The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 06, 1897, Image 1

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r-T Enthusiastic Reports From the Nebraska
i Grain Fields.
| | Some Personal Experiences in the
B % Republican Valley.An Enor-
H | * 7 mous Acreage of Wheat , .
ByP Big Profits Realized.
Kif Oxford , Neb. , July 30. ( Special Cor-
Hj\ respontlence to Stale Journul. ) These
H . \ hot days the fanners of the Republican
K ! | L valley are not enjoying fans and lemo-
Hil fi naile ' " l e smde. , They are up early
H C\ \ and out late stacking and hauling sheaves
B of wheat , oats and barley , or busiest
H ( work of all , scorching with a steam eu-
M S gine for a pace maker at the manifold
B > operations of threshing Every "outfit"
M * * • . in the country is at work and the farmers
\ > are pulling and hauling for the next turn
M I / like their sons compete for partners at
H I , ' semi-girlless country dances. There are
M I machines enough to do the work if some
M I farmers will be patient , but some , afraid
H \ of a drop in price , contract their grain
B / before making a sure date with the
H thresher. Then there's well , a margin
M { to pay.
1 J Eastern Red Willow county is not be-
m ( hind the rest of the county in small
Kj grain. It is thought a quarter of the
Vu ploughed land is in wheat and farmers
I think the } * will get from twenty to thirty
bushels an acre. If it wasn't so goodly
I \ a sight and so full of joyful meaning the
I I' constant succession of wtde stretching
I % fields of corn and wheat would get mo-
I if notorious. Dollars , however , seldom
I % Set monotonous to anyone and these
W S * high heaped stacks , these girded sheaves
W and the plumping corn-ears are wealth
BSk wanting but a little labor to transform to
B r. form readily exchangeable for the cus-
W tom-hallowed gold , silver and printed
I * f paper. True , the tired pitcher realizes
I tL y night that the wealth is bulkier than ;
I SA" " * * s desirable.
I mS. Arrived in Bartle } * , a prairie schooner
H < W is halted for water. The young man says
H K they have put in eleven years in Chey-
B % enne county , Kansas , moving there from I
B."v Lancaster count ) * , five miles south of
* * Lincoln. For five years now they have
V -i ? *
B | \ had crop failures , and once again all is
H / burned up by the scorching winds that
HI. . recent years jumped the state line and
Hs ) made Nebraska almost doubt herself.
H 1 This mover said that from a few miles
Hi 1 west of Culbertson he had found things
Hjtrjp looking well.
H \ A call at the Inter Ocean office found
V { the editor , William Smith , not in , but
H \ his assistant , O. E. Scotc , kindly talked
M jTf over conditions of thesurroundingregion.
V i - , Having in two days traversed a hun-
H S\ \ dred miles of country , up to Stockville
H i and out to McCook , he spoke from ob-
H % servation. Knowing in general of the
H i large acreage and fine conditions , he had
H \ yet been surprised. One thing that
* 2i' ' * struck him was the clean fields. Scarcely
Bfl f anywhere had the weeds intruded their
H | | ' unwelcome jostling of their betters. This
I I can be stated , too , of the corn fields.
I 5 ? Massed in stackyards the wheat makes
I § f an imposing array. C. P. Underwood ,
B > % north of Danbury , is reported to have
Krlt ! forty-two stacks in his yard. A man
p- * " west of Indianola has twentj'-five. A
dozen to fifteen is common.
_ _ Some of the largest wheat growers in
H ' the vicinity of Bartley follow , the names
H y < being given by Mr. Scott , Mr. Vickrey
H A axx& Mr * Cochran and others : R.S. Baker
Lf , / • of Bartley , field one mile north , 120
f I v acres ; D. Richman , 100 acres ; Charles
Hi & Beede , five miles northeast , no acres ;
M \ Muntz brothers , seven miles northeast ,
B \ about 250 acres ; C. E. Williams , 200 ; N.
m I Fossen and son , 140 ; R. C. Catlett , Ford
m 1 brothers , William Fox , Mr. Hodgkin of
m Js the town , M. Stadler , J.O.Miller.Richard
J and H. L. Burton , Matt Teenis , all fifty
H V acres and upwards. Every piece is good
H \ and some extra.
