jteg rft-r-llHr > t..r.irni " ' ' J 1 ' ' ' " ' "j " ' ' ' 1 , i in I , , . „ _ _ . _ j- _ _ _ * - . 4 | > i Clearing 1 I Out Sale. . : [ \ \ g Having accumulated a large Ng7 j \ | | f lot of small sizes in Ladies' Shoes j | | \ \ S N1 > Slippers , I will dispose of | p Ik So them at the followingprices : R I' 1 All 2 Sizes , $1 a Pair , g $ 1 13 to h Sizes , $1,25 a Pair , I \i \ 1 Ail 4to4 Sizesl.50a Pair. 1 I j The former prices of these S J shoes were from $2 to $5. Your Npl I S little girls can wear them. Come jSi | I v\ > Kand \ see. We have many more of | X | I r § 3 such bargains at the only p | 1 * v § [ mi n r n ni m H f < \ s If jpimpiiip \firp l La g Ulli IlOlMJlO OliUU OlIllG g 1 g | J. F. GANSCHOW , McCook. Jf vZ ? w ? ? ? > ? W ? * $ & ? * ? * $ ? ? w ? Stt ? Sv ? ? * ? > Z ? | § THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE j | § ttl ' EVERY member of WM fCLr- ! EVERY family on % $ $ $ pK ( iP15 | EVERY farm , in &g * \ $ & / / Q. EVERY village , in g $ 1 8 ( il S fe.EVERY State and Ter. Sfe $ V S ISSa EOR Noble Manhood , ? $ § ? ? % v EOR True Womanhood § ? &p pjjjj * It gives all important news of the p # * Jjfetf Nation and World , the most reliable * jpg gjyp market reportsbrilliant andinstruewjgp § f ? $ tive editorials , fascinating short stog $ 53 S ries , an unexcelled agricultural dejfep f3 partment , scientific and mechanical S&fJ * j qj information , illustrated fashion artitgg paSji eleshumorous illustrations , etc. , etc. ? &j mi $ m & 8 THE TRIBUNE AND N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 YEAR jg gg EOR 81.50 , CASH IN ADVANCE. gj > g g&p Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. g H , . . , * * " * Write your name and address on a postal card send it to Geo. W. Best t j2 55 3 Tribune office. New York City , and a sample copy of the New-York Weekly Tribune Wv P ffiji f ' "HI be mailed to you. ffc&t * gUffi OMAHA WEEKLY BEE 1 j i (12 PACES EVERY WEEK. ) f Tft jffi for the balance OC nAnfn Pvi m of this year for Z3 llGlllS. m y The state campaign , this fall , -will be an ini M ijQ teresting one. The Bee will report its progress IS [ impartially and fully. 1 1 g [ The foreign news , this fall , will he unusually pNS 5j [ interesting and with its unsurpassed foreign yNy jvl | cable service , the Bee is able to present to its r j j n readers this news more fully than any other j | br | western paper. IS % M At the price named , you cannot afford to do j jC [ without a complete newspaper , this year. ( § SQ Send your 25 cents to 1 The Weekly Bee , Omaha , Neb. pl | BiM TIME TABLE. [ HBfj BhOH IIcCOOS , HEBEASrA. WUiiiaH LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND. KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS AND all SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vcstibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- cage , and all points south and east 5:55 A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 9:00 P. M. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hoi- drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. 80. Freight , daily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions Si5 p. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediatesta- tions 6:00 A.M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBen kelman , Ilaigler , Wrayand Akron 1:30 P. M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Ilaigler , Wrayand Akron 4:10 P.M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M. No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:30 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chaircars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha. Nebraska. Ham mocks at prices ranging ; from 75 cts. to $5.50 at McCOKtfELXi 'S. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. H. G. Borne&ian was able to be at his desk as usual first of the week. Dispatcher and Mrs. W. B. Mills were state capital visitors , Saturday. Desirable hosiery and neckwear at the Famous Clothing Co. The force at the dining hall has un dergone almost a complete change , this * week. Two special Pullmans , Ballyclare and Tallyhassee , went east attached to No. 4 , Saturday evening. All available engines and freight cars are being placed in commision to handle the great small grain crop. John Egan , and F. Wales , of McCook , were in Alliance the 17th and left for Sheridan , Sunday morning. Mrs. J. A. Harris went down to Re publican City , Saturday morning , to visit friends and take in the reunion. Miss Zetta Dawson accompanied her. A. J. Cole was absent in Red Willow- county , several days last week Miss Mary Cassell has been at McCook , the guest of relatives , since the first of the week. Oxford Standard. Brakeman Bud Williams , who was recently killed at Clearmont , was buried at Minden , Monday. Funeral was con ducted by the members of the Workman lodge of that place. Mrs. F. A. Stark and children came down from McCook Saturday night and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Griggs while Mr. Stark is filling the po sition of yardmaster here. Oxford Stan dard. Prosperity has arrived : The entire shop force at this place was put on ten hours work ; Wednesday morning. This will mean quite a large increase in the monthly pay of all these employes. In addition the carpenter force was in creased two. Al O'Neil departed Thursday night for McCook and he will run out from that ' place in the future. Al asked for the change because his parents have removed to McCook from Chicago and it thus en ables him to spend more time at home. Mr. O'Neil has proved himself an exem plary citizen while in our midst and his removal is regretted by our citzenship in general. Republican City Democrat. Santa Fe trainmen vouch for the state ment that Friday's through California train was flagged by section men two miles this side of Lexington because the rails of the track had been curved by the heat into the appearance of sleigh run ners , the heavy spikes having been pul led from the oak ties and thrown into the air by the strain of the bending rails. The accident occurred but a few minutes before the train was due to pass ; and had not the section men been at once attrac ted to the spot by the noise of