The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 30, 1897, Image 7

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    & # . Coleman on the Cat.
ft ft Mr. R. Lindfoy Coleman , ox-president of
SB tbo National Cycle Board of Trade , and
% \ prefcident of the Western Wheel WorJjsln
te Ti Hpoaklnjj on the cut in bicycles , says :
\ \ ' "This cut in the price of $100 wheels uaa
Jf f occasioned no surprhe. Wo ojprcssed the
\ , { ' opinion five years ago that other maker *
fir \ would fully realize their error in endeav
or ) \ oring to maintain a fictitious value ont
A \t\ their product ; , and that the prices we had
ml ' fixed on Crescents would become the
Dm \ ' btnndardnricofor other high grade wheels.
If I "One 01 the secrets of the success of the
l | I Western \ heel Works is , that wo not
je I only guttitu'fo cur wh'eolB. . butwoguaran-
I \ \ tee our rr ctsHH well , and the purcha-cr
I \ \ of a Crccutt in Kebrvary has the fatiSFac-
I T i t'on ' oC l ' > w'uC ' tUflt h'8 neighbor who
I \ v purchased a Cro ° cent in July paid the
I t \ same price as ho did.
I ) | ' 'I do not anticipate that a still further
) reduction in the pi ice of bicycles will bo
II I niudo this year. "
I Jf # • • * the Huuttierner'4 Hat.
I l \ Slouch lints are numerous in al-
fl most all communities south of Mason
MM \ and Di.von's line , and conservative old
[ \ \ Koutherners still demand the bast felt
I J \ in such hats. A really good broad-
I hi-im felt hat such as a fastidious
I \ / \ southerner wears will cost almost a3
* T much as a respectable high silk hat ,
Iff \ but will last longer because it never
it 1 goes out of fashion.
Pj rfjT / Manger Signal.
j tof The stomach and whole digestive system
jff K \ nro uI t l < > bo deranged nt tins time of year.
\ ] Tlie result is you have a poor appetite and
IS r are weak nud drowsy and have a feeling
m\ ) of K0 eral indisposition. There is danger
M W ahead , you are liable to have a run of
I & l\ fever and other dangerous diseases if you
I I u do not gunr.l against it. If you will reno-
i /Ji vate year > yBteni yo will prevent fevers
Mm. tit ? otuer disease. If you will take Dr.
% | \1 | Kay's Renovator in time we will guarax-
\ A TEE 3'0U wil1 "ot have fevor. It strikes to
the root of the matter and removes the
I ( , cuuo. It regulates the stomach , bowyjls
I ) \ HU' ' ' ver h0 ? euty * au < * pleasantly and
I I I 3ot ectuuIIy that it curea larger per
% cent , of cases than uny other remedy ever
I If discovered. It cures " the wo rot cases of
jg ! j ? \ indigestion , constipation and chronic dis-
M\\ \ \ eases. It is ploasnnt and easy to take.
HI ] / Price by mail , postage prepaid , 2o cts. and
l | ' J SI. If your druggist does not have itdon't
In ) takofouio inferior article which he may
| ( w y is "just as good. " but send to us for
I ' the mediuiuo aud "Dr. Kay's Homo Treat-
I meut , " a valuable ( fc'page 'free book with
K \ r > l5 recipes. Address Dr. 13. J. Kay Ifedical
B \ Co. , Omaha , Nob.
H \ " do jMuclt J' .nterprNe.
I f ' The romantic gorge of Trenton
I \ falls haa suffered a great injury , from
i the sceme point of view , in the quarK -
K * rying of limestone at the brink of the
K dill's and the casting ot the debris ,
Wthousands of tons f reck , into the
l ravine.
\ Shako Into Your Shops.
I \l Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
I ' F * * eet * lfc cures PaiQful , swollen , smart-
I 1 > ing feet and instantly takes the ating
I ill out of corns and bunions. It is the
I fv greatest comfort discovery of the age.
% \ Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
I H or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
K mY cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
11 by all druggists and shoe stores. By
fl ! j mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
cj FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le
H § ItUiclclUtsd.
H Wf People who live beyond their means
MM fSJ and are very tardy in paying their
1 fe debts have been blacklisted in "Vienna
a J by a daring publisher. A book con-
M j taining their names has met with a
BB \ \ - sale.
