled feelings of regret
and pleasure regret that it takes her
from our city , and pleasure at learning
of her call to teach in Illinois.
A Successful Exterminator.
While Mrs. Vina Wood was burning
the straw in her chicken coop , Monday
morning , the flames destroyed the entire
hennery , lice and all. The damage was
light. No patent applied. A neighbor
ing shed was also somewhat charred.
Full line of boys' suits , reefers , and
overcoats , just received for fall and win
ter. I. T. Benjamin.
C. L. DeGroff & . Co. have just received
a fine stock of boys' school suit. See
them before buying.
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per
gallon at McConnell's.
Selby can repair your old buggy tops.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , ntMcMil-
len'sdrug store.
Machine oils , from 25c. to < i.6o per
gallon at McConnell's.
A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john
bugKJ' price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's
Desirable dress and working gloves at
The Famous Clothing Co.
Be in the swim. Buy one of those
.wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P.
Sutton. '
See our lines in every department
before you buy.
The Famous ClotiI-ing Co.
Over 2,000 samples for suits and over
coats fall and winter wear.
I. T. Benjamin.
Selby is now selling his own make of
leather suspenders at40 cents ; same kind
the old hundred per center is selling at
60 ceuts.
Don't think of buying a carriage , bug
gy or any other vehicle until you have
seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's
store and gotten their prices.
• The Building Association has some
good houses which can be bought at low
prices and on easy payments. See the
Secretary at First National Bank.
S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the
largest line of carriages and buggies ever
exhibited in McCook. And they will
sell them at prices never equaled in this
Do you want to rent or buy a house ?
The Building Association has several
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National
J. E. Kelly has received from the J. B.
McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies
a carload for immediate sale. See
him before buying. He will save you
The well known Keystone Newburgh
OA'eralls , superior in fit and make to all
others. Every pair guaranteed. See
them. Selling agents.
The Famous Clothing Co.
J. E. Kelly has a carload of buggies
that must be sold at once. This means
unprecedented bargains for all wanting
a buggy. See him and get figures. They
talk for themselves.
Mrs. M. E. Barger returned from St.
Joe , Tuesday evening , and has brought
with her the largest stock of millinery
ever brought to this city. Goods will be
ready for inspection tomorrow.
Two youths indulged in a fisticuff ,
last Friday evening.before Garber's store ,
without much damage to either .of the
participants. The difficulty arose over
an alleged unpaid balance due from the
sale and purchase of a byke.
S. M. Cochran & . Co. are Headquarters
for carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact ,
for all sorts of vehicles. They will make
you prices that nobody can beat for first-
class , reliable goods. Don't buy until
you have seen them and heard their
gentle racket on prices. Standard goods
at rock-bottom prices.
McCook vs. Indianola.
The ball game between the McCook
and Indianola clubs , Wednesday after
noon , was very hot. The game was
brought to a close by darknesseach hav
ing thirteen scores to their credit in the
ten innings played. There was consid
erable dissatisfaction over the umpiring
of the game.
McCook Public Schools
Open Monday , September 6th , 1S97.
Examination of new pupils , conditioned
pupils and pupils , Avho for any reason
failed to receive an admission card , will
be held Thursday and FridaySeptember
2d and 3rd , instead of Saturday , Septem
ber 4th. Pupils and others to whom text
books have been loaned are requested to
return them to the East building not
later than September 3rd.
U'm. Valentine , Superintendent.
A Delightful Reception.
Monday evening , at their residence ,
Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Spickelmier gave a
reception to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Smith of our city , whose recent marriage
in Sioux City , Iowa , was mentioned in
these columns , last week. Seventy-five
guests participated in the auspicious
affair. Refreshments of an elaborate
and elegant sort were served , and alto
gether it was a most delightful and at
tractive social event. All join The
Tkibune in wishing the newly married
couple much happiness and prosperity.