The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1897, Image 1

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| i To Tax Payers of Red Willow Co.
jM During the last four years the condi-
> ? 1 tions have been such that many were un-
Wm aWe to pay tu"r taxes ancl conseiuentb'
f there is a large amount of delinquent per-
i\ sonal tax on the books at present. No
J 1 special effort was made bv my predeces-
\d ser or myself to enforce collection for
JTW the reason that the people were in no
\k condition financially to be .crowded.
1 I This year there is a large acreage of
31 splendid wheat and indications point to
iMti ? ! a wonderful crop of corn so that it is
| f V evident that the people will be able to pay
| \jj alarge amount of delinquent personal tax
3 standing against them. The county and
/V all school districts need money and it is
Iffl \ absolutely necessary that something be
SI > done to keep up the schools.
w ) I expect every one who has delinquent
/ personal tax to make an effort to adjust
& them during the next four months.
% Taxes are a perpetual lieu on all personal
A property owned by a tax payer on the ist
M daof October and any one purchasing
hT personal property from a delinquent tax
'tv payer can not plead that he is an innocent -
| cent purchaser. J. H. BERGE ,
jl County Treasurer.
< k - Co After That $500.
Hp Indianola , Neb. , July io , JS97.
ae * Editor Tribune : I wish you would
k ask all natrons and well-wishers of the
j\ couutj- fair to assist Bro. Fitch in making
W a first class exhibit at the state fair this
L \ Go into your fields and cut him a bunch
) tffs of oats , wheat , rye , alfalfabarley , millet ,
ili \ timothy , red top , hognrilletoranynative
Hs f or tame grasses. Also pick out the big-
mi gest and finest melon , pumpkin , squash
ys ] or potatoes and { jive them especial atten-
tion until fair time.
The State Fair offers $500 in cash to
the county making the best exhibit of
one car load of stuff , and Mr. Fitch has
set his heart on getting thatsoo. Wont
you assist him ? Cut the grain or grass
i close down to the ground , make it into
a neat bundle and leave it with any
merchant in town and drop a card to
W. S. Fitch at McCook or myself at In
dianola. Yours Respectfully , .
W. A. McCool , Secretary.
P. S. The $500 , if won , goes into the
fair treasury , not to Mr. Fitch.
Jr > A Fractured Ankle.
H | \ Monday , while helping distribute tel-
V' egraph poles from a flat car between
K here and Oxford , W. N. Cratty was the
B victim of an accident in which he sus-
KR. tained a fracture of his left ankle. In
J * some way a pole became detached from
Hi the load , and swinging around , struck
HE JK Mr. Cratty under the arm , knocking him
M tf % from the car to the ground violently and
H 1 rendering him unconscious. The whole
k \ transaction was so sudden and violent
H | that Mr. Cratty does not knowjust how
K the ankle was fractured , whether in the
pC fall or by a blow. The injured man was
I % brought here on No. 5 , Monday evening ,
HtoJ\j and temporarily removed to the home of
HK V Lineman WilliamBrown.whereDr.Gunn ,
K the company's surgeon , cared for the
I jfc injury. As soon as practicade he will be
I W removed to his home on the South Side ,
II a few miles from town.
M < Smashed the Cart.
H3 | Engineer Burton's horse , hitched to a
r \ cart , ran away , Wednesday morning , and
1 smashed the vehicle up badly. There
H I was nobody in the cart. The horse was
I \ caught on lower Main avenue and still
HjdpT had a piece of thill dangling to its harK -
K ness. The driver got out of the cart to
BffCT get something , when the horse pulled
HH/ \ out without driver , orders or signals.
ME r He had the right of way , for everybody
ft * was very particular to "get in the clear. "
H C Only a Committee Meeting' .
J The Tribune was in error , last week ,
BL in announcing that the Populist county
H I * convention would be held in Indianola
H \ on August 4th. That is the place and
H M time for the meeting of the Populist
7 county central committee. The conven-
K .tion has not been called yet. Please
He _ note the correction.
l a Wants to Know.
H "Who" , asks Colonel Phillips of the
ft In dian ola Reporter , with a characteristic
m. rising inflection of his vociferous vocal
f\ organs/'sentF d.Mitchell's father-in-law
K down to Indianola to tell the Republicans
H | of this commissioner district whom they
Hfe should nominate for county commis-
H- sioner. "
i Seasonable pants for men and boys.
