The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 30, 1897, Image 8

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of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn generations goes
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
Eternity With what care , there
fore , should the Expectant Moth
er be guarded , and how great the
effort be to ward off danger and
make her life joyous and happy.
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short
ened many say "stronger after
than before confinement. " It in
sures safety to life of both moth
er and child. All who have used
" Mother's Friend " say they will nev
er be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
"A customer whoso wife used 'Mother's Friend , '
says that if slio had to go through the ordeal
again , and there were hut four bottles to be
obtained , and the cost was $100.00 per bottle , he
would have them. " Geo. Layton , Dayton , Ohio
Sent by express , on receipt or price , $1.00 PER
ERS" mailed free upon application , containing
valuable Information and voluntary testimonials.
McCook. Nebraska.
QS Afjcnt of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
< _ MRS. E. E. UTTER.j
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
FStudio Opposite Postoffice.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
JVIcCook , - - - Nebraska.
Ofrlce and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. in. and after 6 p. m.
Z. L. KAY ,
McCook , Nebraska.
C5 ? 0fnce Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
fewelry store. Residence In the Strasser
house on Marshall street.
Dr. S. C. BEACH ,
McCook , Nebraska.
"Office and Residence Over C A.
Leach's jewelry store.
Specialty made of Diseases'of '
the Nose , Throat and Chest.
At Indianola Mondays and Fridays of each
week. Office Cosgro House.
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take.
This "well known and
esteemed citizen buys
his Stationery at first
door south of the court
house , where nice line
j of Plain and Fancy
s Writing Papers , both
in boxes and bulk , can
be bought very cheap.
: ' DO YOU ?
Bates oa Ordinary Letters In England
Were Almost Prohibitive Adoption ol
the Fenny Post and the Queer Argu
ments Against It.
When Qneen Victoria ascended the
throne , there "were no telegraphs in thia
country and few railways. The mails
were forwarded by coach , and the post
age rates were to all bat the well to do
prohibitive. It cost from 4d. to Is. 8d.
to send a "singlo" letter under ah
ounce in weight from one part of the
kingdom to another. There were some
40 charges , varying according to dis
tance , the average rate being 9d. , or
half the day's wage of a laborer. A
"single" letter meant a single piece of
paper ( adhesive envelopes had not been
invented ) , and the addition of a second
scrap of paper made the letter a "dou
ble" one. The postage was paid on de
livery by the recipient , and as no cred
it was given the incursion of a postman
into a poor neighborhood was watched
on all sides with fear rather than hope.
Coleridge , the poet , saw a poor wom
an declining to accept a letter on the
score of inability to pay. The good
natured bard ( doubtless with some diffi
culty ) found the required niuepence ,
despite the woman's remonstrances.
When the postman had gone away , she
showed Coleridge that the letter was
but a blank sheet of paper. Her brother
had arranged to send her at intervals
such a sheet , addressed in a certain
fashion , as evidence that all was well
with him , and she as regularly , after
inspecting the address , refused to accept
it. Some humorist on one occasion sent
out large numbers of letters , each on a
sheet as large as a tablecloth , all of
which had to bo delivered as "single"
This system practically stifled written
intercourse among the working class and
pressed with severity upon the middle
class , but the rich and highly placed
entirely escaped postal taxation. The
privilege of franking covered the corre
spondence not only of ministers , peers
and members of parliament , but of
their relatives , friends and acquaint
ances. While in oue year early in the
queen's reign no less than 7,400,000
letters were franked , a single London
firm paid annually 11,000 for postage
and a writer in The Quarterly referred
flippantly to "so slight and rare nn in
cident in a laborer's life as the receipt
of a letter. " Among the "packets"
franked was a grand piano. An army
of clerks was employed to fix the charges
to be collected , and the postal revenue
remained stationary between 1815 and
1835 , although in the same period the
population increased from 19,500,000 to
Moved by this state of things , parlia
ment in 1839 adopted Rowland Hill's
proposal of uniform inland penny post
age , which came into operation on Jan.
10,1840. The writer possesses a copy of
The Quarterly Review of 1839 , in which
a contributor ( believed to be Croker )
fiercely denounces the scheme. "Will
clerks , " ho says , "write only to their
fathers and girls to their mothers ? Will
not letters of romance or love , intrigue
or mischief , increase in at least equal
proportions ? We doubt whether social
and domestic correspondence will be
more than doubled. A gigantic exem
plification of the old proverb Penny
wise and pound foolish , " etc.
