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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1897)
K. W V h- -t.- . i- . -jj. \ - * * * * " - , . r i i iin ii iStl l . t „ Sr\ , „ - , < - . , m ) u. urn , LI , , , , „ 0 + ( l | ® lc ) : JtttCwb ® ribtttte. " ' * " | E \ \ SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 30 , 1897. NUMBER 11 \ H lA IRRELEVANT AND IMMATERIAL. H jr * "Happiness , " said Browning , "is the ? | kiss of onegir.l" But times are chang- P M e' arul tnstes (1iffer- Some people H | | would measure felicity by the numerous \ kisses of many girls ; assuming , to be r \ sure , that osculation is happiness. $ V T K To those accustomed to life among the i I lofty , gray and austere peaks of True Art j\ what acute pain it must be to have to f dwell and labor and perspire down here # among the hoi polloi , the greasy burgeois Jf of this ignorant , conventional old world. K ft § It seems like yoking Pegasus with a H A > "Rock } * Mountain canary" ; like laying BM h\ on Misery more than he can bear. It is H \ \ \ the very refinement of cruelty. Wi ' Y V V B ' / The author of these Spasms under- fl h stands that the Class Poet of 'g5 has fl 1 % determined to make a trip of discovery fl f and investigation to the North Pole. As HlfMjr the water route and the balloon have in flff numerous instances proven untrust- fll / worth } ' and failures , he has decided to 1J \ first construct a staudard-guage , double- Hfl | > track railway to that mid-summer Eldo- H | | rado. He is being encouraged to be- B \ lieve that as a summer resort it can be H'rfff made to easily distance all comers and H I | knock as cold as a wedge all competit- H iL ors. He fancies an electric light plant H „ can be made to pa } ' adult dividends on K * * ( " "heavily watered stock up there at least K six months in the year. There are some fi u other attractive , even startling particu- B Vfef i lars that he does not wish made known H iR i Just nowou " can a ord to wait for I Sr them. I \ V V T V H \ Rather than seeking to centralize H ) \ power , concentrate wealth and corner V &t opportunit3' , asis unfortunately too much Bf $ the tendency of this day , it should be the fl IK highest endeavor of the thoughtful , pa- B \Jt triotic citizen to labor unselfishly to H \ secure the widest and fairest diffusion of fl 5jP wealth , power and opportunity among H | j [ the sons of men. It were better and fl jK , wiser that 25,000 workingmen should m % t have a comfortable income than that a m B , Rockefeller's annual income shall reach m p the stupendous sum of over eight mil- H & lions of dollars. I marvel when I hear v pious people quote , "For ye have the Ht ? " 5 > poor always with you , " as an excuse for B T \ upholding and encouraging the cou- Bi tinuance and growth of such an erroneous V- system. Let us both recognize and prac- b tice faith in the brotherhood of man and B the fatherhood of God. Hf\ T T T vlc We of the agricolous press take pleas- H % ure constantly in priding ourselves on K\ what we term independent journalism. Kf'A It may come to us as an acute disappoint- | P ( ment , but the truth is that genuine independence - \ dependence in iiewspaperdom exists Hjv ) inore in theory- and imagination than in H fact , and that an untrammeled editor and m lL publisher isindeed a rare bird. At a din- m % ner given the members of the press in B M New York some time ago , a journalist HjHr \ was called upon to reply to the toast , H % • 'An Independent Press. " Knowing we , have no independent press among the H % powerful papers of the nation , he for a H long time refused to reply , but being Ki F insisted on to do so , said : "There is no PJB such thing in America as an independent HMe press , unless it is out in the country T \ towns. You are all slaves. You know t < it and I know it. There is not one of you t H % who dares express an honest opinion. If H f you express it , you know beforehand H $ that it will not appear in print. I am P l paid $150 a week for keeping honest § < . opinions out of the papers I am connect- PJP/\ ed with. Others of you are paid similar wMg ? salaries for doing similar things. If I D should allow honest opinions to be print- PM\ ed in one issue of my paper , like Othello , B E my occupation would be gone. The M J | man who would be so foolish as to write HP honest opinions would be out on the I streets looking for another job. Th.e H\ business of leading journalists is to disH - H \ tort the truth , to prevent , to villify , to tf r fawn at the feet of mammon and to sell PV his country and his race for his daily PL bread , or for what is about the same , U\ his salary. You know this , and I know H * it , and what foolery to be toasting an Ba independent press. We are the tools and B vassals of the rich men behind the screen. B * We are jumping jacks. They pull the Hi string and we dance. Our time , our tal- Ms ent , our possibilities , are all the property K of other men. We are intellectual