BBt V { There Is a Class or l'eoplo
B \ Wno are injured by the use of coffee.
W J& % v Recently there has been placed in all
ki \ e Srocery stores a nevr . preparation
V ' called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains.
bV that takes the place of coffee. The
Ww most delicate stomach receives it with-
H out distress , and but few can tell it
H | from coffee * . It does not cost over %
H\ as much. Children may drink it with
EO great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
Hf\ per package. Try it. Ask for
j \ GRATN-O.
Hv | \ Careful parents who arc planning to send
UUMff \ their daughters to the city for study , wish
BBBf f them to be placed in surroundings as nearly
BBflV \ like home as possible. In this respect the New
BB V \ England Conservatory of Music Boston. Mass ,
BBfl v\ \ \ with its admirably equipped Horns Depart-
Bfl m > xncnt. meets a widely felt need and offers an
BBS m absolutely safe and delightful home life for
BflB % young women students of music. Add to this
BBfl r the curriculum of coursrs leaving nothing un-
BBfl r done to secure broad and musicianly training ,
BBflj \ and it is easy to see why parents prefer this
BBfl % school to any other , and particularly to those
BBV Jf % which make no provision for pleasant and shel-
BBfl fjT i tercd dormitory life.
H * / In a Box.
m ft Old Friend Seems to me you are
mwi Payin ? your cook pretty stiff wages.
H Jimson Have io. If I don 't she'll
B \ leave , and then my wife will do the
A& cookincr herself. New York Weekly.
K'Jk Read the Advertisements.
l - You will enjoy this publication much
Wf better if you will get into the habit of
K T reading the advertisements ; they will
B i afford a most interesting study and
H \ will put you in the my of getting
B yl some excellent bargains. Our adverB -
B j i tisers are reliable , the\r send what
Pl \ they advertise.
Ur / In Arctic Scat.
Hn JilA Tlie Danish government has under-
fl * taken , during the year 1895 and 1896 ,
l a deep sea exploration in the Green-
H \ land and Iceland waters. The expedi-
H I tion will be accompanied bv a botanist.
mw9'Via Michigan Central , "The Niagara
HC Falls Route , " from Chicago , good go-
H * Ing August 21-23. A rare opportunity
B \ t0 E ° East at very low rates over " -A-
1 \ First-class Line for First-class Trav-
| el. " Reserve your sleeping car accom-
mWmVf modations early by writing to L. D.
l Heusner , Gen'l Western Pass'r Ag't ,
H119 Adams Street , Chicago.
H. \ $10.50 to Buffalo and return.
BBBrl \ A Bridegroom's Black Eye.
F If A Newark bridegroom started on
his wedding tour with a black eye.
m S
TjA * His sister-in-law caused it by vigor-
Hfift'ously throwing a weighty slipper after
[ himto give luck to the young couple.
> SIO.OO Given Away.
H § Andy F. Whitmer of East Chicago , Ind. ,
BBWn writes : * 'I wonld not take $10.00 for your
1 % . book , 'Dr. Kay's Home Treatment , ' if I
H % could not got another. " It has 68 pages
1 I ) and 55 valuable recipes. For ten days we
BBBa J pa vrill send ouo free. Address Dr. B. J.
BBB * \ | ( Kay Medical Co. . Omaha. Neb.
bVbv < S 7 * ur * ca ° a thoroughbrfcl is a man
tjwho has two pairs of good pantaloons , .
H * with suspenders for eaoli pair.
H > Hn. "Wln low-s SoottUntc Srrnp
BBB * Wmation , alUji psio , cures wind colic. ticrnUabottla-
HS An outraged friend is worse than a j
Hdozen enemies. j
The Knockabout * , or WUlle'a First
Morning In the Countrj An Italian
Girl Who Charm * the "World by Her
j Teat * Wltllo on Horseback.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I The DUuppolntcil Goldcnrod.
CS = S.2s.LEASE judge of my
\TPSm \ ! surprise one day ,
II & • JII * Twas In the woods ,
s&\l.K \ ft/l the month was
ifz ( § ( To see m yellow
/ tMS * ' II beauty dressed ,
( 1 > . - J Some goldenrod I do
U fo A not jest.
viH V fiSvi "Ccmc. tell me , golF -
F "G j ) denrod. " I cried.
