The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 13, 1897, Image 2
M'CQOK TRIBUNE , V. AI. KX.MMELL , Publisher. McCOOK , - : - - : - NEBRASK NEBRASKA. Tnn Mead bicycle races have be < postponed to August 1. Cuming county-will not hold its fa this year till October. Otoe county democrats will ho their convention August 25th. The school census shows 7G2 perso : of school age in the Wayne school di trict. The Burlington railroad shops Haveloclc are now being operated ( full time. • The First Congregational church Fremont last week celebrated its fc tieth anniversary. The work of brick laying has coi menccd on the new depot being bui by tne J $ . & M. at Omaha. Earl Ei'mjct of Kennard place fc from a ladder and broke his arm : badly that it had to be amputated. Pukdv Platt of Johnson county hi lost about three hundred head of hog old and young , during the past monl by hog cholera. Thomas Guim.iat , aged 74 , a res dent of Nemaha countj' and the vici : ity of Auburn for more than fori years , died last week. Miss Lena Lemp , daughter of Go lieb Lemp , was buried at Duncan lai week. Her death was caused by brai fever brought on by exposure to tr hot sun. The board of public lands and buil < ings has let the contract for buildin the new wing at the Hastings asylui to Hester & McCaslinof Lincoln , whos bid was § 21,020. The large barn and contents , an also a crib of 510,000 bushels of con belonging to John and Wm. "Siinm : who live near Dove , Otoe countj'vv destroyed by fire. Articles have been filed in the ofiic of the secretary of state by the Coi necting Construction company of Di kota City , which concern is authorize to have 5100,000 in capital stock. Frank Mitciieli , of York was take to Grand Island to be arraigned b ( fore U. S. Commissioner Bode on th charge of selling whiskey without th proper license. He has been suspecte for some time. S. T. Wallace has completed hi tour of inspecting sheep in Sheridai county. He lias inspected 35,000 heai and reports them all doing well. Th sheep business is panning out bette than was expected. The board of transportation fixe * ! Aug. 20 as the da3T for hearing thi I oral argument on the motion of tin ! railroad companies to have T. H. Tib I , * blcs make his complaint against loca 'd freight rates more specific. S TiJK laying of the corner stone of thi I citv hall at Johnston was a great event I Editor Ray Schofield was the orator o | the day. Photographs of Mr. Bryan | K. P. Boyle and Hon. A. P. Wi lsoi J were placed in the corner stone. 5 Mips Vera Brumback , daughter o : | Dr. JNT. N. Brumback of Beatrice , diec 5 of typhoid fever. Three other child ren and the father and mother are al i stricken with the dread disease anc one at this writing is in a critical con ! dition. Gov. ITolcomr has sent a letter t < I each of the twenty-seven governors o : ; states east of the Mississippi fiver in viting them and the citizens of those | states to visit and participate in the Trans-Mississippi and Internationa ] exposition. President Reese has tendered his resignation as president of York col lege to the board of trustees. The res ignation lias not yet been acted upon , but it is probable that Mr. Reese ' s re quest that he be relieved from this in stitution will be complied with. It is • understood that President Reese has ' an offer from Westfield college , Illi nois. nois.A A Lexington dispatch reports : E. D. , Johnson , under the direction of the tttate commission , is busy gathering grains for the Trans-Mississippi expo sition. Some splendid samples have been secured. The county fair offi cials also offer special premiums on all kinds of grain with the understanding that they be kept for the exhibit at Omaha. Much to the surprise of farmers of Dakota county , when they went to stack their small grain , they found that crickets and grasshoppers had played havoc with the twine around the bundles in many fields , not missing one. This necessitated the small grain being threshed at once , and all thresh ing machines have been called into active use. York county last week paid off S28 , - 000 worth of the railroad bonds which have been held by the , state as an in vestment of the permanent school fund. The bonds have been running for twenty years and as they drew 10 per cent , interest they were desirable securities. This will make the board of educational lands and funds look about for some place in which to invest this amount of money. Tns number of real estate mortgages filed and released in the register of deed's office in Dodge county is less than for any month in the last eight years. Farm mortgages filed , 10 ; amount , S10,55. ; released G , amount , $6,200 ; town and city mortgages filed 0 , amount , $4,316 ; released 8. amount S8,443 ; chattel mortgages filed. 