the fly ing spikes train would have dashed- into the break and have been hurled from the track. Passengers on the train stated that the heat at the point of the accident was terrific. While the repair of the track was going on the occupants of the train sought wood at one side of the track and remained there until the work was completed. It took two hours to put the track in shape for the train to proceed. Kansas City Journal. Frank Brainerd is expected from Clarinda - rinda , Iowa , soon. A sister will accom pany. We Bre informed that the Iowa authorities claim the case to be one properly belonging to Nebraska and that an effort will be made to place the un fortunate man in one of our state insti tutions. A. B. Smith , assistant general passen ger and ticket agent of the Burlington , is one of the luckey holders of a valuable gold mine claim up in the Black Hills country that promises a fortune for each one interested. Brakeman C. J. Sncll says it was all right about the new daughter at their house , and she's finer than silk , hut he couldn't stand the title of conductor , the same week , so we take that back. Machinist James Ritchie has purchased the Spearman house over on North Melvin - vin street , lately vacated by County Judge Smith , who has moved over to the northwest part of city. The following extra brakemen have been put on the list : Herman Hegenber- ger , G. C. Topping , J. A. Hileman , Al bert Coulter , C. L. Oluistead , J.J. Old ham , F. N. Eugstrom. The people of Mascot , Harlan comity ; want that station reopened , and nineteen of its citizens have petitioned the board of transportation to that effect. General Manager G. W. Iloldrege went over the Imperial branch on a trip of inspection , first of this week. Conductor Mose Carmonj' is laying off with an injured foot. A box fell on the foot and mashed it. Mrs. B. C. Monpleasure entertained some Oberlin friends , close of last and first of this week. J. H. Moore was in Stratton , Monday , trying to buy uy some cattle in that neighborhood. Master Guy Burnett went up to Denver , Monday night , on a visit of a few days. Brakeman B. L. McCarl is in Illinois. Miss Ida will return with him. Supt. Campbell went up to Denver , Wednesday night , on business. A son was born to John VanWyck and wife on Monday. Brakeman Frank Rank is entertaining his sister. Claude Tubbs is visiting friends in the city. R. A. Brown is hostling at Holdregc Gophers Destroy a Canal. An Oklahoma City enterprise has been ruined by the gopher pest. It was thought that the rapidly flowing North Canadian River could be used to operate all the mills that could be placed on its banks at Oklahoma City. The fall was neaily thirty feet and it was expected that 2,000 horse power would be devel oped. A canal five miles long was con structed , at an expence of $40,000. It was diked part of the way and the river was crossed twice. The canal is twenty- five feet wide and four feet deep , and when four inches of water was in at the head gate an electric light plant and a large flouring mill were run with ease , but an unsuspected enemy soon caused disaster to the enterprise. The banks of the canal were porous , sandy soil and gophers attacked the dike , the holes which the animals burrowed quickly widened into crevasses and the sandy dikes -were easily swept away , causing constant and expensive repairs. Finally the entire canal became wrecked , and farmers are now plowing up the right of way and the canal is gone. Scientific American. Excursion to Hot Springs , S. D. , Tuesday , August 3rd. $18.70 for the round trip from McCook , Neb. Tickets good to return until Sept. 2nd. The hottest month of the year is still to come. Spend it in the Black Hills. Bathe in the mammoth plunge bath , Hot Springs , see beautiful Sylvan Lake , make the side trip to Spearfish and you will return home with the knowledge that nowhere could you have had apleasanter holiday. For full information , call at B. & M. ticket office. Low One-Way Rates To all points east , via the Burlington Route , July 16 , 17 , iS , 19 , 20 , 21 and each Friday and Monday thereafter until Au gust 13. Go east on any of the above low rate days and you save enough to cover all the incidental expenses of travel berth in sleeping car , meals , transfers , etc. See nearest B. & . M. R. R. agent , or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. July i6-4ts. Ready to Thresh. Kinghorn , Ball and Masters have bought a new J. I. C. Separator and are ready for threshing business. Work guaranteed. Charley Kerns and Miss Anna May Erb rode up from McCook on their bicycles the first of the week and will spend a few- days on the farm. Trenton Register. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Bullard Lumber yard at Palisade j has been purchased by F. C. Kratter , j who now has the business all to himself. J Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. v * . „ 1 j j _ . r _ u _ _ I I CLOSING ODTSALEl jl OF II 1 Sammer Dress Goods. 1 1 1 J3 | | We still have a large assortment cwd sgj of Hot Weather Dress Goods , but m % $ % they will not last lonoat the Low ggg § Prices at which we are now offering" § f | j ® fo them. Buy now and get a genuine grS % m . " ® ® baro'ain &r $ • dfts Ladies ' Shirt Waists at Cost. We S ? $ tm sell Ladies ' Ready-Made' Wrappers ms d § § and Dress Skirts. Groceries sold S1 right. Try us. § m EKtS AT THE . . . DJB m wosh m B ors . . . . g Sgjj C. L. DeGROFF & CO. jj8 ] | 12 Authorized Capital , $100,000. jo | 2 Capital and Surplus , $60,000 j@ gy GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. jXj Kj W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. j g | = = | l A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. i@ gy _ _ | Jj § . pi wJBa tew naam miar.Mne w BMiMiBMwiMMMiwwwBMnBW # # if V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. § f I CITIZENS BANK ! 4 OF MeCOOK , NEB. # # * . 3 * f Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # # . 4 H DIRECTORS iin i ff II V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , 1 | | | H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. | | & • H . . . . • ggJa aarjgcay c-sgcirjrijjr sgcagi-jgp-egi ggyay-jKy. mjl Jt jx ci r y .J i.J'ji.sgc'