\ 5x/2 | "What do you here
W jJ ill the fresh May-
jI/ tide ? "
The pretty flower
raised up Us head
And looked at me , then quietly said ,
"I tire of hearing all the trees.
The blids. the squirrels , the very breeze
in autumn praise the flowers of May.
• They're fairer for than you , ' they say.
'We know , ' their argument is strong ,
'Because we're here , the whole year long ! '
I've got permission for myself.
And came to see this purple elf
They call the violet : and to look
At bloodroot blossoms by yon brook.
The mandrake , too , I wished to find.
Who boasts of petals left behind. "
"And what do you decide ? " I said.
The autumn beauty tossed its head.
"I think them weak and pale and small ;
A fig for spring give me the fall !
Pray what are these to autumn's dower
Of aster , mint and cardinal flower ?
Straightway for home I'll take my way.
And never como again In May. "
My eyes unclosed ; still flowed the stream.
The flower was gone. Was it a dream ?
Caiyl 13. Storrs.
Tim Knockabouts.
Twas Willie's first morning in the
country , and there Avere wonders with
out number on every hand. The night
before , grandpa had promised him that
on this same morning he should join
the farmer's club , "The Knockabouts. ' '
Before going to bed Willie carefully
counted his pennies. " 'Cause , " said
he , " 'twill cost something to join ! "
"Not very much , I guess , " said
mamma , who was fully acquainted
with grandpa and his funny club. For
hadn't she been a member herself when
she was a little girl ?
"Anyhow , " continued Willie , "I
have the dollar papa gave me , haven't
I ? "
But mamma only laughed in reply.
"Can't initiate you till the dew gets
off the grass ! " exclaimed grandpa at
the breakfast table.
This made the club seem to Willie
more mysterious than ever.
"You must put on your thick shoes ,
and I don't think a white shirt is just
the thing for members of the club to
wear , " advised grandpa , with a merry
twinkle in his eyes.
About 10 o'clock Willie was ready ,
and where do you suppose grandpa
took him ?
Why , out in the orchard , back of the
barn , where there was as many as a
hundred hay-tumbles. Already three
hired men were at work , throwing the
hay about in every direction.
"There are the charter members of
the 'Knockabout Club/ " laughed
grandpa ,
Willie took the little fork grandpa
handed him , and was soon a full-
fledged membar of the funny club.
"I've got a good name foe my club ,
haven't I ? " asked grandpa , as Willie
began knocking the hay about for the
eun to dry.
"A jolly one , " replied Willie.
Every morning , while he remained at
the farm , he was the first member of
the club on duty.
"It's the best fun ! " he exclaimed.
"I wish , grandpa , I could be a knock-
abouter the year round ! " A. P. Cald
well in Youth's Companion.
Learned , bat Eccentric.
Professor Lincoln of Brown Univer
sity , whose death occurred a few years
ago , used to tell amusing anecdotes of
Neander , the great professor and his
torian of the Christian church of the
Berlin University , under whom he
studied for some time.
Neander was accustomed when lec
turing to stand behind a curious , high
desk , with an open framework , and
with holes and pegs for letting it up
and down. His costume was a very
leng coat , coming down to the tops of
his great jack-boots , and with a collar
which reached almost as high as his
head as he bent over his desk , and
with arms extended forward , twirled in
his fingers a quill pen. If this quill
dropped , there v-as a hiatus in the lec
ture until some one would pick it up
and place it in his hands , and then the
wonderful flow of learned discourse
would prcceed.
It is said that when Neander went to
Berlin he happened , in going from his
home to the university for the first
time , to he with a friend , who. for th ?
sake of some errand , took a most cir
cuitous route ; Neander pursupd this
rtundribou : course for years , and only
! > y accident discovered that there was
r. rhorl r way.
On one rc\iion. beingjo = tled on a
crowded sidt'wa'k.n \ order 'o nass by
] . .erowd. . he sieved ofT into the gut-
* rr T. " : h one f. oL keeping the other
f ni r.n the turo * = tone. When the
' • ( • v. 'd wa < p.s = ed. he contirned ab-
- T'minded to walk on in this curi-
' -is fashion , and when he reached
' . ( .rae he complained of being fatigued
'rom the disorded condition of the
• -freets. An acquaintance , who had fol
ic wed him , was able to explain the
Atnnsins : Ignorance.