83 , amount , $32,146 ; released 75 , amount , 522,636. George Manson , a farm hand who has been working "for Al Heacock all the season , drew § 5 , went to Gretna , got Ins moustache shaved oft' and took the train for Omaha. He has not been seen since. He left a wife and child that are being cared for by his late employer. Hon. J. H. MacCoix returned from Chicago last week with a party of cap italists , who are ready to build sugar factories at Lexington and Gothenburg upon assurance that the beets will be gTown. Their expert says that section is better adapted to growing sugar I beets than any other in the United States. A. BREEZY INTERVIEW JOHN SHERMAN TALKS C FOREIGN AFFAIRS. He Predicts that Spain Will Ultlmat Lose Cuba-No Protectorate lfroposec The Mikado > ot Feared Xbe Alaikn Boundary Oar Quar rel "With Great Britain. Sherman on State Issues. New York , Aug. 0. Thv Woi publishes an interview said to ha been obtained with John Sherma secretary of state , just previous to 1 return to Washington from Ainaga sett , L. I. In this ho is represent as saying : "Spain will lose Cut That seems to me to be certain. S cannot continue the struggle. J ready the conflict has cost her mo than $200,000,000. Her money is go and she can get no more. She h reached the limit of her borrowii capacity. She cannot pay back wh she has already borrowed. The on thing left for her to do is to repudia her debts. We had to do that aft the revolution. Having repudiat them she can begin anew , but si will have to begin without Cub That country has been devastate The insurgents have been fightii with only the hope of ultimate succc as their reward. The Spanish soldie have been battling for pay. The p : will stop and then the conflict w : stop. Spain is in no condition to waj war anywhere. The burdens place upon her people to sustain the stru ; gle for retaining Cuba have been vei heav3' . Widespread discontent wi come sooner or later within the Spai ish kingdom. By stopping the struj gle , by u ithdrawing her troops f roi Cuba and by repudiating her debts her only way to recover. Sooner < later she must 'do this. So far v have done nothing to arouse the angt of the Spanish people. We have gov on minding our own business , blind 1 the distress of Cuba and deaf to tl pleadings of our own people wl wanted the government to interfere , HAWAII AND JAPAN. The secretary was asked as 1 tvhether there was any truth in tli report that the American flag was 1 be raised in Hawaii and a protectoral proclaimed. He replied : * * I cannc livulge the instructions given to Mil stcr Sewall. What they are will d < relop as time passes. But I can sa ; hat there will be no change in th situation in Hawaii until Congress rt : onvenes. There can be no chang jecause the terms of the pendin reaty , which have been approved b President McKinley , must be observec There is nothing in this talk that ; erious disagreement between thi : ountry and Japan will follow any ir erference on our part with the exisl ng systems of government in Hawaii Tapan must certainly understand tha his nation has never objected t he Japanese , and that whateve rouble it has had on this score wa lue to officials for whom we are no esponsible and over whom we hav 10 control. If we had Hawaii. Japa ; vould have no reason to fear that he ubjects would suffer from unfai reatment. While I believe that Japai s entirely innocent of any intentio ; f assuming toward us a belligerent o hreatening attitude , it may be wel o remark that her attitude , no mat er what it might be , would not affec ur position in the least. Wc have al . • ays believed that we have more righ o take a stand in the management o he Hawaiian government and in tin overnment of other lands similarj ituated than any other country. W < rill insist upon maintaining our right t any cost " ALASKA BOUNDARY MATTER. "Have you taken any interest h he discovery of the new gold fields ? ' Mr. Sherman looked up in surprise 'You ' mean the Klondike region ? O ourse I have. That is a matter thai rould naturally attract the attentior f any man in my position. The fac hat international complications maj nsue has , of course , sharpened my in jrest in the subject. There