I Jf The miller at Bartley , Mr. Rodwell , I
H * vT believe , is strictly in on the big wheat
H J crop. He put out thousands of bushels
of seed wheat , one-fourth the yield to be
H S paid for the use of it. Usually it is fig-
Fl } ured that a > ield of ten bushels to the
1 ' _ acre makes the deal profitable to the
M r lender. Think of thirty and thirty-five
K bushel yields. That wise miller will
f 1 ' , have wheat enough to run a year. The
B' ' ( Duff elevator at Bartley , idle for three
H 4 years , is open for business and farmers
II f will not lack for buyers. i
1 Threshing was so newly started that
I j / J ) few yields were yet known in the towns.
| \ Y The Deaver farm near Cambridge tbxesh-
I v x e tflirty bushels to the acre. That forty-
r gSf ' " one-bushel yield.heard of in many places ,
If * was run down at Cambridge. J. H. Thu-
% man , two and a half miles southeast of
\y town , threshed from ten acres an average
of forty-one bushels to the acre. His en-
Jf tire field of about seventy acres averaged
\ thirty-five bushels. He sold it immedi-
& j ately in Cambridge for 48 cents and re
ceived $17.50 an acre for his wheat crop.
He paid $20 an acre for the land recently.
By waiting a few days Mr. Thunian could
have had two cents a * bnshel more or
even four. Over at Danbury , where the
Rock Island is near enough to make some
competition , it was said that on last
Tuesday 58 cents was being offered.
Forty-seven to 50 was usually the offered
price in Red Willow county and Cam
bridge and 52 in Oxford and Arapahoe.
As it is stated that $4 to $4.50. an acre
will pay the expenses of wheat raising ,
a little computation will show whether
raising wheat is profitable this year. But
wheat raising is like every other busi
ness. It takes some headwork. Some
men can't make it pay and some men
know ways to make more money other
wise. Ernest R. Holmes.
Register Campbell was a Lincoln
visitor , Sunday.
Will Fowler returned to Chicago ,
last Friday evening.
J. E. KELLEY went down to Hastings
and Lincoln , Tuesday.
Miss Selma Noren returned , Wed
nesday night , from Lincoln.
J. C. Gammill of Frontier county was
in the city , Saturday evening.
Frank Carruth goes up to Denver ,
tonight , on a visit to the family.
Al. Gibbons returned.Saturday night ,
from a few days' visit in Lincoln.
Mrs. Frank Harris and Alice ar
rived home from Denver , Monday.
Miss Mabel Wilcox returned home
from Chicago , last Friday night on 3.
Dr. Spickelmier has been quite ill
and confined to bed since last Friday.
Mrs. H.A. Rouch arrived home.Tues-
day night , from her long visit in Indiana.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Ballard will
leave for Lincoln , tonight , on a short
Mrs. J. F. Ganschow will return to
morrow night from a three months' visit
in Ohio.
Harry Campbell returned from a
six-weeks' visit in Denver , last Friday
Mrs. F. S. Wilcox and Mrs. S. L.
Green are home from their trip to the
MRS. Hayden of Cambridge was the
guest of Mrs. Samuel Rogers , early
part of the week.
Rev. Turner , the Congregational
pastor at Indianola , was a city visitor ,
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morlan re
turned home , last Friday night , from
their eastern trip.
Miss Grace McMiLLiANof Holdrege
spent a few days of last week visiting
friends in our city.
HELEN Laws came up from Lincoln ,
Wednesday night , and is visiting with
Engineer Noren's family.
I. A. Sheridan , the Indianola states
man , was in the city , Tuesday , presum
ably on a political mission.
Will S. Jay , the State Journal man ,
was here , Tuesday , in the interest of the
circulation department of that paper.
Mrs. R. A. Sargeant arrived in the
city last night , from Bayard , Iowa , and
is visiting her daughter , Mrs. O. M.
O.J. Gibson of Red Oak , Iowa , was
here , Wednesday and Thursday , with a
land customer , Mr. S. L. Donnell of the
same city. The gentlemen were well
pleased with McCook and the surround
ing country.
Lola Spalding celebrated her birth
day , Saturday evening , with a lawn party ,
to which a bevy of her girl friends were in-
vited.The evening was spent very happily
in games of various kinds and the disposal
of attractive edibles.
Supt. Valentine and Ray McCarl
departed on Wednesday morning for
Kearney , where they will give two lec
tures with the McCook high school lan
tern. One ot the lectures will be given
before the children * of the state reform
Chairman Sexson of the Republican
county central committee and wife were
up from Indianola , Monday. The chair
man circulated around in a political way
during the afternoon , apropos of the
coming committee meeting and conven
tion , while Mrs. Sexson did some shop
ping. The chairman reports the local
political situation as encouraging.
Physical perfection has long since be
come extinct upon earth , so exacting are
the laws of nature , whose tolls are tre
mendously exorbitant as well. There is
no discount from the price and the need
of collection agencies is not felt.