The written civil-service examina
tions for policemen in New York have
bf en sneered at as a part of a visionary
= cheme. The ignorance displayed by
tome of the unsuccessful applicants for
v&mmmmmmmmmmmmmmu mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
appointment might have had free
course In an official position , however ,
and to the public lose , had no such test
been used. Extraots from what theBO
applicants for police service wrote
about Abraham Lincoln include some
extraordinary statements. One wrote :
"He has bin a Presented of New
York City. " Another declared that in
18C5 Lincoln was "nomanlted in place
of Buckhanan whoe's term of office ex-
pire'i in that year. "
"Mr. Lhicom , " according to another
applicant , had many engagements in
war , and was bound to be victorious ,
especially at the battle of Gettysburg ,
when he swept all before him. "
Of Lincoln's tragic death it was vari
ously said that he was killed "at Chicago
cage 1804 , " also that he"was assisatod
in 1877 at foards Theater Boston ; " shot
in "Booth's theater in Philadelphia ; "
"died at his home in Long Branch. "
The assassin Is spoken of as "Garfield , "
"Geteay , " and "Dccota. "
One candidate said Lincoln "let the
Dorkey go fred ; " another that he "fred
all the negros in the world ; " In gen
eral , the applicants seem to have
agreed , as one wrote , that "we have
seertinly had very fiew like unto Lin
coln. "
When traveling in the south of Ire
land , some years ago , I was not a lit
tle surprised to hear every one in a
loom shout "God bless you ! " when
any person sneezed , and the "God bless
you" was repeated for every sneeze. I
have since learned that this salutation
has an origin going back to the sixth
century , when the black plague fell
upon Rome. Its victims showed the
first symptoms by sneezing. When the
African king of Menomopata sneezes
all thrse near his person send up a
great shout , all within hearing take it
up , so that the sneeze may be said to
go echoing through the kingdom One
would think the subjects would soon
get hoarse if their sovereign chanced
to have an old-fashioned New England
hay fever. When the king of Senaar
sneezes his courtiers turn their backs
on him and give a loud slap on their
right thigh. There is a great deal of
character in the manner of sneezing ,
and though even George Washington
could not he dignified when he felt a
sneeze coming on , and was in doubts
whether it would come to a head or
not , it must be confessed that a good
sneeze is more pleasurable than other-
Dow lie Cornered Him.
A gentleman was riding on the out
side of a coach in the west of England ,
when the driver said to him :
"I've had a coin guv' to me today
200 years old. Did you ever see a coin
200 years old ? "
"Oh , yes ; I have one myself 2,000
years old "
"Ah ! " said the driver , "have ye ? "
and spoke no more during the rest of
the journey.
When the coach arrived at its desti
nation the driver turned to the other
with an intensely self-satisfied air , and
said :
"I told you as we druv' along that I
had a coin 200 years old. "
"Yes. "
"And you said to me as you had one
2 .000 years old. "
"Yes , so I have. "
"That's not true. "
"What do you mean by that ? "
' "What do I mean ? Why , it's only
1S97 now ! " Tit Bits.
Miss Pepina , Equestrienne.
Novel readers may remember that in
cne of Charles Lever's rollicking stor
ies the hero , a dashing Irish dragoon ,
is made to leap his horse over a small
cart in a Portuguese street. At a cir
cus in Berlin recently Miss Pepina , a
young Italian girl , performed the as
tonishing feat of jumping her favorite
mare across an open victoria in which
four men were seated. This young wo
man was born in Trieste , Austria , of
wealthy parents , and from childhood
showed great liking for horseback ex
ercise. In her early teens she could
ride much better than any woman in
town , even the men finding difficulty in
keeping up with her. After much urg
ing , her parents finally allowed her to
appear in the Circus Vidoli at Trieste ,
where her daring performance soon
made her such a name that today she
commands a higher salary than any
other professional equestrienne in
Eirrope. Her chief fet. previous to the
one described above , was to jump her
mare over four fair-sired ponies stand
ing side by side.
I > irly Training.
The father or Prince Bismarck
buked him. when he was a boy for
speaking of the emperor as "Fritz. "
"Learn to speak reverently of his
majesty , " said the wise old German
"and you will grow accustomed to
think of him with veneration. ' '
The remark made a deep impression ,
and bore fruit in after years.