may bt uestions as to boundaries. It has aL rays been customary to consider the nes as running along the mainland , ; ut occasionally it has been con mded that in laying the lines tc etermfne the 30-mile line , meas rements should be made from the oints of land extending farther intc le water , or even from the islands Whenever these claims were made the urposes of them have been apparent hey were made to advance the inter- sts of the country making them. If a isagreement arises over sueh a ques- on it will probably be because some t the islands prove to be of unusual ilue. This government is ready tc laintain the rights of its citizens and > protect its own interests to the last jgree. However , it is too early tc peculate as to what may happen in laska. If difficulties arise we will be > ady to face them , but I expect no • ouble. Many of the stories that > me from there are undoubtedly ex- rgerated. I guess some of them are rossly exaggerated. It is also so henever gold is found. The tales : e built on hopes and imaginations as uch as on the facts. The statement printed this morning that the mak- ig of Dyea a port of entry is likely to ijure us financially. Whether or not is a port of entry is of no special msequence. The matter cuts a small fure either way. " NGLAND AND HER QUARRELS. "Our relations with England seem i have been restored to a friendlv isis. " "Oh , yes , " said Mr. Sherman with a ugh , "that cloud , if , indeed , there er was a cloud , has blown com- etely away. " Folding his hands in his lap , the cretary said , with a slight trace of imor in his voice : "The seals , cpn- J mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmt tDmmmmmmmmmmmm of their life , have sometimes ma things pretty warm for vario nations. England never had ai good reason to quarrel with us abe them , because the seals were caug and brought to her. You know i can't dress the skins in this count : We don't know how to do it , and when wo capture a seal skin we hate to send it to England to be dressc and then it comes back to us. its orij nal owner , as an imported articl England Is a great country , but it not always safe to assume that she ready to follow up every quarrel wi sidering their location and the mann blows. She quarrels oftener than si fights It would be exceedingly dii cult for her to fight us all alone abe our seal catching. Russia and Jap : are in a similar position and ai quarrel between the United States ai England on this score would , in t probability , involve those other tv countries. It is my opinion that E gland would hesitate a long time b fore getting into such a scrape.J pan , as a nation , is not to be despise Her recent war with China showed tl world that she ranges well .to tl front as a powerful country. Her pe pie number about40,000,000. Snei&m beneath the contempt of any rfatioi and the time is coming when she mui be considered. But I do not belies that we will ever have any seriov difficulty with England. Our refusi to be intimidated has had a salutai effect. " AFTER MR. FOSTER. Prof. Elliott Again Vigorously Attacl the Ex-Secvetary. Cleveland , Ohio , Aug. 9. Pro Henry W. Elliott , after reading an ii terview in New York with John V Foster , the commissioner sent by Pres dent McKinley to England to confc with Lord Salisbury relative to the B < ring sea matter , in which Mr. Foste said that the people of Washingto knew Elliott , said : "So , Mr. John Foster has nothing to say in answe to my direct charge of his telling th President an untruth about mysel : Well , perhaps that is the best thin for him to do. I happen to have i my possession the black and white ev dence that he has violated the nint commandment , he has 'borne fals witness against his neighbor. ' I wil then call attention to this fact , h talks vaguely about my 'animus' an my 'status. ' The American peopl have had a glut of this tomfooler over fur seals and the prospect of ha\ ing it strung out two or three year longer under the lead of this incompc tent man is enough to sicken them I predict that they will no stand the shame and imposition I have always been under th impression , and am still convinced that a man convicted of bearing fals witness against his neighbor is not i fit man for association within the pri vate or official life of American eiti zens. There is more under this than can or desire to mention at the pres ent moment this same amiabli Mr. Hamlin , who is now asso ciated with Foster , said to me ii 1S94 , that 'they ( the Foster associa tion ) told me that you had sold you : report to the British , but , my dear Mr Elliott , you know we have never believed lievod it. ' I intend to get the proo of this action on the part of Foste : and his associates and then I shall ad ( another indictment disqualifying hin from running the State department s ( as to discredit and injure American in terests anddefamp American citizens. ' REFUSE TO BE OUSTED Judges Kllgorc anj Springer Resist thi Headsman. Washington , Aug. 9. Judge "Euck : Kilgore and Judge William Springer xppointed to the Federal bench in th < [ ndian territory by President Cleve and , have formally notified the de oartraent of justice that they will fighi n the courts any efforts to oust them. Judges Kilgore and Springer wen ippointed in 1895. Judge Kilgore lolds that he was appointed for a foui fears' term , and that he cannot be re- noved sooner , while Judge Springei naintains that the appointment of a judge for the Territorial courts is siin- lar to that of any other Federal court , mtl is fcr life. President McKinlev lolds that the terms of officials end vith the administration. Should the President decapitate either judge , pro- : eedings will at once be instituted tc ) revent the Republican judge taking lis seat. At the same time judicial [ uery will be instituted as to the right > f the President to remove. The case > remises to prove both interesting md without precedent. Chicago's ISlc-ycle Tax Void. Chicago , Aug. 9. Judge Tuley to- lay decided the new city ordinance sstablishing a bicycle tax to be void , > ecause contrary to the constitution. Che ordinance permitted the city to .ollect SI a year license from each bi- yclo owner and for other vehicles ( roportionately. "Way-Up Chinamen AVlth U * . New Yokk , Aug. 9. Chang Yan [ eon , the ambassador of the Emperor f China to Queen Victoria's jubilee , . • ith his suite of sixteen dignitaries nd attaches and eight servants , ar- ived here to-day on the steamship St. < ouis. In the suite was Mr. Li , the eDhew of Li Hung Ciiang. Omaha Printing : Shop Barns. Omaha , Neb. , Aug. 9. Fire last ight in the Rees Printing company's stablishment did S2o,000 damage to Lock and plant , Sl. i,000 damage to uilding. Other losses to individuals fill aggregate $10,000. Everything is illy insured. Governor t-eedy Going to Ohio. Topeka , Kan. , Aug 9. Governor eedy and his family will leave in a ; w days for Chillicothe , Ohio , to at- end a reunion of the Leedy family , 'he governor will be absent from the Late about ten days. , _ , - , , * > - i - * * * * I GOLD IN AB nDMC ] BUT ALL WHO D1C ARE NC SURE OF REWARD. Many Hardfthlp * Arts to lie Surmount and Fortunes Not Sure After All More People Leave for the North Steamship Industry Doom ing Klondyke Trade. Conditions Vet Dazzling. Madison , Wis. , Aug. 6. J. C. Wi stead , since 1891 superintendent of tl government reindeer farm in Alask now here on a vacation , said yestc day that while the gold reports we : not exaggerated in the least , the har ships were terrible and few of the : who were rushing to the new fieh had any idea of the endurance r quired. A person having a good pos tion would be wise to keep it. in pre crenco to going fortune hunting i Alaska. Many of them forget thi they will be thousands of miles fro civilization and entirely upon the own resources , and , even though the successfully weather the trip , there no certainty that they will retur loaded down with gold dust Of tra ing business Wilstead waxes enthus asiic , and he thinks in this line foi tunes rivaling the wealth of the Hue son Bay trading companies will I made. Washington , Aug. 0. J. D. Crois sant of this city , now in Alaska , in letter written in July , dwelt upon th great rush for the Klondyke , declare that many of the stories of fortune were overdrawn by those intercste in the region in various ways and pre dieted intense disappointment an suffering for thousands. He said tha claims along the Klondyke had al been taken and the only hope for new comers would bo along other stream which had been partially prospectei with poor success. He said that whei he wrote there were hundreds bouni for the gold fields with neither mone ; nor provisions and proper clothing am he believed scores would die durinj the coming long winter. STILL MORE BRAVE THE COLE Seattle , Wash..Aug. • ; . The steam ship Cleveland sailed for St Michael' to-day with 200 passengers and 1,00 tons of freight for the new gold re jions. Among