"Hades" , it is related , "is substantially
macadamized with good intentions" .
And by the same token it will take more
than encouraging weather forecasts and
promising sky effects to pull out the su
perb corn crop prospects to full and com
plete golden harvest. Will J. Pluvius ,
Esquire , do his duty promptly ?
In the interval between rains , while
the corn crop is in doubt , and sun-
browned patches appear under the ap
prehensive citizens chins as they gaze
heavenward for indications of rain , we
all have an opportunity of more keenly
understanding the meaning of those sig
nificant letters .
Amusingly numerous and conflicting
, are the professional made-to-order opin
ions being published as to the merits of
the bicycle from a health point of view.
The medics are so contradictory and ex-
cathedra in their expert testimony as to
bring us of the laity to a state of vertig
inous uncertainty that is entrancingly
About electricity there is much of
mystery and yet how much of simplicity.
Learned men declare they know not what
it isanddiffer | as to whether it is a liquid
or a solid , and yet it is capable of infinite
application by the average mechanic and
its utility embraces the realms of light ,
heat and power. Notwithstanding the
vast strides made in the past j-ears it is
confidently asserted that the science is
in its infancy and that the near future
has for us marvelous developments ,
telegraphy without the use of wires , etc.
The pretty , well-preserved external ap
pearance of the city of McCook is an at
tractive monument to the constant pride
of her people ; who , notwithstanding the
I continued depression that tried sorely ,
older and richer communities , have
steadfastly "kept up appearances , " as
the well preserved homes and sidewalks
and charming lawns and trees attest.
[ True , labor , care and money are all in
volved in the result ; but without these
nothing can be secured or preserved in
up building or maintaining a live , wide
awake or attractive city.
The illustrations and letter press des
criptions of the Indian famine and the
bubonic plague , now appearing in the
current magazines , are inexpressibly
horrible. What a reflection on the sordid
did , gold-seeking and gold-worshiping
English people , whose government an
nually takes the tremendous toll of a
hundred million dollars from India.
The dead , dying and doomed will aggre
gate millions and yet the English people
ple have gold to "throw at the birds. "
The turpitude of such a people and
the inefficiency of such a government
passes comprehension. The most hid
eous nightmare is a vision of glory com
pared with the ghastly realities of this
stupendous famine and fatal plague.
It has been truly said , "When America
takes to wearing its old stockings it puts
the whole world under tribute to it. "
The enforced economy of the past year
has in it some startling lessons for
Americans. For instance the exports
for eleven months ending June first were
the largest in American history except in
1S91-92. The total is 977 million dollars ,
and it is stated that the year's total will
exceed by 150 million dollars , the year
of 1895-96. While the imports have
been 25 per cent below the average. The
totar imports for 1895-6 were 541 million
dollars , as against 422 million dollars
for 1896-97. In 1891-92 the imports were
866 million dollars. It only takes a
small individual economy among 71 mil
lions of people to make a difference of a
hundred million dollars in the balance
of trade in our favor. Hard times and
panics will have largely disappeared
from our land when the people have
learned the lessons of reasonable econ
omy and 'tional frugality.
Cheap for Cash.
j For the next 30 days , Gasoline Stoves ,
Lawn Mowers , Ice Cream Freezers and
Rubber Hose will be sold regardless
of cost at LaTourette'S.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len's drug store.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc-
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. '
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M.Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 8:00. : Sunday school
at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays
at 8 p. m. A. F. Morgan ,
General Missionary.
R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant.
Christian Services every alternate
Sunday , commencing with the first Sun
day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in
McConnell hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Old
peoples' service at 11 o'clock ; forms of
50 years ago will be used. Young people
invited. Epworth League at 7 p. m.
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Death Invades a Home.
After a severe illness of a number of
weeks , Marguerite , the three-year-old
daughter of Fireman and Mrs. Samuel
Moore , passed from this earth of pain
and sickness into the spirit land , Tues
day evening. The little one was taken
down with the measles , a few weeks
since. A serious throat affection suc
ceeded the measles , and death finally
ended the dear one's sufferings on Tues
day evening.
The funeral services were conducted
at the residence , Thursday morning , by
Rev. J. M. Bell , and were attended by
many sympathizing neighbors and
friends notwithstanding the rain and
mud. The floral offerings were touchingly -
ingly beautiful and numerous. Burial
followed in Longview cemetery.
The bereaved parents have the heart
felt sympathy of the community in their
Endeavor Socials.