JP\ A good variety at the
mtf \ Famous Clothing Co.
L Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil-
len's drug store.
JT1 Machine oils , -25c. per gallon at Mc-
K V Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
May Moore is visiting relativesin the
H. G. Borneman is on the sick list ,
at present , threatened with a fever.
Reporter Eisenhart of Culbertson
was with us briefly , Tuesday evening.
A. P. Ely went up to Denver , last
night , to be gone two or three days.
Mrs. A. C. Hellwig of Lincoln is in
the city , the guest of Mrs. G. R. Snyder.
Mrs. A. G. Borneman is rapidly re
covering from her recent attack of fever.
W. T. Coleman is gradually improv
ing , his friends will learn with pleasure.
Miss Grace Sanborn arrived home ,
close of last week , from her visit to
Robert Byers spent part of the week
in Hbldrege , going down on Tuesday
Oscar Callihan of the Bank of Ben-
kelman was down , Mondaj' evening , on
1 Miss Maud Doan went down to In
dianola , Saturday evening , on a visit to
E. F. Stephens , the Crete nursery
man , arrived in the city , last night , on
Miss Jeanie McGinn' ' of Orleans is in
the city , the guest of Receiver Gibbons'
Mrs. E. H. Doan will go up to Den
ver , Saturday night , to seek relief from
the hay fever.
Mrs. H. H. Troth and Miss Lillian
returned home , Monday evening , from
their visit to Denver.
Fred Boehner ot Arapahoe and L. W.
Boehner of Malvern , Iowa , were Palace
guests , Saturday night.
Daniel Winger of Trinidad , Colora
do , sold his West McCook residence
property to Paul Miller , while here re-
centl } * .
GEORGE Metzer and family moved
up to Culbertson , Thursday , where he
will work for E. H. Doan in the mill at
that place.
Dr. Kay went up to Benkelman , last
Friday night , to see Mrs. J. P. Israel ,
who was at that time still in a serious
Drs. Kay and Gunn drove down to
Bartley , today , to see Dr. J. M. Brown ,
who is still suffering with the injuries
received in recentry falling from a wind
mill tower.
J. C. Gammell , who has an eye on
one of the McCook U. S. land offices ,
was over from Frontier county , Monday
evening , going east on 4.
Will Fowler arrived from Chicago ,
Saturday night , and is the guest of J. A.
Wilcox and family. He is being warmly
greeted by the many friends of his early
Rev .Hart L. Preston of the Congre
gational church left on Monday morning
for Iowa to spend a month's vacation with
his parents. His brother from Curtis an d
other members of the family will join in
a sort of a family reunion.
Supt. and Mrs. L. A. Carnahan
came up from Bartley , last Friday even
ing. He held an examination for teach
ers , Saturday. They were guests of her
mother , Mrs. C. W. Gordon , and return
ed home on Sunday evening.
Miss Minnie I. HARRis.a young lady
of southwest Red Willow county , and
very well known in this vicinity , gave a
very creditable elocutionary entertain
ment in this city , Wednesday eve.
Culbertson Cor. Trenton Leader.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morlan left for
the northeast on Sunday morning to
enjoy their customary summer vacation.
They go first to Duluth and expect to be
absent a number of weeks ; and will go to
Buffalo , New York , before returning ,
coming from that point to Chicago over
the great lakes.
Get the Market Price.
We understand that agents are at work
in the country trying to contract wheat
at a price considerably below the market
price. We hope that none of our farmers
will be caught in this manner. Get the
best price you can. Don't be hoodwinked
by agents.
Ready to Thresh.
Kinghorn , Ball and Masters have
bought a new J. L C. Separator and are
ready for threshing business. Work
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
Their Golden Wedding.
"William Stone and Eliza Hazzard ,
both of Lincolnshire , England , were
married at Moffat , in the south of Scot
land , in Dumphreyshire , on July 19th ,
1847 , " says their marriage license.
And in view of the fact that Monday
was the fiftieth anniversary of their wed
ded life , a number of relatives and
friends assembled at the farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Stone of the
Driftwood , where they have spent nearly
twenty-five years of their life , and
helped them celebrate the event in a
becoming manner that the aged and
highly respected couple will remember
as long as they live. Besides a number
of useful presents were given to com
memorate the somewhat unusual and
ever auspicious event.