Macaulay says that the penny post ,
when first established , was the object
of violent invective , as a manifest con
trivance of the pope to enslave the souls
of Englishmen. It was described as
"sedition made easy. " The postal au
thorities , who is 1784 had opposed the
institution of mail coaches , were im
placable enemies of penny postage. The
postmaster general of 1839 , Lord Lich
field , based his objections on the curi
ous ground that the building at St. Mar-
tin's-le-Grand would not be large
enough. The secretary , Colonel Maber-
ly , constantly repeated , "This plan we
know will fail. "
As we know , it succeeded , and the
penny rate has been generally adopted
in Europe as well as in the United
States. The number of letters rose from
80,000,000 in 1837 to 299,000,000 in
1847 , and for the year ending on March
31 , 1897 , about 1,900,000,000. The
postal surplus was in 1839 1,659,510
and in 18915-7 3,632,133. The number
of letters , which was in 1837 about 3
per head and in 1854 15 per head , is
.now 77 per head. Fortnightly Review.
High Titles Without Cost.
English folk are copying the Ameri
can custom of conferring titles upon
their children in baptism by using such
names as Lord , Earl , Baron , etc. This
will mean more to the English child
than it has to the American.
One parent in the midlands bestowed
on his progeny military as well as social
rank. One of his children is christened
Baron , another Captain , another Colonel
and another Major General. London
Truth has this statement from one who
knows this titled family , and they are
to be found at the present time in the
neighborhood of Birmingham. At this
rate every Tommy Atkins in the next
generation may be a field marshal.
Every Time.
Master Tombs , this is an example
in subtraction. Seven boys went down
to a pond to bathe , but two of them
had been told not to go in the water.
Now , can you tell mo how many went
in ?
Tombs Yes , sir. Seven. London
Justin McCarthy is quite gray haired.
His beard is bushy , and his gold rim
med spectacles impart a benign air to
bis face , which indeed well suits his
mild manner. As for his energy , one
would say that it was inexhaustible.
He is a politician , a journalist , a nov
elist and a historian.
Mothers !
TJHEdiscom- j/
dangers of 1cVjH
child-birth can Jfcj f y km
be almost en- [ § sn $ jKr
tirely avoided. gjLNatB L.
Wine of Cardui bJjj R
relieves ex- /ff Sfl H
puts them in I
condition to do their work I
perfectly. That makes pregI
nancy less painful , shortens I
Eg labor and hastens recovery after H
child-birth. It helps a woman I
B bear strong healthy children , n
has also brought happiness to I
I thousands of homes barren for I
I years. A few doses often brings H
I joy to loving hearts that long
m for a darling baby. No woman H
H should neglect to try it for this 9
I trouble. It cures nine cases out
I of ten. All druggists sell Wine 9
I of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. H
a For advice In cases requiring- special M
m directions , address , giving * symptoms , H
9j the "Ladles' Advisory Department , "
I The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta-
H nooga. Term. D
of Jefferson , Ga.says : 1
I " When I first took VVIno of Cardui |
we had been married three years , but
could not have any children. Nine ; J
months later I had a fine girl baby. " J
Elsewhere in this issue will be found a
call for bids to do certain considerable
repairing on the West Ward school house.
Parties interested will please note This
determination of the board to lepair the
building in question will be welcome
news to all patrons.
The early assembly of the Republican
county central committee may now be
expected , as the date for the con veil tion
has been fixed , and it will be necessary
within the next four weeks to select state
delegates at least.
Edna Yarger returned home , last even
ing , from spending a few weeks visiting
her brother Oscar.
No preaching services in the Baptist
or Congregational churches , Sunday
In the District Court of Ked Willow county ,
The State of Nebraska , to Ellen M. Burt ;
Francis M. Burt , her husband ; Richard C.
Wendcl and Rachel Wendel , his wife , de
fendants :
You , and each of you , are hereby notified
that you have been sued , together with E. A.
Sexton , alias E. A. Sexson , Sarah L. Sexton ,
alias Sarah L. Sexson. his wife ; George
Younger ; Younger ( real first name un
known ) wife of George Younger , as codefendants
fendants , by Carroll W. Parrish , plaintiff , in
the district court of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , and that on or before the 13th day of
September , 1S97 , you must answer the petition
in Chancery filed therein by said plaintiff
against all of said defendants , wherein plain
tiff prays for a decree of said court foreclosing
a mortgage given by defendants Ellen M.Burt
and Francis M. Burt , her husband , to the Lom
bard Investment Company , dated January
15th , 1887 , now owned by plaintiff , and cover
ing the following described real estate situated
in said County of Red Willow , and State of
Nebraska , to-wit : The South half of the North
west quarter of Section number thirteen (13) ( )
and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Section number thirteen (13) ( ) , and
the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quar
ter of Section number twelve (12) ( ) , all in
Township number four (4) ( ) North ; Range num
ber twenty-nine (29) ( ) , West of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian.