The Christian Endeavor society an
nounce a "Good Time" social on A.
Baruett's lawn , next Monday evening , to
which all the young people of the city
are invited.
And on Tuesday evening , August 17th ,
a social will be given in the Congrega
tional church. An excellent programme
will be rendered on this occasion : a piano
solo by Miss Maud Cordeal ; a pantomime
of "Jesus Lover of My Soul" by Misses
Ellington Wilson and Ethel Barnett ;
"The Story of Some Bells" will be re
cited by Miss Ona Simons to music by
Miss Maud Cordeal ; a vocal solo by
Claude Tubbs. Besides the "Scarf Fan-
tastics" will be repeated. The price of
admission will be ten cents. Ice cream
and cake will be served for which there
will be a further charge often cents.
Temporary Quarters.
Tonight and for the present the Odd
fellows will hold their meetings in the
banquet room in the A. O. U. W. temple
building. They will temporarily furnish
the room for their purpose. This move
is made necessary by the recent seizure
of the regular temple hall furniture.
A Public Programme.
The members of the Order of the Star
of Jupiter will give a public programme ,
next Monday evening , and a cordial in
vitation is extended the public to enjoy
it. There will be music , singing , recita
tions , etc. , and it will be well worth
Are Dirt Cheap.
We-have a lot of novels for sale at 5
cents a piece. You can have your choice
of the lot for that price. /
William Coleman exhibited samples of
superb Early Ohio potatoes at this office ,
this week. They were exceptionally
large , solid and smooth. He ploughed
eight inches deep and planted the seed
on three inches of soft dirt. No irriga
tion and two hundred feet to water.
The Ladies' aid society of the M. E.
church will give a social in the Meeker
building Saturday evening , August 21st.
Ice cream and cake will be served for
10 cents ,
. Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
Have you been into look at Selby's
harness at the "Bee Hive" ?
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per
gallon at McConnell's.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil
len's drug store.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
i Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. I
An Eloquent Exponent.
The following reference to a former
resident of this section is made in a re
cent issue of the Riverside ( Cal. ) Daily
Enterprise in correspondence from Co
rona :
"The temperance service at the Chris-
tion church , last Sunday evening , was
unusuall3 * interesting and was well at
tended. The service was begun by the
singing of a temperance song by the choir.
Rev. Elmore then gave a short address
from a temperance standpoint , after
which he introduced Mr. J. P. Squires ,
who addressed the large congregation for
nearly an hour on that all important sub
ject , temperance.
Mr. Squires is an eloquent exponent of
the cause he has espoused , and his ad
dress was by far the best ever heard in
this town on the subject" .
A Surprise Party.
Thirty years ago , last Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Jonas Engel entered into the
sacred relationship of husband and wife ,
and the fact coming to the knowledge of
the members of the Lady Maccabees , to
which order Mrs. Engel belongs , a little
surprise party was planned and carried
out in honor and commemoration of the
happy event , last Friday evening. The
party met at the residence of T. A. Erb
and from there , a score or more strong ,
armed with good things for the inner
man , marched upon the Engel residence.
The surprise was complete and the affair
enjoyed by all. It was the general wish
and expression that the esteemed couple
might live to celebrate many more hap
py anniversaries.
A Lucky Year.
Last fall , Conductor L. C. Wolff put
out $22 worth of seed wheat , and this
week H. II. Easterday made him out a
check for $200.75 , f ° r his one-fourth
interest in the crop. There are plenty
of wheat stories on the go , but this is
official and reliable. We know of
another instance in which the party that
put out the wheat on shares has already
received four times what he put in and
the wheat is not all threshed yet. How
ever the experience of past years has
been that of loss in almost every in
Who is the Ananias ?
The Red Cloud ( Neb. ) Chiefweekly , is
credited with the largest circulation ac
corded to any paper in Red Cloud or in
Webster county or in the Fifth congres-
ional district. Printers' Ink , July 2Sth.
Hold on Quaker. Colonel Mitchell of
the McCook Courier has the largest cir
culation west of Hastings. Or somebody
is mistaken or emulating Ananias.
Will Meet Tomorrow.
The Republican county committee will
meet in Indianola , Saturday afternoon ,
August 7th , 1S97 ; at two o'clock , for the
purpose of deciding upon a date , place ,
etc. , for a county convention , and for the
purpose of transacting such other business
as may properly come before the com
mittee. There should be a full attend
ance of committeemen.
Very Slimiy Attended.