On behalf of self and a host of well-
wishing friends The Tribune desires to
congratulate these most excellent people ,
who have walked together up the path
of life for a half century , and to express
the hope and wish that many more
years may be added to their honorable
and useful lives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stone were down
from Frontier county to help celebrate
the event , returning home on Wednes
day morning.
Into Mining and Insurance.
Omaha , Jul } * 17. Frederick S. Harris ,
general superintendent of the Omaha
Bridge and Terminal Railway company ,
has resigned his position. The resigna
tion was handed to the officers of the
company on July 15 , and it has just been
accepted. Mr. Harris has resigned in
order to start in business for himself. He
has removed to Deadwood , and there will
carry on a general insurance and min
ing business. He is largly interested in
one of the gold mines of the Black hills ,
to which no attention was paid for a
number of years , but which has recently
been discovered to be very profitable.
Mr. Harris has been the general super
intendent of the Omah Bridge and Ter
minal Railway company for the past four
years. He is a cousin of George B. Har
ris , second vice president of the Burling
ton system. Before coming to Omaha in
1893 he was assistant superintendent of
the Burlington's Wyoming division.
While in the Black hills he became inter
ested in the mining property which has
since turned out to be a very good thing.
Omaha cor. Lincoln Journal.
A Splendid Shower.
A fine opportune rain fell all over this
section of the state , Monday. The
amount of precipitation in the afternoon
was .64 of an inch , which was increased
somewhat by showers during the ensuing
night. This rain came at a critical time ,
when corn had commenced to tassel and
"shoot" and its benefits are incalculably
The rainfall west of here was even hea
vier than at this point , but doubtless was
not so great further east.
A Public Programme.
The entertainment committee of the
Star of Jupiter is preparing an excellent
programme for the regular meeting of
the lodge , next Monday evening , and all
members of the order are especially in
vited to be present and to bring two
friends with them. The programme will
be given as usual after the regular lodge
session. It is hoped that there will be a
a large attendance.
State School Lands.
The state board of educational lands
and funds on Monday conceited 14,640
acres of school land leases in Hayes coun
ty because the lessees were delinquent
in payments * In addition there are 2-
360 acres of school lands "vacant in Hayes
county , which has even 17,000 acres now
subject io lease.
Goes Them One Better.
For once the western part of Nebraska
is in better shape in the matter of crop
conditions than the eastern part and the
greater promise of abundant harvest.
Omaha Bee.
Separators and steam-engines are
being placed in readiness for threshing
small grain. And they will all be busy.
Working clothes , such as overalls ,
jumpers and shirtSj at
The Famous Clothing Co.
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
Have you been into look at Selby's
harness at the "Bee Hive" ?
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per
gallon at McConnell's.
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil
len's drug store.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by
Rev. C. A. Hale , Presiding Elder. Ep-
worth League at 7. All are invited.
Baptist Services at the usual hours
morning and evening by Rev. T. K.
Tyson of Lincoln. Bible school at 10.
Young Peoples' meeting at 7. p. m. All
are cordially invited.
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , ever } ' Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M. Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school
at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays
at S p. m. A. > F. Morgan ,
General Missionary.
R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant.
Christian Services every alternate
Sunda } ' , commencing with the first Sun
day in May at 11 and 7:30 : o'clock in
McConnell hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor.
The following filings have been made
since our last issue.
Ross R. Mattes vs. Nathan j. Idle.
Arthur S. Dodge vs. Flora E. Dodge.
Divorce. Adultery is alleged.
The wills of George A. Hobson and
Lavinia Dillon were on Monday filed for
In pursuance of a judgment rendered
on July 9th for $200 in favor of W. C.
Bullard and against the Workman Tem
ple association , Sheriff Neel on Tuesday
evening seized under an execution issued
all the furniture , carpets , fixtures etc. of
the association in the Temple building
and removed them to the store-house of
VT . , C. Bullard & Co. It took the sheriff
and assistants until about four o'clock
in the morning to finish the work.
On Wednesday under authority of a
distress warrant issued by Treasurer
Berge , the furniture in the Commercial
hotel was seized by Deputy Sheriff Ryan ,
for the delinquent taxes of 1892 , 1S93 ,
1S95 , about $200 in all. The goods were
left in the hotel for the present.
Has Sold Out.
This week , A. A. Maley sold his mer
chandise to the postmaster at Atwood ,
and on Thursday R. M. Osborn started
to haul the same over to Atwood , where
they will be sold. Mr. Price of Wilson-
ville assisted in invoicing.