Said petition further prays that the rights ,
titles and interests of said defendants be de
termined and settled ; that said lands be ap
praised and sold , according to law , and that
the proceeds arising from such sale be applied ,
first , in payment of the costs of said sale and
of said action ; second , in payment of the full
amount due plaintiff on the indebtedness se
cured by said mortgage , with all interest there
on ; that from and after the confirmation of
such sale , the defendants to said action , and
all of them , be forever barred and foreclosed
of and from all right , title , interest , lien , claim
and equity of redemption of , in and to said
land , and every part thereof.
Unless you answer said petition , as afore
said , the statements and allegations therein
contained will be taken as true , and a decree
will be rendered against you by said court as
therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court ,
by me affixed , this 30th day of July , 1867.
rsEALj G. C. Boatman ,
Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow
County , Nebraska.
Pulsifer & Alexander , Concordia , Kas. .
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
( First published McCook Tkihuxe 7-30-97. )
It heals everything but a broken heart may
be said of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Piles
and rectal diseases , cuts , burns , bruises , tetter ,
eczema and all skin troubles may be cured by
it quickly and permanently. A. McMillen.
Notice to Receive Bids.
The Board of Education invites bids on re
pairing the West Ward School building , in
cluding new roof , new floors throughout ,
painting , plastering and papering. Specifica
tions for the work may be seen at the office of
f. E. Kelley , First National Bank building.
Bids will be received up to noon of August
7th , 1897 , the Board reserving the right to re
ject any or all bids.
McCook , Nebraska , July 29th , 1897.
J. E. Kelley , Sec'y. A. Campbell , Pres.
Gil IE 1MB !
And to PROVE that our CATARRH
CURE will positively CUBE catarrh in
its worst forms , we will send a
Two Weeks' Treatment Free
to all who send us ten cents (10c. ( ) in stamps
to pay cost of postage and packing.
Address JOHNS & DIXOX , Rwlicstcr. S. Y. I
Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion.
Indianola. Nebraska , June 23,1897.
Comrades : Yourselves and families are
hereby invited to attend the 7U1 Annual
Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors to be
held atlndianola.September 7,8,9,10,11 ,
1897 , at which time wc hope to meet all
in Fraternity , Charity and Loyalty.
Comrades , we have already engaged
tents foryour and your families'accommo-
dation yet it would be well for all Com
rades having tents and covered wagons to
bring them along. We hope this circu
lar will be read at all meetings of the G.
A. R. Posts in this District from now till
September , also that you request your
local paper to publish the same.
Comrades don't forget the place and
date. The citizens of our city will give
you a welcome that yon will always re
Ha } ' , Corn , Straw , Wood and Water
free to all Soldiers and their families.
W. P. Elmer , Willis Gossard ,
Adjutant. Commander.
Free Bicycles.
The State Journal is offering a first-
class bicycle free to any person who will
get up a club of 100 yearly subscribers
for the Semi-Weekly Journal at $1 00
each. The bicycles are covered by as
strong a guarantee as any $ roe 00 wheel
and are first-class in every respect. Any
young man or woman can now earn a
bicycle. If you find you cannot get the
required number , a liberal cash commis
sion will be allowed you for each one
you do get. You are sure to be paid
well for what you do. You can get all
your friends and neighbors to take the
Semi-Weekly State Journal at $1.00 a
year. Address State Journal , Lincoln ,
The New Tariff Law
Which has just been signed by the
President , may be appropriately consid
ered an Industrial Declaration of Inde
pendence. An official text of the law
lias just been published by the American
Protective Tariff League , and should be
carefullj' examined by every citizen.
Protectionists ought to have a few copies
of tins law for distribution. Five copies
will be sent to any address for ten cents.
Ask for Document No. 30 and address
W. F. Wakeman , Gen'l Sec'y , 135 West
23d Street , New York.
Try those hams at
Kuipple's. Only 10 c.
a Pound. Good.
To Subscribers or The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures and hard times , and as a consequence
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriDticns. We are now com
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re-
nuest. The Publisher.
Ice Cream Freezers ,
the best and cheapest ,
at Knipple's.
$ S.oo will buy a good hand-made har
ness of Selby at the "Bee Hive" .
Tinware of all kinds
at Knipple's.
To California , Comfortably.
Every Thursday at 11:40 p.m.M. T. , a
tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City.Sau
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide epough and big
enough for two , is onlj * $5.00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr.
December 26-35t
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and I
let it stand twenty-four lionrs ; a sediment or !
settling indicates an unhealthv condition of the '
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posi
tive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent
desire to urinate or pain in the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
order.WHAT TO DO.