the passengers an Captain P. M. Ray and Lieutenan Richardson , U. S. A. , who will mves bigate the military necessities o Alaska , select a site for a fort anc nake preparations for troons fron Fort Russell , Wyo. , who will probablj ae sent to Alaska in the spring. The Nprth American Transporta ion and Trading company has let : : ontract for the building of four more river steamers , making eight contract : ec by the company in two weeks. Al ) f the boats are of large capacity. Deck hands for Yukon-bound vessel : ire in great demand and wages hav < jeen increased from S. .5 to S40 i nonth. CUDAHY ON HIS BIG CLAIMS. Chicago , Aug. G. John Cudahy , lead of the proposed 825,000,00C Uaska raining company , said that the : ompany owned thirty placer claims : ach as as the Klondyke , bui vould say nothing of the quarti ilaims. The Clover Leaf , south ol Tort Cudahy and four miles from nav- gable water , is the only quartz clain hat will be worked in the near fu- ur . The organization of the new com- > any was completed at the Auditor- um annex to-day , the title to be the ludahy-Healy Yukon and Klondyke lining company. The following are lie incorporators : John Cudahy , lichael Cudahy , C. L. Hutchinson , 3. A. Hamili , Ely E. Wcare , P. B. V'eare , C. A. Wcare , John J. Healy. ' . H. Hamilton and Eli A. Gage. In- orporation will be under West Yir- inia statutes. NSURANCE SCHEMES BLOCKED. Indianapolis , Ind. . Aug. • $ . The etermination of the leading life in- urance companies to carry no risks n Klondyke explorers has fallen with ampening effect on the co-operative Dmpanies which were forming in this ity and upon a number of men who rere preparing to start for Alaska uring the coming winter. One of icse companies intended to send ten jprcsentatives , each insured for S10. - 30 , giving each man SI,000 besides loney for contingent expenses , all of lera to co-operate in the search for old , dividing equally with the coin- any , and in case of death the insur- ace money to be paid to the company. y each death the company stood to in S8,500 , on the oasis that not more lan Si,500 would be spent on each spresentativc. Another company niply designed carrying sufficient in- irance to reimburse it for actual out- ys. It is not thought that any of lese companies will proceed further ith the organization. A Farm ou the Yukon. Chicago , Aug. G. Uncle Sam soon ill havi an experimental farm in the ukon valley , if Secretary Wilson ' s edge to P. B. Weare of the North merican Transportation and Trading impany , is brought to fulfillment he promise was made in Chicago yes- rday at a conference between the co men named and G. B. Pray , re- ntly appointed surveyor general of laska by President McKinley. .Japan Wr.tits a Guaranty. New York , Aug. 6. A special to the erald from Washington says : Japan ill insist that the United States as- < me a contingent responsibility in | e matter of arbitration of her difJ J rences with Hawaii on the subjects ; immigration and the tariff. It is j iderstood that this is one of the es- j ntial conditions upon which Japan ! 11 consent to arbitration and that if J is responsibility is not assumed by : e United States , Japan will break. [ negotiations looking to arbitration | d back up her demands by a navall monstratiqn in Hawaiian waters. ' / . , 41 * aH * illl > llliWlli _ M _ _ | - , . . _ TO CONTROL THE CANA Thlfl Nlenracuan Policy TTlll Ho ] ommonded to Congress. Washington , Aug. G. No mat what the attitude of the Greater 1 public of Central America may be. it the intention of the administration recommend governmental control the Nicaragua canal when Congr assembles next December. Tliis was made plain at a confercr at the state department , participat in by Secretaries Adee and Criml Senator Morgan , former Senator Wi ner Miller and Mr. Merry , the recei ly appointed minister to Nicaragt Salvador and Costa Rica , regardi the complications which have groi out of the refusal of the governraer of Nicaragua and Salvador to recei Mr. Merry. It has been practically decided th Mr. Merry shall go to Costa Rica , a that the hindquarters of the legatl shall bo transferred to that count from Nicaragua. No steps will taken to make this tranffer , howevc until the governments of Nicaragi and Salvador have again been hea from. KLONDYKE NUGGETS. A. Former Kansas Ulan Tells Son Wonderful Yarns. Hiawatha , Kan , Aug. C J. : Moore , formerly of this ncighborhoo but now of Seattle , writes home to h parents that the Klondyke