The universe is full
of indices ; every '
spot lifts a finger-post
- pointing to an
origin. J. C , Campbell.
Cures Rheumatism , Kidney , Bladder ,
Illooil , Skin and Ncrvoui Dlieaseg
UIg Hotel Has Ileen Krected
und People Are Journeying
There from All Over the
. Country to Bathe
In the Mud.
A deposit of most remarkable mud
discovered in Indiana , has of recent
years been attracting wide-spread at
tention. It is located at the Indiana
Mineral Springs , Warren county , and
has been formed by the action of the
water from the famous Magno-LIthia
springs. Through countless ages the
foliage of magnificent oaks on the hill
side has annually fallen into a basin ,
and has been reduced by nature into
a pure black earth unmixed with roots ,
stones or sand. The water from the
big spring for thousands of years has
been soaking this deposit and saturat
ing it with mineral salts , until now
there is a layer of medicated mud
abcut two acres in extent and from
ten to twenty feet in thickness.
The strange medicinal value of this
peculiar , black , porous substance was
accidentally discovered by an old sol
dier , Sam Stor. ) , who had brought
rheumatism home from the war and
suffered with it for years. He was at
tempting to dig a drainage ditch
through the mud deposit , and after in
dulging in this useless experiment for
a week or more , gave up the idea , bn :
meanwhile had been cured of his rheu-
The fame of the mud began to spread
and afflicted congregated at the Springs
from everywhere. The method of us
ing the mud was at first very primi
tive , the patient merely sitting down
in the deposit where nature had laid
it. But since then improvements have
been made , a beautiful hotel erected ,
and the mud bath developed into a
luxurious experience. The accompany
ing cut shows how it's done.
After all , Nature is the greatest of
all chemists , and seems here to have
prepared in a gigantic receptacle an
enormous mass of medicine for poultic
ing sore humanity. When all else had
failed , Nature's treatment , the Magno-
Mud cure , as it is now called , has in
hundreds of cases brought back health
and happiness.
It WrtL > itt > rint Case.
One of the local justices of the
peace identified the prisoner at the
bar as an old offender.
Justice What is your name ?
Prisoner Sam Jackson.
"Three years ago , when you were
up before me your name was John
Smith. "
• • Yes , but that was an entirely
different case. " Texas Sittings.
Less Than Half Fare
To Buffalo and return via the Wa
bash It. R. For the G. A. II. reunion
the Wabash will sell tickets on Aug. 21
and 22 , at less than Half Fare , with
choice of routes via all rail from
Omaha or Chicago to Buffalo or by
steamer from Detroit , either going or
returning. The only line running re- ,
dining chair cars ( Seats free ) from
Omaha or Chicago to Buffalo. All
trains run via Niagara Falls. For
tickets and further information call
on Agent connecting line or at Wabash
Ticket r'fice. 1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton -
ton Hotel block ) , or write
Geo. N. Clayton , X. W. Pass. Agt. .
Omaha , Neb.
Medical Advice.
Patient Doctor , what's good for
dyspepsia ?
Doctor Irregular eating and ill-
cooked food. Two dollars , please.
J ot Over-Sensitive.
Willie An1 what did Clawence do
when Eob Slugard kicked him ?
AgyIIe ] simply said , "Gweat men
are not sensitive to cwiticism , " and
walked swiftly away. Judire.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take Xo-To-
Bac , the wonder-worker , that makes weak
men strong. All drupgists , 50c or SI. Cure
guaranteed. Rooklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
Why He Uiiln't Co.
"Why didn't you come to my con
cert ? You ' re very fond of music. "
• • Very. "
"Then why didn 't you come ? "
"Because I'm fond of music. "
The best , at half the price : all grocers will re
fund your money If you arc not satisfied.
Reason helps the wise and cudgels
the foolish.
Besenian'ii Camphor Ice with Glycerine.
The original and only genuine. Cure- Chapped Hands
and Face , Cold Sores , itc. C.G.Clart&Co.N.HavenCt.
One bad example destroys the effect
of manj' years of fine precept.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price , 75c.
No one pretends to hate a wrong as
much a-s he who offers it.