The store room thus vacated will be
occupied by I. M. Beardslee of Indianola
after August ist. Mr. Beardslee has
rented the room until next May. He
will put in a stock of dry goods etc.
The Tribune welcomes him to our com
munity and hopes that success may be
his portion. He has been engaged in
general merchandising in Indianola for
many years.
The Junior Endeavor.
The Junior Endeavor society will give
an entertainment in the Congrega
tional church , Tuesday evening next.
The programme will be of a musical-lit
erary nature , and promises to be inter
esting and well worth the small price of
admission , 10 cents. It is hoped that
the Juniors will be accorded , a liberal
They are Curiosities.
H. W. Cole was exhibiting some har
vest apples about town , this week , that
were not only fine and perfect specimens ,
but really curiosities. The apple was
grafted onto the root of a Jerusalem
rose , and the tree , this year , contains
six large apples , the tree itself being but
a mere sapling in size.
A New Elevator.
H. T. Church will build a 12,000 bushel
capacity elevator at once , and H. H.
Troth will have the management of the
.same. It will be located about where
the Doan elevator used to stand. Work
will commence at once.
Mrs. Ann Armstead went down to
McCook last Friday afternoon for a few
day's visit with Will and Ed. Beyrer and
Ed. Calleu and their families. Trenton
When it comes to farming there are
lots of people in Red Willow county
that can get pointers from Joe Dudek.
A. J. Rittenhouse and L. H" Rooney
were in Trenton , Wednesday , on busi
. . , _
* . * - -v .it. & > * -e * -m V - * 4ta--i
There are certain rules , as inexorable
as the laws of Medes and Persians , that
are evidently misunderstood by many
who are ambitious to ride on the band
wagon at the head of the procession :
Don't kick on the quality of the music
and be wise and judicious in your jolly
ing of the driver. These simple rules
are absolutely indispensable to a perma
nent seat or a comfortable ride. Vive le
roi !
It is one of the coincidental , ecstatic
joys of terrestrial life that the victim of
insomnia and the prey of a job-lot of
crucifying nerves never lacks friends ,
well-meaning , kindly friends , with mar
velous lung development.a tremendously
unflagging energy and the usual metallic
complement for the production of demon
iacally incitive music of an iterative and
reiterative sort. There are times even
when those celestial harp fairy tales taste
musty , and the streets of gold , in asso
ciation , become garnish brass.
v y r
In the minds of many the idea exists
of inseparably associating Populism with
hot winds , arid wastes and crop failures.
In the methods of others this same idea
obtains ; and with an unequaled small
crop assured and an uusurpassed corn
prospect before us we are filled with won
derment and speculation. Is the theory
correct and the method propei ? The
cause removed in plethoric abundance ,
will the effect disappear ? We await the
the fall election returns with feverish
anticipations and expectancy.
Never since the morning stars first
sang together their song of human free
dom have men been so intent upon pre
serving liberty and its fruits so ten
aciously as just now. And perhaps never
before have men sought to make real
the idea of equal opportunities as they
have made effective the principle
of equal rights. Questions of social ,
political , commercial and industrial
life now burden the newspapers , the
magazines and the novels. The best
minds of the day are intent upon their
solution , which truly requires the ripest
wisdom and the most unselfish states
manship obtainable in this age of greed
and partisanship.
Of all jingoes , the war jingo takes the
ambulance wagon. He constantly cries
for war when there is no war ; and would
be the first and loudest in demands for
peace , when there is no peace. At every
minor international incident this vocal
warrior calls for battleships and would
rush some one else to conflict and death.
This patriot has no adequate idea of what
even a brief modern conflict means , and
perhaps cares not so long as the treasure
and lives oi others are involved and the
trouble and expense of a substitute are
spared him. The bond Shylocks are
about the only beneficiaries of war , while
the curse of conflict lasts though genera
tions to the common people.