gold stori are nearly all true. His Sund : school teacher , Professor Lipp , brought back S30.000. A Poveri 3ulch neighbor , whose wife "took i washing , " has returned with S112,0 ( md he emptied a sack of nugjre ivorth SiO each in a plate for M Moore to see. He left his son and companion in charge of his mine an xpects them to pick up S300,000 b " ore the bad season sets in. He clain 0 have picked nuggets up by tl landfuL Prominent men in politic md rich men and poor men by tli housands are rushing to Alaska froi Seattle. Mr. Moore advises his friend tot to think of venturing there witl > ut they have at least $5,000 to squai [ er. er.A A SOCIETY SENSATION. tonne roople Quarrel on Their Weddln Day and Another Fellow Gets Her. niiTCHiNSON , Kan. , Aug. 0. La : tight was to have been the occasio if a wedding , in which a large circ ] vas interested. Mr. A. D. Yoder , lopnlar clerk at Martin's dry good tore , had a house furnished an 11 preparations made for his mai iage with Miss Mattie Hutchinso ast evening. Because his intende iad persisted in taking a buggy rid t'ith Jesse Cook , a handsome youn rocer , on the evening before , Mi ' odcr decided yesterday morning thn he marriage should not take place Ir. Cook was one of the first to hea he report , and lie immediately calle pen Miss Iiutchinson and asked lie ar her hand in marriage , lie was ac spted , and the two were married ye. 2rJay evening at the same hour tha lie Yoder-Hutchinson marriage wa a have taken place. APAN SORE AT AMERICA he Hawaiian and nish Tariff Legisla tion Seriously Affcctlu Trade. New Yor.x , Aug. G. Recent letter ; ceivcd in this city from Japan stat < lat a strong anti-American fcelsn { -ill exists in that country and tha mericaus are being boycotted on al des by the Japanese. First the Ha aiian question stirred up the ill feel ig , which was afterwards heightened 7 the discussion in the United States sngress on the tariff when the propo tion was advanced to tax severely irtain Japanese goods. The Japanese ok this as a direct affront , and they ive not lost an opportunity since tc dittle Americans and all that per- ins to this country. LTIMATUM SENT PERU icio Sam Wearies of Delay In Paying the McCord Claim. Washington , Aug. G. An ultima- m has been presented to the Peru- an government by the administra- m requiring the immediate payment the McCord claim of 530,000. While no threat of coercion is made case of refusal , the note makes the itement that any further delay on e part of Peru to close the incident li be considered as injurious to the rdial relations existing between the 'o governments. The Peruvian minister has cabled e note to Lima , and is now awaiting structions from that government A California Trei urer a Defaulter. Redding , CaL , Au 0. John Mad- n , treasurer of Modoe county , dis- peared two weeks ago and District torney Baker , believing that he is a fauiter for at least SJ3,000 : , has ked the board of supervisors to de- ire the office vacant and appoint a w treasurer. Wheat Down Three Cents. : nicAGo , Aug. G. Foreigners turned lers of wheat to-day , and there was Irop of three cents in Chicago prices , t any of whicli was recovered ere was a drop of a penny in Liver- 01 prices , despite the strong market this country yesterday. teen Hundred India Mill Hands De clared Killed in a Calcutta Riot. Joxnox , Aug. G. The Evening ws publishes a letter from a Cal- : ta volunteer , reiterating the state- nt that during the recent rioting sre the artillery fired point blank at 00 mill hands who were marching join the rioters , killing 1,500 of the tives. The secretary of state for lia. Lord George Hamilton , was estioned in the House of Commons [ y 9 as to the accuracy of the reporl 1 declared that only seven were led. i L1 . JJ fj Monthly klondyke MaiL i Wasihnoton , Aug. 7. The hoste i that have migrated to the Alaskan d J and Klondyke gold fields during the jRi\ \ past few months will not be wholly * * J without postal facilities during the \ ' coming winter. There will be one . round trip a month to Circle City until July 1 of next year. This monthly j service began on the 1st of last months and whiles no route is specially desig nated , it will bo via the Chilkat paw * . j This service carries only" provision being made for other classcv j of matter. * ' A Deluge In Colorado. Colohado Si'iiiNas , Col. , Aug. 7. \ The rain storm which visited this city last evening was the most severe , with. < one exception , during the past ten years. During