pros- Rl titutes. " I 'ith the thermometer at 102 in the Ii shade and 'steen hundred in the sun , I Tfe , threats of a coal famine have no terrors Lr\ for the sturdy , kiln-dried Nebraskan. m Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- % len's drug store. m Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc- i Wt Connell's. " I V Hammocks at McMUlen's drug store. J' ' I MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Mrs.J.F.Kenyon was a Hastings vis itor , Thursda } ' . Mrs. Frank Harris is visiting friends in Denver. Mrs. M. E. Horner returned from Denver close of last week. Mrs. Emerson Hanson returned home on 5 , Saturday night. Will Fowler returned , Monday night , from a trip to Denver. Mrs. McCarl and Blanche went up to Denver on a visit. Tuesday night. Dr. W. A. DeMay of Danbur } ' was a brief business visitor , Friday last. F. I. Foss , the well known Crete law yer , was a city visitor , fore end of the week. Mrs. W. D. Beyrer returned home , Sunday night on 3. Mr. Beyrer met her at Oxford. GEORGE Leach and Rufus Carlton rode over to Oberlin and back on their bikes , Sunday. E. O. Scott and Gary Dole , two of Bartley's finest , were in the citr on busi ness-pleasure , Tuesday. Mrs. A. P. Bonnet and Mr. Bonnot's father arrived from Eau Claire , Wiscon sin , Thursday evening. Editor J. C. Harlan of the Cam bridge Kaleidoscope was in our midst , briefly , Saturday evening. Mrs. L. D. Gockley came up from Holbrook , Saturday , and is the guest of her daughter , Mrs R. J. Predmore. William Hiersekorn , one of the solid Beaver farmers , was over to the count } ' seat , on business , Wednesday. Frank Dobson and Leon Clark re turned , Monday night , from a visit to Denver and the mountains of a few days. Miss Edna Meserve returned to Lin coln , Saturday night , after a two weeks visit here with her sister , Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. Miss Belle Willoughby of Hast ings , who has been visiting Conductor W. H. Brown's family for a few weeks , returned to Hastings , Tuesday night. Miss KiTTiE Stangland will teach the North Divide school , coming term , Miss Jennie Goheen having resigned that position to teach the primary in Bartley. NEWT. Augustine and wife departed on Saturday last for Grand Island , where he has purchased a barber shop. Many friends wish him success in his new home. Mrs. C. E. POPE has been entertain ing her sister. Miss Delia Mowbray of Lincoln , who came up , last Friday even ing , from Oxford , where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs.William Perrine of Bird City , Kansas , is in the city , guest of her sister , Mrs. George Elbert. She will also visit in eastern Nebraska and Illinois before returning home. Mrs. Z. L. Kay and Jud left on Mon day for Joplin , Missouri , and other points , to visit relatives during the rest of the summer vacation. They will also visit in Kansas City , Nashville and Chi cago. Dr. A. H. Thomas of Trenton spent a lew hours in the valley's finest , Mon day evening. He had just received his commission as postmaster at Trenton and expected to assume charge on Sat urday. Miss Alice Rogers of Princeton.Mis- souri , was the guest of Mrs. E.C. Ballew , this week ; leaving for home this morn ing. Miss Rogers was en route home from the Endeavor convention in San Francisco. REV.C. A. Hale did not occupy the Methodist pulpit.Sunday. He was taken sick at the hotel , Saturday night and re turned home to Holdrege on 2 , the fol lowing morning , much to the dissap- pointment of many. Mrs. J. W. Holliday , mother and sister passed through here , Monday night , for Lincoln. They were taking the mother , who had been up at Lyons for her health , home again. The change of climate was not helpful in her case. Miss LOTTA STOVER , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. R. H. Chrysler , in Wilsonville returned home close of ; last week. Speaking of an Epworth League entertainment the Wilsonville Review says : The recitation by Miss I Lottie Stover , of McCook , especially deserves favorable mention. While Miss 1 Stover does not pose as an elocutionist , her delivery is superior to that of those one generally hears. I " „ . , _ _ The City Council. The city council was in regular session , Monday evening ; all councilmen pre sent and President Perry in chair. Min utes of last meeting approved. Following claims were allowed and warrants ordered issued : Ed. Jordan $ 60.00 C. G. Coglizer 51-75 C. B. Gray 25.00 Lincoln Land Co 425.00 J. S. LeHew 12.50 Report of City Treasurer Wilcox read and placed on file. It shows the finan cial condition of the city to be , July 26 , 1897 , as follows : Cash on hand $ i42-35 Registered Warrants 87.17 Balance $55 .iS Cash in Occupation Fund $283.28 Cash in Donation Fund 745 Cash in Cemetery Fund 127.75 Cash in Fire Fund 272.46 Water Fund warrants registered. S50.00 Cash on hand 80.96 Overdrawn 769 04 Light Fund warrants registered. . 