It is quite incontrovertible that our
present scheme of life involves too much
poverty on the one side and too much lux
ury on the other. Too many live without
working on the one hand while the mul
titude can scarcely exist by the most la
borious effort on the other. The brute
force of wealth has established an
artificial and iniquitous standard before
which mankind slavishly worship and by
which they are remorselessly crushed ;
for this standard of Mammon does not
necessary embrace much that is attractive
or meritorious in moral , mental or phy
sical entities. The whole scheme of
mundane existence needs a reformatioH
along this line. It were better to fill up
the low places than to continue piling up
the frowning , menacing heights. For as
regards the material aspect of life , for
the great mass of common humanity ,
the vast industrial and commercial ma
chine is grinding out of human life
much of its joy and leisure ; notwithstand
ing the splendor and glory and achieve
ment and wealth of this Nineteenth cen
tury this wizard age of electricity. It
is related of a certain unspeakable
Eastern potentate that when he con
templates making a visit to any part of
his blood-stained domain , laborers pre
cede him filling up the valleys , cutting
down the steep places and making
straight the crooked and winding ways.
Commercially and industrially speaking
that is what the world needs today.
Seasonable underwear for men , at
bottom prices.
The Famous Clothing Co.
Machine oils , from 25c. to 51.60 per
gallon at McConnell's.
Some wheat is already coming to mar
Selby can repair your old buggy tops.
Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc
A. C. Marsh was taken quite sick first
of the week.
= = = = = =
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil- j ]
len's drug store. | ]
Machine oils , from 25c. to $1.60 per ' > J
gallon at McConnell's. * !
The hay fever colony is flourishing 'I '
handkerchiefs just now. I
Are you right with the editor on your I
subscription ? If not , why not ? < |
The assessed valuation of Nebraska is I
$ r,50o' ooo less than it was , last year. > 1
Remember the Junior Endeavor entertainment - 1
tertainment , next Tuesday evening. 'I '
Several new things in men's hats , just jl
offered. Famous Clothing Co. . J
Small graiu is already on the move to jl
market from some of the western conn- , M
ties. Jl
Be in the swim. Buy one of those jl
wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. I
Sutton. m
We just lack one of having an even I
million subscribers ; won't some one rush I
in and make up the shortage. M
Straw hats are going fast at a cut of
one-third to clear stock. I
The Famous Clothing Co.
The cholera continues to do its perfect I
work of death , in a limited way among
the hogs in some sections of the county. I
Grasshoppers continue to work some I
damage in certain localities , but the I
probabilities are that the loss will not be I
heavy. B
Selby is now selling his own make of
leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind I
the old hundred per center is selling at B
60 cents. H
S. M. Cochran Si Co. beat 'em all m fl
hog fencing. Get their prices and in-
* pect their stock. Quality and cost will I
both stand the test. H
The Building Association has some H
good houses which can be bought at low I
prices and on easy payments. See the H
Secretary at First National Bank. H
Word from Denver announces thatMrs. H
J. A. Badcon's condition is somewhat I
improved , pleasing information to her H
numerous circle of friends here. H
Leave your order for dress or business I
garments with us. A good fit , first-class
work and bottom prices are guaranteed.
The Famous Clothing Co. I
County Treasurer Berge's note to delinquent - 9
linquent tax payers in this issue should H
receive prompt attention from all persons H
in the county embraced in the delinquent H
class. H
Do you want to rent or buy a house * H
The Building Association has several H
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of H
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National
Experiments are making to secure cat- H
tie dip to rid cattle in quarantine districts H
of animal pests. A successfus dip will H
raise the price of cattle in such quarantine H
districts $5 a head. H
Another year our merchants will remember - H
member to buy binding twine that is H
cricket and grasshopper proof. Much of H
the twine not so prepared had to be returned - H
turned to the jobbers and manufacturers , B
this year. H
Perhaps Red Willow county never H
looked more inviting and exhibited better - H
ter crop prospects than just now. A few H
showers will win us out the greatest corn H
crop in our history. A large small grain H
crop is now being harvested. H
Before the new law went into effect , H
which prohibits the further sale of state H
school lands , 720 acres were applied for H
in this county. The total number of H
acres for which applications for purchase B
were filed is 43,095. The state will still H
have about acres for leasing H
purposes. H
That Col. Mitchell is "an humorist"
of purest ray serene will appear from a. H
casual reading of a little dodger recently B
circulated , having for its object the promotion - H
motion of the Courier's already over-sized I
circulation. It's a gem. But like the I
Colonel , must not be taken seriously to
be understood. H
E. H. Doan is having his mill at Cul-
bertson thoroughly overhauled and will
commenced to operate the same at once.
This will be welcome news to the patrons H
of the Culbertson mill. We hope that I
Mr. Doan's enterprise and investment
may be fully rewarded in a profitable fl
season for his milk