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root , the
great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re
lieving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad
der and every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and scalding
pain in passing it , or bad effects following use
of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
get up many times during the night to urinate.
The mild and the extraordinary' effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. Sold by druggistspfice
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
Read the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
The State of Nebraska , Red Willow Coun
ty , ss. To nil persons interested in the Estate
of Lavinia Dillon , deceased :
Wheieas Charles W. Heck of said county
has filed in my office an instrument purporting
to be the last Will and Testament of Lavinia
Dillon , deceased , late of said county , and a
petition proving to have the same admitted to
Probate and for letters testamentary , which
Will relates to personal estate. Whereupon I
have appointed Wednesday , the nth clay of
August , 1897 , atone o'clock in the afternoon ,
at my office in said county , as the time and
place of proving said Will , at which time and
place you and all concerned may appear and
contest the Probate of the same.
It is further ordered that said Petitioner
give notice to all persons interested in said
Estate of the pendency of the petition , and
the time and place set for hearing the same ,
by causing a copy of this order to be published
in The McCook Tribune , a newspapernub-
lished in McCook , in said State , for three
weeks succebsivelv previous to the day set for
In testimony whereof , 1 have hereunto set
my hand and official seal this 21st day of July ,
1S97. Isaac M. Smith , County Judge.
[ Seal. I fCorv. )
Land Office atMcCook.Nebraska. July 20th ,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler lias filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , August 28th , 1S97 , viz : Uiberd
K. Waugh , who made IL E. 10,24 ! for the
S.W.J * ' N.L.J4 ami W' . 'A S.E.K S.E.J '
section 25 , township 1 , north of range 27.V. .
6th P. M. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of , said land , viz : Francis M. Pen
nington , Lcroy F. Nichols , Daniel F. I limp
anil Frederick S. Soverns , all of Lebanon , Ne
braska. A. S. CamI'Iiki.i. , Register.
road no. 315.
To Ebna Johnson , II. G. Rogers , Edgar
Floyd Jones , M. C. Stephens , Sophia B. Bro-
nwn and George Rudkin and to all whom it
mav concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point (80) ( ) rods east of
the northeast corner of the southeast quarter
of section (10) ( ) , town ( I ) , range (26) ( ) , in Leb
anon precinct , Ked Willow county , Nebraska ,
running thence north on said quarter section
line to town , line between towns , one f I ) and
two (2) ( ) , thence east on town , line and termi
nating at northeast corner of section two (2) ( ) ,
town , one (1) ( ) , range twenty-six (26) ( ) , west of
6th P. M. , has reported in favor of the location
thereof , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the oth day of Oc
tober , A. D. 1897 , or said road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
23-4. R. A. Gklkn , County Clerk.
Don't nauseate your stomach with teas and
bitter herbs , but regulate your liver and sick
headache by using those famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. . A.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
Legal Blanks
Note Books ,
Receipt. . Books ,
Scale books.
Office Supples
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The famous little pills.
\ I
i See Those. . . [ * j
I Buggies , \ * tj
1 P fj
i Surreys , f %
* I
I Carriages , I i
1 Road Wagons , J
j Refrigerators , > • J
2 Gasoline Stoves , jj ,
I Washing Machines , p 1
Gocta Ik Go's i }
3 1
t J
Comrades , and all \ J
interested in Pensions , * 1
come and see me. I've J
had over ten years of a
experience. VV ork difl
rect with Pension office - M
ice and guarantee satfl
C. W. BECK , M
Indianola , Neb.
Proprietor the . . . . H 1
We respectfully solicit your business. Jt tM
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , t tM
and prompt , courteous service. j |
. . ,
1' of thk < H
McCook Transfer Line ; H
jSpPOnly furniture van in the H
city. Also have a first class house H
moving outfit. Leave orders for / M
bus calls at Commercial hotel or H
at office opposite the depot. H
Cilass Go , Land and Live Stock Gs. H
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder |
MjVip P. O.addresHlmperia n l
ir fc to Chase county , and Beat H
W BJBKSl riee Nebraska. Kaape. H
JflHMKgfrWStiakin ? Water and the j M
3BD3 y Frenchman creeks. 2c H
Ksl&TCfl Chase county. Nebraska. k H
-Jf , Mi Brand as cut onsldeof L H
99 H&aefl' Bomo animals , on hipanlT HI H
uLUMUV WJi L . i ' sides of some , or any H
whereon thp animal. _ g k k km
R-I-P-A-N-S ' H
- The modern stand- H
cj ard Family MediH
w cine : Cures the ' H
] common every-day H
ills of humanity. H
Julius Kukert , |
Carpet Laying , H
Carpet Cleanffi B
- o M2 SUch T workMy W M
m im TMm - i i i - - J M