652.00 Cash on hand 72.44 Overdrawn „ 579-56 City Hall Fund warrants regist'd 210.00 Cash on hand 54.60 Overdrawn 155-5 ° The amount of unpaid warrants is $ i,799-17 This shows the amouut of cash on hand to be $ i i ° 7-99 Overdrawn $691. iS Will Co as a Post. J..K. Barnes Post , G. A. R. , at its reg ular meeting , Saturday the 24th inst. , de cided to attend the Indianola district reunion , September 7th to 10th , as a post. Arrangements will be made to ac commodate all old soldiers , their wid ows , Sons and Daughters of Veterans , Woman's Relief Corps , or as many as see fit to attend. The post earnestly so licits every old soldier to make an extra effort to be present and make the Indian ola meeting a grand success. Remember that you made history and are the living witnesses of the great struggle for hu man liberty. Pleasing and Creditable. The literary-musical entertainment given in the Congregational church , Tuesday evening , by the children of the Junior Christian Endeavor , was a pleas ing and creditable affair for the little ones. There was a fair attendance and theyouthful Endeavorers netted a neat profit. Mrs. T. B. Campbell and Miss Maud Cordeal assisted them in the prep aration and performance. All may be congratulated. An Enjoyable Social Time. On account of sickness and other un- forseen circumstances , the program an nounced for Monday evening's session of the Star of Jupiter did not materialize. Nevertheless , the attendance was quite large , notwithstanding the heat , and a lively social time was had just the same. It is expected that the committee will be more fortunate , next week , and that an entertaining program will be duly rendered. An Unfortunate Fall. Saturday evening , Mrs. C. C. Ingalls , mother of Mrs. A. S. Campbell , had the misfortune to fall from a hammock and fracture and dislocate her left arm at the wrist. Dr. Gage promptly rendered the surgical services , and it is hoped that the injury will rapidly disappear without any deformity , which is not uncommon with fractures at the wrist among older people. Almost One-Half Higher. The wheat market opened here , Sat urday , almost one-half higher than last year. The price paid by local dealers for new wheat , Saturday , was 50 cents a bushel. The market opened , lastyear , with the low price of 35 cents a bushel. With a large crop , this will make a big difference to our farmers. The price may go up , too. House for Rent. Cosy cottage for rent , one block east Df Congregational church. Apply to Mrs. Archibald , one block west of West Ward school house. Working clothes , such as overalls , jumpers and shirts , at ( The Famous Clothing Co. Have been into look ' you at Selby's 5 harness at the "Bee Hive" ? 1 Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per gallon at McConnell's. Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- len's drug store. 1 Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc Donnell's , i CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 and S by Dr. J. W. Bowlus of Orleans. Epworth League at 7. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn ing , in the South McCook Methodist church ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00. Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays at S p. m. A. F. Morgan , General Missionary. R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant. Christian Services every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. COURT HOUSE NEWS. DISTRICT COURT. Orders of sale have been issued in the following cases : Lamborn vs. Finch. Walsworth vs. LaRue. Lovitt vs. M. Droll. Hocknell vs. Sprague. Clark vs. A. Droll. McCook Building Association vs. Daugherty. Reed vs. C. Loomis. Beck vs. King. Lamborn vs. Wirt. State Bank of Indianola vs. Warfield. Church vs. A. O. U. W. Temple Association. Berry vs. Gordon. Oliver vs. Minniear. Loomis vs. Anderson. Johnson vs. Pear son. Seeley vs. Lang. Van Vliet vs. Reed. Vering vs. McDonald. Union Trust Co. vs. Harbor. COUNTY COURT. The suit of Francis Cain vs. Robert Moore , for labor , continued until August 30th. 30th.Will Will of Ray G. Dye was filed for pro bate. That new "high geared" bike of County Clerk Green's is a "scorcher" and no mistake. Masses Rittenhouse and Irwin are em ployed in the county clerk's office writing - ing iip S. R. Smith's abstract books. The A. O. U. W. association chattels recently seized under execution from the county court will be offered for sale on August 6th , 1897 , at one o'clock. jne personal taxes on the Commer cial hotel furniture for the years 1892-3-5 , amounting to $ i6S. 5S , costs $15.11 , were paid on Tuesday by Robert Byers , under protest. Speed Programme. " The following is the speed program to be pulled off at the Red Willow county fair to be held at Indianola , September * 3-i6. TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 14. No. 1 Trotting or pacing race , 2:25 class $150.00 No. 2 Running race , one-half mile 50.00 WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 15. No. 3 Trot