The lectures 011 electricity given by
Dr. J. W. Bovlus of the Wesleyan uni
versity , Lincoln , in the Methodist church ,
Monday and Tuesday evenings , were
very slimiy attended. The lectures were ,
however , quite instructive and entertain
ing and deserved a good hearing.
A Poisoned Eye.
Frank Hannan has the appearance of
having become too intimately acquainted
with a bumble-bee's next. But not so.
A poisoned eye is the occasion of all
those bandages.
Cheap for Cash.
For the next 30 days , Gasoline Stoves ,
Lawn Mowers , Ice Cream Freezers and
Rubber Hose will be sold regardless
of cost at LaTourette'S.
A complete line of the celebrated Key
stone Newburgh overalls and Star St.
Louis working and dress pants now in.
Every pair guaranteed. Call and see
them at the Famous Clothing Co.
A number of changes are expected to
occur in the supreme directory of the
of the Order of the Star of Jupiter and
arrangements will then be perfected to
push the membership rapidly and vig
The Woodmen had a big blowout in
Oberlin , Wednesday , to which the local
lodge was invited.
Give Southwestern Nebraska sufficient
moisture opportunely and you may have
your gold mines.
Seasonable underwear and hosiery at
The Famous- Clothing Co.
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per
gallon at McConnell's. I
Selby can repair your old buggy tops. I1
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len's drug store.
As an advertisement the wooden whis
tle is a noisy success. I
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per 1
gallon at McConnell's. \ I
Are you right with the editor on your * H
subscription ? If not , why not ? I
Early fall styles in men's neckwear at H
The Famous Clothing Co. H
A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john H
buggy price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's ' H
Boys'knee pants. See our line. |
The Famous Clothing Co. H
There is a prospect that McCook will M
have a big show about the first of Sep- ; |
tember. < M
Be in the swim. Buy one of those \ M
wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. 1 1
Sutton. \ M
It is estimated that the wheat crop of H
Red Willow county will average twenty |
bushels per acre. |
= = = = = = >
Electricity is not in it with a negro H
minstrel or belt show when its a crowded ' 0
house you're after. H
The Christian Endeavorershaveadded H
a piano to the musical instruments of the H
Congregational church. A
Where two or three are met together M
there is politics in the midst of them , H
you can bet your gig lamps. M
We understand that I. M. Beardslee M
expects to open his dry goods store in H
our city about the tenth of the month. |
Selby is now selling his own make of H
leather suspenders at40 cents ; same kind H
the old hundred per center is selling at H
60 cents. H
No human being has license to make H
people more tired than the average canvasser - H
vasser ; and many of us have been wear } * H
this week. H
Don't think of buying a carriage , buggy - H
gy or any other vehicle until you have H
seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's H
store and gotten their prices. H
The Building Association has some H
good houses which can be bought at low |
prices and on easy payments. See the |
Secretary at First National Bank. |
A draft for $2,000 in favor of Mrs. J.H. |
Smart , A. O. U. W. insurance on her deceased - H
ceased husband , arrived here on Saturday - |
day last and was duly forwarded to her. fl
S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the H
largest line of carriages and buggies ever |
exhibited in McCook. And they will |
sell them at prices never equaled in this |
city. m j H
Do you want to rent or buy a house ? |
The Building Association has several |
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of |
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National |
The Famous clothing store is being |
repainted and its interior shows a marked H
improvement on that account. It is | |
always a model of order and neatness , H
however. fl H
When you get your returns from the fl
wheat harvest call and pay the editor |
something on subscription. He needs H
cash as well as wood , bay and corn , in H
his business. H
These warm nights , in driving in the j H
country it is not uncommon to see farmers - J
ers abandon their sod houses for the open J
air to sleep. Beds are made up , and it j f
is doubtless more comfortable. H
J. F. Ingals unloaded his new engine H
and thresher , Saturday. It has been J
held on the car here , for a number of H
days , on account of the absence of some H
necessary portion of the machinery. j H
There will be considerable corn in Red H
Willow county if it doesn't rain any H
more , this year ; but it will require more H
moisture to mature the full crop , of H
which there is now a grand prospect. H
Don't forget'the Episcopal social to be |
held in the Phillips store room on Thursday - H
day evening , August 12th. Admission H
ten cents. Ice cream and cake will be j H
served and a pleasing program is prom- |
ised. The public is cordially invited to- H
come and enjoy the occasion. H
S. M. Cochran & Co. are headquarters H
for carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact , j fl
for all sorts of vehicles. They will make H
you prices that nobody can beat for first- H
class , reliable goods. Don't buy until H
you have seen them and heard their H
gentle racket on prices. Standard goods H
at rock-bottom prices. H