FITS Permunentb Cured. ISo fits ornervousness after
first day ' s uo of Dr. Kline a Ureat .Nerie Restorer.
Send lor FREE $3.00 trial bottle and treatise
Dn. R. H. Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
Silence overcoraeth all things save
time , even life itself at hist.
Dr. Kny's Renovator is a positive cure
for nervous disorders and of the stomach ,
bowels and liver. See advt.
Boasting always means one or two
things , ignorance or cowardice.
To Core Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Csntlv Cathartic. 10c or 25a
'it C. C. C. fall to cure , druggists refund money.
Self-reliance. F lf-restraint and self-
discipline , constitute an educated wilL
lie YVns Used to It.
Friend Try to hang on for an
other couple of minutes. The guide
will soon be hero with ropes to res
cue you.
Jarloy , who has fallen over a clifr
in the Alps , and is hanging on to a
little ledge with one hand All right
old boy. I can stand it. I havon't
traveled from King stteet to Park-
dale hanging on the trolley straps a
year for nothing. ( Resumes reading
his paper. }
Uae ( lontlenem.
Dc gentle In stimulating the kldnoyfi.othcr-
wise you will excite una weaken them. The
happiest results follow the use of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitterstoovercome renal Inactivity.
Avoid the uiimcdicaied , ilery stimulants of
commerce. The kidneys have a delicate
membrane , easily Irritated , and upon this the
action of sui'h evcltants Is pernicious. Ma
larial complaints , indigestion , rheumatism ,
neuralgia und biliousness suerurnb to the
corrective influence of the Hitters.
Forgiven by Her Victim's Ghoit.
Old Mrs. Nobles , in jail at Macon ,
Ga. , for killing her "old man" for
"pestering" her , says his ghost has
heen to see her and she is forgiven the
murder. Efforts are being made to se
cure commutation of sentence , but she
"jes liev'e hang's not. " Ex.
To Colorado Springx mid Pur bio.
liiirllngtnii Itotite via DciiVit.
A through Sleeping car to Colorado
Springs and Puohio via Denver is attached
o Burlington Itouto dailv train leaving
h'-ngo 10S0 p. in. O'JIrJ. 2H Clark St.
t.ullty Conscience.
Mistress Wiry don t you ever pro
vide any new dishes ? '
Cook I never break any , mam.
Detroit Tribune.
IOWA FAK.ItS For Sale on cron pavment.
Slpcraere cash , balance "J crop yearly until
paid for. J. I/.ULHALL , Waukcg n , 111.
Write your injuries in dust , your
blessings in marble.
Edncato Your Uoivels "Witii CascaretR.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. If C. C.C fail , druggists icluudmoney.
Of all the virtues , gratitude has the
shortest memory.
Piso ' s Cure for Consumption hn = ? saved
mo large doctor hills. ( J. L. Baker , -l' 8 Hc-
fieut Sq. . Phi ndelphia , Pa. , Dec. S , 1S95.
Envy a blind man , leading unhappiness -
ness by the hand.
TryQrain-O ! h
TryGrain-O ! | H
A k yonr Grocer to-duy to : ' * |
* >
fchow ycu n package of ] H
QItAIN-0 , the new food ! H
drink that tukes the plnce v H
of coffee. I H
The children may drink I. * H
without injury as well as the J
adult. All who try it , like H
it. GRAIN-O hns that rich f |
* *
benl brown of Mocha or Java , . H
but it is iniulo front pure 'j l
* * *
grains , nud the most delicate fl
t-tomnch receives it without , mW
distress. Jj the price of \ mW
coffco. f l
15 cents and 25 cciUh per jj l
package. Sold by all grocers. t l
Tastes like Coffee ! |
Looks like Coffee < . H
Notre Dame. Indiana. l * l
ClavsleH , Letter * , Science , Law. Civil , Ale- ' H
clr.ifiieal and lllectrlcul ICiiglnecrliig. , |
Thorough rrcpamiory an I Commercial i H
CoiirstH. U't'lcMartlrnl Mmivntt ut * jwlil intra. ! |
ISooniH l'ree. Juiilnr < r hininr Year , CoIIckIhU : f |
Conine * . St. l.ilward'M Hall , for lioyii under 13. | |
Die lOTth Term wilt i > rn Sepl ember tli , |
* * *
Ut ! > 7. Catalogue xnt Kree on ui.ll.-ntl | | < ni I. , i !