or pace , 3:00 minute class $150.00 No. 4 Running race , one-fouuth mile 25.00 No. 5 Running race , one-half mile 75.oo THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER l6. No. 6 Trot or pace , free-for-all. . $200.00 No. 7 Runningrace , sixfurlongs , 100.00 No. S Trot or pace , for colts two years old or under , one-half mile heats 100.00 For full particulars write Secretary McCool for the same at Indianola. Dr. J. W. Bowlus is announced to de liver two lectures here next week. On Monday "Electricity and Its Force. " The Tuesday evening subject has not been announced. Both lectures will be delivered in the Methodist church. Ad mission for adults , 20c. Children at half price. The Rev. A. F. . Morgan of Kearney , General Missionary of S. W. Nebraska , will visit St. Alban's Episcopal church on Sunday next and will celebrate the Holy Eucharist and preach morning and evening. A cordial invitation is exten ded to all to attend. It is no violation of private or public confidence to state that the backbone of ; winter has been broken , this week. Hence we hasten to make the announce ment. Specimens of the shattered ver tebrae will be exhibited on application . to all doubting Thomases. Kinghorn , Ball and Masters hauled out their new threshing machine , Wednesday ifternoon. Staple stationery , best quality at low- : st prices , at The Tribune office. i Nebraska the Best. For the benefit of some of the doubt ing Thomases we wish to call the atten tion of our readers to facts concerning Nebraska that cannot be questioned. The extreme western part of Nebraska is not supposed to be an agricultural section , not because the land is not rich enough , but because rains are not fre quent enough to produce a crop every year. Yet it is one of the best range sections to be found on account of the rich buffalo grass. Taking the year around it is better than blue grass and the climate is such that it takes very lit tle feed through the winter , and there are very few sections where alfalfa or some good forage plant cannot be raised to keep stock through what few bad days there are in the winter. Now when we consider that western Nebraska is in and adjacent to a range section , and that middle and eastern Nebraska cannot be beaten as an agricultural section it is plain that we can do what no other state except Kansas can do , and that is to raise our own cattle and feed them. We are feeding or have been feeding more cattle this last winter and spring than at any time in the past. Where farmers had the right kind of cattle and fed intelligently they have made from 25 to 35 cents on their corn. This is much better than selling corn from 10 to 15 cents. All things considered , no state in the Union offers such inducements as Ne braska. Hastiugs Democrat. Instantly Killed by Lightning. Monday afternoon , during a rain storm , John W. , the seventeen-year old son of William H. Barger of Coleman precinct , about twelve miles northwestofMcCook , was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Two other sons , Earl and Char lie , were near by and were shocked by the same bolt , which also stunned a horse. The boys were between the house and well at the time and near a barb wire fence , and it is supposed that the fatal current came from the fence. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. M.Bell in the Methodist church , Tuesday afternoon , after which the re mains were buried in Longview ceme tery. tery.Many Many attended the services and num erous beautiful floral tributes attested to the high regard in which the deceased was held. The bereaved family have the deep and sincere sympathy of everybody in their sad and sudden bereavement. The deceased was a grandson of Mrs. M. E. Barger of our city. At McCook , August 2 and 3. Dr. Bowlus delivered his second lec ture at the Baptist church Tuesday even ing. The lecture was listened to by a crowded house. It lasted an hour , and never were the people of this city given as interesting talk as this. His lecture , interspersed with funny jokes enough to arouse the sleepy ones , was full of thought and instruction from the begin ning to the close , and those who missed hearing him , missed something that they will probably never be able to get. His third lecture will be Thursday night , July 22on the electric light and the X-ray which will be the most interesting of all. The Red Cloud Nation. Came Near Being Serious. Mrs. H. H. Berry has been having quite a time with an ankle , slightly in jured by her some time ago , but to which she at the time attached no importance. She narrowly escaped blood poisoning ; and after the wound had healed up , the doctor found it necessary to reopen the same and scrape the bone , on account of some foreign substance that had gotten into the wound. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our profound grat itude to all the kind friends for the many beautiful flowers and for all their acts of kindnessandthoughfulnessin connection with the funeral of our dear one so sud denly and tragically taken from us. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barger. 1 ' Mrs. M. E. Bakger. For the Plaintiff. W. R. Starr sued Maynard Loomis , ; Wednesday , in Justice Rittenhouse's court for attorney's fee alleged to be due and owing and unpaid. Six good and : true citizens were called in to arbitrate : the matter and they found for Plaintiff ' Starr in the sum of $56 and some cents. 1 ( Sunday , some two hundred steers 1 "passed down the Republican river" for 3 T.CGammill's ranch in Frontier county , north of Cambridge on Medicine creek. Seasonable underwear for men , at T bottom prices. The Famous Clothing Co.t _ _ _ _ _ ] Machine oils , from 25c. to $ r.6o per : gallon at McConnell's. - 1 PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. J ] Selby can repair your old buggy tops. 1 August Droll is bindiug his hog mil- ' I let. I Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc- I Council's. i I Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil- f I len's drug store. $ M There will be no empty ' elevators in fl Nebraska , tins fall. [ I Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per fl gallon at McCounell's. ! = = = = = m It is rumored that the Commercial I hotel may be reopened soon. B Are you right with the editor on your > l subscription ? If not , why not ? , H = = = = = = = = 3 = i = izzri ! | Se\'eral new things in men's hats , just > H offered. Famous Clothing Co. 'fl Be in the swim. Buy one of those ' | wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. jfl Sutton. H We observe in last week's Republican H that Sheriff Neel will likely stand for re- ) H nomination. S J We hear it stated that August Droll M has contracted 3,000 bushels of wheat at , M 50 cents a bushel. . M = = = = = / The professional card of Dr. S. C. Beach M will be found in its proper department B in this week's Tribune. H Straw hats are going fast at a cut of H one-third to clear stock. H The Famous Clothing Co. H A report of a yield of forty bushels of H wheat per acre comes to us from the east M side of the county , in a certain instance. M Selby is now selling his own make of | leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind M the old hundred per center is selling at | 60 cents. H H. H. Easterday will also use the H elevator at Penr , this season , for storing H and shipping grain. Frank Real will be H in personal charge. H S. M. Cochran & . Co. beat 'em all in H hog fencing. Get their prices and inspect - H spect their stock. Quality and cost will H both stand the test. H The Frontier county fair will be held H at Stockville , September 29 to October H 1st. We acknowledge courtesies from H the secretary of the society. H The Building Association has some H good houses which can be bought at low | prices and on easy payments. See the | Secretary at First National Bank. | Leave your order for dress or business | garments with us. A good fit , first-class | work and bottom prices are guaranteed. | The Famous Clothing Co. H A field of wheat that Joe Snyder | thought a few weeks ago was practically J destroyed has yielded an average of 22 H bushels of wheat per acre of a fine qual- | H The Rogers Drum Corps will attend H the Indianola reunion upon an invitation H of the management. The Corps expect H to have their new uniforms before that j | Do you want to rent or buy a. house ? | The Building Association has several H good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of H F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National H Eligibility to membership in the Old H Settlers' association of Furnas county is fl determined by one's ability and I suppose fl willingness to eat boiled dog prepared by fl Elder Mayo of that satrapy. H A cement for the automatic repairing | of punctures in bicycles has recently H been patented. From four to six ounces H of the cement are placed m each tire. In H case of a puncture , the air pressure forces fl the fluid into the hole in the tire , which fl closes it. | They can see grasshoppers flying | through the air at McCook by looking | toward the sun through a smoked glass. | Few things can be seen with the naked fl ; ye at McCook since the town has tried | | to keep pace with the circulation of Col. | Mitchell's Courier Beaver City Tribune. fl Colonel Mitchell's left-over samples | ire beginning to crowd him for space , | ind as a last , desperate resort he has H : ommenced to lead the farmers' wagons H Evith them , Saturday , to get them out H } f town and in circulation. They go | without money and without price and | regardless of vintage. J Commissioner Robinson was in town J 1 short while , Tuesday afternoon , on his fl f , vay home from doing some work overin H jrant precinct. He reports that his falL H ivheat will average 25 bushels to the acre. J ETe states that the wheat is of an unusu- | illy fine quality and that the mesh con- | uiins four heads , something uncommon. j H