the storm the water stood six to ten inches deep on half a dozen of the principal business streets , flooding cellars , running into stores and damaging stock. Travel was en tirely suspended. Three out of the j five principal railroads leading into / this city had serious washoutsa A se- ' f > verc electrical st fcm accompanied the downpour , and Several houses were struck by lightning. No fatalities oc - curred. LonR and * u t Ituitiun ? . Omaha , Neb. , Aug. 7. Thomas Gro- i ± gan , with cngino S90 , pulled a special from Evanston , Wyo. , to Omaha , D53 miles , in twenty-four hours , including" \ . ' all stops. This is claimed as the * * , * A record long run for a single engine. S\ $ The distance from -North Platte to. 1/ Omaha , 291 miles , was covered in 219 . minutes , at the rate of 03.49 miles pei ill hour. The engine was built at the ' Omaha shops. j A Monnuunt to Klrby Smith. * Nashvim.k , Tcnn. , Aug. 7. At Scwanec ( University of the South ) a kP monument to Edmund Kirby Smith , I * the last full general of the- Confederacy - eracy was unveiled. General Kirby Smith was a professor at the Uni versity of the South from 1873 to 18U3 , the year of his death , and this monument - I ment was erected by alumni , professors - I sors and his comrades in the army. For a Short Greater New Von Campaign. . Nkw Yobk , Aug. 7. The Greater I New York Republican convention will \ probably be held on Tuesday , Septem ber 28 , or five weeks before election , day. Counterfeiters Kun Down. St. Joskimi , Mo. , Aug. 7. Samuel David and Robert Johnson , brothers , J and William Strickland were arrested J yesterday hix miles from Hatfield , Jk Harrison county , charged with coun- * j terfeiting. The Johnsons arc sons of f A a preacher and are themselves prominent - j nent farmers. M Florida's Orange Crop lT.O.OOO Roxes. M Jacksonvilix , Fla. , Aug. 7. The 9 State Fruit exchange estimates that I this year 's orange crop will be be- fl tween 130,000 and COO.OOO boxes. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. I Des Moinks , July 28. Patents have 9 been allowed , but not yet issued , as rM follows : To G. W. Cox. of Stuart , * fl for an electric fire engine adapted tc . 'H be run to a fire by electric force of a | storage battery or otherwise , and JH carry chemicals or water in a tank to H distribute same to a fire instantly fl while connecting the pump with a J | hydrant or other water tupplv and V then forcing a continuous stream of I water on the fire. It can also be connected - nected with an extraneous electric fl conductor for operating the pump JH To A. T. Dowden , of Prairie Citv. for in improvement in the potato harvester ; | that has been extensively manufac- H Lured for some years and is one of the H jreat labor saving inventions that H received an award at the world's fair | n 1893. The invention isan automatia | nne-carrier that gathers them from H .he ground and deposits them in a row H it the side of the machine as the ] H nachine is advanced , and places the H jotatoes on top of the ground. To C. H 3. Page , of Des Moines , for a portable ' H : hemical fire extinguisher adapted to H > e carried by a person and utilized for H xtinguishing a fire by simnly turning H ' t upside down , opening a valve , and M Urectmg the pas generated therein H ipon the fire by means of a hose that H i connected with the tank that con- H ains the chemicals. To W. Locke H nd A. M. Anderson , of Bode , for a H otary engine of pecul ar construction * nd adapted for utilizing the expansive 1 orce of steam more advantaireousiv han has heretofore been Valuable information about secr.riii"k alum ? and selling patents sent free * I 3 any address Asfl Thos. G. and J. Ouwie , aH Solicitors of Patents. H IVK STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKftp. - H Dotation * From New York , Chicago , St. j | Louis , Omaha and Klsewliere. ' | OMAHA. j H itter Creamery separator . n a H itter-Choice fancy country. , li ) d { , ' M rin-Chickens-Perlb. % & J.H SSr---- : ? | * fM t toe > -iKrbu " so in iBH com Corn-Choice Green. . 2 U H S. tv- ; : : . : . ; 23 Isf tV4"1 > (4 3 3 M Sera s o C0 ® ' * ' H • ip WoMern l.rnhs 4 SO to.7L \ Hi op. \ \ o tcricra.M. -rs . . . f0 % 3 M CHICAGO. H : . - - : ' ? M pii-i rba ; j.i . k l < k © is H 'd. Kami , , : : ' . . . . ; • ; . ; • : ; • • • # g i > H p * g& * : 99 ; ; s-Xo. : : * • < & • : r : * : M KANSAS * * * : SK H i'iTY t v ' H cat Xa 2. hurd - no.2 . - © "Itf. H . -xo. . . . ; 21 & nv , M