ICev. A. Alorrlfiscy , C. S. C , President. I H
Tlio best Itcd Rope Rnoani ; f < ir t l
RftfirJPIO If. r 'r nq.ft. . cipsandn.iliHlii- H
UVS1 i I 3S r „ ( | , „ | Siut tufPN for l > lHtrr ' * K H
Samples free. TLrTAY JUHJ.WaOFIUO.CaiwlODX J. UUt
-iM-H Srinl for IiooL.f It tinmiimlHuiKl lOihljK' H
treatment 1'ree. nr. n.n.tiiJ'Hhssus3.iUajiU. : < . . H
& na/r / rnfra cunto at homejn < i m wii t H
C&ra Lift V.alP M " " , " , , , k- aB. . HARRIS & CO. \mWM \
SJMLTUVUJtantt i > ikeISiiil > Jlii . - .t'i'i < iujiiM. < > i.ic. f H
* |
fra DBcnaii-KAH. B.WILLSOM < StCO.Wa > h- iUUl
* 3ftl Q gu RS Fxhincti.ii. IJ C N < . footill i .it. nt ' H
Ij > J C BallG B UlWurutl.'th-pUKf u "l * Tree. mUt
I _ _ _
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 31.1897. . BH
When writing to advcrtiscr-i , kindly men- wUt
tion this paper. UUt
I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Byannis , Massachusetts , H
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ ' the same H
that has home and docs " " * " k
now yr y/ /j , ? ow every
hear the facsimile signature of a xTcC c C wrapper. |
This is tlie original " PITCH ER'S CASTORIA/ ' which has been H
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty H
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and sec that it is M
the hind you have always bought Sltf / / $ r/tsiJm 0Th nc m\
and has the signature of < aC7 cJil ? wrapper - M
per Jfo one has authority from me to xese my name except H
The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is M
President. * * m\ \
March 8 , 1897 : (2 ( * Z L t.jy.
Do Not Be Deceived. H
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute H
which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies H
on it ) , the ingredients of which even lie does not know. H
"The Kind You Have Always Bought" I
Insist on Having * 9
The Kind That Never Failed You ? I
. . H
TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MUT \ + -r.- - - „
\ Buy Your Bicycler j I
< of a concern that will be in business as c > l
) long as you live , and whose guarantee is S I
? the best security that can be given. 5 I
< 1897 COLUMBIAS , . . . . $75 ( I
) 1896 COLUMBIAS , . . . . 60 ; I
) 1897 HARTFORDS , . . . . 50 ] I
) HARTFORDS Pat 2 , . . . 45 ; I
I HARTFORDS Pat. I , . . . 40 JS I
I HARTFORDS Pat 5 and 6 , . 30 I
) POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. s I
J Come and visit our factories , covering 17 acres of fioorape. and see how \
S a first-class bicycle is made. Catalogue free from Columbia dealer * : by / "
5 mail from us for one two-cent stamp. If Columbian are not properly ) I
S represented in your vicinity , let us know. { , I
SjniOi iifirffifiififfiii < ririrfrimrtirfiiriciiiiti ( firrriffrcsetcfrfiirtiirriiff < rrir/ '
$ WRITE FOR - * = :
5 S ;
5 A Catalogue of Drr Goods , Cloaks. Clothing. Jlillinery , Boots and Shoes ,
% Furniture , Carpets , Curtains , Crockery , Glassware , Toys , • :
Dolls and General House-furnishing Goods. 5 ;
% ETTENSON , WOOLFE & CO. , Leavenworth , Kansas. | [
Send for Ustof4C00 vacancies we have several times as many vacancies as member * .
Must have more members. Seteral plan : two plans give free rciribtration : one plan CUAKAN-
TEES positions. 10 cents pays for book , conta nine plan- , and a S5C0.U ) love story ot College
davs. Blanks and circulars tree. No charge to employers for reeommeurtinc teachers
S.W.C'or.M iu.t : dMx..Lout TllrtK3- ] 1'widtnt and Mjoiatrtr ( 1-71 IHarlwrn it. , Oilcago , III
Northern xatantits Chicago oflct , Southtrn tucanctu LouUviiU Oflct. Out lit rfgUttrt in both cjU * * .